Rehabilitation and the Summit of Hope 2013 - Your Thoughts 114?

Rehabilitation and Summit of Hope 2013 - Your Thoughts 114


  1. I think the summit of hope great to and it could prevent the offenders going back to prison. i don't believe our throw offenders back on street after they do their time behind the bar. its really help that summit or hope is providing assistance to these parolees and probationers, because these helps can lead them to become productive member of their communities. summit of hope can also help reduce the crime rate in out communities because it could prevent these offenders become career criminals. i think correctional system need to have some like summit of hope for the prisoner in the prison, so when they get out of prison, they have something to fall back on. we cant just throw them back on street. SOCCERBOY123

  2. Summit of hope i believe is a very good chance for both criminals and non criminals. They get a chance to go get what they need done. they need some guidance and a help up and that's what we are going to be there to do. it may not seem like it for some people but i bet a lot of them appreciate what we are all going to be doing for them at the summit of hope. you get to interact with them and see how they work and act. it is a very interesting thing for us to see because if this is the profession that we are going in then i would just call it practice. Since i have been to the summit of hope from last year, I think it is so interesting just to see how they act and communicate with me. they can be really nice to you but your sitting with people who have done some crazy stuff in there past and they are just wanting and needing help, and that's why we are there for them. Firefighter123

    1. I do think that the summit of hope gives both criminals and people who are in the criminal justice a place to interact with each other. I think that it also gives us a chance to learn about the services that are provided to parolees.

  3. I think that the summit of hope is a good program because a parolee can find all the services they need in one place. I also think that it is a good opportunity for students to work and interact with people in the police community. It will also help the parolee learn about navigate all the services provided. Its also very helpful to the parolees to have all the services in one place because they may not have time to go to all the different places or have a ride to get there.


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