Tracking Danger - Parole in Colorado


  1. After watching the video about the man who killed two people on parole, it seems like he fell through the cracks and mistakes. The Colorado Department of Corrections seemed to be unorganized in their parole efforts. The mistakes that were made by the Department of Corrections were catastrophic especially on the Evan Ebel parole. There is no way that if he should have been let out and paroled four years early. He was a dangerous inmate that fell through cracks of the system. I also believe that it was justice for the parole director to be fired because the system seemed to unorganized and was not helping the society of Colorado. ICC123

    1. I agree ICC123. he fell through the cracks of the system. he should have been more under control a supervised. even though he was calling in and being monitored he still breached the system and got through. It definitely was unorganized and not helping the society of Colorado. I agree 100% Firefighter123

    2. This system definitely needed some reform. It is silly that he was released four years early mistakenly, and then assigned to an officer with a huge caseload despite the fact he was a dangerous offender. Providing these offenders with actual rehabilitation services and truly making sure they are ready for reintegration would do a great deal of good.- Anonemoose123

  2. After seeing this video. I am honestly shocked there was no policy to the tamper alerts until after he was shot and killed. they should have already had a policy. I consider the DOC lucky because there haven't been more incidents like this. There are approximately 1 officer to 20 paroles. that is a good size difference. I believe they need to be more strict with there paroles and have faster reaction time otherwise they are going to have situations like what just happened happen. Firefighter123

    1. That's a good way at looking at it. It would've been the best preventative measure to have implemented a policy specifically geared toward tampered alerts. It could have possibly saved a couple lives and could be a stepping stone to making Colorado's Department of Corrections a safer environment for individuals who live in the community. I like the statistics to, I must not have picked that up from the video but it can be a scary thought of having one officer trying to control 20 parole's that easily step back over the boundary line that separates staying clean and committing crimes. Well put firefighter. ChiefO'Keefe123

  3. Disorganization at it's finest. After seeing that this man had been unaccounted for for 3 straight days and managed to murder someone in Colorado before they knew he was missing clearly demonstrates that the Department of Corrections and the parole officers were not doing their job to the standards that were expected of them. It was also ridiculous to witness parole officers working overtime doing security shifts. The need may have been high, but is it necessary to force parole officers to work overtime when they are already one of the most overworked career fields in the criminal justice system? (thankfully it was stopped shortly afterwards) The parole director in charge during the Evan case was one of the reasons for the failure in the system, letting out a criminal who needed to be kept behind bars for the duration of his sentence. The only thing I can say about this that isn't negative is there needs to be a new approach to the way they handle violent inmates in terms of early release or parole. There needs to be new management and leadership brought to the Department of Corrections in Colorado to prevent something like this from happening again that could have been easily prevented in the first place. ChiefO'Keefe123

    1. I agree with you Chief, it was a major disorganization issue. They need to make sure that they are on top of their parolees and are making sure that they are where they are suppose to be and if they are not, then they need to address the situation. I also agree with the fact that they should be strict with the violent inmates. There just needs to be a better organized system. CountryGirl123

  4. After watching the video its clear to me that the Colorado parole system was inadequate and needed to revamped. Everything about the system was flawed and could only lead to undesirable results. The parole boards needed to investigate each convict more closely, in order to see if they actually were "rehabilitated" and ready to be released into society; actually offering services to help rehabilitate the convicts would help with this too. This would prevent the offenders from getting out unnecessarily early and keep them incapacitated a bit longer. The case loads of parole officers should be lessened if possible, and it may be beneficial to give certified officers a small amount of high danger parolees to watch closely. This way events like the one in the video can easily be stopped. If the officer is trying to keep track of a hundred people its understandable he might miss the fact one person failed to report or has been missing a day or two. With a smaller case load it would be easy for officer to work with each offender and make sure they are doing what they need to. Providing parole officers with more equipment would also make their job easier and make them feel safer. -Anonemoose123

  5. After watching this clip, I found it very bizarre that nobody did anything about the tampering reports. Either it be from the offender was messing with the bracelet, or it was a false alarm, they still should have checked on the parolee just to be safe. I can not believe that they would make rules about checking up on the parolees more often and then the next day completely disregard the change in the rules. I was also surprised that they stated that they did not have any rules against offenders incarcerated were allowed to have gangs. I think that offenders on parole should be taken way more seriously than it was being treated. I find it shady that the DOC is not answering many questions and the case was not looked into very much. They should have done a lot more than what they did in terms of doing their jobs. CountryGirl123

    1. Its true that action should be taken to improve the system, but it doesn't seem like theres a great deal these officers could have done about the parolees. Like it was said in the video these officers have huge caseloads, and even if they are great at their job they may miss something even if they are very important. The solution to this would be reducing caseloads and assigning dangerous parolees in small amounts to certified officers. -Anonemoose123

    2. I agree with about how it was bizarre or weird that nobody did anything about the tampering reports also. I also agree with you on how it was shady how the Department of Corrections did not answering many of the questions that the media put of there. ICC123

  6. This video showed the lack of policies and procedures the Colorado parole department had for situations like this. To know that a man as dangerous as Evan was released early and not even monitored like you would expect someone on intensive probation. The department was unprepared for a situation like the one that occurred, large caseloads on the parole officers allowed for the murder of two innocent men. Then to try to redeem themselves in the public eye began to increase the workload of the officers to capture all the absconding parolee's. It is truly sad that this disaster had to take place to improve the policies of the system, I am glad the director was fire because it was very clear that he was not doing his job to his full abilities and not making checks and balances through superiors and the people below. Hopefully this event sent a message around to all parole departments who were acting inadequately to redevise their protocols and maintain more order over the men and women under their care

    1. Based on so many crimes being committed by parolees, there must be a need for changed. The government needs to have more parole officers on the duties and pay them good so they can do their job very effectively. These crimes should have been prevented. soccerboy123

  7. watched the video about tracking danger- parole in Colorado. The video showed problems with the parole system, violence committed by parole and changes made in the parole. I was very shocked to see how the department of correction let the parolee out very early. Most of the release was not mandatory release, which means early release after a time period specified by the law.
    The first thing that happened in the video was terrible story about a crime that was committed by parolee Evan Ebel. The Colorado department of correction lets Ebel out of prison on parole four years before his release date. I think those were the major mistakes parole board or parole commission did. His parole eligibility date was very early. Ebel broke his ankle monitor and he went to killed pizza delivery man and chief police officer. soccerboy123


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