Kenneth and Mamie Clark's 1940's Doll Test - Revisited in Contemporary America


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  2. When I watched this video it was a little heartbreaking at first to think that kids are this influenced by race, but as I kept watching my opinion changed a little. I don't understand how this test can be considered accurate, children lack the maturity and understanding of the adult world and how it works, as an adult I know that all races can be bad in some way or another including my own. I can understand how kids can associate a darker color with something bad, but that doesn't necessarily mean that these children truly think that race is bad, these children are clearly associating good and bad with color, not actual race, lighter colors generally make people feel happier, and darker colors can make people feel more depressed, there are medical diagnosis that prove this, such as seasonal affective disorder, which people fall into a state of depression during winter from lack of sunlight and recover when summer returns. I don't think that these children will always feel this way and truly don't understand whats being asked of them, and as they get older, mature, and develop their opinions will definitely change, I did find this study interesting, but I don't think these kids are actually expressing any type of real racism.

    1. This test is accurate. That's why they chose children to interview. Children may not understand what race or racism is but they are showing signs of it at an early age. Children are the most honest people. They call it like they see it. I do agree with you however that they will most likely grow out of this typical black verses white phase as they get older and mature. But why not teach these children and all children that color is just that "color." It does not define a person. CooCoo246

    2. What I was trying to imply is that these children are picking simply based on exactly that color, not race, I'm not saying that children are completely oblivious to prejudices but I don't think they really have an understanding of what's being asked of them in this test, this is just my opinion though. I would like to be optimistic and think that children so young wouldn't truly feel that their own race is bad, and I honestly don't think they do.

    3. This is a good point. I also wouldn't consider this to be race based for that there still to young to fully comprehend. The questions are not specifically asked there more generally asked and most of the children would not even understand what race is or all the things that deal with race or why those things are they way they are. But yes it was very interesting and I think they should test the same individuals in a few years and then again to see how things may change with age.

    4. I agree with you about the kids making the choice based off of the color and not by their race. You could tell when they were asking the kids why they chose the baby they did that they really didn't understand. I think some of the kids might have said the black baby was bad because of something they might have seen on tv or in society. For example, there's these music videos now with rappers with gangs and guns in them and then there's television shows like COPS or something on the news that could of persuaded them to say that the black baby was bad or mean. kmoney246

    5. I disagree that this test is accurat, while children deffentely do not have maturity. They do understand difference in they way they look. Children are honest when they are asked questions where as adults would think about it and answer how they think the test should result or in a way to be non-offensive. Children have no bias at that age and call it how they see it. What is sad is that somewhere along the line they were influnenced to think that way. GMD246

  3. Wow! What an eyeopener. I don't have children but this movie opened my eyes and I know now that when I do have children of my own I will make sure my child knows that no matter what skin color someone has we are all equal in gods eyes. I think a lot of these children chose the dark skinned doll to be the bad or ugly one because they are the minority in our country. There are a lot more light skinned people. The children were showing signs of prejudice and they were all too young to even understand what that meant. Parents need to watch what they say around their children. They also need to be teaching their children that color is just that "color." Just because someone is black does not make them a bad person or an ugly person. Also just because a person is white does not make them a pretty person or a well behaved one. There are good people regardless of color. Race should not be a problem in our children. We need to teach kids at a young age that. We need to teach kids about different ethnicity instead of their color. CooCoo246

    1. We do need to watch our children and regardless our experiences and views we need to make sure they know everyone is different on the inside as well as on the outside. Our world wouldn't as diverse without different ethnicity's and without difference in life I believe life would progress a lot slower and less efficiently. Without proper guidance in life our children may grow up have a hard time getting their heads back on straight if at all.

    2. I think these thoughts and feelings definitely come from many places. I feel that there is only so much that parents can do. Almost all of the kids in the video said that white skin was preferred by adults. I'm sure their parents are not the only adults in their lives. It makes it even harder to correct those types of thoughts when they could be coming from everyone and everything. YellowSubmarine246

  4. We do need to watch our children and regardless our experiences and views we need to make sure they know everyone is different on the inside as well as on the outside. Our world wouldn't as diverse without different ethnicity's and without difference in life I believe life would progress a lot slower and less efficiently. Without proper guidance in life our children may grow up have a hard time getting their heads back on straight if at all.

  5. I think its sad that such a beautiful life can begin with such struggles. Like with language children pick up on things automatically regardless if there good things or bad things. But as a child's brain is still developing for many years if not forever they may pick these things up and certain areas of there brain may still be developing and incapable functioning effectively at that point in their life. I think that some of the kids may have inborn instincts about colors as well for that most people stay away from the dark(black) nights verses the light(white) days for that it was saver. Regardless its obvious our children pick up things negatively and need proper guidance. I think they should do this on a regular at certain age intervals to access our youth and try to help all be more open minded.

    1. I think Children need to be taught the difference between right and wrong, not to judge people based on their differences. I think this test teaches Children to judge people based on their differences and that is wrong. I think Adults should be asking to do test like this one because they more educated than Children are at an early age. These test should not be done period because it teaches people to judge based on race, gender and looks. It doesn’t teach people to overlook someone’s difference, instead it teaches them to judge.

    2. I want to make my child the best he/she can be. Teaching them to hate on a person for something they have absolutely no control over, is not something I want my child to do. A child should be taught to love a person for who they are. Not hate because of the color of their skin. That is just bad parenting.

  6. This video was so sad to watch! Out of 21 of the children they talked to, 15 preferred the white doll. You can tell there's a lot of racism going on like the one Mexican kid choosing the white baby and the lady asking why he chose that one and he said he wasn't scared of white people and trusted them more. The kids all pretty much made a stereotype that the white babies are way prettier and nicer and that the colored babies were ugly and mean and then when they were asked why they thought that some of the kids didn't really have a reason as to why they made that choice. When in the video they showed the mom and then her daughter being asked the questions and the responses she was giving I would of had my hand over my mouth and it was like it didn't even phase her what her daughter was saying. I'm going to teach my son when he gets older that no one should be judged or looked down on based on what they look like or by what skin color they have. It breaks my heart that these kids have prejudice at such a young age, but its obvious their pushed into this thought process by who their raised by. kmoney246

    1. I don’t have a problem with Children choosing the white doll, I have a problem on the reason why they choose the white doll. They said the black doll was mean and dumb. That is wrong to say something like that because everybody is not dumb and mean. It’s sad that this test would teach children to judge based on prejudice and not to overlook someone differences. It teaches children to be judgmental. I think we should be teaching children to be ok with someone’s differences instead of teaching them to judge someone’s differences. Test like this should never be done because it is wrong to ask children to choose a doll because children don’t know any better.

    2. I agree I think that these children are too young to really understand what this test was all about and why they made the choices they did. I think they only said what they did was because of the way they were raised and what their parents or peers probably taught them. These kids wouldn't just automatically get these ideas in their head on their own and have prejudice against a different race. In the book it says that racism in this country has decreased which I'm sure its a lot better then what it used to be back in the day, but I think its still an issue that needs to be addressed. kmoney246

    3. I noticed the Hispanic kid talking about how he wasn’t as afraid of white skinned people as he was of black skinned people too! I wonder what he was exposed to or taught to think that he was afraid of black skinned people. And I agree that the mother really didn’t make any reaction. It was almost as if she didn’t care that her child was judging based on the color of someone’s skin. This is not how I would want to raise my children. Bullardml13-246

    4. I can agree that the parents are mostly the reason for the children’s behavior when they are young, but they also have social interactions and media that also play a part, which ultimately should be addressed through parenting. But the problem I have is the adult’s beliefs. There is a point where a child becomes an adult and forms their own opinions and decides to follow what they learned as a child or rejects those beliefs and forms their own. Therefore it is sad that the children have these views of skin color, but regardless of how you are raised you as an adult decide to be racist or not.

    5. I completely agree that the video was shocking to see the responses of these children. And that Mexican kid who said he wasn't scared of white people and that he can trust them was sad to hear. Having a child say he feels less intimidated by a white person than a black person just because of their skin colour is sad. I do believe though that the kids more than likely do not know any better. I wonder what the decisions would be like if they had a third doll, a Latino doll, then to see if the votes would still be the same.

    6. Maybe the thought process of the kids is that the color white in general is associated with good, while black is evil? I'm not sure, just guessing. Or they could be raised and taught that lighter skin is better while darker is worse. I don't know, but either way, the reasons they gave as to why they liked one and disliked the other are very sad to hear.

  7. All this test did is to teach children to judge others just for being different. I don’t think they should be teaching children to judge others for being different. I don’t think people should be judge because they are a certain race and how somebody looks. I’m shocked that this test would teach children to judge and call someone names. It is wrong to teach children to be prejudice and decide rather a doll is dumb or small. I found this video really sad because it tough children to judge somebody by saying the doll is mean, dumb and stupid. Everybody should be judge equally not because the color of their skin. This test is so wrong to do with children. I thought they should had done this test with adults because adults know the difference between right and wrong. Children don’t know any better and they will say anything even if they are being racist. I think Children don’t mean to be racist, but they don’t know any better. I think any test should be done with Adults because Adults know better.

  8. Based on this video, that the children are basing violence, crime, and battery all with dolls that are black. They also ask the children which doll is ugly, and most of them are pointing to the black one. I think that at the age, most of them get their judgments from their surroundings. At their surroundings must include the opinions that black people are ugly, violent, and are mean. It definitely is an eye opener that children think that black people are ugly, mean, and cause violence. Even the black children pointed to the black dolls as being mean and violent. I remember being a kid and I played with everyone and passed no judgments. I didn't even know what judgments were, I played with anyone I could. I think this video is to show to children that no matter the skin color, it doesn't cause meanness or ugliness. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is what kids should be taught. However, I know it is not what they are being taught. In the 1950's to the 1980's this was the stereotype, but it has changed in the present society. starburst 246

    1. I thought this test was racist too. They ask children rather the doll was ugly, mean or violent. I couldn’t believe they would ask children rather a doll was ugly, mean or violent. These tests are obviously wrong and they should never be allowed. I think these tests should be illegal because they teach children to judge someone based on their differences. We should be teaching children to accept people for their differences.

    2. They also asked which doll was pretty, smart and nice. It wasn't all pushed towards bad, and they dolls where positioned differently a lot, I think it was conducted properly, I just think children are getting the wrong impression of themselves and the people around them. It is changing but definitely at a slower pace than the world is. mfroggyus246

  9. What I found from video is that they were teaching children to judge other races and genders. It is wrong to teach children to be prejudice and judge people for being different. We should be teaching children to be understanding on other people’s differences and accept people for who they are. This kids were saying the black doll is mean and I think that is wrong. We shouldn’t judge other people based on race and gender. This test should have never been done with children or anybody for that matter. I don’t ever want to do a research that teaches children to be judgmental. These tests should be illegal because it teaches children to be prejudice of other people’s different, not understand other people’s differences and accept them.

    1. I agree with you! I feel like we should be teaching children that they are beautiful and smart no matter what the color of their skin is. They should accept others for the same reason, and not just look at the black doll and say that it’s the bad one. I found it sad that the kids really gave no logical reason other than “it has black skin”. Bullardml13-246

    2. The idea that children are still struggling with who is good or bad based on the color of skin is definitely not moving forward with the world. Family orientations are changing, legalization of gay marriage, there are positive advancements towards a more equal future but I dont understand how children are still being left with this imagery of definition by skin color. Its sad. mfroggyus246

  10. What I found from video is that they were teaching children to judge other races and genders. It is wrong to teach children to be prejudice and judge people for being different. We should be teaching children to be understanding on other people’s differences and accept people for who they are. This kids were saying the black doll is mean and I think that is wrong. We shouldn’t judge other people based on race and gender. This test should have never been done with children or anybody for that matter. I don’t ever want to do a research that teaches children to be judgmental. These tests should be illegal because it teaches children to be prejudice of other people’s differences, not understand other people’s differences and accept them.

  11. I found it interesting that the children were choosing the black doll, and said that it was bad and ugly but could never really give a good reason why. And this wasn’t included just for the Caucasian children, but all of them! I think during the Hispanic version they were a little more honest, and maybe it could have been due to the fact that they were a little older. There was one little boy that caught my eye when he said “I trust people with white skin more, and don’t trust people with black skin as much” Makes me wonder what kind of experiences he is having to say this? I’m curious as to why kids this young have such preconceived notions about the color of skin. They are answering awfully fast, and typically don’t even have to think about their answers. They assume that the black child is the bad child, or the ugly child and the white child is the good, smart , and pretty. I feel like these children should embrace who they are, and think of themselves as beautiful no matter what their skin looks like. Sad that this is going on at such a young age. Bullardml13-246

    1. I agree, it was so sad to see that the kids considered their own skin color to be ugly. They should be taught to love all people and colors equally, and to appreciate who they are and what they look like. It's certainly eye opening to see how even innocent children can think in a racist way. It shows that we have a ways to go to fix the race issues that we have created in this world.

  12. This was kind of heart wrenching. I find it decistating that children are being raised to feel this way and everything is a contributor. Parents, schools, other children, other adults, media etc. I would like to think it is changing and our ways of raising the children of tomorrow are going to be better but its obvious that some of this film is from fairly recient and I'm curious to see how children today would react to this test. Honestly, I would love to see my own do it. I try to raise them to give everyone a chance, be open to different people and different cultures because its enriching to the sole, but I have no control over the other influences in their life they choose to listen to and I as a parent would be fairly devastated to see them react like this. I feel for the children who identified with the black child but still identified the white child as the good, pretty and smart one. I truly believe that if you only expect the worst out of a child and teach them that they are the worst, they will turn out to be that way, they need guidance, praise and positive reinforcement. mfroggyus246

    1. You are right and the last time someone did this experiment was in 2009 after Oboma took office. No matter how good of a person the parents are of a child there are always outside forces that teach them poor qualities. It was nice to see that some of the children did not assume personalities of the doll based on its color but it is still mind blowing that so many of them thought the white doll was nice and prettier. It made me sad to see so many of the colored children speak badly of the black doll and then say that that is the doll that looked like him/herself. That has to be horrible for their self esteem. -Tyler246

  13. This study saddens me. First that the white race is seen as pretty and nice in they eyes of children and the black race is seen at bad and ugly. Children are the honest reflection of their parents and other adults that have influence is raising the child. I truely believe that raceism and prejudice is taught or influence by a childs role model. It was sad too see that the black children who said they looked like the black baby and still choose the white baby as the good and nice baby. I would be devistated if my children thought children of another race was so called better than them. Children no matter the race or enthicity should be loved for who they are not what they look like. They should know this and believe it and the only way to do that is to teach them that difference is beautiful. GMD246

    1. It definitely saddens me too. I don't like seeing children seeing their own race as mean or ugly. I find it odd that parents think this way too. Because I do believe you that a child's reflection is that of their parents. So, this states that many parents find black or darker skin color ugly or mean. We should be teaching our children that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Starburst246

    2. I think it's so sad that they thought their own race was dumb and ugly. It just says a lot about how people treat on another still to this day. I agree with Starburst, a child relies heavily on their parents for everything. What the parents preach, is what the child will come to know.

  14. I think it is great that parents or would be parents what to teach equality to their kids. This is a lot harder than you think. There is so much more that the parent role that influence a child to think higher of one race than another. TV, movies, sports are a huge factor in this too. Racism is spewed on these all the time. Example, if someone disagrees with something the goverment has done or said they are called racist because the president is black. Good luck as parent we can only do the best we can. GMD246

  15. Very said to watch the African-american girl saying that sometimes she thinks her skin color looks "nasty," I do not have a child but I believe that the parents should be the ones explaining that color does not matter and the reason I say that is because the Spanish boy said that he is afraid of black and not afraid of white and that makes me think that he probably heard from someone in his house that a black person offers risk and is dangerous. Doglover246

  16. I did a little bit of research on the doll experiment and found that the results are still shocking even though we are no longer segregated and racism is less of an issue. I feel that the first experiment could give an altered view on this because the children were only given the choice of the black or white doll but in more recent versions of the experiment they added both and neither as an option. There is still some sort of prejudice in The United States because children are still saying that the white doll is prettier and nicer, but compared to earlier studies the percent is getting lower. There are many ways to view this study and while watching the video I started to wonder if the children were associating color with good and bad. When I was younger we were taught that good was the light side and bad was the dark side. I mean take The Lion King as an example, the good lived in the bright nice friendly side of the prairie and the bad characters lived in the dark, mean, ugly side of the prairie. So the results are a matter of interpretation and does not necessarily reflect on racism. -Tyler246

    1. I think you make some really good points. I never thought about small things from cartoons, like the Lion King, putting those kind of thoughts into kids' heads. I think the prejudice exists not only in the United states, but in other nations as well. Some of the kids in the video were speaking Spanish and probably not in this country. YellowSubmarine246

    2. I honestly believe that some of these children are using that logic as the reason they thought one was bad, or ugly. A lot of the kids said "because it's dark" and "because it's darker". They may just be associating the skin color with the thing they fear, or think is ugly due to movies like the Lion King you mentioned. The one's who mentioned an actual color, like black, or brown, or white, knew what they were saying and were putting race into it. Quite sad really. I wonder what it would take to stop that kind of prejudice.

  17. I was surprised to see that the majority of the children thought that beauty and intelligence was related to skin color and also wanted to be white. I expected the children to associate intelligence and beauty with the doll that was closest to their own skin color. I found myself wondering were these beliefs have come from, could it be from their personal interaction with society, the media, beliefs instilled from their parents, some combination of these or all. Regardless it is sad. The belief that you are not beautiful or intelligent because of your skin color must have a very big impact on that person’s self-esteem and view of self-worth, which could be a contributing factor for social stratification or certainly not help it.

    1. I completely agree and the original experiment was to show the effects of segregation on children and how in negatively reflects their views on the child's own race. It really makes a person think about why these children still have different views on a doll based on its skin color. For example there have been two experiments done since 2000 that are similar to the original doll experiment that is still having the same results with children thinking that the white doll is prettier and smarter. It is really sad that people still have these types of prejudice. -Tyler246

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    3. I agree with how it was interesting to see what the children said the "prettier" doll was. Especially the little girl who said that sometimes she doesn't feel pretty because she is black. It makes me wonder what aspects came to mind when the kids were making these decisions. I wonder what these kids reactions would be like if they saw the video of them ten years from now, to see what their reactions would be to what they said when they were kids.

  18. It is sad that kids think that way because of what they hear/see everyday. Beauty is also what is on the inside, not just the color of your skin. It's so shocking that even though race isn't as big of problem like it use to be, it is still an essential in deciding whether or not to like that person. The parents of those children need to teach their children that everyone is different, but that doesn't make one better than the other. Otherwise, they won't get too far in life. It's just so sad that even the black children thought their own skin was ugly, and that because they are black, they are dumb. A child should never grow up thinking those things. A person is a person, no matter what. We all feel, we all experience, and we all live. A child should not be taught to hate on someone for the color of their skin, it is just wrong.

    1. I agree. It is something that is everywhere we go or walk, sometimes the children don't hear it from their own parents but maybe even other children who have parents that tell them. It is those kinds of parents you dont want your children going around. Nobody has the right to teach their child at a young age what is right or what is wrong, what is bad or what is good. Everyone should have their own opinion as to what they believe, not growing up with someone telling you this is how it is and this is who we look down on, because color does not make us who we are.


  19. To watch these kids say that the black doll is the bad doll and that the white doll is the good doll is saddening to me. Just the fact that even at an early age, kids already have a preconceived concept on who is good and bad in the world. I myself have a three year old son, so watching this made me wonder what he would say if given the same test. Growing up as a kid myself, I went to a large school so my classes were always very diverse. I myself never had a problem with people of a different race because we all just looked at each other as normal people from when we were little. I can say though that the way people put down other people or make racial comments, small children pick up on those so they will begin to think like that because they don't know any better. Personally this video was saddening to me, but I have to know though that these kids aren't racist, they are probably just making decisions off of what they have been told or seen.

    1. As a parent have you wondered about doing this test with your child? If I was a parent I probably would. I would never want my children even thinking that someone is better than another because of skin color. That shows us how good of parents we are and what kind we need to be. Everyone is beautiful and children especially need to know this and not discriminate towards other people.

  20. It's so sad that racism is apparent even in our children. Despite the fact that race is much less of an issue as it once was, it is still an issue in terms of how it is perceived. If kids view the darker skin colors as ugly and associate it with less intelligence and not as nice, then parents should start trying to sway this was of thinking. We live in a world full of different skin types, yet in the end, after years and years of people having positive views towards white skin and negative towards other skin types, eventually society is brainwashed into believing there is a difference between the two. This thought process is passed down to our children and creates a vicious cycle that creates generations of hate and hurt, and it has to stop.

  21. I was really saddened by this collection of videos. It was hard to watch the black kids say that white skin made you prettier, smarter, or preferred by adults. Some of them were so young. It made me really question what society is teaching children. It makes you wonder where those thoughts and feelings come from. I have witnessed a few things like this in my own life. My friend’s daughter received two identical dolls for her first birthday, only one was white and one was black. After a few months they gave the black doll away as she refused to ever play with it, even though it had the same clothes and made the same noises as the white doll. I have another friend whose four year old daughter started acting out at school and home because she thought she was ugly and not as pretty as the white girls at her daycare. She even asked for a blonde wig for Christmas. It is really sad that kids pick up on subtle things and form thoughts like this. YellowSubmarine246

    1. The children saying that white was the pretties and black was the bad ones were really sad. The feelings they have towards these questions came from somewhere. This type of discrimination isn reality is the hardest to see. Kids should see live as a beautiful and wonderful thing regardless of skin color. When the black kids do not want to play with dolls like themselves then we really have a problem.

  22. To be completely honest, this video did not surprise me one bit. Children are one of the easiest to one's to be the most manipulated with the media and even the subtle hints adults use. They may not know why they believe it, or even how they know it. A lot of them are going to say it because the media has a strong control on how much they will say or believe. Even if the parents teach them that race does not matter, any adults that may have hinted at any type of race issue, they are going to take it to heart! We have to watch what we say around children, and these types of tests, which are horribly sad, won't repeat the same results.

    1. Completely agree with this. They just flat out don't know better. And i think most of this is to be blamed on what and how they are learning. Whether its bad parenting or media giving them bad ideas when your a child you learning curve is obnoxiously more intense then an adult so we need to watch what we say in front of children so they will not be tainted.

    2. Yes I agree with this as well. The media plays a huge role in what children think and how they see others. Kids today can easly pick up on things at any age so we as parents have to be very careful with our words. I know people joke about Discrimination around their kids because they feel their child my not understand but sooner or later they are going to grow up and repeat those same jokes; and then what? LadiKay_246

  23. This video is very heartbreaking. The children should want to play with both dolls because there is no difference between the two. I remember being at a young age and not my best friend was not the same race as me. I never thought he was bad because of his skin color. This video shows that kids view colors the same as we do as a population. In my pov white in general is a happy and good color. Black is a evil looking color. It also shows us what we are doing for our future of our children. Children do not need to look at people for what they are but for who they are. We as a population need to do more of that in general. But getting past these problems is very hard when day by day children interact with different peoples mindsets and learn off each other. A kid parents will influence them then the kid will influence friends. Its sad that children see these point of views but in reality they are inevitable.

  24. This video makes me extremely upset, I don't understand how people, even children, can judge people by the color of their skin. Our skin color does NOT define who we are. My skin could be green, and that would not mean that I was rich or poor! It wouldn't mean anything, but that my skin was green. This just irks me, mainly because many if these kids get this "judging" behavior from their parents. As a parent you are obviously doing something wrong if you are teaching your children not to like someone because of their skin color. We cannot choose the color our skin is, so why are people judged so harshly because of it. That one little girl said that the darkest black skinned girl was the "bad" one because "her skin isn't like mine, its darker." I'm sorry, but I don't think you should be allowed to have children and raise them, if you cant teach them how to be decent human beings. It is just that simple. Maybe my that because my parents instilled(sp) in me that I cant judge a book by its cover, I just don't have what it takes to be so careless and judge people for something they cannot control. it really pained me to see those little black children think that because they are black, that they aren't "good" or "smart" or "pretty" You can be whatever you want to be and you cannot let anyone take that away from you. This video just made me so upset with the world.


  25. Honestly i feel like some of the kids are put on the spot with these questions. Most kids if you isolate them and say "pick one" of course they are going to pick one, they don't know any better? If your taking a multiple choice test and none of the answers are correct but you have to pick one and say why its right just doesn't make sense. I understand they are trying to use innocent kids to get "honest answers" but that's because they haven't had time to learn differently. Everyone has their own prejudice or personal preference, which is most likely twisted by the media but its not like the voting was 100% one way? Just because a black child said the white doll is pretty doesn't mean a black child cant be more attractive or successful then a white child? THEY ARE KIDS. You cant even send a 15 year old kid to jail if he killed somebody when he definitely knows better but the 5 year old little girls opinion is legit data? I am not saying people are not horribly prejudice but this test just doesn't seem valid. If anything this just tells me that some of those parents need to have a licence to raise their kid because they are failing at it.

    1. I think this is some what true, Only because some kids do get scared when they are put on spot and they just pick what seems natural to them. But then you have to think about those kids who mature faster and are able to pick up on things such as race and the things they hear the people around them say. I guess what im saying is it all depends on the child. LadiKay_246

  26. This clip is an eye opener to a lot of people. I never thought that kids actually thought that way without having someone persuading them one way or another. It is obvious that children see blacks as ugly, dumb, and many more. One of the boys in this clip said that the white doll was pretty because it had 2 eyes. What does that have to do with anything. It is society that has slammed this in peoples heads that blacks are automatically black and bad. Parents is a start where this is started but other times it is the children that they associate with that their parents straight up tell them that blacks are bad. Children should not know the difference or if someone is good and bad because of their color. It makes me sad to think that this has become a problem in todays world everywhere.

  27. Having children of my own this is disturbing to me. My children didn't have a sense of diversity until they were in school due to seeing more of it in school. Also a majority of movies and tv shows portray the cultures in that manor. Even if children are not taught to be prejudice in their home I think those children see a lot of the prejudice outside of the home. Labrador 246

  28. When I was growing up I didnt really know about racism until I got in the 5th grade my parents not taught me about different colors of skin and what race was. But when you watch videos like this the thing that pops into your head is "what are the parents teaching these kids?" I personally think kids are only going to speak on what they have been taught in the home by the people that are around them. It's very sad and disturbing that there are kids out in the world who think like this. LadiKay_246


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