Historical Torture Methods and Devices


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  2. in todays society, i feel it is a good thing we dont have some of these older torture mechanisms as for example the chair with the spikes that heat up. i fell thats a little too much. theres only certain crimes i would consider someone to get these brutal punishments. i think rape is one. they tortured the person they were rapping so i think its only right to torture them back. i still agree with the stun guns in today system. its a easy way to get someone to stop what they are doing and its honestly a good torture device because no one wants to be shocked.i also find that back in the day the tortures were much much more cruel than today. i know today atleast in the united states that we dont have these cruel of punishments. i dont know how these punishments would work out in todays society. with as much crimes that are committed maybe we should go back to the old times.


    1. I too, believe its good we don't have some of these torture methods we do as in back in the day, I also agree the stun-gun is a great use in this world today and we should keep it for a very long time. Also with your last fact in question it is probably a wise idea we bring some methods back in order to stop some of the serious felonies commit in this century. Conservation456

    2. I agree with snakebite456 that some of these brutal punishments could be considered for some of the more serious crimes but at the same time they'd probably distributed unfairly such as the death penalty is sometimes distributed unfairly. -Arrow456

    3. I honestly don't agree with any of these torture methods or devices, not even for rape as you never no why one has done what they have done. like I read in the book maybe the person has had that done to them. I don't think any crime that are committed should be punishment by torture or any horrify methods. It was vey sad to see what all people had to endure. I know there are still beating that still happen today, does not make it ok in my book. I pray for for all that had to encounter this or that used any of these methods on a person. Blessed789

  3. I think the stun-belt should be used on some people in this world today, depending on what they done. It is also really effective keeping people away from things. I believe the worst torturing method was the ancient Assyrian when they skinned some of their citizens alive or the brazen bull. Which some of these methods should probably be used on some people these days as in the people who set up the Boston bombing. I think the crucifying of Spartacus and his following rebels was a little over the top to be spread out over two hundred and seventy miles. Other methods were just plain not right as in feeding humans their own or someone else’s crap. I like this video because if gives you insight or more insight on things you did and did not know. Also that it gave you insight of torture methods of over like 2,000 years. Conservation456

    1. the stun belt just looks painful but i think the chair with the spikes that heat up is just a little much, the old days had very brutal punishments today its just slap on the wrists.


    2. I agree that the stun- belt should be used today but used in prisons as more of a security measure more than anything. They could be used when transporting inmates or things in that nature.

  4. Having gained knowledge of some of the more intense forms of punishments from the text book and the video I can understand why they have been removed as an option in today’s society. A lot of the methods of punishments used before were mainly said to be used to punish individuals and to prevent citizens of a society from committing the same crimes. To a lot of individuals some of those methods seem to be inhuman and that they shouldn’t be used on any person. But like the video asks would it be ok to use some of these punishments such as torture on people of huge terrorist groups like terrorists of Al-Qaeda if they had known such information as tactics and locations of leaders? I think it would be on one hand because they could very well have information like that but on the other hand they could be innocent and just have been said to be a terrorist. Of course a lot of these forms of punishments are merely barbaric and shouldn’t be used by any means but some of the less barbaric ones could be used as an acceptable form of punishment such as imprisonment.

    1. I agree to an extent that torture may be ok to gain intelligence information that could ultimately save lives. However, we must not forget, as the gentlemen in the video mentioned, torture is a very unreliable means of gaining information. People will admit to anything or say anything, just to get the pain to stop.


  5. This video discussed the many ways and techniques used over the centuries to torture people. I find it very incredible as to how barbaric some of the methods were. These devices and methods were specifically designed to keep their victim alive while simultaneously placing upon them, the greatest amount of pain possible. Sometimes torture was used as a punishment, other times more so as revenge. There was also times where torture was used to get people to confess. One point that was made in this video is that torture as a means to get someone to confess is very unreliable. It has been found that torture will get someone to say anything solely as a way to make the pain go away. One gentleman in the video stated that given ample amount of time, he could get anyone to confess to anything. I think overall it is a good thing that torture has been mostly left to the past. There really is hardly anything beneficial from it. The only thing someone could gain is revenge. However, even after all of the torture in the world is given, it won’t change the facts that the person is being tortured for. Ultimately, it is pointless.


    1. i agree with the fact that torture is very unreliable. If someone is being tortured and they confess to get the punishment to stop they are still going to be punished for whatever they had just confessed to so they are punishing someone who just confessed to end the torture and are going to punish that person for a crime they did not commit.

  6. Many countries state they don't use torture, but behind closed doors they maybe lying. Torture goes back to the times of Jesus. He was tortured for our along with many other christian for over 300 years. We even use forms of torture today with sun guns. Police today use torture to subdue a suspect. Our own Governor released prisoners due to there confessions where obtained but "torture" in 2003. If countries are denying that they use torture, that may be true. but there are groups inside of countries that torture other for information. i wouldn't doubt our own military used torture to find Binladin. No matter how people use it or why torture is still used to this day.

    1. Torture is used today in all countries. Because torture was used so many years ago its a cursed that can't be broken. Loyal people don't talk so how do they get the confession.... Torture ! Discrimination plays a big part of the world but it doesn't when it comes to torture. Men, women, and children. cancer80-456

  7. Torture comes from any and everybody. Torture was used for confessions, punishments, and/or political reasons. Its been around from B.C. to today. Even though the U.N. has made torture illegal its still the shady part of society today. Torture tools are around us everyday. Officers in America carry torture tools today and is suppose to use them when needed... sadly but true they still abuse the purpose. When authority uses torture they sometimes try not to kill the victim but they do and that's when its oh it was an accident and if caught they may be punish for a few year and released and the family of the victim feels they never got justice. If the victim survive torture it hunts them for life, their never the same. Society today people are still dealing with torture in homes, schools, and work. You'll be labeled a snitch and you and your family will die... and its very rare the person who did it will be caught. cancer80-456

  8. The video was very interesting and informative. I had no idea the different types of torture there were. It made me upset to even imagine some of the things I seen and heard in the video. Torture was overrated back then, I agree 100% about inflicting pain upon someone will cause them to attest to or deny anything just to be released from the pain. A different approach could have been taken when dealing with criminals, for example if they won't give you any information offer them monetary gifts or something of power. Who doesn't like money, jewelry, etc? .Torture should have only been administered if a man or woman caused bodily harm or done anything life threatening to their husband, wife, children and the community. The extremity of it should have been not as severe as the examples in the video but to the extent of a shock or electricity. Love456

    1. I absolutely agree with you about taking a different approach when it came to dealing with certain criminals. Torture was overused in the past and the way it was portrayed is that the "higher powers" didn't give any kind of chances for information to be told.. it was just straight to torturing until they received what they wanted. tay456

    2. I agree with Love456 that torture should only be used to someone who absolutely deserves it. Such as pedophiles and murderers or people who harm someone and think that they can get away from it or that they think that they have the power the beat someone. Pedophiles should be the only group of people that get the full extent of torture in the video, and the devices the gets stuck up people butts, is what they should receive for there first torture device. That is my opinion though. -Austin456

  9. This video really explained some of the torture methods used in the past, and even the ones that are still used in today's society. I don't think torture was an effective method of getting information from prisoners or people they wanted information from... especially if the end result from the torture was death. I am not surprised that certain methods are still carried out in today's day and age. I think that stun-gun should be used when necessary, but I don't believe it should be used just to obtain confessions or information simply because I do not believe it would be effective.The more intense forms of torture should certainly stay in the past, if they were still "around" today, they would be highly abused by the ones they were available to. tay456

    1. Tay456 I'm with you all the way on your opinion about the torture method being very ineffective because regardless they'll die so it's like what's the point in confessing. I do agree with the stun gun method but not for confessions only to detain a person that isn't willing to cooperate. Love456

  10. This video does a good job of showing the methods of torture past and present and just how much torture has been used and how much it has developed of the centuries. In society today torture has become a subject that people tread lightly on. Many counties have claimed, including the US, that torture is no longer used, although you have to wonder just how much of that is true. With the very real threat of terrorism many believe that torture can help gather valuable information needed to keep people safe. Although you have to think about just how effective torture is. Most people will say whatever they believe is necessary to make the torture stop. I personally think that under the correct circumstances that it could possibly be effective but in most it is just to unreliable.

    1. I agree with your statement that it cold possibly be effective, however it is also unreliable. People will say whatever you want them to say when they have something stuck under their fingernails or up their rectum. They just want the pain to go away.USA456

  11. I found this video really interesting. I think it did a good job on showing how much our society and criminal justice system has evolved. I dont think in most cases torture should ever be used it is cruel and unjust. There are certain cases where i think it should be aloud such as if someone knew vital information on a terrorist attact that was going to happen. Some of the ways people were tortured were just inhumain but i do agree with the methods such as using a stungun. Torture is also not a very reliable way to catch criminals, i know if i was being fed human waste i would confess to just about anything you wanted me to.This video gave me a good insight into how many rights we have today that they didnt have back then and we should be grateful.

    1. I agree with dabster456 that this video shows how your human rights can disappear in a jiffy back in that timeframe if you're accused with a crime. I also agree with the torturing of terrorists, especially if they had very important information about future terrorist attacks. I believe these terrorists are the scum of the earth, killing innocent people for the sake of hatred. BadWolf456

  12. Torture is efficient but immoral way to gain personal information or knowledge from someone without their full cooperation. Torture dates way back at least three thousand years ago and the methods that are used range in many ways and in many levels of pain. Such as the filleting of the skin, the burning of an entire human being and electronic prods such as the cattle prod. I think that torture should only be used for only the baddest of people, such as terrorists who have killed many people and their known associates of the terrorists. It should not be used for spies and people who hold important information from you. There should never have been and be again mass torturing, such as crucifixion.

  13. I think this video does a good job explaining torture past and present. Torture has been used almost since the dawn of man for various reasons mostly for extracting information. It can be a good method to extract information, but it definitely doesnt make it right. The world has come a long way to outlaw such acts with the Geneva convention, however not every nation or group of people abide by the laws of the geneva convention. Some of the torture methods they showed in this video are very horrific, and others i dont really understand why they are torture. Such methods are the stun gun. If its considered a device for torture then why do our law enforcement officers get one. I believe that we have every right to use a taser against those individuals that are not complying with the laws and it also helps keep our officers safe from attacks from the individuals they are confronting. USA456

  14. I think that having all these these torture devices are brilliant and should be used to punish the Evil that evolve us. I should only be taught to the people who deserve punishment, someone who doesn't mix well. Torturing others is only meant to extract information from others not used to have fun or blow off some steam. If a man or woman doesn't give up that information i say we lock them up for eternity and if it comes to the end either kill him/her to a pain death experience. Then they will feel the pain they have caused to others. ~Shinigami456

  15. I believe that this video was very informative and had an excellent timeline from past to the present. I found it quite difficult to watch the video when people were physically torturing their victims, especially the children and animals. I am very glad that most of these tools are not used today, as I found it ridiculous that people were basically forced to confess in fear of being tortured; especially in our own state. Of course, if I were in that position I’d confess to about anything as long I was going to be poked and prodded by some sort of instrument. Even though the inmates in jail may have committed a serious crime, I don’t believe in harming them just for the sake of entertainment or to get a confession. These criminals are human too, and I find it very immoral to torture them. The only instruments that I believe should be used in the prison system are the pepper spray and maybe the stun gun, BUT only for the officer’s protection. BadWolf456


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