Will Stop and Frisk Change on 110st?

Will Stop and Frisk Change on 110st?


  1. I believe that stop and frisk has its pros and cons as any other method of policing would. I say this because if everyone is on edge about being randomly selected to be stopped by an officer, more people would be less inclined to carry/ sell drugs on the corner or carry a weapon. I'd also have to disagree with Lynn Lewis of Picture the Homeless. She stated that there is a connection between policing and homelessness, and that less money should be spent on policing and more on the housing crisis. I don't see the connection here and law enforcement officers are already underpaid and are constantly facing layoffs, smaller pensions and non-stop scrutiny from the people they risk their lives to protect. I'd say they should take the good and bad of stop and frisk, take the good and improve the negative. BarneyFife123

    1. I agree with you about Lewis's Picture of the Homeless. She tried to point out a connection between policing and homelessness and I just don't see it. She thinks that we should cut police budgets but put the money towards building shelters. It is already incredibly hard to get a job as a police officer and cops are already worried about layoffs. I agree that rather than go this route we simply need to improve on our stop and frisk techniques and improve the negatives. vhammer123

    2. I see your point about people being on edge because they dont know if they are going to be randomly selected to be stopped by an officer and that they would be less inclined to carry drugs or guns or whatever. But the word you used there is randomly selected. I dont really know every detail on the stop and frisk policy so i couldnt tell you if its a random selection or if its suspicious individuals. I dont think its right for these cops to metaphorically close his eyes and point and then search that individual with no probable cause. That seems like a little bit of a violation. I think they should have some cause or suspicion to stop that certain individual. Like i said i agree with some of your statement but felt like the random thing is where i differ from you a bit.USA123

    3. The only connection that I could see between homelessness and police is that homeless will commit random crimes so that they can be arrested and get a temporary roof over their head and food in their belly. BadWolf123

    4. USA123, sorry about that, "RANDOMLY SELECTED" was bad wording, but officers need reasonable suspicion to stop an individual. BarneyFife123

  2. I don't really agree with the article. I think that stop and frisk has many more pros than cons. If people are aware that there is a possibility of being frisked then they would be less inclined to carry illegal things such as drugs or unregistered guns. It seems to me that it would an effective deterrent for people thinking about carrying or possessing illegal items. Also frisking people is a way for police to reduce their chances of being harmed during a stop. If people know that they probably won't be frisked then they wouldn't tell the police if they have a weapon that they could use. So not only is it a deterrent but it is a protective measure. I also do not agree with Lewis's Picture of the Homeless. While yes I think that we should be taking care of the homeless and trying to get them off the streets, we should not be taking money away from police to do it. Police already don't get paid enough for the job they do and it is extremely hard to get hired as a police officer because of money. If you take more money away these problems will only increase. So while yes stop and frisk might not always be good, we should concentrate on improving the tactics, not stopping them or redirecting money to other things. vhammer123

    1. I agree about not liking this article and when you said if people were aware of being risked there not going to be carrying anything illegal because they already know what the police capable of. And also when you said that homeless should be taking off the street but police money shouldn't be taking away for doing it its not there job. I agree like you said police already don't think there getting paid enough that's why there frisking others as well to get that promotion and raised and taking money away from them because homeless people on the street don't do anything but make there job more stressful. T123

    2. I agree and with the money from the police to them is ridiculous. A lot of homeless people are there because of drugs. Yes there are others for different reasons but in the end if you give one $ 10 is he going to go buy a dime? Or his he going to get some food and water to survive on. HRT123

    3. I don't think there are many police officers who stop and frisk people because they don't think they are making enough money. Sure, some of them may only do it because it is expected of them and they want to do well to earn a promotion. However, they aren't doing it just because they don't think they are making enough money. Do you really think the cop is driving down the street and thinking to himself, "Gee, I sure wish I made some more money, I think I'll stop that person and frisk them because I don't get paid enough." That just isn't logical.

  3. I feel like if your not bothering anyone the police shouldn't bother you. Also and I agree if people are aware about being frisk there not going to be carrying around anything illegal to get them in trouble. when they said 2.4 million had been stop between 2009-2012 that's a lot of people, and being that 3% only led to conviction and fewer than 0.1 percent were convicted of violent crime or weapon related. out of that 2.4 million only 3% led for conviction that's not a lot police shouldn't even be trying to frisk people any more just let them be and worry about the other things being committed. T123

    1. I agree with you that stop and frisk may be bothersome and time consuming, but if you write 2.4 million petty offense tickets for $50 each, then you've generated approx. $120,000,000. Might not be much but it somewhat works, I do agree that Stop and Frisk could use some reforming. BarneyFife123

    2. What concerns me is how they are profiling people in order to stop them. I think it's wrong and the department truly does need some updating on regulations.

    3. i truly agree, that the criminal system and their little regulations need sum changing itself, police officers are looking for a better way to blame someone for a silly lil crime just so they can think their getting criminals off the street when really its way more harsh things other people are doing. its not going to stop them unless the people thierselves do it. the profile they put on peole is only making things worst to me Hoopz123

  4. I do not think he will get the department to change. A lot of people talk about change for instance like Obama but nothing has happened of it. When you send a new guy in that wants to change everything you usually end up with pissed off employees that do not do their job. This guy can say his is going to change the way it is but I think that is not going to happen. 2.4 million stops and only .01 percent is from a violent crime and weapon. That is insane. I think you are wasting every ones time. Only 3 percent were convicted of a crime in general. That low numbers. I think they need to spend more time on trying to catch people and make the city a better place then interrogating every citizen that walks by. I think it will change when they get 0 arrest under this policy but lets face it that is not going to happen since a lot of people do illegal things. HRT123

  5. The stop and frisk can be an effective policy. However it has to be done correctly. The police should have a reason to stop an individual. They shouldnt just say well i stopped you because you are black or your latino or gay or whatever. There should be reason. If you stop someone because they are hanging out in a high drug or high crime area then yes i think you should be able to stop that individual. That doesnt mean you have to go in there and be disrespectful and throw the guy around, just stop and talk to him and find out why hes there and what hes doing. If hes clean and not doing anything wrong you can run his info and send him on his way. Simple as that. That to me is keeping the community a little bit safer as well as letting these people in the high crime areas know that the police are present and are there to do their jobs. As far as everyone talking about the homelessness and policing statement. Yes i believe its a bit ridiculous to say lets take funding away from our law enforcement agencies because we can give it to the homeless shelters. It has a good meaning by getting people off the street and it COULD prevent some crime. However why would you take money away from our agencies that are out there protecting and serving. Im sure you can find something else in the budget to cut out to help out with shelters.USA123

  6. I believe that the stop and frisk is a good police tactic. in New York alone it took 24,000 potentially dangerous people off of the street and away from endangering society in the past 3 years. It seems wrong and prejudiced when an individual officers discretion comes into play. Not all officers are prejudiced, and they don't always pull people over because of which. we put our safety in their hands and if somebody probably has an illegal weapon or drugs i don't want to minimize the officers ways of finding out that information. Not that anybody wants to be frisked, but nobody wants to be pulled over either. worst case scenario if you dont have anything illegal than the officer is spending 10 more seconds of your time by doing so. its not the greatest thing out there by any means, but its not anywhere near the worst. And i disagree with the idea of cutting the police departments budget to build more housing complexes. it's basically intentionally raising the population while decreasing the police force and productivity. a big city like New York needs all the law enforcement it can get. Para123

    1. I believe the stop and frisk technique is good as well but not the way the NYPD is doing it. Everyone needs to be respected as human beings not their skin color. Stop and frisk helps catch the criminals that could possibly get away with crime. Scorpio 123.

  7. When they discuss doing away with the “stop and frisk” technique, the mention that it might be harder to do away with than you would think. I think that is definitely true. One aspect is the police officers who have been “brought up” to operate that way. The stop and frisk technique has been used for about ten years now. That means that there are some pretty senior officers who only know stop and frisk and have never operated any other way. These senior officers are pretty much set in their ways and that is their style of policing. Even if the department mandates that they do away with it, the officers will still operate that way because it’s all they know. It would surely take quite some time before stop and frisk was completely phased out. By the time that happens, we’ll be another ten years down the road under the leadership of a new mayor and police commissioner who favor stop and frisk.

    1. I agree with you 100%. These officers are probably not going to be very happy with this new policy and it is definitely going to take some getting use to. It could be all they know and just a habit by now to just pick someone out in a crowd and search them. It is definitely going to take some time and getting use to by these officers. I do think that something has to be done though.

  8. I'm glad that someone finally found this policy to be considered unconstitutional. I also found this policy to be unconstitutional and basically a waste of time, and if you look at the stats, I stand corrected. Only 3% led to convictions and less than .1% were convicted of violent crimes. The sole purpose of this policy was to protect the streets, but was only implemented to harass minorities. I understand that police do not get paid enough for their position, but that doesn't give them the right to beat people to a pulp and strip them of their rights. It's almost like they channel their anger on these poor and possibly innocent people. BadWolf123

    1. I agree with you all the way..I think there just asking for more lawsuits with this one. SECRET'A'123

  9. I think the stop and frisk Is pointless and a waste of time.According to the article they said that 2.4mil people had been stop between 2009-2012 , which is a lot of people and only 3 % led to the convictions fewer than 0.1% were convicted of violent crimes weapon related crimes which isn't a lot. I think they should just catch the people in act of a crime instead of violating people for no reason. SECRET'A'123

  10. I agree with this article and think that the stop and frisk technique shouldn't be allowed anymore. To me it's not fair to the people they search even if they do find something on them. Like it says in the article, police are searching more African Americans and Hispanics more than anything. This is also very wrong and needs to be changed. Even if I do agree with the fact that it needs to be changed, I think it is going to take quite some time for it to be gone officially and not used by any of the police considering the officers that have been on the force for ten years, this is all they know. It is going to take some major getting used to by these officers and I feel like they won't be too happy with this new policy either. Some people don't like change and they probably think if it's working why change it?

    1. i agree, its never going to change, if it works why change it? its just an easy way for the states to get money, you find a bag of weed on a young kid and you chage him with tons of fines. just easy way to get money and get these crimes off our streets.


  11. i think it will never go away. it could be a helpful system to our society and it could cause alot of problems as well. i tihnk most people think its invasion of their personal space, i think its just helping out our community or our country. theres alot of people who are probaly walking around with drugs on them and guns and other weapons and we have no clue you cant look at someone and say hey they have a gun on them. nobody knows and you cant judge a book by its cover.


  12. It wont ever stop well not any time soon .As long as the police chiefs are telling the men and woman to go out and stop people.NON of the copes are willing to lose their jobs.To lose their jobs just because they didn't stop people or to have the other copes talk about them just because the wont make a stop.They can still help the people but as long as their getting extra money for it their not going to stop.

  13. I do not believe stopping the stop and frisk in New York can be changed easily. Yes, it can be changed, but teaching law enforcement to practice a different way is going to be difficult. I know in my job, we get new regulations every two days about certain questions we are to ask clients and also filling out specific paperwork in a specific manner. It's hard to keep up and after almost two years of certain requirements being banned, I still catch myself doing them from time to time. I do think that the stop and frisk in New York does need to come to an end though. The article stated that it related to about 3% of actual crime convictions. I feel like the number is not nearly as high as it should be, especially since 0.1% was for violent or weapon related crimes. If the number was much higher I would agree with the method, but because it's so low, it seems ineffective. If instead of taking stop and frisk away completely, maybe a step forward in the process would be identifying individuals properly, however, that leads us into discrimination. There really is no easy way to get out of an old habit, especially one a career has burned into you.

  14. First off im not sure what stop and frisk mean. The only thing i got out from reading this is that the NYPD and other police departments are taking wiser sndbetter chances to put away criminals and their crime. whatever stop and frisk means im sure its not easy to change. As cops they need to try harder and pay attention to whats really crime and whos really harmful, then maybe life would be better for the individualds in or out of jail, But it would be helpful towards society. Hoopz123

  15. The idea of the stop and frisk is good and bad. I don't think that any one person should ever get stopped and frisked just walking through the neighborhood. Those type of people which I'm pretty sure are innocent shouldn't have to go through that. Now on the other hand with people who actually are criminals, and have an outstanding record, those are the people that the police should target. You should always have some type of evidence or some type of scoop on a person before you stop and frisk them in my opinion. No police officer should stop someone just because they are Latino, or African Americans, because all of them are not criminals. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing because it did stop some crime and made it lower, but there was also way to many innocent people treated unfairly. SECRET'A'123

  16. I honestly feel like stop and frisk will not change. I understand that this does lower crime rates but once again it is a level of respect. A cop should not be allowed to stop and frisk someone if they are not doing anything wrong especially because of their skin color. In this article the NYPD will have a new head man and he hopes everyone in New York will speak of the officers on a respected level but why would they? If NYPD is harassing the innocent bystanders in the streets then why would anyone have respect from them. Police officers to me are not different they have the same blood everyone has and should not have more power then anyone just because they are better educated in law enforcement, they should have to respect everyone that respects them. Although New York is a big city and should continue to stay under surveillance that doesn't mean harass everyone, they need to do their jobs the right way. Scorpio 123.


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