Juvenile Status Offenders and Their Families


  1. As i was watching this video, i realize that children raised by parents who do not have proper parenting skills more likely to commit delinquency act than those whose parents have parenting skills and they are supportive what they child do. this video is the evidence that support the idea or theory of parental efficacy. resource dilution has lot to do with children delinquency because most families have more kids and they can not effort to control or support them, as result the kids commit delinquency act. like the video says, recognize child behavior in early age is very important. Parents have to be role model to the kids because if you don't teach your kids right way the are gong to act wrong way. Soccerboy456

    1. Its a valid and true point that controlling behavior at an early age is important for a child. If they aren't given proper discipline they won't know what they should and should not do, or won't care. Once they get older it will be harder to deal with them and they will eventually become status offenders and then delinquents. Disciplining and caring for the children is enough to solve this issue though, making it unlikely they will fall into delinquency, and making it more likely they will fall out of delinquency if they do.-Anonemoose456

  2. It is a firm belief of mine that if you don't teach a young person the right way to act, they will inherently act the WRONG way. The reason we have delinquent children is because there are a lot of parents out there who don't know how to parent. They neglect their children, physically and emotionally, and they overall don't care for their child and what their child does. As time has gone on, and I have noticed this as well, families are detaching away from each other at a rapid pace. Divorce has become blaze'e and almost a common practice in the United State. Children need to be apart of a nuclear family, where there is father and a mother, to have a successful life. It statistically shows that children with 2 parental figures are probably less likely to commit juvenile delinquent acts, because they have not just one parent watching them, there is two. -Morton456

    1. I agree that the parents who are struggling in a marriage should find away to work it out for the sake of the child. In some cases it may be necessary that they divorce, if they simply can't come to a solution the constant fighting and stress will harm the child more than if the family breaks apart. This obviously is not the ideal situation though. Ideally the child can be a part of a nuclear family which can care and provide for them, teaching them right and wrong and keeping them out of delinquency.-Anonemoose456

  3. The more and more I watch this video the more I understand that kids who get in the most trouble and commit delinquent are the kids who don’t have the best homes and don’t have the best parents. I believe a lot of these kids commit there delinquent acts because they just want attention and they are jeleous of what other kids have so they act out to get attention so someone will care for them. Kids also get in trouble because their parents don’t care what they do. Or their parents do the same wrong thing that the kid does so the kid jus follows what he or she see’s their parents doing then they end up in trouble or in jail for a act they saw their parents commit. I think a lot of kids get in trouble because they follow what they see older people doing and they see them not get in trouble and they think they won’t get in trouble and instead they do get caught then they end up in prison and commit more juvenile acts.

  4. This video clip re enforces my previous disposition that most delinquent children are the result of bad parenting or a lack of parenting. Delinquents most likely begin as status offenders, committing infractions such as truancy rather than jumping straight in to burglary. If they don't have someone to stop the status offense in the first place, and when those that do lack someone who can adequately discipline them after it has been committed; they are likely to fall into delinquency. Having a loving home with a stable family structure will ease any strain or frustration a child is enduring. With a family to provide for them and help them, and discipline them if need be, it becomes unlikely they will seek help or what the need from somewhere else.-Anonemoose456

  5. While watching the video, I noticed a lot of what all is discussed in class. Almost all of those juveniles come from a very similar situation. The home life is almost non existent or is a single parent home almost always living in poverty. At the same point there needs to be a point where the parents are held accountable before parents patrie is implemented on the child. The need to be accepted by peers is crucial. It is not like the child went out and started a killing spree from the gate. There is always a escalation of events. I firmly believe into after school programs or a boys and girls club can fill that void and instill good morals and values to become a productive member of society.


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