Sociological Imagination....Am I an Island onto Myself?


  1. I feel that the sociological perspective is something that all individuals should be using every day. The part in this video where the professor discusses the financial problems of her students is also something that pertains too many of us. Some individuals may look at those of us struggling to pay for school and jump to conclusions that we are not doing everything possible to make ends meet. Unfortunately, there are many different factors that play a role in the financial instability of students that are out of their control. Using the sociological perspective could not only help ease the financial stress of school through government programs, but also allow a larger population of individuals to further their education and obtain a higher degree. The sociological perspective has the potential to help us to further understand why individuals fall victim to certain circumstances as well as to help us in finding solutions to these problems.

    1. I agree that her example about students' financial problems is something we can all relate to. While some things may be different of why they have these problems, they all still have that main problem. I think this is a great way to find and help each other get solutions to our problems we have. -Aquariusgirl789

    2. I agree with you. As humans and it being our nature we are so quick to judge with out knowing. This world is not easy and daily it gets harder. Money is something a lot of people struggle with to make or just a spending habit. A lot of people make conclusions on things if they are not the same as them. I know for me its hard not to judge people. Rather than judge them I need to find out a way to get to know them or find out if there is a way I can help them. kakers789

    3. I agree, it is definately something that should be used everyday. At the same time, I disagree with the use of it for a college education. The government has done quite a bit to help us go to school. Pretty much anyone can pull out a student loan and go to school if that is what they want to do. The government has provided funded schools, such as ICC so that we can go to school for a reasonable price.

  2. sociology is the systematic study of human society. i agree with what i have read and watched from the video. Something that really caught my attention was when C. Wright mills said " Letting us view things in the perspective of social problems rather than individual short coming. Alot of people take many things in life for granted because they can and don't feel or know how it is to have and work hard for stuff just to makea way for themselves.

    1. undergrad789 i truly agree with your post not everyone comes from a weathly family some may not have no one to depend on thats why it's not good to criticize the next person because people never know what the next person has going on in their life. In class "the teacher made a very good statement when he said ask why we go to ICC instead of a university." we just live in a judgemental word not everyone looks in the sociological perspective of things. godschild789 thats me who posted after you just forgot to put my name

  3. I think that the sociological imagination is something that everyone should be using in order to better understand what life is like from the perspective of another person. If everyone in the world did use the sociological imagination to understand other peoples struggles in life, there would be more equality between the rich and poor and more equality in every other social standing that separate people from one another. Until this happens, there will always be at least some inequality in the world. Sociological imagination can help people understand each other in a way that would bring separate groups together and help improve equality among all people. shoestopher789

    1. I completely agree with you that if people got a better understanding of the Sociological Imagination that some people would realize what they had and got a better understanding of where they are. I also agree that it may improve the inequality between groups if they understood where the other members stand at as well. Conservation789

  4. I believe in sociological perspective. I think that everyone should use the sociological perspective and although I do believe that if everyone would use this perspective would help change our lives and the world as we know it. But I do however still have some concerns. Such as how much of our society would change? Even though many people do struggle not a lot allow others to know while others show too much neediness. As seeing the world in this perspective; how could we see the people that struggle? Some people are really good at hiding what they need. Another question this brings me to would the government be involved? As in every science we look for predictions based on what information is given to use at that point in time. The Sociology perspective is just telling me how to go about to investigate these questions and where to look to find my answers. Mr. Mills would have been a very smart man to come up with an idea that is still being used today. I know sense I started taking this class, I have already been studying our culture in Peoria. The outcome was shocking like how many people have low self-esteem and their behavior show this. Bubbles789

    1. Bubbles789, you put this in a new way that I had not looked at before and helped me realize some things about the sociological perspective regarding your concerns. I agree with you one-hundred percent that society would most definitely change if everyone went through life using the sociological perspective. I feel like society would benefit for the most part because the wealthy would be able to understand how the poor get by on a daily basis, which would change the equality of income for all. Also, I agree with you on the point that some people are good at hiding what they need but if they really are struggling and need help I think you would be able to see that based on the way a person acts emotionally. shoestopher789

  5. I noticed when Debra Marshall talked about how people have problems making ends meet and they think they are completely broke at some points in time. I completely agree with her at sometimes because I am a big hunter and some hunts ill spend just around $500 dollars spending it on decoys and shells in just a week and it happens almost every week. Though I always keep enough to make ends meet and be fine, it’s just the thought of man I need another job or something. It was a good way of bringing in the students in her class though. I also like that see said we need more affordable education, because more education is linked to less crime rate and that is what we need in today's society. I also like how C. Wright Mills believes some of the problems we have are structural and wants us to see things from others peoples perspectives so we know what some of our problems are. Conservation789

    1. Conversation789 I do agree that many people have troubles making ends meets at times and sometimes feel completely broke. Like you said you spend hundreds of dollars during hunting season on decoys, calls, gear and more, yet you still manage to make ends meet and pay bill. I think some people need help, but most of the time people don't necessarily know how to manage their money well and that's all it is. -LayLay789

  6. I better understood her view of sociological perspective after she got done talking about Mill's and described it a bit further using examples with her students. She had great examples. I think most students can relate to what she is talking about. I guess it's pretty hard to think about your problems being a social problem also. I think many wouldn't. I know for myself that sometimes I just feel like it's my own problem and I have to deal with it and not many would know how to solve it. But learning about other people's problems that may relate to yours is a social problem. Learning about theirs can for sure help for a solution like they said. I think it's better to ask than to not get it solved. It's very cool to learn that while we may all have different things about ourselves, we all may still have some of the same problems or aspects about us. -Aquariusgirl789

    1. Hi Aquariusgirl789, I really like how you put this! I feel the same way as you do about social effects. How can my problems have anything to do with the problems of people around me? I also did not realize that our society really does play a huge role in our everyday lives. It is very easy to get caught up in our own personal problems and what we can do to fix them. Usually, we just worry about what we need to do to fix our problems rather than looking at where the problem is coming from. This video gave me a better understanding of how social problems or effects of our society can really affect each person individually. ~Tempusfugit012

    2. Hi Aquariusgirl789, I also understood Debra's breakdown of sociological imagination after she discussed Mills. I can relate to her students examples. At one point in life I could relate to having too many tickets, and I can currently relate to being a college student. I don't like to burden others with my problems, and never thought of my problems as being a social problem. This video helped me understand that we do have to look at out problems and other peoples problems as structural. We should also try to see peoples problems from their perspective. -toybox789

    3. Aquaiusgirl789, I totally get what you are saying by feeling that your problems are viewed as solely your own. When in reality the world is such a vast place you will never be alone in a dark spot. All of your problems or at least some are being experienced on a massive social level. I like the way that Marshall talks about the imagination and "study society and society in general". This way we can break down the bigger picture. This was a great video. Spacepotatoes012

  7. The video definitely had great information on Sociological imagination. The social realities and how Mills broke down the chances the public had at that time in life very interesting. When Debra Marshall talks about how much college students struggle, it made me think about all of the different problems ans situations students have while attending school. Not only students but everyone in this society struggles in some way and fashion and have to budget or sacrifice things. Bringing the whole understanding on affordable education is also a great topic. Great video and very informative. USMC789

    1. USMC789 I agree with many points you made in your comment. The video had great information and Debra was very informative! And when she did talk about us college students struggling its real and like you said its not just us who struggle, everyone does, that's life! We can't always have or get what we want if we don't make enough so yes it does cause us to sacrifice but hopefully even make you want to work harder when you can! -Pink789

  8. Sociological perspective is very real! I believe in it! Debra Marshall touched on some very good points and I love how she elaborated to help me understand more about what she was discussing. Just like our book says, "although every individual is unique, a society shapes the lives of people in patterned ways that we are evident as we discover how various categories live very differently." That statement couldn't be any more true! When something happens in society, it does effect us and all we can do is take things one step at a time. Debra even points out a good topic when she discusses the fact that some of us feel like were on whits end when it comes to finances; in a sense we do! I fall into that category, when I forget something I feel as if everything may go bad. Everyone struggles and sometimes we just have to do what we can. She also did a great way of breaking down C. Wrights Mills understanding which helped me grasp the concept of how he viewed things. -Pink789

  9. After watching this video I feel like I really gained a better understanding on what sociological perspective is and how it influences us in our daily life. Debra Marshall explained some different struggles that we might encounter, such as financial struggles. She used an example in the video to represent some troubles that might face us in everyday life. Debra used the instance where the person’s car broke down and they ended up losing their job because of it. This is something that is completely out of a person’s control and ends up leading to more problems. Maybe if the person who was having car trouble would have just gotten a second chance or if she would have been able to afford a new tire she would have been able to keep her job. This example just shows you how real the struggle is; if she would have had the money saved she could have bought a new tire and made it to her job. However, now she is jobless and without a car leading to greater financial burden making her struggle more. Using the sociological perspective can help us to better understand and fix these everyday struggles and problems. ~Tempusfugit012

  10. Sociology, is us, its what we do every day. its what we watch on tv. The social structural problems in the US are huge. Education isn't affordable. everyday items keep rising in price. Medical bills stop people from getting loan that could use for education. There is a way we might be able to help fix this with Sociological Perspective. If one out of ten people had a used the perspective view the would have a more general out look. SM789

    1. I agree that the structural problems in the US are gigantic. More and more, students are going in debt to get an education that honestly should be provided to everyone, just so they have a better chance at a career that isn't guaranteed to them. People are choosing to not get potentially lifesaving medical treatment because they are too afraid to get stuck with a huge medical bill.

  11. I really never thought about the saying walk a mile in my shoes until after watching this video clip on sociological imagination. I know as human I don't stop and wonder what might be going on in the persons life next to me. A lot of times its all about me. What do I need, Im going to school here and I work three jobs oh poor me. Yet there are people out there that live a more struggled life than I. If I as a person could stop and just think about someone else for a change that might give me a better understanding. The professor asked a good question “ why did we as students pick ICC.”If we could stop and think about other people and their life struggles there might be more equality in the world. For me I don't look at it as we are better than anyone else we just have something different to offer. Taking this course and learning these things makes you stop and think about things. kakers789

    1. I agree so much with this comment. Often times I have to sit back and ask myself why am I complaining people have it way worse than I think I have it. If people in America would just stop for a moment and look at others situations they may stop and offer aide or realize they are blessed. I know many times I've at east wanted to offer help or change how things were , but being only one voice with one option I didn't get very far. -Love789

    2. I totally agree(love 789) I just try to make a difference everyday by helping someone in need, by giving them a ride or paying for the persons groceries behind you. Sometimes it just takes a kind word that may change a persons day. We are truly blessed it could always be a lot worst. I do think your one voice does make a difference. Just think if one person came forward to make a change we would live in a better place. Never give up I know I will not. Blessed 789

    3. I agree with you completely. I too often only think about myself and the struggles in my own life when in reality I don't have it that bad. I had a chance to realize this recently while on Craigslist. I saw an add for a homeless couple that wanted a tent to sleep in. Since I didn't use the tent that I had I decided to give it to them. When I met them they were both wearing nothing but t-shirts and had no blankets or anything else to keep warm, this was late last November when it was starting to get cold, but they were so happy just to have a tent to sleep in. On my way home I realized that even though I don't have everything I could want at least I have a roof, food and warm clothes. Often it seems like the little things that we take for granted that make us rich in the eyes of others.

    4. I agree wholeheartedly with your viewpoint concerning this video. The insight you gave by the way you expressed yourself caused me to rethink the way I tend to generally look at things people and their circumstances.I think that if you look at the bigger picture before you make a judgement about something or someone it will give you a better perspective if nothing else. bigstep789

    5. I completely agree with everything you said. I think sociology is all about understanding the whole picture and looking past what you're used to about your life and your surroundings. In my life, I often find myself worrying or complaining about things that in reality, aren't that bad. There will always be someone out there who has it worse off than I do. -purple789

    6. I agree with kakers789, because I guess that the saying walk a mile in my shoes. I really didn't understand the chapter until I saw the video, but I still have questions about it. The professor made some good points in class with questions that he asked us. I guess that I never really thought about why I picked ICC instead of picking another college to go. rosebud012

  12. The perspective of sociology is very real in all of our lives. though we as people are the same in many ways our lives are different from one another. Like if two people were to work the same job , make the same amount, and wear the same uniform , their lives at home could be very different. One could go home to a nice house , wife, and kids. While the other could go home a mission , no food, and kids to care for. If people would take the time to teach others how to do things , or to help others people would be much better off. Many people think because people around them look like they got things together that their life is just fine. Thanks to the sociological perspective we as people can see things for what they are and what they aren't. I feel again diversity plays a big part in the sociological perspective. Without it it'd be harder to understand the life , culture, or religions of others. -Love789

    1. Love789 I agree that people are very different and have different life styles. People helping others is always a great thing, but alot of showing the way for others to learn and know things, I think it needs to start in the home with the parental guidance. The sources are there in the phone book to start. Opening up to people and letting them in your life will help people know what issues u have and know how they can help. USMC789

  13. I found this video very intriguing. Mills realized the difference between a social problem and an individual problem. I think that this idea really comes into play for any kind of leadership. A leader needs to think more socially compared to individual outlook. The leaders of our country don't think of each individual person, they think of the country as a whole. Our leaders dont care if billy doesn't have a job, but if our unemployment rate is 10% or more then they care. I think that Mills thoughts and reasoning brought a huge factor into the society we live in today. Like the example the teacher gave, she said it's a social problem if about half or more of the kids in the class are having a problem, but it isn't a social problem if only one kid is having a problem. This idea is used everyday by leaders of all sorts.

  14. The sociological imagination is clearly the aspect of sociology where our issues and troubles crisis and concerns should be viewed through a wider lens than individual or personal problems but possibly seen as a larger legitimit concern of a bigger picture collective social problems. What I've gathered from the information given in this video is that there is another way of looking at the issues that affect our daily lives. what most people consider the plight of humankind can also be viewed as the values state of mind and quality of life for individuals that can shape our history and society depending on how the facts are accumulated and accessed. If any intervention is deemed needed the course of action can easily be determined by whether or not it's seen as an administration concern or a intellectual one. From either stance there could be unequality of services provided.I believe all the aspects of an issue must be taken into consideration before any action is taken on a social platform.

  15. The part that I found most interesting in this video was what Mills had to say in the beginning. Mills said that he thought that sociology had gotten to the point that sociologists were simply taking down the data and taking it to the government to do with the information what they wanted. He said that we need to be able to not just give the information, but should be able to put ourselves in the society, figure out what the problems are, and report back what the problems really are. I agree with this completely. I think that we need to have government and sociologists working together to fix the problems in our societies. In the U.S. we have legislators that determine what actions are going to be determined crimes and what the punishment for those crimes are going to be, but how can the legislators determine the most effective punishments or what should be deemed crimes if there is no one who can immerse themselves in the problems and report back accurate unbiased information.

    1. I also thought this part was interesting in the video. I feel like as a nation, we are constantly in a pattern and routine and forget to stop and pay attention to the little things such as the certain variations of people in society. If there were less individuals who fell victim to routine, we would learn a lot more about our surroundings.

    2. I agree. I thought what was said about Karl Marks in the beginning was very interesting. I also agree with the other person saying we are always in routines and we miss all the little things around us. I think its cool Karl Marks was able to realize this and took a different approach. Ajw789

  16. I also thought this was a interesting video just as well as the other one. When Dr. Marshall talk about the struggles a college student go through it really made me think about some of the negative situations I have encounter my freshman year of my first semester. When I got scheduled for school my advisor told me to get my classes at the East Peoria Campus, so I could get the full college experience. So I did because I didn't know any better. Then when I finally got the hang of everything my boss cut my hours at work and I was living off pay check to pay check. The gas to drive there everyday was getting too expensive. I basically stuck it out until the semester was over then I got another job. When I went to enroll for my classes again I got them all at the North Campus because that campus is not far from my house. Watching this video made me realize everything could of been worse for me and it made me realize I'm not the only college student that has been in a negative situation before.

  17. This video explained clearly to me why the sociological imagination should be used everyday. When she touched on the topic of how many people struggle to make ends meet, her explanations that some of her students gave were logical. Some problems are structural like having too many tickets, being a collect student, or even having to be hospitalized and being left with unexpected hospital bills. However we cannot judge someone for struggling to make ends meet because we need to try to see things from their perspective.. This video helped me to understand sociological perspective, and realize that we should be using this everyday. I also notice that I have used the sociological perspective a lot in life unintentionally. I also thought it was interesting in the beginning portion of the video when Mills stated the study of sociology had gotten away from the accumulation of facts for the purpose of facilitating administrative decisions, hence meaning sociological research had gotten away from theories, and they got more into counting and taking numbers back to the government allowing them to figure out what to do. toybox789-

  18. For me, the most interesting part of this video was when Mills talked about how people could be doing everything right in their life but something could happen to them, such as getting sick or getting a flat tire on their way to work, and everything starts to spiral downward from there. I find this interesting because a lot of people in society are constantly saying things like, "you make your own luck" or "you get what you give," and circumstances like these completely contradict that. I believe that as a society, we should do the best we can to help these people that are truly trying their hardest and doing everything they can right. Many of these people are facing social problems rather than individual problems, which is not fair. This video definitely helped me view things from a sociological perspective. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own affairs that we forget to realize that some people have it way worse than we do. -purple789

    1. I really like what you said here. You are exactly right about "you make your own luck" and "you get what you give." Dr. Marshall provided examples that prove these sayings wrong. We all need to work hard to do the best that we can. And yes, life is not fair. BigGrizmatik789.

  19. Personally I thought the other video was more helpful and interesting, but the part of the video where Dr. Marshall talked about if you struggle to make ends meet was the most interesting. Even when we do everything right we still can't make ends meet. I think that as a society we should help people that actually need it and that actually try. This short video did help me understand that a lot of people go through these struggles and also helped me vaguely understand sociological perspective. LayLay789

  20. I liked the video as a whole. I enjoyed that Dr. Marshall explained Social Imagination by using an example. An example that most people could connect to, that made it easier to understand the meaning. Some of the words were not easy to understand what she was saying so I'm glad that she explained it thoroughly. Also, it shows how sociology works as data is collected and gone over to see if the problem is individual or societal problems. This was interesting to see how things work is society. Also, it's crazy how one little thing can change your whole social stand point. Like in the video she talks about how just a flat tire can change everything. Being late caused the person to be late which caused them to lose their job. Now they have no money for anything. Beneke789.

    1. Yes. I see that with Sherman from the Seahawks. One single thing can how a entire different out take. Sociology is a very deceiving subject. Something that you don't know is right there.


  21. I agree with LayLay789. The other video was easier to understand and more information was given in the first video. I liked the example because a lot of people can connect to the example. Society should help those in need instead of helping the rich get richer and this makes the poor get poorer. So many people go through struggles, but when you individual are going through struggles it seems like you're alone. This explanation helps you know you're not alone. Beneke789.

  22. I like the fact that Dr. Marshall said Sociology is the facts of society and not theological because from the 1st video I saw it as facts about how people act certain ways and why through previous evidence. It wasn't easier to understand but it got the point across.


  23. This was a good video. I liked how they explained Mills claim and talking about the difference between effective sociological thought and what fails rested upon imagination. I like how she would use her students as examples. I think those examples helped me better understand this thought. She brought up very good examples. I feel like everyone can relate to all of the issues and examples she explained. It helped me understand the structure being more of an issue. This video did help me understand that a lot of people go through these struggles. This video also helped me understand sociological perspective. I think more people should use the sociological perspective.

    1. Yes the students were a great comparison to help us relate to the issue. We as college students need to expand our minds, and understand the different social factors playing key roles in a person's life. You may come across someone down the road who from the outside seems like the complete opposite from you, but with the social imagination you are able to comprehend the situation that makes them different from your own social subculture.

  24. The sociological imagination is something that we all can benefit from, it teaches us to step out of our own personal sphere and put yourself in the public world to understand it like others do. In our society we need a quality mind that isn't bias, but based on a persons relationships and history to form an understanding between one another . Dr. Marshall explains that the features of social life have profound effects on who we are. To become apart of this social world we need to think with an intellectual mind that doesn't use our own understanding, but of the social reality of that person to better know of their social perspective .

    1. I definitely agree with you about the value of stepping outside of an individual mindset and understanding the structural and large scale issues of society. It is incredibly valuable to constantly strive for a more objective standpoint that considers the social standing of all individuals. Ultimately, putting yourself in somebody else’s shoes seems to be a large part of what sociology is about. Toblerone 012

  25. I think that I understand what Dr. Marshall was talking about in the video. I understand that it is about sociology imagination and that it talks about and that you need to put yourself in the public, so that you can understand the world like others see it. rosebud012

  26. I really thought this was a good video. Dr. Marshall did a very good job using examples that pertain to the lives of college students to explain the sociological imagination. After watching this video, It made me think of all the financial burden I have gone through since my first year of college. Sure, some of it may have been individual problems, but a good portion of it is a problem of society. I am much better about conserving money and making ends meet than I was in my high school and early college days. The little money I had went towards partying and food. The video reassured me that I am not the only one that has struggled financially in the past. After thinking about it, I do agree with Dr. Marshall and some of these problems are issues of society as a whole. I enjoyed this video and it helped me open my eyes about the social perspective. BigGrizmatik789.

    1. BigGrizmatik789,
      Just got to say I love your handle. Those three artist are flawless in unison. Wish we were in the same sociology unit. But as far as your comment I agree with you. As we age we begin determining what is and is not of true value to us and sometimes these determinations are dictated to us rather than a actual Choice. Heads up and keep the dream alive! -Spacepotatoes012

    2. Yes, (biggrizmatik789) I agree I knew there were a lot of struggles out there , and I try to do what I can to make a difference in the world today. I also have my eyes more open to the social perspective on it. I am really excited to see what else this class has to offer and, to open doors and things in my live that I never knew. Blessed 789

  27. I like this video and the student based examples provided. I am blessed to be going to ICC and still live at home. But the majority of the students that this video discusses are struggling to make ends meet. One thing leads to another and most people in this situation break down to cover the basics. It just takes someone to look outside the box and use the sociological imagination to view things from a different point of view than you typically would. Many people live week to week with this money, food, gas, and other supplies for life. Not to mention work, school, and kids. Sometimes people have it bad but they persevere and become a better stronger person because of it. It is just about looking at the world with fresh eyes and seeing the silver lining in things to make them better, or more meaningful. -Spacepotatoes012

    1. I agree with you completely. I still live at home as well, so I'm not really going through the struggle to make ends meet. I also agree with someone looking at the situation from a different view will make them become a stronger person. By looking from another point of view will help you understand the situation better.

    2. I got to hand it to you, I bet it's hard to live on your own these days with all the extra payments and taxes. I too live at home still and honestly I couldn't see myself living on my own. Sure I would have more freedoms but not as many comforts as I do now.

    3. I agree that it is difficult to make ends meet when you are going to school, working and trying to provide for yourself and any family that you have. If at all possible, I suggest staying home while going to school and working only as much as you must in order to pay your bills and help with living expenses wherever you are living. Although living on your own does give you freedom, it also puts all of the responsibility on you to provide for yourself and manage your time to be successful in school, work and life.


    4. I agree with you 100%. It is very difficult to balance so many things that are important. Going to school, working, and tending to your kids are all very hard to do for one person. Many people really do have to live check to check in order to provide for them and their loved ones. On top of paying bills and everything else... kids are very expensive!

  28. I like how the sociological perspective makes you think from another view instead of your own. It helps you understand situations better, like stated int the video. Most of the time when you're struggling and trying to make ends meet, you do think you're the only one going through this and what are you doing wrong. When really, other things are playing a part in why, for example, studying and working are becoming conflicts for you. It's a structure system and I didn't think that was the case. This helped me understand that yes, you are still responsible form going to going to work, paying your monthly bills, and studying for class. Studying harder because you had to work more hours the week before a test or something of that nature, just to make sure your bills can get paid, or your car breaks down or something like that is caused by a structural system. This was a good video and it made about your everyday life and how you can look at situations differently.

  29. I think this video is extremely helpful in developing a clear idea of what it means to think from a sociological perspective. The instructor in this video does a good job of explaining the difference between thinking about issues as individual problems and as societal structural problems. I found it very interesting how the teacher explained the lesson as two different overall mindsets. The first mindset is one in which a problem is something for the individual to solve and work through while the second mindset is one where the problem is predetermined by the structure of society, leaving the individual a product of their environment. This reminded me of the segment of our last lecture where we talked about general patterns and exceptions to the rule. I thought it was an excellent point during that lecture that while many individuals certainly have the power to take charge of their own future, there can still be no denying that there are general patterns that seem to set some people up for success and others for failure. This video helped me to understand and develop a better mindset within which I will be studying sociology this year. Toblerone 012

    1. I agree with you. I got that some general impression when watching the video I think; but the point that you made about the same thing being in the lecture in class cleared things up for me thank you. I like this blog, so I can see how others are receiving this information. Because we are all getting in and understanding it in a different way. This was a good idea, I am anxious to see what other new concepts that the teacher is going to introduce me to...

  30. This was a very informative video which did a nice job of explaining the differences in studying sociology and finding individuals having problems and groups of individuals having similar problems. It makes you step back and really examine if a problem is a societal problem or simply an individual or small group of individuals that are having similar problems. If it is a societal issue, it gives you a clear understanding of the issue and can then help provide solutions to relieve that issue. It is very helpful to open your eyes to a wider world and see that even though when we, as individuals, are going through a problem that we are not alone in having that problem and could benefit from reaching out and discussing it to come up with better solutions to the problem as a group. It is difficult always remember that you are not alone with nearly any problem that you are going through. There is almost always many individuals that have dealt with that problem in the past or are currently dealing with it. This video helped me to remember to always try to see the whole picture and not focus to much on the individual when studying sociology.


  31. I feel like this video did a good job at explaining how we grow older as an individual the more overwhelmed we become. For example, It is starting to hit me right now like since I turned 18 I became so much more responsible for bills. I still live at home and I'm thankful for that but I am honestly dreading living on my own. All those taxes and bills and not having the comfort living at home will have a huge change in how I will look at society. I just hope by then I have everything figured out.

  32. The part in this video where Dr. Marshall talked about students financial problems is very true. For the last year since getting out of the Army, I realize that I no longer had that full time pay check coming in to help paying the bills. So I had to plan a better budget. Being 23 years old and having lived on my own inside of the United Sates and over in Germany having a good budget is second nature to me. But you can have to the best in the world all it takes is one thing to mess to all up, or my favorite example if a big jumbo jet goes into steep nose dive it takes a lot to bring it back up and that's life. Having been in that situation before I have a better prospective and I don't judge younger college students when I hear them talking about being broke.

  33. I guess when I was watching the video, I kind of got the impression that in the study of sociology is becoming more about business instead of actually helping people? Like the sociologist are just going through the motions and don't really have heart for the issues that they are studying. I could understand that maybe after you do something that may have been at first been a passion to you, after a while in becomes mundane. I think that studying people could become frustrating because people are frustrating. And, when you have a job you have to meet curtain standard for that job. I hope that the career that I am choosing doesn't become like that for me, and helping people stays about the other people and not about me....I don't really know what sociologist choice their job for. But, I would assume that it is to benefit other people because social mean relationships with people. And they must be trying to help figure out why people do what they do so that they can help them. I don't know honestly I got lost because the video seemed really long and I was trying to figure out why it was staying on the same picture for so long? I thought my computer froze. selah789

  34. I think Debra Marshall did a very good job in describing the sociological perspective. She hit some key points and made it very easy to understand, and I think I learned a lot from her video. Using the sociological perspective can help people better understand why thing happen and realize that sometimes there is nothing you can do to prevent problems from happening. I think that if everyone used the sociological perspective they would by better off and more at peace with their lives. ajw789

  35. Debra Marshall made a lot of good points on the social imagination. I agree that problems we have are structural and that we aren't always the primary contributors to problems we face in life. I also agree that we should put ourselves in other people's shoes to better understand their problems. We tend to forget other people problems and focus on our own, but that itself is a problem. The more we focus on ourselves and forget about others, the more we will continue to become unequal. I like the way the video and sociology itself encourages you to become more understanding and caring to the people around you.

  36. The sociological imagination should be relevant in every individual's life. I think that a lot of people take things in life for granted. Society has been brutal and successful as far as corrupting people instead of helping. Its not about helping each other anymore, it seems to be if your social class isn't at society's norm them your gonna be out of the loop. no one wants to be out of the loop.

    1. I definitely agree with this. Society still has a very long way to go. Some progress has been made but the grouping of social classes still needs some work. Society's norm isn't going to fit everyone I understand that there will always be an outcast. But as of now society's norm doesn't fit a lot of people. Most people are labeled based all on social class or financial stability. In that sense we need to continue to grow and progress.

  37. This video was extremely helpful. It helped me realize that problems that I think I am the only one experiencing are actually very common among my peers and others. I guess you can say I live the college student lifestyle so I'm usually broke or trying to make ends meet. The part in the video where she ask her students about their financial struggles and making ends meet was dead on. My hand would have been raised as well. But once you realize that its not just you that's experiencing these struggles you can better understand sociology. Realizing that some things are beyond your control and you have to roll with the punches as they come. But once you realize its a problem for others as well it allows you to look at things differently and realize that the world isn't out to get you personally. Sometimes that's just the way life is.

    1. i agree as well because im practically a broke college student as well trying to make though with working part time and going to school full time leaves me with no social life just trying to get through by working to the best of my abilities.

    2. I here you exactly! I have two jobs and am a full time student. It’s exhausting because I have to work all night sometimes and then go straight to school. I'm lucky I met my boyfriend during the summer because I can't imagine having to worry about dating causally now.

  38. Before watching this video I would definitely say I am an island to myself but listening to the instructor speech I understand that im not the only one struggling and going through things in life. Yes I do think if people will stop being so stubborn and work together to be structural this country and our lives we run a lot more smoother. We have a lot of teaching and discipline to do in order for this to work but it is a good idea that I think can be successful.Rozayflow012

  39. I believe that the social imagination is something that everyone should use, not only will it help us understand other people in general. But it will pull us away from our “boxed in” familiar way of thinking how our lives should go or how it should be set up by society. Yes, it is easier said than done to change the “structure”. But that doesn’t mean it is impossible. I know people that have been at their lowest whether it was financially, family problems, housing problems, or even struggling to work while also managing their grades. While the “structure” has yet to change for society, those that are dealing with these setbacks have changed their mindset! They’re not waiting for the fairy god mother to grant them three wishes to take their problems away or make them easier by chance. They have faith and work hard on a daily basis to make it. Is it easy..No! But is it worth it to see hard work pay off…ohhh yes! Chiatia012

  40. this video talks about the individuals. it talks about what we as individuals have a different point of views. it talks about we as young adults struggle in life. like what are we doing with our life what school to go to, where am i going to after college where am i going to, am i going to futher on in my degree or am i going to go off and start my career. whats my next job going to be where am i going to live or am i going to live my life. are my parent going to kick me out of the house after i graduate. we all have different thought process someone else could think way different then i may be thinking you just never know. sociology tells how we live our lives and what level in the world we live in. we live in a world where no one really cares what other people think you might think that is a good thing but you also might think it is a bad thing. but i don't know you tell me.

  41. Its blows my mind on how the world around you plays a bigger factor on how in why people do things ,more than they even know It. Why people do or don't do things are not the way you should think they will because everybody has freewill but also make choices that you wouldn't understand. Sociology is a way people can measure the different ways and how we can change everyone struggles in different ways. Leo...012

  42. I think this video was a little harder to follow than the previous. The professor speaking is very dry cut about the topics of sociological imagination. One of the topics she addressed was finance and how we need to make education less expensive. That really stuck me because colleges these days are very expensive. If we changed the tuition fees, how would society change? At ICC they have a program called Peoria Promise, which promotes those to continue in their education in college and have a better future. It covers the costs of schooling and I think this will really shape society within the walls of Peoria because it gives those who have less or who can’t afford to send there children to college a chance and opportunity to be more than they can afford. C. Wright Mills allows us to see that sometimes the problems we may have are structural. Sometimes we aren’t the primary contributors to the problems we may have to experience. However, if we change the structure, change society, maybe some problems won’t have a life-threatening impact on us. If we decreased tuition, everyone could have a better chance for a better future. jme789

    1. This video was well informative but would agree it was pretty dry as well. The Peoria Promise Program mentioned above is helpful for the local community and would agree could be a life changing advantage for alot of people who took advantage of it and the plenty more to come that may not have been able to see a day of college without the program. LeoBlocker89

  43. This clip gave me a better understanding on how to see things from a different point of view. We all have different ways of thinking, however if we start by opening our self up to others, and maybe sharing are thoughts, values , struggles in society. We can all come up with some better ways to go about things or to just find better solutions. I really think a lot of students struggle with cost of school. they lose their quality of mind to see there is a future for them. I have had teachers they gave extra credit just for bring food in, as students were coming to class hungry and was not even able to restore the information they were being taught. Are job is to work hard, stick to a budget but if you had no source of income then we as society need to take a look around and make a change. We need to shape are society and make things affordable for those trying to move forward and give all they can .Imagine if we lived in the ideal world here everyone was kind and helped those in need that were going to make a future. We just might have less struggles if we all just took a look around on how things impact others. Blessed 789

  44. I feel like really understand and grasp exactly what sociology means and represents. I am constantly thinking I am the only one certain with things happening. Even on a situational standpoint, there have been people in the past, present, and very likely in the future that have dealt and will deal with things that go on in their head that I have similarly have gone through. It is rare for people to have so many health problems I have and I know it. I do believe that I have the ability to overcome my problems. I know that I have literally HUGE medical bills that take a chunk out of my hard earned money from me but I also know like so many others, I will get passed this. It was hard at first to realize that I’m as unique as I thought I was but it’s also a cool thought to know there are people that are similar to me.

  45. This video was helpful in understanding the close comparison between individuals from a far distance. Problems that seem to be personal are shown to be not so personal at all. C. Mills is identified to have helped pursue a different way of viewing sociology that's beneficial for multiple parties that didn't realize how much they had in common with the next. A popular example is how a hospital bill for a common injury could setback almost anyone that's not in the middle class or better. Or how so many college students could use more money. Not because their students but because of the issues that come with being a student like getting to class, learning to live on your own, and making sure you can afford to eat. Viewing situations from a society view other than just a personal one could not only bring a community together but tasks become much easier to achieve. LeoBlocker89

    1. I agree with you when you say it makes you think about problems from not just a personal level but bigger than that. It does make you realize how much you do have in common with other people but do not realize it. -dicaprio012

  46. Sociological research shows the imagination of sociology, the "quality of the mind" C. Wright mills wants to show us how we fit into the bigger picture. The decisions that we make are not just the decisions we make on our own. Our decisions that we make daily are influenced by so many other inner lining factors. There are things in this world, that are bigger than us. C.wright mills also said that we aren't the primary contributors to the problems that we face on the daily. There are reasons for everything that happens to us. There is a reason why you got fired from your job. I feel like the saying "everything happens for a reason" drives from all of this. It honestly makes you think about how big the world is, and your just living in it. -dicaprio012


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