Why Study Sociology? Hold On...I will Explain...


  1. I really liked this video and the way it explained why people might want to study sociology at a university. I loved how she opened the video by explaining a reason why people might become a sociologist. She said that the people who are most likely suited for a career in sociology are the people that like to question the world around them. It was really neat that she talked about the different programs that the college has set up for its students. She gave the example that most of her students live in London and that is one of the first city's they study. I personally think that it would be a really interesting to study a place that you have lived in for a long time and be able to see it so differently after studying it. I never really looked at the study of sociology in this way before. Now after being in a sociology class and watching many different videos on sociology I really have gained a better understanding of why people question certain things and why it is enjoyable to study the subject of sociology.

    1. I really like what you said about being able to do your first sociological research in the city you grew up in. I think that would add to the experience and maybe yield deeper results for the individuals involved. I like how the professor brought up points to promote degrees in sociology because it is a technical field but employers would probably like to see it on your education if it is doctored toward your career field. This being my first class also I am eventually impressed by what is going on around us that we may have not recognized. -Spacepotatoes012

  2. I liked how she said that society is rapidly changing around us. So therefore if you want to study sociology you have to be ready for the changes that are going to forever take place. Also the world is becoming more and less connected. My reasoning for saying more and less is because of media. Technology is becoming more and more advanced every day. The more we have the less we socialize in person and rely on our technology for communication and information. I would say more on the other hand because the more technology, the more social networks where you can not only communicate with people locally but with people worldwide. There is always good and bad aspects to every major therefore you should be really passionate and ready for the changes when choosing something like sociology. Openminded012

    1. I really love your statement that our society is becoming more and less connected. I agree with you 100 percent and feel the same way. Personally, I use technology for almost everything and I don't think I would be able to go long without it. I feel like it would be very interesting and challenging to become a sociologist in our world today. I think that there is so many different things to question and study that it would be a great job to have. I also agree that you have to be really passionate and ready for the challenge of becoming a sociologist. It would not be an easy job but I do believe that it would be rewarding!

  3. I really like how Dr. Maltby brings up that we are living in a very rapidly changing world. Because of this our sociology must match this rate of change to stay ahead of the curve. The world we live in is ever changing because of points she brought up. Capitalism, migration, and globalized world markets are spreading people, goods, and ideas faster than ever before. Dr. Maltby says that those who find the most success in Sociology are those with good questions and have the passion behind learning about life. Sociology is a strong part of every job field because we are constantly interacting with our coworkers and other people using out company. I like what she mentioned about taking a specific topic with in the field of sociology that would directly apply to your job field. This kind of advantage might just get you hired over someone else. I also like how she was promoting for her college and what she mentioned about the London study. I think that would be fun as a student to hunt around London finding answers and tends to your questions.- Spacepotatoes012

    1. I agree that the world is changing very rapidly and it does make it a good area of study that will be in demand for a long time. I enjoyed hearing that sociology is a part of every person and every job. Sociology is all around us at all times, we just need to use our sociological lens to see and understand it.


  4. Before this semester I had never taken a sociology course in my life, mostly because it wasn't course at my high school. The only reason why I had to take this semester was because my history 202 class got dropped. But since I started taking this course I kind of wish that I would have taken it sooner. I starting to to understand more about society besides what I think I already know. For example I already knew who Karl Marx was, and if you ever had a world history class or studied the soviet union you probably heard his name. Before this course when I heard his name I instantly thought communist. Which maybe true but after being told about what he went through living in London at the time you start to understand why he thought the way he did. Where I may still think he is a communist in some ways at least I have a better understanding of him.

    1. That last comment was done by SirEagleEye012

  5. I didn't really liked the video because it didn't teach me anything, but inform me why people take sociology in college. There is a lot of things that you talk about and a lot of people that research sociology. Some of the people that are talked about in sociology are also people that are talked about in my other classes. I don't think that I would take anymore classes with sociology. rosebud012

    1. I fully agree with you. I just want to take the classes that apply to my major. What does sociology have to do with nursing? I just want to be moving closer and closer to my career and don't really get what sociology is going to help me with in the future. -RedSam012

    2. lol i also agree. Sociology is an interesting class and you can learn a lot from it, but the video as a whole was not very helpful.

  6. Sociology is still new to me. i still find the concept a little hard to grip. but i'm learning. i'm taking this course as a part of my major. Ive been using some of the topics we learn in class and try to apply it to everyday life. SM789

  7. I like the video a lot but I do disagree with it in a certain way. I really feel like the people who can get a degree in a social science with want to teach it is huge risk. One would have to come from a family that IS paying for there college and is okay with there child not getting into a career that focuses on the degree that the student earned. The lady who was talking about it is a teacher and that is how she is able to go into the research. It is a fun class but I probably wouldn't be taking it if I didn't have to. - RedSam012

  8. I liked the video and how she explained that in the past there were not that many jobs or careers for a sociologist. As we progress into today and the future there are many more career options open to a sociologist and that is why it would make it a good career choice for a person to pursue. I think it is intersting that they teach sociology and "do" sociology by having the students actually go out in to London and perform sociological experiments. That seems like it would be a great way to get people to fully understand sociology and see the world around them through a sociological lens. This was a good introductory video for why someone would and should study sociology.


    1. I also liked the video and how it explained that sociologist has more career options. They thing that stood out to me as well, that in London, they did sociological experiments around London. Seems very interesting and it might be a very affective way to learn sociology.

  9. I liked the video, it explained why someone should study sociology. Getting a sociology degree was never a interest of mine. I always wanted to be a nurse helping babies and just being around babies all day. Now that I'm working on becoming a nurse, I can see why i need to take a sociology class. Taking the sociology class is going to help me look at different situations and being able to understand them better. Good choice to show someone this video on why they should study sociology.

  10. This video was ok; I don’t really feel like I personally benefited from it. The only thing that stuck out to me was why and what is happening in the world and how sociology can help us determine that. I can’t really go on about the video because that’s all I obtained from it. CHIATIA012

    1. I agree with you CHIATIA012 this video was too short to go off on and I really didn't benefit from it either. -Aries012

  11. I think this video was super short but it was ok. She really didn't say a lot about why we should study sociology. One thing I thought was true was sociology is everywhere now. -Aries012

  12. This video was on how the sociology is all around us and in schools . It was saying how you have to have a passion for it because it changes so much and from the history tho biology to the mass media side. There are so many ranges of fields of study all around the world.Leo.012


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