Prison Called Oz 114


  1. The thing that caught my eye the most towards the beginning of the video was how much structured conflict is seen in prison settings. The first scene that really portrayed this well was when there was an inmate that got into a fight. He claims it wasn't his fault and that he was swung at. From my understanding, he got into a fight so he could interact with the female nurse at medical. He kept reiterating that he "wasn't obsessed with her boobs" when in all reality we all knew he had some issues as far as controlling his sexual desires. It seems that the prison environment has dealt a lot of stress on this man and he seeks to please his yearnings and release his aggression through the means of the female nurse, as shown in the scene. He shoves the correctional officer and grabs the woman by the coat forcefully until he is finally restrained. ChiefO'Keefe123

    1. I completely agree with you on your comment about the issue where the prison had trouble controlling his sexual desire. When prisoners are locked up for so long, the sight of seeing a woman has a direct effect on a male prisoner. I also agree with you how they portrayed the first scene and I thought that it was accurate as well. ICC123

    2. I agree with your statement. Being a male and not being around women for awhile, you would begin to get special feelings with the slightest touch from a female. They didn't seem to have a control of that desire causing him to do things to get into contact with a female, the nurse. CountryGirl123

    3. Thats a good point I didn't think of. There are quite a few instances of the prisoners setting up fights between one another and even setting up scenarios in which they are injured so they can try and gain something. The manner in which these conflicts are set up seems to be a large part of the prison society, with some prisoners plotting against one another and some addressing their issues head one.- Anonemoose123

  2. I thought that Oz did a good job of accurately showing the setting of the prison. They did a good job of showing prisoner interaction and I think they were pretty accurate in showing the prisoner code. Things that stood out to me that I thought were correct was how the prisoners stole someone else's food and asked the prisoner for more food because that is a big deal to people serving time in prisons. Oz showed the mental stress of men in prison when the prisoner made comments about the nurse's breast. I also liked how they showed what happens in prison when violent offenders strike out on other inmates. Overall, I thought that the show accurately portrayed the society in American prisons. ICC123

    1. I agree I think they did a good job of showing the prison setting and showing how things are there. I also think they gave very good details and showed everything they needed to explain the prison life/lifestyle. I think they could have done a better job of showing the consequence of the things people did wrong.football123

  3. I was kind of surprised while watching this movie. I think they did a good job of showing what the prison life is like and what happens a lot in the prisons and The way the officer handled the man when he grabbed the women in the hospital. Normally when they come in I thought they can’t in had cuffed and or detained but he wasn’t. Then he grabbed her and he hit the officer. Once all that happened they should have detained him. I also think the way the officers handled things were kind of crazy. The officers seemed like they didn't care till someone was hurt and the inmates had a lot of freedom. It also caught my attention that the inmates got to where whatever they wanted to at times. I think that oz prison is a very unstable prison with very few rules and no control at all. Football123

    1. The prison reminded me of fourth generation jails from the text. Not quite the same thing, but similar. They were allowed to walk about freely and there were some areas in which natural light was used, such as the medical ward. The prisoners are allowed to walk around to keep them from feeling like they're nothing more than convicts, and allow them to have some freedom. I agree some of the interactions between officers and the prisoners were odd and maybe the officers should have acted sooner, but often the officers are distracted or event happens to quickly for them to react in time. So rules could be stricter, but overall it seems like the corrections system is still in control.-Anonemoose123

  4. This video addresses the subjects in chapter 9 and 10 of the text, prison staff and prison inmates. It shows the staff organizing and direction the objectives of the prison, or dealing with personal issue, while behind the scenes; and dealing with the inmates while out in view of the general population. The officers seen in the video fall into the categories of different jobs in the text. The most notable officers are the yard officers (though the yard appears to be inside in this case), and administrative officers. The staff aren't all officers though, there are also clergy and counselors. The biggest part of this movie is the culture among the prisoners. They follow the inmate code as listed in the text, and are punished if they go against it. The inmates create their own groups and sub cultures and have their own laws and punishments amongst them. The subcultures seem to follow the importation theory most closely, as the mafia type groups or religious affiliations were brought into the prison from the outside world; not conceived of in prison.-Anonemoose123

    1. I agree with you Anonemoose123. it covers those chapters very well in a way to understand it better. I believe it would be more clear and have a better understanding if people watched this. They do follow the inmate code and face the concequences if they don't go by it. the inmates. the staff plays a big part to in playing a role in the movie. Firefighter123

    2. You bring up a good point about the cultures that were portrayed by the inmates throughout the video. There were strict codes that were upheld to keep an inmates in tight knit groups. As seen in the video, the inmates try to keep private conversation behind doors as the two men in the computer lab scene did. Granted they were not the closest of "friends" but the point is they don't turn their backs on each other that would lead to guard suspicions that could lead all the prisoners into trouble. Just like officers don't disclose any information that might deteriorate the core bond of the correctional officers. Well put anonemoose. ChiefO'Keefe123

  5. After seeing this video, I do see what is going on in the movie trying to explain in a simple way of how the prison life works. I like how all of the inmates went by the inmate code, and they know that they would somehow get punished if they didn't go by it or violated it. The officers seemed like they shouldn't have done anything until something bad happened and then they would take action. I believe they should keep a closer eye on things and report and suspicias activity at all times. the movie did a good job in telling us how cooped up you really are as far as sexually. for example the nurse and talking about her privets. overall I think it did a very well job trying to describe the prison life for us. Firefighter123

  6. while I was watching this videoI realizedmost of these inmates are going through stress which means tension in a person's body on mine resulting from physical, chemical, or emotional factors. the prison oz is very different from prison system today. they have no prison administrative officers as a result the prison is very unorganized. I remember in Chapter nine we talked about prison staff and how they take control of the prison.we talked about the different powersand the purpose and security concerns. Soccerboy123

  7. Watching this video, I was impressed with how they portrayed all of the behaviors from the prisoners and how they interact with each other. However, I noticed that there was no structure and that the prisoners were able to roam and do whatever they wanted to. That alone could cause many bad situations. This video also did a good job with showing how prison can change people. They start to think and do things that they wouldn't normally do. I also noticed that there was a lot of black mail going on in the facility. I also liked how they involved "the laws of god" in there as well. CountryGirl123

  8. The show Oz gave a look into the many prison subcultures that exist, and how the prison staff must interact with these different groups. These subcultures are broken down into race, ethnic, and gangs. Within the gangs there is a hierarchy just like the prison guards where the inmates must obey their superiors or face severe punishments. I did like how the administrator Tim decided to instead of just sticking minister Saied in the hole to use him to help another inmate, which in return can give him some internal peace. The officers at Oz show a great deal of stress with maintaining order over the inmates and from reading the text I understand this stress can effect their work performance dramatically.

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