What I learned About Conducting a Research Interview


  1. Watching this interview a couple times and in different ways, I did learn a few new things. I learned that you have to sometimes pull answers out of people. Not by being pushing but maybe with asking a different question on the same topic. I learned that you need to explain to the interviewer what the interview is all about and explain to them that if they don't feel comfortable answering a question, they don't have to answer it. I learned that sometimes you may not get the answer your looking for so you have to steer them in the right direction. This video taught me some key points that I will be using in my interview. CooCoo246

    1. I also learned that the purpose of the interview should be explained. My thoughts before the video were that I should not explain the purpose so that it did not inadvertently affect the answers that were given by the interviewee. Having the ability to pull the answers out of people has made me want to put more thought into my questions before I interview anyone so that I am not trying to figure out how to reword a question during the interview to get the information that I am looking for.

    2. I agree this was a helpful and informative interview to watch. There are many ways to ask things and simply asking something in a different way can get a similar but different response. Everyone is different and thinking and judging differently so we may have to discuss things more specifically to understand one another. Just cause two people are different doesn't mean they cant understand each other but also can mean that it is harder for them to understand like the other.

    3. I learned from watching this video you shouldn’t ask questions during the interview if it makes the interviewee uncomfortable. This video is very helpful because it gives you tips on how to conduct a successful interview. It is very important to be unbiased during the interview because you don’t want to give the interviewee the impression that you are biased.

    4. Yeah I also learned about steering them in the right direction. It's a challenge when you can't just come out and say I'm looking for this yes or no? You have to direct them there and have them elaborate so you can get more information.


  2. I found the video to be very helpful. It can be difficult to attempt something you have never done before and this video helps show some of the things to do and some of the things not to do. This video has made me feel more comfortable about performing my first interview. The introduction is important to help ease the interviewee and helps give them some perspective. Also important was the interviewer recapping what they had heard; this gives the interviewee a chance to clarify if the interviewer has misunderstood. Also be sure that the questions are asked in a way that requires the interviewee to respond with more than just a word or too.

    1. It is very helpful to see something before you do it yourself. Watching someone else try it them self one way and fail and try another and succeed is even more helpful. I agree that the introduction is a very important part of the interview if not the most important. If things do not start off right to me they tend to be "catching up" after that. And yes structuring the questions to be more technical will produce more technical responses.

    2. I felt that not only the main introduction to the interview that the woman gave was really important, but I also liked how she kind of introduced each seperate question with the type of response she was looking for. This is something I'm going to try to incorporate into my own interview. YellowSubmarine246

    3. I agree with you. This video gave us some good examples on how we can conduct interviews to get better information. The better information is, the better our paper will be. I like that they showed us the right and the wrong way to do an interview. I don’t know if I would have been that detailed about explaining what we were doing. Bullardml13-246

  3. This video was helpful for that it was a good example using the same people. It shows how all parts of the interview are important from the start, to the body, and all the way to the end. Without properly conducting all parts of an interview one may not get a good or appropriate response that they were looking for or that they interviewee really thought. If you are prepared before the interview starts you will be more efficient and at the same time more effective and accomplish/obtain more appropriate things. This movie also showed how if you push and ask more questions about a specific topic you can get a better understanding of there opinion.

    1. It is very important to be careful of what questions you ask. If you ask the wrong questions the interviewee will get offended and call off the interview. This video is very helpful on how you do an successful interview because this video tells you what to do or not to do doing an interview. As an interviewer you shouldn’t ask uncomfortable questions because the interviewee will pause or might not want to answer the question.

    2. I completely agree, if you aren't knowledgable about the subject you're interviewing about then ultimately you're just depriving yourself. I also think its very important to have structure and be organized, that way when you do and interview you know exactly the information you are looking for and the interview will also run more smoothly without feeling awkward like the first interview in the video.

  4. I learned from watching this video you need to be knowledgeable when doing an interview. You need to also need to have structure because when you have structure you can do a good interview and ask good questions. It is important to be clear and gentle when conducting an interview. It is also important to be sensitive because people will want to be interview by you when your sensitive to others. You got to be open to the questions you ask and open to the response. It is critical to think about what you ask and say doing an interview because the interviewee will remember. I learned that it is important to be ethically sensitive. We shouldn’t ask inappropriate questions doing an interview because the interviewee will be offended it and will call off the interview. I learned that you need to tell the interviewee what the interview is about so they won’t feel ambushed. I plan of using this key points doing my interviews with the Liberians. I learned from watching this video it is important to make eye contact. The interviewee knows you care if you make eye contact.

    1. I though this video was very informative as well, if you have good interviewing skills and you know what you're doing then you will definitely get the results you are looking for. I liked that it showed you good ways to respond as well and the narrator stopped the video and let you know when it was a good time for a probing question so the interviewer could get as much information as possible. Definitely a helpful video.

  5. I could definitely tell the difference between a poor interview and and interview done correctly. The first interview she seemed distant and nervous, she didn't really take charge and it really didn't seem like she knew what she was doing or what information she was really after. The second interview she was more assertive without being overly involved or influential at all, she seemed genuinely interested in the conversation without even having to say a whole lot, and I learned its important to ask probing questions so you can really obtain all the information you're looking for.

    1. I agree with you that it is very important to ask additional questions so you can get all the information you need. If you don't when you write the paper it will be very boring and not interesting if you just have little facts. The video definitely did help me with doing my interview and to make sure I ask take charge of the interview.

    2. I felt that one of the best parts of the second interview was her introduction. I really liked how she explained what kind of research she was going to be doing, what types of questions she had, and how the process would be. YellowSubmarine246

    3. I think that the first interview just looked uncomfortable for both participants. The lady just seemed to read from the paper and not make eye contact at all. As a result the interviewee seemed uncomfortable and shortened her answers. It’s as if she was thinking “the shorter the answer I give, the quicker I can get out of here” Bullardml13-246

    4. I agree! Both seemed rather uncomfortable to be there. You could tell that the interviewer didn't know how to get the information she was looking for and the interviewee just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.


    5. Staying in control is a great bit of advice I received years ago. When you are talking with someone, you know who is in control by who is guiding the conversation. It is a little bit of a physiological game that we play with out even knowing it. Gaining the interviewees trust right from the beginning is the best way to keep control of the conversation and this will give you confidence in what you ask and how you ask it which will yield the best possible answers from the people you interview.

    6. I agree, it's so important to make sure your goals are clear through your questions and that they participant feels at ease with the situation. If they feel pressured they are more likely to answer hastily or not think their answers through well enough. You have to take charge of the interview from the start or you wont get everything out of it that you want.

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  7. After watching the video I feel more comfortable going into my interviews, I learned to get the interviewee involved in the topic and to get them interested in answering the question. You do also want to know what you're talking about before you go into a interview so before you do your interview come prepared with a set of questions you have for the person and to be confident when asking so you don't look lost and confused. You should always never ask a question that you wouldn't want asked to you so always makes sure the question is appropriate. Overall the video diffidently helped me out for doing my interviews and helped me with what not to do.

    1. I agree. I've learned how to keep the conversation going and also getting what information you need out of it. Confidence is a big one also because if you aren't comfortable asking question and talking to that person then they are going to give off the same vibe.


  8. I feel like I have a little bit more direction with how i want to structure my interview questions and what I should do during the interviewing process. The video did a good job of breaking down all the aspects of Interview. It also broke down a bad interview and explained in detail what she was doing wrong and how to fix the issues and then it showed the proper was to conduct and interview. The video emphasized asking further questions to get more information about the initial question. These types of open ended questions are going to allow for better example to use in our research paper. -Tyler246

    1. I think this video helped me as well. I had to restructure a few of my questions after seeing this. If the question is closed, the interviewee is essentially trapped and unable to properly answer to their fullest potential. You have to make sure that the question gives them breathing room so that they can give you a clear and concise answer.

  9. I definitely got a few tips from this video. I will start with broader questions and then probe and get narrower as I go. I think this will help me get the types of information that I’m looking for. I will definitely avoid “yes or no” type questions. I plan on doing most of my interviews through social media which I think will be helpful. I won’t have to worry about making eye contact while taking notes on what my interviewees are saying. I won’t actually have to take notes at all since I will have a transcript of the interview automatically. YellowSubmarine246

  10. When interviewing someone I feel like you must take their feeling into consideration. When they conducted the first interview the lady was very short with her introduction and did not explain at all why she was doing the interview. As a result she got a lot of short answers, and closed responses that did not do much to help out her interview. But with the second one she sat down and explained the reasoning for the interview. She also had compassion about the interviewee, telling her that she could stop or not answer a questions should she feel too uncomfortable. As a result she ended up asking open ended questions and got a lot of good responses from her interviewee. I think when we interview people for our paper we need to make sure that we show them respect and explain why we are doing the things we are doing. As a result we are going to get better information to use in our papers. Bullardml13-246

    1. I agree, the first interview lacked personal interaction. The interviewer didn't explain the purpose of the interview, she didn't allow the interviewee to stop and be able to think about her answers before she just breezed on to the next question. You can tell she didn't get much useable information from the interview because she didn't bother to adjust her questions or techniques based on the interviewees answers.


  11. This video really showed the importance of conducting a good interview. You could tell from watching the 2 interviews that the quality of the information between the two was far different. The information from the first interview was quite poor. It was mainly one word answers and the interviewer didn't ask the interviewee to elaborate on her answers.

    This video really helped me to see how a proper interview should be conducted in order to get quality information for a paper or for a study that is being done. I feel much better prepared to conduct my interviews for the dissertation. I have even sat down and thought up questions for my interviews and rehearsed them so I would be able to fluently move from one question to the next. I also thought of how to introduce myself and what the purpose of my interviews are. I feel that doing this in advance will help me to be prepared and more "together" when conducting my interviews. Even though my interviews will be done over the computer and not really face to face, I feel I will be more successful.


    1. I could not agree with you more in regards to being prepared and practicing. If I can give you a bit of advice that helped me it would be to rehearse your interview in front of the mirror a few times to see what you look like to your interviewee and then do a mock interview with a friend or family member. This will help you gauge yourself on what your strong points are and what you might need to work on.

  12. I've already interviewed half of the people I am planning on interviewing and after watching this video I feel like I didn't do bad but I could have done more. So I'm going to try a different approach with the rest of my interviewees and if that works out better I will re-interview everyone else. This was a very helpful video and really helps how to keep the conversation going when it starts to get dull.


    1. It was a nice video to watch to help with giving an interview. Your going to get more information from a person based on how good you ask a question or based off of the vibe you give them. I know if I was getting interviewed I would want it not to be dull and would want it to be upbeat and feel laid back. It makes a big difference how you go about doing an interview and getting good feedback so you can use it in your research. kmoney246

  13. This video about interviews got some of the cobwebs out of my brain in regards to how to give a proper interview. In the past I've given almost 400 interviews so I am familiar with what it takes to conduct a proper interview. The difference is when you are interviewing someone for a job that is a lot different than interviewing some one about a topic. There are similarities that you need for both though. I'd say the first thing you want to do is make sure you as well as the person you are interviewing are comfortable. When one person is not comfortable it will show in the way they conduct themselves as well as the answers they give you. The way you make some one feel comfortable is by being confident from the get go. You can achieve this by eye contact, a friendly demeanor, and being honest with them to build a level of trust. Once you have done all those things it comes down to what you say as well as how you say it. Having a good combination of open and closed ended questions will help. It is not bad to ask yes or no questions as long as you follow up with open ended ones as well. "Digging" to get to what you want to uncover happens a lot, and sometimes you have to take a totally different path with one person than you will with another.

    1. I agree you couldn't just approach anyone about the topic. The interviewee needs to know and have experience with your topic. I would think both people would have to have some kind of comfort with one another. In my case I will know most of them personally starburst246

  14. I found this short video very helpful and learned a few new things that I wasnt aware of before. The first thing that I never knew was if the person is uncomfortable with a question you can move on. (Its hard trying to picture some topics needing to move on, but I can see their point as to not feeling comforable and moving on.) Interviews can be very intimidating. Hopefully for some you can come prepared and ready for it, rather than being blindsighted. It is important as the interviewer to have eye contact, you shouldn't be writing everything down that they are saying to you but take good enough notes that you can go back and see what they have told you. Which goes along with common sense, but it is easy to get tied up in something and not focus on who is talking or what they are saying. Interviews can be easy, just go with the flow but never over do it.

  15. Can't say that I remember the last time I've done an interview, so this video was a nice refresher course. It certainly helped me revisualize how to go about the interview, both seeing it through my eyes and their eyes. Don't ask confusing questions or questions that lead to short or one word answers. Take the best notes possible so as to accurately record their feelings and allow yourself a quick key as to the flow of the interview. Don't fudge the info given to you and be respectful of their views, even if they see things differently than you do.

    1. This will be only the 2nd time I've interview somebody, but it will be the 1st time I’ve interview a bunch of people. I really nervous about doing this interview. I think this video will help me do the interview. It gave me good tips on how to do an interview.

  16. After watching this video I realized what questions to ask and what questions not to ask. I learned that my answers cant be one words or a couple of words. I need answer that are very specific and I need to know what the interviewee is feeling. In order to get down to the root of this matter. it will take a couple questions to figure that out. In my case, I will have to use social media in order for that. In which I still can ask questions, just make sure I get the information I need for my research or in any case too. starburst246

    1. I agree that your questions need to be more detailed to get a better response from the interviewee. Like in the beginning when she was asking the lady the questions and she would give really short responses and wouldn't try to elaborate more. With us writing this paper it wouldn't give us a lot to base our paper off of if somebody wasn't giving much feedback and was only giving brief responses. kmoney246

  17. This video really taught me how to conduct a better interview then what I would of planned on doing. The first part showed how different of a response you can get from an interviewee based on how you ask a question and what type of questions you ask. In the first part the lady would give short responses which doesn't give away too much. Then in the second half when the interviewer at the beginning went over a detailed description of how the interview was going to happen seemed to help make the interviewee feel more relaxed. She also asked way better questions and elaborated more with them based on the responses she got from the interviewee. I have never interviewed somebody before and feel like the video gave good tips on how to go about doing it and getting better results. kmoney246

  18. This was great! Huge difference between both interviews. There was definatly a lack of professionalism in the first interview. I got a lot of tips on how to address a question correctly to lead to a broader answer and not just yes and no . It was helpful to hear the proper way to address the interviewee at the beginning of the interview to make sure they understand the purpose and process in which the interview will take place. mfroggyus246


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