Qualities of a Good Sociological Researcher


  1. I like how they tell you that qualitative research is used to uncover and understand thoughts and opinions thus providing a basis for further decision making. Then they bring up the Charlie’s Angels in the video to start it out when they show you have to look really hard for keen details. In this video I like how they tell you what a good researcher is they are observant, observation comes in many forms, and good researcher formulate hypothesis with just the little of evidence. Also that they take good notes about everything and they are aware of their personal bias. Also that a good researcher reflects on their findings in order to make the best conclusions. Though this video isn't that long I like how they added the videos as a reference to what they are talking about. I also like how they had their point with those nice and easy references. Conservation 789

    1. Conservation 789 I agree with you again. This is a very good video and they put clips of different shows and movies, to give us a better understanding and examples. Not only is qualitative research is used to uncover thoughts, its also have a lot to do with comprehending what is going on as well. myapic789

    2. I agree with Conservation789 again. It was a great video and also a pretty funny one. They did use a lot of different clips to show a better understanding and a great use of better examples. A good researcher does reflect on their findings, to come up with a better understanding. Great job!

  2. Great video it really gave me a better understanding of good sociological researcher. A sociological researcher digs deep into situations. You must be a good listener, observer, and thinker. If you have these skills it will help you understand whats going on around you. Not only do you need these skills out in public, or when you are at gatherings etc but its needed in class. Which we all know but when you are good listener, observer, and thinker you will get good grades. Note taking is also a good key it will make your research a lot easier. Never be afraid to ask questions, closed mouths don't get fed. When you are doing a research you must gathering as much information as needed, so you will need to ask questions. myapic789

    1. I agree myapic789 that a sociological researcher digs deep to arrive at conclusions. Good listening skills, being able to observe and ask questions is key too. Gathering information is what makes the best researcher who provide the most reliable data. Flyguy789

    2. I agree with myapic789 that this video was great and it helped me better understand sociological research. The keys skills you listed are very important, being a good listener, observing, and thinking, without those many people wouldn't have great results when it comes to them experimenting. Also, I totally agree with your second to last statement, "closed mouths don't get fed" very true. Especially when it comes to analyzing results and what not. -Pink789

    3. myapic789, I agree with pretty much everything you said. I also like that you took the information you learned in the video and came up with your own scenario. I agree with not being afraid to ask questions because people learn in different ways so maybe they just need something to be restated for them to understand. There's never a dumb question. Beneke789.

    4. I definitely agree. The characters in this video are sharp and know exactly what they are doing and looking for. Even if were not going into a sociology major, these research methods will help us in many of our careers. Undergrad789

    5. I agree with myapic789 this video was great at illustrating how to be a great sociological researcher. The Legally Blonde clips gave me a good understanding as well. I agree that a good sociological researcher needs to be observant and ask questions. I also agree that we can use these skills in class as well as in our everyday lives. -toybox789

  3. This was a great video. I enjoyed watching the different video clips; as each one gave me a better insight into what makes a good sociological researcher. The video communicated that a good sociological researcher observes, ask questions, is aware of personal bias and draws conclusions. My wife is a social worker so I hear a lot about the importance of making good assessments of people and situations in order to make critical decisions. Sometimes my wife asks too many questions trying to arrive at a point; myself I don't need to know a lot of the "gray area." I also think that a good researcher should document or take notes to validate their work and findings. This allows for researcher to gather as much information needed to draw conclusions. Flyguy789

    1. It seems like you are very well aware then of social studies. It takes a lot and a big heart to be a social worker because you see so many people in different situations. You stated very good points about what makes a good sociological researcher, and it sound like your married to one too. Do you have any examples of a certain decision she has had to make or a certain situation she has had to address that culture and society has really impacted her? jme789

    2. I completely agree with you about the content and quality of this video. It was very informative and told us exactly what a good sociological researches is. That is very cool that you are married to a social worker. She must get to experience a lot of cool things that other people don't. That would be a tough job, but I think it is very cool that you are married to a sociological researcher. BigGrizmatik789.

  4. This video was very neat! As it flipped flop between the different videos it still gave me a great way to learn more about the great qualities that a researcher has. It was very interesting, wasn't expecting something like this. It also did great explaining the scientific method; it seems like almost everyone uses this method and it always begins with asking a question. Like they mentioned too, you need to be very observant, you could miss anything and that could potentially damage your results when it comes to your experiment. This video does a great way of tying these qualities into my work for example, like when people steal, we have to look at what we weren't doing, what kind of actions they were expressing and things like that, so even doing a simple job like mine, I'm experiencing qualities of a researcher. Keep your eyes on the prize it what I would say. Everything needs to be examine closely if you wanna be a good researcher. -Pink789

    1. I agree that it was an interesting video pink789. I also like how it flipped through different videos to point out the different aspects of a researcher. I think that was affective. I was a very short video that needed to talk about a lot of information. I was funny on top of it. I think was to keep it interesting. It was for me personally. I thought it was funny to use those videos. I never would have thought those movies would have been able to help support a serious topic.

  5. Qualities of a good sociological researcher formulate hypothesizes from observations they’ve made. They must have a great fascination and be curious when it comes to observing human social behavior and be aware of their own personal bias so they don’t confuse things. Each video shows a little clip of people in each of the circumstances for us to have a better understand. The last thing the video states is that a good researcher reflects on findings in order to make the best conclusions. This clip is my favorite because I love the movie Legally Blonde. That whole movie reflects on a certain society of lawyers and law students, and how the blonde one sticks out like a sore thumb. However, in the end, it was paying attention to minor details and reflecting on the findings, which made the case come to light and the murder to be solved. If she hadn’t had come from the society she did, the murder wouldn’t have been solved. It took knowledge on hair care that made the case. jme789

    1. jme789
      I think you make a very excellent point when you say to be aware of our own personal bias when analysis things. Too many times I will be looking at something and I will have in my head my idea and solution to fixing or bettering something. But maybe I'm not always right or don't have the best solution. This ties into the reflection you are talking about. Taking the time to sit back and review what you have taken in to weed out and catch-22's or generalizations.

    2. jme789 I agree with everything you said in this post. When conducting research we always have to be aware of our own personal feelings otherwise we might not get the correct solution, just the one we want. I also think you brought up a good point about Legally Blonde, if she had not come from the society that she did, she might not have known the information that helped solved the case. This is a great example of how diversity in any aspect of our lives is a good thing.

    3. I think you gave a great description of and ideal sociological researcher. They need to be both passionate about what they do and completely unbiased at the same time. They need to make good observations and formulate a conclusion from there. Each person has a different background which makes them unique and helps bring something a little different to the table, just like what you said about the Legally Blonde clip. If she hadn't come from the background that she did, she most likely wouldn't have made the observation about the hair perm that helped her solve the case. -purple789

  6. I like this videos use of other video clips to demonstrate how to keep a sharp eye for detail. Asking the right questions at the correct time is a sure fire way to dig deeper and uncover more details. We see there ‘instinctual’ moves on television but it really happens in the real world to help solve crime, social issues, other disputes and situations. I like how the video shows the importance of keeping on your feet and not slacking to recognize detail and formulate new questions. The video also gives great examples of questions and techniques for success. A good researcher doesn’t take yes or no for an answer unless it satisfies their needs. I think more people need to take a step back on the society they live in and question their existence and how the world is constructed to better understand themselves. –Spacepotatoes012

    1. I agree with you Spacepotatoes012. I think that the video clips definitely help put each step of sociological research in a broader perspective that helps us understand what we will be looking for when we conduct sociological research. I also agree with you on the point that people need to take a step back and question their existence and how the world is constructed. I think this would really help change the way people view the world around them and possibly change the way that society works for the better. shoestopher789

    2. I agree with spacepotatoes012, I think that the video helped by giving us examples on sociological research. I also agree with shoestopher789 that people need to take a step back and question their existence. People need to stop and look around to see what is going on around them and maybe things would change. rosebud012

  7. This video demonstrated how doing research takes time and observing each variable. Also it taught me that the researcher has some control of how the research is headed. In the movie Legally Blonde she did not know where she was headed in the research but slowly was able to put the clues together to convict the daughter. The only thing I had a problem with was the question. No question is a dump question and maybe helpfully in some way. However The video shows that anyone can be a researcher if you but your mind to it. That any jobs you go decide to go into has hypothesis and will take research to find the answer. Also, that if you can keep your opinions and feelings out of it that you can find the answer. Even if that means that it’s not the outcome you are looking for. I thought this was a great video with many great examples. Bubbles789

  8. This video demonstrated how doing research takes time and observing each variable. Also it taught me that the researcher has some control of how the research is headed. In the movie Legally Blonde she did not know where she was headed in the research but slowly was able to put the clues together to convict the daughter. The only thing I had a problem with was the question. No question is a dump question and maybe helpfully in some way. However The video shows that anyone can be a researcher if you but your mind to it. That any jobs you go decide to go into has hypothesis and will take research to find the answer. Also, that if you can keep your opinions and feelings out of it that you can find the answer. Even if that means that it’s not the outcome you are looking for. I thought this was a great video with many great examples. Bubbles789

    1. I also think that most jobs you do have to do some research and come up with a conclusion. This video did a good job using clips for each example of research. I think it was a fun way. I think Reese Witherspoon did a good job in legally blonde with her hypothesis. I agree that in the beginning she didn't necessarily know where it was going to go, but after getting information from the girl, she was able to form a good conclusion to prove she was guilty. -Aquariusgirl789

  9. I like how this video shows what it takes to be a good sociological researcher. It shows various ways that sociologists engage in going about their research. Observing shows what a sociologist needs to look at and study. It could be anything that a sociologist chooses to study. Once a sociologist decides on what to observe and study, they begin to ask questions. I think these are mainly questions about why whatever it is that they are studying is the way that it is. A good researcher is aware of personal bias. I think that this is one of the most important things to think about when deciding what to observe. Of course a person who is personally bias about something, whether it be for it or against it, should not be the one who does the research for that particular topic. The last part of conducting sociological research is to draw a conclusion. I think drawing a conclusion is important because it shows all of the data you have collected and how you interpreted it. Of course, an accurate sociological conclusion is only made if several studies are conducted and all sociological researchers come up with the same conclusion. shoestopher789

  10. I think that the video's interesting was of using humorous movies to individually explain the different aspects of a researcher was a good idea. I agree that a good researcher needs to be observant and able to develop a hypothesis. Being aware of personal bias is something I have recently learned since being in sociology class. I think I read that in the culture chapter. I also think that it is definitely important to reflect on a researchers finding so that the researcher is able to ask questions. I think that it would so fun to be a researcher so that I could learn new things and be able to help others learn about them as well. I am excited to learn so much more about sociology...

  11. I like the video it really gave me a better understanding of what good sociological researcher is. Every video clip was unique and showed its own sociological reseacher. i agree with everyone responses about the video because. alot of times when we need to study and get to know stuff it can be hard because everyone has a different way of learning things. godschild789

  12. The video was pretty funny. I think that it gave a basic outline of what a sociological researcher is. It showed what the order of sociological researching and it gave a basic, humerous example. I think that each of these qualities of being a good sociological researcher are equally important. I tend to use some of these qualities in everyday life, such as asking questions about what other people think. I think people use some of these qualities unintentionally, while others need to work on them. One example would be that good researchers are aware of peoples biases. I think that many of us are aware of peoples biases and change the way they tell their story or the way they talk to that person by working they're way around the bias. I think on the other hand, many people need to work on drawing conclusions and being more aware of biases.

    1. I do agree most of the time we don't really think about the examples that we have right in front of us one day to day bases. Yes, many people may not be as informed on drawing conclusions and being aware of biases. But that is where school, and this research will open their minds to see and, be aware of example that may come their in the future.-Blessed789

  13. This video get a great view of how to explore and dig deep down in your research to find the hypothesis. This video showed many scenarios of how to find different and easier forms of sociological research. Most of the points in the video should be used in any and every problem life throws at someone so they can survive life. Sociology is life and what we do everyday. if we can break down and process our daily research, day to day life will be easier SM789

  14. The video was a great way to show examples of sociological researching. Sociology is all around us and we don't even realize it. For example, we watch TV everyday and don't realize that scenes to shows are actually steps to sociological research. Using examples helps me better understand what we're talking about in class so I liked watching this video. It did a great job of introduction and explaining sociological research. I was a little unsure of the clip about "a dumb question' because most of the time when people thin they are asking a dumb question it's actually a really good question. Also someone else could have the same question so that could help others out too. The video clips are a great way to introduce us to sociological research before we go to class and learn about it. Beneke789.

  15. The video did a good job with the introduction and explaining sociological research. The video helped me to understand the step better and what sociological research is. The video clips was something that I can understand because they are the movies that I have watched. Sociological research that goes thru steps to get to the final result. The class gives me a lot of information but seeing the videos helps me better understand what the teacher is talking about. rosebud012

  16. The way this video was set up is very neat. I like how they used different clips from different shows to demonstrate each point they were trying to make. It gave a great job of explaining what sociological research is. It also gave us a good idea as to what it takes to be a good sociological researcher. Things like having a keen eye for details, asking a lot of questions, taking good notes, and understanding your biases towards certain things. I also liked how in the end it showed us what it looks like to bring all of your information together and come to a conclusion. While some of the clips were a little exaggerated as to what they were trying to show us, they all gave a better understanding of all of the different parts of being a good researcher. In the end it was a very informational video that was also fun to watch.

    1. I also thought this video was very neat. I also agree that it did a great job at showing what it takes to be a good sociological researcher, even though it did it in a funny way. Even though they were exaggerated, they gave a basic understanding of each aspect of a good sociological thinker. I thought the idea of making the video less boring was great, and it helped me pay attention.

  17. What a fun way to receive a grade! I will agree with Beneke789. We watch scenes on television not realizing there steps to sociological research. I have always been aware of observation though. That's the only way you come up with the best and most reasonable conclusion is to observe or do research. Most people forget about the common sense part. Some things just make sense! With observation and research you will hit the hammer on the head almost every time. Fun video's! I use to watch them all at one point of time . Imma do me 789

  18. This video did a great job of being both entertaining and informative. I really liked the setup of the video. It was helpful to have definitions of words dealing with qualitative research and then see a video clip with an example for each one. Qualitative research is important in dealing with sociology because each day, whether we realize it or not, we analyze different peoples' behaviors and make a conclusion or a prediction about them. For example, we must analyze peoples' behavioral patterns to decide if we can trust them or not, so it is important to have good qualitative research tactics. As the video demonstrates, qualitative research is a process many lawyers and detectives use in their careers. They must look for details about a person that they can use to relate to a specific case. I also liked how they said that a good researcher asks questions. We must ask questions to learn about a specific subject. -purple789

  19. I like watching videos that keep it fun. They all contained some humor and made it easier to get the point. They took a lot of popular films and used great examples from each. I really like the Charlies Angels one. It did a good job explaining sociological research and helped me get a better understanding of it. They first started with observing in the first video and later also used jotting down notes to help with your research. It is interesting that we do it more than we think. I do agree that it helps in your research to put aside the feelings. We analyze many things and come up with conclusions like how Reese Witherspoon did in legally blonde in the last clip. As becoming a lawyer, she took all the research she came up with and used it to create a conclusion and prove that the girl and been guilty. -Aquariusgirl789

    1. I totally agree it is way more fun to watch a video like this instead of just all serious and talking about information to explain sociology. It keeps me more intrigued to learn about sociology. Laylay789

  20. This video was very funny the different clips and how they expressed good sociology. It was very clear to ask questions and, get great details about the person or what ever it is that you are researching. I take notes on everything. I like to think if you get stuck on something or ever need to reference back you will have it. I think uncovering and understanding your thoughts while writing down everything reflects on your findings. Always ask questions I never was one to ask question thinking it was stupid, but I had a professor that once told me there is no such thing as a stupid question. I have noticed around me that one might just ask the same thing you was going to ask or you might do the same for some one else. so the clips just made you think about things and how they can relate in certain conclusions to solve the case. the video gave great ideals to become a good researcher and the qualities you must have to uncover the case your trying to solve.-Blessed789

  21. This video had the humorous vibe. Showing clips from the golden girls and what not, but it also shows the main assets of being a sociologist. You must be a good listener, a great observer, and you must be able to think above and beyond what you are expected. Taking notes is a great way to remember things later if it is an important topic. If you have questions on something you could jot it down in that notebook and answer it later. Very informing and entertaining. Overall great video.

    1. Superman789, I agree with you that it was very informing and entertaining at the same time. I like how it was video clips we could relate to and I feel like it made it easier to understand the concept of a good researcher. It showed that you have to be a good listener and observer and learn to question everything. I like your idea of taking notes to help remember an important topic! ~Tempusfugit012

  22. This video was very interesting I thought. I liked the fact that they used other videos to help student better understand sociology a little better. In some moments I did think it was a little hard to follow. I do think it explained sociological research well, I also think wiring information down or little notes will help even more other then that I thought the video was very entertaining and humorous.

    1. Laylay789 I agree it was interesting, using the different video clips definitely helps keep the viewer focused which does help to understand. I agree with you that taking notes help in many ways because we are human and do forget things. An entertaining video for sure! USMC789

  23. I liked this video. I thought it was cool how it showed clips from the golden girls and other shows to make it funny while at the same time making it very informative. The clips demonstrated that the qualities and steps to be a good researcher are actually being used. I was able to learn about things that make a good researcher and sociologist. One thing that I learned from the video was that it is important to take time to observe every variable so a person is able to fully grasp whatever you are studying and better understand the topic. It also showed me that you have to be very thorough in your research so you don’t miss anything or leave any ting out. The video also showed me that everyone is capable of being a researcher and it’s easy to do. Ajw789

    1. I learned the same thing. taking time to examine things gives you a better understanding of something. or it helps you change your look of something. I agree that everyone is capable of being a researcher. I think in everyones own way they are a researcher -Love789

    2. I agree with you Ajw789 this was a very interesting but informative video at the same time. I actually understand the topic better with the video clips. I also agree with Love789, I think everyone is capable of being a researcher but I like how this video shows you how to be a good sociological researcher -Aries012

    3. I agree as well. It was really entertaining and informative to see the examples in the TV and movie clips. I can see now that it will be very difficult to stay truly objective and weed out any data collected that is slanted by prejudices. I also agree that you have to be very thorough in collecting and documenting the data.


  24. Good video, breaks down how to research and how too dig deep for information. Sociological research almost seems like journalism/ reporting. You would use all of those techniques if you were a reporter because that's what they do. They take notes, ask questions and research any topic they think will draw viewers to watch or listen too. Sociological research is similar in a few ways like observing, analyzing, taking notes. All of these things are brought up in many different ways in our daily lives in our society and throughout the world. USMC789

    1. I liked that you said reporter, because a reporter must know different sides of situations and see what make sense through the evidence given. That basically means they are observing and understanding.


  25. the video was funny but very informative. it makes you realize that asking the proper questions and having correct information is always a plus. sociology is just like research and used in everyday life. everyone is constantly researching sociology , whether you know it or not. it could be trying to find out the latest gossip , or finding out who your related to , or just looking into things just because. The best example was from the golden girls. I love how Dorothy used it all the time, and watching this video I realized it.

  26. In order to be a great sociological researcher you must do what researchers do. Observe, it's obvious that this is one of the main steps but in other words you must have common sense to understand situations and why things could be that way.


  27. I really liked this video. It kept my attention very well because it was made up of video clips that were pretty entertaining and some very even funny. That is a great way to inform someone about something and I really enjoyed it. I did not know what a good sociological researcher was too well before this video. I learned exactly that from this video. A good researcher can not just come up with everything on their own and expect it to be quality research. One must listen and observe very well, think deeply about what they heard, and draw conclusions from that information. A major key component of a good researcher is someone who takes very good, detailed, and neat notes. As most of us have learned in school, there is no such thing as a stupid question. Always ask questions because clarity is really important in research. The study of sociology is constantly changing and people are always researching new things. BigGrizmatik789.

    1. Though I did enjoy the make of the video I do feel as though all the clips made it a little hard to understand every point being made. Maybe a fewer clips could have gave more info on the different topics being explained. All in all it was enjoyable and a good way to explain a qualified researcher.

    2. I would agree this video was easy to keep your attention with the comical examples used. This video showed a book being judged by its cover, not by racism but by the description and personality of someone until shown otherwise which is another type of example of sociology. I also agree with HTV789, observation is a main key . LeoBlocker89

    3. At first the video wasn't making much sense to me until they started to look like examples. I though this was a great idea to have a video like this to make non- sociologists understand how sociologists identify and conclude their observations.

    4. Lacrossedud012^

  28. This video was very enjoyable and interesting. I like the way the clips were organized together to explain the qualities of a good sociological researcher. A good researcher understands that focus and diligent work must be done to further decision making. You must be observant of your surrounds and environment in which you conduct your researcher. Hypothesis are formed when a researcher obtains enough information to make an educated guess. Notes play a key role in a researchers life. Notes help when needing to write down information on a certain topic. When becoming a researcher there are no dumb questions. You must be wiling to ask any and everything to find out the specific details you require

  29. This video was very interesting and definitely kept my attention. It was interesting to see aspects of research and data collection used in a real-world scenario. Most of us who watch shows like CSI have seen scenarios like this multiple times without looking at the methodology of solving cases such as those illustrated here. I have heard these steps many times in classes such as biology and psychology and after hearing them so many times they had become redundant and not interesting. This video helped to spark interest in this method and helps to see it from a different perspective than I had be looking at it before. Undergrad789

    1. I agree with your comparison to shows like CSI and how these steps are also used biology and psychology and your reference to method is quite interesting. bigstep789

  30. I think this video was good with giving different details in each scenario on the various types of qualities that make up a good sociological researcher. These options could be used and very helpful in all aspects of life for different types of reasons as well. The comedy throughout the video made it easier to relate and understand. At a point in time I thought there was a such thing as a dumb question until I was informed otherwise which led me to the point how would you know if you don't ask. I don't think there's a such thing as too many questions as well. Having good listening skills and taking notes are helpful by giving you a chance to study a task better. As the last clip shows, observations can be made by whom we least expect with the smallest details pointing out the main facts. Video was better than the last. LeoBlocker89

    1. i agree with you the videos were funny and gave great details bout the questioning in each clip and making the clips funnier is a lot easier to understand then if it was in a monotone voice probably no one would understand it as easily as we did when we thought it was funny. anyone could ask and a dumb question and feel dumb but honestly no question is dumb because someone but actually not know the answer.

  31. This video really showed some great qualities of a good sociological researcher. I love how this video was a bunch of different clips of movies or shows that most of us have seen. It was easy to relate to and gain a better understanding of what a sociological researcher does. It really gave some great examples of what a good sociological researcher might do in certain situations. I like how it showed certain questions they might ask to get to an answer out of someone or how they can turn a question around and ask it in a different way. I love that showed how they use knowledge and common sense to come to a conclusion. The clip from legally blonde where she is questioning the defendant about her perm really showed me how a researcher might have a different way of thinking. She used her street knowledge and common sense to call the defendant out on still having a perfect perm. In the end she was able to prove that since her perm was still curly that she was guilty for committing the crime of killing her dad. It was just neat to see how her critical thinking brought her to the answers she was looking for. ~Tempusfugit012

  32. I really enojoyed this viedo. The golden irls was one of my favorite tv shows growing up so sitting back and watching the video i got to remeber some of he eposides i watched with my granny. In almost every episode it was a point where you could use them as good sociological researchers. Then to have he charlie angels clips was good to because in their line of business it is a need to be a good sociological researcher. This video helped me out alot as well. It showed me what i need to have as far as qualities for good researcher. And it doesnt just fit in a sociological form as we can see this are things we can put in everyday life and figure out things we didnt know before or a question that was unanswered to us as well. *Bosslady012*

  33. This was a very interesting video and it kept my attention. My favorite movie clip was Legally Blind because that clip gave all the examples of a good sociological researcher. For example the lawyer knew the girl was lying about her hair because of an past situation that happen to one of her friends. Then she put together that the girl was the one who killed her father. Everyone thought she was stupid but she was actually a good sociological researcher. This video also help me understand a sociological researcher better. It showed how people observe things and they noticed stuff they normally wouldn't but overall this was a very interesting video.

  34. This video really gave a lot of good examples of what to do and not to do as a sociological researcher. In order to be a good researcher, you need to use your senses to take in everything around you. You also have to be able to set aside your own opinions and prejudices in order to get the most accurate view of what you are studying. If you allow your prejudices to affect the view, then you will have a slanted perspective on the area of study you are performing. It is also very true that you have to take in the prejudices of the individuals that you are studying and asking questions, so that their views also don't impact the study. This seems like one of the hardest parts of sociology is to try to remain truly objective and not allow anything to influence what is being observed. I liked how this video gave the examples a funny and revealing twist with the clips from TV and movies.


  35. That was one interesting and funny video. I think the person who made this video must be a huge Gilmore Girls fan or something since there was a lot clips for that show. To be serious now all the clips, in my opinion, give great examples on what a good researcher should be doing while investigating or doing researcher. The one problem that I have always had a problem with is being too bias, as was the person in the video. I am pretty sure I am not the only one who has this problem with being a little bias from time to time. After watching this video I can see how these factors can be used in everyday life, or if you were doing research in another field in science. I know from being in biology while in high school my teacher used to keep preaching about how we always form a hypothesis, ask questions and refer to an already done research that somebody had already done in the past.

    1. I definitely agree with you about the value of the qualities that this video expressed. It is incredibly important in any scientific field to have a clear set of rules and procedures that leads the researchers to accurate and reliable data that can lead to an overall better understanding of the subject matter. I liked the reference to your biology class. These principles definitely do carry over into all other fields of science. Toblerone 012

    2. I agree with everything you said. I also thought it was a good video because it was funny while being very informative at the same time. I also liked what you said about being bias. In order to get good accurate results from your research you cant have any bias. – ajw789

  36. I thought this video did a really good job of expressing the most important aspects of being a sociologist. Knowing how to make relevant observations and draw accurate conclusions from them is an incredibly important part of developing a useful understanding of how society works. It also made a good point about being aware of personal bias in a given field of study. Awareness of these qualities will be extremely important as I learn more about sociology and attempt to spot the difference between a good scientific statement and a poor unrealistic theory. I also enjoyed how the video pulled clips from a variety of television shows and movies in order to illustrate its points and clarify their importance. Overall, this video was an entertaining way to get a better overall picture of how to think more like a good sociologist. I will be excited to try to develop some of these qualities over the course of the semester. Toblerone012

    1. I agree that it is completely crucial to make relevant observations and draw accurate conclusions for them. It is hugely important to try and remove all previous bias to the situation. Sociology is such an important thing to study, but with the right intentions and information.

  37. The video did a great comparing the aspects of sociology to movies and TV. But out of all the clips, the one from legally blonde about drawing conclusions really hit me. even when everyone was against her, she used her past knowledge to draw a conclusion. Knowing things like that about society can make you into a great sociologist. Just because she didn't look like a lawyer doesn't mean she could join the group and prove herself to her new group. Anyways there are many other clips that made me think but that was the one that hit me.

  38. i didnt really understand why we watches this video it was just as whole bunch of movie clips and TV shows clipped togeather i feel like the way they were clipped them together was going to it somewhere but to me i didnt see were the video was going to. the videos were really funny they were all really good the golden girls is a really funny TV show i used to watch with my grandparents it from back in the day they still show re runs and i still laugh every time because it is that funny. then after the golden girls it lead to the nanny which also is a really funny but also really old TV show but once again i didn't understand the clip they showed for it. then they went back to the golden girls. then it went to legally blond,the clip they showed from the movie was her in the court room questioning a suspect and she got the suspect to cave in because she was the one that actually did it. so the she proved to the whole court that she was not just pretty but smart too.

  39. I love how this video breaks down every aspect of what being a good sociological researcher is all about. From being observant, forming a hypothesis, gathering information, and being aware of personal bias, etc. This video simply breaks down how to study sociology or people in general. I also think it was neat how the video incorporated other shows so that we would better understand it. (Thumbs up for the Golden Girls!) CHIATIA012

  40. This video was a good one. It shines light on the qualities that good researchers need. It was very insightful as to what we need to take into consideration when making observations. I liked the choice of clips used in the video. Golden Girls is a classic. The Legally Blonde clip was the best. It shows how she was observant and was able to correctly process the information being presented to her and prove her client's innocence. That clip also showed how looks can be deceiving and sometimes people choose to see the things that they want to see instead of digging a little deeper and uncovering the truth. I feel that sociology plays a major role in the way we view and accept movies.

  41. This video was very helpful in breaking down the qualities of a good sociological researcher in an interesting way. I like the way it uses TV and movie characters to give examples of the points they were making. My favorite was the clip from legally blonde where she draws conclusions from things that the other people in the court found redundant and pointless. She connected seemingly irrelevant points and ended up drawing a successful conclusion from them.

    1. That was my favorite clip as well. It was fascinating the way she was able to connect the smallest things that seemed pointless together in a way that was helpful to her case. She was very observant when dealing with the witness and the answers given and was ultimately able to uncover the truth just from simple observations and past knowledge.

  42. the video gives a lot of good insight on different things to pay attention to when making observations. there is a lot of little things that people may over look that could be a tremendous help!

  43. I definitely agree with the qualities it takes to be a good sociological researcher. I like how they gave the definitions and differences between a qualitative researcher and quantitative researcher. The examples they gave were very good and entertaining. Most of the examples they gave were from shows that a lot of people watch and are interested in. This helped me understand the qualities you need to become a good researcher. You have to listen, think, and observe. I do agree with the end where is explains that reflections on findings make the best conclusions. I also learned that the qualities of being a researcher are used every day by everyone. This was a very informative video and I will definitely keep this is mind next time I want to research a topic or when I am doing anything involving research.

  44. Having good qualities such as keen observance and a good listener as a researcher is basically a necessity. With these qualities or more, you can be more than just a sociological researcher. These qualities will also be with you throughout your life and can be used in more situations. In the end, I hope more videos can be similar to this one because it was humorous, informative, and kept it simple.

  45. I really didn't think much about it at first, but now after watching the video I really did have to stop and think about how it is all around us. Those examples that you gave were perfect for they made us stop and think about we see things differently in this world. I now understand how many different ways we can figure things out and come up with a perspective of how we can figure out a solution to whatever is in front of us. angle789

  46. I enjoyed watching the video on qualities of a good researcher. I enjoyed the older clips of television shows and movies which illustrated how we use the sociological research skills in everyday life. A good researcher is observant, formulates hypothesis, analyzes data, takes good notes, asks good questions, are aware of personal bias', and reflects on findings to make the best conclusions. The Legally Blonde clip was a very good example, and not hard to understand. The clips illustrate how you can be a good sociological researcher in your everyday life. Surprisingly, I use these skills in my everyday life without knowing. Now that I am aware of what the skills of a good sociological researcher are I will be more cognizant of what they are, and when I am using them. Do you think these skills will be useful in your everyday life? It may be easier to define and maintain relationships in your personal everyday life. -toybox789

  47. This video was entertaining as well as informative, not only did it give me a bit of laughter but it also gave me a different way of looking at people and situations. It showed me the importance of asking questions and how some answers can have a hidden deeper meaning. It also showed me how a good sociological researcher must be able to observe things in a clinical setting but also in everyday life as well. How one must make observations analize them and make a conclusion is critical in being a good sociological researcher. bigstep789


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