Probation Officers - A Day in the Life


  1. I liked how they talked about the difference between parole and probation. As well as the domestic violence, and how they handled it. Dealing with offenders also were hard for some officers trying to change people ways because of what they grew around in their environment. I agree on when they said individual counceling usually works with offenders because sometimes people do want to have that one on one time and talk. They also talked about the roles of a probation officer and a parole officer which is almost the same and teach them how to deal with situations in healthy ways and without violence. Helping offenders prepare for a job and how they should talk to people on the job. This video explained alot. T456

    1. The officers do have a job on their hands dealing with offenders on changing the patterns of their lives. People in general need one on one talk ! LOL... A lot of offenders do live in rough neighborhoods and it does put the officers at risk just because offenders have that prison mind frame and whats to hurt anybody that's in a uniform. cancer80-456

    2. i agree with your comment, they got to be on top of their game and watch their back because the criminal may seem like hes changing but could still turn on you at any point so you have to stay on top of the game 24/7

      snakebite 456

    3. I agree with T456 that people do need one on one talk, or else everyone would have a lot of problems that they would have no clue on how to figure out. Its nature and sort of nurture. Believe it or not, but everyone needs it. I also agree with the part that the probation officers are they to fill in the void that the suspect or criminal has not yet had or had enough of, which are supervision and one-on-one talks. -Austin456

    4. I agree totally that some offenders are difficult to deal with especially with the different backgrounds the come from and lifestyles they live. I agree violence is not always the right or correct way to handle situations. Going about things in a healthy or positive way is the better approach. Love456

  2. Parole and Probation are different because parole is granted by the parole commission when your released from prison but still have time under your belt. Probation is granted by the courts when you committed a crime and don't have to do jail time. The parole/probation officer visit with the offender once a week to once a month depending if the offender is following the rules. The officers put a file together to fit what the offender needs... which consist of drug testing, housing, drug treatment, placing the offender in programs, and job placements. The officers also have to see where the offender head is after being released from prison or after the crime was committed. The officers work hard on changing the offender mind pattern and get them back into society without any confrontation. This job is very mind boggling because the officers have to keep a clear head, not get involved emotionally with the offender, and balance their life from work and home. cancer80-456

    1. I mean some people need that talk from the officers sometimes maybe it will improve there attitude and how they act. I totally agree on when you said when people get out of prison they have time under they belt. It's not easy finding a job and some probably look for one once there out and can't find one and go back to doing crime. Also P.O. should see there offender once a week if there doing good from the few visits they shouldnt't have to show up that much I feel they can just call and check up. T456

    2. You raise a very good point, it really is mind boggling how the officers are able to not get involved emotionally with the offender. From the time the offender is released from prison, their life is entirely in the hands of the officer. Both for the good by setting them up in housing and job placement, and if they mess up; for the worst. BHS456

    3. I agree with your statement that its very difficult to not get involved in the offender's personal life. Even though you feel like you're their friend through these tough times, you have to remember that if these P.O. and offender relationship boundaries get crossed, they are bound to get hurt. Just because the offender has to come to you for help, it's not because they want to be your friend, but the court requires them to see you. BadWolf456

  3. parole and probation are totally different from one another.. parole is when you get released from jail on a certain date out of jail. probation is when you dont have to go to jail,youll get terms such as community service or housing, depending on if it was drug related you will have to go through rehab or drug programs. the parole officers have a tough job dealing with these people because most of these people need help, and being an officer you have to get deep into their emotions and feelings, but they also have to play there role as the officer and be hard on them so they listen to you and better themselves.


  4. Parole and probation are very different because of the way they get assigned to the individual. Probation is given by the courts, without having to serve time in an institution, where as parole is assigned by the parole board once you have already served part/all of your sentence in prison. The jobs of probation and parole officers are similar because they both have individuals that report to them x amount of time throughout a month, required to follow a certain set of rules. If someone violates their parole, they can end up going back to prison to finish out the time left on their sentence. I didn't know that most probation and parole officers were unarmed. I think that makes their job that much harder, because they will always have a feeling that they have to watch their back when going into high crime neighborhoods. tay456

  5. Probation and Parole officers have a very difficult job, in a sense they are the last form of rehabilitation before parolees and probationers are finally released back into society. They have to assist the offender with housing, medical care, and getting them into the proper rehabilitation programs. The officers job doesn't stop there, they have to check on the offender regularly to make sure they are staying clean. If not, then the officers have the ability to send them back to prison. Its safe to say that I have a lot more respect for parole and probation officers after hearing they don't carry guns. They still have to go into the tough neighborhoods to meet with the person under their care. They have a very demanding job.

    1. I think you hit the nail on the head in your first sentence. They are the last form of rehabilitation before they are either released into society or sent to prison. They are constantly trying to keep in contact with offenders and drug test and keep them on the straight and narrow so that nothing happens while the offender is on their watch. It seems like a tiring job especially when you see how many offenders these officers have at one time.USA456

  6. I really liked this video because it helps shed a light on those individuals who are there to solely help these individuals on probation or parole. Not everyone that gets out of jail or prison are going to be completely changed, and they’ll possibly need services to help them along the road to recovery. This professions is pretty much a social work job, but with the corrections aspect. Yeah social workers can deal with criminals, but I believe that these supervision officers have the upper hand when it comes to revoking their supervision and requiring them to go back to jail/prison; pretty much a trial period for criminals to get back into the mainstream of society. Probation and parole offer the types of services that help the offender rehabilitate and get back into society. This profession isn’t for everyone and definitely has its ups and downs as they deal with criminals more than once when trying to get them back on their feet. Whether these offenders need assistance with programs such as counseling, drug/violence programs or even housing, it can all be obtained through these supervision officers. BadWolf456

  7. I think that this video, Probation Officers, really shows how and what probations officers have to do, such as having to check up on each person once a month or up to four times a week or even more. They probation officers do much more than just check up on the person to see how they are doing, they will also examine each individual to see if they need to go to get help in a drug rehabilitation or if they need to be put in a halfway house. I also think that the programs for domestic abuse and prevention are also helpful because I know a couple that are in it now, and the program has really helped change them to get closer rather than further apart, which they were. This video helps to show what jobs or tasks the probation officers are giving to the people that they are supervising. –Austin456

    1. I agree with Austin456 on the fact that domestic abuse and prevention programs are really helpful to have for the some offenders because many of them might want help with that but dont know where to look and having a probation or parole officer explain to offenders about them is a good source.

  8. I particularly liked this video because being a probation officer is one of the careers i would like to be in. I think this video did a good job on showing and explaining what a probation officer actually does on a day to day basis. Probation officers are pretty much responisible for the well being of there offender, Its there job to make sure the can find a job and somewhere to stay. They also have to find the offender help for there problem wether it be drug rehabilitation or a program for domestic abuse.

    1. I have to disagree with you when you say that the parole/probation officer is in charge of the offender’s wellbeing. In my opinion, the offender is in charge of the offender’s wellbeing. They have to learn to have accountability for their actions. The parole/probation officer is there to give the offender the tools to get their life back on track and to supervise them to ensure that they are staying within the guidelines of the court/parole board.

    2. I agree with whoever thinks the probation/parole officer makes sure the offender wont continue what he or she has done, giving that they help that someone and checking up on them every once in awhile. Also finding them a home, though yes it is the offender in charge of their own well being, but it’s the job of consoling and treatment to get the offender better. Conservation456

  9. The probation/parole process is a lot more complex and there are a lot more moving parts than the common citizen realizes. Probation is when the judge decides to instead of incarcerating a subject convicted of a crime, he or she issues an alternate sentence where the subject remains in the community and is not put behind bars. Parole, although somewhat similar, is also completely different. Parole is for convicts who are being released early from prison. If a convict is given a five year sentence but is released early after only completing three years of his or her sentence, then he or she will be on parole for the remaining two years. After this point is when parole becomes very similar to probation. Both systems have employees called probation officers/parole officers who are assigned probationers/parolees respectively, to monitor. Higher risk individuals will be required to check in with their officer on a more frequent basis. The officers check into their housing situations, ensure compliance with drug laws, and overlook their mental status’. If a probationer/parolee violates any of their terms, they will be put into prison to complete their sentences. Parole is a great way to re-integrate criminals into society.

  10. I liked this video because it was straight up facts. I liked how they talked about the difference between parole and probation and made that clear. I also like how they talk about how hard it is trying to get everything ready for when someone gets out of prison on parole. It seems complicated try to budget and find housing, medication, and times to see that person. I also like how Alexander the domestic violence officer talks how they try to break the cycle of a guy beating on someone and to change them to make them better. I also like how probation officer put a lot on the line going into dangerous areas but as long as they show respect they get respect back. Conservation456

  11. One of the biggest mistakes people make Is they think Probation and Parole are the same. Wrong! Probation has been given to you by the court to keep you in the community to serve your time. Parole it handed down by a parole bored when your release for prison. its function is to let prisoners out early and keep them under the eye of the court system till there full sentence is up. Over 4 million people are under the parole and probation law of the United States. This Video help me understand in depth of the probation and parole system and how it helps place people in knew houses. I got a good example of this at the Summit of Hope where i help and seen many probation and parolees looking for help. SM456

  12. Parole is something I'm interested in doing because not a lot of women are involved in it. I have a thing for helping people that have been in trouble and would like to give them encouragement or advice as to how to stay out f trouble and numerous reason why they should. Probation and Parole are both difficult jobs and very interesting. I agree 100% with the idea that if you burn your bridges with your family, friends, or have no family at all its other alternatives available for someone to go live at temporarily. I agree that some of the people they come across are hard to deal with especially the backgrounds they come from. For example; in the video, a woman with kids living with her mother, their grandmother. I enjoyed this video it didn't portray all negativity about the system but stated some positive points about parole and probation. Love456

  13. These guys talking about their jobs is the tail end of the justice system. They have already been arrested and convicted and sentenced. They are now either coming out of prison and on a parole program or their crime didnt need prison and they have been sentenced to probation or supervision. What i think is interesting is the girl on here was talking about her job is to find these offenders on parole a place to live. Sometimes people dont have family that will let them in their house and so they dont have anywhere to go and its her job to find them somewhere. weather it be a halfway house or transitional house or she said a shelter is a last resort. The probation side of things is interesting to me because they are getting offenders that are not committing the more serious crimes so they are able to help them before they commit more crime. they are also drug testing these offenders so it keeps these people on the street outside the prison system so its keeping prison population down and trying to rehabilitate offenders just by keeping a close watch on them and they know if they mess up on probation its likely prison time they are looking at.USA456

  14. This video does a good job in showing what a probation and parole officer do in their jobs. Many think it’s an easy job but the reality is that its not. It makes the probation/parole officers make decisions on housing and programs for individual offenders. They also have to meet with all of them through out the month several times and they don’t only have one but some have overwhelming numbers. Another thing that many individuals think is that probation/parole officers are never in danger but they are every time that they meet with the offenders. Many times they go to meet them in the most dangerous parts of the area with no weapon and by themselves with only a bulletproof vest on. Anything could happen but they must rely on their social skills as their weapon to keep them safe especially when dealing with violent offenders that they visit.

  15. That's a tough job for someone keeping records of there trouble makers, got to keep them on their to do what they got to do, to report there situations on how to solve their problems, that's so much to handle. To be honest probation/parole officers should find a better way in solving committing more into the offenders on how to keep up with there social life's. -Shinigami456


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