How Do I Conduct Sociological Interviews? Some Basics...


  1. I liked this video a lot. It was a neat way to see interviews being done first hand and then having them break it down step-by-step. Just like he said in the beginning, the interviewer needs to be knowledgeable and have structure when it comes to the interview. In a sense, to me, a interviewer is like a counselor, with the way they listen in, with their actions during the interview, and by how clear when it comes to their discussion. I also liked when they compared and contrasted the two different videos; the first one showed a poorly conducted interview and at first you don't notice how bad she actually did until he replays it and breaks down what she didn't do. In the second video you see is more interactive with the girl, makes sure she asks if she has any questions, and makes sure she is aware of what's going to be discussed in the interview. Being able to see both the good and bad video made it more clear when it came to what she wasn't doing and what she was doing. -Pink789

    1. When I saw the first video of the interview I had a hard time with interviewer telling the interviewee to sit down rather than just letting her get comfortable. I did like how he told us in the beginning that you have to be ethical about the interview you conduct, and later showed how the interviewer failed to do so. Then after us what was wrong with the first interview, showed us an example of an ethical interview. Bubbles789

    2. I also liked how they compared the two videos. I never thought of an interviewer being like a counselor, but I agree they are alike in those aspects. Also, I too thought it was odd that when the interviewee came in the room the interviewer just said "sit down" rather than "welcome" or any other formal greeting that would usually be used in these types of situations. shoestopher789

    3. I agree, it was good that they showed interview 1 and 2. By doing that gave me a better understanding of how a good interview suppose to be like. I also like how in the beginning, we were given 10 points on what you should do during an interview. So that help me in interview 1 and allowed me to point out what was wrong. Good example of comparing an interviewer with a counselor. myapic789

    4. I also liked the step-by-step breakdown. I thought that it really made the interview clear. I also liked the comparison between the two videos. Like you said, the first interview was poorly conducted and the second interview was better. I think if you are more gentle and open with the person you are interviewing, they will be more likely to be honest with you.

    5. I agree that it was a good video. I thought it was cool that they did the interview two times so that we could see difference between the first one to the second one. In the second interview, and they put things on the bottom of the screen to tell you what was going on. rosebud012

    6. I liked how you compared the interviewer to a counselor because I think that is very true. They are asking questions just as a counselor would, yet they are a listening ear to everything that the person being interviewed has to say. One very important thing I noted from the video is that interviewers need to make sure they let their interviewees finish their thoughts completely, and this is something counselors must do as well. -purple789

  2. I really enjoyed this video. It was informative. I like how they used the ten characteristics of a good interviewer and I definitely agree with the characteristics they explained. The interviewer does have to be knowledgeable, the interviewer has to give structure, the interview is clear, the interviewer is gentle, the interviewer is sensitive, the interviewer is open, the interviewer needs to be steering, the interviewer is, the interviewer remembers, and the interviewer interprets. I enjoyed how they showed us a video of an interview and wanted us to point out the different characteristics. I liked how the narrator broke down the poor conducted interview and gave us insight on the differences between a good and bad interviewer. In the first interview there were long silences and she asks questions with just yes or no answers whereas the second one is a lot more informative and the woman gives the interviewer more than just yes or no answers. I enjoyed this video and the information it gave to me.

    1. Yes, I think it was very informative and very useful. I also think that that the interviewer has to have all the things you listed to be a good interviewer. I really liked how they showed a good interview and a poor one. It will me helpful to know what to do and what not to do. I enjoyed the video as well and I will use it to my advantage. Blessed 789

    2. I agree with you Faithhopelove012, this video was very informative! I also liked how they also broke down both of interviews and showed us the differences between what she didn't do and what she should have done. You could also tell the differences between interview number one and interview number two once it had shown both videos. -Pink789

  3. I thought this video was a good way of explaining how to conduct interviews well. When conducting interviews, I will try to use the ten characteristics to my advantage, in order to gain as much information as possible from my interviewees. I enjoyed seeing the huge differences that were shown between the first interview and the second interview. One major difference that I noticed was that the first interview was a significant amount of time shorter than the second interview. I think a big contributing factor in this was that the interviewer seemed a lot more interested in the answers that the interviewee was giving. This led to the interviewee wanting to keep talking about it and give more information. At one point they were laughing during the interview as if they were just friends hanging out. I feel like that is the best way to get information out of someone during an interview. If you be friendly towards them, they will most likely be friendly back and answer your questions well. shoestopher789

    1. Yes, shoestopher789 I believe the time when the interviewer and interviewee were laughing demonstrated how the interviewer was able to build trust with and gather the information needed. Eye contact and body posture was also very important in gaining the interviewee trust and the interviewer demonstrated these skills. Flyguy789

    2. Being friendly and making the interviewee feel completely is something i would totally agree with. Especially because if someone were to interview me i would not feel comfortable sharing personal information with someone who was stern. i would feel like they were being rude and did not want to be there. So great point! openminded012

    3. I completely agree with you. The two interviews were pretty much completely the opposite. There was no connection at all between the interviewer and the interviewee in the first one. At times, it did appear that the two were almost talking like friends during the second one. A good introduction and being friendly will produce the detailed and longer answers. BigGrizmatik789

  4. I thought the video was great on how to conduct a interview. I will use this information to get the most out of the interviewee. I noticed the difference between interview 1 and 2 on how the eye contact was made and not made. Also how the interviewee has much better respond from the interviewer. I know now from this video structure has a big part on how you conduct an interview. It also seemed like a critical part was to remember what was being said, and what you have already asked. I think that maybe if you do an interview on something you have interest on you may find it much more enjoyable. Blessed789

    1. You could definitely tell a difference between the interviews. The first one was totally awkward. I think after getting all the different factors the guy pointed out, you can have a pretty successful interview and have good feedback. I'd have to agree with you that the more interested you are on your topic, the more enjoyable it may be. -Aquariusgirl789

    2. I agree that there was a difference because one seemed to be structured and the other unstructured. Taking the interview seriously is definitely a key thing to do if you're really interested in the job offer. So yes remembering the answers from the information you receive should be remembered. USMC789

  5. True an interviewer must shows empathy not sympathy. So this mean you must not feel sorry, but you should put your self in the other person shoes. The first interview, I felt that she could greet the lady a little differently, maybe a handshake and offer her something to drink. The way that she end the interview she didn't do a good job with following up with the lady answers. The second interview was much better, she asked her question so that the lady could talk more. Also the interviewer summarized everything, this is a good way to let the client know that you are paying attention, and listening. I enjoyed this video because they allowed us to see how you are suppose to interview someone. myapic789

  6. This video demonstrated very good interview skills. I liked how the video later demonstrated a better introduction of informing the interviewee of the purpose of the interview; which made it a more effective interview. The initial interview was vague and did not provide a lot data for the interviewer. I especially liked how the video walked you through what some of the errors of the interviewer. Finally, the second interview demonstrated how much comfortable the interviewee was with the interviewer; who asked more genuine and sensitive questions which resulted in the responding with useful information, thoughts and time to ask questions herself. Flyguy789

  7. At first I was to busy looking for buttons and the volume. They had lost me for a minute. Once I realized they were not letting us hear, I was back. I would have to say the second interview was more professional. You could see the eye contact, and communications between the two. You saw none of this in interview number one. She really never looked up to acknowledge the person she was interviewing.I will have to agree with interview number two. Imma do me789

  8. I totally agree that you should have questions that and more broad and give the person more time to think so that their question is more in depth. I also like that you can challenge the person to get a good idea of their views on the subject. You should also keep great eye contact and have great body language so the person you’re interviewing will know that you are engaged and listening. I also feel like asking how did something affect them or their feelings on something is very important so that it feels more personal. Being able to ask them why something happens or why that they would feel the way they do might get you a lot of information. This video is a great example of how it should be done and will help the students out greatly when they start their own interviewing. Openminded012

    1. I agree with the points you bring up Openminded. Making the interviewee feel as comfortable and well respected as you can will lead to the best results for you and your study. Eye contact and body language in a one on one situation is like 70% of the conversation. I really think this video will help us all turn our interviews from a simple school project to a official study yielding some pretty good results if the interview was nailed properly.-spacepotatoes012

  9. This video was definately productive in helping me understand how to host a productive interview. Sometimes when I am interviewing for a class project or research paper, I often find myself saying "oh im just gonna ask you these questions....". Usually the responses that I get are very short and to the point. This helped me to understand different techniques that I can use when I am interviewing 6 people for my paper. Undergrad789

    1. Yes, this video was very productive and helpful for our upcoming assignment where we have to interview 6 people. I think the first video was dull and explained the obvious on what not to do in an interview. However after watching the second video I too saw that I do things like ask questions that the interviewee would give short answers to. Also I notice that I would probably say a log of um's. I also liked how in the second interview the interviewer was able to develop new questions to ask the interviewee off of her answers -toybox789

  10. This video was very neat and interesting. I liked when the guy broke down the video and talked about it. I didn't know their were so many different things that go into an interview. I did notice when she went and opened the door for her and then just started questioning her. It was very weird and I would have felt uncomfortable without any introduction. Overall, it was a very awkward interview. Especially when the girl answered then was like uhh, stopped and there was just an awkward silence. The interviewer only asked a couple questions and it was over. I feel like she couldn't get any good feedback with an interview like that at all. It was a helpful video for future use. It definitely showed what not to do and how to improve your interview when you are to do it. -Aquariusgirl789

    1. Hi Aquariusgirl789, I totally agree with you that there are so many parts that go into a good interview I had no idea how many different points that a good interviewer needs to touch on. This video made me notice the little things good interviewer’s posses such as good eye contact. Or how she introduced herself and the way she carried herself thought the interview. I never would have thought that it had such a big impact on the person being questioned. I thought you had some really good points and loved your comment.

    2. It enlightened me too to all the things in an interview. It almost made me want to Google different interviews and watch to see what they did right or wrong. And how they got their answers from people. love789

  11. I really liked this video. The contrast in results between the good and badly conducted interview is like night and day. The first interview sounded very awkward in nature and didn't have much back n forth dialogue. where as the second interview was very back and forth and conversational.There was a lot more interesting answers given that could later be used to draw conclusions about people driving and learning to drive. If you build up trust with the interviewee that their best interests are in mind then they will begin to open up to you and give you better more applicable questions to what you are trying to find out. Also the interviewer does a stand up job in the second interview in asking excellent and well placed follow up questions to dig deeper without offending the lady being questioned. I really liked this video and how tit shows that the simple things can hold you back from getting what you want out of an interview.-Spacepotatoes012

  12. The video was very informational. I think that it will help us with our upcoming assignment. I liked how the video broke the interview down into steps. The person has to be knowledgeable about the subject first. If you are going to interview someone about something, you will have to know as much about the topic as you can, so you know where they are coming from. You will have to structuralize your interview and place your main points, or questions, in order. Of course you will also have to be clear, gentle, sensitive, and open. You have to make them feel comfortable for them to give you the best answers which will result in the most accurate answers. I think that in the second interview, the interviewer asked great follow up questions to get further into the subject. Overall, I think this video will definately help me on this upcoming assignment.

  13. Interviews always keep curiosity in a lot of people's head. If you really think about it, unless you've worked for the same company before you really don't know what to expect. This video was informative it showed a structured interview and a unstructured interview. A lot of the things pointed out was common sense to most and others never think about paying attention to detail. Clean shave, shirt tucked in, and act like you know what you're talking about even if you don't. Have confidence and a lot of the little things will come along as time passes. USMC789

    1. Yes that was the good thing I liked about it. It showed how an interview can be bad because most of the time people dont think an interviewer can be bad only the person responding. It pointed out some very crucial and key points.

  14. This was very informative. It let me know that the interviewer, is not only asking questions on what they know but also what they find out then and the interviewer is also listening more than talking. So they must be comfortable with the person and vice versa.

  15. I really liked this video because it was very informative and it showed me what a good interview was and what a bad interview was. The second interview give us information on the bottom of the screen that was helpful. I should be doing in the interview and to help me with doing the interview. rosebud012

  16. I really like how this video is split up into two different interviews. It really gave me a better understanding of what a good interview should look like and what a bad interview looks like. In the beginning of the video he pointed out what a good interviewer should do and look like and tips on becoming a better interviewer. I was able to take those things in to consideration while watching both interviews and really see the difference. This video really allowed me to see how an interview should be conducted. I loved all the points that they touched on in the video. I definitely feel like I have a better understanding and idea of what are interviews are going to look like for our upcoming paper. I think that it will be challenging and exciting to conduct an interview myself. Now that I have watched this video I feel like I will be able to hit all the points of a good interview. This was a very helpful video! Tempusfugit012

    1. I also thought that the way the video compared a good interview with a bad interview was really well done. This video helped me develop a better overall understanding of the factors that make a good interview successful. I feel that this will help me out tremendously with my paper. Toblerone 012

    2. i completely agree it does shows us the difference between a good and a bad interview. i feel like no one should walk into a interview with a person that does not know what they are doing because if they are paying attention to the paper and asking the question she needs to be paying attention to the person she is interviewing. and she seeing what is she doing what is her body language towards her.

  17. This video gave some good point to use in a future interview, i know i've made some of these same mistakes and honestly not many of my interviews we as good as he made the second one sound. Many of the interviewers ive had missed at least two if not more of the ten plus the the two extra interview points. With these ten points in mind i feel more confident going into my next interview. SM789

  18. This video was helpful on teaching how to conduct an interview. I like the fact that they decided to show a interview on what not to do and a video on what to do. The first video I was able to point out what she did wrong, she didn't have any rapport with the person she was interviewing. Also, the interview was very fast. The second interview gave even more information than I even expected and I will use the tips in interviewing people on my topic chosen for the upcoming paper. I know now to allow the person I am interviewing time to answer questions, and I can even use their answers to create new questions that I did not plan to ask. I know not to make my interview boring and to also be open to the person I am interviewing as well. This video was helpful and informative to me. -toybox789

    1. Using a actually interview, while replaying it and making corrections was a great insight into how we are expected to complete ours. I like how you stated using the answers you receive as a way to ask even more question, or to expand in more depth about the topic.

  19. Well I now know how to conduct a proper interview. Its like you have to ask questions that will engage them into long answers , and that will engage their thoughts to tell you what you want to know and more. This video taught me the proper things to ask and say just about. Sometimes I watch interviews and have learned nothing except how boring people can be. Interviews that tell a story and that you can picture in your head are the good interviews. It showed me an ok interviewing the proper way to do an interview. I've learned from many others though that. l you can't get too personal. Just personal enough that you get your questions answered and their story told. I love this video for so many reasons. I can now pretty much conduct a good , interesting ,helpful interview now love789

  20. This video was very beneficial to the interviewing process for the class. Showing the organization it takes to put together a well documented interview was the most helpful part. The two different interviewing scenarios given were a visual experience on how a good interview should be conducted. I think it's important to remember to let the person being interviewed know what is the context of your questions as well making sure they are comfortable. Also it's a good tip to ask well educated questions, and being respectful of the person being interviewed.

    1. I think what you said was quite interesting and right on point. Letting the person being interviewed know the purpose and context of the questions and having their consent not only makes them feel more comfortable but also sets the platform for a good interview. bigstep789

  21. It was extremely helpful to me to watch this video because I have absolutely no experience with interviews and I know we are going to be doing them for a project soon. It made me realize that I should prepare for my interview project by researching and having some sort of knowledge of my topic before I begin. That way I can avoid coming across as ignorant to the people I will be interviewing. This video also made me realize that I need to come up with a purpose for my interview and a structure (what questions I will ask and in what order). For me, I think the hardest problem of interviewing will be steering the interview in the right direction and not wandering off topic too much. However, I don't think I will have any problems with attentiveness and listening to everything the people have to say. I'm glad I watched this video because it gave me a clear, step-by-step process of how to conduct an interview. -purple789

  22. This video is very helpful for me because I have never interviewed anyone, but after watching this video I feel more confident about doing so. I agree that you have to ask questions that get the person being interviewed to have to think about their answer or response, his or her answer will more then likely be longer or more in depth. I also learned that you don't want to get to personal with the question, but just personal enough to find an interesting story. I thought this video was not only helpful, but interesting.

  23. when i first starting watching the video i became uninteresting because i could since that the interview was unprofessional. the way the two ladies were talking to eachother just seems like it was a waste of both of there time. when the second interview came i became engaged in the interview because i have had several inteviews and had alot of practice with inteview and how we are supposed to be. The second interview was alot better than the first there were a few things they could have worked on but it was much better than the first. godschild789

  24. Watching this video was very informative. Although I have conducted interviews before I was never aware of the technique and structure needed by an interviewer to solicit more detailed and elaborate answers from an interviewee. All the key points given in this video about an interviewer being clear gentle sensitive and open were all enlightening as well as being knowledgeable structured and knowing how to interpet. I must say what I thought should be most implemented in an interview was to know how to steer the conversation remember what is being said and to always remain balanced. bigstep789

  25. This video helped me understand a lot better how I should go about conducting a sociological interview. It showed me the importance of going into an interview with an already established basic knowledge of the subject matter. It also revealed the importance of creating a dialogue that brings about specific stories and experiences from the person being interviewed. I enjoyed how the person in the video used footage of good interviews as well as bad ones. I also thought it was really interesting how they taught a technique of clearly explaining the purpose of the interview before asking questions. This definitely makes plenty of intuitive sense because it gives the person being interviewed specific context within which they need to answer questions. This video will definitely be helpful as I begin to think about who I will be interviewing for my sociology paper. I will definitely be referring back to this prior to all of my interviews in order to get the best possible information for my paper. toblerone012

  26. I thought this was a really good video. I liked how it started out with a list of the characteristics of a good interviewer to get you thinking. This video was very helpful because it pretty much told you exactly what and what not to do. The first interview was very painful to watch. There was no connection between the interviewer and the interviewee. It was a quick, reading and answering of questions and that was it. The second interview was very nicely done. She pretty much covered all the characteristics of a good interviewer. The introduction was very good and she did not just jump right into the questions like the first interview. Because this video was so helpful, I now know exactly what to do and what not to do when I conduct my interviews. I will definitely use this video as a refresher before my interviews for my paper. BigGrizmatik789.

  27. I diffidently learn a lot in this video. I liked how this particular video started off by explaining and describing all of the characteristics that go into an interview. I think some of the people that do these kinds of interview suck as new casters need to sit down and watch this video. It seems like the professionals like to interrupt way too much and it always turns into one big arguing match. The main thing that stood out was that they showed what a good interview is like and what a bad interview is like and explained why one interview was better than the other. I could see right of the bat that the first interview was terrible no follow up questions, and the interviewer didn't seem like she cared about what she was doing. I was always taught that when you give an interview or are being interview you always maintain eye contact at least look like you care.

  28. This video will defiantly help me a lot. It broke down the steps to a good interview and made it clear to understand just what needs to be done. When interviewing someone you should defiantly have the knowledge of the subject and should know what they are talking about. I liked how the video started out talking about what the interviewer needs to know and do before jumping right in. This information I know will help me when I do my interviews and will help me be more prepared.

    1. I agree with storm012 this video will also help me out a lot too when it come time to do my interviews. it gave good examples of a bad interview and a good interview. I also like how it broke it down in steps. -Aries012

  29. this video is talking about how interviews should go. they gave us three different looks on the video. the first video of the interview was the interviewer she wasn't asking the questions correctly she wasn't giving any eye contact she was reading all of the questions off of the sheet of paper she had and she wasn't even taking notes she was just sitting there acting like she didn't even care. the second video is the same video but the narrator talking to us about all the things the interviewer was doing wrong like i already described earlier. the third video is about how to interview correctly. she was asking all the right questions she wasn't reading all the questions of the sheet of paper she actually had them memorized. since she had the questions memorized she didn't have to look off her sheet so she could actually take the notes she was supposed to take in the first place and she had her tell the whole story before she asked any questions.

    1. I agree. This was a great way to learn what to do and not do during an interview. This will help all of us to be better interviewers and not get sidetracked or bogged down so that we do not get the information we are really looking for. I look forward to performing these interviews now that we have a good guide to follow.


  30. I liked this video and how it displayed the right and wrong way to conduct a sociological interview. During the first interview, I noticed the woman giving the interview wasn't as conversational and it didn't help get good answers. I loved how in the second interview, just by showing eye contact and being conversational, the woman giving the interview could get more than a one word answer. This video is a good example to show someone how to properly conduct a sociological interview.

  31. This video will be a huge help when it comes time for us to do our interviews. I enjoyed the best practices that were employed to conduct a sociological interview. It was good to see a real interview and be able to pick up what makes a question and/or interview bad and what makes it good. I will definitely use this as a guide for how I should be conducting my interviews. It is very nice to see that resources like these are available to a person who wants to go find them.


  32. I like this video because it'll help get an idea of how I am going to do my interviews for my paper. I like how it broke it down step by step. It also showed good interviews and bad one which was also very helpful for me. The first interview was wasn't good the woman should of been more talkative it seem like she was uncomfortable. The second video was the proper way of doing a interview. this video has made me more confident to do my interviews the right way. -Aries012

  33. This video did a great job comparing and contrasting what to do and what not to do in an interview. The older method didn't really seem to go as in depth as the more modern one did. I honestly had no idea that there would be this big of a process interviewing my friends/ co- workers at Mt. Hawley. Luckily I haven't started them yet. Now I feel a lot more aware of what I should be asking and looking for in these interviews. I feel ready to start them soon!-Lacrossedude012

  34. This video is a lifesaver for conducting interviews. It helped me to see that in order to have a successful interview the interviewer must be knowledgeable or know what they are talking about. They also must be clear with their questions, open, and sensitive. I like how this video compared and contrast how a good interview goes and a bad interview goes. In the bad interview you can see how closed off the interviewer was, in comparison to the good interview you can see how more engaged she was with the interviewee by talking more, asking more questions, and even laughing. Overall it was very helpful! CHIATIA!

  35. This video definitely made me evaluate the way that I pay attention to people when I speak to them. I actually tested to theory of not looking at someone when they are speaking, and giving them eye contact when they are speaking, and when that happened to person didn't speak too me for very long. But, when I had a conversations with someone and allowed them to say everything they wanted to say and I didn't interrupt and I made eye contact then the other person spoke to me for a long time. I thought that this video helped me to evaluate the way that I participated into conversations with other people.Selah789

  36. I found this blog to be very helpfull form how to give a interview in a good way to a not so good way.To the sociological way of giveing a interview. it had lots of good tips like looking them in the eyes and keeping the interview going with questions that reflect their answers. It will be helpfull to me when i have to go and do interviews for the up coming paper. This video will help me realize how to respond to the people I'll have to interview. From the introductions to keeping them into the interview with good questions and no interruptions Leo.012


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