U.S. Prison Boom - Your Thoughts.....


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  2. i do not agree with the punishment, that i saw in the beginning where water is being poured on a man whose face is covered. that is just unjust. and unfair. i also dont understand why we give all of our power to the prosecutors as said in the video. also how is it fair that the president cant arrest any body with "suspicion" if they aren't committing a crime.. why arrest them?


    1. What I dont understand is why they are using the water board on that guy and for what reason? The fact that you pointed out with prosecutors is they have too much power, who gave them all that power to start with. The court system should not be overly controlled by them. Also with the fact that the president can arrest anyone he wants out of suspicion is another valid statement. Why would we choose a leader that would imprison us for life just because he doesn't trust us? A president should not have that power I mean you have like a several dozen armed guards anyway, what are you scared off? Conervation456

    2. I agree with you 100% snakebite456 I don't agree with them pouring water on anybody no matter what crime they committed. I believe in talking to people because people respond better when you're being nice and cordial with them versus rude and critical. I also agree about arresting off of suspicion is uncalled for because who’s to say that the suspicion is accurate. They should base arrests off of facts seen or heard. Love456

  3. In the beginning of the video it talked about in the 1980's African American's were treated worse in the federal court for felony's and crimes committed, I believe that because of the inequality of those cases made the terms worse, that the case should be looked at again and set to what it would be if they were treated fairly. I believe that we shouldn't have as many people in prison and jail as we have. If someone was to notice that the United States has the most people incarcerated than any other country how would that make us look? People then would think that we are not that land of the free. Then with the fact of having all these people incarcerated, how are we feeding them all? If we didn't feed so many we could probably bring our government out of poverty for what we know. The last disagreement they pointed out it why can the president arrest someone indefinitely, just on the power of suspicion? Which would ruin that persons goal in a heart beat. Conservation456

    1. In so many words our country does look like chickens with our head cut off. Racism is still a big problem in the U.S. The jury is suppose to be of your peers... the problem is which peers ? The law changes every year for the prison system and the prisoners are slowly praying their sentences be reduce. There are website out here to support reducing sentencing. Prisoners being released from prison has no chance in society... their lost and aggressive. Cancer80-456

    2. I agree with you on the point that in the past alot of african americans were convicted unfairly based on the color of there skin. If we could retry these people that we convicted unfairly i think we could make quite a bit of room in our prisons.

  4. America holds the world's largest incarcerated population. Because of suspicion police and can arrest and just so happen you may have something illegal on you, your past record, or because of the race. 2.3 million is the population of prisoners being held and some of it could be because of suspicion. Black Americans are the largest racial minority in the prison system. To lock someone up and throw away the key is not the answer to gain rehabilitation. Being locked up and so much time has past all the prisoner know is the mentally of being locked down and surviving. Guantanamo Bay is to detain dangerous prisoners. Prisoners and former prisoner have reported abuse and torture and the President Administrative has/have denied all allegations. Cancer80-456

    1. I agree with Cancer80-456 on the fact that simply locking someone up is not the way to go for rehabilitation. This only makes people feel hopeless and even more angry than they were before because they dont have any help when they get back out into society leading them to do more illegal things either because they are bigger and angrier or need a means of support that might take them to the same criminal path that landed them in prison in the first place.

  5. The video stated that the United States has approximately 2.3 million people serving sentences in prison. I think the biggest reason is the War on Drugs. It’s tying up our legal system with non-violent offenders. For the longest time, I have always thought the solution to crime in our country and the swelling prison population is to toughen up the sentences of inmates. I thought they should make prison as undesirable as possible. Lock up the prisoners twenty four hours a day, seven days a week inside a cell with themselves and one other person. After all, for what reasons do prisoners need to leave their cells? To eat? Bring the food to the cell. Exercise? If they were concerned about getting exercise then they shouldn’t have done the crime that got them there. My thought was to make it so undesirable that nobody ever wanted to go back and because of that, sentences could be shortened. As I’ve been further educated on this issue though, I’ve found that there is a lot more to it. Mainly the fact that it is proven that prison doesn’t really deter criminals like you think it would. I’m not sure what the solution is, but I know it will have many working parts and there is no simple answer to it.


  6. A lot of the incarcerations made in the United States are a joke do to the fact that we have a bunch of people doing a lot more time than necessary in prison for crimes such as dealing drugs. The War on Drugs is one of the main reasons that we have had such an explosion in prison population. Criminals that are incarcerated on drug charges are doing more time than some white collar criminals such as Martha Stewart of whom we spoke of in class which stole from thousands of innocent Americans causing them to lose their homes and causing some to commit suicide. Now as we talked about in class, she only got a few years then was released and got back on air, as to where drug dealers, which are still committing a crime but not as big as hers, are getting up to 8 to 10 years in prison. I feel that if we are going to lessen prison populations we need to focus more on more serious crimes than focusing more on drugs. Having a large prison population isn’t going to help lower crime because of the fact that the budget only doubles but the population in prison gets six times bigger leading to not being able to rehabilitate inmates which is the point of them going to prison.

    1. I agree with you, most of the incarcerations in the U.S. are a joke. People who are arrested for drugs shouldn't be locked away and forgotten, they need help to get better. Martha Stewart ruined thousands of lives yet she only gets a couple years? A drug dealer who gets busted can get 10 years in prison, because they supply WILLING users. That's not right, some major issues need to be ironed out in our criminal justice system. BHS

    2. anymore today, drugs is beginning to seem worse than rape or murder. its always about the guys who get caught with drugs who get the hardest punishment it seems like and guys who rape or murder get a slap on a wrist.


  7. 2.3 million Americans in prison, that number is entirely way to high. The most prevalent offense being drugs. Instead of incarcerating people for drugs the United States should focus on rehabilitating the offenders. By rehabilitating offenders two birds are killed with one stone, the offender can get their drug use under control and most importantly, prison populations go down. I have mixed feelings regarding the President being able to have people arrested on suspicion. While I am for keeping America safe from terrorism, foreign and domestic; I feel there needs to be more proof than just suspicion. While the American may have the best Criminal Justice system in the world, it still has plenty of kinks to work out. BHS456

    1. There will always be room for improvement with the American Criminal Justice system, that is one thing that is for sure! I understand how it can be hard to keep up with the different "crime trends" in America, but arresting on suspicion is pretty extreme. tay456

  8. The War on Drugs helps us grow to the HUGH prison population of over 6 million. Most of the prisoners in the prison system know that are in there for drug charges are spending more time in prison the ones how have raped. That's Not right!!!! and the way they treat some prisoners is unfair and unjust. the war on drug was the right thing to do at the time. know how ever. its just filling the prisons and costing a lot more money than they wanted. I feel some of the time does't fit the crime.5 years ago if someone was arrested for crack it was a smaller jail time than crack cocane. SM456

  9. The drug war has an extreme impact on the prison population. Not to condone drugs, but some of the sentences placed on people for drug offenses are outrageous. Having people incarcerated longer for drugs than for more violent crimes, makes it seem as though the more serious crimes are more acceptable, when in reality it should be the other way around. Or people incarcerated for drug offenses should be worked with and rehabilitated, not serving lengthy prison sentences, keeping prison populations high. tay456

    1. I totally agree with you. Being imprisoned longer on a drug charge than on a violent crime charge is not right. We should be working to rehabilitate these people not locking them up and throwing away the key. People convicted of violent crimes should be incarcerated for years not people with a drug charge.

  10. The U.S. is the world's number one in prisoner population. Majority of that population consist of African Americans. I think the U.S. being the world’s largest imprisonment population is ridiculous and it's not doing anything to help people understand what and why they did what they was wrong. It makes them upset and worse off than when they were arrested. The U.S. is suppose to be the "Land of Liberty, Freedom, and Justice for all" the way the statistics are set up doesn't look like that famous statement is used today or will ever be unless the judicial and legislature system makes some major changes. I don't agree on the arrest of a U.S. citizen based off suspicion w/o charge. I believe solely in innocent until proven guilty not just what someone says but a video recording or a tape recording of the crime the person has committed. Rehabilitation should be put in effect immediately and any extra funds should go to different rehab programs, so the prisons will lower the numbers of people locked up. Love456

  11. There are many reasons why the U.S. has the worlds largest incarcerated poplutaion. First off we are detaining all of these immagrants when we should either make them citizens that can contribute to society or deport them instead of keeping them locked up and paying to take care of them. Also the fact that we take prisoners of war and detain them without ever giving them a trial is just wrong and costing us alot of money. Another reason why the U.S. has so many prisoners is all of the get tough on drug laws we have made threwout the years that put length punishments on simple drug offenses. I feel that sending these drug users to rehab would be better for them and it would save on prison space.

  12. The amount of people imprisoned in the US is outrageous. Many people believe that every person in prison is bad when they are not. So many of them just need the proper help whether that be rehab, a form of counseling, etc. The US is spending so much money to imprison everyone when they should be spending this money on helping them. Even the people in prisons helping them get an education so when they are released they can return to society and find jobs and be able to actually accomplish something. Instead the government is putting them away then releasing them with no help and with no education which leads that person right back to where they started and will ultimately land them back into prison. The government is also incarcerating suspected terrorists indefinably when we should be investigating, finding answers, and proving whether they really are a terrorist or a threat. The US is just digging a deeper whole.

    1. I would have to agree with your comment about rehabilitating inmates. Its not something we should just lock them up and forget about them for the next 10 years because whats going to happen when they eventually get out. they are going to be dumb and pissed off. Or we can rehabilitate them and educate them and show them there is more to life than crime so they can become a contributing member of society. USA456

    2. I agree with fdemt456 that not everyone in prison is bad. They may have made some bad decisions but that does not mean that they have to stay in prison for the rest of there life. They should be offered a second chance with a rehabilitation program, and they should make the decision to do so and be in the program themselves. -Austin456

    3. I agree with fdemt456 when it comes to the US just digging a deeper hole. Many inmates have lengthy sentences on drug charges, and are basically forgotten. They don't get an opportunity to be rehabilitated most of the time, due to the jail's budget, and just become angry and hateful individuals. If this person were to get out, I bet you'll see this person committing more violent crimes, especially against people who put them in there. BadWolf456

  13. This video has some interesting points. One point I would like to touch on more than the others is Guantanamo Bay prison. Its easy for us all to say that it is unjust for our country to arrest and detain all these people on suspicion alone. But do we really believe America is just plucking random people out of the crowd and throwing them in Gitmo? No way. These people that are in there are in for a reason. If we just left everyone alone that is a suspected terrorist we could possibly have had a 9/11 every year since 2001. We are doing things necessary to keep our country safe from outside terrorist attacks. Call me harsh, but i would rather keep these guys detained than take the chance of another big attack on our own soil. We have so much technology now that is top secret and we can listen in on phone calls from around the world. We have a pretty good idea that these guys are doing things or planning things that could harm americans so why should we not detain them? Another thing I saw in this video is how it appears we are racially profiling people and throwing them in jail. I dont know how true this is. I mean everyone of every race is capable of committing crime regardless if you are white black blue or green. Maybe judges and juries are convicting people depending on race, and that is on the individual. Its not right and we shouldnt stand for it, but to me it seems almost as though the guy is saying that our country is racist which i dont necessarily believe.USA456

  14. I think it is stupid on how many people that are being thrown into prison each year in the United States and the U.S. having the largest imprisonment rate in the world. Having this many people in prison costs a lot of money, and the last time a checked I thought the government was in huge debt anyways, somewhere in the billions. They should use the money that it costs to hold someone in prison for a lifetime and start trying to use the money for more rehabilitation programs. The U.S. should not be as strict with the three-strike program, and get-tough-on-drugs, and by doing so it would allow the prison population to hopefully decrease. Even though drugs are illegal and most of the people that get thrown in jail should stay there, some of the people who are in prison should get a second chance and get rehabilitation. –Austin456

    1. I agree Austin456 that the United States should be using the money that they house inmates and provide strong rehabilitation programs. It roughly costs $22,000 a year to house an inmate. More social programs can be created to provide meaningful services to reform these inmates. Unfortunately, most inmates do not get an opportunity to take advantage of rehabilitation programs until the last 6 months of their sentence. Guess what an inmate is expressed to until they enter one of these programs. FLYGUY789

  15. I cannot believe that I wasn’t aware that the president could arrest someone indefinitely without a charge and only based on suspicions!! I think that’s a waste of money just to be able to arrest someone for suspicion. I thought people had a right to know what they’re being charged with? I believe if they had suspicions on someone they arrested, they need to have solid evidence against this person. It pains me to still see that one race is being targeted that most when it comes to being arrested/charged. For example, when leaving school, I saw a police officer give a speeding ticket to someone that was going a couple over the speed limit. Then you see a white male zooming past the police officer without switching lanes, and going at least 80mph.. I mean look what we just watched in the previous video about torturing? If you’re being detained based on someone thought they saw you commit a crime, you could’ve been tortured into confessing to a random crime and there’s your evidence! Plus people are being charged with lengthy sentences like life without parole, but I guess that’s cheaper than sentencing someone to death. BadWolf456

  16. It is very unfortunate that our prison system has become so lucrative for the country today. Knowing that in the early 80s this institution was at risk of closing down because of low population, but by the end of the 80s after the Reagan Administration prisons exploded during the War on Drugs. African American men have bared the brunt of imprisonment and continue to have the largest class of people that are imprisoned today. The other issue of concern is the mandatory penalties took much of the discretion out of the hands of judges and put this power into the hands of prosecutors. This has allowed a lot of disparity and unjust imposing of the law especially towards African Americans. FLYGUY789


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