McDonaldization of Society


  1. I would like to say that like anything with health, it is your own personal choice how often and what your eat. I personally do not dine at McDonald's because of the healthy issues they bring.I like how the speaker brings up the obesity and major health problems people are facing as a result of the fast food that is being marketed. I liked the question to the speaker asking if he thinks his work has slowed the grow of fast food. He simply answers 'no'. This is key because it shows the amount of ignorance we show as people to avoid listening to professionals and facts and instead eat what we want because it tastes good and it is timely. Which is all we care about as Americans, money and time. The idea of the credit card making purchases, especially food purchase, increase is a interesting point. But it makes sense because it makes the food buying process faster and you don't notice the money leaving your pocket like you would with traditional paper currency.-Spacepotatoes012

    1. I do agree that it is our own personal choice to choose what we eat. I think that it's become a pretty widespread fact that McDonalds isn't the best food for us to eat. I think that as Americans we need to take our health into our own hands. I also agree with not noticing how much we spend on a credit card. I have a debit card, and I forget how much i've spent on it. I can only imagine how bad this would be on a credit card.

    2. This is very true it is our choice. But people try to sway you into doing things. As a child all you remember is how the commercial presented it. You aren't taught how this food may affect you that is the last thing you think about. Their is however a good and bad to this


    3. That is a very good point spacepotatoes. It is entirely your choice what you eat and how much you eat. As far as McDonalds being unhealthy, many upscale or sit-down restaurant meals are actually worse for you than McDonalds. McDonalds has such a bad reputation, i guess you could say, that people assume basically any other meal is better for you, but that is not the case at all. BigGrizmatik789.

    4. I agree with you in that health is your own choice and we really can't blame society for our health problems. Society might give you some temptations, but ultimately it is your own choice on how you decide to live your life and take care of your body. People are ignorant and will probably decide to eat what they want in the end if they have their mind set on it, even if they know how harmful it can be to them. -purple789

    5. I agree we want everything fast, but it is other people choice. Health has a lot to do with the fast restaurants, I really believe this is how some diseases occur, by what we eat. I go to a fast restaurant because I am always in such a hurry, and than by the end of the week I see where a lot of my money is going to. myapic789

  2. I found the idea of "McDonaldization" kind of repetitive. We have all heard that McDonalds isn't good for our health. I think that we eat it because it tastes good, is convenient, and it isn't too expensive. I can go to McDonalds and get a full meal for $5. If I go sit down at a restaurant that has healthier food, Ill be waiting longer, and the meal will most likely be twice as expensive. I can assume this video is kind of old since it is still talking about this idea that McDonalds is bad for us. I do agree with some of the video, but I have heard most of it before. I think that it's funny how we put all the blame onto McDonalds when there are plenty of other fast food industries out there, and we are the ones that choose to eat it. I do agree with the guy when he said that kids don't need to be really salty foods. I think that McDonalds advertising to kids is the wrong thing to do. I don't agree with it, but still again most of the parents have to take their kids to McDonalds for it. I think that the credit card idea is also pretty repetitive. I've heard about credit cards and credit card debt plenty, yet we still have people that are in credit card debt. I think instead of making people aware of the situations, we need to make a plan to keep from being such bad consumers.

    1. I agree with most of what you are said. Especially when you talked about how convenient and cheap it is to go to a fast food restaurant. It has become so easy to drive through a place on your way home after a long day. I do not agree however that it is wrong of McDonald's to advertise to children. Advertising to them will definitely increase their desire to eat there, that's what advertising is for, but it is the parents choice. It is our job as adults to say no every once in a while. vhammer789

    2. I agree with ya PA789 I think that McDonald's is very bad for anyone because its not just the calories it has artificial colors and junk that cause so much more problems then just obesity. I definitely think first before going to a place like McDonald's to feed my children....selah789

  3. I do not agree with the ideas that the fast food industry is responsible for obesity and high cholesterol in the United States. Yes the food is not good for us and most people know this. We still choose however to eat it. It is not the fast food industries fault that people are obese. We choose to eat the food. Part of it is that the healthy food that we have as a substitute costs 2-3 times as much. Even at McDonald's a salad costs 6 dollars as compared to a double cheeseburger that only costs a buck. Also to say that they are pushing it on children like a drug dealer is not true. It is the parents choice to buy the food. We don't need to inform people that the food is not healthy, we need to come up with a better substitute. The same goes for the argument he made about credit cards. vhammer789

    1. I agree with you vhammer789. I think we need to come up with better substitutes that can sell food that IS good for you, at McDonalds' prices. Even with this, though, people are going to eat whatever it is that they want to eat regardless of what other options there are out there. I do think it would still be good idea to have a healthy, fast, and cheap alternative to McDonalds though. shoestopher789

    2. I agree with you and your thoughts . its not McDonalds or anything of the fast food places fault Americans are fat. They didn't force your car to pull in there drive threw. We as adults or even children know there are good things for our bodies and bad. I agree they need to come up with a healthy substitute . the cost of healthy food thou is so expensive. Kakers789

  4. I do not believe the fast food industry is responsible for obesity in the United States. Although I do believe they are a major contributor to this epidemic, it is a reflection of the views of our society and the need to want everything right away right now and without delay. We as a society and as consumers seem to be willing participants in the race to get more and get it faster. Obesity is just one of the many prices we are willing to pay and suffer for our "Right Now" attitude. bigstep789

  5. I think the idea of Mcdonaldization is something we have all heard before. I feel like it's not McDonalds' fault as much as it is our own, because we choose what to eat and choose how healthy we live our lives. Mcdonaldization of society is something that I think is inevitable. The biggest contributing factor to this is time. Today in society people want things faster than ever before. As an example, most people say they don't have time to go sit down and eat, so they decide to get fast food. This is how society is as a whole. People just don't have time to worry about certain aspects of their lives anymore, so they just say choose the quickest possible way to get something or do something. I think that's what he means by "Mcdonaldization". People are always trying to think of the quickest way to do things and that is something that you cannot have control over. People want it done, and they want it done quick. shoestopher789

    1. I agree with you, mcdonaldization is something that everyone has heard before. It is very true that know we all as a society want things quick and easy. People are always in a hurry and they just don't have the time to worry about what they eat they just think to themselves what is the fastest and easiest place to eat, most of the time its McDonald's. Now a days slow just isn't a speed we know.

    2. I agree that the use of the term 'McDonaldization' applies to any drive thru fast food restaurant. The food is cheap in preparation, and low in cost which fist into our high speed society perfectly. Like others have said in posts above this McDonaldization is unrepairable and is just a result of our society. The only defense you can put out for yourself is to avoid and do your own thing, which of course cause 10 fold the amount of money and much more time to prep and cook your own meals.-Spacepotatoes012

  6. I think that this video is really repetitive. I believe that there is always going to be bad food out there as adult we have to learn how to say no. And teach our children to make good choices when it comes to food, because seeing the health decline within children confirms that parents are not instilling those values into children, but society tells someone to allow yourself to be driven by your emotions and whenever you crave or want something you should feed that desire no matter what it is, how much it cost or how its going to effect your life. I was convicted because I don't really talk to my kids about important things like there food choices, I mean I tell them to eat healthy but I don't tell them why. Im going to do that....

    1. Selah789 you are so right... as adults we do have to learn to say no! and like I said all we can do is teach out children to do better. I often think of the "traditional" life when a mom stays home to cook a meal, dad works and the children attend school.... that no longer is the case with our vastly growing society which is why I think some people feel some people are obese. We need to learn to eat healthier and teach our kids that some food, even though its good isn't the best food for you. -Pink789

  7. I enjoyed this video. I like how the speaker talks about fast food places and especially how McDonalds brings in two year olds and hooks them onto the food that they serve. I also agree that it’s a personal choice and you can say no as your get older and learn more about the consequences of eating fast food. I agree that if people eat fast food, they are definitely going to suffer the consequences of eating unhealthy when they become older. I like how he explains how mcdonaldization isn’t just with fast food, Its everywhere. I agree how the church is experiencing the most mcdonaldization.

  8. I liked this video on Mcdonaldization.... it did a great job explaining it and I liked how they related it. I also liked how they related the 6 key elements of a bureaucracy... in the video he said that mcdondalds demonstrates 4 of the key elements and I feel as if many other jobs do too. Like he said many people even carry out more than one duty at a time... they can be ringing and then also be making things like shakes or coming out to clean the floor. Just like I said in the one of the previous videos, my job also demonstrates some of these key elements... I think anyone can relate these key elements to their jobs also. It also seemed as if this video was trying to blame mcdondalds for their "bad" food but we as consumers choose to eat their; our life's now are so fast pace that being able to just go through a drive thru has become very convenient for many Americans. We just need to set better examples for our children growing up in this world. -Pink789

    1. I agree with you on how this video was good, also that it did a excellent job on explaining what Mcdonaldization relates to the bureaucracy and how the 6 points all fix along with it. Also about how the clarity of how it related to fast food that helps people understand better. Conservation789

    2. I completely agree with you Pink789, I feel like fast food industries do demonstrate key elements seeing as how I am a manager at one. Its amazing how many people will risk their lives for the food, during these snow storms we have had, so many people came through drive thru wanting meals. I don't understand why people risk their lives for the food they could make at home.

    3. I definitely agree with you. Most of us eat fast food because we either grew up on it or simply because we don't have enough time in our day to go sit and eat a healthy meal. For whichever reason though, there needs to be a point were we say enough is enough and start making healthy choices for ourselves. If we stop the cycle now, future generations will likely benefit. Undergrad789

  9. I agree with this video. The fast food industry is responsible for obesity. They fool people into thinking the food is good for them through million and billion dollar advertisements but they are really shortening life spans. It was somewhat hard to hear the speaker in some instances.


  10. This video was an interesting video, also that Max Weber’s Rationalization that argued that rationalization is a long-term historical process that has transformed the modern world. Like how he compares McDonald’s to bureaucracy because in to it is. The workers just starting out or low leveled in the employed can take order from there manager and do the specific assigned tasks they are giving and it might just be a little simple job though as long as they get it done that’s all they have to worry about. They you have the management or like hierarchy were that have to make sure everyone else is getting their job done in a certain amount of time. Then there is also one of my favorite coined terms from Max Weber his personality approach which everyone has to treat each other like equals and if that doesn’t work than they can just simple complain about their manager and what not. Conservation789

  11. I liked how Mcdonaldization is not only applied with food restaurants but with any bureaucracy company. I agree with what others said that you do choose what you eat health or not. However in our busy society, we like everything on the go and we want everything now. Even when we go to clothing stores, if something is not in your size, and you often times feel frustrated, angry, and do not want to wait for it to come in your size. Even workers feel this strain of rules and regulations. The strain of rules and regulations would be when there is a frustrated customer. The frustrated customers often act like children and through fits. I am happy the day I quiet at McDonalds, when the only thing I had left to learn was to cook. The reason why I quiet was a costumer threw change through the window. They got frustrated when they had to pay for their food even to the last cent. Bubbles789

  12. Mcdonaldization is something that I have never heard about until the professor talked about it in class and then I really got an understanding of what it was when I watched the video. It is funny because I can see it everywhere in retail, food fast places, etc. rosebud012

  13. I agree with the information and ideas presented in this video, but he was way too repetitive. He had some really good points, but I did not like the video at all. One reason was that the awful metal/ hard rock music in the background distracted me from listening to him and immediately made me not want to watch the video. We all know McDonalds, or any fast food restaurant actually, is not the place to eat if you are looking for a healthy meal. We don’t eat McDonalds for it’s nutritional value; We eat it because its cheap, fast, and it “tastes good” However, many or most sit down restaurant meals are actually worse for you than McDonalds. Even some of the Subway footlongs are unhealthier than a McDonalds meal. This video did make me realize how fast-paced everything in our society is. I had never heard of mcdonaldization until this video and I did learn a few things, but this information could have been presented a lot better than it was in this video. BigGrizmatik789.

  14. Couldn't hardly hear or see it. I do know everything we do is a choice! We can't blame McDonalds the prices nothing. What we can do is blame portion control. Its all about the amount you consume daily. You might think its the big mac and fries when it may actually be the 5 cups of coffee and 5 sodas you drank today. So just count your calorie intake and eat plenty of free foods known as fruits and vegetables. Live your life and make smart choices no matter the price or where you choose to eat! Imma do me789

  15. I agree with BigGrizmatik789. everything is fast paced in our society we have to value our bodies at our own look. If you want to eat than eat! Don't blame food just blame the amount of food you ate. We all have to blame somebody. If not than it will be excuse after excuse! WATCH YOUR CALORIES PEOPLE AND WATCH HOW YOU START TO ENJOY MORE AND LOOK GREAT LOL! Imma do me789

  16. The music in the background distracted you from actually paying attention to the information that was provided in the video. It made me want to close out of the video and not even watch it. If he was going to use a song he should have picked something soothing. If you are looking for healthy choices, fast food obviously isn't the best place to go. People say they eat it because its fast, cheap, and tastes good, but I view its because they are lazy and don't want to make anything. Great information, bad presentation. I actually did learn a few things, like what mcdonaldization is.

    1. I also didn't like the video very much. I agree that the music distracted you from what he was saying. It was hard to pay attention with it. I think the video did contain some good facts and helped explain what mcdonalization is rather well. -Aquariusgirl789

  17. I thought that although the video was very redundant, the idea of "McDonaldization" is very intriguing. Most of us when we go to a fast food restaurant, expect to get fast service and that the workers are going to follow a script when taking our order. I find myself asking what would happen if McDonalds or other fast food restaurants didn't have a script to follow? Maybe customers would feel more comfortable and personal when placing an order. But at the same time, the service wouldn't be as efficient and there is no reason for McDonalds to develop interpersonal relationships with their customers because the food is so cheap and appealing to some. Undergrad789

    1. I do agree I think they should be more personally with there customers, no one wants to come back to a place where feel un comfortable. I have seen it both ways and it makes you have a much better day if even someone has a kind word to say, or you exchange one as well. The service is always different and I think as our society we believe if its fast food why are we waiting to long or something is not right. I know things happen to all of us at some point so I try not to let it bother me as I know they as workers are under strict guidelines as it is. Blessed789

    2. I agree with you undergrad789. When we go to a fast food restaurant we do expect fast service. We respond to their scripted greeting and we already know the price of the meal we are ordering. I even expect fast service when I got to walmart as odd as that may seem but they have mcdonaldized so much that they even have self check out registers. Customer would probably feel more comfortable with mcdonalds it was not so scripted I can agree with you on that as well. -toybox789

  18. In all honesty I really didn't like this video at all. The music was disrupting and annoying. He was kind of like my mother and just repeated a lot of the same things. Also I'm not sure if it was just my tablet but his pictures seemed blurry which hurts my eyes. Anyways I think that people make their own choice. No one forced you to go threw the drive threw. No one forced you to super size your fry. Those all are decision we make. I eat out a lot because its easy and fast. I'm always on the run I don't blame McDonalds for have cheap amazing fries. I blame myself for wanting it. I wish they would have cheap healthy food instead but healthy food is so expensive. Granted I'd like a grilled chicken for a buck we all know that will never happen. A lot of things we do aren't good for us, but we live once we eat sleep work and one day we will die. So who cares. Kakers789

    1. I agree this video was crappy, it wasn't all that interesting. And I agree people do make their own choices when it comes to a lot of things. love789

  19. I think the McDonaldization has worked out great as far as the six points being used in the everyday world. more important all of are fast food chains will be dominate our entire society, weather there using McDonaldization or not. The more modern are society becomes the less interaction we have with human contact. There are good points and bad I guess. I like the fact that it is basically different low skilled jobs following Bureaucracy, as I believe it opens more doors for others that might not have a lot of skills. This gives people a chance to join a company and feel a purpose in society. Blessed789

    1. I also stand against mcdonaldization of our society, because it has even affected our school systems. Test were once graded by teachers, now tests are now largely marked by computer, increasing the efficiency for teachers. Students education is now valued on the basis of a grade rather than an overview of their progress and achievements throughout their educative career.

  20. I really didn't like this video. The music and pictures were not good. The pictures were blurry and music was annoying. I get that there are unhealthy fast food places, like mcdonalds, but I also don't think it's mcdonalds fault for having unhealthy food and people want it and complain. They do a good job being fast and make a lot of money regardless if their food isn't really healthy. It's your choice what you go get for lunch. You can go somewhere else, or make your own food. I did like how he stated some places that had fast service. He did a pretty good job explaining what mcdonalization is. -Aquariusgirl789

  21. For one every body has a choice on what they eat. If a person wants to eat McDonald's until they die no one can say McDonald's killed that person. They killed themselves. Everyone know about health nobody can say oh I didn't know it could kill me. Its fast food what burger do you know can be ready as soon as your order it? Not a real burger. Also fast food places do have a few healthy choices. Its your choice as a person on what you want in indulge in. It would make sense if healthier food was cheaper sense America stresses about healthy food , well make it easier for people. They sell them salads for 99 cent except a cheese burger. love789

  22. I dont like the way this video was made, i think that out discussion during lecture was far more interesting as far as defining mcdonaldization and the examples given. In class we basically said no matter what mcdonalds you go to it is all the same food. although prices may vary, its all the same. Also walmart and target are very much the same. they sell many of the same products but the prices also vary. basically everything is the same inside and out. -openminded012

    1. I definitely agree that this video had some major flaws. While it did seem to get across the overall idea of what McDonaldization is, it tended to repeat itself over and over again. I also thought the music was pretty annoying in the video. They really could have done without it. Toblerone 012

  23. I agree with most of you, I also thought this video was poor quality the pictures were blurry, the music was annoying and I think he had a total of 10 pictures and just repeated them like 8 times. Even though the video sucked mcdonaldization was well explained I thought. It is true we have more was of mcdonaldization then just McDonalds itself. We have target, many fast food places, a popular one which is walmart, and even banks. I also agree hat we do live a very fast paced lives.

    1. LayLay789 I agree with you that the quality wasn't that great. The pictures could have been better and more of them. Mcdonaldization is itself but think outside the box and look how McDonald's is on almost every other block in most parts of America let alone other countries. It spread just like many things with humans spread. It's just their own term. I do think that a fast pace lifestyle is up to the person(s) because you make your own decisions and schedule regardless. Usmc789

    2. I agree with LayLay.Our society is very fast paced. That's just how we live though. Everything is done as quick as possible. In realty if things were just slowed down a little there would be way more happiness. People wouldn't have so much to complain about. The video was very badly made, with the pictures and music. It was hard to concentrate on what was being said because the blurry pictures were hurting my eyes. Beneke789.

  24. This video really drove home the fast-paced and efficiency-driven nature of McDonaldization. It helped me get a better idea of what Max Weber meant when he talked about bureaucracies. I also feel that I have a better and more clear idea as to what some of the positive and negative aspects of McDonaldization might be. It is really amazing to see all of the different examples that we have today to illustrate this concept, ranging from Wal-Mart to Dunkin Donuts. The video was also very informative about critiques that have been made over the years to protest bureaucracy, stating that it is impersonal and cold. I definitely think that there are many upsides as well as downsides to McDonaldization. It has allowed us to easily obtain many goods and services that would not have been previously available. While the video was certainly very informative, the music did seem a bit distracting and intense. Toblerone 012

    1. Toblerone012, I really like how you related this video to the last video on bureaucracies. I have to agree with you that I now have a better understanding of both and how the play a role in one another. I also liked that you said there are many upsides and downsides of McDonalidization. I feel the same way as you. I believe that it is a good thing to become more up to date and stay fast paced but it is sad that things are becoming less and less personal and becoming more cold and impersonal like you said. Great comment! ~Tempusfugit012

  25. Many people have heard the pros and cons of McDonald's and every other fast food restaurants. We know we go there because it's cheap and fast. Super size me was the documentary on McDonald's and the guy ate three meals a day from McDonald's for one month and the guy was in horrible shape. On top of that the customer service is horrible because their goal is to get as many orders done in so little time. All together I personally don't eat fast food but prefer the grillUsmc789

    1. I agree with you grillUsmc789 I don't eat fast food no more either. Its not health for you and all you do is get right back hungry in a hour. Yes it is cheap and fast and that's why a lot of people stop because they know they are going to get in and right out. -Aries012

  26. After watching this video it seems that I have always know about Mcdonaldization but I never knew the term for the it. We all want fast service, but we expect to get our food fast from Mcdonald's because it is a fast food restaurant. The other companies mentioned in the video like Ikea (being a fast furniture selling business), and walmart (having several different departments included in the company) I would not have coined to be a mcdonaldization but I can understand how these companies are included. Macdonaldization seems to be a bad thing according to the narrator and I agree with him, the one thing that I did find helpful that I have not seen in Peoria stores is the scanners that customers can walk around with while shopping. -toybox789

  27. This video made me think about how much our society has become part of the mcdonaldization. In today's society it is more convenient for the customer to go through a speedy process to get what they want. I can see how this exchange would effect businesses, and make them adapt to the same model. We know that in a lot f cases this method is beneficial for the customer who has a quick lunch, or a student grabbing a snack before class. The process of McDonaldization can be summarized as the way in which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more of American society as well as of the rest of the world.

  28. This video was very interesting, just because it explains our society so well. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. It's interesting to know that there is such a thing called McDonaldization because we are so used to this going on. Many people shop at Walmart because they have all the departments at one place. Many stores are like this now a day and I think that people would stop shopping there if they couldn't have that convenience. People are always in such a rush that they want everything fast, all the time. With McDonalds itself no one can point fingers at them because their food is so bad for you. No one makes you eat there. Just because it's fast, convenient, and cheap doesn't mean you have to eat there. People choice to eat there and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Beneke789.

  29. This video was a great example of how bureaucracies exist anywhere and everywhere in our day to day lives. I had never heard of the term "McDonaldization before this video, but upon watching it, to me the McDonaldization of society is the way we cheapen everything in order to get the most bang for our buck or make the most profit off of what we are trying to sell. This may mean that society will be as skimpy as possible (and even unhealthy) in order to make more money off of you. This is why it is important to be somewhat skeptical in today's society because although something might seem like a really good deal, it could be detrimental to your health or simply not a good product. There are certain "scripts" that employees have to adhere to that is worded in a way that makes the product seem better. -purple789

  30. i really didnt enjoy the video it was very repetitive alot of things we do in life is our own personal choice. we all know that thigs we do have a certain outcome weither its eating out at mcdonalds etc. Some of the things he discuss were catching but alot of it wasnt. godschild789

  31. I thought this video gave good information but the music in the background was very distracting. I also didn't like the pictures, they were blurring. I honestly they should left the music and pictures out of the video. he did explain mcdonaldization. I do believe the world is moving in a fast pace but overall I like the information that was in this video but not the music and pictures. Aries012

  32. This was a decent video.I never heard of a word called Mcdonaldization. It let us know that mcdonaldization isn't just at McDonalds, or at fast food restaurant. Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and some banks also use mcdonaldization. Mcdonaldization is all about fast pace, in order to do that you must have each employee to work on different areas so it wont take so long. Every is responsible for a differernt task at their job, and a lot of things go on in the background of a job that we do not see. But it all helps the business to run much smoothly. That will help the costumers not to be impatient.myapic789

  33. Mcdonaldization is a controversially topic, I believe that it is a good thing as well as a bad thing. Let me explain why. I feel like there are a lot of benefits that come with the idea of Mcdonaldization It does allow for faster production and less hands on time and things are being produced without as much effort or work. This allows companies to produce products faster and cheaper than they could if they did it in an old fashioned manner and took the time to really make a good product. On the other hand it is a bad thing because as food or products are being produced faster and for cheaper amounts of money the quality goes down. It also means less jobs are needed and less skills are being used. For example in the food industry it is a good thing because you are able to produce food faster and for a cheaper price so you are able make a bigger profit off of the food and you are able to pay your employees less because it takes less skill to make the food. On the other hand it is bad because the quality of the food goes way down. The food is being grown faster and in a very unhealthy way it is full of chemicals and additives. Which are making people gain weight and become unhealthy as a result. There are so many reason mcdonaldization is a good thing and many reasons why it’s bad. Overall it was an okay video I learned a lot more in the classroom on this topic. ~Tempusfugit012

    1. i agree with you because the quality of food in places has really gone done hill since they have all this new technology and other things and processes they use to cook these food. lets use an example red robin is an mcdonalization i heard that red robin was so good then we finally got one here in peoria so i went there and tested it out. i felt like that was the worst buger that i had ever had like it was bad experience for me! because everyone was telling me on how great it was and it was just bad. its also unhealthy for you as well.

    2. I agree that it allows the companies to sell product and service at a cheaper price. It also lowers the quality of product or service being offered. I think that it is a necessary process that has been put into place and is used by so many people on a daily basis. If and when a better process comes along, it will replace this process and be used by the masses. We are all a victim and willing participant in this cycle.


    3. I agree that McDonaldization is both a good and bad thing. On one hand we produce and advance much faster, and we are constantly growing so it is almost necessary. Howerver, I also agree that it is dehumanizing society. Customers are less polite and more hasty with employees, and employees are less excited about their job because it is robotic and monotonous.

  34. This video was ok, i dont know if it was my computer or it was just how the video was made but the pictures were not clear. But he did bring up lots of good points. We are in a fast passed society and its not to hard to how. We do like to get our food and information as quickly as possible. I am very guilty of this myself. A few years ago if I wanted to see what the weather was going to be I had to watch the news whenever it was on, find a newspaper, a find a computer to look up the weather. Now with the advent of smartphones all I have to do is pull up my weather app fast and easy. But McDonaldization is seen every where not just at the big chain stores. If you go to any car dealership everybody has there specific job. You wont see the mechanic up front answering the phone and dealing with customers.

    1. I agree its not just in the fast food restaurants. Besides family owned businesses most businesses are ran this way. Everyone has a certain job and they only do their job. In a family owned business everyone is responsible for every aspect of the business to make sure that things run smoothly. They are close with each other, not only because they're family, but because they depend on each other to survive and pitch in.

  35. first of i did nit like the the opening and ending part of the video i thought the song it played was unnecessary for the video it was point less.the video talked about how bureaucracy worked and how it was understand with mcdonaldization and how they put the two together. it pretty much saying you can just have one or the other you have to have both of them because if you want you own business you have to understand on how bureaucracy works in a business. mcdonalization is not just one place a it a chain of the same places in different country and states. yes it starts out as one but once you get enough business you can starting building lot more across the world.

    1. i agree with you the opening and ending part was wired the song choices were off . business can start off withe a good bureaucracy but after a few years and the owners give up or they stop caring about what they serve their customers things change in within the buisness. mcdonalization does apear in almost all fastest of life... leo012

  36. This has always been a teeth grinding topic. But people tend to assoisacte “Mcdonaldization” with Mcdonalds …and that’s it. When are people going to wake up and realize that Mcdonalds is not the only fastfood chain in the world that can make you gain weight?! We know that in the back of our mind that fastfood period is not good for us but yet it’s always fast, hot, cheap, and convenient! But here in “good ole merica” we blame other countries for supplying us with the food that we deem as bad….yet we’re only two dollars away from buying a processed cheeseburger. CHIATIA012

  37. McDonaldization is an interesting term for the bureaucratic system of dehumanizing and alienating workers and services from the people that they serve. I believe that this is not a bad thing due to the nature of our societies fast paced lives that have us unwilling to take the time to have long conversations or interactions with the people who provide us with products or services that we use on a daily basis. Think about how long every transaction would take that you perform on a daily basis if you spent 10 or 15 minutes talking to each provider of a product or service that you encounter every day. We would all probably get a lot less done in a day if we did that, but we would also know the people who provide our products and services which is a positive social interaction. However, I believe that even though our lives are fast paced, we still choose to socially interact with a few of those people that provide products and services who we feel are most compatible with us.


  38. I agree that society is becoming more McDonaldized. People are becoming more and more robotic in their jobs. In high school when I worked at Sonic, we had a 4 minute timer to get food out and we had to meet that timer. The relationship with customers was almost nonexistent unless it was a negative remark about how slow the service was. Everyone worked at their own individual stations and we hardly had time to interact with each other. It made the work environment unenjoyable, but at the same time I even find myself wanting things fast. It's the reason people pay more at a store to have an item when they could find it at a discount price online and wait to have it sent.

  39. Today's work force world has become more mcdonaldized..... leo012

  40. McDonaldlization has changed society a lot. Fast food restaurants are impersonal they don't want to know your life story or your name for that matter. They just want to get you your order as fast as possible. These jobs aren't the most enjoyable because there are no relationships. The workers barely have relationships with each other and unless they know a customer outside of the workplace they barely form any type of relationships with the customers. These types are jobs are set up in a way where anyone could be able to perform the task at hand because there is no skill required. So people are easily replaced. They are like robots in a way because they follow the same "script" everyday never will they get away from the "script" of how the business is run. I believe relationships suffer because there is a less interaction. Everyone is at their own station making sure their task is complete so things run smoothly. PYT012

  41. McDonaldization I feel is and has effected our world. Each person only cares about money and time, relationships arent everyones priority anymore and sometimes it isnt even an option to be social. The workplace can either have social time or not. Some places you clock in clock out and do the exact same thing each and every day and barely have any time for 'oneself'. This might not be a negative thing for everyone because for me it is (usually) a good thing. Fast service saves time, and I love each relationship I have with my family and friends and I work hard to keep myself social. Its healthy to see other people and to get that interaction.


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