Sociology, Goffman, and Dramaturgy.......Is Life a Stage?


  1. Goffman speaks highly of humans and our ability to develop society. He brings up the point that we like to control and be in control of situations. We like to look good when going out in public o put out a stronger more dominant vibe. I liker the point that is brought up about how we act differently when we are by ourselves versus in a group setting. I think this is really true because you see it in daily life,. Where you walk into a room or just up on someone and they make a quick action to stop what they were doing and therefore revealing they have something to hide. Dr. Marshall brings up the front and back stage. I really liked this example because it very accurately displays most people in society. She mentions when we are out front in front of society in a group setting we act and kind of fake who we are and how we act out. Except after the 'show' we slide backstage where nobody can see us./ We are now comfortable to do what we want and what feels nature to us. Stuff we would not do in front of other people. All of our impression management practice takes place in the back stage so we can become ready to perform. I think this is spot on how people act in public. Like I previously mentioned about doing what we want behind closed doors until someone sees us and we flinch out of what we were doing. -Spacepotatoes012

    1. I think Goffman does think highly of humans, but we are the dominating species on Earth. I agree with his point that humans like to control the situations by looking good or acting "normal" around people. I can personally think about so many things I do when i'm by myself and not around other people. It would look stupid or be unethical around other people.

    2. I really like when Goffman says world is a stage. i think what is interesting is he is not the only one that says the world is a stage and Shakespeare was another person said that. And i totally agree with both of you that we act our best when in public but would not act like what we do when we are home. When we are home we do whatever and don't care. But we do always try to see how people act when we are around them. Bubble789

    3. I agree with you in that people act differently or “put on a show” when they are around other people and people do it because they want to be perceived well by other people. I just don’t like the idea of it; it makes me think that everyone in the world is just fake. Ajw789

    4. I like the positive spin on this. A lot of people would look at this and think of it as a negative thing that we act differently around other people. But it doesn't have to be negative. I believe it is a good thing that we can control how other people perceive us to an extent. We can present or express ourselves by the way we act, look, or dress. -purple789

  2. I think that the statement about how as humans we try and Patray confidence and that we put on a show for other people because we care about what everyone thinks, and personally I do feel myself getting tense around some people especially when they have the power to give me some kind of consequence. I think that everything that she said on how everyone tries and put our best face out there for other people which is obvious because if we don't live up to social standards there are consequences like not having friends or a job even or a mate. So, I think that is why being with another person and letting them into that personal space where you show your true self doesn't work out because they actually get to know who you are when they see your back stage....

    1. I don't think that is always true though, because what if you do let someone into your personal space or "backstage" and they really like the real you? Then maybe they'll want to be really good friends with you or become romantically involved. It all depends on how they perceive your backstage. Maybe you've got a nice backstage and they just want a backstage pass. hahaha shoestopher789

    2. I like how for that Goffmans approach you brought up that you yourself feels like there is pressure on you to role play the best you can be and that you feel pressure around important people because I do to. I also like how you brought up that without acting in this front stage people would feel that we are not that good of a human and it could practically change what our future looks like. Conservation789

  3. I thought an interesting part about this video was how she talked about the way we put on a show for people when we are out in public. I feel like this is definitely true. I think most people do this in order to impress other people. I also feel like sometimes people do it as they would feel embarrassed if they showed their true selves out in public. I feel like some people are the same way when by themselves that they are when they present themselves in society. Like they go home and still act the same way that they would if they were around other people. It's hard to think of these people in any other way than how they present themselves to society. Like when you watch a talk show, the way the host acts usually seems so genuine that you would not be able to picture them any other way, even if they were by themselves. Though, I guess it could be some sort of act in order to get people to like their show and watch it more. shoestopher789

    1. I think this is very true. Some people have their 'show' persona on when they leave the walls of their house. Others are almost in a perpetual state of acting limbo. Always conforming to no build negative attention on them. Its really sad how the society we harvest molded itself this way based on our actions. Like you said some people act unreal when they are alone which is weird because that's when most people feel their most comfortable to be a freak ha-ha. Liked what you said.-Spacepotatoes012

  4. I think Goffman was a really innovative thinker. He brought something that we do everyday into a theory or an idea. He says how we as humans are pretty much active thinkers. We behave according to knowledge that we have gained in the past. We don't wait around for things to happen to us, we go out and look for things to be active in. I agree with him when he says that humans provise their own conduct. I also agree that humans are very devious. We try to change how people look at us or think about us. We always make sure we look good before we go to work or school. We try to put on our best so that people don't think silly of us. We behave differently when we are by ourselves. I'm sure people don't pick their noses when they are around people. I don't think all people sing when they are around other people, but they may do both these things when they aren't around people because we aren't trying to create a way someone looks at us.

  5. I thought this video was pretty interesting. I agree that when people are alone they are completely different then how you see them in a social presence. I do think that most people if not everyone put on a front when they are "Front Stage", because we do want people to like us. Also she mentioned how we don't normally go out in public looking like a mess. Going to work or school we get dressed in a presentable outfit, put make up on and go because we are worried about what others think of us.

    1. Yes,( laylay 789) we all in some time or another put our self on front stage to gain expectences from others. I like to think people would not go out side looking a hot mess but, somethings i think people just quite careing too. Me yes I never wanna leave the house in my pj,s or hair cray. its all on how you think I guess. Blesses789

    2. I completely agree with you. Appearance is so emphasized in the media and our society as a whole. Especially recently, people are judged so crucially and harshly about what they wear and what they look like even in the workplace. I think many of us find ourself constantly thinking about how were going to appear to others when we get ready in the morning. Undergrad789

    3. I completely agree with you laylay. We do put out a front when we go out in public and some do even at home. Most people try to look their best when going out in public, but there are very few who just don't care. Many girls can never been seen without make up on, even if they are at home with close friends and family. I think people need to be more comfortable with who they are and how they look. BigGrizmatik789.

  6. I enjoyed this video. It was very interesting. I liked how she said we try to put on a show for people in public. I definitely agree and admit to acting different in public than when I’m at home. I feel like a lot of people actually put a show on in public so they feel like they are accepted by society. She also mentioned how people don’t go out in public looking like a mess. I agree with that statement fully because I will get dressed up and put makeup on just to go to school because I don’t want people to think differently of me when I’m not all dressed up. This was a very interesting video and I agree with what she talks about.

    1. This was definitely a very interesting video. I also really liked the analogy to the theatre and thought it had some really good points. The way that people tend to act depending on who they are around seems like a very interesting part of sociology. I really enjoyed this video. Toblerone012

  7. My thoughts on what Erving Goffman, he is very knowledgeable on people and how they act in different settings. I do agree with the viedo about everyone of us is on stage. As for me Iam a waitress and, I think after watching this brought me some in sight that Iam on front stage all day long as to how people see me. As a waitress you want people to see you as kind, helpful, clean and, effictent. That is how you would hope others would see you as. On the back stage you may see your customers out side of your job and look totally different and, act different as well. I think everyone always puts their best foot forward in every occacion. This clip just made you more open to see things threw a innvative thinker. Blessed 789

    1. I agree with you Blessed789.. the comment you made about everyone of us is on a stage. I also liked how you related Goffmans studies to your job; it does make sense that you would want your customers to see you as kind, helpful, clean and efficient because in the end that helps you out. That puts money in your wallet. And your exactly right when you say that's how you would hope people to see you because that's how I feel when I'm at work. -Pink789

    2. blessed789 I agree with you people do act differently in different settings. Being a customer of a waitress I would definitely want someone who is kind helpful clean and efficient. Goffman's illustration of front and back stage goes very with your job. When you are back stage which would probably be the break room you probably talk differently to your co workers than you do your customers. I thought the video was helpful and can be compared to several different scenarios -toybox789

  8. I like the question on the title of this video; it really gets your mind to thinking.. "Is life a stage?" I do believe life is stage. When we enter a atmosphere that we aren't use too sometimes we try to fit in and present ourselves as something we aren't.. just to be like everyone else. Goffan's approach focused on people and their actions, to me, it makes me look at people differently. We want people to see us at our best and making impressions, rather than the opposite. I also liked the comment she made about how "put on show" it shows a great relationship to the question she asked because it's very true.. its something we all do. It's all about how we present our self.... just like the many people who get all dressed up to go to places like the gas station or the grocery, the idea of self image makes us wanna appear our best. -Pink789

    1. I agree with you. The question in the title I was trying to think what it meant. This video describes humans very well. I also like how we do care what others think and get ready for a simple errand we have to run. Kakers789

    2. I agree with pink 789 .. the life is like a stage is soo true in people. more in some than others. i do believe people put more of a show on when they know people are around or say like an interview . we humands... people in general put on a show of some kind every day on how we want the world to see us on how we show our outside self . even primates (animals) do it...leo012

  9. I like how Erving Goffman with his Dramaturgical Approach he says that humans are knowledgeable and not stupid. I am also interested in how Goffman knows how people act, like how we want people to see us. I also like Goffman’s Dramaturgy or the theatrical representation of life. About how Goffman says how in our front stage we out on a show or act in a way, impressible, or how we want other people to see us and put our best character out there to be accepted and make people like us. Then when we go are behind the stage or the back stage is when we no longer have to be in that social environment. Then we can act how we want to act and do what we want to do, and practice for being in the front stage. I like this Dramaturgical approach that every using because it is a very easy to understand approach. Conservation789

    1. Yes. He shows that everything we do is us. We don't do things not out of our spite when it comes down to it. And I also liked how he said it's a stage. Goffman's is right we want to feel accepted. I like this presentation.


  10. Goffmans theory about how life is a stage is definitely straight and to the point. The fact that we all change our ways of acting in front of people helps to clarify that we are not an island onto our self. I have heard so many times people say that someone else is "two-faced" or acts differently around different groups of people. Knowing this theory though, means that we all have different "faces" around different people or in different scenarios. When I evaluate this theory through things that I have seen, I realize that some people care more than others about what is thought of them. Goffman definitely puts this theory into simple terms that anyone who simply looks around the social world could prove or see. Undergrad789

    1. I agree with you so much. In my post, I kind of have the same idea as you. I put that people say others are fake, whereas wouldn't mostly everyone be fake then? Goffman's theory was head on. It makes so much sense, because it's very true. -Aquariusgirl789

  11. I completely agree with the durmatogical theory. We do control our destiny and everything we do. But things around us do have an influence. We want to feel accepted not alone.


  12. I agree that goffman has very good way of describing humans. i also believe that we as humans care what other people think about us which makes us want to make people think a certain way about us. especially when going into a professional setting such as an interview, you want your interviewers to perceive in a way that would get you the job. even if you are not the way they want to perceive you, you still try to play the role of the perfect employee. that also makes life seem like a stage. also another big thing today is social networks. a lot of people pretend that they are something they are not because they want someone to think they are perfect on their own little stage. -openminded012

  13. I agree with Goffman and describing humans. He means it easier to understand what dramaturgy is. When I think of dramaturgy, I will think about person performing on a stage. I liked this video because it give me alot of information on dramaturgy and what it means. Before seeing the video and talking about it in class, I didn't know anything about dramarturgy and then the teacher and Marshall put it in terms that I could understand what it meant. rosebud012

  14. i agree and learned alot from the video. The way he explained the word dramaturgy help me get a better understanding of what it means. the examples he used to describe humans i really could relate to alot of the different things he said because alot of times thats how i am when i go out in public etc.Sometimes humans dont do it intentionally but thats just how we are we always are worried about what others think. godschild789

  15. Goffman has a very unique way of describing human behavior. The way that he used different scenerios to explain the word dramaturgy gave me quite a clear understanding of it's meaning and use. When we consider his theories and apply them to everyday life and situations we can clearly see how humans are somewhat onstage as the events of their lives play out whether we like it or not our behavior is scrutinized on a daily basis so, to be conscious of that fact is good but to worry about what others think is not so much. bigstep789

  16. I thought this video was full of information. I agree with Goffman that "the world is like a stage." He has a very interesting view of people, but I completely agree. Even if they don't say so, everyone does act different in social settings than they do when they are alone. There are those "people of walmart" that go to the store in pajamas and ridiculous outfits right out of bed, but most people try to look more appealing when they go out in public than they would waking up in the morning. We try to put our best character out for other people so they will like us. I do agree that we manipulate people to try to get them to like us. I think that we should be ourselves more often and not wear a front and pretend to be someone we really aren't. We need to be more comfortable in our own shoes and be real. BigGrizmatik789.

    1. I agree with you completely. For the most part society tries to behave in a way that is appealing to everyone else. I don't know that we manipulate people so much as deceive them by not showing all of our colors. Sometimes we might completely make up something false but it believe that for the most part there is always some truth to the person that we put on for others to see. I also agree that with the rise of social media and the ability to easily edit photos, that the ability to change our "characters" has also increased. I did not think about that until I read your post and I think it is very true. vhammer789

  17. One more thing. With social media these days, people try to make themselves look as attractive as possible with all the different filters and junk. Some people almost look like a completely different person from what you see in their pictures on facebook, instagram, etc. The world is definitely a stage. BigGrizmatik789.

  18. This was excellent! Once you learn the names of these socialist its right back to being street smart to me personally. All your life your told how you should conduct yourself in public. I say it to my boys. You better not act like that outside this house, I'm not playing and they reply with momma you know good well I wouldn't if I was in public. I do it all the time. To me its called being professional and when I get home I do me. It still has to be boundaries and norms its just a way of life. Example: You never would believe your kindergarten teacher would smoke a cigarette or have a drink. Its just a level of respect us as rode models tend to share. Your not meant to know everything about a person. Even though many of us wish we could. Imma do me789

    1. First I would like to say that I used some of your reply in my reply not a lot just the street smarts part.:) but I completely agree with you, but I feel that we should be able to do us, no matter where we are. Have fun and be heard is what I live by. People may look and stare but hey I know Im doing something right people obviously care enough to look. you feel me? Overall great interpretation!

  19. I agree with shoestopher789 but not like that! You will never be happy in this world if you don't be the real you especially in any relationship!. Nobody likes a phony! Its a difference from me sharing all of me with you, or what I prefer for you to know. That's why the backstage is yours! Imma do me789

    1. I agree with Imma do me. No one likes fake people unless they are fake themselves. Being around them just makes everyone seem down. Happiness comes from realness. This world isn't easy to live in but it's reality so why be fake instead of just facing reality. Beneke789.

  20. Imma do me789 couldn't of said it any better to me. All these socialist are just bigger people with a big name, otherwise it's nothing but street smarts. No matter where you are there is always some sort of way that you should conduct yourself or act. I don't care where I am im going to be me and act and do the crazy things I do. So what if I get embarrassed or people stare imma do me, just as they would do them in there own house or around "their" people. Now smoking or drinking in public is a different story, like if your a teacher or suppose to be a role model for younger people then obviously don't do it in front of them, but I mean if its as simple and laughing and having a great time, then I say go for it!

  21. This video was very informing and so right. Goffman did a great job explaining this. You are such a different person when you are by yourself. People do put on a stage when they are out or at least with another person. It's so crazy. Even pictures on the internet, statuses, etc, many are not really you. It makes me think of people calling other people "fake" because they act different with others, but in reality isn't every person fake in a way? I wish people were more their self out in public than they are. I've tried to be as I've started to grow up. I understand some things aren't necessary for public, but personalities sometimes shouldn't change so much. I feel like I’d rather have someone like me for me rather than someone I’m not. -Aquariusgirl789

  22. I thought this video was okay. I just don’t really like the idea of looking at life as stage when you are around other people. The way I understood it is that when you are around other people you act a certain way to get people to like you and that doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t want to live in a world full of fake people. When you are out in public of just with other people you should just be you, don’t put on a show for other people so they will like you. Although different social environments call for different behaviors: for instance you may act differently in a bar than at a country club but that doesn’t mean you have to put on a show. You can still be yourself you just act with a higher level of etiquette. Ajw789

    1. Ajw789 I agree with you not wanting to live with fake people but there's no way around it. People judge , assume, and lie and there's no way around that. It's like when you get a phone call and it's the doctor or someone important your tone of voice changes. Isn't that fake? I mean..gossip alone can relate to that, why do people need to tell others business? Fake people do fake things. Usmc789

    2. I agree with you so much. Just thinking about it makes me look at myself like do I act different? But to know and understand that I have a different outlook on people acting different in public. And I agree that people can still be their selves even though their environment is different. -love789

  23. The video was informational, but I am not sure if I completely agree with it. I don't think I'm much different when I'm by myself than when I'm with the people that I'm close with. For some people this could be true, but I think it varies per person. I could see the front stage as being correct. People act a certain way to get people to like them or to not like them. Of course there are those people that we see in public and we wonder why they are acting they way they are. Some people just don't use common sense when they are out in public. They should know what to do and what not to do just based on how society reacts to them. Beneke789.

  24. Interesting information for the most part. I think a lot of what is discussed is common sense and is clear as day to most. It's not just norms it's everything thats associated with human life. Everyone puts on a front at some point and time in their life. Especially when it comes to things like dating, wait about 6 months and see if that person acts exactly the same way as they did when you met. Chances are they will not be.. it takes time to get to know someone fully because of different behaviors. The theatrical part of it gets even deeper and makes you think outside of the box a little.usmc789

  25. I don't all the way agree. Me personally I act the same pretty much every where go. First I'm quiet then I begin to get comfortable. a lot of people when in a environment put on a front or act. They like to live in a false reality for a little while. I don't really get mad when I see people acting out of their element . it what makes them feel accomplished or worth something. Its a smart way to do something and a wrong way. Most people don't use common sense when they are in new element. Its fun to learn about the social groups because you can classify which group people are in. It gives you a whole different outlook on the world and what really is normal. love789

  26. I thought this video was very informative and very well explained. I see Dramaturgy happening all the time with myself and everyone around me. I definitely get dressed every morning and thus I dress my child to be a reflection of myself as well. I do not go to school or work in pajamas or without my hair combed nor do I send my child to school in pajamas. Although I would love to be in pajamas all day behind closed doors which would be the back stage. I think Dramaturgy can start early in life maybe in middle school where children are starting to be closer to their peers. The front stage and back stage illustration was dead on form me. I think Goffman's theory will be a theory that I will know and be able to point out even after this class is over. -toybox789

    1. Hi toybox789, I totally agree with you on the fact that I would not think about leaving my house without my hair done and cloths on unless its to run to my mail box something. I do not have kids but I know that I wouldn't let them leave the house without making sure they were taken care of and dressed properly either. I also agree that dramaturgy starts at a young age and that children look at their peers and their parents for guidance. ~Tempusfugit012

  27. This video was informative. I mostly agree with it. I do believe that we put on a show for others when we first enter a new social group. We try to behave and form our behavior to what will be accepted. As we go through this process however I believe that we eventually get back to who we really are instead of the person that we have shown. This is not always a dramatic change but I believe it happens. I believe that the reason it becomes easy is because we try to find people that we are like. An example would be if you started a new job somewhere. You are going hold back until you find the people that you have something in common with or think you would want to be friends with. Then you behave in a certain way so that they will accept you. After you have been accepted you start to get comfortable and start doing or saying things that you might not have in the beginning. I think that this is what Goffman was trying to explain. vhammer789

    1. I agree with you vhammer789. There were a time I tried to impress a new group of friends so they would think I was cool. I also agree with you on we start to act like our normal selves. I think when it come to a job you have no choice but to portray something your not. You have to look and act professional to get and keep the job. I also believe we do eventually start being ourselves. -Aries012

  28. I always find it fascinating when people talk about the dramaturgical approach and how the entire world is a stage. We like to think that we are completely ourselves around other people, but we are different people. We behave differently according to what we want and don't want people to see. Even the way we dress is a great example. As she said, most people would not go out for the day or go to work wearing their pajamas and slippers. We all, whether we realize it or not, to a certain extent dress to impress people. we wear things that may not be the most comfortable simply because we do care about the kinds of impressions we make on people. If you wear pajamas and an old tshirt everyday then you might have some trouble with getting a job or even meeting people. All people are at least a little judgmental whether they want to believe they are or not. That's just how the world works. -purple789

    1. I agree with you. Sometimes we say we don't care what people really thinks. But naturally we do, before you leave the house you make sure you brush your teeth. By brushing your teeth before you go out should let you know, you don't any one saying you have bad breath. Dress is important, like I mention before you never know who you might come across. You dress to impress because there might be an opportunity given when you step out in public. myapic789

  29. In a dramaturgical approach, social interaction is analyzed in terms of how people live their lives like actors performing on a stage. This analysis offers a look at the concepts of status and role. A status is like a part in a play, and a role serves as a script, supplying dialogue and action for the characters. As on the stage, people in their everyday lives manage settings, clothing, words, and actions to give an impression to others. Goffman described each individual’s “performance” as the presentation of self, a person’s efforts to create specific impressions in the minds of others.

  30. This was an interesting and insightful way to view social interactions. The idea of a theatre with a front stage and a back stage seems like a fairly common way that most people live their lives. I think it seems very interesting how far we can take this analogy. Some people might spend more time in the front stage while other people might spend more time in the back stage. Some people might have a handful of friends who see them when they are out of character while many others might have no friends who see them out of character. This idea of people putting on a show for society seems like a fairly accurate way to view social interactions. While I do find this view a fascinating way to view people, I also think it has a tremendous potential to give people a somewhat depressing outlook on life. It would definitely be good not to go too far with this analogy. Toblerone 012

  31. I really agree with Goffman, about his explanations of why we tend to be devious. Before we go out in public we make sure that we are dressed properly, and our hygiene is right. We also act differently when we our in public, than we would if we were alone. We tend to put on a better performance for others. Well put! I think we do this because sometime you do not know who you might meet, or come across someone who can really get you some where base off your performance. I like how Goffman states that our life is like a stage, but we also go back stage where we our alone. In the back stage we practice alone, how well we should present our self to someone. This can be simply as going on a date, before we go we try on different outfits, look in the mirror, talk to our self about what should I say or not say on the date. No one really know who you are, but you. The only people that might know you well are those who been in your life, for many many years. Great video. myapic789

    1. I agree with what you said about dating. I believe we put on our best costume to impress the other person. I think it is a good and bad thing. A person might judge their date if they are not dressed up nice, when in reality they spend all their time outside of dating dressed casually. It is also a good thing in that it makes us strive to be the best we can and accomplish great things.

  32. I think this video was very accurate about how humans act in the front stage and back stage. I know when I leave the house I make sure I wash my body, brush my teeth, and dress nice. If I'm at home I don't care what I got on. I don't try to portray something that I'm am not in the public eye but I do like to keep myself looking nice. We all say we don't care what people think but deep down inside we do.

    1. I agree with you. I absolutely can not leave the house without my teeth brushed, clean body and being nicely dressed. I dont care what I look like in the house, but outside the house is a different story. I have a name to live up to!

    2. I feel exactly the same I make sure that I am presentable to some extent and have good hygiene before I go anywhere I know Ill be around other people. Also when Im at home presentation on how one looks is different and everyone seems to care less when surrounded by family or close friends.

  33. I really enjoyed this video! I think it is so neat to lean why people act the way they do because of a certain situation. Goffmans explanation and his study of humans was really neat to learn about. His explanation of how we act in the front stage vs. the back stage was really easy for me to understand. I love how he used the different stages to explain how and why we act the way we do. I find it really interesting that most people won’t leave their homes unless they look nice and are clean. But they will stay at home and wear their pj's all day and not care what they look like. I know that I myself act this way! I won’t leave the house if I haven't gotten ready for the day or showered I will however stay at home and wear comfortable cloths and not care what anyone thinks about me. I like how Goffman said that we use our time that we spend alone in the back stage to practice what to do in the front stage. I never looked at it this way I do agree that we do this and it helps shape the people we become. I also loved that he said that no one will really know who you are completely because we tend to always have something that we do alone in our back stage time! Great video!

    1. i agree with you because this video really does explain how we as people do things i as well don't leave the house unless i am fully ready to go and showed brush my teeth and hair and get dressed and then i will leave the house. if i don't have anything planned for that day i am not doing anything i am staying in my pajamas and watching Netflix all day being a bum:)

  34. I think that the way he describes how we act in the front stage versus the back stage and the fact that most people wont leave their house unless they look presentable. I cant even lie, thats exactly how I am. But to know that there are people who study the fact that people actually do this. He said that what we do in the front stage is practice from what we do on our own time in the back stage.

  35. this video talked about front and back stages of life. it was talking about appearances it was saying how we as people that has effect other people on how we dress. it was saying we all just don't walk out with our pajamas on and with out brushing our teeth or brushing our hair because we care about our appearances.which i think its true some what but some people could really careless on the way they look. i see people and talk to people all the time that has the worst smell to them in life like it looks like they have bathed in months oh its so bad. but then yo have people that slightly don't care like they will go out with pajamas on but they will still do the little things like bathe and brush their teeth and put on some deodorant. then you have people that shower and look nice everyday and don't bum it which is a good thing because you don't want to be known as the bum.

  36. I diffidently like how Goffman can see the positive side of all human beings, and I do agree with the front stage and back stage example that Dr. Marshall describes for us. Many people act the differently when they are out with there friends then how they act while they are with there family's or by themselves. I think that is contributed to who their friends are, how their friends are, and what their friends do. that person might do whatever theirs friends do just to fit in with that particular group of people. Is that wrong yes. How you act backstage should be seen on your front stage. If you personally don't like doing some of the things that your friends do then dont go along with flow. What people see in public is how they will label you even if that's not who you truly are

  37. Goffman's theory has honestly been the most understandable theory I've heard about so far. It makes so much sense, like I don't know about all human beings but 95% of us do put on an act for the public. we also can train ourselves to do so, for example I know some guys including myself that like to practice in the mirror for what they're going to say to the special girl or girls before a first date or asking them out. Another big factor for acting outside is if you're being interviewed for a job or college, you might end up acting a lot more respectful or mannered then you usually are. But also sometimes we tend to break character in public like if something excites you or something tragic happens to you. Sometimes its hard for us to keep an act up in public all time and we can't always control how we act in tragedy.

    1. I agree that this was a more easily understood theory. I like and agreed with most of what she was explaining about the theory. I believe that there is a limit to how far people will go to put on a show for people in public and try to make them like you. And I can see how the more stressful or painful a situation that a person is in will make it much harder to hide your true self and keep up the show.


  38. I like Goffmans theory because it’s very true, especially with our young teens today, and even most adults. I like how she said that we ARE different in social settings, and that we tend to guide how others see us. In my opinion a perfect example would be the way we dress, or even the way we act. We want others to like us for what we have or look like rather than who we are as a person, its not true for all of us, but with the media and even social networks…that’s just the way it is. CHAITIA012

  39. I like Goffman's theory. I agree that we act differently in public then we do when we are alone. I don't know that I agree that we are all con artists, but it is true to say that we put our best selves forward in public. I also agree that we do this in order to make ourselves look better to other people in order to establish ourselves as fit and proper. We all try to manipulate people to liking us, but I believe that there is a limit to this behavior that every person has when changing our behavior too much goes against our own internal moral values and beliefs. It is very true that our families and closest friends know our true nature the best.


    1. I believe that we all have a little con artist in us. As you said we put our best selves forward in public. Not saying that we're looking to deceive people but we don't always give people the whole truth about us when first meeting them or out in public. We save that for when we're home or completely comfortable with that person. We kinda take our "public mask" off and become are normal selves.

  40. I agree with Goffman that humans do have drive and do not wait around for things to happen. I agree humans are deviant because everyone does want to have a voice and people to agree with their voice and help back their opinions. I also agree humans act differently when we are by ourselves compared to social situations. A man will act much differently around a girl he's been dating for 2 weeks than he would if they had been married for 40 years. People try to impress others, which I believe can be a good thing because it makes people strive to be better.

  41. Goffman had the right idea on how people act diffrent when people are around others. People in todays world they are far more into how they show them selves to others in the world. life is like a stage is so true. i think people act much differently around other for the simple reason to impress of show affection of incouragement. its like how people say you never know someone behind closed doors. Or , you wont know the person you have a relationship with till you live with them! . people put on a persona of someone they are not most of the time and its hard to dissiffer it most of the time unless your really close with them.. Leo012

  42. I agree with the humans acting differently around others. When I'm alone is when I'm most comfortable, no one is there to judge me. Being a teenager, I've witnessed people become a totally different person from when it's just me and them to when we're in a big group. People in general, but particularly, teenagers feel the need to impress other people and have approval and acceptance of others. Not all teens but most. That's just apart of growing up. People will be their normal self in their most comfortable surrounds.

    1. i agree with PYT012. Being a teenager is the best time to see this going on. Most teenagers are trying to find a way to be accepted by everyone. They all want to be popular or at least be liked. Teenagers are most likely to be acting different when they're in front of a group of friends than when they are sitting in their room at home alone. This is just the way society is. Beneke789.

  43. I agree with this theory because of how she explained Goffmans theory. Humans dont normally wait for things to happen, they make things happen. The examples of how we act to try to impress others were very accurate, everyone presents themselves differently to other people and act other ways and let our gaurd down when we are alone.

  44. This theory makes sense. I can definitely see the difference between the stages. People really are this way. Well, at least most people. I think that I am like this. It's true that people try to make other people like them just because that's the norm for our society. Someone would be called weird or worse in this society if they weren't trying in interact with other people. If they just stuck to themselves it would be awkward. The stages are good examples of how life is. Beneke789.


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