Stop and Frisk, the Police, the Community, and 110st


  1. The recordings in this video are disturbing for many reasons, one being the way that some officers carry themselves, like they are above the law. As a law enforcement hopeful, I understand that one way to earn the respect of the people is to treat them like people. Also understanding that yes, the job is stressful and demanding especially when your command officers put you in situations to meet these standards at the same time you can still stop and frisk respectfully and treat the people like people; You need them just as much as they need you. BarneyFife123

    1. I agree with you completely. Some officers do think they are above the law and thus carry themselves like that. The cops in this video are a perfect example of this. While yes there is a lot of stress involved in being a police officer, especially when your superiors tell you to do something that you don't agree with, you still have to respect the people. I like how you put it when you said "you need them just as much as they need you". vhammer123

  2. Even after watching this video I still believe that stop and frisk is an effective means of crime prevention if done correctly. That being said, the way the cops acted in that recording was appalling. There is no reason to throw a kid around and threaten to punch him and break his arm because he's a "mutt". I get that they want him to show respect but there is never a right to use your position as a cop to throw someone around because you want to. You don't need to be violent when carrying out this procedure. You should still be respectful of the individual until you find something that is dangerous or illegal, then you can treat them like a criminal. Even then however there has to be a limit on how far you go. You can't be beating on and pushing people who can't fight back. So yes stop and frisk is an effective tool but it can be misused and cause problems with public relations. vhammer123

    1. I agree like you said they should respect the person unless they find anything illegal on them. Also all the threatening and pushing all that is uncaused for especially when the boy wasn't doing anything. The police just be bored and being a cop but a lot of people are not liking all that harassment. T123

    2. You say that police should be respectful up until the point where they find you did something illegal? I think that's dangerous ground. With your logic you are saying that if a police officer stops you for speeding, since he knows you have broken the law (a criminal) then he should treat you poorly? I think you wouldn't be very happy if that actually happened. When I was a police officer, I went into every situation treating the citizen with the respect they deserved. From that point on, they dictated how I treated them. If they got an attitude, treated me with disrespect, or lied then the nice police officer went away.

    3. ^^^^ISP123^^^^

  3. This Video caught my attention many reason because I just feel like the police does over do there job. I understand there being pressure to get there promotion up with arrest but its a way you need to approach people and they just be disrespectful. I can relate I then seen some officers harass some people before that's why a lot of people doesn't like the law now. Then just threatening the boy telling him your going to break his arm and punch him in the face for no reason. I feel like the police over do there job and they pick on people when there bored. I understand they have the authority to arrest people but they should approach people in a more respectful way. T123

    1. I agree if they are going to do this they need to be respectful and not threaten people that are doing nothing to hurt them. Telling the kid your going to punch him in the face for no reason is bogus. I would have been like yea well you hit me and I am going to hit you harder. But that would just provoke him! HRT123

    2. I agree that the threat to slap someone was just trying to get a rise out of the kid to give the police a reason to arrest him. The police would say," not only was he suspicious, but I felt my life was in danger when he came at me.. blah blah blah". This is a horrible way for police to get their "quota". BadWolf123

  4. I feel like it is crazy that the New York Police Department gets away with doing this. I personally think it is a violation of people's rights. This kid in the video was obviously picked because of his race. To be stopped that many times like he has would tick me off. He was being man handled by the police who shouldn't have been acting like that. I find it crappy of the police department to blame the cops and give them low evaluations if they are not doing enough stops. That just seems shady to me and I am surprised with all this evidence that nothing has happened to the NYPD yet. This is a huge violation of rights and their employees. It is crazy to think how long this has been going on for and how long it will continue too. I think soon enough if it already happens they will get lawsuits on this. HRT123

    1. I also agree that the NYPD should keep better tabs on there officers because the way they are treating citizens is getting out of hand. Also that just checking someone two more blocks down for the second time does not do the much again, and that treating people that harshly because they are just looking back should not be how it is suppose to go down. Conservation123

    2. How they treated him was so unfair. Like another comment I read though, what is his background? He might have done some things previously that weren't surfaced in the video. Everything has a little bias to it, however, the roughness of these cops was completely unjust.

  5. with seeing this video, it kind of makes a little disgusted with how the NYPD are operating in this video because all I have seen is a lot of racial profiling and officers having nothing better to do then hunt blacks or Latinos just so that the officer doing the action to stop them and frisk them. Now I do realize that they are just following orders and trying to get to the next rank in the system of their department but wouldn't it be more understandable to look for actual crimes and not stop some random person because they look "suspicious". to me that's just ignorance but yet it depend on the officer. like in the video two officers were threating and being rough with a young adult because he looked suspicious and kept looking back at the officers that stopped him. Now that to me Is plain ignorance of the law, yet its how some officers can act at times when they are given those types of orders to stop and frisk someone.


  6. I do so very agree with this comment because a lot of officers do have a tendency to over do their job just for a promotion and yet they don't see that a lot of people will have no respect for them if they keep approaching citizens in a disrespectful way like the two officers did in the video toward that young adult and there should have no reason for the one officer to threaten to punch the kid in the face and break his arm and also arrest him for being a "mutt". just because a kid comes from a certain location that most people don't see as good means he is a "mutt".


  7. First of all, I’m always very careful to judge videos like this. The first question I always ask myself is, what aren’t they showing? What happened before the record button was pressed? Is that kid a frequent flyer? What’s his record like? If the police know that everytime they stop that kid they catch him doing or having something illegal. When I watch these sorts of things, I like raw video (or audio in this case) that hasn’t been edited like this one has. What has been edited out? It is very important to be objective here before you jump in being the Monday morning quarterback. Videos can be manipulated to make the officers seem bad when sometimes it is the other way around. I’m not saying that is the case here. To be honest, I would like more facts before sharing my opinion. Going off of the evidence presented though, it seems to me that the officers were pretty harsh. I tried to put myself in the shoes of both sides. I personally can’t imagine being in this kids shoes—not being able to walk two blocks down the street without being stopped. Since I know my rights I would not take this very well. Is it a crime to have an empty book bag? Is it a crime to look at a police officer? It’s sad that it’s gotten to this point. It’s like the police and the public are caught in a vicious cycle of disrespect. The cop treats people badly because people treat him or her badly. Then the people in turn treat the cops badly because they are treated badly. I think one thing that lacks these days is parents teaching their kids to respect police or anyone in a position of authority. That goes for any adult they encounter. Having been a police officer in the past, when I first started, one thing that was hard to get used to was the way people treated you. Having been raised to respect police, it was always shocking to me the way some of the people would talk to me.

    1. I like what you said about this kid possibly being a frequent flyer. This video does not go into any detail about this particular kid or his criminal past. Like you said what if every time he is stopped he is caught with drugs or guns or whatever? Then there would be added purpose to stop him and talk to him and check out his bag. Another thing i agree with was how you said its becoming a vicious cycle between the police and the public. If these things are happening on a regular basis and the actions of these two officers is common occurrence with a large percentage of the force then people are going to have a lack of respect as well as lack of confidence for the police.USA123

    2. I agree with you strongly on your post, I, too always question videos like this. It seems like a vicious cycle and i think that if I was targeted everyday by the same cops Id find another route to take, but then again who's to say that he wasn't targeted by these officers because his dad is also a NYPD officer, and it stated that he was a NYPD Explorer? I had the chance to meet a ton of the NYPD Explorers a few years back at the Nat'l Explorer Academy and these kids are held to the highest standard, and sharp when it comes to ecerything, so I couldn't see this kid being too bad of an apple as they are screened and processed like the officers as well. BarneyFife123

  8. I like this video and the idea of the stop and frisk program. This kid is somewhat disrespectful, though the police officers where very unprofessionally on what they were doing. I being that if you are going to break someone’s arm you better have a better reason that just because they are a "fucking mutt". I also think these police officers should have been dishonorable discharged in how they acted to this person in that manner. I also think that the people in the stop and frisk program should be friendly to the person and how they approach a person. I also find it interesting that someone finally caught that good guys or the police officers finally acting like bad guys because there are a few out there that are not the nicest cop on the corner, though there are a bunch of nice ones out there, which should be in charge of just doing the stop and frisk. Conservation123

  9. The only thing i can say about this video is WOW! I do think that this video is meant to only see one perspective though. My opinions on the stop and frisk policy can not be based on this video alone because as i said, I believe it is one sided. I believe that the police should be able to stop and talk to people and check them out if they feel it is necessary. Isnt that what we call probable cause? The kid in this video made his point loud and clear... he was violated. Do i agree with the fact he was violated? Yes and no. No because he had his hoodie on with the hood up and kept looking back at the officers like maybe he did something, so in my opinion they had a reason to stop and talk to him. Yes because they went about everything the wrong way. Thats not how you talk to people that you are supposed to be "protecting and serving". They had no reason to call him the names they did or threaten to punch him in the face and break his arm, not to mention he had been stopped a couple blocks back. The way I think the situation could have been handled is that they could have stopped him and just talked to him and said something like "whats going on tonight.. where are you coming from.. what are you doing... where are you heading" be respectful about it. If they felt like he was hiding something or was not being truthful they yes search him and his bag. If you find nothing just tell him to have a good night and let him loose after running his info. The way those cops handled the situation made them seem like the schoolyard bully. That to me is on the individual officers you have out there. I know they deal with a bunch of crap from people on a daily basis but your a police officer in NYC. Thats your job and you have to expect that. Maybe the department should have some kind of training with these officers annually so they know that kind of behavior is unacceptable. The other part of the video is the whole quota policy or "unwritten quota policy". The department is making these officers go out and write summons to keep in good standings with the department. that is ridiculous. Your going to try and ruin their careers and put them on different shifts or transfers because they are not meeting a quota? All that is doing is making these officers go out and only look for the bad in people or in the kids situation violate people until they do something they can write a summons for. The department should look at this policy and maybe do some restructuring. Again I think this video is very one sided but I did see some interesting points. I think that the officers that were portrayed in this video is only a small percent of the cops out there on the street. Its like our parents teach us from a young age that you have to give respect to expect it in return, and that goes both ways between the officers as well as the individuals being contacted. USA123

    1. Their is no need to be that type of copes. Your job is to help the people not hurt the people. They do need to stop the BS and get back to helping the people and being their for the people. Do their jobs and do the job they signed up to do.

    2. i agree that is rediculous , just because their cops doesnt give them right to push people around. cops want respect because their autnority well they better earn it cause respect is a two way street. Hoopz123

  10. I've seen disturbing videos like this before on Facebook, to spread the word and shed a light on police brutality. I'm not saying all cops are like this, but we know there are some cops that take their job a little too serious beyond when they take their uniform off. It makes me wonder what goes through the cops' mind as they say such nasty things to people. I believe the main reason why they think this kind of behavior is justified because they were "protecting society". This stop and frisk program just seems like another way of saying racial profiling. BadWolf123

    1. I agree, like what exactly is going through the cops minds when they are hurting innocent people? That cannot make them feel good, and they're definitely not doing their job. They need to be out there helping me and stopping crime not trying to encourage people to commit crime and make people mad so they will resist the cops.

  11. Wow, this video is very eye opening. The whole time I was watching it the only thing going through my head was "aren't the cops suppose to be helping these people not hunting them down?'. The guy in the video even said the newbie cops are just like bounty hunters. That is NOT how it should be at all. They should be there to help me when needed not arrest them and ruin peoples lives just so they look better on paper. This is such a disturbing video and I really think something needs to be changed. The police force needs to be not so focused on themselves and focus on the safety of civilians.

    1. i agree they worry about themselves too much and don't worry about protecting us citizens, they need to start worrying about high crimes instead of little pitty stuff like traffic violations. i think it would be a better place to live if cops would help more instead of hurting people.


    2. I agree if they are going to hunt these people down then it better be the ones doing crime not innocent bystanders. Scorpio 123.

  12. i think the cops think they have too much power and authority over society, this video is wrong because he wasnt doing anything, and just because he looked suspicious he got stopped and got treated like crap. the cops are just like every other human being when out of the uniform so i dont understand why they treat us people like were lower than them. police are suppose to protect us, "serve and protect" has turned into serve tickets and fines. how often do you see cops protecting, most of the time you see them pulling people over for stupid things like speeding or no front plate mounted on car or loud exhaust, thats not protecting. thats bothering the community in my opinion. this video hit it right on the money with how we are treated today.


  13. The video is messed up in so many ways. Like i have always grown up hearing about copes just being jerks for no reason and the video showed me first hand that what i heard was true. The people should not be nervous about walking down the street because copes will stop them just to search them or beat them.Their only being stopped because the copes want a bigger check or just because they wont say no to their chief like thats so wrong. They wonder why so many people hate the police and police should be here to help people not hurt them. Just because u put on the uniform and go out in the community doesn't mean u shouldn't think u have all the power. To tell you the truth if being a cope is about doing what they do in the video then i don't know if thats what i am about.

  14. Stop and frisk should be about keeping the public safe, not harassing citizens that were stopped minutes before. The cops in this video give the police force a bad reputation and that's a shame. This guy was obviously doing nothing wrong since a few blocks back they let him go. It actually angers me that they would follow someone who they just cleared for being okay just to stop him again for "being a mutt". There is absolutely no reason for this and their threats are way more suspicious than him looking over his shoulder. If I were him, I'd be looking over my shoulder too because I would be afraid of them. It's not fair to anyone to be treated with such disrespect by someone whose job is keeping you safe and out of harms way. If they're the ones putting you in danger, there is no wonder why people hate cops. I hate how common this seems to be.

  15. Watching this video it was disturbing hearing the police officer and sergeant in the background cursing the young man out and basically threating him. stop and frisk should not be that way. I understand if a officer stops someone because they look suspicious but there are levels of respect. To be in law enforcement to get respect you have to treat everyone like a human being, you cant just walk on everyone and think your better because you have a badge. It saddens me that majority of blacks and Hispanics have to go through this daily and it does need to change. "Hunting" is understandable if you are hunting for the bad people doing crime, that is your job. Number I see are important in law enforcement which they should be if your not doing your job then you don't need to be promoted. People should feel safe when they see police not fear them. Scorpio 123.

    1. I agree some officers should not be officers and for him to be a sergeant he is definitely not a team leader. Respect is a two way street and that is why we have less of that in the community. Most of the time officers do not get penalized for acts like this but, if someone on the street was to approach an officer saying those exact words their throwing them in the cage this is not fair what so ever.


  16. wooooooow, smh, all i can say is police brutality and thats why i dont like cops now and i could care less for some of them because of that stufff in the video they pull, it doesnt make no sense and theres no excuse stop and frisk should have a rule not to have this only if the offendant is being resistant other than that they should keep theirs hands away. if the police officer didnt find anything wrong they will make it their best effort to stir thingsout of hand. Hoopz123

  17. (Part 1)
    Officers bring these problems upon themselves you cannot just go around and harass the community for points on however many arrest or 250's you get in a day. They don't care about the community if they did they wouldn't approach us with such a cold and bold heart. The way they was threatening to break the young man arm and smack him is absurd. Officers should really sit back and question themselves if they would like to be treated the way they treat the community. I bet their answer would be no. if only they could take a walk in our shoes for a week in the streets being criticized and harassed by multiple officers just because your a black male dressed in all black, or a Latino wearing a book bag. Which he could be on his way from school you never know. This remind me of when i moved to Normal Illinois in 2013 to attend school. When i would ride around in the Bloomington area the police would watch and follow me I didn't know why but, it was nerve wrecking having to deal with this daily. I never had a car full of people so I never knew why they were watching me. Anyhow I was picking up someone I knew in Bloomington from work one late night. When I picked my friend up and I began to drive i seen an officer come from a side street and get behind me. I didn't panic because my vehicle was insured and i had license. I then came to a complete stop at a stop sign, as I proceeded through the stop sign the officers lights came on. I figured he was going to pull me over anyway because they have been trying to since i been there. When I pulled over he came to the car and asked for my identification He checked on his mobile computer terminal to check upon my information and background and everything was clear. When he came to the car he said he wanted to have a K-9 unit come to check my vehicle. I asked why he said because it smelled like marijuana. I told him i don't smoke and was willing to take a test to prove it and that my cousin was in my car 2hrs ago smoking but, the smell barely was still there. I think he just wanted to check anyway they have been following me since I moved there. So I got out the car he had the K-9 come.


  18. (Part 2)

    I guess from his perspective he scratched at the car so they preceded by checking my vehicle taking everything out my glove department, lifting all my seats up in the back that I didn't even know could come up even found departments in my car I never knew was there. When he open my trunk I had suitcases and cloths I then told him I'm living at the mission and had proof of residency I was homeless at the time so there were times i would sleep in my car from time to time if i didn't have a place to go or if I was to get back to the mission to late. Nevertheless they did not find anything so they gave me a ticket for not stopping behind the line at the stop sign for the inconvenience I suppose. I went to court 2 times before I could even speak to a public defender. The third time i came to court the public defender called my name and walked me out into a hallway with about 30 people standing by us and the officer who pulled me over behind me. She opened this lap top in the hall way showing me the video of the night I was pulled over. On the video it showed me riding pass the officer then she closed the lap top and asked if I was ready for my bench trial today. She totally shocked me with that one like are you serious she didn't even show me the full video because I knew she knew they were in the wrong. Furthermore I was not going to allow myself to fall into their Mclean county traffic trap as i call it. I immediately said NO! I want a jury trial and she looked stunned. As if I was going to plea to not stopping behind a line that the officer himself couldn't see including the front of my car as well, and how far I was from the line because he was behind me furthermore it was dark. When I came back to court the public defender said my case was dismissed and my testimony was right compared to the video. They had no probable cause pulling me over in the first place. After that court date i dropped out of school because of the harassing officers and moved to Peoria. Its sad how i had to give up my education. I was even in a program called OZ that helps teens find homes and help them better themselves in life. I gave up everything because I didn't feel safe and I was always being watched because I was a new face. Mclean county really needs to get their priorities straight.



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