Effective Policing and the Community Part 2.....Your Thoughts?


  1. I think this kid was smart by recording the officer. I believe the officer is wrong by threating him and things along those natures. I believe you shouldn't keep frisking the same dude multiple times a day if you have never caught him with anything. It is all played out on how you look. They look to see if you look suspicious or what race you are or even your age. I doubt you will see them stop and frisk grandpas. I think the policy is cool if it works but if it isn't then why use it. It is just making it harder on the citizens and puts a lot of pressure on the police officer which might make him do something that he will regret, such as do something bad enough to lose his or her job or go to jail. I agree with this family in trying to take it down. HRT123

  2. Great interview, certainly expressed the difficulties between police and civilian relationships. The individual being harassed by the police is lucky to have a supportive and intelligent family. Seems he had been picked out as an easy target to reach a quota, although these aren't supposed to exist. His father was smart to encourage recording of the harassment as typically it is the officers word against the suspect. Check 123

    1. I agree his family was smart and told him what he should do and obviously it worked, because if he didn't then the officer would almost automatically be correct at all times. That is just how things work. Like if you hit a police officer when they are pulling out in front of you. If there was no camera they can basically make it your fault. HRT123

  3. this video just makes me a little angry in the fact of how some police officers like to apprehend citizens in new York. to me that is so ignorant and redundant in having to just stop and frisk black or latino americans because of them looking "suspicious". honestly that very racist of the NYPD to have to look for those types of people is just profiling. its not just those rationalities that should be looked at. but I don't think that officers should look at the blacks and latinos as the mains suspects, the police need to look at all races not just two.


    1. I agree. There was absolutely no reason for them him to be stopped, especially for the second time since the few blocks before he was fine.

    2. I agree with you, there was nothing right about that. One thing to keep in mind though, in defense of those officers or any, it most likely was a different set of officers than the first stop. The second set of officers would have no way of knowing that the young man had just been stopped. It's the same idea as driving with a headlight out. Depending on the circumstances and how busy of a night the police are having, you could be stopped multiple times on your way home for that same burnt out headlight. As I said at the beginning, that in no way at all justifies them treating him the way they did, I just wanted to clear that up from my perspective.

    3. I agree why just stop a black and Latino because they look suspicious that just like a white person on the corner some where looking suspicious are they going to be stopped.?? I feel like police just like harassing blacks and Latino because of there looks it's bad enough we already have a lot on our back from other situations and this don't make it no better no black or Latino wants to be getting stopped all the time. T123

    4. Their just making things harder on themselves and their job. I believe instead of having all these meetings as far as the Don't shoot committee and the PCAV that i attend. They should have more community meetings on how officers treat citizens.


  4. I remember that recording from last week's video. I still can't believe how cruel those police officers treated that guy for no legitimate reason. Stop and frisk should only be used in petty crimes instead of by profiling. I think it is unjust to use race as a simple reason to stop and frisk someone who is doing absolutely no harm and putting no one in danger, even themselves.

  5. I think one way to solve this problem comes from two other things discussed in the past two weeks in this class. The first, it was mentioned that NYPD does not have any outside independent entity that examines their performance and procedures such as an Inspector General. I personally don’t think NYPD will ever get any better unless some form of that is introduced. Once that is done and after a standard is set that bans this sort of discrimination, implement the camera systems that was discussed in the other video. Then the reviewing agency can take random samples of these videos and just monitor the activity that is going on within the department.
    Another step in the right direction is to mandate at least some form of community oriented policing (COP) per officer, per shift. That is something that is so easy to do and leaves a positive impression of the police instead of constantly leaving a bad taste in the citizens’ mouths in regards to the police. Something as simple as the viral video on the internet a few weeks ago. A dashcam video is shown of an officer pulling over and approaching a young man. First impression of the video it appears that the officer is going to yell at the juvenile for something but instead, he goes and tosses a football around with him for a few minutes. You could tell that it made the kids day. COP is very easy to do. Something as simple as waving at kids as you pass them on the street or even pulling over at a local park and letting the kids check out the squad car and play with the lights.

    1. I agree with you. We need to solve the problem and not just get rid of it. I like the ideas you have about how to start in the right direction with this program. Someone to hold police accountable is incredibly important. If accountability doesn't exist, then things will not get done right because there will be no repercussions on the department. I also like your idea of having a COP on every shift. I think that this would definitely help improve the police-community relationships so that people aren't scared every time an officer pulls up. vhammer123

  6. I believe that if that device in the previous video was implemented instead of the stop and frisk program, that there will be less racial profiling when police are trying to make their quota. This program is just ridiculous because not every person that is pulled over by police are treated the same. This video just proves that people are more paranoid with police around rather than feeling protected or even safe. If these are the people that are there to prevent crime, then I think these type of individuals need to be weeded out of this occupation. BadWolf123

    1. i agree i think the cameras from the last video would help for sure. it would show us exactly how the cop approached that patron and how he took care of the situation. then if they were to be in court they would have video proof of exactly what happened.


    2. i agree on the fact that the camers will help alot with the cops wrong accusations for the wrong people. Then come to find out its only the cops who will suffer the consequences. Hoopz123

  7. I remember this video from a week or two ago and I also remember the other video from that week where Bill Barton said that stop and frisk isn't wrong, it was just applied wrong. I agree with the stop and frisk policy as long as it is used correctly. I think it was wrong for the officers superiors to tell them that they should target colored people between 14 and 21 and it is wrong to force a quota on police. Like the stepfather said, police are people with a conscience too and some of them feel wrong about it but they are forced to do it because they have families to provide for and they can't lose their job over disobeying an order. So I don't think it is always the fault of the officers that are out patrolling. We have to look at the whole picture and find out if they are being forced to and if they are deal with the superiors first, then if things don't change with the officers deal with them. There are ways of helping this program. The cameras mentioned in the other video would be a great tool in steering this program in the right direction. It would hold cops accountable. There would be no more instances like telling people that they are being arrested for being a mutt. Like I said, I agree with stop and frisk but we need to figure out the right way to implement it, and there are the tools to do that out there already. vhammer123

    1. I think you make a very good point, stop and frisk could be used well if police don't take advantage of their authority. From the videos I have seen most of the cops are taking advantage of this and doing more harm than good. There is a lot of good that could of it stop and frisk and crimes stopped before they even happen if police officers follow the technique and do what they are suppose to do and not cause innocent people to get in trouble.

  8. i agree with stop and frisk as i stated in my previous comments from a video awhile back, i think its a good way to bring the crime numbers down, as long as the officers are using it correctly and not using it to hassle people or bother people. i think that they have to have suspicion before they can stop a random citizen and search them. if a cop sees someone who looks like they are hiding something or they smell of marijuana then they should have every right to search them. i dont think they should be able to just stop person after person for no reason just trying to make an easy arrest or find something on someone.


    1. I agree completely. They need to have some kind of suspicion before stopping an individual. Also the program can be a good thing, they just need to get rid of the "quotas" and maybe even get rid of officers that are abusing their badge. There is no way that it should be acceptable for officers to behave like the ones in this video.USA123

  9. The stop and frisk laws are very contraversial in some ways i do believe it could help reduce crime if applied in the right way. In order to have a stop and frisk law you have to have very honest police officers, if something like the cameras in the last video were in use i feel like it would eliminate all the harasement and help people not be so affraid of the poilce. The way the NYPD is using the stop and frisk law now is just wrong they are only targeting blacks and hispanics and they are harassing them. I believe unless we use something to monitor these stops we shouldn't have a program like this. Dabster123

  10. i cant belive the cops still fill that they can tackle and ruff up innocent people just because they feel their doing something wrong. and to only be tarketing black and hispanics is even worse its becoming a big problem because their setting their own reputations for the wrong people. Hoopz123

  11. This points of view in this video is very understandable. There is no way that those officers should have done the things they did or said the things they said to this young man. They were completely out of line, and left a black eye on the department. However as i have stated in previous blogs is that the idea of stop and frisk program should not be determined by these officers. The principle of the program is to deter crime. The NYPD has the right to stop and talk to any individual they feel is suspicious. The bad part is when you have officers like the ones in the video that take advantage of people and use their badge as a shield for discrimination and and demoralization. The concept of the program is good, but the way they are implementing it is flawed. The "quotas" may have something to do with this. If they are forced to stop a certain amount of people a day then they are going to be stopping people that dont need to be stopped. Again i believe that these officers were completely out of line with their behaviors and actions no matter what policy they think they are following.USA123

  12. This guy makes a very good point and says that most people(mostly the youth) are afraid of the cops rather than looking to them for help. The cops should be out there protecting them and making them feel safe in their community but kids such as alvin get traumatized instead by the cops. This is very wrong and I'm glad people are protesting against these cops that still do stop and frisk. I feel like the image cops have in society are slowly changing and not in a good way. I don't know where and when this image of cops started to change but cops need to make sure the serve and protect the society instead of scaring the youth, this could only have negative affects on them and may even cause them to act out against the cops because they don't respect them enough to do so otherwise.

  13. I diffidently agree with the news reporter, men that constantly get harassed by the law and this is not more so just the men but, woman as well. They will absolutely not feel comfortable going to the police about a situation all because of bad experience they have had with the law in the pass. If he/she was to call they would fear not knowing the outcome. I diffidently can relate because i called the police plenty of times about a certain situation and the same officer or a different officer that came before as well will come with an aggressive demeanor. Which gives off negative energy towards one another and, when he do approach he would say slick comments as far as who did you beat up this time? or what gang your running. I had an officer tell me in front of my mom he thinks i am apart of some gang all because he road down a street i happen to be on being nosy. I was on that street because i stopped and asked this male friend of mind if he was helping me move some more of my mom things out the house because we had no family to help and she has lupus so she's getting weaker by the day due to rheumatoid arthritis. at that time i did not realize nor care to much of the guys sitting on a porch behind him but, they were apart of the gang the officer mentioned i was apart of all because i was at the wrong place wrong time. the officer cared less about why i called him. Which was because i was getting harassed and threaten by this male whom friend i had arrested because he beat me with a broom last January and shot at me. The officer did nothing and till this day i get death threats but, why call the police? I was stabbed last month and they didn't care i pressed charges on the person who stabbed me gave them the video of me being being stabbed in the head and arm and emailed the detective the screen shots of her posting on social media how she stabbed me. I had to get the top of my head glued and stitches in my arm. I damn near get locked up at the states attorneys office last week all because i broke down and cried asking why cant no one help me. I ask for the internal affairs information and the lady get offended and tells me to leave. How do you want to help the community by serving and protecting. When your giving the community reasons to reject and go against you?



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