Prison Overcrowding and the Law - Problem for California?

Prison Overcrowding and the Law - Problem for California?


  1. the California prison system need realignment because the prisons are overcrowded and the government use so much money on prison. we have too many inmate who are incarcerated because of drugs and when we throw them in prison, they become substance abusing inmate. most of these inmate are not in jail for violent crimes. it was shocking to know that state of California spend more money on prison than on educational system. they should release some of these inmates to reduce inmate population and it will save more money. soccerboy123

    1. I agree that California needs to spend more money on the educational system. Some of these offenders that are getting locked up probable dropped out of school. If the state spends more money on the educational system they can offer better programs to kids and there can be small class sizes so teachers can focus on the kids who need more help. The schools can also offer better after school programs and clubs which could keep kids busy and out of trouble after school.

  2. This article talks about how these criminals are going back on the streets and committing new crimes. This proves that it is not enough to put a person on parole or prohibition but they have to also be given some kind of rehabilitation. This has to do with what we are talking about in class; a person is more likely to recidivate when they’re not given any kind of behavior modification or rehabilitation. But I do think that it is a good thing that their not sending minor drug offenders to jail for the years. If these people get the proper help they might not re-offend.

    1. You are right we simply just can't release inmates due to overcrowding. If we send them back into society without any behavioral or rehabilitation how can we guarantee they won't return. Unfortunately with the lack of money devoted to education or programs there's no way we can we can get the inmates the help they need. But I do believe that sooner or later the corrections system is going to have to make a change where it is more about helping people then just locking them away.

    2. I agree with you Snapple, they need some kind of rehabilitation prior to being released. If they do not have any rehabilitation, then they are more likely to come back to jail or prison. They need to focus on helping rehabilitate and change their behaviors and how they treat others so that they would know how to fit in with society when they are released. CountryGirl123

  3. It's true that the prison system in California is overcrowded and needs to be fixed but do we really just let the non dangerous ones out? Maybe if there was an evaluation program that the inmates had to go through, to show there competence and ability to adjusting to civilian life that could show more paper evidence of them being let out. Like the article stated I do feel as if the Governor is just doing it because he has superiors that are nagging him. Inmates locked up who don't have proper treatment before being released are far more likely to recidivate, and what if their future crimes are more serious then there previous ones. More needs to be done to make sure that California is not releasing potentially dangerous criminals back unto the streets.

  4. After reading this article, I feel uneasy knowing that they are just releasing potentially dangerous criminals into the public again. If the prison had rehabilitation methods than it would be different, but from the sound of it, it doesn't seem like they do not have any of those methods simply because of money budgets. If you release a dangerous criminal without rehabilitation, there is a high chance that there will be recidivism and come right back. I feel like they know its a bad idea to do so, but they see no other options. CountryGirl123


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