Socialization Agents


  1. I loved this video, it was full of some great information! It tied in so well with the chapter we currently just discussed about in class.These agents of socialization that she discussed play a very important role in society. Like she said, the family helps prepare the child(ren) for the world; teaching them right from wrong, manners, and basic human skills. As they get older that's when school plays another role; that's when they learn that they need to ask before doing something and learning to be patient. The peer group is also important, with this group they learn to form relationships on their own and it allows them to discuss their interests with others. To me, mass media plays a huge role; many kids and or teenagers wish they could be certain way because someone they read about or seen on tv looks that way. It's very influential! -Pink789

  2. When I first learned sociology, my teacher had more than three institutions. He had six different institutions and they were family, school, religion, economy, government, and media. By learning this concept of three main institutions is hard for me, because I can see more institutions that influence us just as much as these three. When I look at these three, they have to do solely with human interaction and learning from human interaction to shape who we become. Whereas the other institutions are institutions created by ideas, and government gets involved to create these other institutions like school, or even take part in media. I think without one of these six institutions, our country would fall and become venerable. Maybe the six that I learned are at a macro level where the three are more of a micro level. I did enjoy what she had to say and the examples she used for each one of the institutions. Bubbles789

  3. I really liked watching this video. It’s basically what we discussed in class with the primary agents. I do think these agents affect society. I like how this video broke down the three agents. The family helps the child get ready for life and teaches them everything that’s basic. Then when peers get involved that’s when they learn how to share with classmates and when they start making friends. I feel like media really shapes a child. I remember when I worked at a daycare one kid got hurt really bad because he was trying to be like someone he saw on television. A lot of kids focus on media and wanting to look and talk a certain way because they see it on TV and that’s what they want to be like. This was a very good video with a lot of good information.

  4. After watching this video and reviewing socialization agents in class I really feel like I have gained a good understanding of how they can affect us. The primary agents that she covered in the video were family, peers, and media. I like that she explained how each of these plays a huge role in a person’s/child’s life. In this video and also in class the question came up about family and how different people view what a family is. One person might say a family is a mom and a dad and maybe a few siblings. Another person might say a family is a single mom and a pet. Or maybe a family is two dads or two moms. I love this as an example because it really shows how people interpret the world around them and how different things can influence us. Through socialization we are taught that a family should be a mom and a dad and maybe a brother or sister. However, in today’s world that is not always the case but we are still socialized to know what a family is perceived or known as. I also feel that the media and peers have a huge influence on kids. I think that children really look to the media or their peers for guidance or to become more like them. This is not always a good thing so sometimes the family will step in and help the child to understand right from wrong and try and shape the child into a better person. All in all this was a great video!

    1. I agree with you. I think that children really look to the media and their peers for guidance. Most of the time I think this would be okay, but you're right that it's not always a good thing and sometimes its best for a child's family to step in to help. I think that when it comes down to it, the most important factor in shaping who a person will grow into, is their family. If a child's family treats him or her wrong, then that child will grow up thinking it's okay to behave this way and will probably treat his or her children in the same manner. I think society just goes that way. It's like ultimately, you learn from your parents how to behave in society. shoestopher789

    2. I too believe that there is a lot to be learned from this video. I also like what you said about family. Everyone has a different view of what a family is and everyone’s view is different and it’s important to understand that. Ajw789

  5. I really would've thought that the media would have had a larger influence on society overall than what she said in this video. I think family definitely influences people the most because a family controls how a child is raised, and what is considered right and wrong. A persons family also controls where that person will grow up at as a child and that can effect the way a person behaves in the long run. Peers are definitely a big factor in the way a person behaves too. Think of all the different trends that were developed throughout history. I believe most of the styles the have been developed were created from peers influencing peers. If a lot of people think that a certain thing is cool or whatever, then more people will also think that certain way based solely on the fact that it is popular. I'm not saying all people will think this way and just like something because everyone else does, i'm just saying that I believe thats where a lot of trends come from. I think the media influences people all the time. I think it's mostly through advertisements. Everyone always wants you to buy this or do that in order to become what the media views as the perfect model person. shoestopher789

    1. I agree with you shoestopher789 media has a huge impact on our society. In the way we dress, the style we should have, the type of house or cars, the size we should be. I think the media is the biggest picture than family and peers. In this time we are living in media affects us and the younger generation more in negative ways than positive. If media didn't play such a huge role I would say that peers have a bigger impact on us. myapic789

    2. I totally agree (shoestopher 789) with the facts that we grow up with the same values that are parents did. The media surely has big part on how people view themselves, as she said in the video family has the most influence. We all have been brought up differently but in some case depending on the time frame so things are very much the same. As you had said trends come and go, and most come back around. Blessed 789

    3. I think the media is ever evolving and will at times take over as the active influence depending on the individual in question. So to say that the media isn't as influential might be true sometimes but It does play a massive factor in what our society hears and knows about life outside these boarders. I can also see the parenting part come into play. I am 19 going on 20 and my parents were very active in my friend making process. But I can see how they are letting off the pressure for my brother age 15 as he makes friends. He still makes good strong friends, but the parent checks and balance isn't always there for him like it was for me growing up.-Spacepotatoes012

    4. I totally agree with you Shoestopher789, you couldn't of said it any better in my opinion! A majority of people are molded by society; they want to dress this way or act this way because they have seen it and or witnessed it. When we see things we sometimes think that's how we should be and we strive to change ourselves to be this "perfect" person. -Pink789

    5. I agree with shoestopher789, because media should have a bigger influence on society because you can see it everywhere. I also agree that family does influence because family helps raise children, but media also does influence with what children are watching on the tv. rosebud012

    6. It also surprised me that the media wasn't a greater, if not the greatest, overall influence on kids. I think that if our world keeps working the way it does, the media will be the biggest influence on children and people in general. It's kind of sad to think about it that way, but we can only hope that the media might start realizing how much they're affecting the youth, and maybe try to convey a more positive message to young people. I'm not saying that all media influences out there nowadays are bad, just that there are definitely a lot of negative affects from them. -purple789

  6. I really like how she brought up the way we should have social controls, and how it helps the young children. If you tell your children what's right from wrong, then he/she will behave properly out in public. However you must punish them correctly. If you punish them physically, most likely the child can possibly have bad tempers, and hit their peers. Or the child can be anti social. I also understand how some parents pay close attention who their children hang with, or who they call their friends. I was brought up this way, now I see why my parents did that. Simply because you are a product of your environment. I also agree the older you get and the more kids you have can really wear you out and you can get a little tired. So you might were a little more strict with the first child than the last child. Media does have its good and bad. It can be good because you can get a lot of information on education etc. It has it bad because media is so powerful, that how we see celebrities can make other feel this is the way I should be or look. myapic789

    1. I disagree that you are a product of your environment. You can have friends that are completely opposite than you with making the right choices but you know personally right from wrong. There could be a group of friends but just because one of the friends is a certain way doesn’t mean you can stereotype them as a whole. For example if there is a group of friend and one of them gets pregnant, that doesn’t mean all of them are having sex or are going to get pregnant. I think society has changed too much for people to still believe that birds of a feather flock together because those birds will eventually have their own paths. Openminded012

    2. I agree with you Openminded012. A lot of people do believe that you are a product of your environment. You can be, but you choose to be that way. You are your own person. A lot of people do "follow" their friends, but that is completely your decision and it does not make you a product of your environment. BigGrizmatik789.

  7. I thought the video was hands on, as children grow up parents have the most influence in their lives then the media, peers. I think as parents we get the children ready for the real world and, are peers shape are attitudes and behavior. parents think that are children have all they need after a certain age but, most of the time that is not the case. If they are missing things in their life the media and friends teach them what ever it may be. I think sometimes it is not a good thing. there is a lot of stuff out there that could change the person that you were set out to be. The media has a huge impact on the socializing we do in todays world. I think it has taking away the good ol family conversations and interacting we have done in the past. I don't agree on a lot of new things,but its here and we have to keep moving with society. Blessed 789

    1. I agree Blessed789 media has a huge impact on socializing in today's world. The greatest damage caused by media has been the disruption of family interactions, activities and time. There has been some trend of families focusing on quality time. But there is still a greater number families who sit around the TV during dinner time instead of using this time to interaction with each. I like to see families make it a habit for children to put away media devices during diner time and putting time limits on these devices for their children. Flyguy789

    2. I completely agree with you about the impact of family upon an individual. I have seen so many times a scenario where people move out of their parents house too early because they don't get along with their parents or they just want "freedom". Almost every one of these people either end up moving back into their parents house because they aren't responsible enough to live on their own, or get into trouble with drugs or violence because they were not fully taught how to handle things on their own and work through their problems. Undergrad789

    3. I completely forgot about growing up in my comment. I put that family may not have an influence on you when you are alone, but when they raise you, it will influence you for the rest of your life. I think now days though, peers and media are almost a bigger impact than family. Kids are communicating with their friends more than anyone these days.

  8. I personally agree with what a family should be made up of both parents, but that doesn't always happen in this world anymore. Either way our family is made up I really hope the parents or parent in our lives really take the time to mold us into the people that they would like for us to be in the future. Also they have raised us well enough to not let other outside influences change the way we are. I do believe that our peers and the media has a lot to do with the way we are today. But also if we was raised right then we should be able to not let them influence in the wrong ways. Angel789

  9. I believe this video presented three of the best examples of agents of socialization. The family has always been the core influence of a child in society and many families take pride in shaping each child's personality and world view based on that families' core belief system. However, its always interesting in seeing a child's world view change as they are exposed to the various agents of socialization. I can remember my wife telling me when the first time that our oldest son came home from his first day of Kindergarten; he told her he has a "friend." She told me she felt her heart drop as she thought of what influences this new friend would or might be; but at the same time she felt a sigh of relief that our son was developing a outgoing personality. And of course down through years we were able to experience and see how peer relationships shaped him and media greatly influenced his way of life. Flyguy789

    1. That is very cool to experience as a parent your child opening up as their growing up to these social factors. The three agents of socialization have a great influence on many. It's interesting to learn about these three and even others can too. I know Mr. White said religion could be one as well and I'd have to agree. But I think there are so many influences that can have an effect on people.-Aquariusgirl789

    2. I agree that this video is a good example of the agents of socialization. The core of a child is his or her family. As the child grows, it is interesting to see how the influences on the child change from mostly family to more external influences like friends and media.


  10. Good video! I liked the fact the agents were broken down, but also know its many more. It reminded me how everyone named someone different in their families. There was no right or wrong answer just what you thought. Everything influences us. How life is taught to you, might depend on the outcome. I blame media, but I don't fault media. This goes back to all three but mostly family. I think if you try to raise your child with morals than he/she will act in that way. You may have 6 out of 10 who don't follow the way they were taught. It might be for the good in some cases! For the most part many of us do. I think I will have to start with the family being the most important, but all are important agents. Imma do me789

    1. I agree I thought it was very helpful how the video information was broken down. It is way easier to understand and comprehend. I also agree imma do me789 that if you raise your kids with morals that he or she will act with morals.

  11. My favorite topic in this video was about parents giving their children attention and her two reasons why she feels they might not be given attention. I agree with her reasoning behind parents not giving their children as much attention when they are older as opposed to when they were younger. I’ve seen from experience that the younger the parent the more attention was giving because the older parents were tired. I’m not speaking upon every family because there are always exceptions. The other reasoning she stated was that you feel like you did a good job when the child was younger so you feel like they have more responsibility which I also agree with to a certain extent. I still feel like the child should be guided closely and not given too much responsibility because it could cause bad decision making in the future. I also do not think a parent should give more attention to one child just because of their age. If you decide to have a lot of kids you should divide the attention given equally. Openminded012

    1. I definitely agree with you about the trends that impact the amount of attention that parents give their children. There are definitely good reasons for these trends, but it seems very important that parents are careful to teach their kids well before they give them more responsibility. It seems that parents who lighten up too much before their children mature are taking a big risk. Toblerone 012

  12. This video definitely helped me to understand not only the concept of socialization, but also that we have many different things that influence us throughout our life. Before taking this class I would not have even thought or questioned why our society does the things we do everyday simply because those things are just normal to us. If we are aware of the things that are shaping and influencing our society, then we can place more emphasis on changing or improving those areas of socialization. For example, when we parent we should realize that we have a large impact on who they are going to be in the future. If children are forced to grow up in a hostile or poor environment, there is a large chance that they are going to grow up to be violent and not understanding of their peers or the people around them. We should be the change that we want to see in the future. Undergrad789

    1. Undergrad789, I have to agree with you that parents really do play a huge role in shaping their children! I have seen them be good influences as well as bad. I am not a parent myself but I have seen firsthand how much a child's peers, family, and the media can influence a child. Children are so easily influenced when they are young because they are trying to figure out who they are. I know that I was influenced by my family and also by my peers. I believe that from watching and learning from them it truly made me the person I am today. I love your statement that we should be the change that we want to see in the future! ~Tempusfugit012

  13. I do believe there are more influences on yourself, but it does make sense that these would be the top three. I know for myself family is a huge influence on me. As the professor talked about grounding, I thought that it does make sense that they were trying to shape out who I would become one day. They did a great job as parents and am thankful for it. I understand that some kids don't get the experience of having a good childhood or just not raised the best way and you can tell a difference for some as they grow older. Peers and mass media do have a huge part in society. While you aren't with you family, you may be at school and most the time you are hanging out with your closest pals. Being with them so much and listening to their opinions and such has a great effect on you. It is very interesting to learn about how these factors influence how you turn out to be.- Aquariusgirl789

  14. i really enjoyed watching the video.The video had alot of intersting facts and i like the way it was broken down and explaining the different agents. In class we discussed alot of the similar information. i agree that every family should be normal and have both parents but it doesnt always happen in our society. there are many different things tgat happen in the world that i disagree with but there not away of fixing it. we just have to deal with the world we live in godschild789

  15. I think this video was good because it enforces the lecture in class about agents of socialization. Dr. Marshall only went into detail on three of the larger agents and still let to some starling conclusions. I agree that family is the single most important agent of socialization because that is what molds us as a person. How we act and interact with others our entire lives will be as a result of our parenting we receive. I think the younger generations need to refine the parenting pattern so that we can try to get our society back on track somewhat. I also found it interesting what she said about parents roll in friend making for their younger children being high but as the children age the parents become less hands on and allow the child to make some of their of decisions regarding what to do and who to do it with. After the parenting stage of influence I think the media is coming in strong for the second most influential agent in our lives. The billions of dollars she is talking about is our collective buying power as a nation. But the media ownership keeps getting smaller and smaller as the top 1% keeps buying up more and more shares. Then they can use this in ways to promote the heck out of anything and you can’t stop them. They have kids asking you to buy them things they could never use, but they were smart enough to listen, understand, and interpret the commercial to know they wanted what ever the item was strictly because of mass marketing.- Spacepotatoes-012

  16. i agree with aquariusgirl789 because alot of people think when our parents use to discipline us or tell us we couldnt do stuff we wanted made us mad.n But as you get older and look back on it you are thanjful they did because you became the person you didnt think you would be. when you sit up and think how strict they may be it makes you smile because if they didnt discipline you could be doing alot of things you may regret godschild789

  17. Ideally enjoyed this video. It was very informative and really went well with our lecture we had in class. Family is a very important part in my life. I was adopted and truly feel that my adoptive parents played a great role in how I grew up. I honestly belief if I lived with my really parents I would have never had a chance to go to college and would not be the same person. My parents played a large part in me learning g right from wrong as well as good and bad please and thank you. I owe them a lot and am greatful for them. Also peers also have a big part as well learning to deal with others and share or even be able to listen and respond. This plays a big deal as well. As for media this is a huge part in our world today. They tell you the most fashionable way to dress act and how. Money is important as well in life today. I think that we take to heart what media says is the correct way to live. I enjoyed this video. Kakers789

  18. I diffidently agree with this 100%. When she talked about that family and peers I am pretty sire that that relates to everyone not just me. To bring up her points about your peers, when I little my mom pretty much controlled who I hung around with when I was out home. And whose house to could go over to. As I got older she would tell me "maybe you shouldn't hang around those guy I don't like them" and would never force me not not too. I could see that my mom was letting use my best judgement on who I was hanging around with. I would like to think that I made good choices of friends. Now there are some friends that I dont hang around with because they got into hard drugs and things like that. So I see that my mom did something right with me \

  19. I thought this video was pretty boring because it was just PowerPoint slides the whole time again. Although it was not very entertaining in had a lot of useful information. I learned that there re three primary agents of socialization. The three primary agents of socialization are family, peers, and media. I thought it was interesting how she explained the agent of family at a macro level. At a macro level you have to look at what the idea of a family is and not an individual family and you would at a micro level because everyone’s family is so different. When she said that it really mad me think about how everyone could have a completely different view of family. I also like what she said about the agent of media. I believe that our whole world today revolves around the media. Ajw789

  20. Pretty good clip it was informative and gave a clearer view of previous lecture on the family. Family is the most important part of many people's lives in our country. Some have other priorities like religion or money. I personally wouldn't know how it would be without both parents considering they're still together today. Most of this topic is common sense and ones own personal beliefs and preference. Morals also play a huge role in being a close orientated family I believe .

  21. This video was very interesting. I like how she didn't say these were the only agents, but these are most commonly the most influential ones. I think that the primary agents change with time. I dont think that media was a huge agent a hundred years ago. Although, today it is definately one of the biggest factors. I think that for many people primary agents could be different. Maybe for someone that lives alone, family wouldn't be a primary agent. I think that many people could say peers and media influence us quite a bit. Peers definately are a primary agent in my life because of school and work. Also, peers influence us through media. I think peers and Media are pretty mixed because most of our peers influence us through media these days. The micro and Macro idea was very confusing to me. I hope we don't have to use that much in class.

    1. I also thought this video was interesting. I also think that the primary agents of socialization change with time. Media today is a very dominate agent in socialization through technology (via social networking) cell phones, and especially television. I also agree with you that media was not a huge agent years ago. I can remember as a kid media was not a huge agent in socialization. Today that has really changed, forcing parents to make changes in how they raise their children and limiting what they watch on television etc. Micro and macro was nothing I heard of before and would like a more clear understanding on that specific topic. -toybox789

  22. the video give me a lot of information on the agents of socialization. The mass media plays a big role in socialization and that family and peers also play a role in it. Media has come up in the world with more technology. I feel like families are not a big factor in socialization, but it is still there. Today, I think that media and peers play a big factor because of the technology that has come in. The micro and marco is still things that I need to learn more about because I am still alittle confused to me. rosebud012

  23. I enjoyed this video very much!! As a mother I think there was alot of information for me. She was right about peers and parents with their kids. You loosen up as your kids get older because you want them to have resposibility. A family ideal was good too because families aren't like that much any more. I gained alot of information. BossLady012

  24. This video was easy to understand and informative. The video touched on family, peers, and media all being a source of socialization. She did express that family peers and media are not the only sources of socialization and that religion is as well. From what I understand of the video socialization starts at home with family. It is how we being our socialization through how we are raised. She said that most people would say that a normal family is 2 parents and 2 to 3 kids with a pet and vehicle. Maybe being mom and dad or mom and mom or dad and dad. I would not totally agree with that because I think children who are raised in a mom and mom or dad and dad family are made to have a harder time with their peers in the future. She mentioned that peers starts the beginning of socialization leaving the home, and then is media which totally takes socialization in a different direction. The use of technology and television enforcing you to want to buy things and start to retain material things. This video was helpful to me. -toybox789

    1. Yes it was. It didn't lack interest in my opinion. The more sense it made the more I engaged. The family and peers are the biggest factors because your with them everyday.

  25. I agree with some of you that this video did lack the interesting factor due to the fact the whole video was just a power point, but did have some great information. The three primary factors of socialization are family, peers, and media. I completely believe this. I liked how she said if I were to ask you what is a family. Like she said she will probably get roughly the same answer from everyone, a mom, dad, both working and two to three kids. With all the great information from these videos I do learn I just wish it was more eye catching.

  26. I strongly agree with the three primary agents. FAMILY<PEERS<MEDIA. Those still have an effect because the norm is to listen to elderly people around you and your forced in peer pressure with friends to do what they do and the media such as music. WELL PUT!!

  27. I like the fact that she started out by saying that our family, peers, and media are the primary agents of socialization because when I think about my day to day life, those are the three things that affect almost every decision I make. Then religion, the government, the workplace, and the economy come into play and I realized my life has been greatly affected by those things as well, particularly the workplace and religion. What was also interesting to me is how we perceive the average American family and how varied and different most people's families can be from this ideal. I feel that what she said about there being a loss of family influence and a substantial gain of peer influence on a person to be very true, especially upon examining my life. My family was definitely a great influence on me when I was younger and helped form the person I am, but I would say my peers have definitely been a greater influence in my life in the past 5 years or so. -purple789

    1. I agree with you. The things she pointed out in this video too affect my daily life.
      Religion more so than others. I nev3r realized how much these things had affect on me until watching this video and thinking things over. My peers and family too had q great influence on my life love789

  28. Though the video was boring it had a lot of information. I don't agree with the terms of family. To me family is anything that supports you and is loyal to you through thick and thin. It doesn't have to be perfect or a certain way to be described as a family. I do agree with the three agents used. Our peers have a huge impact on our lives. We are who we hang with. Peers help influence our thoughts ,actions, and sayings. Media does the same whether positive or negative. Media can affect our moods thoughts and actions. Like if a child grew up playing violent video games chances are that child will grow up violent. All three things have a lot to do with our nurture , because they can all be taught or looked at differently. love789

  29. In this video we learn what are the three primary agents of socialization: family, peers, and media. Family is our first interaction with sociology. Traditions values and many other aspects of our lives come from what we learn from our family. Even as adults we still cling to certain things our parents or siblings taught us at early stages in our life. As we mature and grow we tend to take in what friends and others outside of immediate families say or do. We develop a sense of belonging within these groups of people and we use this to define who we are. The media let's us see what other social groups exist within our country and the surrounding nations. I can just think to how many times I saw something on TV or heard of something new that would make me what to change my appearance, or accepting something different then what I was originally told to think based on what the world said it should be like.

  30. This video helped me to start thinking about what it means for something to be a sociological agent. Learning about the roles of families, peer groups, and the media helped me develop a much more concrete idea as to how people are socialized throughout their lives. Understanding the difference between an individual family and the institution of family was also a critical point to the video. I find it very interesting how socialization is moving more and more away from the family and towards peer groups and the media. This provides a whole new set of perspectives for people who are interested in understanding the media and how it impacts the way that people think. The fact that the number of people who control the media has been getting smaller and smaller is also somewhat unsettling when we realize just how much power the media has over our lives. However, it is interesting to note that the rise in popularity of blogs and podcasts on the internet has dramatically increased the variety of sources by which we get our information. Toblerone 012

    1. i agree because with you because more and more family are getting away from each other because of the media. the media theses day well like technology every one in the house has either a phone with internet or a computer or tablet or all three. and if you have WiFi for all it the technology devices you are spending more time on them then you are with your family or friends.

  31. This video was pretty good and it really got me thinking. I did think the video was very uninteresting, but she presented some very good information and theories. This was a very good introduction to socialization and what it is about. I agree that family is the primary agent of socialization. Family defines who we are what why we do things the way we do. I really liked that she included "2 moms and 2 dads" while describing a family. Peer groups also definitely play a role in who you are. Media is a huge factor is socialization. With the advanced technology we have today, media is everywhere. I agree with her that it can be a dangerous agent thought. There are a lot of bad sources out there and the media does try to trick us these days. She was pretty much spot on with the whole video and her theories. BigGrizmatik789.

  32. in the beginning of this video is talking a modern day family and american family and how they are compared. the video was saying that the two family's are a like because each family picture should have a mom day and a kid or they have siblings as well. the video was talking about the kids and who their peers are. who should they look up two. do they have good or bad parents? if they have good parents they will probably end up nice and respectful. if they have parents that could less for them they will probably end up just like their parents or probably be better then them they will take one of those routes. the music has effect on children too so they music they listen to they could end up doing things they say in their lyrics which could be good or bad.

  33. This video had a lot of good information about the three main socialization agents. To be able to understand much of sociology you should be familiar with these agents; family, peers, and media. These three can affect how people live and act. Today families are much different than families many years ago. Children learn a lot from their families. Peers play an important roll in the way people act also. Many teenagers and such are greatly affected by their peers. They want to fit in and be liked. This may effect what they wear, how they act, and how they lead their lives. With the media, people see a lot of negative. The media is not just limited to the news but it can also be movies and TV shows. People see celebrities getting arrested and acting inappropriate and people especially kids think that's how they should act.These three main agents can affect not just someone personally but society as a whole.

    1. I agree with what your saying because families are really different than how they are today. Parents aren't demanding their children show some respect and good manners. Due to that, the children as peers don't show it to one another and it affects them individually. TV shows, especially reality TV, shows the bad qualities of society and society as a whole loves it. That's why society isn't the way it was many years ago

  34. I liked this video, especially how it broke down the three socialization agents. Media plays a huge part in socialization and the media affect the teens that are considered peers. Teens go on Twitter and Instagram and see how celebs act and dress, so they put peer pressure on others to dress and act the same way. Some of the teens that are keeping up with the latest fashion trends tend bully others into dressing like them. Media and peers definitely shapes society, but family shapes the person individually to fit in and be able to handle society.

  35. This was a good video about socialization that gave me a better understanding of how they can affect a person's daily life. She covered the family, peers, and media socialization groups. We talked about this in class and used the example of the different definitions of a family could be. It is interesrting to think about all the types of families and how the people in those families are influenced differently because of the makeup of the family. Children are the most easily influenced because they have not yet had the experiences to teach them what is right or wrong, normal or abhorrent. With the internet, smart phones and social media it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure that our children are learning from the right sources instead of from anyone who could be influencing a child the wrong way.


    1. I agree with you LqdVnm012 it did give me a better understanding and when she talk about the different types of family I thought about mines. I also agree with you on the media and how its affecting children, and most of it is influencing them the wrong way. -Aries012

  36. This video was very helpful and informative. I like how she broke down each agent (family, peers and,media). It’s funny how much WE want to be in control of who we grow up to be (personality wise or corporate wise) but sometimes we are blinded in way, that we fail to realize that these 3 agents play a major role in who we become! Media----The dawn of the iphone, table, and technology in general helps us not to fall behind on what people are saying/doing in their lives. (Not that it’s any of our business, but it’s all about validation.) Peers--- Its amazing how early this starts….four years She mentioned how closely the child is monitored at a young age. And then the parents influence on the child fads as they get older. Family----I like how she said that every family is different, but we all have the same idea on what the American Family should be. And also how family should be emotional support and teach you right from wrong. CHIATIA012

  37. I really like this video and how she put it together. It had numerous information and everything she said we talk about in class. It was a review of what I already know but still interesting. One thing that stuck out to me was when she talk about media, many Americans don't have house phones anymore. I am defiantly one of them people. In my house everyone has a cell phone, I actually can't remember the last time we had a house phone. I also thought the topic about peers was very interesting in made me think a lot about how my friends influence me we I was growing. Overall this was a good video. -Aries012

  38. This video really hit home for me. Being a child of a single mom, I've always wanted that nuclear family feeling. Sure my mom has been there for me as much as she can but sometimes I consider my friends and my friends' parents as much as family as my own mom. I mean my mom has influenced my outgoing personality that I have because she's very outgoing herself. But my friends have influenced my style, my interests, and even the way I talk! Sometimes its hard to figure who has influenced me as a person because some of my closest friends have been around as long as I remember. I can tell that my own experiences are very micro to most American teens. - Lacrossedude012

  39. I feel that family does have a lot of influence in a child's like and ultimately what choices that they make with their friends. It's sad to here that family is losing how much in can influence to friends and media, but that statement is very true. I can see how when a child gets older the parent would want to just let up on the reins a little especially if they feel like they have done a good job raising the child thus far. Peer groups are in the media. It is sad to here about how youth today is so consumed by technology, But, its almost for survival in the world of a teenager. If you don't have the latest phone of clothing than other kids are just mean. I hope society changes before my kids gets to their adolescent years...
    Selah 789

  40. I feel that a child's greatest influence comes from the family first.As pointed out in the video there are other influences that play a major role in a child's development such as school peers religion and the technology we use which has such constant impact on how we think what we see and our opinion about the way we live, not only as individuals but also as a society. Things have changed quite dramasticaly over the last fifty years or so .As a child I can only remember my family the church and schools as the forces of influence in my life. bigstep789

  41. I believe that the family has the biggest influence on a child. Although there are other factors such as media, peer groups religion and technology that have a tremendous impact on the choices they make and the direction of their lives, it still comes back to what was instilled in that person as a child. Although we are bombarded with all sorts of images and thought input by the media and technology such as the computer we are still governed by those which are instilled in us.


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