Summit of Hope and the Nexus to Juvenile Delinquency - Your Thoughts 118?

Summit of Hope Connection to Juvenile Delinquency 118


  1. Summit of hope is a great way to help young offenders. but like we talked about in class, child start delinquency act when there are very young. i believe that if you raise your child right way and you don't have to worry about summit of hope. i was watching the video yesterday about Oklahoma juvenile prison, where they send young offenders to prison with no rehabilitation programs, i think summit of hope will be great idea for those kids. kids are the future of nation, we cant just turn our back on them, because they have committed the a ''crime''. I'm hoping to work with some kid at summit of hope. soccerboy456

    1. Good post i agree with what you are saying. its crazy some of the trouble kids get in to at such a young age because they don't have someone there to show them right from wrong and the good and the bad in the world that why i think its a great idea to have these programs to help people make better decisions.

  2. Summit of hope is a great program for people who have done wrong in their life and are trying to better themselves for the rest of their lives. Juvenile delinquency can start at such a young age. A lot of kids offend because they don’t have a good family background and like we talked about in class kids need a role model in their life to show them right from wrong, and sometimes it’s the same for adults in the prison system. But that’s why we have children homes to give kids a better chance to better themselves so they don’t end up as lifelong felons. The summit of hope and the children homes are kind of the same they are both used to help young adults and adults better them and show them that there is someone there for them that can help them and show them that the world isn’t bad and that there are good people that will help them.
    - Football456

  3. The Summit of Hope is obviously a great way to help parolees and probationers get on their feet. With so many worries being on how many people serving prison time get out and are on the streets today, the Summit of Hope can only enhance the rehabilitation opportunities. The large population that this program can reach in a time efficient manner is a well thought out plan of attack, to ensure these people can get out of prison and become decent, productive, and independent members of their community. With that said being said, these people need to take full advantage of every service that is offered to them. They have so many services at their fingertips and people willing to help turn their lives around. Knowing that the parolees and probationers have a hand or two to hold may give them the extra drive to achieve in their lives after a dark past. By providing the previous incarcerated with jobs, medical and dental attention, as well as maybe seeing if they have any tax money owed to them will give them a new outlook to the future. This is an active hands-on approach to a problem that needs volunteers to achieve success. Military456

  4. Summit of hope sounds like a great way of providing extra assistance to the offender coming out of lockup to get a needed push in the proper direction, when many of them are coming from a bad home situation. With hope, some of these offenders can see the light at the end of the tunnel and not return to the habits that landed them in trouble to begin with. This would be extremely beneficial to juveniles because they are likely to come from a single parent home and have no role model to show them right from wrong. If one of the participating parties can connect and change one juvenile’s way of thinking I believe it will be a success! This a well thought out plan, it only will need the attention from the community that it is a part of and will need the volunteers to make it a success.

  5. Summit of hope is a key source to help offenders from being repeated offenders. It helps them get to many resources that is difficult to find or that may not be open in plain sight to the public. It comes to show that city is anxious to help its population to go in the right direction.I thought the lady was a great speaker and the way she explained about the employment process was great. I'm glad to know that only the ones who were dedicated and will put forth the effort and time should be the only one to get a job. If it can help a minimum amount of people it would be worth it. Its going to help all of them in some way, and will give them a brighter future. Plus might have some tax money they never knew they had. Glad to see the government this active in helping the community. Shotokan456

  6. The summit of hope is a great way to get locals active about helping other local parolees and probationers get back on their feet and find a stable footing in life. With so many resources in one space, I would be surprised if someone managed to get nothing out of this event, which is probably highly unlikely. I think it was a great idea to add a job aspect into it, which I am guessing is a new addition to the summit of hope this year, but it is only available to those who truly strive for it, and went to all those extra meetings. This is a great way to get people what they need to get past their dark past and start heading in a positive direction. We can help assist them in getting dental assistance, health care, and (if applicable) tax money that may be owed to them by the state. -Morton456


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