Sociology, Weber, and Bureaucracy.....Your Thoughts.


  1. Bureaucratic management can be used to take advantage of the workforce. But most business' use it to create a bond and almost partnership between the employee and the company. By using Weber's 6 parts of Bureaucratic management a company can build up their relationship with employees to get the best performance out of them for minimal money for the time and effort. By dividing the workers into smaller divisions of labor under a strategically constructed managerial hierarchy to answer too. Weber says that workers should be promoted and hired based on qualifications and merit. Most larger more focused companies might practice this but in my experience with minimum wage workers rarely see this part of the system. The formal rules used with impersonality increases the authority of the company because they are allowed to terminate rule breakers without protest or question. I don't think it is fair that a company can and does use their 'knowledge' to manipulate their workforce for increase profits.-Spacepotatoes012

    1. I agree with you for the most part. The only thing that I think that Weber had wrong was that everyone should have a small part of a larger job to do. If you do the same thing all day, every day, you are going to get burnt out on it. I do however believe that it is extremely important to have formal rules set up. Everyone should know what the rules are and if someone breaks them there would be punishment up to and including termination. I also agree with what you said about minimum wage and how it doesn't behave like a bureaucracy. Overall I think you made some really good points and I agree with most of them. vhammer789

    2. You're right Spacepotatoes012. It is not fair that companies tend to use their power to manipulate their workers to increase their profits. At the end of the day, people at the head of companies are always going to think that they deserve more than anyone that is below them. The worst part about this is that I feel like people think this way solely because of their status in a company. They have a higher rank than you so they feel like they should automatically get paid more than you. shoestopher789

    3. I agree that bureaucracy can be used to take advantage of a workforce. I think that with Max Weber's six points can make or break a relationship with the employees. It seems like each employee work separately and not together. They also don't get to feel the accomplishment of the finishing product because they are just making one part of the item. I agree with your statement about how minimum wage workers seem to not get promoted.

    4. I agree with PA789 bureaucracy can and most often is used to take advantage of a workforce mainly smaller ones. This system can have it's worker move blindly through a task without knowing the purpose or understanding why and with unseen gratitude or appreciation. bigstep789

    5. I agree with your statement that bureaucratic management can be used to take advantage of a workforce, but that is normally not the case. It may not be "right," but bureaucracy tends to be one of the best or the best approach at running a business. It tends to bring the most success and that is all a CEO wants. BigGrizmatik789.

    6. I agree with you because I truly believe that following those six steps is the best way to make ample money and success for your company or business. Unfortunately, I don't think many businesses operate this way. A lot of times, workers may be hired because of their looks or because they might know someone who works for the company. They really should be hired solely based on merit, experience, and their specific skill set. -purple789

  2. When he opened the video with the word association he was correct. Efficiency and order were not the first things I thought of at the word bureaucracy. It was very interesting to learn about where the word came from and what it really means. I do not agree with everything that Weber said however. I do not think that a division of labor is always the best way to go. If you give someone a certain job to do every day, all sit long, that job is going to become mundane and tedious. Eventually the individual will not work as well as they should be because they are sick of what they are doing. The rest of what Weber said though makes sense to me. It makes sense that you would try to promote someone within the company to do the job rather than hire someone else, as long as the person getting promoted is qualified for the job. Also it is very important to have a chain of command so that everyone knows who they are supposed to go to if they have questions or concerns. vhammer789

    1. I think that is one of the more important steps of Weber's that you bring up about division of labor being not as good as it could be. workers doing the same thing over an over will become unmotivated and drained and the company will suffer as a result. If you have 100 workers in a plant and all of them start to loose interest in their job at the same time, you could cut productivity by like 30% over night. You have to bring the level of employee treatment up so they have a quality image of their work place.-Spacepotatoes012

  3. I think that bureaucracy sounds like it should work if used properly. However, I feel like most companies take advantage of it for their own personal gain. One advantage of bureaucracy are that the people that are in charge make most of the decisions, therefore making a company's processes and interactions less complicated. It would also be less time consuming for to have a set of people that make the big decisions based on what they think should be done. What they think should be done is not always what is in everyone best interest. That is why people at the head of companies make the most money. They decide how much of the profit that they should earn. Also, since the people at the very top are making all the big decisions, there is little room for employees that are anywhere under them to show their creativity and express what ideas that they have. I think that in this way it discourages independent thinking and usually ends up becoming a sort of "my way" approach to things. shoestopher789

    1. I agree with you, Especially in todays society we see more and more of the big CEO's making decisions when they don't have the first hand knowledge of what is really going on in the lower workplace. This reminds me of the show "undercover boss", I love this show because the CEO's get to experience personally what it is like to work on the lower levels of the business and to see first hand what the issues are and how they can improve the business as a whole. Undergrad789

    2. I agree with shoestopher789, because it should be in the workplace and that if they do it proper that it could work. I agree with Undergrad789 on the undercover boss. rosebud012

  4. it is definitely sad that people use knowledge to gain control of others that may not have the resources to gain the knowledge that they have. I agree with the devision of laber because it makes more jobs for community and then no one gets overwhelmed and things in a job more smoothing. I think that a business has to have a boss because people react better when they are answering to one person to know exactly what they need to be doing, and there are some possitives in having a good boss. I think there has to be rules when it comes to human beings because people take advantage of things and situations.

  5. I thought showing this idea was very interesting. I never really knew what bureaucracy was and have never had it fully explained to me. It was just always that long word that I didn't fully understand, nor where it came from. I believe that bureaucracy can be abused, but I also think that it can be helpful from my understanding of the video. It seems like more of a good thing and a way to organize a work force. All the characteristics seem like It would be a great idea, but I think, like we mentioned in class, workers won't get the feeling of completion. They only work on one part of the thing being manufactured or made. Also, it can be a way to work people to death. It makes you feel like you can slowly move up in jobs, even if you start out at the bottom. It seems promising, but only the most qualified people will move up, maybe not the hardest workers. It creates an environment that doesnt care about the worker, but more about the job being done.

  6. I enjoyed this video. When I hear the word bureaucracy I don’t think of order and Efficiency. I like how he explained what the word really meant. I agree with the important factors that effect getting the job you apply for. Jobs definitely look at your education, skills, abilities, and your experience working in that field. When I applied for the job I am currently working at, they hired me on the spot because of my experience working in the field. I do think you should hire someone based on their skills and experience. My favorite rule was #5, which was formal rules and stated that everyone should follow the rules regardless of a persons rank or status. All in all this was a good video and I agree with all 6 characteristics of Webers Bureaucratic Management.

    1. I agree with you Faithhopelove012, you're right when you explain how jobs look at you based on your education, skills, abilities, and your experience. I also, enjoyed this video and how they explained it in the video. Like you said your job hired you on the spot based on your experience and i feel as if that's how many jobs are nowadays. Even though some jobs may just hire due to them being short handed with their staff, but if jobs didn't care about your work experience, just think... they wouldn't ask about your work history! -Pink789

    2. I agree with you that I don’t think of order and efficiency also and that this video gave a real good explanation of what bureaucracy means. I also like how with bureaucracy you said how it can affect you jobs level to because of someone’s education and abilities also that you likes formal rules also, which pretty much says does it look like I give a crap that your a rank above me shut up when I am talking to you, basically. Conservation789

    3. Exactly what I said. Weber's 6 were very helpful. The video gave a precise explanation, lost me in a few spots but I understand the meaning. HTV780

    4. I also agree with Conservation789's reply, that you don't think of order and efficiency. I like the fact that no matter where you work at bureaucracy can effect you, whether it be education or your abilities.

  7. I liked this video a lot... it really broken down the idea of a Bureaucracy. It's nice to be able to read about this like we have in chapter 7 then to see this video and catch the similarities. Like the man said in the video, a Bureaucracy isn't always a bad thing. Like the book said, think about how fast we can be connected to any other home phone, business, automobile or someone traveling in the mountains... before people never imagined a life like this but now all of that is possible with the help of the Bureaucracy; they keep track of all cell phone calls. I like how Max Weber came up with the six key elements of a bureaucracy... number two really stuck out to me because I related instantly to my job. Workers are arranged by their ranking and supervised by someone higher than them, said Weber; so in my job in retail... we have associates, managers, store managers, district managers, regional district managers and i do believe there is another higher up position.. but you see where I'm going with this. To me, that seemed like what Max Weber meant. -Pink789

    1. I didn't find the video very interesting but I the video did help me understand bureaucracy better. After reading chapter 7 and the lecture on Monday the video helped everything come together and gave me a better illustration of bureaucracy. The 6 key elements to bureaucracy made me think of when I worked in a call center and was promoted from a sales rep to higher positions within the company based on my skills. No one was exempt from rules and regulations though no matter how high your position. I saw managers get fired and walked out everyday. -toybox789

  8. This video is a good video because I could finally understand what bureaucracy was about in good detail, and that bureaucracy’s exercise of control on the basis of knowledge. I like Max Weber’s Bureaucratic Management, which focuses on how people are given exact rules or guidelines to follow, and when they do follow those direct guidelines it is an ideal system. Also that how managing it with legal authority is more effective than just subjective criteria. An example would be a car driving to a red light at an intersection and stop, they stop because they know if they don’t a cop would most likely pull them over and give them a ticket or they have the fear of getting one that stops them from doing it. I like Weber’s characteristics of bureaucracy also and his six points; the division of labor, managerial hierarchy, formal selection, career orientation, formal rules, and impersonality, because we use them all in our work force today and they are all valid points. Conservation789

    1. Conservation789, I really like your comment. I have to agree with you that after watching this video I really have a better understanding of how a bureaucracy system works. I love your example of the car stopping at a red light instead of running it. It’s a great example of us having to follow exact rules like you said and if we don't there are consequences. I also really like the six points and was able to gain a better understanding using them. Tempusfugit012

  9. Prior to watching this video, I had heard of bureaucracy but did not really know what it was or what it meant. This video helped to break down the concept of bureaucracy and grasp an idea of what the main function was. What I learned was that there are certain rules or concepts in bureaucracy that help to ensure that the workplace is not only running smoothly and efficiently, but also that the workplace environment is equal and supportive. I have seen businesses that don't follow these rules and ultimately the efficiency of the business decreases until it is dysfunctional. Undergrad789

    1. I am with you on not hearing of bureaucracy, and I think as well that I have seen a lot of places go under. Maybe if they would of but some of these six points in to their business, they would of had more of a equal and supportive place to work. This would of made the business run more efficiently. Blessed789

    2. I agree with Undergrad completely. It's very noticeable when a business doesn't follow these rules because of how they react. Some places are well organized and others aren't. It really effects everyone in this kind of situation. Also, I didn't know a lot about Bureaucracies until this informational video. Beneke789.

  10. When I hear the word bureaucracy I think politicians immediately. I never payed attention to it until now since I have to. But never saw it as efficiently but when I look the word up it means important. Learned something!


  11. Bureaucracy reminds me of my high school class. We spent several looking at how it worked ant even used examples. One of the examples she had us do was to create an equilibrium with a high efficient and with a high outcome. It was faster to have one person do the same job over and over again. The great thing about working in a factory is that if you got tired of job you could always learn a new trait. When learning new traits this makes the person more of an asset to the company because they be put where they are needed. I feel like that every CEO should have to work in different areas in the companies to improve them and make their employees better about who they work for. I would feel more comfortable working for someone that knows what I have to do and gives me respect then one that does not know what I’m doing and acts like I’m just another employee. Bubble789

  12. I liked the video because it give me alot of information on Bureaucracy. I really didn't pay close attention to bureaucracy until this class. The teacher really help me to understand it better and the video just made it sink in. I have seen Undercover Boss, I think that the head people need to walk a day in the shoes of the workers and see what needs to be fixed or what is not working. rosebud012

    1. I also thought this video was really well done. He did a good job illustrating exactly what factors define a bureaucracy to a sociologist. I also definitely agree with you about the Undercover Boss show. It is always good for people to try to understand the perspectives of those they are communicating with in order to make life better for everyone. Toblerone012

  13. i agree with bubbles789 sometimes when we learn something new we always have a situation we can compare to in life weither it be past or present. when the video first started i thought it was going to be boring and i wasnt going to be intersted then i sat and listen and the video made alot of valid points exspecially when he said bureaurcy can take over a workplace is a true statement. godschild789

  14. The video was really informant to me, as I didn't know what it meant or have I ever heard it being used. I like the six points they hit on to make a business successful and, run efficiently everyday. Bureaucratic has some awesome characteristics, but some things may need to be tweaked a little. I think as far as one person to a certain task is not good. I think everyone should have movement and be able to do multiple tasks in different areas. This will increase a business I think as if one gets sick or something comes up you always have the ability to move someone from a department to another. As far as being equal and supportive, holding one reasonable. There can also be problems if we rely on bureaucracy to take on a large organizations in everyday life. So there were a lot of good points made to think about in my life with the same company that I have been with for may years. Blessed789

  15. I was surprised at the information I gathered from this video and what I learned that I thought I knew. Before I saw this video when I saw the word bureaucracy I immediately thought of politics .but now I understand that it is simply a group of people or system designed to put in place a set way of doing things .I believe that this system can work effectively for large groups and organizations but only when the aspects of the individuals or smaller groups are taken into consideration. bigstep789

    1. Bigstep789 I agree with you it did put it smack down simple to understand. The system could definitely work either way when money is involved. I'd have to say the education aspect plays a huge role as well. Overall great information

    2. Usmc789 above

  16. This video caught my attention right away by asking questions and making me think. I thought it was going to lose my attention because it is pretty much an all audio lecture, but the information provided was great and I feel that i learned quite a bit from this video. I did not know much about bureaucracy before watching this video and i definitely gained some knowledge from this. I learned that bureaucracy is basically an administrative system that controls or regulates an organization. The 6 characteristics of bureaucracy were very clear and I definitely agree that they are all important. Division of labor is definitely a key component of a bureaucracy. There are a lot of businesses that don't follow these so called "rules" and because of this they are not successful and usually end up collapsing. Successful businesses follow most or all of the 6 characteristics and that is the main reason for their fortune. BigGrizmatik789.

    1. I also like the way that he started the video with those questions. It drew you in more to the video. I did like the way he described bureaucracy. It helped when you didn't know much about the topic at first. I like your successful businesses example. They do do a good job with these characteristics. -Aquariusgirl789

    2. We learned the same thing. And with me working in a nursing home and then watching this video I have a clear understanding of exactly what goes on in the administration part of things. Some business should watch this video and get the picture of how things should be done a d exactly what they are. love789

    3. I agree, the video definitely catches your attention right away with asking questions and getting the viewer to get involved and think. I also agree that some businesses do not follow these important "rules" and it does affect the successfulness of their business.

  17. I can only respond to what I know. Me personally I agree with this video but if I was to own my own one day, I would consider doing things differently. My Motto is work hard and get the job done. If I became a boss of course I would have Formal selection because everyone needs to meet a certain criteria for certain positions. Plus be acknowledge of all the hard work put forth to meet the qualifications and merits. So with that being said your going to appreciate your position daily and conduct business as if its your first week at work. Once we get a job and learn it we lose value and take it for granted. If you came to my company and had no credentials and could work it smarter and harder than the people who been there for years with complaints That have been looked over because of your qualifications and merits. I would consider getting credentials for the individual and let workers know its not about how long you been here its about pleasing people and making my company grow! Soon as you get comfortable as if your doing someone a favor you will be replaced. example: Don't fix my food how you feel fix it the way you were taught when you were hired or just because your ranked doesn't mean you be a poot butt!

    1. I agree with you at the end about how soon as you get comfortable as if their doing someone a favor, theyll be replaced. People take their jobs for granted and act like they just big stuff once they get a higher title.

  18. Imma do me789 time put in 1:06 am I forgot to put my name!

  19. I agree with Pa789 to a certain extent. Only the hard workers should move up. People need to know they can and will be replaced. We get so comfortable in position how we act, the way we treat others isn't a factor anymore. Getting through the day complaining about this and that is more relevant now days. Putting on that phony care act. People actions and fakeness speaks for itself. DO YOUR JOB AND DO IT WELL! YOU NEVER KNOW WHO I WATCHING YOU! Imma do me789

  20. I like the way this video starts out by asking questions to make me think. im not big on audio videos but this one caught my eye as I had to think about it. I did not know anything about bureaucracy before I watched this video, I learned that it is a sort of administration that controls/regulates the business. All the 6 characteristics were clear and straight forward, and I agree with them.

  21. I learned a lot from this video. I didn't know much about bureaucracy before and I'd have to agree with many of the other posts that the video was a bit catching even though it was only an audio lecture. I also did like the questions about pumpkin and sports and what you think of when he says them. It was a catching introduction to the video. As for the rest, he did a good job laying all the concepts of bureaucracy. It definetly made it easier to understand. -Aquariusgirl789

  22. Most companies only used it for their gain and not care about much else I like how he broke it up and explained everything. My job has a list of who is in charge. The don , the ad on, nurse, lpn, and cna it . and not all companies act out what they say in orientation. Working for home health care was nothing how they said in orientation. I walked in blind, my bosses only cared about them selves. They didn't really care. But this video has been helpful and helped me see and make sense of things. I never really knew the actually definition of but I'm glad this video broke it down and gave specific examples of things. love789

    1. Some jobs are like that but in those titles does give each person a different task. Therefore there is a chain of command and your bosses may just be doing their jobs. As a CNA the next chain of command would be the LPN or RN on duty so necessarily the DON and the ADON are not going to be there with you on every aspect of the job. -openminded

  23. The division of labor is really effective to me because it keeps everything organized. Also the hierarchy is very important too because there should be someone to go to if a problem occurs. I agree that the chain of command should be determined by skills, education, experience etc. I would not want someone who has no experience or education in the field which i am working. This video did persuade me to see that bureaucracy is not all bad to do the six things he mentioned in the video. what stood out most was the sixth one which was being impersonal. When selecting someone for a position you have to choose the person who best fits the criteria as apposed to a friend who does not. -openminded012

  24. This video did help me better understand bureaucracy. I like how in the beginning of the video the man asked question like "What do you think of when you hear the word pumpkin or sports?" Most of the common answers you hear are Halloween, pumpkin pie, a specific sport like baseball or even a favorite team. I also agree with the well stated characteristics, even though the entire video was auditory and hard to stay focused at times it did help.

  25. This video was ok it was not very interesting but it did help me understand bureaucracy and recap the lecture on Monday. The video explains Max Weber's theory on bureaucracy and breaks it down into 6 categories. The categories made me think about when I was working in a call center where I began as a sales rep then got promoted to the next level of sales rep from there I was able to apply and get hired based on my skills for even better and higher positions within the company. I also had a lot of seniority because I had been there for so long. However all rules within the company applied to me and everyone else no matter the position held within the company. Working at the job no one was safe I had even watched the director the person with the highest position in the company be walked out the same door they were hired in. -toybox789

    1. I agree with you toybox789 this video wasn't as interesting as the others. It also did help me understand bureaucracy too. I just didn't like how it started off good then became boring. -Aries012

  26. This video helped me understand what sociologists mean when they talk about bureaucracies. It was interesting to learn that while bureaucracies in the common mind generally refer to incredibly inefficient systems, bureaucracies when talked about in the context of sociology are based completely off of efficiency. This is far different than what most people think of when they hear about bureaucracies. I thought he did a great job outlining the main factors that Weber considered to be vital to a functioning bureaucracy. The idea of specialization and the division of labor is also much of what our society and economy are built off of today. While lack of personalization seems to be a flaw with bureaucracies, the video also pointed out that this ensures that specialized jobs are more likely to go to those who are the most skilled to perform the job rather than those who have a political connection. This was a really well done video. Toblerone 012

    1. I agree the bureaucratic organization is a very rigid type of organization. It does not give importance to human relations. Weber was defining a formal rationality that was not necessary for efficiency. He realized that leaders of bureaucratic forms could concentrate their power to control the low-level worker.

    2. I agree that the video did a good job of highlighting the bad ways that bureaucracy can be implemented, like favors and political connections. unfortunately, it is a fact of life in many companies that it works exactly that way. A person can go farther, in many cases, by who they know, then by knowing how to do their job. That is something that many companies rarely take time or effort to prevent from happening, which often causes the company in question to run more and more inefficiently over time.


    3. I agree with you because I have had the experience of getting my first job because I knew someone who could get me on. However each job since then I have went the traditional way to get it. Others might get denied for jobs and some people will get denied because they are unqualified. People will get jobs because they know people and some will get the job because they are qualified. The workforce is an open opinion for anyone and so is bureaucracy. Some will think its beneficial and others wont.

  27. This video was not as interesting as some of the others. I like when the video gives examples of real life situations. Also this helps me understand because I can connect with my own experiences. I was able to learn some new things in this video though. Breaking the 6 categories down was very informational. Another thing I liked was the way that the video started. Starting with asking questions that people can relate to was a great way to catch attention. Beneke789.

    1. Omg I so agree with you. The beginning was good, but I understand that bureaucracies have so many categories. And bureaucracy is on a management level. He did break everything down very well. Wish the video was a tab bit longer, than I would have a better understanding. myapic789

    2. i agree with you was not as interesting as the others more examples of real life would have been easy way of understanding it. being able to realate a bureaucracy to our own lifes would have been helpful

    3. i agree.... leo012

  28. Weber's bureaucratic management is a formal system that specifies the role of each employee within an organization. The video explains that bureaucratic management is aimed at improving effectiveness and efficiency in an organization. It was good to get a break down on what the six characteristics of bureaucracy and how these can be used to improve employee work. The first is a high degree of division of labor and specialization, the second is a well defined hierarchy of authority, the third follows the principle of rationality, objectively and consistency, the fourth are formal and impersonal relations among the member of the organization, the fifth being interpersonal relations that are based on positions and not on personalities, and the last well defined rules and regulations. Bureaucratic model may be suitable for government organizations, but it is not suitable for business organisations because they believe in quick decision making and flexibility in procedures.

  29. It's interesting because at the beginning of this video when he mentioned a few words like "pumpkin" and "sports,' very specific images came to my mind for each of those words. However, the instant he said "bureaucracy," no clear or specific image came to my mind. Bureaucracies consist of the division of labor, which basically means that different people will contribute what they can to society based on their skill set and interests. The second part of a bureaucracy is a managerial hierarchy, meaning that each member of a corporation has specific positions in the organization and some positions may have more authority than others. And the third part of a bureaucracy is formal selection, This means that employees should be selected based on technical qualifications. The fourth part of a bureaucracy is career orientation, meaning employees should be career professionals. I did not know that all of these things were part of a bureaucracy so that was interesting to learn about that from the video. -purple789

  30. I can honestly say that this was a video that dislike. In the beginning was very interesting, how he used certain word and asked what comes to mind when you hear this. When he mention bureaucracy I immediately got lost. And try to understand where he was taking me. But I survived and learned a little, about how people tend to be selected on certain jobs based on there technical experience. Which is very true, we would pick someone with more experience than someone without any. myapic789

  31. This video was very boring and I didn't really care for it. in the beginning it started off good like it was going to be interesting. I like how he broke down the 6 categories it was very helpful for me. I understand bureaucracy now. This video was as interesting as the others ones I do think it could of been better. -Aries012m

  32. Before watching this video I did not have a clear understanding of how a bureaucracy worked. I know that's sad! However, after watching this video and it being broke down for me I can now say that I have gained a much better understanding of how and why we use the system. I like how it was broken down into six different categories and explained in detail. I realized that a bureaucracy system is used all the time and that we might not even realize that we are part of one or using it ourselves. We use it to get jobs and move up in our jobs we use it in our home lives and in schools it is used in so many different ways. I had no idea all the details that went into it but now I really understand why we use this system. It might not always be the best but it’s something we can always fall back on. ~Tempusfugit012

    1. i agree with you after watching this video i did have a more understanding on what it meant and what we were suspposed to be looking for when we look at the bureaucracy system when they showed us the six characterization it also made me understand we do use it all the time when are looking for a job or schools or anything in that sort of matter it helps.

  33. I think that this video is just boring, period. It didnt catch my interest at all. I did learn more about the bureaucracy system though and how it works. I think the fact that he broke it down into categories made it more understandable. It wasnt the best video, so I dont really have much more to say.

  34. this video talked about the six characterization of bureaucracy before this video i had no idea what that would even meant i have only heard it a few times in my life. after watching this video it gave me a better understanding on what bureaucracy meant to me. the six steps really broke it down for me because i didn't know how to use them until that i saw we use it in everyday day lives like on our jobs and school.we can almost use for anything to organized and get everything settled.

  35. I 100% agree with Max Weber's on this one, especially on his six Characteristic of Bureaucracy. Every place that people work there needs to be some one in charge no matter what. The chain of command or the Division of Labor reminds me of my time when is was on active duty in the Army. If you had a bunch of privates in charge of a unit for one day or more not one thing would get done because everyone would just sit at home and play call of duty. As in the military you always have a commanding officer and from there it goes step down to a few other people to delegate jobs and task for the soldiers. If you don't have anyone in charge of your business nothing will be achieve, and since the head boss cant be there at all times, that's why you have managers and assistant managers to watch over the work place.

  36. Max Weber"s chain of command systems seem to be very effective in my opinion. The sixth one especially, because there should always have someone more experienced looking over the less experienced workers incase they do something wrong. Its like being a manager and making sure all the jobs are done right and as effectively as possible. But also that manager should have started at the bottom like the rest of the workers so he or she know how to do the jobs and how it feels to work it.

  37. This video was ok, it was a lot to take in. But the main thing that stuck out to me was how the ideal bureaucracy should select employees based upon technical qualifications or the most skilled workers. CHIATIA012

  38. Bureaucracy is a system put in place to provide rules and structures for the way of running as organization. Weber's rules of bureaucracy put a nice set of rules about how it should be done from management to employees to rules. It is quite funny to realize how badly many organizations have implemented and continue to be poorly managed causing many companies to run very inefficiently. If it was implemented correctly, then not only would companies run much more efficiently, but I believe that both the management and employees of the companies would feel much more secure and satisfied in their roles within the companies. This was a good video that showed the ideal situation and implementation that should be used in a company.


  39. I believe the problem is not with burrecracy is not the system itself, but the people who implement. If implemented by the books without cutting corners they would be much more efficient. It makes sense to have skilled workers at all level and reward them based on that skill. I believe even now businesses are much more efficient than they were years ago, but they still have room for improvement.

    1. I agree. The plan for bureaucracy is a good one. People just don't follow the rules as they've been laid out. Always looking for a shortcut which causes dysfunction. There is always room for improvement with time things will improve. Businesses do still run efficiently even when taking shortcuts just not as efficient as they possibly could.

  40. The opening question was good. I dont think of it as efficiency. Bureaucracy has the 6 diffrent basis of knowledge 1 divison of labor 2 manageral hisrarchy 3 formal selection 4 career orientation 5 formal rules 6 impersonality . Jobs today dont really go by those way anymore. they are all about the all high mighty dollar and the fastest way to make it and the easiest. businesses are way less efficient than the way they use to be years ago. everything has room for growth. leo012

  41. I agree with Weber's view of an ideal Bureaucracy. His 6 different basis are essential to running a successful business, yet these basis are rarely followed through completely. Since we are human and not robots the impersonality aspect can be followed to a certain point. We know that we have to do what's best for the business but we also know that sometimes can become personal in the workplace. Also the show no favoritism part is overlooked a lot in the workplace. Some people work hard and some don't but advancing in the workplace isn't always about your work ethic sometimes it's solely based on who you know.

  42. I agree with the 6 characteristics Weber created through his theory. If bureaucracy is executed right I believe it can be beneficial to be enforced on workers in an organization. I learned about it in a former class and impersonality and no set rules or guidelines for a workplace can be harmful to the organization. If there is no communication employees wont reach given goals as quickly and there needs to be a manager there who gives orders/completes tasks. Benefits also are a good ideal to have in mind when people work and dedicate themselves to a company. Fairness also does need to be balanced out where it isnt currently, one person cant get a better treatment than the next employee.


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