Restorative Justice


  1. This video she talked about restorative and how people criminal sentence developed. How her husband was killed from multiple kicks to the head. She didn't want her kids lives to be all about her father's death she just wanted to make sure they were good and her community. She eventually found out the killer 5 years later (Ryan Aldrige) he plead guilty. He did 3 out of 5 year sentence. She wanted to know why he did what made him do something like that what was his past life. He made alot of bad choices growing up and if maybe he wouldve had conversations with a individual life would have been better for him. I feel as if some people try to change for the better as there growing up but some how something stop them in some ways and maybe they do need that individual to vent to to see whats going on. T456

    1. I love the fact she's a strong woman for herself, her family, and her society. She stated that the community didn't understand why she wanted to meet her husband killer and this video showed why. This was something installed in her at an early age and it shows when you come from a family with values it can take you a long way. cancer80-456

    2. i agree, if someone killed my family i would want to seek revenge.. most people would. but she just wants to get answers from him and wonder why he chose her husband instead of someone else. and what differed him from choosing someone else. and why he wanted to hurt someone anyways.


    3. I agree with T456 that not all people can go through life by themselves, they may need a little guidance throughout their life. I also think that if someone killed someone in my family that i should have the right to know why they did it and what they had going on with them in order to fully understand. -Austin456

    4. If this happened to me i would be so hurt and upset i don't know if I would be able to calmly see this person and talk to them but then again its like what would yelling screaming and hitting them solve? Nothing so maybe going about things the way she did would be beneficial in finding out why her husband of all people. Love456

  2. This video showed their are two sides to life.... which are either or. We can either come together and get results or we can have vengeance against one and in our hearts and we won't get nothing accomplished. She started off from day one all the way till she was married on how life can change you in a heartbeat. And the man who killed her husband she felt she needed "time in" with this man... and it gave her closure in most cases people still would have vengeance in their hearts and soul. Every second of the day dealing with her, her family, and society were steps that got her where she is now. Which is able to talk about how strong and forgiving she is and how she can go to the root of the problem and show that it's never to late for a second chance. Communication is the key. cancer80-456

    1. I agree with cancer80-456 that if we just look for vengeance in every tragedy we won't get anywhere in life. What we have to do is try to solve the problem with communication instead of takings someones life or putting someone in a cell for life in every case but don't get me wrong their are some individuals that should get such a punishment but not all.

    2. I like with what you agree with, that we can come together and make everything better and feel hate and show that person they are also and give them no hope in the future. Also that people need to be giving a second chance in life and not be judged for a stupid decision they made in the past. Conservation456

  3. This video shows us the impact that restorative justice can have on not only the offender’s life but the victims life as well. Having restorative justice in play allows there to be a chance that the offender of the crime won’t commit crime again because they get to see how it affects the victim’s life but their own life as well by letting them reflect on the situation. This could be a solution to the growing prison population but it sometimes might not work. A lot of people can be insensitive and see restorative justice as an easy way out of punishment. A lot of offenders are beyond help as well such as some serial killers like Carl Panzram, an American serial killer from the early 1900s which confessed to 22 murders. Looking at Panzram’s case he wrote that in order to stop a serial killer you have to do it in their youth. This shows that some serial killers grew up with that mindset and haven’t been habilitated in the first place.

    1. The ability to see how one's actions can impact the life of somebody else can be a real eye opener. I agree with you, restorative justice lets the offender have a revelation to see just how they are affected the victim. Once they see, it may be all they need to no longer want to commit another crime. BHS456

  4. I think restorative justice can be a very effective way of finding out the reasons behind ones behavior in a lot of cases. However, I do not believe it would work with every individual in every situation. Some are careless and really do not care about consequences their behavior may cause. That being said, I think it would positively effect a great number of offenders if someone, not always having to be the victim/victims family, were to sit down and figure out why they did the things they did. I think she is a very strong woman to want to sit down with the offender and talk to him and figure out why he did the things he did, rather than holding a grudge against the individual. -tay456

    1. I agree with your statement that this restorative justice program would not work for every offender, because not every offender shows remorse for their careless actions. But I do believe the ones that show remorse, bringing in the victim's family would help bring a face and confront the reason behind the crime. BadWolf456

  5. this video is effective because she wanted to come face to face with this killer. she wanted to know why? why he chose to kill her husband and what went through his mind and why he did it. shes not holding a grudge agaist him, she could be on the inside but she wants to sit with face to face and just ask why? and hear his side of the story and let the killer know how she felt. its not always about vengeance, it could of helped her heal on the inside by getting that off her chest.


  6. Restorative justice is an effective means to gain an insight as to why the offender committed the crime. It may not always be the best way however; some people are beyond the means of restorative justice. Those who murder and rape actively more than likely cant be rehabilitated via restorative justice. Its been suited to be implemented at a young age, and from there it needs to be staple of life for instances of going off the beaten path and doing wrong. Those who mess up once or twice can benefit from restorative justice. Take Ryan for example, he had a rough life growing up and made some very poor choices that lead to his incarceration; however; working with the speaker he was able to turn his life around. I think restorative justice should be used on those who have messed up once in life and are looking to better themselves. It helps the offender to analyze choices in their life and keep them on the better path.

  7. I find this video to be incredibly humbling for this woman to forgive this man who killed her husband. I also loved how she included how the media expects her to automatically be filled with rage, and anger, and saying that isn’t how she wants to lead her children by example. Just because the man ruined this woman’s life, she did not once seek revenge since two wrongs don’t make it right. I do like this offender-victim mediator program that allows the offender to see how their actions can affect the victim’s family. With the acceptance of this woman, she was able to work with Ryan to move on from this tragedy and begin to restore their lives. I was happy to hear that this offender was able to become a member of society through being employed and was able to acquire a wife and now expecting a baby. This woman also states that crimes should not create the person’s image, just because of their poor choices. BadWolf456

  8. I think that this video, Restorative Justice, is really interesting. It shows that there are always alternative ways to do things and approach methods, such as resolving conflicts by using the method of time in with her family rather than time out. It’s kind of like talking to the person committing the crimes, rather that immediately punishing the person. I also think after this video restorative justice can really work. I mean if someone does something bad that they should be given the chance to try and make up for it, by trying to restore the person’s life back to where it started out. Restorative Justice really should be used because, as the video shows, sometimes the criminal just had a bad life and made bad choices and that maybe they just need some guidance. As this video had shown that the mother tried to help give guidance to her husband’s murderer rather than place the kid in prison for a long time, which is restorative justice. –Austin456

  9. In this move we are giving a good example of Restorative Justice. This women lost a loving and caring husband, but when she meet the killer, she wanted to hug him instead of beat him. this man's Name is Ryan Aldrige. Ryan sat in the room with this women and sobbed and cried for the crime he had been apart of. Ryan served 3 out of his 5 years. in that time Ryan and this women spent time together to help rehabilitate Ryan. In that time she learned Ryan had a very hard childhood and lost many of the people he cared about. SM456

  10. I found this video very interesting. I think restorative justice could be very powerful in the criminal justice system. If more people were like this woman and didn't just seek out vengance but actually tried to understand the person who commitied the crime we could get alot better results. For this man to have killed her husband and she still wanted to help him is amazing. Not only did she find closure by understanding and helping this man but she also helped him turn his life aroud. This video is an good example of how restorative justice could keep people out of prison and help them make the right desicions dabster456

    1. I too agree, the fact that she was able to move forward the way she did after her husband was killed was amazing. I personally could never have that attitude. I also agree with you that restorative just is the way to go. In the long run it would yield the best results. It would be interesting though to see ideas on how to implement it.

    2. I agree with you both. Restorative justice would be a great way to deter criminal activity if they were exposed to the restorative side while they are incarcerated the first time. Just that alone may deter them from ever committing the crime again and lower the statistic of people going back to jail. and yes it would be very interesting to see how to implement it.USA456

  11. This was a very interesting video. It was about a woman who clearly always chooses to take the high road, even when life deals her the worst cards possible. Initially she began by telling how she had once not listened to her father. She went on to explain how when her father caught her, instead of immediately giving her a punishment, he chose to take her for a walk and explain to her how it was wrong and how it negatively impacted him and everyone else in the family. The woman then discussed how when she became an adult and had children of her own, the idea of “time-ins” instead of “time outs”. What she meant was, instead of pushing the problem to the side, she would confront the problem head on which in the long run, had much better results. What she was taking about was restorative justice. She then told the story about how her husband was murdered. Instead of wanting revenge, she wanted to take part personally in helping restore the young man who murdered her husband. I definitely agree that restorative justice is the way to go. The only problem is the amount of resources it would take on an already strapped correctional system.

  12. I like how she brought up how she learned discipline with the scissors, and that her dad brought her up to learn about a persons property and privacy and that you have to respect that. I also feel moved when she talks about her husband and what happened to him ans how it affected her and her kids. Also that in today's society it seems like everyone is monsters and that she is trying to change that and not be apart of it. Also that she tells the kid to plead guilty and not show hate to the kid for what h done but try to help him. I feel it was a good choice for her as a person because it can really scar someone and make someone and even worse person if you make them feel hated by the society and not have any respect then they would feel like they would have nothing to live for and do it all again. Also that the kid have a rough life to start with and that how his friend died, and that they worked together for a couple years to show how that what can happen and help other people. Also that the kid got married and moved on with his life. Though the kid just didn't get away with murder, he earned his freedom making sure other kids wont make stupid choices like he did. Conservation456

  13. This video was very powerful and had a incredibly meaningful message. If everyone was able to respond to tragedies and she responded to her husbands murder the world would be a much more peaceful place. It would have been so easy for her to hate Ryan after he murdered her husband but it takes a lot for someone in that situation to actually care and want to just understand why something like that could happen. I think she has a great message to get across to everyone and restorative practice needs to be enforced in every school and home in order to better the future for kids. Another good point she made was how everyone needs to stop focusing on the labeling part of life and just focus on the behavior. Focus on how others are being treated and how they should be treated.

  14. . This is a good and emotional video. I liked it and the message she gave, she seems very calm about the killer and instead of looking for revenge she just wanted answers why her husband was killed. I agree that parents and teachers should practice and teach restorative justice. She checked on Ryan and that would have been a hard thing for me to do. Kudos points to her. She's a very strong and humble woman. Violence is not always the answer, everybody won't respond to you the way you want if you involve violence all the time. I think she went about the whole situation the right correct way. I just don't think I could handle the tension and tragedy. All in all i do agree with restorative justice and that it can work with wrongdoers. I think Ryan should’ve served his full sentence and not half of it. Love456

  15. This video is something that makes you scratch your head and think twice about what we do and how we act every day. She lost her husband to some kid that kicked him in the head a bunch of times. She met him and didnt even want to yell at him or seek vengeance against him but instead she just wanted to be friends with this kid. I have a hard time understanding how she can do that. I understand the concept but as a human being i dont think i could do what she has done. I could never look into the eyes of the person that killed my wife or family member and be friends with them and help them. He did the crime and now hes got to do the time for the death of another person. He made a lot of bad choices and he probably didnt mean to kill the guy but there is no bringing him back from the dead. I applaud her for her strength and how she is able to deal with things and she can see the greater good in people. It takes a special person to be able to do that.USA456

  16. I don't understand how that kid had only a few years in prison but took a man's life for it. The justice system is confusing to me, its like "eye for an eye" death should be received.I believe that people should take their lives more seriously and commit on not doing stupid actions onto others, because it will end in solving your own faith. I know that the same shouldn't of taken action, she cares for her children but I'm sure if she was raised maybe more differently, more aggressive. I'm not playing god but something has to be done. -Shinigami456


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