Polygamy and the Family - Sociology Explains.....


  1. Although I do not agree with that way of life, it looked as though the women were not there against their will. The Blackmoore family seemed to really have the love of the Lord and seemed to not hide how they felt from the world as the Jeffs group. To each their own as long as they do not hurt children or each other. What ever God you believe in, it should be to be a better child of God. Labrador 246

  2. I have never been around people or places like this, but my eyes have been opened to the possibility of many life styles. All of them are different and not necessarily bad. For this polygamy video I have different views and I think that they have a belief in God that paves the way of their lives. It has been passed down from generation to generation so it’s a part of their life. It blows my mind that this one man has over one hundred children though. Financially it would be a constant burden to me, but then again I do not think he plans on sending all of his kids to Med School either. Their way of life seems simple and like someone said “less is more.”


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