Stop and Frisk - Not So Bad on 110st.?


  1. My take on Stop and Frisk is that if you're stopped and frisked and you committed no wrong doing then you shouldn't really have a problem, I personally would be proud of a police department who stopped and frisked responsibly and crime rates somewhat dropped because everyone was stopped and frisked equally. You also have to look at the neighborhood's demographics to apply the numbers mentioned in the video, if you have more officers in communities where minorities are more present then of course you're numbers for minorities stopped and frisked will be a lot higher. Thats like complaining that an officer writes more tickets on the interstate where the speed limit is higher and people are more inclined to speed than on a normal city street. BarneyFife123

    1. You bring up some good points that I agree with. If you are stopped and frisked, and you haven't done anything wrong, there shouldn't be any problem. If departments would carry this procedure out correctly and respectfully, then we should support our department. I also like that you brought up the fact that the numbers we have on stop and frisk as far as racial profiling can be caused by an increased number of police in an area of more minorities. We have to look at all of the facts without jumping to conclusions. vhammer123

    2. I can definitely agree with what your saying about being stopped and frisked if you know you are innocent. Yes it can definitely make you feel like your police officers are doing a good job by keeping the community safe or whatever, but i would be irate if i was stopped every single day maybe even 2 or 3 times a day. That to me would seem a little bit strange. Also you saying there are more police in higher crime area and that area could have more minorities then there would be more individuals being contacted. I totally agree with that just like the more traffic stops where speeding is more prevalent.USA123

    3. I agree that if you are being stopped/frisked and you know you haven't done anything illegal, then there shouldn't be anything to worry about. I definitely wouldn't be offended, only if I was stopped multiple times or constantly being disrespected. BadWolf123

    4. True statement, if their really isnt a bad act then then the police should mind their own buisness and leave it alone. adding to your statement there shouldonly be more police officers around if the neigborhood is chaotic they will have higher chances to follow the stop and frisk regulation.Hoopz123

  2. I agree with a lot of what he said. I think that stop and frisk is an effective measure if done right. You have to try not to have racial profiling which is a big problem for a lot of police. This is because if you are in a neighborhood of mostly a minority group then of course it is going to look like you are only stopping minorities. It is a balancing act as was said and it can be a very slippery slope if you aren't careful about it. I also agree with what the speaker said about the broken window policy too. If we exercise the law and conduct investigations into the minor crimes, this can lead into finding out about significant criminals behind the minor crimes too. Also with this policy there is not as much danger of profiling because you were able to catch someone in the act of a crime. There is not as dangerous of a balancing act with the broken window policy. I can see why people only want the broken window policy because its not as dangerous but I agree with both policies and I think that we should have both of them in effect. vhammer123

    1. I agree I feel like the broken window policy is less dangerous and better. People that's doing the minor crimes is bound to be doing big crimes as well so if you investigate the minor crime and found out who did it then you got you a criminal who probably then did big crimes and you can investigate into that and find out the other crimes they committed. T123

    2. I agree with you on that the stop and frisk is an effective measure if it is preformed correctly. I also do believe that officers preforming it should not be so racist profiling and more like minors or other people. I also agree that we should have more stop and frisk because it helps get the bad guys out of the streets and helps prevent crimes. Conservation123

  3. I agree with him when he said stop and frisk not so bad. I mean it isn't but when your in a neighborhood knowing a lot of crime has been caused there then I feel like you should be able to stop and frisk people. Nothing is wrong with being stopped knowing your innocent but what black and Latinos want to be getting stopped all the time and half the time there innocent just caused there affiliated with a bad neighborhood. I do agree on the window policy as well because a lot of minor crime do need to be investigated more because you can found out that criminal and investigate on them to see if they up to do more criminal things. T123

    1. I agree with this when your in a bad area. I think this would prevent a lot of crime but send many people to jail. Also I know it has a lot of innocent minorities that involved in this but I believe you cannot stop racial profiling. It is going to happen whether we want it to or not. HRT123

    2. I don't agree with being stopped and frisked for no reason. I know if it happened to me, I'd be angry because I was on my way to do something and that only delays me. Regardless of if people have something to hide or not, there should be probable cause to search the person rather than just because they were profiled.

  4. I agree with what this guy says about the stop and frisk policy. If the stop and frisk policy is done right without racial profiling and with respect than it is a fine policy and it will work. Too many minorities are being stopped just because of their race. He mentioned 400,000 in just one year. That is around 1095 minorities stopped everyday! That is a huge number. This policy only works if it is fair and the police stop white people as well. I know in the previous video it said about 1 percent of people stopped and frisk actually have something on them but then again maybe it is that one percent that would be willing to commit a crime on that day. It is kind of interesting how that all works. The guy that is in charge now looks as if he will make a difference though considering his numbers from LA. HRT123

  5. I very do must agree with this man's point of view. the one big eye opener the speaker made was that 400,000 people who were stopped and frisked are black and Latino, that is honestly they biggest racial scheme I have ever seen and yet they were following orders? honestly that is ridiculous.


    1. We have to be careful jumping to conclusions. In the video they say how many blacks and Latinos are stopped but I don't recall mention of what the numbers are for other races. What if 400,000 blacks and Latinos were stopped but 800,000 whites were stopped. That would probably be pretty proportionate. But if only 100,000 whites were stopped, then it would indicate a problem. You have to always be suspicious when looking at stats. They are most likely skewed to favor a certain side of the table.

    2. I agree that with appropriate procedures, stop and frisk would be an awesome program, however this doesn't seem possible with the orders being handed out by superiors and the threat of not having a job. But at the same time, you can stop as many people as needed and still treat them like humans. I notice a few of you mentioned the numbers, I found these on the NewYork Civil Liberties Union's website: "In 2013, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 191,558 times.
      169,252 were totally innocent (88 percent).
      104,958 were black (56 percent).
      55,191 were Latino (29 percent).
      20,877 were white (11 percent)." BarneyFife123

  6. I believe the stop and frisk program is a good idea. It helps make people in that area know not to do anything stupid because there are being monitored and it’s a better way for public safety. It also helps catch midnight term bad guy that where doing something that they were not suppose to do. I disagree though with how some people of the stop and frisk program act towards racial groups instead of rather more suspicious looking people. I believe if the officers apart of the stop and frisk program acted in a better manner of treating every fairly will probably get better in the city. Conservation123

  7. This video gave me a little better insight than the last one. I really like and agree with what he said about comparing stop and frisk to chemo therapy. He said chemo therapy if done wrong can greatly damage the body, but if done appropriately it can help. I agree with that. Its a good analogy. What i take from that is that if they do it the right way where they have a good reason to stop someone and are respectful and not only target minorities then it can be a good thing. But if its done the opposite way and they continue to only target blacks and latinos its very harmful to the community. He also said that if you stop somebody for something minor and you find something in their criminal records like warrants then thats just good police work. I feel like he hit the nail on the head right there.USA123

    1. I almost don't agree with how he compared stop and frisk policy to chemo therapy. Those are two totally different things and I feel like he crossed a line by saying that. I don't agree with the stop and frisk policy whatsoever and I think it needs to be stopped, it hardly has helped stopped crime and is just discouraging people more than anything.

    2. he didnt compare stop and frisk to chemo because they are related. He made the statement because if you listen to what he says with chemo if it is done wong it can damage the body, but if done right can help. in stop and frisk the "body" is the citizens.How was it that he crossed a line? i didnt know it was politically incorrect by using the words chemo therapy.USA123

  8. i believe that racial profiling is way overestimated. The media and those who feel as though they were wronged by it rarely ever explain the whole context of the situations. having said that, not all cops in New York are white males either. Having said that, i don't believe that racial profiling doesn't exist, but it surely does not in every officer or every time they pull somebody over. I think that the broken window policy is a great idea. There are very few negatives involved in it and much less of a chance for people to look at an officers actions negatively. i also agree with keeping the stop and frisk policy in effect, people just need to understand that it's not there to hurt anybody, its there to help protect citizens and the community. it's not perfect, but it's not a terrible idea either. It's just one more way to try and keep criminals from hurting society. Para123

  9. The biggest problem with “stop and frisk”, in my opinion, is the public’s perception when a completely innocent person is subjected to it. It’s a good idea in theory but not so much in practice. The goal is proactive police work but when the desire to get more and more numbers comes trickling down from the top, it ends with a public feeling like they’re harassed. The reason why this is so controversial is because people want aggressive crime control and at the same time they don’t want their rights stepped on. They “want their cake and eat it too”, so to speak. Unfortunately, aggressive crime control and protection of rights don’t go together at all. To fight crime, the only way to economically do it is to be aggressive and invasive into people’s business. I personally think one of the biggest things that could be done to snuff the controversy is education for the public. Everybody wants aggressive police except for when they are being looked at.

  10. I believe if a community is going to implement a stop and frisk program, the police need to frisk EVERYONE. That means that every one has an equal opportunity to be stopped, and if they haven't done anything wrong then there shouldn't be anything to worry about. I find it interesting that he compared this program to chemo therapy. I do agree that if this program is not properly performed then it will cause more harm than good, especially if cops are stopping/frisking the same exact people every time. That isn't effective and just harassment. BadWolf123

  11. I like this video and everything the guy had to say. I really like his opinion on the broken window technique. Where the police are targeting criminals unlike the stop and frisk technique where the police are targeting innocent people and stopping Latinos and blacks just because they Latino and black. Which is obviously very racist and very wrong. 400,000 innocent people were stopped just for being Latino and black. While the officers were stopping these innocent people they could have been out there stopping real criminals and protecting society from real acts of crime. Instead they were stopping innocent people and discouraging them for not being white. This is so incredibly wrong.

    1. i was thinking the same thing, i think most cops would stop a Mexican or a black because of their color or race. i think its wrong because anyone could be criminal in all honesty so why target just one kind of person, id look for people who seem shady or look like they could be planning something or have something on them.


    2. I agree with you when you said that anybody can be a criminal. That is very true, but the police still insist on targeting mainly African Americans and Latinos. They should definitely pick things up on people and get information so that when they do see an actually criminal, they can frisk him or her.SECRET'A'123

    3. I agree it is racist and is definitely wrong and not fair at all to the innocent ones out there. Just because they are black or Hispanic does not mean they are committing crimes, time to see past the skin color. Scorpio 123.

  12. i have tow views on this, one is i think it is a great idea because then if they stop and frisk someone and find drugs on them or a weapon the could prevent a crime. my other view on this is i think it could also be a invading of personal space, i think stop and frisk should be used if you have a high suspicion of that person, you shouldnt stop a person unless they are looking like they are about to do somthing or just be shady in some way. other than that i think its a good idea it could save someones life.


  13. What I like about this video is how skewed it is from the previous news article. The article stated how low the conviction rate of stop and frisk was in New York yet this video tells us that crime had gone down over 50% since 2001. This is an excellent example of the biased media we discussed a few weeks ago. You can change how people feel about a certain topic simply by telling them only certain facts. After watching this video, I am starting to think that stop and frisk could be better than what that article made it out to be. With the broken window example, I like that the stop and frisk would be initiated by minor offenses, like turn signals or jaywalking. The man in the above video stated that those usually end up being persons with a record or something else to hide from law enforcement. With the broken window rules in effect, I think stop and frisk would be excellent in order to keep the streets free of crime. This video has definitely made me sit and think about the reform of stop and frisk.

  14. The idea of the stop and frisk is good and bad. I don't think that any one person should ever get stopped and frisked just walking through the neighborhood. Those type of people which I'm pretty sure are innocent shouldn't have to go through that. Now on the other hand with people who actually are criminals, and have an outstanding record, those are the people that the police should target. You should always have some type of evidence or some type of scoop on a person before you stop and frisk them in my opinion. No police officer should stop someone just because they are Latino, or African Americans, because all of them are not criminals. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing because it did stop some crime and made it lower, but there was also way to many innocent people treated unfairly. SECRET'A'123

  15. I agree with a lot in this video. He states some good points on what the man needs to be doing in the NYPD, stop and frisk is important and can weigh out the good and bad. If someone is committing a crime and then is walking out in the busy streets of New York there is a 1 in a million chance that he/she will be caught but if he/she looks suspect the NYPD will stop and frisk him/her and view his/her records and so on. It is not easy catching criminals but stop and frisk helps in a way. I believe it is wrong that they stop blacks and Hispanics just because of their race that is not right and some of those people are innocent and have no business being stopped. NYPD should be allowed to stop and frisk but they need to do it the appropriate way, what their doing now is wrong. Scorpio 123.

  16. its not bad as it seems but when police pick on people you havent did anything its bad on their part yeah ofcourse their doing their job but stop and frisk doesnt apply to all, maybe they should just pay attention to the cfriminals who've been in jail or who've got arrested. everybody arent criminals. Hoopz123


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