Solitary Confinement - Torture?


  1. Solitary confinement can be consider torture depend which side you are on. i think prisoners rights and constitutional rights have to to protected. i think solitary is using institutional needs to abuse prisoners rights. which they may maintenance of institutional order, institutional security, safety of prison inmates and staff and rehabilitation of inmates. i think its necessary to be in solitary if you are not violent. you can not discipline an adult in that type of environment. i see the reason why most people think solitary is torture, because like one of the inmate said solitary changes you completely. it true that many prisoners rights and constitutional right cases turn upon the issue of cruel and unusual punishment. soccerboy123

    1. I agree with you soccerboy123 that solitary confinement and that environment would change a person. I do believe that staying in solitary confinement could possibly help a person in the long run for their life. I think that they should use more rehabilitative methods with solitary confinement prisoners to help them come out better in society. ICC123

  2. I understand why prisons use solitary confinement but it is not helping the prisoners at all. If prisoners are suppose to come out of prison better, letting them sit alone is not doing much help for that rehabilitation. In my opinion, prisoners end up more mentally unstable when they are put into solitary confinement. On the other hand, for the safety of the correctional officers and staff of the jail/prison, solitary confinement is a way to put violent offenders out of the way of general population. I think that if the prison or jails worked with people in solitary confinement with rehabilitation methods that they would not come out as mentally unstable. ICC123

    1. Rehab is an important thing, probly the most important thing about prisons. we want to help them mentally and destroy there mental process. I agree if the prisons and jails worked with the people held in solitary confinement then we would have a way better outcome than just throwing them in the sell for a long time.

    2. I agree with you ICC, rehabilitation is very important for prisoners who are coming out. They need to change for the better to be able to live in society and not return to prison, but they can not do so if they are not doing anything to change in the first place. CountryGirl123

  3. I feel like prisons use solitary confinement because they have to have something that's harsh on the criminals almost like to scare them. but putting them in a cell for that long of period of time screws them up mentally more than anything else. but I believe they should still use it because where are you going to put the very violent criminals that act out on officers and other inmates, you have to do something with them just for safety reasons alone.They say its the worst thing you can do to someone, but I think we should still have it. I don't think its torture but I can see why people think it would be.Firefighter123

    1. I would agree that solitary confinement is necessary to use for prisoner and guard safety. When using it to simply shut down a prisoners ability to harm himself or others its not a form of torture, merely a way to keep everyone safe. But when that prisoner is left in there for an extended period of time it can be considered a kind of torture. At that point they can begin to experience mental anguish due to the lack of human contact. But rather than allow that to happen there are other options and other form of treatment they could undergo to help them with their violent urges or suicidal tendencies.-Anonemoose123

  4. After viewing this clip, I can see both being effective. When prisons use solitary confinement, they should use it for punishment like putting someone "in the corner", but when they have them sit in there for an extreme amount of time, its not helping them change at all. There would be no rehabilitation. If prisoners are going to be released, and they spent most of their time in solitary confinement doing nothing, they wouldn't know how to obey by the rules of society or treat others. They would not have had much of an opportunity to change. CountryGirl123

  5. Solitary confinement can be beneficial for both the inmate and the safety of the corrections officers. If you have a violent inmate who won't succumb to reasoning, and only keeps getting more agitated. Then solitary is the only answer, it gives the inmate time to cool down and rethink why he ended up in solitary. I do believe that excessive periods of time is torture but an appropriate time that allows the inmate a break from the situation and puts him in a protective custody where he can be further monitored. Also if an inmate is showing signs of being suicidal solitary can help by having him in a secure room where he or she cannot harm themselves and be closely observed by the guards

  6. Tortue can be defined as something that inflicts severe physical or mental pain and anguish, so by definition solitary confinement can be considered a form of torture. Solitary confinement leads people to lose their minds. They crave human contact and when they can't get it they begin to suffer. Solitary confinement can be safe for short periods of time and can be used effectively to allow prisoners to cool off if they are violent or aggressive. The primary purpose of prisons should be rehabilitation, and solitary confinement does not serve that purpose, it can only make a prisoner worse. But that does not mean it should be done away with completely. As I already stated it can be useful to help aggressive prisoners cool off; and it could also be used for especially violent prisoners considered to be beyond redemption.-Anonemoose123


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