Inside a Juvenile Correction's Prison and Juvenile Delinquency


  1. The purpose of this detention center is rehabilitation, but from what the video shows it mainly serves the purpose of incapacitating and holding these juveniles until their release. The juveniles who are interested in changing their life have services available to them, but those who lack motivation are unlikely to gain anything from their time in the detention center. Placing juveniles in centers like these can worsen their behavior for multiple reasons. They will be exposed to other juveniles who will impose a bad influence on them and lead them to more trouble, and being placed in a detention center similar to an adult prison can lead them to believe they are actual criminals with no hope for reform. In order to help these juveniles it would be best to tone down the prison atmosphere and ensure they are receiving plenty of rehabilitation services such as counseling,education, and job training.-Anonemoose456

  2. From watching this video it seemed like the juveniles that were being interviewed actually wanted to change since they were in that particular facility. clearly the facility want to help everyone and gives them all a chance. they seem to like it there more because of the resources that are available to them such as being able to room who the want to room with ect. Rehabilitation is a key in making these kids get back on the right track. no obviously not all of them are going to change there lives because they are in there. one kid who was being interviewed said he had recently be incarcerated and didn't think of it and just did his time to get out. he wasn't in a facility that would try to rehabilitate him correctly or enough. now he has changed and wants to do the right thing because of the facilities benefits of being there. Firefighter123

  3. I think the main focus of this video was to show that detention centers are for rehabilitation, and not long term holding. They mainly serve the purpose of incapacitating and keeping them there until their release, like anonemoose456 stated in his comment. There are more resources in detention centers than there are in jails and prisons for these young people. These juveniles are shown a lot more leniency but this is a good thing, since rehabilitation is the first step to getting these kids on the right track. Some just won't get the memo and continue to get themselves brought back, but the aim of these facilities is so get these kids to the point where they no longer come back, and become useful in society, and gain life skills. Of course there are also negatives to detention centers, like the fact that you are co-mingling kids at the same age group from different backgrounds. These could range from race to gang affiliation problems, which could harm the kids in negative ways. They could learn new ways to break the law from their fellow peers, or they could potentially hurt each other while in the detention facility. -Morton456

  4. After watching the clip, I noticed that the juveniles were wanting to change their lives for the better, but it didn't seem like a rehabilitating detention center. With the ability to choose who you roomed with could cause their bad behavioral habits to worsen because they would be with other juveniles that would become close to them and then their delinquent ways would become stronger. People are always wanting to prove to others that they are strong and important, and sometimes making others see that makes them think that they have to do bad things to prove it. It could strike up more fights and outbreaks within the juveniles. This clip wasn't very useful with proving that it could rehabilitate, but when they were saying how much they wanted to change their lives, the facility has to have some kind of rehabilitation to help them change their behaviors like that. CountryGirl123

  5. One thing that i noticed in this small clip was that the kids were in fairly decent spirits, considering their placement. With the kids being able to pick who they bunk with, and none complaining about it. Even though a locker was broken they still found some form of possession. The juveniles in the video looked as though they would become something better in their lives other than being a statistic with the other 20% of being life long criminals. I found this clip being useful, being that even though at risk kids are at a crossroads, the ones interviewed wanted to get out and make a change.Though this cant be said for everyone in the facility it can be for the few interviewed. I know one thing that every juvenile should have to go into in some sort of boot camp. Not only because of the physical aspect, but the mentality and attitude that is gained. Though most in inner cities may be opposed to the idea, I think that it would help in a substantial way. Military 456

  6. This video did a good job of showing the inside of a juvenile detention center. It show a lot of the living conditions and where the kids stay and live and what they get to do. The kids in this video seemed like good kids. That just need proper guidance in life. I believe if all kids have proper guidance most kids will turn out just fine and not end up in juvenile detention centers. I don’t think kids should go there for some of the crimes they commit. I think kids should go somewhere where they can find better role models and someone can watch over them better and start to show them more things that are right and wrong. Because when they are in detention centers they try and boost their egos and try to act tougher than they really are when they really should be somewhere where they can be their real selves not trying to impress anyone. Football456

  7. I think the juveniles that got to pick their room mates were happier rhan the inmatesin solitary. I think that its important that the juveniles have interaction with each other and staff. Human beings are social and juveniles need to have more human contact than adults. There are studies that show the bad side affects of solitary on adults so if you put a juvenilein solitary it could do more damage because their brains are not fully developed. I think its good to give them some freedom to move around and not have them locked in their cells all day.


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