Society: According to Durkheim, Lenski.....


  1. I really like how she explained the difference between Mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. With the organic solidarity, it also explains the society we live in now. Everything is much easier to get, especially having a debit card; which is a good supply to have. We do not have to wait on the paper check any more, we get everything on the debit card and use that to get groceries etc. Using the Gemeinschaft was a good example of the mechanical solidarity, and this is true small community people will have similar backgrounds. For example Patterson Arkansas is so small everyone knows everyone, you know that you must speak when you see someone. Also its common for a young person to say "yes ma'am " and yes sir. The Gesellschaft is where you can go to a big city like New York so much more goes on in big cities like this one, where you might be afraid to speak. Everyone is consider strangers unless you really know them. Technology is has a big impact on us now, we do rely on it. Computers for example, I'm always searching or looking up almost everything on Google. I rely on technology. GPS systems I do not know what I would do without it, I never driven out of town by myself, until the invention of GPS. Now I go everywhere because I rely on the GPS. I must say I learned quite a bit from this video. myapic789

    1. I agree with you about how everything thing is easier to get with the organic solidarity via the example of a debit card. A lot of places don't even except checks now a days. Just curious, where did Patterson, Arkansas come from? Did you used to live there? Technology, I agree, has had a big impact on us. The only time I go to the library is to print something off the computer, not to search for books on topics that are probably outdated instead of using an internet search engine to find what I'm looking for in seconds. Our society is more efficient which allows us to make advances. And about your GPS comment..... amen. I don't even know how to read a map. If I lived hundred years ago, I wouldn't survive. jme789

    2. I agree with your thoughts about how we rely on technology and how the organic theory is more befitting to our society however I also feel the mechanical solidarity would be more suitable to members of our society such as immigrants and people who relocate from smaller rural communities. bigstep789

    3. Yes jme789 I have so many family that grew up in Patterson, and I choose to that particular town because, I was just a first thought. Till this day I still do not know how to read a map, thank God for new technology lol. myapic789

    4. I agree with you on everything. I think that we are organic solidarity as a country. Although, I believe we, as a country, need to become more independent. We rely so much on other countries for goods, and it is hurting our economy. It's crazy how we are not the big world power anymore. I think it mostly has to do with us living like we are royal.

    5. I agree with you on our dependence upon modern technology. If you asked many Americans today, I'm sure 90% of us would say that we rely heavily upon technology. This being said, the reason why we rely on technology for everyday things (Such as getting to certain places), Is because we know that we don't have to use our valuable time to try and figure things out on our own. Undergrad789

    6. I also agree with myapic789. Personally I too reply a lot on technology, as do most people now a days. I would be lost without having Google to look something up. It's such a convince to us I think we take advantage of it. We think of it as a necessity but it's not. Also, with the debit cards, people don't even carry cash anymore because they know they can just use their debit cards. Beneke789.

    7. I agree with you, I was able to get a good understanding of what mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity are based on this video. I also liked the reference to the debit cards; I thought it was a perfect example that we can relate to, to understand organic solidarity. –ajw789

    8. I agree I do rely on technology too much. I rely on it to auto correct my spelling , tell me where to go and remind me of events. I'm so dependent on technology. If I were to be taken away from it I'm sure id feel like my life was over Love789

  2. Some would argue mechanical solidarity is not how society should be. Mechanical Solidarity as the video states that there is emphasize on group solidarity, implying all individuals perform the same tasks. In class, we discussed how this would make someone be proud or good about themself, in the building of a chair example. But personally, I think if this society did exist still, it could be a rude awakening to those who get caught up in today’s society and do things because everyone is doing it. Maybe if we still have mechanical solidarity, then no one would feel superior or that there is always more out there, which allows one to always want more and never be fully satisfied. If people go live in a different society at a time, maybe there would be more peace and happiness in today’s world. People would have a better understanding of one another, and RESPECT others and there culture more. An organic solidarity would be the next society. People would then need to learn to come together from all cultures and work together. They would need each other in order to succeed. Needing someone creates a bond, which promotes happiness. By bringing together Gemeinschaft people in a mechanical society and Gesellschaft people in an organic society and making them work together, that’s when you get a country that is united. Jme789

    1. I'd have to agree that it would be a "rude awakening" to be in a mechanical society. I do see your point about not have superiority. That would help in ways. I like your statement about bring mechanical and organic people together. It does make sense. I personally like having differences with society. I guess I wouldn't want it to always be the same and not be able to ask questions we can daily. -Aquariusgirl789

    2. This is an interesting thought. Most everyone in today's world seems to think that the organic society is the way to go, but it seems like a lot of people in today's society aren't truly satisfied with their life. Maybe if people had to do more things or make more things for themselves then they would feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day and feel satisfied and proud of themselves. It would also give everyone a chance to walk in each other's shoes and may even create a sense of unity among the people. -purple789

  3. I believe from the information and different theories given in this video although we here in the U.S live in a post modern society where we are more technologically sophisticated consume more goods and information Durkiem's organic and Tonnes gesellschaft theories are more suitable for the overall general population. On the other hand if taken into account the fact that the U.S is a melting pot of ethnic and cultural diversities I think what would suit most people on a basic level and avoid a tremendous amount of culture shock would be to recognize that we as a society have a mixture individuals who are functioning under the mechanical and organic as well as the gemeinschaft and gesellschaft premise. Although these theories may be correct in addressing society as a whole they fall short in identifying the smaller sects which also are included in this society bigstep789

  4. I think she explained this very well for everyone to be able to understand. She gave great examples for us to relate to. I definitely got a better understanding of all the different definitions she gave. I think some people would get bored of mechanical society from doing the same things. In an organic society there's diversity. It's interesting. Like she said in mechanical society you don't need to ask what you do, but in organic society you can. It's very interesting to learn about gemeinschaft and gesellschaft. Living in a very small town, I got a big taste of gemeinshaft. I knew everyone when I was driving down the road and visiting the caseys. It's a different world going to visit Chicago. We are mostly all strangers. As for technology, I do believe that it has changed us in so many ways. It has become a huge part in schooling. It's a lot easier to get tasks done. -Aquariusgirl789

    1. Well Aquariusgirl789, I would have to agree with you on the point that some people would probably get bored of being in a mechanical solidarity society because of the repetitiveness. I think thats why people sometimes do leave their mechanical solidarity society in favor of an organic one. Like on those shows about the amish people that move to the city. Those kids get bored of being a part of that culture so they decide to move to where you don't have to always do the same type of stuff. shoestopher789

  5. I enjoyed the way this video explained the differences between mechanical and organic solidarity. I feel like with the introduction of technology, all cultures eventually go from being a mechanical to an organic society. Although, I am sure that there are some civilizations out there that still use mechanical solidarity, as some cultures either don't want to change, or don't have any type of access to technology. This video helped me realize how big of an impact technology can have on making a culture grow and branch out. It also makes me wonder what happens when countries like China end their industrial phase, like how we went through the industrial revolution and went into the information age. I wonder what it was like for a country like China to go from the industrial age to the information age. I imagine a lot of workers from the industrial age could not find jobs when it changed to the information age. shoestopher789

  6. This was a pretty good video, the person did a good job explaining all of theories on this video. The two main things that stood out in this video was the theories on Tonnies and Lenski. I 100% agree with them both. Toonies theory can be seen right here in central Illinois. Gemeinschaft is basically any small town outside of Peoria. When I drive through my home town I am usually stopping and and having a short conversation with someone that i know and the same can be said when I go to one of the gas stations as well. Gellschaft is diffidently Peoria. One of my best friends who grew up in the same town as I did now lives in Peoria and he has told me that he doesn't hardly anyone that lives on his street. Which in some cases its not a bad thing, at least if he messes up his neighbors probably dont know that he did mess up.

    1. I agree that no one really cares how one another are in the city v. the town. I have lived in a city and a town. The nice part about the city is that no one cares what you do, but the down side is that when you go somewhere they don’t care to know you. Where as in a small town everyone is friendly and nice, although they might know too much about each person in that town they can come together to help the family in need. For that family it is a lot more heart felt compared to people in the city that don’t know you. People are creatures that must have connections to one another. Bubbles789

    2. I also agree that nobody cares about one another in the cities vs. the towns. I live in a small town were everybody knows everybody and not a single thing goes unheard of. Small towns are nice but you often have to drive 20 minutes to the nearest Wal-Mart. But I would much rather live in a small town rather than a city. Small towns are like families, they always have your back and always ready to help.

  7. As I'm watching the video, I started thinking. Life is very interesting. I was thinking about myself actually. I say this because I'm very old school.I think that technology is the bomb!! But I like to use it when I need to. My children and husband, uses it like no tomorrow! I'm surrounded by all there gadgets daily. I seem to be involved, one way or the other. Whether I want to be or not! It' s easier looking up there grades, contacting people , delivering and retrieving information. A easy and faster way to do anything. I like my neighbors we chat. Were not strangers. I believe in , mind my own business, and you mind yours. I will keep my neighborly promise and my neighborhood safe. It's a beautiful neighborhood too! I choose not to care about what your watching, eating, sleeping or what time you have to do anything. I'm just not interested and my house is one of the prettiest on the block! So for me,,a lot of these traits where inherited. I would agree with society's level of technology. I believe no matter what industrial age you agree with. It's like life. Learn and grow with the economy, or stay where your are, and get left behind! Imma do me789

    1. I agree with you Imma do me789. I hate all this technology crap like all the GPS and tracking systems the have on my tractor and my phone, I have cords and like flashing all over the place and its a mess I only have two cigerette lighter and I have to keep changing them out every 30 minutes so everything has power, then call in and use this app called T Sheets also its a mess. Though my GPS in the tractor really is useful in the dark when I have no idea where I’m going. Conservation789

    2. I do agree (imma do me 789) I am older as well, so I get where you are coming from. I am also surrounded by technology, as I like to learn so I can me able to move forward with society. it has been very interesting journey and I hope life gets better and not worst. Blessed789

    3. I really like your response. I like technology, but sometimes I hate using it. I love that you can get online and get grades or find research. Yet I like old school better. I hate getting online to print out homework or turning homework in online. I like when teachers hand it out and we hand it in the next class. I also like your comment about neighbors. I don't care what you do but I'll watch your home when your gone just do the same. Like the saying I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. Love your thoughts. Kakers789

    4. I agree that technology in to the point that a person has almost no choice but to use it or be left behind. There is very little in this world that a person can do to survive without the use of the advances in technology that surround us on a daily basis. I like technology, but it can very frustrating at times to always have to learn about every new and trendy technology that is out there to make our lives "better". I have teenage kids who are beginning to know more about the newest "social" technologies faster than me. This is a little scary, considering as a responsible adult, you have to be able to know, understand and even monitor this activity to be sure that your children are being safe.


    5. I agree that we are almost forced into accepting technology. I do like having technologies in my house such as a laptop and gaming consoles, however I do not always have to have the newest and coolest gadgets. I have had smartphones and I gave them up, mainly because they are so freaking expensive, but after I got rid of it and went back to a flip phone, I have more free time. When I had a smart phone I used it for nothing more than mind numbing games and Facebook. All this is to say that even though I think technology can be a huge blessing, it depends on how you use it and if misused can be damaging. vhammer789

    6. I am the same way as immadome. I dont know my neighbors around me but that doesnt say much right now i just moved in to an apartment and it has been winter so for me to get to know my neightbors they or i would have to go knock on thier door and say hi ... well now a days its kinda awkward and it just doesnt happen like it did in the old days. I do know that this summer next to the pool we will be talking but untill then we are seperated by thin walls and we dont even know each others names. only ower last because its on the mailbox. Im not one to be on the technology side and have it in front of my face either its hard not to be that way to. in todays world if your not in the tech world you are left behind!

    7. tech world you are left behind! was from LEO.012

  8. When I was watching this video I found it interesting. I was thinking that the amazing thing about these theories, which they still, can be applied to different types of civilizations today. Gemeinschaft theory can be seen any small town. I have lived in many places small towns and cities. I believe that people can only connect to each other in small amounts of people. Whereas the bigger the town grows the harder it is to connect to new people, and keep the ties you had with people that you already knew so much about. Also the more you know someone the better judgment you have on helping them or not, where as in a city, you are less likely to help someone, unless they are family or friends. We could even apply this theory to giving people a ride. You are only going to give a ride to someone you know. Based on that you trust them, unlike people you know nothing about. Maybe would have done that in the 60’s or 70’s, but into day society frowns a pound that type of action. We even have rules in certain areas not to pick up hitch hikers. Bubbles789

    1. I also found the video interesting. I think we every theory on society is still applicable to societies today. I found the Gemeinschaft society most interesting as the society is considered kinfolk, and they all have a sense of togetherness. I found it interesting as well that they use informal controls to control the community or society such as gestures, and gossip. The Gemeinschaft society makes me think of small towns. -toybox789

  9. I kind of agree with shoestopher789. As for me, it would say.... certain people in all cultures either don't want to change or don't have access to technology. Is that an excuse or just being lazy? The people who say they don't have access to technology, have more of an excuse than access. Whether you were born with wealth or have to go get yours, the opportunity is there,( AND) yours! It's out there even if you have to go to the library, a school, your parents, churches, jobs, family or friends . When you want it you will go get it! NO EXCUSES JUST RESULTS!!! Imma do me 789

  10. This video clearly stated the sociollogical ideas of durkheim, tonnies, and lenski. I think that Lenski's was the most interesting because it relates to us. America has become lazy and we all expect to be rich and live easy. Other countries work their butt off for only a couple dollars an hour. It is cheaper for our huge stores to buy products from other countries than it is to buy from America because we all want 10+ dollars an hour. I think durkheim's theory of mechanical society is one that we, as Americans, in my opinion need to practice.

  11. I think the differences between Durkheim and Tonnies views on society are very interesting. In Durkheim’s point of view, he points out that people are more connected and dependent on each other in a more complex society. Meanwhile, Tonnies Points out that we are more distant from each other in a more complex society. Not only is this video and theories eye-opening to how much we take for granted here in the U.S., but it also makes me question what is to come for societies in the next 10 or 20 years. Looking back at how far our society has come and how different it is, means that our society has the potential to change so much in the future that we would not even recognize it. Undergrad789

  12. I like how this video talked clearly for each society. I am glad that we have options in society for which one of Durkheim’s society’s we can choose to live in, because how boring would it be to sit in a sweat shop for fourteen hours a week putting the serial number on a car somewhere over seas. Where at the farm I work at it is a mechanical solidarity because everyone has to work together to achieve a different task. I really do agree on Lenski's sociocultural evolution approach with the industrial society, because without technology our society would not change that much at all. Also without the advancement of technology we would have had these awesome online articles to do. I like also how she talked about Lenski's postmodern society because that is what we basically are anymore with all this online homework and classes, also that some people don't even need to leave there house to work because they can do it all on their computer. Conservation789

  13. The video made a clear explanation on all the theories we mentioned in class. It was interesting to see examples of our society, what we see as normal, isn't what other countries see as normal. America uses so much technology that other countries don't have access to. That makes us look good in some ways, but bad in others. We're looked at as being lazy because we use so much technology. It would be hard for someone in our society to move and have to live in another society. Especially a society like Durkheim's hunters and gathers. It's cool to see that America has came a long way to start there and end out as a Postmodern society. Beneke789.

    1. Beneke789, I have to agree with you that our use of technology here in America can be a good and bad thing at the same time. I believe that our use of technology is a great thing in some cases but can get in the way of so many things at the same time. There are plenty of other organic societies in the world that use technology in the same ways we do here in the USA. However, I feel like we have become lazy as a society because we have just have access to so many different things. We can just run to the store and buy just about anything we could ever need. I do believe that this has made us lazy but at the same time it is really hard to imagine what it would be like without these technologies.

  14. This video gave me a clear understanding of each of the theories that was mentioned in class. With the way we look at society and what we view as "normal" it clearly gives us a better understanding of our society. What we view as normal in our country, may not be normal to others native to countries all around the world. Others society's view us as lazy due to all the technology we use now a days. I like the fact that America has come a long way. I wonder what it would be like to have to hunt for your own food, like in Durkheim's society?

  15. I really liked how she explained the difference between Mechanical solidarity and Organic solidarity. I did not know that in the mechanical solidarity society everyone knows how to do everything for themselves, such as every household making their own bread. The type of society that we live in, organic solidarity, a big company will make the bread and sell it to people who work for money to buy the bread. The organic society may seem simpler, but it is actually way more complex because of the many different divisions of labor. In the organic society, everyone depends on each other and this dependence is what holds the society together. Tonnies suggested the Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft societies, where the Gemeinschaft is similar to the mechanical, except all of the people know everything about each other and are very close knit. Personally, I would hate this type of society because I wouldn't want to know everyone and have everyone know all of my business. -purple789

    1. I agree with ya purple, I also would not appreciate everyone knowing all of my business, I think I like that in our society today we can depend a lot on ourselves: but in all actuality we really aren't. because if it wasn't for the banker and the employer and the baker we wouldn't have anything. So, I wonder it organic society is just as dependent on others than mechanical?

  16. This video was full of information; the lady explained everything very thoroughly and there was a lot you could take away from it. I really liked what she said about technology. She said that technology moves society forward and I completely agree with that, we wouldn’t be where we are today without technology. I also liked how she explained the difference between mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. The organic solidarity explained the society we live in now. In the organic solidarity everything is much easier for people I thought the reference to debit cards was really good and helped me understand it. With that being said I thought it was super boring the way it was presented with the power point slides. It felt like I was listening to a class lecture, the last video with the golden girls was much better. –ajw789

    1. The points stated in the video gave a good representation of each sociologist's different ideals towards society. I do agree that technology has played a key role in the society with live in today. Our advancements in technology have helped bring cultures together and it has helped to understand groups of people from varying cultures

  17. This video had a lot of good points. I agree with her statement about technology. To me technology brings us together as a whole world. We are connected to people over seas even more now because of technology. I'm glad there isn't just one type of normal in this world. I know have a clear understanding of society. Even with all the different aspect and things of it , we are still linked together. -Love789

  18. Durkheim considered society to be like an organism, and distinguished structure and function. He came up with the division of labor and define that there are two types of social solidarity, mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. Tonnies, another sociologist, he came up with the idea that distinguished less developed societies and more developed ones by two categories. The first being gemeinschaft, based on a group of familiar culture, that are intimate, cooperative, and with a sense of moral obligation to a each other. The second gesellschaft, which relations are formal, and based on individual self-interest. The last sociologist Lenski leaked evolution of human societies by the level of technological development. Lenski described four different types known as the societies of hunters and gatherers, horticultural societies, agricultural or agrarian societies, and industrial societies.

  19. This video gave good information on the different societies. I agree with the end of the video that we are a post modern society. We are a society that has accepted technology specifically computers, and do not have to rely on each other as much we are more independent. I like the breakdown on how she explained the difference between the mechanic society, and the organic society. In the mechanic society everyone has the same role in the society, and in the organic society people need each other a bit more. When she touched on the Gemeinschaft and the Gessellschaft societies on Tonnies opinion is where it got interesting for me. I understand now that the Gemeinschaft societies is more of a rural life where everyone is considered "kinfolk" and the society has a sense of togetherness. This society uses social control to control the minds of the people in the society. The society does this by using gestures, and gossip control which are informal controls. I thought the video was very informative. -toybox789

    1. I definitely agree with you toybox789 it did give good information on different societies and that our society now depends a lot more on technology like cell-phones and mostly computers and not so much paying attention to or relying on people around us. Sometimes I think we rely to much on technology to help us.

  20. I like this video as far as technology, as we have came a long way. I personally am just starting to get to know all the different trends and apps, and so on that the world now has to offer. I have been brought up old school so its hard for me to see things, like the way kids are today. as far as being lazy and not caring how they look or act in public. I know as we move forward in society it moves technology with us. We are all changing as the technology does, people that have self-destructive behavior will as always shape an individual life's no matter how fast things change. Blessed789

    1. I agree with Blessed789, because we have come so far with technology. I am one that is coming up in the world with technology.rosebud012

  21. I really enjoyed watching this video. It gave a great understanding of mechanical and organic solidarity. Also I really enjoyed learning about gemeinschaft and gesellschaft. I grew up in a small town and man was it true that everyone knows your business. You could do something and before you made it home your parents are calling asking why your doing what your doing. Living in a small town you also learn to work together and always willing to say hi or Wave. The best part about living in small towns is you trust people you dont get worried if you for got to lock your doors. When I finally moved to Peoria my boyfriend would say did you lock your doors it was hard to get use to. Also you dontbsay hi to randoms, and nine times out of ten you don't know the name of your neighbors. I truly enjoyed this video kakers789

  22. This video gave great examples of the past society and society now. Thirty years ago people did everything different. Family's where raised in a community and everyone knows everyone. Now I don't even know my neighbors. What's going to happen in the next thirty years. SM789

  23. As I was watching the video, I was thinking on how I could relate. I used to live in a small town, so, it is true about everyone knowing your business. lol But, anyway, I do feel the social change when thinking how different Peoria is. Even though I have heard some people comment on how Peoria is nothing compared to Chicago. Which is very true im sure, but it is about ten times bigger than the small town that I am from. And, the way that society functions with each other definitely follows suite in that category that the video was breaking down. I think I would question the people dependence thing. Because I feel that with technology you have to be just as dependent on people if not more, because with everyone being so reliant on there computers to do everything no one knows how to do anything for themselves. Like make bread. Or use a telephone book lol. Or a road map. Nowadays you can get an app, for everything.

    1. I can see what you are talking about Selah789 when you say you "question the dependence thing." I believe its not so much that people don't know how to do anything for themselves (while this may have much truth to it); as people rely on technology to teach them simple things. My thing is that because of this phase of postmodern society there is still a group people (including myself) within the society who are very dependent on others to access information for them in order to keep up with the demands of society. One example is that most employers require people to access applications on line and upload your resumes. There is still a small group that is learning to do this. Flyguy789

  24. The video explained the how complexed societies can be. The video discussed theoretical approaches by three theorists; Durkheim, Tonnie and Lenski. Durkhiem's approach divides society into two division of labors; mechanical and organic. Durkhiem's mechanical society is compared to Tonnies' gemeinschaft society which is a small community; while the organic is like Tonnie's gesellschaft society; which is the larger community. I like Lenski's four division of social cultural revolution; preindustrial, industrial, postindustrial and postmodern society. Theses phases of society best describe how the U.S. emerged to the current postmodern society it is today. I wonder a lot about the next phase beyond a postmodern society. How much is too much information or when is a society satisfied. It was also interesting to learn that so many other nations or cultures have rapidly move towards the post industrial society with today's technology surge and the U.S. is no longer a world power in this area. I'm still somewhat stuck in the industrial phase as coming from the rural or southern community and moving to the city; I have not mastered accessing information or becoming technology savoy as I desire. Flyguy789

  25. After watching this video I really feel like I gained a better understanding of both the mechanical society and the organic society. I loved the example she used about the bread and what steps each of the societies has to take to obtain said bread. The example she used really had me thinking of how lucky we are as a society to have access to little things like bread or other food. We have the luxury of being able to run down the street to the store and buy a loaf of fresh bread. We don’t have to spend the time to make the bread at home unless we really want to. Being part of an organic society means that we not only have more time to do things but we are also able to become skilled in more than just one area. Living in an organic society means that we have more opportunities to lean and progress. In a mechanical society the people are kind of stuck doing the one thing they know how to do such as make bread or farm. I feel very lucky to be a part of a society that is able to become more diverse and technologically advanced. However, I feel like we do miss out on a lot of things because we are so advanced. Like the video explained we become more distant from one another and we don’t personal know a lot of the people we might need to. All in all I took a lot away from this video and was able to gain a better understanding of both societies. Great video!

    1. I also really enjoyed the example of the bread baking to illustrate the difference between a mechanical and organic society. It is interesting to realize that Durkheim was living in a time when society was transitioning from one mode to another. This definitely gave him a unique perspective and intuition as to what the nature of these societal changes were. While I am also very grateful for a more specialized society where I don’t have to bake my own bread, I also found it to be very sad when she talked in the video about how more specialized societies also tend to be more detached on an individual level. Toblerone 012

    2. That is so true what you said about the simplicity for us of finding practically anything within a 10 mile radius of our homes. You can find services and products that come from all around the world and are stored and distributed to the entire country (United States) on enormous scale. This really shows the division of labor theory from Durkheim. Even though many things are not made in this country anymore, we still have a highly skilled and developed work force that stores, distributes, and sells the goods we need when we need them. Where as someone in a more remote location such as a small isolated community in Alaska. They break a part on their car or home. It might be awhile for that part to get to them since they are in the Gesellschaft society within the Mechanical society.-Spacepotatoes012

  26. I really enjoyed watching this video. I liked all the examples and definitions she gave us for society and the approaches by the theorists Durkheim, Tonnie, and Lenzski. I think we live in an organic society, where we can just go to the store and be able to buy bread instead of just having to make it. I feel like we are very fortunate to live in a society like that. I also agree that we are very technologically advanced and that almost everyone spends some amount of time on the computer everyday. This was a very informative video and I definitely understand both societies alot better.

  27. After watching the video, I understand what the difference is between mechanical and organic society. That we as a society live in an organic society. We have in easier because we can go to the store and people that are in an organic society. Mechanical society only know how to do and are stuck. I am lucky that I am a society that have more opportunities than mechanical society. Roaebud012

    1. I agree. In a mechanical society there is no room for anyone to grow. Everyone is expected to do the same things their entire life. There would be no evolution and we would've stayed with an mechanical society. We would be stuck, always depending on others to do their part just so we could survive on the day to day basis. An organic society was needed.

  28. Honestly I did not really enjoying this video it is hard for me to pay attention and better understand sociology when it is just trying to listen to someone talk about it, it would help more if it was an actual video showing me sociology and not just listening to a voice. I think it did help me a little bit with distinguishing mechanical and organic society. I remember talking about it in class, but the more I hear the difference of see it I can better understand, especially when she gave the example about making bread. I do agree with most that we no longer live in a mechanical society, I would have to say we are definitely more organic now.

    1. I agree with you LayLay. I did not think it was a good video either. The sound quality was bad and it was pretty hard to follow. I also like the videos that are more engaging, rather than listening to someone lecture the whole time. The explanations of the different types of society were pretty clear and she did give some good examples. But overall, I thought that video was pretty poor in quality and could have been better. BigGrizmatik789.

  29. This video helped me develop a much better understanding of the social models that sociologists use in order to understand society. It was interesting to learn many of the similarities between Durkheim’s views and Tonnies’ views. It was also very helpful to learn the difference between mechanical and organic solidarity in society. Organic solidarity seems to be what business and economic classes refer to as specialization. I found Lenski’s ideas to be the most interesting of the three. I like the idea that major changes in society are a product of new technological changes. This goes along with what many other studies of human societies teach. Many anthropology courses will talk about the development of fire and how that completely changed the way that humans could live. History classes also like to address the beginning of agriculture and how that played a major role in the formation of political structures and many religious beliefs. Overall, this video gave me a solid foundation for understanding the contributions that these three great thinkers made to sociology. Toblerone 012

  30. I really liked this video by DR. Marshall. We get an excellent overview of how some of the societies in the world function and operate. The video explains the importance of the technology in a societies evolution. I also like the point made during Tonnie's ideas where the size of the society directly impacts the tightness of the community. This makes sense when you look at a small rural town compared to the large city. The backgrounds of the people whether is is their ethics, morals, behaviors, or traditions that make them who they are. I like looking into Lenski's sociocultural evolution based on technology. You look around the world today and we have vast ranges of types of societies. There are still tons of Hunting gathering or agriculture style communities that strive just how they are. They lack the technology and resources to further them selves but they are content with what has worked for probably many generations. I think it is also important to mesh all of these theories together to truly have the best advantage when dissecting the inner workings of society.- Spacepotatoes012

  31. it was a very interesting video. I have never really thought about what kind of society I live in. I found it most interesting that we mainly live in a post modern society these days. We depend on society so much these days. We definitely depend on people in less developed countries to produce most of what we consume these days, and that is something in my opinion needs to change. We are still an agricultural society in large part though because we do produce most of our own food as well as the food that we ship to other societies across the world. I look forward to learning even more about the kind of society we live in and along side of today. Eviled13

    1. i agree with you because society these days are crazy people not getting along because of the races that other people were. they were fighting and not getting along. we started wars because people wouldn't get along with each other now all that's over with but now days our counties are fighting because were not getting what they want now its like if you do this for us we will do thins for you. but i agree everyone should get along and fight with everyone.

    2. I disagree that we need to change the way our society is because we rely on other countries, do you think that as a whole we could handle making all of the things that we get from other countries. for some things they depend on us and others we depend on them. and because our country is more technologically advanced on some parts we are superior because that lets us choose the jobs that we want. For example, would you want to make shoes in a factory for a living, no because you have the choice of doing something you want as a opposed to someone in a different country that has to make shoes for a living because they don't have the choice to do much else.

    3. I agree with you openminded012 we really do need to change our society. What if China cuts us off? Then what are we going to do? They make majority of our products. If that did happen the government will look to people in our country to go in factories and make the million products that China does. -Aries012

  32. this video is talking about the theories. one of Durkheim theories the bread and how you bake the bread how you use the yeast and oil and let set so it can become bread. then their was this other part that had so many parts to it. it took too long to explain it. and it was describing people and how they get along with each other and how they react to certain things people do. then it talk about the mechanisms the organic non organic. then also talked about technology how we as people use it and abuse it. talking about people spending there whole days on the web and how they should be out in the world interacting with other people instead of not being on the web interacting with people they be verbal talking face to face and should only be online for 10 to 15 minutes a day.

  33. I think if we were to have a mechanical society today, it would eventually turn organic in some way or shape. Due to everyone’s uniqueness, I think it would evolve into something more. For example, making the chair, of course everyone can make but not everyone can do it the exact same. Someone may think since they can make the chair, then why not try to make something new that no one has and sale that and become superior. Therefore, eventually I think everywhere in the will become of not already organic especially because of Lenskis primary thought of the use of technology. Just because some places are not up to date or does not use it now, eventually they will have it and become an organic society. This video really makes you understand the definitions but makes you think broader on the kinds of societies we have around the world. Also most importantly the way they the world is evolving.

  34. I believe it was necessary for us as a people to evolve from a mechanical society to an organic society. A mechanical society doesn't allow anyone to be independent or look at everyone as their own individual. We as a people have evolved so the way we think and live life will evolve as well. Everyone working as one seems great but our nation is just entirely too big for things to run smoothly. A mechanical society is for a smaller group of people and we aren't that anymore. An organic society is better as far as technology but our relationships with others have suffered some. The example used as far as the bread was a great one. In an organic society there are a lot of people involved in a making a simple purchase such as bread. Durhkeim and Tonnies theories were very similar. Lenski's was similar to theirs as well but he took it a step further with the postindustrial and postmodern society theories. I agree with the fact that we are living in the postmodern society. The ways we communicate with one another change everyday.

  35. This video was great for really giving me a firm grasp on the difference between mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. The example of the making or getting bread was a great explanation of the steps required and how that changes society. In the mechanical solidarity, where everyone does everything for themselves, society as a whole couldn't advance very quickly because everyone is busy doing all the things that they need to do to survive. In the Organic solidarity, where you work to earn money in order to buy the things that you need to survive and have to do a lot less of the day to day things for yourself, freeing up time and giving society as a whole much more time to advance society and technology. It is weird to think that not that long ago we were a mechanical society that focused on survival. Once we started the industrial age, the technological advances have steadily increased in pace up to today. Today it seems that technology is advancing so quickly that people in the modern world are using their "free" time to keep up with the advances being made in order to "survive" in today's world. While the people lagging behind in the technology advances are the ones producing most of the goods we use.


  36. I thought this video give a lot of great points about these 3 theories over society. The one theory that caught my eye the most though was honestly Lenki's theory. His theory of how society grows with the improvement of technology in my opinion makes the most sense. For example, back in the hunting and gathering stage or Lenki's first stage, the people in that society only had little to no technology and only had the tools for basic survival. This caused them to only live in groups of only about 25 to 40 people and they were always moving place to place always looking for more food. This continued until people learned how to grow their own food and work with certain animals instead of hunting them. This caused them to stay in one place also and grow into bigger societies like villages and towns which was linski's second stage. As technology advanced the population grew and that's the most basic way to put it.

  37. I like this video because of the way she broke each theory down and explained it with depth. The one that stuck out to me was Durkheim’s theory and how different the mechanical and organic society are. It reminds me of the movie “iRobot” and how everyone loved and depended on their technology or their robot, to help them with simple daily functions. And it’s no different in 2014. We also need our robot or cellphone or whatever, to help us carry out daily tasks as well. But we are also organic because we rely on the PEOPLE that use the TECHNOLOGY to supply us with the “bread” that we need to function on. CHIATIA012

  38. I really liked this video. It was very informative and brought up some good ideas and theories. While I think that all the theories mentioned in the video would , as she said, hold water, the one that I understood best was Lenski's. I think Lenski nailed it when he said that with the improvement of technology, society can advance. This is evident if we look at our history as compared to where we are today, or even if we take a close look around the world today. As we were able to advance in technology and understanding, we were able to start farming and raising our own food and livestock. We have continually advanced in technology throughout history and today we have a society that is virtually global. We can communicate with people across the world whenever we want through technology and this has diversified our societies. While no one theory is completely correct, I personally feel like Lenski was able to show us one great example of how societies grow. vhammer789

    1. Vhammer789 I totally agree with you discussing how vastly growing our society is. Like I said everything is changing left and right and that's something that is apart of us now. We're are so used to it that when something does change, it doesn't drastically effect because its something that's so common. Also, like you said we're now able to communicate with people over seas and many people loved that, to me that was a huge step in technology. -Pink789

  39. I really like how she explained the difference between Mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. I actually understand it more now. She also talks about are society today, how we are consumers and we get all products from other countries. One thing that I thought about when I was watching this video is that some of these countries still live in a mechanical society. I think the only reason why we don't is because of the growth of our technology and population . -Aries012

  40. This video was great, she described mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity very well! Being able to relate what she said between what we read in Chapter 4 helped me have a better understanding on these terms. I even like when she began to touch on gemeinschaft and gesellschaft helping explain the difference between smaller and larger societies. A small society or area like where I live compared to a city like New York; you walk by many people day in and day out and you don't notice them but in some way you two may share something in common. The world we live in now is so complex and she like she described when your issued a debit from a bank or where ever, you then use that for many things. It's so complex that many places now even give out debit cards as a way of payment, bye bye to paper to checks. Once the world began being so industrialized, everything began to change. We live in society where change is so common that were used to it now, it happens all the time. -Pink789

  41. I really did not enjoy this video at all. The sound quality was very bad and it was hard to follow. However, I do think she did a very good job describing mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity and explaining the difference between the two. She provided very good examples for both and all the different theories. She did a good job of making all the different theories very easy to understand and remember. One thing I did realize is that there are some similarities in Durkheim's theory and Tonnie's theory. I really do think it is interesting that every type of society still exists today. I do agree we have been in the postmodern society for a couple decades. Personally, I think we rely on technology a little too much these days. Some people do not know what to do when the power goes out or they don't have cell phone service. Think about where we would be today if computers never existed. There are some small communities of people in the United States that live without cell phone reception or even electricity. It can be done and I think people need to learn to survive without all the technological advances. BigGrizmatik789.


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