Sentencing and Crime


  1. The video was pretty good, I enjoyed it I did like how he had details and a few examples for everything he was talking about. From where the judge can sentence the offender once found guilty to the how consistency leads to public confidence, and the traditional theories. The P.R.I.D.R.R. (prevention, retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and reparation) was interesting as well they talked about prevention really means they protecting they public and the how punishments take place with retribution once you do something wrong. I feel like if you do something wrong for the first time you should not have to be punished depending on what it is everybody's going to make a mistake nobody perfect. T456

    1. I enjoyed the video also... I totally agree on first time offenders shouldn't be punish harsh if the crime isn't harsh but what if that was a trigger for that first time offender and since he/she was let off easy it makes him/her do the same crime or another ? cancer80-456

    2. I somewhat agree with T456 on the fact that first time offenders should not be punished but only if it's a minor crime like a misdemeanor. they should be given a chance not to do do it anymore and if they do it again then they get a reasonably higher sentence than the first time they did the offense.

    3. I agree with you and I don't think rehabilitation should just be thrown out the window like that. I believe it can work if we took the time to get money for programs and had people that care about helping others succeed in life running the programs. i also agree that any first time offenders shouldn't be punished just warned. Love456

  2. The video explained very clearly on what is what... There are many types of sentencing for committing a crime and the offender would be giving one... depending on the crime the sentencing could be a harsh sentence like custodial all the way to a smack on the hand community service. Sentencing is hopefully to prevent reoccurring the crime or being a reoccurring offender. The courts wants to keep the public safe. The judge has a lot to consider when sentencing an offender. But the bottom line is if you commit a crime you must do the time. Usually first offenders don't get jail time unless its a harsh crime and the offender don't have previous convictions. And if their attitude towards the crime is terrible then be ready for the judge to have the same attitude and slam that gavel down and sentencing you something you can't get out of. cancer80-456

    1. I agree if you do the crime you definitely had to do the time but like i said sometimes the crime isn't all that serious for the time they are given. I completely understand where you coming from though trying to keep the public safe and all but sometimes i feel like the judge just be trying to ruin some people lives. T456

    2. I agree with you, do the crime, you have to do the time. The object of sentencing is to punish the crime and to prevent further crime. It's important to keep the public safe, I think that's definitely a factor the judge has to take into consideration when they are sentencing an offender. While at times it may be harsh, it isn't necessarily meant to ruin some lives, but to help protect other lives. BHS456

  3. This video does a good job of explaining the whole process of sentencing. Looking into sentencing theories we can see that one of the theories listed is rehabilitation. Rehabilitation seems to be one of the theories we have thrown out the window because of the outstanding growth of prison populations. Since more and more people are being sentenced to prison for things like drugs the population keeps growing and there is less and less money to put people in rehabilitation programs. Without rehabilitation in the process, a lot of prisoners will just stray right back into the process by going back to their old ways. Retribution is a good theory of the sentencing process but if it’s not distributed fairly and constantly it doesn’t work, which is how punishments have been given recently just because of racial profiling and even because of the persons gender or even their economic stand point. I feel like there is still some work that is needed to be done to the whole process.

    1. i agree with you, like i said in my response, alot of our inmates are in there for drug related crimes, i find that it is not necessary to put people in jail for those rimes unless they are constantly getting in trouble. people can get 10 years just for drugs and ive seen murders happen and they get less. i dont get it.


    2. I also agree with Arrow456, that rehabilitation is thrown out of the window, and i believe this is so due to the insufficient funds that the rehabilitation programs are receiving. If the programs possibly got more funds, then possibly they can be pushed to an extreme so that they do produce good results. -Austin456

  4. the video explains how our sentencing works. i agree with the rehabilitation program, yes it costs our prisons or jails money but it could change someones life by going through it. if we just sat inmates in jail in a small cell for 10 years when they get out, theyre just gonna have alot of anger built up, and will probably want to go back to their own ways. i disagree putting people in jail for small cases such as marijuana or something along those lines. i feel that it isnt worth the money to put them in their, why not just make them go through programs and be on probation for awile or do community service.


  5. This video was a very in-depth and informative look at how sentencing works. There are numerous factors that have to be taken into consideration. What was the crime?, was it the offenders first offense? What is their background? From there, the type of punishment must be determined based on the crime and offender. As the instructor made note of in the very beginning of the video, the aim of sentencing is fairness. It would be completely immoral and wrong to sentence somebody to ten years in prison for tagging a wall. To me, that's a great policy to have, make the time match the crime. I've been aware that sentencing is very analytical, I just never truly realized how many factors go into the process.

    1. I too, did not realize how many factors that were considered when someone is found guilty of a crime. I have never had any experience with courts, so I found it very informative and easy to understand what is going on. I also agree with your statement that it would be wrong to give such a harsh punishment for something that was petty like tagging. BadWolf456

  6. I really enjoyed this video because he pretty much explained step by step what happens after the criminal is found guilty. The sentence that the offender will serve is based on three things: the type of crime, the seriousness of the crime and the circumstances of the crime. When the judge goes to sentence the offender, they have to take into account the purpose of sentencing are: prevention, retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and reparation. The main deterrence that courts implement is harsh crimes. This would help prevent other potential offenders to commit crime due to the fear of facing harsh punishments. I like how rehabilitation is included in the sentencing theory, but in reality, rehabilitation usually doesn’t fit in an average jail/prison’s budget. Therefore the offenders are left angry and unchanged, so when they are released, they are worse off than they were when they got arrested. BadWolf456

  7. This video was very informative on the types of sentencing available to offenders. It went into great depth defining which each of them included and provided examples for each of the sentencing and/or rehabilitation of the offender. Many factors are taken in when judges are making their decision, many focused on the seriousness of the crime. I think rehabilitation doesn't happen as often as it should in today's society because of money, which is what many things boil down to, which is unfortunate because rehabilitation could provide offenders with skills and information they may find useful once they are out of incarceration. -tay456

  8. I think that the video Sentencing and Crime was very interesting to me. It has shown me what types or kinds or sentences that criminals are given. It also showed me what “steps” come after a criminal once they were or are found guilty. I also like how the video talks about deterrence and reparation. I think that deterrence works really well because if a criminal or offender was going to commit a crime they might not commit the act if they see the severity and swiftness of the criminal justice system to someone who did the same thing or even less than them, but had to do a lot of time or pay a huge fine. I also like on how he talks about rehabilitation, even though it is not really working today do to insufficient funds, at least a lot of people talk about it like it still works in other areas. –Austin456

    1. I also agree that deterrence works really well in the court system because lets say someone stole a piece of bread then got beheaded. I don't think I'd eat any bread for awhile because if someone thinks you stole it from them its off to the gallows for you, so deterrence does a good job in the court system just not as harshly I hope as my example was. Conservation456

    2. I agree, deterrence is a pretty important factor. I used to think that if you made prison as unappealing as possible, such as 24 hour lockdown and only bread and water for sustenance. I later learned though that deterrence plays a pretty small part in crime prevention. It’s strange because you would think it would be the opposite but I think a lot of people go after instant gratification and deal with the consequences later.

    3. I always thought the same way as ISP. I mean offenders go to prison for a reason, so why should we make it like a fun house or something for them. lets lock these people up and make them miserable to pay for their crimes and make them never want to come back. However the more i have learned about criminal behavior i have found that this is not the way it works with todays criminals. It works with some but definitely not all. There are better ways for us to deter criminals from unlawful acts.USA456

  9. I like how he uses the Pride Roger Rabbit or P.R.I.D.E.R.R., prevention, retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and reparation, because it is very helpful for his sentencing theories. I also like how he talks in depth about each one also. Which also interested me is that he talked about how people who work are less likely to get in trouble and that the court and everyone try to work around that persons hours and set a curfew based on what they do and how they work with is a good idea in this society. I also like how he gives those facts that show what the court looks and what factors could have affected that person and what the level of sentence the court will choose. Then the last part the interested me was him talking about aggravating factors because someone who stabs someone like a hundred times should get punished more than others. Conservation456

  10. What i really liked about this video is that it covers every step that a criminal can go threw when being sentenced. It talked about every possibility but one part i really enjoyed was how he talked about deturance of crime. If people in our society are thinking about commiting a crime and see that some of there friends have done the same crime and were all caught and punished they will be less likely to actualy go out and commit crime. Another point he covered that i think we should be focusing on more is rehabilitaion. I feel that the U.S. has almost givin up on rehabilitaion because of the massive amounts of prisoners we have and i dont think thats right. The person is obviously in prison for a reason and i think we should not only be punishing them but helping them so they dont end up back in prison.

  11. I believe that one of the most important parts of this video was the aims of sentencing/sentencing theory. In that, six different goals were laid out. Those goals are, prevention, retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and reparation. Honestly, I think prevention is the most important goal in my personal opinion. If the sentence prevents the crime from being committed again then it is obviously effective. I also believe incapacitation is pretty important. If you take the offender off of the street and put him or her in prison then they obviously cannot commit any more crimes. I thought deterrence was kind of pointless because it is the same concept as prevention. Reparation is pretty important also. Reparation, the process of making the victim whole again, is an important step. I believe that all offenders should make reparation in full before being released back into society. Last but not least, rehabilitation. While it is undoubtedly important, my political views prevent me from putting this very high on the list. I don’t like making it society’s problem to fix someone else’s mistake. That probably opens up another can of worms which is most likely outside of the scope of this so I will leave it at that.

  12. I enjoyed the video the explanation of P.R.I.D.R.R. was very well worded to help me understand it. Prevention,can be see with sentencing so the public see what happens when someone does the crime. Retribution, is explained but the public wants to see people punished for there crimes (or eye for an eye). Incapacitating is best explained but keeping someone away from the thing that enable them to do wrongdoings. Deterrence. can be show but and example of if your driving down the road and you speeding and see a cop with someone else pulled over you slow down right? Rehabilitation, is used in every form of sentencing and with any incarceration there are all kinds of programs to help people with Drug alcohol and many other issues. Reparation for the offenders to pay back the offended. SM456

  13. I thought the video was very interesting and informative. P.R.I.D.R.R is a good acronym. Out of all six options i solely agree with rehabilitation. I wish America had enough funds for rehab programs to help with all kinds of issues. I think if you sit people down give them somebody to talk to and confide in and work on whatever it is they've done in the past like rape, murder, theft, etc. eventually they will see the big picture and what they did was wrong according to society and that will change them. i also would agree that deterrence is another good approach for example if everybody that stole ice cream trucks got the same punishment male, female, young, old, black, white, etc. people stealing ice cream trucks would come to a complete halt. Others would see the punishment and know that they wouldn't be able to get away with that crime. Love456

  14. Sentencing is a huge responsibility. When someone commits a crime they need to be punished and the punishment should fit the crime weather it be locking someone up and throwing away the keys or just slap them on the wrist and giving them a couple months of probation. You have to look at past criminal history with offenders and figure out what is the correct form of punishment and how can we help rehabilitate this offender. Also they have to look and see how they can deter this offender from wanting to commit this crime again. The way people are sentenced can really go a long way down the road when they get released or finish their sentence if they feel rehabilitated and want to be a good part of society or if they are just angry because they were locked up for so long and feel like they were forgotten about and now they want to reoffend. Its a tough job and i dont think its perfect but we are working on that every case we see.USA456

  15. Its a very good example on explaining the different types of sentencing,but i wanted to know what high and low crimes would be put in our system.If high crimes are meant for life in prison, or why not put them to death instead on spending more on keeping prisoner longer,even if he/she shall never deserve freedom. Then including minor defenses should involve small time, but i do like community service and without pay best punishment so far. If we include more punishment into community service, will others think twice on not coming back. I want more severe punishments to people who actually deserve it.Shinigamit456


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