Common Core Standards for Elementary - Does it Work?


  1. I learned from watching this video that it is important to take slow with children because most of them don’t have higher-learning standards yet. I was happy to see that the teachers were teaching the children words problems and helping them. I like that the new learning standards are teaching children to learn from using words problems that are simple and easy to understand. I like that they are also teaching children to speak and listen. I think it is important to teach children to question what they read not just to read. What I learned from this video is that teachers perform better when they are challenged to do better than when they are not.

    1. I agree that its nice for them to teach the kids word problems that are easier to understand and that are more on their learning level. I remember in grade school the teacher just telling us to read something then having to dive right in and do homework on it or take a test. I like how you said by questioning what they read rather then just reading it. Functional illiteracy is an issue for one in three children in the U.S. By having the teachers teach with Common Core it could help with those kids struggling with reading and writing. kmoeny246

    2. Yes I agree. The fact that the kids aren't just reading to read now they are reading to actually understand. This will help with them understand concepts later on in their education. As well as for the slow learners this helps them understand and hopefully help them think outside the box. It can help knock confusion out because they will be trained to use critical thinking.


  2. I think that Common Core is an excellent program to have for all schools. I like that its more hands on and problem solving for the students. It seems to help the kids that struggle the most and it can tell the teacher exactly what their having trouble with. The progressive education taught makes the students learn things relating to stuff that happens in their lives. Like in the video when they were counting change which they'll have to know how to do and by having the coins right in front of them to where they can actually do it helps a lot more then just having it on a piece of paper. You can also tell the teachers use some of the teaching strategies such as asking analytical rather than factual questions to the students and asking them for opinions about what their learning about. I wish we would of had this program while I was in grade school because I would either be struggling with something we learned in class or I didn't understand the homework. I was too shy to ask questions or go to the teacher and with this program you work together with your classmates and the teacher works with the students one on one which helps the student get back on track and to have a better understanding of something they didn't get. kmoney246

    1. I agree! The more hands on problem solving is a wonderful idea. I wish they would have done this when I was a kid. I still stink at problem solving till this day. I like the fact that the teachers have to actually teach and work with these children. I know when I was that age, my teachers handed me worksheets or we all got out a worksheet book and worked on it for maybe an hour. Most of my time at that age was free time or play time. CooCoo246

    2. I think Common core is a good program too because it the teachers actually teach the students something and don’t expect them to learn on their own. I wish they have had programs like this a lot sooner. It would had been nice to have a program like this when I was going to school. Most kids don’t know how to do the problems and they to be shown how to do. This program helps them do that.

  3. I think common core is a wonderful idea. Like the guy at the end said, 90% of schools already implement most of the information common core wants implemented. We are helping kids further their education sooner. I think its wise for all states to be on the same page with education, not just 40 states. I moved around a lot, and for the most part I was always a head of what the next school was teaching, but there were times I was behind because that school was ahead. I really liked how that teacher was teaching those foreign students English with interactive ideas. Common Core gets an A OK in my book. CooCoo246

    1. I agree, that the common core is a good idea. This program helps a lot of students because teachers show them how to do the problems instead of expecting the students to do these problems themselves. I’m glad there are more programs like this in most of the United States. I wish this program had been there years ago because it would have helped students in the 1990s, 1980s and 1970s.

    2. Common core is a great idea. It opens the students mind up and has them see the whole picture. I observed a 7th grade math class this semester. They were doing interactive notebooks and monthly projects. I remember in my class we just did problems and tests. We never did interactive and fun projects to really understand how math is used. The whole concept of common core I think is to probe the mind about asking more questions about is being done. For example, it those mentioned story problems a lot more why questions and what questions were asked. starburst246

    3. I didn’t notice the interactive ideas, so I had to re watch the video. I agree that interactive ides are great ways to learn. It’s one thing to read a book and try to study it to learn it, but if you are interactive with children it makes learning more fun. Bullardml13-246

  4. Common core seems like a really good idea. The way I took the program is that it is a way to standardized what teacher are already teaching. It is also a way for schools to raise the bar. It also sounds good to have a general outline of what teachers should be teaching and what skills to they really need to hone down and perfect for the grade level that they teach. For example, focusing on adding and subtracting in first and second grade and then focusing on multiplication and division in third and fourth grade. -Tyler246

  5. I believe common core is a very helpful learning program. It helps students think through situations at younger ages so that when they get older it's easier to analyze situations not only in school but in life as well. It helps kids to think outside of the box and create a solution to a problem not only one way but multiple ways. I know there are so many people who really don't like story problems in math because sometimes they're hard to understand and figure out, but starting these so called story problems at a younger age broadens the mind for the child and makes it easier to dissect the problem and figure it out. As far as common core and applying it to language arts I feel it helps the child to not only read a story but to read and understand it as well communicate it to other people. I feel like this program is a great idea and helps kids minds think above and beyond the problem and not just think about the problem itself. I'm all for it.


    1. I agree, it looks like it could really take kids far from an early age if applied properly. It allows them to think more critically than they would with just textbooks. I think that this is a big step forward for education and could hopefully become the new way for kids to be taught.

  6. I am an elementary education major going to get my middle school endorsement. I take education 111 this semester and clinical work is required for that class. I have seen common core personally for 15 hours. Its a whole new ball cap to what I am used to learning, its very different. however, time will only tell if its effective. One thing that I don't like about it is, that students are in the 4th and 5th grades were taught one way of solving problems, now they have to learn and apply it totally different. It is probably very confusing for them to do. Also, it is a struggle for the parents, because without having them in the class. They don't know what is going on in the class and how they are solving the problem. I think it will be a fun way to teach math, because you get more out of the student and can tell if they grasp the concept for not. With the usage of more tables and charts It tell the teacher where the learning problem is and how it can be fixed. Common core is new and challenging, but in time it will be something teachers will love I am sure and so will I. starburst246

    1. I never really thought about the kids who have already been taught a certain way of learning. This probably would be confusing and hard to catch on to at first after they've been taught a certain way for years. Hopefully they have a easy way to get those kids to understand a new way of thinking instead of just throwing it out there and hoping they just catch on. I think they would have thought through the fact that they are changing a kids learning process and try and make it easy to understand and catch on.


    2. I didn't think about that either. That has to be so frustrating for the kids and the parents thrown into that half way through schooling. And like Starburst246 said only time will tell if this will be effective or not. I just hope they wont grade as harsh as they normally would. If they don't change it and some kids might struggle with comprehending this new way of learning and fall behind.

  7. I do not like the common core idea of learning. It is one extra thing for the kids in the 4th and 5th grade to learn something and try something new. They have taken in one way of learning for so long and now they are wanting to change the way of teaching so they see where the child is not getting it? I think that we need to stick with the way we have always been learning. Children will fall behind and not get something one way or the other, they should not have to explain something on how they got it. You teach them how to do something and from there they use their methods to take and solve the problem from there. I think it is a good thing that they are pushing kids to use their mind but yet at the same time why are they making them take it a step further. Parents are not able to help their child anymore if they bring their homework home. It is a different method, even if the parent can get the right answer from how they were taught, the child still has to show his or her work on how they got it. I like the old style of learning with textbooks and hands on learning. feb246

  8. Id have to say, common core sounds way better than what we use now. It expands our minds, helps to open up new possibilities on how to solve problems and learn. We aren't conformed to just learning from a text book, stuck inside the lines. We have freedom in how we learn and, to an extent, what we learn. It helps kids problem solve at an early age. I can't be the only one that dreaded problem solving in math class, where there would be pages of problems that forced you to combine common knowledge and mathematical equations to reach the right answer. If we were taught this at an early age, I feel like I wouldn't still be struggling with those same problems 10 years later. This program could help remove those constraints and force the mind the constantly think outside the box and get used to everyday problem solving, along with systematically learning your subjects in an order that is easy and helps to propel your learning forward at a faster rate.

    1. I agree with you. Learning outside the lines opens up many possibilities for children. The generations that are in school are going to be so much brighter because of things like common core. If you mind is trained at an early age to think outside the box it can only help you in many ways during your later life. Bullardml13-246

  9. I actually like Common Core. I'm sure for some people its going to be a little bit harder to have to express yourself but in the long hall i think it will help kids learn better. Ill be the first one to admit for me in most math classes, it's hard for me to understand how or why I'm doing the math problem. So I would just follow the steps and really have no idea why i was doing it just knew enough to move on the the next thing. It may be hard at first but it sounds like Common Core is a efficient way to learn.

    1. I agree that it may be more difficult but I would expect it to deliver better results. There seemed to be more class interaction or discussion on the lesson, which I believe could result in increased self-confidence of the students, as a result of increased public speaking. Also could not agree more on the math comment. The video made me believe that common core provides a better understanding of how things work and relate, which is why I believe it could be an improvement to the current model.

  10. I had no idea that this was going on in schools. However, I do find common core very interesting and helpful. I think it helps the kids prepare for the real world by giving them real life examples. What shocked me was the age of the children that she was teaching. They all looked so young, like they should just be learning ABC and 123’s, yet here they are solving somewhat complicated math problems using logical thinking. I think it’s a great idea, and hope that it catches on. During the video I also saw some of the children counting money. I don’t know how many times I’ve gone somewhere and I give them the change so that I can get whole dollar bills back and the cashier struggles. They can’t seem to comprehend that what they need to give me back. I can only assume that common core would help children not to become people like this. Bullardml13-246

  11. My first impression of common core is very positive. I like the emphasis on problem solving. I personally struggled with school when I was younger because I was constantly trying to understand why things were a certain way or had to be done a certain way and ultimately when and for what reason will I need what I was being taught, instead of just focusing on showing my ability to comprehend and apply what I was being taught. It seems from the video that common core uses real world examples to teach the lesson. I have found in the work environment that the broad knowledge of topics, the understanding of where to find information on a topic, the ability to determine when a topic is applicable and the correct way to apply a topic to be very valuable skills. It seems to me that common core teaches some of these skills sets, which seem more beneficial than the traditional learning model.


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