Drug Court and Intermediate Sentencing Near 114st.....


  1. Drug Court is a program that helps addicts overcome their addictions. Taxpayers, Government, and State feels if they put their time and money into a program to help people overcome their addictions then best believe its not going to be an easy journey. The one's that completes the program are the one's who feel completed and don't mind sharing their struggles with the addiction. Addiction ruins a lot of lives and the offender don't know nor care. All their worried about is what they need and want. The offenders in the program that doesn't want help to be clean is in and out of county jails and prisons. You can only get help if you help yourselves. If the judge and prosecutor see that you have priors your time there will be HELL ! And what the Corrections System call rehabilitation is what you'll be in until they feel like your ready to be back in society. cancer80-456

    1. I completely agree with your statement that you can't help people if they're not willing to help themselves. I've had issues with friends who were addicts, and as much as I wanted to drag them into rehab and force them to get better, I know that it wouldn't do any good if they checked themselves out. So you just have to let them get to their rock bottom and then work from there. BadWolf456

    2. I like your post on how you worded what a drug court is. Its helping people try, or accomplice, getting over their drug addiction. It also helps keep people people out of our jails and prisons and helps get more people to work so our economy can make more money. Conservation456

    3. I agree and I like when you said "you can only get help if you help yourselves" that is true you have to help yourself before someone else does. I feel like addiction do ruin a lot of people lives and like the girl said depending on your genes and your family drug addiction can run in certain family's and it can be something they can't handle so drug court will have to handle it T456

  2. This video hits home to me because my family has been through this situation before. My mother became addicted to crack when I was around 15 years old, and I was forced to care for my younger siblings because my mother was always gone or sleeping. I like how this video included statements from those people about how their drug habit affected their family, because drugs do not just affect the individual taking them. I also like how that, that drug program is completely voluntary, because it gives the individual the option to either stay in that program, or just stay in jail. You can't force someone to get better. BadWolf456

  3. I believe that drug courts do a great job helping people get back up on their. It also does a better job than just putting someone in jail or prison would. It also helps the economy out because we our supporting it rather than using a lot of money spending on inmates we are just spending money on parole officers and what not instead. The Drug Court program also does a very great job in helping a person or drug addict get better if they are willing to take the treatments and counseling. Conservation456

    1. The drug court does definitely help people get back up on their feet, and it is a better alternative than just throwing someone in jail. They have the option between drug court and prison so they are making the decision to help themselves and the community by getting the help they need. Drug addicts are not always bad people, but people that have made bad choices. Its good that we have programs that help get these people back on their feet and on the straight and narrow path.USA456

  4. This video makes me appreciate programs like the drug court they have in virginia. The first thing i enjoyed about this video was the people they chose to interview. Normally when we think of drug addicts we think of the typical thugs with their eyes sunk into their heads and track marks all over their arms. The people they used were not what we typically think of when we hear drug addict. They said an addict can be anybody it could be your best friend or your teacher or doctor. The program sounds like an excellent implementation to our corrections system. This program is all about rehabilitation of these offenders. One of the guys on there said its a prosecutors dream to have a program like this because they get their guilty plea, they get to rehabilitate individuals while saving money and keeping our jails less occupied and making sure these people are in the community working and doing community service, and if they mess up or dont complete their program the court already has the guilty plea so they get sent to complete their sentence behind bars. This program seems like a tough love kind of thing. They are trying to make you a better person and beat your addiction but they are almost forcing it on you which is what some people need. I like how many stipulations they have with this program. Its not like probation where they call once a month and check in on you. This program they drug test you daily, your expected to show up to at least 3 meetings a week, you have to pay all your fines and fee, complete 100 hours of community service, hold a job, and complete a community project. And its not like a couple months of rehab, this one is no less than 12 months. The program has stipulations on who can get in as well. For instance they said you cant be convicted of any violent crimes or distribution convictions. I feel like there is so much good coming from these programs not just in the monetary aspects but changing peoples lives. We want everyone to be productive members of society. This program is promoting that entirely and these graduates understand how important that is which i think is great.USA456

  5. I believe they should have programs like this in every state. Drug court programs like this one actualy give people a chance to better themselfs and beat their addictions. Not only do programs like this save peoples lives but they are alot more cost effective than just sending that person to jail, they said its 24,000 dollars to keep someone incarcerated for a year and only 5,000 dollars a year for there rehab treatment. Dabster456

    1. i agree as much money as we spend to keep our inmates incarcerated, why not just send them to this rehab program under supervision, it would cost us just the same amount to incarcerate them in a jail cell.


    2. Agreed. The amount of money that states spend on incarcerating people should be going to helping them in rehabs and get classes that they need. This would help with prison costs and over population in prisons.

    3. I didn't catch the $24,000 part when I watched the video. I hope that the state only picks up the $5,000 tab for indigents. The video gave examples of people who could afford it. It could be a condition of their induction into drug court. I don't feel the people should pay for someone elses drug problem when they can afford it themselves.

    4. If its cheaper to take someone through rehab versus sending them to jail and not helping them then I'm behind rehab 100%. I think that works better than locking someone up I don't know to many people that would be locked up for a drug problem and come out clean unless they found God. Love456

  6. i think that drug programs help alot with troubled inmates, it helps them get over their addiction and try to better themselves. i also think that all states around the nation should offer this for inmates, there are some inmates who cant help themselves and need that addiction to live. if we offer classes or a rehab program i think it will help in the long run with getting these drugs out of our streets and helping others get past it. i think to get into this program you gotta work for it though, un less your addiction is really bad.


  7. I really liked how this video explained how drug programs work. It gave a good insight on what people actually do when going through the program. Allowing the people to be able to stay in the communities, find jobs and get an education while going through the rehab and classes that they need to overcome their addiction. Getting this help and having someone there to help them and for them to talk to makes a big difference in their success. Many people just need someone to help them through hard times and have someone to vent to.

  8. The drug court concept that the State of Virginia has implemented seems to really be an outstanding effort towards revamping how drug violations are dealt with. I believe that all states should model their systems to something similar. The idea behind it is to HELP those people with drug problems who outside of that are seemingly normal, law-abiding citizens, instead of locking them up which does nothing to help the problem or prevent it in the future. The only people who are eligible are addicts only. The exception are for those people who commit other crimes to support their addiction. If you have a criminal history besides the drug violation then you would not be eligible for drug court and you would be prosecuted in the traditional manner. Most states deal with drugs by outlawing them. When someone has a drug violation, they solve it by incarcerating them. The drug court is a refreshing way to deal with this large problem of our society. They are helped and reintegrated back into society. Most of the time they do not recidivate which is proof (evidence based corrections) that it works.

  9. I believe drug court is a good program for individuals or inmates who are trying to do better and stop their addiction. Even though its voluntary people go there because they have one of the two options that or prison so most of the time people going to go to drug court. I really believe once you addicted to a certain drug you need to take drug court or rehab to quit that drug. I then seen some people turn into a drug addict before so I know rehab is the best place once you start before its to late. Drug court can change people lives around. I feel like this a good program to get people back on their feet as well as a fresh start once they get out to change their lives around. T456

  10. I like drug court programs and think they are a good program to invest in if you want to help people and their families. I believe they can help people but then again it will only work if the person wants it to work for them and their problems. More money should be invested in those programs it's sad because not only does it affect the person on drugs but it also affects their family, friends, and loved ones. Instead of it being voluntary it should mandatory for repeat drug abusers. I've never met anybody on drugs but I can imagine it’s a terrible thing to go through and see. All in all I think it's a good program and hopefully one day I’ll be able to voice my opinion about them. Once again I found this a very interesting video, it was sad and an emotional video too. Love456

  11. I dont like the drug courts, I know they help people in their drug addiction. But someone has taken more than enough Illegal drugs or high dose of alcohol shouldn't give them the right to control their lives in helping them. They should get the chance to to either spend some time or just end their pity lives. On how emotional it could be the government should not have the right to give suggesting to people on taking programs that might end up later taking it again and etc. You're not God you can't just make them change their lives if they would like to keep making the same choice. Let them be. If I had authority I would make a different approach on how the situation should be handled so perhaps others won't waste their time and money on drugs for a different cause. Medicine also may carry at least 7% dose of Illegal drugs that patience may take more than once and begin Addiction problems. The government should suggest a program that will scare more into who are addicted to drugs so more others may find a better solution for not heading to prison. -Shinigami456

  12. I believe that drug courts was another "looks good on paper" kind of program but in reality it doesn't really work. If a drug addict wants to quit they will get the help they need but most of the time they just go through the motions at drug court and do what they have to on paper so they don't end up in jail but will continue using. Drug addiction in a horrible thing and very hard to get over the addiction but in some cases being behind bars and away from the temptation is really what they need to stop using. -Corps456


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