Probation and Parole on 114st...Your Thoughts?

Probation and Parole on 114st...Your Thoughts?


  1. Probation and Parole has its ups and downs. The ups are when you have a loved one incarcerated and your ready for him/her to come home hearing the words paroled out or the judge just gave me probation for my crime its a sigh of relief. The State just want money especially when a minor crime has been committed that's when probation comes in. When an inmate served most of their time in prison and the Parole Board feels like their ready to be in society and the inmate served their time well that's when parole comes into play. The down part of the sentencing is when an offender done something for the second time and should be behind bars and instead the judge puts him/her on probation that's when the system isn't thinking correctly or when an inmate has priors and knowing he/she isn't fit for society and get paroled instead of a mental ward then society has a problem on their hands. So it has its ups and it has its downs. cancer80-456

    1. I agree when you said the state just want money especially about a minor crime, because some people does get put on probation for petty things but I feel like they should get a warning the first time if its a minor crime. If they mess up again then they should be put on probation just to keep a eye on them for a while. T456

    2. yes it does have ups and downs but most systems will, there isnt a system thats perfect today. theres always going to be something wrong and always something that will not work. i dont agree with the whole loved one thing i understand but i think it would be better to let them serve their full time to realize what they did.


    3. You mentioned that one of the pros to parole is the reaction of the family members. I think the last thing the corrections system should be focused on is whether or not the family wants their loved one out of jail. If the family would have been more focused on raising their loved one properly, most likely they wouldn't be in jail to begin with. I think you are looking at the wrong group of people as far as how they are effected by the pros and cons. You should focus on how society views the pros and cons, not family members or the offender. Their opinion really doesn't matter in the grand scheme.

    4. 100% agree with you ISP. Our system does not care at all about your family or their feelings. Its not the systems fault that you decided to commit a crime and wind up in jail. And your right that the family can think about how they should have raised that kid right so he wouldnt end up behind bars.USA456

  2. I feel like probation and parole is a good thing for when people get out of jail because it keeps him/her out of trouble knowing they on parole or probation there not going to be on to much once the release from prison or jail. I also agree with in the article when it said kids in violent school are at risk of injury or death, and will be increasingly likely to get involved in crime and violence if they leave a school that is dangerous because 9 times out of 10 kids do follow up behind others and do what they see him/her doing and get involved in them activities but I kind of disagree as well because it can be those smart kids that see violent happening but still manage to keep away from it so its a 50/50 with that. T456

    1. Everybody has a mind of their own so even if so just because he/she saw them do it and all they got was a smack on the hand and when he/she do it they 6 months in jail a big fine and 1 year probation so I do agree with your scenario and probation and parole is a good thing for many reasons. cancer80-456

    2. I think that some criminals think they can commit certain crimes because they think they will get parole and get off easy because he can some what behave in prison and be out way earlier just to commit the crime again. I believe in re peat offenders they shouldn't be allowed to get parole and serve the full term. -Corps456

  3. I think that the biggest factors that explain why America hasn't gotten on board with this type of modelling is due to lack of time and money. If you think about it, teachers do not get paid enough to perform their job, on top of trying to “teach the behavior” and finding a new way to implement new behaviors. Also I don’t believe that even if this new model of behavior modification will work for every single student. Just because this behavior model was effective for one person, doesn’t mean it will work for the rest. It would be time consuming and expensive to try to find a behavior modification tool that will fit the individual’s needs. Although I think that these type of behavior models are a good idea, I don’t think it will pan out across the US, especially if all levels of schooling are requiring this model. BadWolf456

    1. Money really is a driving force for new programs to be implemented in any organization. Right now there seems to be a lack of it. I agree with you, not everyone can benefit from the behavior modification. Each person is different and given their background it may not be possible for them to change their ways. BHS456

    2. I agree with the fact that money is a big factor because the reality is that trying to remodel inmates is not high on Americas priority list. Also with that there are some people that just cant be changed know matter what you do. -Corps456

  4. No system is perfect, the Probation and Parole programs in the United States are no exception. They have their highs and lows. It's definitely a system that could use some work. Probation and Parole, in most cases try to take a one size fits all approach to how they deal with the people in their system. The issue with one size fits all approaches is, not everyone can wear it. Some individuals may need more specialization with their rehabilitation. Behavior has so much to do with crime and why the individual performed the criminal act. As the article stated with the education example, teachers need to understand with the student misbehaved. There needs to be more emphasis on the why in this situation, from there an effective model to reteach behavior can be implemented. In order to implement this model, there needs to be the proper amount of funding and time. Money especially, funding is in short supply for Probation and Parole programs, which to me suggest this model wont be enacted for some time.

    1. I absolutely agree. I think it would be much easier to understand behavior problems if they work on a person-by-person program instead of a general "one size fits all". People, criminals and juveniles alike, act out for all different reasons. It seems as if probation and parole is just a way for individuals to "check in" rather than being a source of rehabilitation for them.

  5. While I understand some of the similarities probation and parole have to the school violence and medical field, I don't think that is a good way to compare the programs. We all know that probation and parole has problems within the system, but it is hard for caseworkers to be able to keep up with what needs to be done when there are so many people on these programs. The only ways to modify the amount of cases per caseworker, would be to hire more probation officers, or keeping more individuals incarcerated. Many individuals need something that is specific to them and their needs, to be able to work effectively. But, that would take a lot of money and time, that just isn't available within probation and parole programs. Even if the EBP practices are put into use, who is to say that something else wouldn't come up, leaving yet another problem within probation and parole programs? tay456

  6. i think our system isn't perfect at all, we worry about how much money we have to spend or how its going to effect us in the long run, i think if we made more programs that didn't worry about the costs wed have better programs today. we have tons of people in these programs were getting to over flowed in my opinion. i think inmates need to serve out their full time instead of getting out early. you commented the crime so you need to pay your consequences that's how i feel about it. i dont agree with the whole "good behavior" anyone could act good to get out then just go back to their old ways.


  7. The main idea of this article discussing why probation and parole doesn’t work was evidence based practices which is effectively the same thing that we talked about in class, evidence based corrections. Although we know the current system is failing, we know effective ways, proven by evidence, that just aren’t implemented. The textbook’s definition of evidence based corrections is—the application of social scientific techniques to the study of everyday corrections procedures for the purpose of increasing effectiveness and enhancing the efficient use of available resources. Basically that is saying, techniques that have been proven to work; the evidence is what proves it. In the article, the author also mentioned the similarity between the problems the corrections system is facing and the problems the school systems are having. The current practice in schools is to just suspend the problem children. This is similar to the mentality of corrections, just lock up the problems. Both are similar to the old adage of the ostrich burying its head in the sand—the problem at its root is not being fixed. The next issue are the parents. I also think parents are failing in their roles. Too many parents send their kids to school to be raised instead of just educated. If the parents would do the raising and let the schools focus only on education, I believe a lot of the problems would be solved. Some of the solutions mentioned that have been proven effective (evidence based corrections) are giving teachers the skillsets to deal with trouble makers and ensuring a strong bond between parole/probation officers and the offenders they are overseeing.

    1. ^^^^Should say ISP456 above^^^^

  8. Our system is not exactly the best system in the world. However its pretty close to the best we can do with the funding we have. There are a lot of problems with the system we have, but there are also some very good things about our system. We cant base our programs on each individual person but more on a general gathering of people with the same criminal charges to get to a certain goal. If we had all the money in the world for these programs, im assuming that ideally we would impliment a rehab for each different kind of crime. The only crime you cant rehabilitate is sexual crimes. All in all i dont necessarily think our system is perfect, but its far far from being a bad system.USA456

    1. I agree with you our system isn't the best system in the world but it’s the best we can do. I wish we had enough findings’ and people who came up with good programs to help people I strongly believe in rehab. It should be based on what majority of the community get involved in or crimes they commit. Love456

  9. I agree with probation and parole all the way but I personally wish I could make some changes with the criminal justice system I think I would get these people to change their thinking and their lifestyles I agree that you can’t arrest and suspend your way to a positive school environment. Teachers need specific skills to deal with children with behavior problems and that behavior change is about teaching kids new skills to help them change their behavior. All three points were in the article and I agree with them 100%. Instead of people treating people on parole and probation like their foreigners they should start showing more love compassion and sympathy. If you treat a person like their bad and mean and evil pretty soon that’s going to stick in their head and heart and they will act like that or just continue in their same footsteps. The article was very interesting. Love456

  10. Teaching others in equality is basic for teachers and students having a negative or positive attitude should be treated in a way as they do pleased. Changing this world is also means changing the people that live in it. The criminal System has to make choices on how parole and probation should be managed and focused for the safety of all people even for criminals that given a second change of life and not death. -Shinigami456

  11. As many of you have already said Probation and Parole have there advantages and disadvantage. I believe that it was a good idea and looked good on paper but the reality of it is that most offenders will re offend. I don't think there is enough money out into it so that there is a sufficient amount of parole and probation officers. For minor offenses it may be useful but for the individuals that commit more brutal crimes i don't think they should be allowed the chance of parole. -Corps456


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