What is Sociology? Simply Put....


  1. I like this video because if give you a brief and knowledgeable understanding of what sociology is. I also like how he points out that man tend to earn more than women and sociology tends to give you a better understanding of why. Also that sociology gives you a better understanding of what influences your life; family background, ethnicity, religion, social class, or your gender. This video really shows that sociology helps you think about how society effects your life. Also what sociologist research to give you a basic understanding on what they do. The last part of this video I like was how he brings up Karl Marx who believed our society is unequal and that changes will probably always be made to make it right. Conservation789

    1. I agree with Conservation789 because in the class, you aren't getting a lot of time to really understand what sociology, so the video gave you a recap on what was said in class. I think that the video did a good job with recapping it for me. I would like to know more about Karl Marx and why he thinks that our society is unequal and what changes that will have to be made to make things right. rosebud012

    2. I also liked the Karl Marx statement on how he said things will always be changing to make everything right. It's never going to be exactly perfect. That's just reality. Things will be good, things will be bad and everyone will always have different opinions than yourself. I liked this video too. It gave a great brief description of sociology. -Aquariusgirl789

    3. I completely agree with you (Conservation789). This video does point out some great topics and it does help you understand why things tend to happen the way they do. Like I mentioned in my comment we have learned a little bit about what he discussed so some of it was a recap which was nice! And I also agree with you when you say sociology helps you think about how society effects you life because that's true, it does! -Pink789

    4. I agree Conservation789 that the video has some great topics and hits some great points. It also helps you understand why society is the way it is, or why society is the way it is. Everything changes and there is a reason behind it. And I feel that reason is sociology. Great interpretation of the video, -Superman789

    5. I agree with Conservation789 that this video did give a brief and knowledgeable understanding about sociology. This video was very interesting and gave some great points. My favorite a point they talk about was how high pregnancy is in certain parts of the world, which we also discuss this in class. I like how it was a short and straight to the point which made me understand sociology better.

    6. I agree as well, the video did give a lot of good information. It gave people watching a good basic understanding of the subject. I also agree with your interpretation of what he said about Karl Marks. I believe that to be true as well. ajw789

    7. i agree with you because it is very interesting how sociology teaches us about the male and female thought process is different. just how diffent we really are is intersting. and i also relized that guy was talking in a british accent. also how everyone sees the wold in a differnt point of view.

    8. This video was a good way of show how the world today is so closed minded and how we don't teach the younger generations. They have not been taught the right manors or have good role models for the way you should act as a teenager. The difference between how men n women are paid these days won't be changed in my life time . . I also believe it to be true of what Karl marks says. Leo...012

    9. I do agree with you conversation789, this video does give a brief understanding of the subject and the examples being used are easy to relate to because we may use them everyday. This video also informs the viewer of how much we are influenced by our surroundings and by how much your government wants you to know. LeoBlocker89

  2. sociology is a very good thing that we need to learn so we can use it in our life today. An example from the video " we study society by looking at the various things that influence people life." This example really stood out to me because sometimes we don't look or ask ourselveds questions about our society we tend to have an negative perspective because we may not know something. i believe it is a good thing to know about our bakground, ethnicity and more. Even learning another cities society can be a good thing just for more knowledege. godschild789

    1. I don’t think that we need to look at other cities to find the answers that are right around us. However, we could use other cities to see how they are doing financially, crime rate, and how many are in shelters. Also we could use these cities to predict what ethnic groups, religious groups, racial groups, and etc. to see what the future of Peoria could be. Bubbles789

    2. I agree with Bubbles789 in that looking at other cities societies could help us understand how Peoria may evolve and grow. I think that one city we may already take a lot from is here in our own state. Chicago is the third largest city in the United States by population. With the way that population is always going up, you can expect Peoria to get larger and larger. It would not make sense to not look at the way society has evolved in Chicago to help us prepare for when we eventually do have a very large population here in Peoria. I think population increase definitely affects a city's society as a whole. shoestopher789

    3. I completely agree with godschild789. I think knowledge is power and knowing more about different aspects of society can only be a positive thing in our lives. It is good to have an open mind and want to learn more about the unknown, rather than have a negative perception of it. -purple182

  3. Watching this video helped me further understand what we will be studying and talking about in sociology class. Being that this is my first sociology class ever, I had no idea what to expect. Now I have a more complete understanding and know that sociology is all around us in everyday life. To give my opinion on some of the questions in the video, I think that men tend to make more money than women because it is men who control most of the wealth in society. Thus it is mostly men that decide who will make most of the money and I think that when put to the test, one specific group of people, be it men or women, will usually pick their own over another. Im not saying this is right, I feel like it should be equal all the way down to the last penny, but I believe this is just how it has been since people first walked the earth. I hope to see the day when men and women are completely equal in wealth and all of society. On the teen pregnancies in Britain question, I'm not sure about other European countries but i'm pretty sure that in the U.K. some things that would be censored on American television are not. I believe that after 9pm programs can use profanity and after 11pm they can show nudity. I think that this leads to teens in the U.K. to be more open about sex and their entire society as a whole to be more sexually open. I do not know if this directly relates to increased pregnancies but I feel like it would definitely be a contributing factor. Anyways, thats my take on that. shoestopher789

    1. I think the UK television information your relieved is very important to the pregnancy conclusion drawn by the view. I think it is interesting to compare different countries for different aspects like the pregnancy example in Europe, or information about the typical, or not so typical workweek for someone in the United States. I also like your point about money flow and control. How one gender would typically choose the same gender to work with, or to hire under them. These are the types of things I wish to continue to discover through this class, as I am sure you are too! -Spacepotatoes012

  4. During the video I was actually impressed from the knowledge I gained. It was great how the video broke down important factors contributing to our society! Face it, we all live in this society. Its just a matter of who want it and who don't. EVERYONE will have a time in their life when they feel how they feel. Sometimes we have to be very careful on being judge mental. Thinking what we feel is a fact, when really its just another opinion. The only real way to create CHANGE on any situation is to gain more knowledge about it. ( there is always more to learn) Try and understand why people do what they do or are how they are. Be involved, advocate and try to change anything in this world we don't like. Everyone has a story! It may be good, bad ,scary,funny or sad .Just like everyone has a life to live whether you're born rich, poor or in between,you were born in whatever that situation may be. The key to life is learn, learn, learn and do better! We all can do better at something, no matter what it is First, learn life and find how we can make it BETTER! Lets us not add to the hate and hurt that's already destroying this world anyway! I do me 789

    1. I agree with you. I also believe that people should know the whole story before they try and cross that line of bringing judgment on someone. I have been driven by my emotions before in my life, and have thought that everything that I thought was right, but in all actuality I was just young. I had to reap a lot of the things that I sowed before I realized what I was doing to others, and also to myself. I definitely wasn't helping anyone. I agree with you that people should try and help the world rather than adding hate to it.

    2. I agree with what you have said. This video was very easy to see what we will be getting into this semester. I have taken this class before and it is very interesting to see the difference in other countries as well as our own on how we all live. Its crazy to see what our norm is, is not always others. I agree with you on being judgmental. the moment it is out of what we are use to we want to change something. we all have our ways and we should be more open to new ideas, Yet we are all human and sometimes that can be the hardest thing to over come is change. I really like your statement " the key to life is learn learn, learn and do better." I never saw it that way. kakers789

    3. I agree with you on how you look at how people should be and the world as a whole. People are more out for themselves or how people see them more today more than ever and not for there neighbor or population on the world . in today's world if you don't learn you wont grow. everyone has a diffrent life and has to over come the sh*t that happens in them. you can't help where or when you were born but you can make life changes to make the world around the way you want it to be. it takes people longer than others to realize it and how to go about it/....leo012

  5. This video did help me understand more about this class. I agree with godschild 789 on this one. I remember Judge Mathis saying something very important. You have to measure your own level of success. My level of success may not be your level of success! REMEMBER... it's not were your from, its all about how you come! so all you got to do is go get it:) Imma do me789

  6. This video on "what is sociology" really helped me to better understand not only what sociology is but it also broke down what sociologist study and why they study it. I had a general idea of what Sociology was before signing up for this class. However, this video helped me to further understand why we need to study things such as race, gender, family, society and even religion. In class were able to go into a lot more detail about each of these topics but this video was a great recap on why we are going to and need to study these topics. This video also showed some related topics such as biology and history and how they will play a big role in studying sociology as well. I am personally really excited to study all of the things that sociology covers and get a chance to see why people do the things they do. ~Tempus Fugit012

  7. "What is Sociology," the video helped me by breaking down what sociology is. I didn't have a clear understanding of what sociology was until read a couple of chapters in the book. After watching the video, I understood a like better about sociology. I am interested in what the class is going to teach me and what I will learn from the class. I agree with Tempus Fugit012 that we will be able to learn more in the class and the videos will be a recap on what was talked about in class. I am just curious for some that religion is going to come into the picture. rosebud012

  8. I think this video was a good description of sociology. It helped me get an understanding of it a bit clearer. I like how the guy in the video described how many things make up yourself. For instance, religion, age, and ethnicity can make up some of the features about yourself. These make you who you are. I know there are all kinds of stuff that people want to know about, like when William Davies describes some differences between men and women. I like when he asks, “Why do men make more money than women?” We all wonder questions like this. There's many parts to it you need to look into to get a full understanding. That is part of sociology. It will be interesting to learn all of these factors that go into our daily lives and get answers to some questions we always wondered. -Aquariusgirl789

    1. I agree watching this video kind of gave me a better insight on what sociology is really about, or at least what to suspect entering this class. There are a lot questions in this video that keep most of us wondering.

    2. I am fortunate enough where I am in a female dominated field in both of my current jobs. However, men dominate my mother’s field. She has a lot of problem's competing with her male counterpart. On the other side of the issue, my career choice is very dominated by women and now that men are sought out for this career, they have a leg up on the competition.

  9. This video makes me very anxious to learn. I want to know more about the reasons why are society is the way it is. I think this video gave a great description of what sociology is and reaffirmed my decision to take this course. It definitely gave a great introduction to it without going into too much detail. I know we will get more in depth on these topics in class, and I'm really looking forward to it. One thing that he asked in the video that really got me thinking was "Are we free or do we follow the crowd?" As much as we would all like to think we are living in a free country, there are many ways that we are not free. In order to be a functioning member of society, there are certain things that we must do. I also thought it was interesting that Britain has higher levels of teen pregnancy than most other countries. I didn't know that and I'm curious as to why that is the case. -purple789

    1. Hi Purple789, this video also made me want to learn more about sociology. I never knew that Britain had higher level of pregnancy than any other country, and that is one thing that I would like more information on as well. There are a lot of ways we all may not all be free and we really follow crowds. I think that money would be one way but I could be wrong just my opinion. -toybox789

  10. Honestly, It wasn't really a surprise to hear that a lot of things studies in society is based upon is the media, and social standards. When he asked if he had missed anything that is important to me, I would hope that my "profile' would be a little more complex than just family background, religion, ethnicity, class and gender? I think that the experiences that I have had in my life; weather good or bad, has really influenced the person that I am. I don't think that being a girl, or being white has influenced me very much. I can understand religion being in that mix, but I never really sought after God fervently until I actually needed him to live. I am interested to learn more of the deeper things that sociologist study about people. It was surprising that teen pregnancy is higher over there, but the video was from 2011, so I wonder if those numbers are any different now....

    1. Hi Selah789, I totally agree with you that "my profile" should be a little more complex and have a wider verity of topics. I know that in my personal profile I would have at least twice the amount of topics that have played a role in shaping the person I am. I think that we will definitely get a chance to talk about more topics in class. Just like you said I think this video was a little dated. I wonder how much has actually changed in sociology within the last three years, probably a lot! ~Tempus Fugit012

    2. when you say that the experiences you've had good or bad are what most influenced the person that you are and not you being a girl or white I don't believe you are taking into consideration the experiences you wouldn't have had an opportunity to know had you not been white and not been a girl. Race and gender I think are two of the most vital components most people attribute their experiences to. keep it real! bigstep789

  11. This video was very informative and also helped me understand what exactly what sociology is. Now I fully understand why this sociology course is required for my human services degree. Its all tied together with knowing and understanding different religions and ethnicity. The different people I will be facing in helping them this course seems to be one of the highest key factors to human services. Why men make more than women is a very good question but as time goes on I see it slowly changing. This course seems to be up my alley. There are many different things and ways people live and believe on what should and shouldn't be right. So is it right to have kids as a teenager? I think it's all about your culture and where you're from. Therefore if its right to your people then let it ride. The information definitely makes you think deep and outside of the box, USMC789

  12. I really agree with shoestopher789 this video gave me a much clearer understanding about sociology it makes good since. Men make more money than women, because society tend to feel that men are much more stronger than women, and can have better control over things. However, I disagree with profanity and nudity to be on television, anytime. I do not believe that will help slow down pregnancy rate. I really like how he discuss what makes "you". I believe our religion, background, gender, and social class makes us who we are. Sometimes when certain people act a certain way, you can have a better understanding when you look at their background, and religion. When he asked what society we live in I feel like its all the above. A lot of things have change but everything is still traditional, unequal, sexist, and racist. Toward the end of the video he stated why girls tend to do better, I always felt that we are more mature. We do better because we strive to do better, the society always tend to have men in control so we women prove that we can also do the same. myapic789

    1. I agree with you that society tends to believe men are stronger. I think society tends to think women are more prone to act based on emotion rather than stopping and thinking. I also agree that when you stop and look from another person's perspective, it will really help you get a better understanding of their situation. For example, when society sees a homeless person, they tend to think thinks like "Why is this person begging when they could be getting a job?" However, if you stop and think, maybe this person applies for jobs every single day but nobody will hire him because of his dirty clothes and bearded face, and he has no money and no place to go clean himself up.

    2. Yes! I definitely agree that many people don't want to take the time out to gain insight as to what a homeless person feels or even goes through on a daily basis. I remember watching an interview about a homeless person and he was saying that he's just a normal human being like you and I...he's just one that's down on his luck. He went on to say how he once lived in a house then one day he just ended up on the streets. Yes, it was sad but we have to keep in mind they too are people just like us. chiatia012

  13. I really enjoyed this short video clip about Sociology! It highlighted some topics and points that we have discussed in class and read about in these couple of chapters. This is my second time taking sociology, my first time was in high school and I found it so interesting! I think it's neat how sociologists look into what causes something to happen; in my opinion when you do that yourself it kind of gives you a different outlook on life itself. He made a comment about two things that caught my attention; one was how teen pregnancy was higher in Britain than other European countries and the other was about him asking if we are really free? I would like to learn why Britain has a high teen pregnancy rate, that just seems odd to me. And to answer his question about us being free, in a sense we are. If you compare us to other countries we are free but some citizens may say different. Also, he did mention about men making more money then women, I feel as if women wouldn't be having children back to back then maybe they could make just as much money as men do. This video only made me eager to want to learn more and more. - Pink789

    1. I agree with the fact that the video does highlight things and opens your eyes to things. But I don't agree with the men making more money than women , just because women have many children. The fact that men make more money than women is SEXIST. I know many men that have over seven kids and still are making more money than a woman with one child or no children at all. Society has set up an invisible rule that men will make more because they're men and can do more than a woman. -Love789

  14. What I found most interesting about this video was how it guided my thoughts into an area that had been previously overlooked. I have never entertained the idea that people and institutions could have such a vital impact on not only my life, but also on society as a whole. To think that everyday influences such as family relationships, a person's gender, ethnicity religion and traditions could by themselves or combined alter or determine the direction of a person or possibly a society. I have always been aware of the obvious more controversial issues such as racists governments, divisions amongst religious sects, the aspect of biology social class and geographical location that all have differing degrees of impact on how are lives are affected but to now understand that there is a longstanding scientific study of the subject of sociology so precise that predictions can be and have been made with certain levels of accuracy is thought provoking to say the least. In retrospect as I think back over my life and the history of this country, I now wonder how many decisions did I make that were truly of my own free will and how many were coherced . How many pages in our history books were just happenstance and how many were the result of a well planned social experiment ? I think it's going to be very interesting to learn more about the role sociology has played not only in my life but in history as well. bigstep789

  15. The short video clip on What is sociology was a very good insight on different things that we will learn in this class. Granted it didn't go into a lot of detail yet it pointed out some good questions. For example in the video clipping they asked Why is it that we think men make more money than women. For me I always ponder on questions like this. Is it just because its the norm, or is it because they are the men and they are suppose to be the bread winners. For me I am a people watcher. I don't stare, but sometimes I go place and I just watch. I watch what they do and how they act. In this movie what makes up sociology is the study of society. Society there are many looks on and studies and they are not all right. We all grow up with our own thoughts and feelings about things so in my opinion sociology and what is right and wrong could and probably will always be a debate. I am excited to dig into sociology and learn more about it. kakers789

    1. I agree with you. I think that even though he did not go into a lot of detail as to the questions that he brought up, he gave a very good broad understanding of society. The questions that he brought up are interesting and things that I too would like to learn about. I also agree that no one person has all of the right answers. There are things that I feel are right and just that others feel are wrong. I have noticed this in classes I am taking. Just because we don't always agree doesn't mean that anyone is right and its these arguments and ideas that form societies.

  16. Watching this video made me see that SOC IS everyday life. People, Politics, Governments, and Society all create SOC. We as people create SOC and choose what is acceptable or not. If not for diversity I don't think SOC would have much effect on society. This video made me think of my own free will. It isn't all that free. It's always a standard or reason for things to be a certain way. Society is sexists. It's funny how men can do one thing but if women do it, they are looked down upon. Life should be equal. Race, Gender, Sexual Preference, Age, Body Size shouldn't be judged or placed into a certain part of Society. They all make society what it is, whether good or bad. As far as teen pregnancy being higher in foreign countries, I think it’s because it’s more accepted. It maybe be accepted more because of different views on teen pregnancy. Or the teens could be finically stable enough to raise a baby. But in America because of poverty we look down on teen pregnancy. -Love789

  17. I really thought this video clip and references in the book were interesting on how sociology is. Like what kind of society do we live in or what kind would we like to live in. They are all questions one person or another has had. sociology makes me look at things like never before I really don't know how we live in and unequal world. I would like to do research to find out more facts that support this theory. who says sociology has an impact on society today. Do we live in the land of the free, or do we now have others making choices for us? theses are all questions I often ask myself from time to time. Is this the kind of world I would of thought I would be living in today. I don't think, so much has changed just in the last 20 years. I don't think it is for the better. I fear with God taking out of everything there is worst to come. Blessed 789

  18. This video gives you insight on what sociology is and why we need to learn about it. I have always wondered why men makes more money than girls do. Or why girls tend to do better with studies. Knowing what kind of society we live in and how we could change it could be cool to learn about. I have no idea how we have an unequal society? I would love to learn more. I can totally understand where women thought we lived in a sexist society due to all the jobs that would turn down women. Do we really live in a free land or do we just follow the pact? That's a major question that I ask myself. Superman789

    1. I definately think you had great questions. I always hear how women think we have a sexist society. At the same time, I think that our society has changed quite a bit, especially if you look at a 500 year time span. Women used to be the ones that stayed home, cooked, cleaned, and took care of the kids. Now many men are starting to be the stay-at-home dads. I think that when social problems are addressed they change. Society is constantly changing and it is hard to keep up with it.

    2. I agree that this video raises some questions about today's society. It makes you ask questions like why do women make more, or why do girls tend to do better in studies. I believe we do live in a free society, but too many people simply follow the status quo rather than set out on thee own and think for themselves.Eviled798

  19. This video gives a great introduction into what sociology is and how it works. Sociology is definately a different subject. It's a subject that truly makes you think and understand differences between communities of people. The video shows that Sociology is used all the time in many different ways and there really isn't much of a limit to sociology.Sociology can cover a range of subjects to uncover how society works. Questions like "why do men make more money than women?" brings history and maybe a bit of psychology into play. Society is constantly changing though, so Sociology isn't the same as it was 100 years ago. I think in the future, Women will end up making more money than men. In the past, women made zero to no money. Now, more commonly, men are stay-at-home dads and the Woman is the primary financial supporter. I think that eventually, Women will be primary supporters all across the United States. This is just one topic of sociology. Sociology can be look at in many different ways and is consistently changing.

    1. I am very excited to learn more about what sociology is and how it works. I can't wait to be able to understand some of the more unseen connections that humans have with each other all over the world. Also I agree with PA789 that sociology is a science and just like any other science Sociology must be studied carefully and all things must be taken into consideration because sociology is constantly changing, because the human race is constantly changing. But maybe by the end of this course my outlook will be changed, maybe humans are creatures of habits, who knows, but I bet we find out!

  20. I personally thought this video was very interesting. The fact that caught my eye the most was the statistics of teen pregnancy. If I were to guess I would have thought it would have been US, not Britain. Keep in mind that video was produced a few years ago, so I’m curious to see if US is the highest now. Other facts stated also had me wondering. Why do girls do better in studies and the big one, why do guys make more money? This video also made me very ready to learn and excited to study and understand sociology. Some of the questions asked in this video were what is important in your society. Is it family? Friends? Sports? I would choose Family as my high importance, but I definitely have many more importance’s then that. LayLay 789

    1. The part of the video that stated that Britain had the highest teen pregnancy interested me as well. However, I think one of the reasons why The US was not included was because the study was based on eastern countries. This video also interested me and kept me asking questions about sociology that we most likely would not have thought about before taking this class.

  21. I think this video gave a great definition as to what sociology is. From breaking down the word and explaining what each part means, to how we can use it. It also touched on some topics of sociology to give us a little bit clearer of an idea as to what the study of society includes. A couple of these topics were why do men, on average, make more money than women, and why do girls generally do better than boys at tests. These are both very interesting questions and things that I would like to learn about during my time studying sociology. It also shows us that understanding sociology can help us understand what influences our lives on a personal level, things such as gender, family, and race, but also how society as a whole can influence our lives and the choices we make. With all of this in mind I think that this was a great video that thoroughly explained the things that we will be learning about.

  22. I thought this video was entertaining as well as informative. I enjoyed the use of humor to get the information across. The questions it asked about what is important to you like religion, money, and family brought out what is most important to most people today. I am looking forward to this course and finding out more about Sociology. I have thought of myself as an observer of others for a long time. Society is constantly changing, what was acceptable just 50 years ago is no longer the norm today, I did find it interesting that teen pregnancy was very high in Britain as I always thought that the British were very conservative. Even though men do tend to make more than women in the job market, sociological attitudes are changing, and women are beginning to catch up to men in the workplace. Eviled798

  23. This video gives you an understanding that sociology is the study of people. It does a good job of recapping the lecture from class. The study of sociology uses a lot of different methods to investigate the way society works and why humans do the things they do as a society .In addition to being the study of society, sociology looks at the social lives of individual people, groups of people, and entire societies. The video explains that if we wanted to see what makes up me or you or the society we live in and how it affects our lives we would look at things such as ethnicity, family background, gender, religion, and class. I think the study of sociology is interesting and the 1st couple of chapters that I read were interesting, and was not boring like reading can be in say psychology book. I would like to learn more about Karl Marx and some of the studies he did in sociology. -toybox789

  24. This video bring up great points. Each of the subjects could be brought up by tons of people depending on their opinions. As time has changed some of the points they brought up are not as bad as they used to be. For example, the idea of sexist has changed over the years. Women now sort of have an equal opportunity to get jobs. Although some companies make it harder for women to get jobs than men, even today. I find sociology interesting just because it's so interesting to know that you can learn about things that you would never think would have to do with society. Society has a huge impact on my life. Most decisions made by people everyday are because of society. Going to school, work, shopping, pretty much everything you do has some connection to society. Beneke789.

    1. I completely agree it's almost as if not mater what you are doing it involves sociology everyday. Never knew that people make it seem more complicated.


  25. I agree with you about the teen pregnancy. I also thought that the US would be the highest teen pregnancy. Maybe this is because we live her and see how many teen pregnancies there are per year. We don't live there so we don't see how common it is in their country. Another thing I agree with is family being important to me in my society. Family comes first and without family nothing else would matter.

  26. Before this semester, Sociology was simply another class that I had to take. This Video is perfect for someone who has no prior knowledge of sociology. Not only does it give the viewer a general idea and outline of what sociology is all about, but it also brings up many sociological points that spark interest. One of those points were the question of whether or not our nation is free or simply following a crowd. This video and reading the textbook so far have made me realize that there are many sociological topics that are very controversial. As a result, it can sometimes be difficult to form set laws such as in biology. In biology for example, we know that gravity pulls things downwards. Sociology on the other hand, is different because people are constantly inconsistent and subject to change.

  27. This video was a good overview of Sociology. It really makes you think about different topics in the subject. It brings up frequently asked questions like money, religion, and differences between men and women. It also makes you think about how society effects us individually and how we act. Questions also come up about our society as a whole whether our society is unequal or sexist. It really makes me look forward to the class and how it can help in the future whether it is in a job or just in life. It makes you relate sociology to your everyday life.

    1. I agree with you on how this video makes you think about life and how society plays a role in how we are as individuals. All the differences in society makes you think back to when Karl Marx said that society is unequal, which was brought up towards the end of this video. This has me looking forward to the class and how it can help in the future as well.

    2. I agree with you too on this. It actually does make you sit there and think about what makes you the person you are. Society really does effect us and how we act as individuals. For me, it makes me mad knowing that society plays a part in everything that I do in life. Before watching this video, I thought that I was in control of my life, but it seems like society pulls the strings.

  28. After watching this video it helps me understand the concept a bit more. Sociology gives a better view of how both sides can view things and also how to act and react to things in society. It shows me no matter what field of study you are in everyone needs to learn some form of sociology.


  29. The video presented gave me a firmer grasp on what sociology is. While some of the information was basic, the video showed some striking similarities when sociology was compared to biology. I like how they used Karl Marx's and feminists' opinions on society, but I believe the video could have gone into more detail when it came to things like race, class, and religion. They also could have shown some other opinions that were differing to Karl Marx or feminists, but as stated before, this video provides a basic understanding of sociology and society as a whole. What could have been added as well is how other countries have different societies, but there is probably another video by the same author concerning that matter. In the end, the video was informative and simple to understand, and I hope we will get to watch more videos similar the the one shown.


    1. There are many topics I too wish were hit upon, but hopefully in class a lot of these more detail topics will be discussed. l am very curious to learn of the different societies other countries have and the facts to depict social subcultures within America. This class is going to be an eye opener to many subjects we would not think of that makes us similar and different.

  30. I thought this was a good video. It was informative and helped me understand more of what sociology is and what I will be learning during this class. I also had no idea that teen pregnancy is highest in the U.K. which is a nice fact to know. I also like how he broke down the meaning of sociology so we understand more of what sociology is. The way that this video broke down our influences was also very informative and helped me realized how people are influenced. It was nice how they asked you the questions to keep you interested in the video. I also liked how he talks about Karl Marx saying our society is unequal and women saying our society is sexist. This video gave me more of an idea of this class and I'm interested to learn more in this class.

  31. Thought the video was short it is a great introduction of sociology. The video got me to think about what social cultures influence my life and how I define myself. The values you have, your gender, religion, and ethnicity is sociology and makes up what is important to you. Sociology can help us become a better country by studying what issues are causing kids to drop out or the increase of teen pregnancy. I hoped to learn more about Karl Marks and his theory on why our society is unequaled and how we can improve the way we treat each other in our society.

  32. I thought that video was pretty good for just an introduction to sociology. He did a pretty good job introducing what sociology is for a 5 minute video. It was a really good idea to compare it to biology because everyone knows what biology is. I really liked the visual aspect of the video and that it was interactive. It kept my attention more than the other video. He did a good job of making an introduction video somewhat interesting. I agree with pretty much everything he said. Gender, race, religion, and social class really do determine who you are in this society. The video made me think about what is important to me and where i fall in these "categories of society." I thought it was interesting that the U.K. had such a high teen pregnancy rate. I hope to find out the answers to these questions presented in the video. BigGrizmatik.

  33. I like this video and how it sets the foundation for sociology. I think it is important to note how this video is being made by a student in the UK so we can listen to his point of view. The way we look at our countries sociology compared to that of other societies in the world could shed light on our issues. I think overall this is a cool video because it breaks sociology down into its simplest form so we can begin to use and apply it to our daily lives and for class. I think it is important to be able to look through the media's lens and see how things really are. This is hard to do sometimes because of access to information. You just have to keep an open mind and keep asking new questions as you answer old ones. I really look forward to this class and more video posts to this blog. Spacepotatoes012

    1. That was a good point about the student being from the U.K. I thought you did a good job catching some key factors from the video. I also thought that your point about looking at the media through a critical lens was a very insightful point. Hopefully lessons taught in this class will be designed to equip students to do just that. Toblerone 012

    2. I agree with Toblerone012 on how you brought the point about the author being from the UK. It is interesting to see the similarities and differences in societies. I also agree that you have to look at society with a critical eye, but you do have to keep an open mind to everyone's point of view or risk skewing the observations with your own. I think you have done a great job bringing out some key points, keep up the good work!


    3. That's a great observation, mentioning the media as an influence in the U.K. It is definitely and influence here in the U.S. and I think that could be why we also have many pregnant teens as well. 16 and pregnant and teen mom, shows that were suppose to scare our teens actually influence them to have their own at such a young age to be like some of the "better" teen moms on the show. Also, our media publishes many things about sex to our younger viewers which makes them think that "everyone's doin it".

  34. This video as short as it was, gave out a lot of info about this course. It made me honestly excited to be taking this type of subject in college. I'm the type of person that always thinks we should make changes in our community and if not the entire nation so this subject is perfect for me. Also, this video makes you ask a lot of questions like... do men seem more powerful than women? or do women seem smarter than men? I feel like I'm always asking questions like that and always so focused to find an answer. I feel though that a lot of sociology can be answered a lot by the view points and opinions of many different people which makes it so interesting. I look forward to participating in this class.

  35. This video definitely gave me a better understanding as to what sociology actually entails. I didn’t know that it dealt with “looking at the various things that influenced people’s lives” such as family background, social class, ethnicity, religion, and gender. It’s interesting that sociology not only helps us understand other people and their lives, but it helps us think about our OWN society! Sociology can also help us decide what kind of society we want to live it and how we can change it. I also appreciated how Mr. Davies explained how biologist- observe experiments and how sociologist- observe people it really tied the video together and it was easy to follow. I’m glad we were given this video to watch because now I understand what sociology is in a nut shell and I look forward to learning more about it. =) chiatia012

  36. I thought this was a good video and a good break down to what sociology is. IN the video, some questions that was asked about the UK for example, why is the UK pregnancy higher than other European countries. I can relate that to the US and the other questions as well because the UK and US are similar in those ways. I also liked the third question that was asked, "Are we free or do we follow the crowd"? That question really makes you think considering society has unwritten laws about everything. Another thing that stuck out in this video was when Karl Marx was brought up about society being unequal. Also feminist sociologist think society is sexist and the focus should be on that. I think society still has a lot of for to do with making society equal and that point in the video also made me think.

    1. I agree with you. The "Are you free or do you follow the crowd" question caught my attention as well. I feel that we all follow the crowd at one point or another. It is true, society does have many unwritten laws that most of us consider before doing certain things or making certain decisions.

  37. I thought that this video did a great job of expressing the wide range of study that sociology entails. It helped me get a much clearer idea of what sociology is. The video did a great job of showing how sociology takes information from a wide variety of studies. This was illustrated very well when he talked about how a sociologist might study history in order to look for exceptions to a theory and then switch over to biology in order to get a physiological perspective. I also found it very interesting how different sociologists take their findings about how society works and come to completely different conclusions about what areas need to be focused on for improvement as well as what proposed problems might not even matter at all. This idea was pointed out well by showing that Marxists believe that the key issue is to eliminate inequality in wealth and social class while feminists hold to the view that the key issue to focus on is eliminating gender inequalities. This was a very helpful video that gave me a good overview of what to expect from sociology this semester. Toblerone 012

  38. The video was a great introductory to what sociology is and how it is studied. I liked the visual representations because they were crude, but amusing to watch while he was talking. It was very interesting to see how he compared the study of sociology to chemistry and biology to give you a better understanding of the science that is applied. It was a good contrast between Karl Marx and feminists who believe that the biggest problem in a society is identified differently depending on your individual situation and point of view. This was a very helpful view to be able to show you that you have to be open minded in order to properly study sociology. Everyone has a point of view and just because it is different, does not make it wrong.


  39. Wow, the way that this video broke down how sociology really works has made me more conformable about taking this course. Sometimes I am amazed on how a little Five minute crude video can help build my confidences. But right off the bat i notice that this video was down by a professor over in England, so I am guessing that the way we studying society is the same no matter where you live on earth. I really like how the man how was narrating this video compared how sociology to other fields in science. How never taking a sociology I know at least that some of the techniques that I learned in Chemistry and Biology are very similar. The main thing that made this video stand out was the face that people like Karl Marx and feminist think what they is wrong with society. Where they are right, I feel that they are wrong. Just because we as a society fix one thing first isn't going to make society better.

  40. Watching this video helped me gain knowledge about what exactly sociology is and why we study it. I thought the video contained many interesting facts and information I had not known before. I thought it was very interesting that males on average make more money than females and males also score higher on tests than females. The video also pointed out everything that has an impact on a person’s life; the video mentioned race, ethnicity, gender, class, and religion, among other things. It explained that through studying sociology people can gain a better understanding as to how each of those things specifically impacts a person. This is something in particular I look forward to learning. I had never took a sociology course before this class and quite honestly I wasn’t sure what to expect this video was great because it gave a brief overview and explained what sociology is. ajw789

  41. A five minute visually stimulating video was exactly what I needed to start off this course. It was a interesting way to kind of get a recap on every thing that I already know about sociology from a previous high school level course while refreshing my memory on some of the things that I may have forgotten. This video had some interesting objectives such as how Marx says that everyone is unequal that I would like to learn more about and also how our society feminists have stated that they believe men and women are unequal. It will be interesting to learn answers to the questions that this video brought up. Such as, 'Why does the UK have a larger teen pregnancy rate than other European countries' or 'Are we free or do we follow the crowd?' I also appreciate good music and a good English accent so this video succeeded in that area.

    1. I'm not sure what happened with my brain there but I meant Dennis012! :-)

  42. I think this video did a pretty good job of giving a basic and interesting introduction to Sociology. The way the video is set up makes the video pleasing to watch, and really helped illustrate the points being made. I think Marx was pretty accurate in saying the world is unequal and that a vast amount of wealth truly is controlled by a small minority. This creates poverty, which leads to crime, which is a major problem in many areas of the World. Watching this video has helped me gain some excitement for this class. I honestly believe I will learn something from this class and be able to apply it to real life.

  43. This video was slightly informative to what I already know about society. I think the nature of sociology is common sense, then again it shows me that there are things I am blind to. Things like religion and family dont really play an effective role in how society shaped me. I think it is my social class and ethnic background that I follow. just watching the video made me think that I am not really setting many trends but I'm following them.

  44. The video was very simulating and interesting. The visual aides really were helpful. I agree with a lot of points made throughout the video. The way we look at society can be determined due to a vast majority of things. Tradition and family are two things that I take very seriously. Sometimes the way I do things may differ from the way others do things. Neither way is said to be right, it is just the way we've been molded to look at certain things. I believe this class is going to take my "blinders" off and introduce me to a new way of thinking and considering things. I am excited to see what this class has in store for me. I also interested in seeing how and why people look at things differently from myself.

  45. The video about sociology was very interesting it have me more interested in taking the class now. Like the things you can learn about people and the reason why they do the things they do are intriguing to me I cant wait to see what I will learn from the class and I hope I will have a better understanding of human behavior. Also some questions I would like to know is our we really a free in this country or fall into groups and categories? Secondly I would like to know ''why there's a lot of crime and police officers in lower class communities.'' I think other communities that our richer or doing better should come together and help each other out after all we all form together to make this country. So we should all get treated equal and have an equal opportunity. I also would like to learn about other countries and how there communities our. Rozayflow012

  46. the video was interesting it showed what sociology is about. sociology is about the human race bout male and female.what we do how we think. we all don't think the same way every individual is different. we all know that females grow and mature much more faster then a male does. how do we know about this because that's what sociology tells us. sociology also teaches us about different races.people from different cultures are we different from america. there beliefs, languages, choice of clothing, color, food, seeing the would on a different point of view. because the way we think and say things might be way different then the way we see and view the world. sociology shows us that we shouldnt take the wold for granted because everyone is equal. even though in reality their are people out there thinks that better then everyone else because they are wealthier. be society today rates us in 3 main classes the higher class is the wealthiest middle class is the that they are doing just enough to get by and the lowest class is the poor.

  47. Sociology: The study of society. The video stated we study society by looking at the various things that influence people’s lives. One thing that influences and is the top branch in my life is my family. Since birth I've had the comfort of warm, loving parents, which can shape anyone’s life. If I was neglected or mistreated I would probably look at the world from a different standpoint. My family has influenced me and shaped my morals, values, and wants in life just by supporting me financially, emotionally, and spiritually. I've been raised Catholic which plays a great role in my life as well. Religion is a strong factor that shapes many peoples lives as well.
    I've always lived in the same society. I've never lived outside the U.S. and never lived outside of Peoria because of my dad's occupation. But from my point of view, I'm grateful for the society I live in. We have freedoms and powers other countries can't even talk about. Throughout history, our country has had it's racists, sexiest, and inequality throughout the decades, but look at us now. We have an African American president. This can and has shaped our society greatly. Karl Marx stated that society is unequal. However, I think we've come along way making it more equal than ever. Some would argue otherwise thinking the government has too much power, etc. I'm not saying I think they do or don't have too much power, but without some regulations we have, there would be chaos. I'm just thankful I can go home at night and sleep in a bed where I don't have to worry if I'll wake up or not.
    I think sociology is one of the harder subjects to study because there are many different societies, and people that make them up. Everyone is different and changing. jme789

    1. I have to agree (jme789) to certain point we have become more equal, but we have lost sight on are values and what has shaped our countries. I am not sure where the blame goes but are school systems has failed us. I believe are parents today has lost rights in punishing their children. We have take God out of lives. I remember saying the pledge of legends every morning, but since god is in there it we no longer do that cause it offends people. I would say the only reason that would be is because they just don't know. We now are in a world with so much hate, and dis-belief, who knows if you will even make it home to wake up everyday. That's all Iam saying we have lost are freedom some time ago.Blessed789

  48. I really hate that it happened with me but he lost my attention. As soon as he said "Biologist observe experiments" he lost all credibility for me. I used a biology major. Bio in biology means life. In chemistry they do reactions in a test tube, which is different from biology. I was really upset because he had my attention until then. I was fine with the research being done in the UK, since its trends in society. I know The United States is different compared to other countries. In Europe, they are so more open to sexual and bisexual tendencies compared to the USA though, USA still has issues with sexism, racism, and religious issues. I know in USA we are fine with Christian, Agnostic, Jewish and Atheistic beliefs; however, we still have issues with Muslim and Hindu religious beliefs. In my high school, I noticed they were fine that Jews believe in a different savior as Christians but were appalled as all hell that Muslims doesn’t believe in the same savior as Christians.

  49. This video gives a brief explanation on what sociology is but doesn't inform us about everything about the topic. I don't agree with the video when the narrator explains that we can pick our own society. In my opinion we are born into the society we live in and being able to choose a certain one is the same as being able to choose your parents when you're born. The video informs us about plenty of examples but doesn't include any reasoning on things like why exactly do men get paid more than woman for the same job. Although this is true, there's no opinion why. I believe sociology is a great field of study because all answers to questions about the topic are never really wrong, their just someone else's opinion looking at the topic from a different view. The same things that are approved in one country may be frowned upon in another country like shaking hands. LeoBlocker89


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