Summit of Hope in Peoria 2013 - Nexus to Rehabilitation? Your Thoughts 110?

Summit of Hope 2013 Peoria - Rehabilitative 110?


  1. I believe this Summit of hope is an amazing chance to rehabilitate and or habilitate the select few felons able to return to society. How ever most can't obtain the housing or money due to the crime they were found guilty for. This summit of hope maybe able help the select few who do qualify for the aid they need to function in society. Bringing all these rehabilitating organizations together in one place is a great opportunity for the felons to be habilitated into societySM789

    1. I agree to what SM789 is saying. this program allows felons to get their life back on track and to better thier life. Jimoh789

  2. The Summit of Hope is a great chance for the felons and even for people in the community. People in the community think that since they are felons they do not feel they deserve another chance when everyone makes mistakes and some people are not habilitated to make the right choices and right decisions. Or in some instances some of these people may not have even committed the crime and some could actually be innocent. For the felons it is a great opportunity and a new chance to start not necessarily over but to start something that will improve their life; and with some of these people all they want is the chance to be out there and make up for their wrong acts. The rehabilitation process for them begins there at the Summit of Hope where they get the chance to look for job chances, housing, transportation, and other things that we may take for granted. Also this will help ease them into the process of getting out in society. I think this is a great chance for the rehabilitation process since prisons are mainly focuses on retribution, deterrence, and to incapacitate due to funding.

  3. I think that the Summit of Hope is a way for those who may have made bad decisions in the past to better their future. Everyone deserves a second chance, and though these people may be on probation or have been in jail before doesn't mean they are terrible people. An event like this definitely offers hope to those who have been convicted because it's almost as if life has given them a second chance by offering them housing, careers, a license, child care services, free HIV tests, and much more. Hopefully after each person has gone through the rehabilitation stage they need, they will make smarter choices in the future that will keep them from returning to jail or being put on probation. -MH789

    1. I agree with MH789 because everyone does deserve a second chance and just because these people have made a wrong choice or a mistake does not make them a terrible person and an event like this definitely offers a new life through what it has to offer.

    2. I agree with Meg789 about how not everyone who is a former convicted felon is a terrible person. Hopefully the felons that take part in this will take full advantage of the opportunity given and not make the same mistake they made in the past. Noetzol789

  4. I'm excited and nervous for the Summit of Hope but I believe that it will hopefully be a pathway for people to get the services that they need to be reintegrated back into society. 66% of previous felons end up back in prison shortly after release due to the difficulty of getting any assistance after being locked up. This process can be slowed or stopped with rehabilitation (or habilitation). Many employers will not hire felons so they often relapse into crime to make a living. I would like to see everyone there take the opportunities and use them to get their lives back on track. I am nervous because I'll have to see whether I'll be good at talking to them or not which plays a big role in the Criminal Justice field and excited because it is a very good opportunity for both parties. It's important to do our best to rehabilitate these individuals so there is room in the prisons for violent offenders which is why I hope the Summit oh Hope is a huge success.

    1. I agree, it can create nerves due to the fact we have never spoken to people fresh out of prison, but it is a great opportunity to know if we belong in the criminal justice field. I also think it is difficult for these people to get back on track. NR789

    2. I agree I am also looking forward to the Summit of Hope. I think it will be and interesting chance to help people who need it to get back on their feet. I also think it will be good to see if I am any good in the field or not. KAM789

  5. The Summit of Hope is an excellent program for felons and people in the community. The general public believes that because of their criminal background they do not deserve another chance. There is also the possibility that some of these people have been wrongly convicted. For the felons it is a great opportunity and a new chance to start something that will improve their life.
    At the Summit of Hope they get the chance to look for job chances, housing, transportation, and other things that most people may take for granted. This will also help ease them into the process of getting out in society. Jon789

  6. I agree with SM789 that Summit of hope is a great chance to rehabilitate/habilitate criminals who are able to return to society. Once released they can't obtain the housing or money due to their criminal record. This function will be able help them qualify for the aid they need to become a proper member of society again. Bringing all these rehabilitating organizations together in one place is a great opportunity for them, since very few criminals have this opportunity. Jon789

  7. I am actually anxious to attend the Summit of Hope. I really want to help out these people, get started and take of right from now on. I am not just going for the extra credit, but because I really do want to talk to them and help them out. The are no different from us, they just took a made a bad decision in life and now need help to re adjust. As a personal experience my brother went in to jail then re entered. He is not a bad person by any means and I am not just saying this because he is my brother. In fact he already graduated from a university and is moving on to law school. The main point to my experience is that when he got out of jail he felt the same, I believe he should have gone to rehab or a program to change his thought the decisions he makes from now on. And they are many people like my brother that need that rehabilitation to know there's a third hand out to help them. Or in much cases like Dr. White said, many prisoners need to be habilitated. In other words some of our brothers have come up from rough childhood and bad parenting. NR789

    1. I agree with NR789, these individuals are not bad people but rather made the wrong choices in life or didn’t have the parenting or materials like most people have. They deserve as much help as the rest of society so they can get their life together and have a second chance.

    2. I agree, I am also really anxious to attend and hope that I can. It seems crazy that there aren't a lot of ways for these people to become a part of society again, or even at all. They shouldn't be labeled because of something in the past if they are willing to change it and are working towards it. RMG789

  8. I think the Summit of Hope is an interesting opportunity for convicted felons to get back on there feet. It provides some of the aid and some of the essentials needed for basic living that may be harder to come by after a conviction. Like finding a job, getting a place to live, getting transportation, child care, or other things that may be needed to live. The point if the Summit of Hope is to help rehabilitate felons and ease them back in to normal living and reintegrate them in to society. I am interested to see how the summit goes. KAM789

  9. Summit of Hope to me sounds like it will really help out a lot of people or felons to get things that they really need or really want. Summit of Hope will help them get a drivers license if they do not have one, and it now, starting this year, will give them the opportunity to get a job. This program is a rehabilitation program that will help felons get things from the rehab center that most people never really had a chance to get. So I think that this program is going to be very nice to provide the "habilitation" that felons need.-AEK789

  10. The Summit of Hope in my eyes, is a truly great event in helping parolees get a second chance at life outside of illegal activity and jail/prison. Summit of Hope will help parolees get some aid that they regularly would not be able to get otherwise bringing all the programs they would necessarily need to have a new life style. With this they will be able to get a job, financial aid, food stamps, and even their driver’s license. I feel that by doing this Summit of Hope is in all actuality really trying to give parolees a second chance at life beyond illegal activity through habilitation rather than just leaving them to get it together on their own without help.

    1. I definitely agree that this is a good event for previous convicts by offering them another shot at making things right by allowing them to look for careers, housing, getting a license, and many other things. -MH789

  11. Summit of hope is an all around advantage for today’s society due to the numerous amounts of ex-felons that are willing to habilitate after being released into the real world. This program will help the ones who are willing to put forth the effort to get on sturdy ground again and get their life turned around. I feel as if volunteering to help at this event will help me learn how ex-felons act in society and it will be a test to see if I can handle dealing with and being around these kinds of people. I like helping people that are willing to accept their wrong doings and want to get a jump start on their new positive standard of living. After being convicted as a felon a lot of peoples interest in helping the needy tremendously drops. DO789

  12. The Summit of Hope provides a great opportunity for convicted felons to transition into society much easier. It gives them chances to look into job or career opportunities and even walk them through the process of going back to school if interested. Anything from housing to transportation or even STD testing is part of the process. We immediately put anyone that is a felon into this demeaning category regardless of what the felony is that they were convicted for. We are quick to forget that just because they are a felon, they are not any different from you or I. They could be our co-worker, friend or even neighbor. I am looking forward to participating in the process to really help me become open-minded when it comes to people who are former convicts. Noetzol789

    1. I agree with Tracy789 that even though these people may have been convicted before that they are still regular people such as neighbors or friends. It should be a good experience for not only the previous convicts, but us as students as well because we will get to see the reactions and how this event will help each person. - MH789

  13. I think that Summit of Hope is a good opportunity for pervious criminals to get there life back on track. Me going to the event will give me the opportunities to see what these people have to go through. It will also allow me to work with criminals that want to do right to do right now. I am kind of excited to being going to this event. I look to grow from this experience. Jimoh789

  14. I really hope that I can attend this event because I think it is a wonderful opportunity not only for these people, but for volunteers it is good for us to better understand what they go through and the field that most of us are hoping to work in. It shocks me that more places don't offer help for people either getting out of jail or on probation. If they aren't given the chance to 'habilitate' into society, how can they be expected to be a functional and proper part of society without any help? Its good that more options are becoming available because many of them cant do this on their own. RMG789

  15. The Summit of Hope is a unbelievable opportunity for previous felons to come together and come get the necessary resources they are needing either dealing with employment or housing maybe even a mother needs help with child care if gives them the opportunity to have people show they care about them and help them as much as they can at the event will be a great opportunity to show them that they can turn their life around and still have a life even though they have a criminal record its harder in life for them because of their record but people deserve 2nd chances and so do they everyone makes mistakes.TMilligan789

  16. The Summit of Hope is a great opportunity because it could better the felons life. It helps the felons get there needs taken care of for free. Its a great thing that this program was to help ex-offenders get back on track and on the right path when they re-entered society. -SJ789

  17. This was a great idea that the community has put together for felons. I know when the individuals get out of jail/prison who are trying to get there lives back on track will be very happen the Summit of Hope program because its for there own good. There struggling everyday just to locate the services they need in order to be apart of the community. The program is for those who had hope and then lost it. This program is making differences in many peoples life because its allowing them to put their lives back together the right way. I would love to help out with this program because it will make me feel good inside. Helping people get there life together and returning back to the community knowing that they almost have everything together is a wonderful feeling. Having individuals happy that I helped in made a change in there life would be great. The community would be a better place if they continue to better there life and not become felons again, the world would be a better place lol.-SJ789


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