My Thoughts on the Central Illinois County Jail are......


  1. The county jail was very interesting... I respect the fact that all the jail employees come in everyday to a dangerous job not knowing what to expect on a day to day basis.They all work as a team regardless of. I also like how every inmate will have medical insurance because of the Obama Care. It cost the jail many dollars to make sure a inmate has the proper health care they need. I also thought interesting was how the jail makes the inmate come out of there pocket for the luxury thing they want. Like commissary, to see the doctor, or any other things the inmate wants. And the money used for that is to buy t.v.'s or any other luxury item that's wanted to occupy the inmates. The county jail spends a lot of money to make sure the inmates are well enough taken care of. Its not the Marriott but because you did a crime you have accept the services the jail gives you. Food, water, and clothing. StlStl003

    1. I also though the price for care of the inmates being $55 dollars a day was interesting. I also thought it was interesting when they mentioned the $1 million inmate because of medical expenses. All guards there do walk in everyday hoping for the best but preparing for the worst and they have earned my respect and hopefully the respect of everyone else in the tour for their service.

    2. I liked the fact that they are using the Obama care as well. I also couldn't believe the million dollar inmate. Its nice to know they charge the inmates to go to medical, I can see how the inmates would mis use the medical area, maybe to try to get medication, or just get away. I really enjoyed this visit. zigzag001

    3. I respect the fact that the county jail is going to put the inmates on the Obama Care so they can have the proper coverage because medical bills are very expense. StlStl003

  2. I found it interesting to see the different parts of the jail. I have often wondered where the inmate goes once I have released him/her into their custody. There seems to be a procedure to handle just about any situation that arises at the jail. I believe Supt. Asbell summed it up when he stated that their employees are trained to give respect but also deal with whatever situation that they may encounter. I also was surprised that in the majority of the pods, it seemed as though they were all getting along, sitting around playing board games and cards. dcopelan 002

  3. It was very interesting how it was set up with the pod. That one or two guards could patrol and entire block keeping constant watch over the inmates. Also when we were in the security room my first thought was that the screens to view the cameras was better than the juvenile detention center but I felt the board itself was out of date but then he mentioned that they were planning on going all touch screen which I also found interesting. It was very cool how they are able to have an inmate go from point A to point B without a guard taking him because they can remotely view the inmate the entire way and lock and unlock doors as he goes. Overall I experience was very interesting and educational and It is definitely a tour that would be interesting no matter how many times you go.

    1. I also thought it was interesting to find out that the inmates don't have to be followed by a guard to make sure that they reach their correct destination. The jail has so many camera, and that allows them to following the inmate without actually having to use man power. This is a good cost saving measure too. It means that less men will be needed, and therefore less money will be spent on salary. bmtp1232

  4. I thought that the tour of the jail was very interesting. I liked seeing all the different parts of it, and how they connect with one another. I thought that it was also interesting to see the different preventative measures that they jail takes to make sure that the inmates don’t escape, and also to keep control within the jail. I also thought it was interesting when they were explaining about the healthcare within the facility. I learned that when Obama Care is implemented that the jail will actually save money because it is spending a large amount of money on healthcare for the prisoners. I also thought it was interesting to learn about how the commissary system within the jail works. I did not realize that the jail uses the money that they make from the commissary to provide the inmates with television. It was also interesting to find out that they jail charges a co-pay to see the nurse. bmtp1232

    1. I also though it was interesting about how they use the commissary money to buy televisions for the inmates. I never thought about what they actually did with all that money after the buy the supplies to actually stock the commissary. I know a lot of people do get mad because they think their tax dollars are buying tv for the inmates to watch, so I'm glad I learned that it's not our tax dollars so now I can tell that to other people. I think the co-pay that they charge for seeing the nurse is a good thing because I bet it did cut down a ton on all the inmates that try to go see the nurse just so they can have some kind of female contact. roxie003

  5. I thought the tour of the Peoria County Jail was very interesting. It was nice to see the inside workings of the jail, how it works, and how people do their jobs. They seem to really have it together on the proper process of taking inmates into the system so to say. I liked hearing all the ideas that they were trying to implement, such as getting the inmates Medicaid, the medical ideas, such as in house nurse and trying to do more court hearings in the jail itself. It was interesting to know that they have the catwalk like system, and can walk completely around the jail without using the main hallways. It was nice hearing that they use the money from commissary to purchase things for the jail, like the tvs. I had no idea they did that. It was really nice that they offered to let us take an inside look at the jail. zigzag001

  6. I thought the tour was interesting. There are so many different parts of the jail that many people probably do not realize. I never realized that it cost $55.00 a day. I have never really heard someone put a price on the nights in jail. The hallways behind the cells were neat to hear about. Unfortunately, I have been on the other side years ago do to an abusive husband and the life style that was going on. Seeing how the other side works is very interesting. Now I work with people who get DUIs and people that have been abused. The jail gave me more insight on everything that they can do. Plus for them to work on health care for the inmates. I thought that was pretty neat to reduce cost and help the inmates with medical needs. The touch screen boards sound like that would be a great idea. I never knew how many T.V screens they watch at a time. Its pretty amazing all the work that goes into the jail system.

  7. I have taken a tour of the county jail before, but I thought that it applied a lot of material that we have learned in class. Also, it is always good to see a jail that is accredited rather than one who just meets the standards. I think that it was a good experience especially when we are able to apply the knowledge we learn in class to actual real life. I also thought that our tour guide provided us a great amount of information for us to go home with. It was also interesting to hear what the jail was trying to improve even though that they are already accredited. This shows that they are trying to provide what is best for both the prisoners and staff. ICC123

  8. I really enjoyed being able to go to the county jail for a tour. I learned a lot of stuff about the facility that I had not known before. I work for the State's Attorney's Office, so we work hand in hand with the jail everyday. Being able to go out there and see how they operate gave me a lot of knowledge I can apply to my job. It's interesting that you can work so closely with another agency but really not know anything about how they operate. The cost per inmate every day really suprised me. I never real thought about how much it does actually cost, so that was an eye opener, especially when they said currently it is probably around $80 or so per inmate. I have really been on the fence with what profession I want to go into once I graduate, and it has been between being a Probation Officer or a Correctional Officer. Going to the jail and being able to have a better understanding of what a Correctional Officer does is making me start to lean towards that profession now. Overall, I am very glad I was given the opportunity to go out there for the tour. roxie003


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