I choose to take this sociology class because it helps you with everyday life. Sociology can teach you to be understand of others. Sociology is a field of study that can change the way you see the world and life. I learned a lot of sociology so far in this class. I learned we should be understand of people that are living in poverty and the elderly. We should treat the people in poverty a lot better and we should treat the elderly a lot better. We treat both of these groups poorly. Sociology helps us understand why people are in poverty and the elderly. Sociology helps us understand race and gender. Sociology makes us better human beings by learning about other cultures, race, genders and the elderly. Kevin246
Your are right Kevin, this class does teach you to be more understanding of others and their race, culture, and gender. We should always treat others the way we would want others to treat ourselves. Imagine if you were in poverty and people treated you with shame, how would that make you feel? Sociology does teach us to be more civilized humans and to be more open minded. CooCoo246
I also choose to take the class to inform my self so day to day life would be more understandable. The class has informed me more then I could have thought and that't one big thing one should learn from sociology that things appear and are certain ways sometimes but not all the time. I do believe with a better understand of sociology one will automatically become a better person then they were not knowing as much. Nick246
Yes, sociology has opened our minds to so many different things. It makes us look at things differently by taking a step back, and putting ourselves in another person’s shoes. I know that I look at certain things such as race, gender, and poverty so differently now because of this class. Bullardml13-246
You should study sociology because we all "Do" sociology everyday. When we comment on a friends Facebook status, or when we help someone with something. That is "Doing" sociology. The more we study in sociology the more we can apply those sociological practices in everyday life. Just with the ten weeks of this class so far, I have come to a better understanding of sociology. Understanding people and their everyday life. It sometimes has me stop and ask myself why I did that or why they did what they just did. I have a more open mind to gender, race, and culture. Taking this class has helped open my mind to many things I was closed minded about before. CooCoo246
Your right we all do sociology every day of our lives. We just don’t do sociology on facebook, but we also do it on twitter. Sometimes we do sociology by cyber-bullying and I think we shouldn’t do that. It is wrong to do sociology with cyber-bullying. Taking this class helps me understand sociology a lot better and I would encourage people to take sociology because it will help them understand sociology too. Kevin246
I agree with you that we should all study sociology because we all do sociology every day. Sociology teaches you to analyst a situation without bias. This allows you to learn more about things that you may not have allowed yourself before. This also teaches us to always be a student of our surrounds and never assume we know all there is about a topic or group of people. Glide246
I totally agree with you and I feel like I've learned a lot of life lessons in this class. I try to look at things from a sociological perspective and try not to judge or jump to conclusions when a situation occurs. There are so many interesting things pertaining to sociology and I never realized how detailed and complex it can be. kmoney246
I see what you are saying. There is no real excape from sociology. It is all around every person and everything. I like how you used examples that everyone can understand. Facebook being a social network of course thats going to be all about sociology. Can you think of anything that doesn't have to do with sociology? ethos246
I disagree, I have always been very open minded. When I was little I was always taught to try to look at it from the other perspective. I would ask the person why they did it. It used to be very interesting; however, these days I feel so overwhelmed with school, work, and financial issues that it doesn't anymore. I guess belonging to a different group than the norm I always am open minded. starburst246
I knew very little about Sociology before this class and honestly I took this course because it was a requirement for the degree I am pursuing. But I can understand the importance of studying Sociology now. As we experience life we develop believes that may or may not be true. Sociology provides us with a way uncover the common believes of social groups and adjust our behaviors, policies and practices accordingly. It would be beneficial for everyone to study Sociology because it has the ability to be applied to practically any field. I find myself thinking of way to apply Sociology at work. Glide246
I also took the class for requirements but at the same time it was a class that seemed to be a little more interesting to me. It also has informed me more on sociology then I knew before starting this class. Sociology is very beneficial for everyone to study for that it is involved with everything. Most people understand sociology somewhat even if they don't know what it actually is. Nick246
I also didn’t know much about Sociology before taking this class. I’ve learned a lot so far in this sociology 110 class. I learned that we don’t treat the elderly and people that live in poverty with respect. I also, learned that we need to be more respectful to other countries norms. Just because prostitution isn’t acceptable here in America doesn’t give us a right to criticize other countries like India for accepting it. Kevin246
I think they should have high schools require to teach sociology at least once to all students. I took sociology to expand my thinking. Like the women said its all of our day to day lives that we are living so we should understand it to the best we can and continue to. It is an area that all people can use for job purposes as well as in everyone's day to day interactions with all things. I believe that if we didn't not know how things worked then we would not be the dominant species and we would never progress. This class is helpful to understand why one may be living the life they are or at least what influenced it to get them to where they are. Nick246
I agree with you and think it should be a required class to take in high school. I think it would help a lot with college and for future careers students go to get. Sociology has taught me to not take for granted what I have while we went over the chapter on poverty and when we went over the chapter about the elderly I sympathized with them and realized they deal with a lot of discrimination and struggles in life. There's so much you could take out of taking this class and it would be a good class to have in high schools. kmoney246
That is very true. The earlier sociology can be taught the better off everyone would be for the simple fact it answers so many of those questions adolescence might have about themselves where they have come from and how things have changed and will continue to change. It would give anyone an edge just to start seeing the general in the particular. Ethos 246
I agree I think Sociology should be a requirement for high school students, it would definitely help our younger generation have a better understanding of the world around them. I think taking a sociology class is pretty much like taking a speech class in a way, it provides you with the understanding you need so that you are able to communicate to people who may be of other cultures or religions and I think thats a great thing. hearsiized246
Sociology has evolved into such a bigger field then what it used to be. In the video she talks about how you used to have to study sociology for just social work or the social field, but now it applies to a lot of different jobs. Sociology is a part of everyday life like for example while your at work and dealing with customers or when your at school and interacting with students. This class had taught me a lot of interesting facts about sociology like about the different groups of people like the elderly or about discrimination and how big of a deal it used to be back in the day and how its somewhat still an issue now. I love doing this blog and watching the different videos based off of the chapters we've been going over. I was recommended to take this class and really enjoy learning about sociology. kmoney246
I agree that sociology deals with so much more than social work. I know that I will not only use it in my future career, but have tried to apply it to my current career. Sociology has taught me to put myself in someone else’s shoes, and learn a thing or two about their life. Bullardml13-246
I too, have tried to apply it to my current jobs and I find that I am better able to put myself into someone else shoes. I feel I am better able to connect with people around me since taking this class. I now have the tools to look at things from a sociological view.
I used to think that sociology just dealt with social work and stuff like that, so I agree that it deals with so much more. I can now picture more clearly how others think and feel and can connect with others a little easier now. -alterend246
I chose to take Sociology 110 because it is a required course for the field of study I'm going into, but because of that requirement I can now understand what sociology is and does for people. I would like to think of myself as pretty well rounded individual, but now that I try to think on a global level I analyze things like my assumption about myself on a deeper level. Now I know that when I say something about myself like that, it comes from our American standards, because other places in the world I might be considered something completely different. I admit ignorance was bliss before I had this knowledge. I never really dissected the things that I do now. I realize there is no getting away from sociology for the rest of my life. It has always been around, but the knowledge of studying it brings new light to every day subject matter as well as past and future subject matter. Sociology has really broken down social walls for me and has allowed me to understand myself and other people better. Ethos246
I feel the same way. I can no longer look at things the way I used to before I took this class, but I see it as a good thing. I am growing as a person and am now looking at things from a Sociological point of view. I think that a sociology class should be a requirement to graduate from high school.
I know exactly how you feel. Its sad to say but I didnt care how or what I thought before, because it was my opinion, so that means its the right opinion. Now that ive taken this class I cant afford to think that way anymore. Its disrespectful to everyone around me and pushes me farther away from potential friends and acquaintances. -alterend246
To be honest, I really only took this class because it was a requirement for my transfer degree. But I have to admit, I am really glad I chose to take it. And that I chose you as my teacher. You have designed this course to highlight the importance of Sociology in everyday life. Like the lady from the video said, Sociology is not just for those going into the Social Work field, it is for everyone!
Sociology is so important because it makes us remove the "rose colored glasses" and see the world through a whole new light. In today's society, it has never been more important than it is now, to remove racism, sexism, agism, and stereotypes. We need to be able to see the injustices of the world that racism, sexism, ethnicity, and so forth, are creating so we can create a solution for a more unified people.
I also took this class because it was a requirement, and this was the only course taught at night. However, I can see your perspective on the injustices of the world. In my opinion, I already knew of the racism, sexism, and arguing about it. As a elementary education major I would talk to my class about it way before sociology. I guess I would incorporate it in my lesson plans even though I want to teach math. Ha ha. starburst246
I completely agree, I think there is no better time than now to make sociology available to people and help them have a better understanding of the world around us. I took Sociology as an elective in high school, and honestly I don't think it would be a bad idea to make this class mandatory, it honestly might make a big difference in our country, and help some people see that we don't all have to be the same and we all are definitely are not the same and thats ok. heartsiized246
Coming into this class I never realized how much sociology affects my everyday life. I see things a lot differently since being in this class. The sociological perspective has opened up my mind to where I look at things like poverty differently. I may think that I’m broke by living paycheck to paycheck, but there are others in foreign countries and even in the United States that don’t know where their next meal will be coming from, or even if they will eat. The other chapter that touched me was the elderly. I know there are a lot of elderly and it’s so easy to lose patience with them. But I’ve tried to take time, and realize what they must be going through. How difficult it is for them to give up their freedom, and their independence. I know that when I’m older I would want to be treated with respect, so I’ve tried to grant them a little bit more than I had before. Bullardml13-246
I feel like sociology is a very broad term. It falls under so many different categories and has so many subcategories. I never knew the severity of poverty, life, status, and wealth all over the country, and even in the world. I feel like sociologist help us realize that people are different. However, sociology doesn't interest me at all. Studying a society and their cultures and beliefs is not for me. I do appreciate the art of getting to know people and I guess that is a type of sociology. Everyone knows about sociology, but they don't know they know it. For example, I knew that elderly people were lonely and isolated because of mobility. I didn't know though I would learn in sociology, though. Doing sociology can help someone learn an area better. It can teach them about an area if they are foreign. In conclusion, sociology is a not a subject that is interesting learning about a group of people; however, it can be beneficial to learn to help you in the future with a career. starburst246
I have learned a lot about life and myself this past semester through sociology. I have been able to see situations through a different light and i am more aware of my surroundings. I am also able to understand other people and the situations that they are going through. I knew that poverty was a never ending cycle but I never understood how hard it really was to get out of it. I have learned a lot through the course work but I think that the experiences that i get to have because of the class that will teach me the most. Like going to the poverty simulation and the summit if hope and interviewing people for our paper that will teach me the most about sociology. -Tyler246
I took this course because it was a requirement for my degree. I have to admit, I didn't really care about what was happening in our country or globally. With a husband and three children, life is so busy I tend to not pay attention. However, this class has changed my perspective. I am more aware of what's going on around me. I am more sensitive to certain issues that I avoided before. More concerned about other people, whatever there plight might be. More sensitive to other cultures, races and people less fortunate. It sounds corny, but it's helped me be a better person. - Labrador 246
Yes Sociology opens your mind so you can see the big picture instead of just a piece of it. We tend to waive off the problems of the world when we have our own to deal with, but in reality those problems are our problems too. It's great to be aware of whats going on around us.
Sociology is something that I have always found interesting, and I have always felt that I had a pretty good understanding of what Sociology actually is. I think that for someone to truly understand what Sociology is you have to be fairly open minded and not easily offended. When you look at the world around you, you have to be able to see things other than what you know, you have to welcome different cultures, lifestyles, and people because this is sociology, it is everything around us, and I think the woman in this video couldn't have defined it better. I think that Sociology is beneficial to everyone, and honestly like she said in the video it will benefit students in their future careers by providing a better understanding and broadening our views on the world around us, when you have a better understanding and you are more knowledgable about things you tend to be more accepting, and I think that is important especially if you plan on working with different types of people. heartsiized246
I agree with you. I do think that sociology is beneficial to everybody and people with the future jobs because learning how people can act around certain things is very beneficial especially when you start a career and are working around a lot of other people. We learn so many things in this subject and it teaches so much about life and more. MDD246
Yes I agree. Sociology has always been really interesting to me and an open mind is needed for it. When your looking at other cultures and the way they function you have to be open minded because you may look down on them because its something we don't do. So an open mind is definitely needed in sociology.
I am taking sociology because it is required for my degree. I honestly wasn’t expecting to learn so much about myself and what goes around me. I do now have strong opinions about politics, and I am aware of what happens around the world. I definitely try to get to know someone before judging them. I understand why sociology is required for some majors; one needs to be acceptable when dealing with people (race, culture.) I do appreciate the place where I live comparing to some other countries that live in poverty. I am more aware of how much some people work and need to support their family with very little money and sometimes don’t even have money to buy things that for most of us have no value at all. I wouldn’t know that if it wasn’t for the experience I had when I went to the poverty simulation while taking sociology class. Doglover 246
I took sociology because it was just a requirement but I took the class with Dr.White because I know how great of a teacher he is and I will learn so much about sociology from him by the way he teaches. Sociology is used everyday but nobody really pays attention to it until you really do think about it. Sociology teaches you about the elderly, race, region, sex, etc. Sociology makes you look at everything on the opposite and can make you think about how you feel about certain things. I think this subject should be a requirement for every college degree because it is one of the best classes that any student can take. I really like this class because Dr.White makes it interesting and makes me want to learn it more and more. MDD236
To be quite honest I didnt think that sociology was that important or meaningful at all until I took this class. I skipped it in high school because I felt that there were more important classes to take, when in reality this is just as important as any of them. I think more critically and analytically now, consider the feelings of others more and their situations more now that I have taken this class. Its amazing that now, walking down the street, I no longer judge a person simply by their looks, but actually have a mental conversation with myself as to how they look and maybe why they look that way. Sociology has taught me that everyone is different and that difference makes us unique and doesnt make us lower than any other person. -alterend246
Sociology is something that I think everyone needs to take no matter what career they are going into. With sociology you learned to have a different view on things whether is in your everyday life or maybe a big situation. You learn that not everyone has the same every day life as you, as well as not everyone are not as modernized as some. Sociology helps view the different classes and how poverty is a big deal that's not such a big deal. What I mean by that is we know it exist but we are doing little to nothing to help get rid of it. Sociology is what makes the world go round.
I had to take Sociology for one of my pre-recs. I never thought Sociology really had a lot of meaning behind it until I came into this class. The meaning behind the simple things and daily activities and also relationships. I never thought into "life" as much as I have until I started studying and reading the chapters. It is amazing at how things are broke down and studied as much as they are throughout history. Without sociology we would never understand people and how they think and act and makes you appreciate people more. Life would be miserable. Also in our daily jobs, like the woman in the video said, studying sociology is not just about going into the social field it can be resourceful for any career you go into. feb246
I choose Sociology because I am required to have 2 social studies courses for my degree. There were other options but I have a friend who has her masters in Psychology and she said I would really enjoy sociology and she was right. It has opened my eyes to some things I already knew but was not as educated about. I feel it has given me a different perspective to view things from and a better understanding of how society controls alot more than I ever thought,. mfroggyus246
why do we study sociology? we study it because we as people like to research each other as people. we like to see other peoples perspective on what they see on other people. i dont know if i just made since or not but it sounded good in me head. we like to know what it going on in other peoples head because we look at people and be like what in the world are you doing because some people will be doing thing that are really not appropriate for the world to see or hear about. so we would like know what goes on in your head at time to time. body language people can read exactly whats going on or what your mood is most of the time from just seeing the body language you are giving off for your self for everyone else to see. thats why it is so important to look at body language so we can see if we want to come talk to you and comfort you or do we just need to stay a way and keep yo ourselves.
I choose to take this sociology class because it helps you with everyday life. Sociology can teach you to be understand of others. Sociology is a field of study that can change the way you see the world and life. I learned a lot of sociology so far in this class. I learned we should be understand of people that are living in poverty and the elderly. We should treat the people in poverty a lot better and we should treat the elderly a lot better. We treat both of these groups poorly. Sociology helps us understand why people are in poverty and the elderly. Sociology helps us understand race and gender. Sociology makes us better human beings by learning about other cultures, race, genders and the elderly.
Your are right Kevin, this class does teach you to be more understanding of others and their race, culture, and gender. We should always treat others the way we would want others to treat ourselves. Imagine if you were in poverty and people treated you with shame, how would that make you feel? Sociology does teach us to be more civilized humans and to be more open minded. CooCoo246
DeleteI also choose to take the class to inform my self so day to day life would be more understandable. The class has informed me more then I could have thought and that't one big thing one should learn from sociology that things appear and are certain ways sometimes but not all the time. I do believe with a better understand of sociology one will automatically become a better person then they were not knowing as much.
Yes, sociology has opened our minds to so many different things. It makes us look at things differently by taking a step back, and putting ourselves in another person’s shoes. I know that I look at certain things such as race, gender, and poverty so differently now because of this class. Bullardml13-246
DeleteYou should study sociology because we all "Do" sociology everyday. When we comment on a friends Facebook status, or when we help someone with something. That is "Doing" sociology. The more we study in sociology the more we can apply those sociological practices in everyday life. Just with the ten weeks of this class so far, I have come to a better understanding of sociology. Understanding people and their everyday life. It sometimes has me stop and ask myself why I did that or why they did what they just did. I have a more open mind to gender, race, and culture. Taking this class has helped open my mind to many things I was closed minded about before. CooCoo246
ReplyDeleteYour right we all do sociology every day of our lives. We just don’t do sociology on facebook, but we also do it on twitter. Sometimes we do sociology by cyber-bullying and I think we shouldn’t do that. It is wrong to do sociology with cyber-bullying. Taking this class helps me understand sociology a lot better and I would encourage people to take sociology because it will help them understand sociology too.
I agree with you that we should all study sociology because we all do sociology every day. Sociology teaches you to analyst a situation without bias. This allows you to learn more about things that you may not have allowed yourself before. This also teaches us to always be a student of our surrounds and never assume we know all there is about a topic or group of people.
I totally agree with you and I feel like I've learned a lot of life lessons in this class. I try to look at things from a sociological perspective and try not to judge or jump to conclusions when a situation occurs. There are so many interesting things pertaining to sociology and I never realized how detailed and complex it can be. kmoney246
DeleteI see what you are saying. There is no real excape from sociology. It is all around every person and everything. I like how you used examples that everyone can understand. Facebook being a social network of course thats going to be all about sociology. Can you think of anything that doesn't have to do with sociology?
I disagree, I have always been very open minded. When I was little I was always taught to try to look at it from the other perspective. I would ask the person why they did it. It used to be very interesting; however, these days I feel so overwhelmed with school, work, and financial issues that it doesn't anymore. I guess belonging to a different group than the norm I always am open minded. starburst246
DeleteI knew very little about Sociology before this class and honestly I took this course because it was a requirement for the degree I am pursuing. But I can understand the importance of studying Sociology now. As we experience life we develop believes that may or may not be true. Sociology provides us with a way uncover the common believes of social groups and adjust our behaviors, policies and practices accordingly. It would be beneficial for everyone to study Sociology because it has the ability to be applied to practically any field. I find myself thinking of way to apply Sociology at work.
I also took the class for requirements but at the same time it was a class that seemed to be a little more interesting to me. It also has informed me more on sociology then I knew before starting this class. Sociology is very beneficial for everyone to study for that it is involved with everything. Most people understand sociology somewhat even if they don't know what it actually is.
I also didn’t know much about Sociology before taking this class. I’ve learned a lot so far in this sociology 110 class. I learned that we don’t treat the elderly and people that live in poverty with respect. I also, learned that we need to be more respectful to other countries norms. Just because prostitution isn’t acceptable here in America doesn’t give us a right to criticize other countries like India for accepting it.
I think they should have high schools require to teach sociology at least once to all students. I took sociology to expand my thinking. Like the women said its all of our day to day lives that we are living so we should understand it to the best we can and continue to. It is an area that all people can use for job purposes as well as in everyone's day to day interactions with all things. I believe that if we didn't not know how things worked then we would not be the dominant species and we would never progress. This class is helpful to understand why one may be living the life they are or at least what influenced it to get them to where they are.
I agree with you and think it should be a required class to take in high school. I think it would help a lot with college and for future careers students go to get. Sociology has taught me to not take for granted what I have while we went over the chapter on poverty and when we went over the chapter about the elderly I sympathized with them and realized they deal with a lot of discrimination and struggles in life. There's so much you could take out of taking this class and it would be a good class to have in high schools. kmoney246
DeleteThat is very true. The earlier sociology can be taught the better off everyone would be for the simple fact it answers so many of those questions adolescence might have about themselves where they have come from and how things have changed and will continue to change. It would give anyone an edge just to start seeing the general in the particular.
DeleteEthos 246
I agree I think Sociology should be a requirement for high school students, it would definitely help our younger generation have a better understanding of the world around them. I think taking a sociology class is pretty much like taking a speech class in a way, it provides you with the understanding you need so that you are able to communicate to people who may be of other cultures or religions and I think thats a great thing.
Sociology has evolved into such a bigger field then what it used to be. In the video she talks about how you used to have to study sociology for just social work or the social field, but now it applies to a lot of different jobs. Sociology is a part of everyday life like for example while your at work and dealing with customers or when your at school and interacting with students. This class had taught me a lot of interesting facts about sociology like about the different groups of people like the elderly or about discrimination and how big of a deal it used to be back in the day and how its somewhat still an issue now. I love doing this blog and watching the different videos based off of the chapters we've been going over. I was recommended to take this class and really enjoy learning about sociology. kmoney246
ReplyDeleteI agree that sociology deals with so much more than social work. I know that I will not only use it in my future career, but have tried to apply it to my current career. Sociology has taught me to put myself in someone else’s shoes, and learn a thing or two about their life. Bullardml13-246
DeleteI too, have tried to apply it to my current jobs and I find that I am better able to put myself into someone else shoes. I feel I am better able to connect with people around me since taking this class. I now have the tools to look at things from a sociological view.
I used to think that sociology just dealt with social work and stuff like that, so I agree that it deals with so much more. I can now picture more clearly how others think and feel and can connect with others a little easier now.
I chose to take Sociology 110 because it is a required course for the field of study I'm going into, but because of that requirement I can now understand what sociology is and does for people. I would like to think of myself as pretty well rounded individual, but now that I try to think on a global level I analyze things like my assumption about myself on a deeper level. Now I know that when I say something about myself like that, it comes from our American standards, because other places in the world I might be considered something completely different.
ReplyDeleteI admit ignorance was bliss before I had this knowledge. I never really dissected the things that I do now. I realize there is no getting away from sociology for the rest of my life. It has always been around, but the knowledge of studying it brings new light to every day subject matter as well as past and future subject matter. Sociology has really broken down social walls for me and has allowed me to understand myself and other people better.
I feel the same way. I can no longer look at things the way I used to before I took this class, but I see it as a good thing. I am growing as a person and am now looking at things from a Sociological point of view. I think that a sociology class should be a requirement to graduate from high school.
I know exactly how you feel. Its sad to say but I didnt care how or what I thought before, because it was my opinion, so that means its the right opinion. Now that ive taken this class I cant afford to think that way anymore. Its disrespectful to everyone around me and pushes me farther away from potential friends and acquaintances.
To be honest, I really only took this class because it was a requirement for my transfer degree. But I have to admit, I am really glad I chose to take it. And that I chose you as my teacher. You have designed this course to highlight the importance of Sociology in everyday life. Like the lady from the video said, Sociology is not just for those going into the Social Work field, it is for everyone!
ReplyDeleteSociology is so important because it makes us remove the "rose colored glasses" and see the world through a whole new light. In today's society, it has never been more important than it is now, to remove racism, sexism, agism, and stereotypes. We need to be able to see the injustices of the world that racism, sexism, ethnicity, and so forth, are creating so we can create a solution for a more unified people.
I also took this class because it was a requirement, and this was the only course taught at night. However, I can see your perspective on the injustices of the world. In my opinion, I already knew of the racism, sexism, and arguing about it. As a elementary education major I would talk to my class about it way before sociology. I guess I would incorporate it in my lesson plans even though I want to teach math. Ha ha. starburst246
DeleteI completely agree, I think there is no better time than now to make sociology available to people and help them have a better understanding of the world around us. I took Sociology as an elective in high school, and honestly I don't think it would be a bad idea to make this class mandatory, it honestly might make a big difference in our country, and help some people see that we don't all have to be the same and we all are definitely are not the same and thats ok.
Coming into this class I never realized how much sociology affects my everyday life. I see things a lot differently since being in this class. The sociological perspective has opened up my mind to where I look at things like poverty differently. I may think that I’m broke by living paycheck to paycheck, but there are others in foreign countries and even in the United States that don’t know where their next meal will be coming from, or even if they will eat. The other chapter that touched me was the elderly. I know there are a lot of elderly and it’s so easy to lose patience with them. But I’ve tried to take time, and realize what they must be going through. How difficult it is for them to give up their freedom, and their independence. I know that when I’m older I would want to be treated with respect, so I’ve tried to grant them a little bit more than I had before. Bullardml13-246
ReplyDeleteI feel like sociology is a very broad term. It falls under so many different categories and has so many subcategories. I never knew the severity of poverty, life, status, and wealth all over the country, and even in the world. I feel like sociologist help us realize that people are different. However, sociology doesn't interest me at all. Studying a society and their cultures and beliefs is not for me. I do appreciate the art of getting to know people and I guess that is a type of sociology. Everyone knows about sociology, but they don't know they know it. For example, I knew that elderly people were lonely and isolated because of mobility. I didn't know though I would learn in sociology, though. Doing sociology can help someone learn an area better. It can teach them about an area if they are foreign. In conclusion, sociology is a not a subject that is interesting learning about a group of people; however, it can be beneficial to learn to help you in the future with a career. starburst246
ReplyDeleteI have learned a lot about life and myself this past semester through sociology. I have been able to see situations through a different light and i am more aware of my surroundings. I am also able to understand other people and the situations that they are going through. I knew that poverty was a never ending cycle but I never understood how hard it really was to get out of it. I have learned a lot through the course work but I think that the experiences that i get to have because of the class that will teach me the most. Like going to the poverty simulation and the summit if hope and interviewing people for our paper that will teach me the most about sociology. -Tyler246
ReplyDeleteI took this course because it was a requirement for my degree. I have to admit, I didn't really care about what was happening in our country or globally. With a husband and three children, life is so busy I tend to not pay attention. However, this class has changed my perspective. I am more aware of what's going on around me. I am more sensitive to certain issues that I avoided before. More concerned about other people, whatever there plight might be. More sensitive to other cultures, races and people less fortunate. It sounds corny, but it's helped me be a better person. - Labrador 246
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. Sociology has proved that we need to be aware of what happens not just in our own county but globally. Doglover246
DeleteYes Sociology opens your mind so you can see the big picture instead of just a piece of it. We tend to waive off the problems of the world when we have our own to deal with, but in reality those problems are our problems too. It's great to be aware of whats going on around us.
Sociology is something that I have always found interesting, and I have always felt that I had a pretty good understanding of what Sociology actually is. I think that for someone to truly understand what Sociology is you have to be fairly open minded and not easily offended. When you look at the world around you, you have to be able to see things other than what you know, you have to welcome different cultures, lifestyles, and people because this is sociology, it is everything around us, and I think the woman in this video couldn't have defined it better. I think that Sociology is beneficial to everyone, and honestly like she said in the video it will benefit students in their future careers by providing a better understanding and broadening our views on the world around us, when you have a better understanding and you are more knowledgable about things you tend to be more accepting, and I think that is important especially if you plan on working with different types of people.
I agree with you. I do think that sociology is beneficial to everybody and people with the future jobs because learning how people can act around certain things is very beneficial especially when you start a career and are working around a lot of other people. We learn so many things in this subject and it teaches so much about life and more.
Yes I agree. Sociology has always been really interesting to me and an open mind is needed for it. When your looking at other cultures and the way they function you have to be open minded because you may look down on them because its something we don't do. So an open mind is definitely needed in sociology.
I am taking sociology because it is required for my degree. I honestly wasn’t expecting to learn so much about myself and what goes around me. I do now have strong opinions about politics, and I am aware of what happens around the world. I definitely try to get to know someone before judging them. I understand why sociology is required for some majors; one needs to be acceptable when dealing with people (race, culture.) I do appreciate the place where I live comparing to some other countries that live in poverty. I am more aware of how much some people work and need to support their family with very little money and sometimes don’t even have money to buy things that for most of us have no value at all. I wouldn’t know that if it wasn’t for the experience I had when I went to the poverty simulation while taking sociology class. Doglover 246
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ReplyDeleteI took sociology because it was just a requirement but I took the class with Dr.White because I know how great of a teacher he is and I will learn so much about sociology from him by the way he teaches. Sociology is used everyday but nobody really pays attention to it until you really do think about it. Sociology teaches you about the elderly, race, region, sex, etc. Sociology makes you look at everything on the opposite and can make you think about how you feel about certain things. I think this subject should be a requirement for every college degree because it is one of the best classes that any student can take. I really like this class because Dr.White makes it interesting and makes me want to learn it more and more.
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ReplyDeleteTo be quite honest I didnt think that sociology was that important or meaningful at all until I took this class. I skipped it in high school because I felt that there were more important classes to take, when in reality this is just as important as any of them. I think more critically and analytically now, consider the feelings of others more and their situations more now that I have taken this class. Its amazing that now, walking down the street, I no longer judge a person simply by their looks, but actually have a mental conversation with myself as to how they look and maybe why they look that way. Sociology has taught me that everyone is different and that difference makes us unique and doesnt make us lower than any other person.
Sociology is something that I think everyone needs to take no matter what career they are going into. With sociology you learned to have a different view on things whether is in your everyday life or maybe a big situation. You learn that not everyone has the same every day life as you, as well as not everyone are not as modernized as some. Sociology helps view the different classes and how poverty is a big deal that's not such a big deal. What I mean by that is we know it exist but we are doing little to nothing to help get rid of it. Sociology is what makes the world go round.
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DeleteI had to take Sociology for one of my pre-recs. I never thought Sociology really had a lot of meaning behind it until I came into this class. The meaning behind the simple things and daily activities and also relationships. I never thought into "life" as much as I have until I started studying and reading the chapters. It is amazing at how things are broke down and studied as much as they are throughout history. Without sociology we would never understand people and how they think and act and makes you appreciate people more. Life would be miserable. Also in our daily jobs, like the woman in the video said, studying sociology is not just about going into the social field it can be resourceful for any career you go into.
I choose Sociology because I am required to have 2 social studies courses for my degree. There were other options but I have a friend who has her masters in Psychology and she said I would really enjoy sociology and she was right. It has opened my eyes to some things I already knew but was not as educated about. I feel it has given me a different perspective to view things from and a better understanding of how society controls alot more than I ever thought,. mfroggyus246
ReplyDeletewhy do we study sociology? we study it because we as people like to research each other as people. we like to see other peoples perspective on what they see on other people. i dont know if i just made since or not but it sounded good in me head. we like to know what it going on in other peoples head because we look at people and be like what in the world are you doing because some people will be doing thing that are really not appropriate for the world to see or hear about. so we would like know what goes on in your head at time to time. body language people can read exactly whats going on or what your mood is most of the time from just seeing the body language you are giving off for your self for everyone else to see. thats why it is so important to look at body language so we can see if we want to come talk to you and comfort you or do we just need to stay a way and keep yo ourselves.