FBI Uniform Crime Report

FBI Uniform Crime Report


  1. in this report I do believe that hate crimes are very popular and shouldn't be a problem to the society. hate crimes in general should be strictly inforced by the law and I do understand that it will continue to happen and yet no law enforcement has taken better procedures to stop it.


    1. The biggest reason that law enforcement cannot interfere with some hate crimes is due to freedom of speech. For example, when the Westboro Baptist church were picketing and holding signs that read: "Thank God for dead soldiers". at a soldier's funeral, a) they're protected by the 1st amendment b) they were not trespassing. I'm not defending this church by any means, as I too, wish that there could be better procedures implemented towards hate crimes. BadWolf123

      Here's a link that shows the Supreme Courts ruling against the church's protests:

    2. hate crimes will always be high. its jsut how it is, its never going to change, theres always some one who will hate on someone else and will always end in that. it will never stop and we do nothing to help prevent it.


    3. I agree that they are protected by freedom of speech, and the Westboro "Church" is a perfect example. How can one be called a church when it is perceived as almost the same as a hate group? There will always be that thin line between freedom of speech and just outright wrong and disrespectful. BarneyFife123

    4. The Westboro Baptist Church truly is a hate organization! Freedom of speech truly does protect them which is sad. However, we all have different opinions and without the diversity the whole world would be bland and there would never be improvement or change. Although the members of that organization are nuts, they have every right to preach what they choose.

    5. right i agree nobody can really stop hate unless its from the effort from the individual in society Hoopz123

  2. The primary sources of crime data is collected through surveys and official records. The UCR is the largest official record database that the FBI compiles all of the crimes and arrests reported annually throughout the United States. The surveys that collect crime data is the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The methods in order to collect all the data from the 17,500 policing agencies for the UCR is very complex. Each month all of these police agencies report the number of part 1 crimes that are reported by the victims, officers that discovered the infraction, and other sources. The UCR also uses 3 methods to express the crime data that was collected. 1) The number of crimes reported to the police and arrests made are expressed as raw figures 2) Crime rates are numbered per 100,000 people 3) The FBI computes any changes in the number and rate of crime over time. Even though this database is the largest, there are some validity issues regarding it. Since less than half of all criminal incidents are reported to the police, this means that they’re not counted in the UCR; most crimes that are mostly omitted are drug usage. BadWolf123

  3. hate crimes are very poplular, and no one trys to stop it, or do anything about it. you gotta look at the statistics alot of our crimes anymore today are drug related. also i belie that the drug offenders are getting more time in prison or jail for these drugs. the people who murder or rape it seems as if they get less. most of our inmates are drug users.. the UCR collects all of this data and is usually very active.


    1. This is true, a lot of people that are being arrested and are in jail or prison are there because of drugs. They are getting long sentences when it comes to drugs and I do not think that is helping it. Everyone is taking drugs anymore so people are going to sell no matter what because it is easy money but it has a risk to it. HRT123

    2. I agree that a lot of people are being arrested and are in jail or prison because of drugs. And it almost seems like they get more time than what rapist or murders get that one I don't real understand.

    3. I agree that a lot of people are being arrested and are in jail or prison because of drugs. And it almost seems like they get more time than what rapist or murders get that one I don't real understand.

    4. I agree that a lot of people are being arrested and are in jail or prison because of drugs. And it almost seems like they get more time than what rapist or murders get that one I don't real understand. Secret'A'123

    5. People are going to continue buying drugs as long as they have a connection. Drug dealers are going to keep going to jail and then eventually prison because the money is good and you don't have to do hard labor. unfortunately after former drug dealers get released from prison they go back to the easy money, so as long as everyone has their CONNECTION drugs will continue to lock people up. Scorpio 123

    6. I agree with you scorpio123. People are always going to buy drugs because there is always going to be someone willing to sell them, and these people end up released if they get caught and end up back at it again. I also agree with the others. I think that we are sometimes punishing drug offenders much harder than we do rapists or murderers. Why this is I don't understand. I think it should be the other way. vhammer123

  4. In the UCR there are a lot of different crimes that were committed in 2012. In 2012 the homicide rates had gone up. People seem to be becoming more violent. A lot of people blame it on video games and things like that but maybe it is because we are overpopulated and everywhere you go there are people you run in that might tick you off and you finally blow a gasket, and take them out because it is easier to do. But on a five year trend the crime rate has actually been going down. Drugs are another common reason why people are being arrested and going to jail. A lot of people are in jail because of drugs. Most of them get arrested for possession of Mary Jane! About 50 percent have been arrested over this. A lot are in jail due to selling drugs. So maybe in the long run actual crime rates are down but drug abuse is just going up because there is so much of it, and it is easier to get these days. HRT123

  5. The Uniform Crime Report is compiled of official records and surveys, such as police reports, and self report surveys and is published by the FBI annually in June of the following year. The data from the UCR is collected at the local level and then submitted to the FBI for analysis and then publication. I read that self report surveys are also used which I think can throw the data off due to someone either not reporting a crime for whatever reason, and the fact that these crimes can be misreported. For example, you lose your wallet but call your local PD and demand an officer to come take a report, he does the report and you find your 'stolen' but lost wallet and decide not to call the PD back and let them know you found it. Crimes in the UCR are broken down into two categories, Part I which would list Aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, and robbery and Part II crimes, prostitution, public drunkenness, runaways, sex offenses, stolen property. I also found out that not all states require municipalities to report data, making the crime statistics under-reported in UCR reports. BarneyFife123

    1. Does the FBI gather data for the Uniform Crime Report from self-report surveys? I was under the impression that was done separately because self-reports can be unreliable while actual reports, from actual law enforcement agencies, containing actual crimes, cannot be disputed. I see you said you read that; I would be interested in reading that myself.

  6. The Uniform Crime Reports is basically the official records and surveys collected, from police reports and self reports that's published by the FBI. They collect their data at a local level and submit it to the FBI analysis and publication. I thought this had some useful information if someone was doing a research on crime this tool would be very useful and accurate. Secret'A'123

  7. At first glance, the Uniform Crime Report can be a little overwhelming. A person not familiar without probably wouldn’t even know where to start. In 1930, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was assigned the task of collecting, publishing, and archiving crime statistics according to the FBI website. From there, they take that information and disseminate it through four publications. These publications, Crime in the United States, National Incident-Based Reporting System, Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, and Hate Crime Statistics are put out annually. It appears that on their website, a person could find just about any statistic possible. While browsing around, I came across one section called “2012 Crime Clock Statistics”. I found this interesting – it essentially tells how often each crime type is committed. For example, a violent crime occurs every twenty six seconds while a property crime occurs every three and a half seconds. It even breaks those categories down; for example, a murder occurs every 35 minutes. A burglary, every 15 seconds. While this website seems very useful, it would take some time to figure out exactly how to navigate it to find exactly what you’re looking for.

    1. I agree with you it did look overwhelming when you first look at it. Though you can easily get an understanding on what it is for, to show you interesting resulting on things you should know going into law enforcement and fact that can be interesting to you. Conservation123

  8. The UCR is an attempt by the FBI to inform the public of their security. Data is collected through surveys as well as police documentation. This data is assimilated and published for public knowledge. Although I think this is a great tool it does have its drawbacks. Because the information collected is statistical it is easy to skew. The fact that many crimes are never reported will also skew the statistics. Check123

    1. I will have to agree with you on your last 2 sentences. statistical information is super easy to misconstrue because its not always taken in random samples from groups of people all across the country. its not hardly ever polling every kind of person from every walk of life. it just doesnt happen, and the fact that a lot of crimes are not reported would make some of these statistics not really false but not 100% true to the real rates.USA123

  9. The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program has been the starting place for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation. Which it gives good results as well, for most of the stuff you need to know which I like. I like the uniform crime report because it is straight facts like cops are the most likely to be killed in Texas out of all the states which I discovered in the Explorer Program for the Peoria Police Department and that Illinois had number 4, which is very high and dangerous to be a police officer, especially doing traffic stops by yourself. Also that Hate Crime, why did they post it on there? It is not the best results to be posted on there. They should but results in there on like where the most tickets are usually wrote for what in each state and give you some more interesting details. Conservation123

  10. The Uniform crime reporting program i believe is a pretty good system because its open to the public and it tells everyone the information on a certain kind of crime and the rates and statistics for a given year. It helps us better understand the criminal trends in this country as well as allow researchers to do their thing and try to figure out why these crimes are happening in the waves they are by reading these reports. Everyone on here is talking about hate crimes. Hate crimes are still crimes and no matter what we think about them and how fair or unfair they are we have to deal with it.USA123

  11. I think that this was very informative although that at first glance it did look a tad bit confusing but once you got to reading it more you were able to see how informative it was

  12. The Uniform Crime Report is a good way for regular everyday citizens to keep up on the current criminal issues.Since the database tracks back to the sixties, it can really help someone see how crime has changed and the steps that law enforcement and the government have taken to try to control it. The only problem with this database is that it cannot be taken literally. Like we discussed earlier, not every offense is documented, sometimes even known. When looking at this database it is best to keep an open mind in my opinion. The pdf file I found most interesting was the 1996 article on terrorists. I had no idea that the World Trade Center was a target for terrorists even then. I found it very ironic that it had so many plots and in the end it was destroyed.

  13. hate is eveywhere and its up to the peole whos hating to control what they cant in life Hoopz123

  14. The Uniform crime report program was kinda hard to understand the first time I listen to it. But after i listen again i got it. The system is open to the public and it tells everyone information on certain crimes and the rates ,statistics for a given year. The system also broke down alot of other things. IT explain that copes have a better chance of getting killed in texas. Then all the states in the Usa. The video broke it down very well and it was a big help.

  15. The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) is interesting. A bit confusing but after a while you get to understand exactly what the UCR is. UCR is a data system that tells what a persons crime is and records but it doesn't tell all recorded crime. The UCR system to me is data based and can keep statistics of records such as what are the popular crimes and the people behind these crimes basically keeping track. I believe UCR is a good system but you cannot believe everything they say because not all crimes are recorded unfortunately. Scorpio 123

  16. This was very interesting. At first it was very confusing to read but after a while of playing with it you can learn to navigate easier. In my opinion the uniform crime reports are a very effective tool in the fight against crime. It collects data from thousands of different police agencies every month and because of this they can more effectively fight crime. There are some drawbacks to it however. The fact that almost half of all crime is not even reported can throw the data off greatly. We try to combat this problem by doing self assessment surveys and the National Crime Victimization Survey. We conduct these surveys in an attempt to have more accurate data, but unfortunately because of various reasons even these are not as accurate as they could be. Even though we do not always know all of the crimes being committed, and the information we do have can be skewed, the uniform crime report is a huge tool for law enforcement agencies across the country. vhammer123

  17. I am asking for help to locate this Droid ain't out to agervatr they have Ben isen this on me for 4years with no regard for my safty are wilbeing I have Ben put on 5th floor because of the people it has fisiaclie an minty scard me I need help they have invabied my privies' as will as my family have thritend my family should child poirn on my tv along with nasty shit about children this is not being used legaly it is a their to my life an humens in thes peoples hands please help me find this so I can put them in jail please they can't keep thritning me an thes people monitoring this with no regard to what they are doing to me I will testafy against them at any cost they keep putting it in my head how can they seat back an let fucken people keep doing this please help they think they are not going to get cout they put child pernogerfy on my tv how can thes people keep being able to thritn my life with I want infermashiin so I can prosicut ever one of tgiem I'm shur u should have consurned bout the child porn an talk of mulisting they need to go to jail they keep doing this because they think they want get couse please chich this Droid out that's suppose to be for agervashoin but has only Ben a their used by the same people for4 years I can't take no more I want tbiem in jail they put hallowgrams throws my house an thritn my family something needs to to do childporn i want this invistaga they talk bout an sexualy hurasing me this needs to de chick an the


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