North Carolina Death Penalty and Stats on Deterrence

North Carolina Death Penalty and Stats on Deterrence


  1. Personally I think that those who murder or rape people should be given the death sentence because if you take someone’s life or mentally and physically injure them, you do not deserve the right to live. In the video it stated that if a white person was murdered your chances of being put on death row increased by 3.5% which is biased and unfair. It was interesting that 3 out of 7 people were killed but later realized that they were found not guilty due to faulty blood evidence. I was unaware that doctors were supposed to be present during executions to make sure that the death is done a certain way. From 1977 to 2006 there were 19,000 murders in North Carolina but only 436 people had been sentenced to death. Though I think the death penalty should be used, each trial cost around $58,000 which can become very costly with so many people being put to death. I would agree that in North Carolina they were abusing the death penalty by being biased and not making sure the person about to be killed was 100% guilty. In the book it says that when the death penalty first began people were boiled alive which was said to be “barbaric” so then they were hung, electrocuted in a chair, or had drugs injected into them. Another interesting thing I found was the Furman v. Georgia case came up with a bifurcated process which means in the first stage if the defendant is guilty and sentenced to death, the second stage can end up punishing them to life in prison instead. -MH789

    1. MH789 is completely right in my opinion. People who commit the most horrific crimes should be punished even if it means taking away their life since they did it to someone else but a problem with this is that is it justifiable to take away some one else's life even though they took away another persons'. Even though i do agree with her i can see the counterarguments against the death penalty and you have to respect other people's views but where to draw the line of death penalty should be decided and enforced equally no matter on race or ethnicity.

  2. There are some crimes that should just be given the death sentence to those who commit them such as rape, murder, or any child molestation all these crimes in my opinion.You have to put a few things into consideration and one of those is how sure are you that person committed the crime. In today's society the use of DNA Profiling helps us find the criminal and be more certain than before. Also you have to give the death sentence accordingly and equally to everyone who commits the crime not give a Hispanic or African American the death penalty and not a Caucasian. The criminal justice system needs to be more fair along the lines with these and make sure if you convict one person to death you must do it for another who committed the same crime and so forth. Another problem arises is how you can enforce the death penalty with how to execute them. As MH789 said the 4 ways that have been used is boiling the person alive, hang them, electrocution through the chair, or injection. I think boiling them alive is sinister and cruel, but i think the other three the person should have the choice or use the most cost efficient way.

  3. In my opinion, I think that people who murder or rape someone should be given the death sentence because if you take someone’s life or mentally and physically injure them, you forfeit the right to live. In the video it was stated that if a white person was murdered the chances of being put on death row are increased by 3.5% which is certainly biased and unfair. It was very interesting to find out that 3 out of 7 people were killed but it later came to light that they were found not guilty due to faulty blood evidence. I have read up on executions before, so I knew that doctors have to be present during executions to make sure that the death is done in a humane way. From the years 1977 to 2006 there were 19,000 murders in North Carolina but only 436 people had been sentenced to death. Although I feel the death penalty should be used, considering that each trial cost around $58,000, that is a large amount of money with so many people being put to death. I fully agree that in North Carolina they were abusing the death penalty by being biased and not making sure the person about to be killed was proven guilty (this is why Illinois does not have a death penalty anymore). In the book it says that when the death penalty first began people were boiled alive which was said to be “barbaric” so instead they were hung (which is what happened to some of the Nazis after WW2 after being found guilty), killed in the electric chair, or had drugs injected into them. Another interesting thing I found was the Furman v. Georgia case came up with a bifurcated process which means that in the first stage if the defendant is guilty and sentenced to death, the second stage can end up being life in prison instead. -Jon789

    1. I do agree with the part about how the flaws within the system are starting to be tweaked and adjusted so that there is less bias within the death sentence process. Also interestingly enough you mentioned the Nazi's who kind of founded the entire lethal injection idea. Hitler's top physician was the one who came up with lethal injection and we are still using it today.

  4. I also agree with MH789 on her views. People who commit horrific crimes should be punished even if it means taking away their life since they did it to someone else but a the problem with this reasoning is that 'is it justifiable to take away some one else's life even though they took away another persons?'. As stated above, although I do agree with her, I can see the counterarguments against the death penalty and even though you must respect other people's views the issue of where to draw the line for the death penalty should be decided and enforced equally.

  5. I might end up being one of the few who doesn't believe in the death penalty in this class. I believe criminals deserve to be punished for their crimes, however, even the most popular method of execution is not even considered suitable for animals, as it is very likely that the individuals being injected to not receive the correct dosages of the sleep drug. This means that the individuals have a relatively high chance of being fully conscious while their lungs are shut down and they are forced into cardiac arrest. Some may argue that the individuals sentenced to die this way may deserve such a painful death. That point is more easily arguable than saying it is not a cruel punishment, something our Constitution protects us as citizens against. Furthermore, far too many people have had their lives taken who are innocent. Deviant behavior unites society against it, but we should be cautious of allow our emotions to lead to the cruel deaths of possibly innocent individuals. The truth is that the death penalty is far less efficient, deterring, and cheap than one might be lead to believe. For these reasons I do not believe we should allow the death penalty as a suitable punishment for criminals.

    1. I respect your decision, but disagree with it. I believe there are some sick people that need to be put down. People who kill and rape with no reason must be put on the death sentence. NR789

    2. I agree with EAB789 on the fact that death sentence is a highly expensive and highly inefficient way of deterring crime. We are spending over 33 millions of dollars just to execute around 2 or 3 criminals out of thousands of murders and rapists per year.

  6. In this subject matter i believe in it and i don't. I think we should have a death penalty, but only if the person confesses to the crime and is proven to be guilty. The cost of a trail it is to large. I believe if you kill some or rap a minor. yes you should die. but if you take an eye for an eye. eventually every one will be blind. And for those people who kill and rape just for fun. they should also die. but that is for the courts to decide. that why we have a court system to have them work it out. I believe the punishment needs to fit the crime. to many people are in jail for life for things they might not have done or even if they did what are we doing with those people when they are in there seventy's or even older. the jails are overflowing already. i think we need the death penalty. SM789

    1. I agree with your opinion on the death penalty. I think that the only way someone should receive the death penalty is if there is a certainty that the person on trial is guilty of murder. It would defeat the purpose of the justice system if innocent people were getting convicted of murders and getting a death sentence for it. KAM789

  7. I think the death penalty is a good idea if used correctly. I think if the murderer is 100% caught on film guilty then yes he or she should be killed, but if there is the slightest doubt at all then no because if you give the death penalty to someone who is later found innocent there is no fixing that. At the same time the death penalty should be re-done. If someone murders someone else and gets the death penalty everyone who murders someone should get the same its not fair if you have 19,000 murderers that only 436 get death. KAM789

  8. The death penalty is very delicate and can turn corrupt and ineffective as like in North Carolina. This penalties main goal is to end crime and act as a deterrent to it. The video gives the statistics that it is definitely not acting as a deterrent. The crime rate is going down, but not because of the death penalty. Matter of fact even when the death sentence was active more crime was being committed. When the death penalty was not being used and we were entering the 2000's crime decreased. The statistics are there, plus the five facts on why it is ineffective are very true. The video says it is bias, unfair, rare, and expensive. Rare because it is not the reason why crime has decreased expensive because criminology was spending too much on these death sentences. What really makes me mad is when racism kicks in. Just like on the stop and frisk were only certain class of people were being searched, here only a certain race was being hit on with the death penalty. The video says that the majority of people sentenced to the death penalty are African Americans and less whites. Also a lot of innocent people were being killed. North Caroline has been known number 7 in the nation for the most mistakes committed. NR789

  9. I feel like the death penalty could very well be a deterrent of crime but only if it is used equally but at is stands now I think it’s probably the worst deterrent of crime out there. The way it is applied now is racially profiling individuals and even profiling by economic standings. As the death penalty stands now, any individual that is non-white and kills a white individual is more likely to get sentenced to death than if it’s a white person which kills a non-white person, and even more if they killed a white female. The death penalty was even rarely used for some years. Now if you’re going to have a death penalty for murder you have to distribute it equally amongst offenders who committed murder whether they are white or non-white. You can’t just sentence and execute some people for murder and others not, no if you’re going to have a death penalty everyone has to get it whether they are white, non-white, not rich, rich, male or female. By not distributing the death penalty we are just wasting 33+ millions of dollars on a crime deterrent which is highly ineffective do to the fact that we have states like North Carolina which between 1977-2006 accounted for 19,000 murders which only 2.5% led to death sentences and about 1% were executed. The way it’s going now I feel that the death sentence is a waste of our time and money, which could be spent on even higher effective crime deterrents.

    1. I completely agree with what CEM789 is saying. If factors like racial profiling and economic standings weren't factors the death penalty would be a fair form of justice and it would probably serve as a more powerful form of deterrence. With the corrupt system now though innocent people were put to death which is just committing that same crime. RMG789

  10. I agree with MH789 because people who kill and rape people should get the death penalty because that's a sick and twisted thing to do. People who do that should realize what if someone did that to there family member, they would feel the same as we do. Punishment is not enough because they will still do it if they got out of jail or prison. -SJ789

  11. I feel like the death penalty doesn't prevent others from committing murders or rape. No reputable study shows the death penalty to be deterrent. The death penalty doesn't necessarily help families of murder and rape victims. Murder and rape victim family members across the country argue that the drawn out death penalty process is painful for them and that life without parole is appropriate. I sometimes feel like the crimes people do like rape and murder sometimes its best for them to just sit in jail all there life and think about what they did. It will haunt them for the rest of there life. They would want to die because that's not a good thing to live on. Now a days you don't see anyone getting the death penalty. Like the popular cases on t.v. Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman should both got death penalty or at least put in jail for the rest of there lives because of what they did. They both were free and people try to get justice from the courts of the Zimmerman case. -SJ789

  12. I personally do not like the thought of the death penalty. I do have to admit that it would be just if it were used properly. With things like racism though, it is impossible for the criminal justice system to implement this effectively. this video says that minorities such as African Americans are not put to death more than white, something i find hard to believe when we look at how minorities are targeted in the justice system. It is almost worse to put an innocent person to death for the crimes of someone else. it is very unlikely that the use of the death penalty will ever be truly fair, because we are human. To say that everyone who commits murder should get the death penalty is a little extreme. I think there are many circumstances that have to be considered when giving someone this sentence. Only under certain circumstances would it be just to put someone to death. With this there has to be caution to avoid disparity between cases. If someone knowingly, in good health kills someone, they should be given the death sentence. It shouldn't be a question of morality there is no right to take a person' life. RMG789

  13. I am for the death penalty but didn't know the numbers were so unbalanced. I believe if someone commits a murder or rapes somebody or worse then they should be executed and they should fix it to were i doesn't cost millions for the trails. Not to mention paying to keep that offender in prison. I don't think it has an impact of the crime rate or is deterrent of crime but if I was an offender and was going to receive life in prison I would rather just die to be honest. It was interesting to me how much money we spend to take those offenders to trail and to keep them in prison. We could be using that money each year towards strengthening our policing or crime minimizing programs or something rather than paying to feed someone in prison when they don't deserve that meal because of what they did to another human being. The recent activity with Adrian Peterson's kid being beat to death, if that guy doesn't get the death penalty then this government system is ignorant. LF789


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