This video was great! It shows a new and true side to sexuality. Sadly, it is true... it all deals with attraction and when guys walk by girls most do look and it's the same for girls. It's human nature, for example, let's say your in the mall and your walking around with some friends and you see a girl with some short but tight shorts on, will you look? Yes, guys will look... because guys are attracted to things like that. It was very funny too because the guy even asked one of the males who looked if he was gay and in society now some people are homosexual or bi sexual.. it's the world we live in. So that guy could have been lying or maybe he does truly like guys... hmm. This was a nice experiment that he tried so maybe he can run back to his friend and let her know that its true.. something about girls and yoga pants. It's almost like they have nothing on which is why I feel it's something guys are attracted too and they are a tight fitted piece of clothing. -Pink789
I completely agree with you, pink. It is definitely human nature to look at the sex you are attracted to in a sexual way. I've heard a lot of girls complain that old and creepy men stare at them, but part of that reason is because of the way they are dressed. If they were wearing baggy clothes and no makeup, I'm sure they would not have that problem. If you want to dress in a "stylish" way, you are taking the chance to get checked out by not only people your age, but also men that are much older. BigGrizmatik789.
I agree with -Pink789, that it is true side of sexuality. It is human nature to look. If I was walking around a store and I come up to a cute guy, I would look. I also agree with BigGrizmatrik789. I have had old creepy guys looking at me and I just want to go up to them and ask why they are looking at me. It is how woman are dressed too, because looking at the people are being looked at, are dressed in tight clothes and short fitting clothes. rosebud012
I thought this video was hilarious but informative. Making this video was a really great idea. It tells us so much about society, sexuality, and people view the opposite sex. Some guys even view girls as nothing but a "piece of meat." It's definitely not right, but sometimes the girls are asking for it by wearing tight clothes that show off their curves or even a bikini that is way too small. I'm sure girls dress this way to look good and sometimes to attract guys (or girls), but some do just because it is a popular style and they want to be liked. However, girls are just as guilty as guys. They also look at guys they find attractive. I know some girls that go to baseball games just to check out the guys in baseball pants. It's basically the same concept. I thought it was hilarious that some of the guys in this video were so disappointed and mad that they wanted to fight him. After thinking about the change of acceptable clothing over the last 50 or so years can't even imagine what girls will be wearing in 10 or 20 years. BigGrizmatik789.
I think its so true that girls do the same level of extreme people watching on guys, they just tent to be more sneaky about it and not get caught like guys in this video. I’m also interested in the point you bring up about the future of clothing. It seems clothing keeps getting more and more expensive for thinner and less covering material. These are the tastes and preferences of everyone involved so why not. I would think that even something simple like clothing being more revealing would take a larger toll on a child growing up now than a child growing up in a more modest time period. Spacepotatoes012
I think this video was hysterical and 100% on point accurate. This is how 99% of guys act when a lady is wearing yoga/leggings. I self admit to this one. I loved the reactions of pure denial in what just happened. The one guy who actually jumped away while having a double take on his butt was funny. I think this is very critical of our culture and how we now dress ourselves in skintight and in some cases see through clothing to attract attention. Girls may say they are comfortable which in all reality they could be, but I think for most they are doing it for attention, and attention they will get. I think its pretty funny how such a simple experiment can yield such funny but important results. Almost to the point where guys wanted to throw punches to assert that they were not homophobic for looking at a guys butt. I’m with others on this one, can’t wait to see what the next 30 years of fashion will bring.-Spacepotatoes012
Spacepotatoes012 I have to agree with you that our society and a lot of people in it are a lot more worried about what they look like and how other people view them. I agree that some people dress for attention however, some people just dress for comfort. I also like the point you made about the reactions of people. Some were very upset, some did not care, and some were ready to get in a fight over it. I think it depends a lot on who the person is and what the situation is. Tempusfugit012
Hahahahah. Okay let's get to the truth behind this video. Leggings and tight clothing in today's society captures attention. I think before the men being pranked in this video realized his butt.. they were drawn to the tight clothing that drew the attention to his rump. Many cultures in today's society purposely make their women wear unappealing clothing so men aren't constantly looking. However, in our society, we have freedom to wear what we want and we can chose how we want to draw attention or how we like to reflect our personal style in our appearance. I think our clothes truly describe a lot about an individual. In the book, it talks about how prisoners are striped of their clothing used to make a distinctive appearance so everyone looks alike. That process is called resocialization. Some countries follow this process like the Muslims who only show their eyes. I think it's the same concept. But when you have the opportunity to dress how you want, your going to draw more attention. jme789
I totally agree with you. Each one of us have our own style based on what we looked good based on others approval and we choose that piece of clothing based on our individual style.. I mean let’s say that I would wear yoga pants which by the way I do not own a pair. Anyway if I went out and wore a pair, and someone comes up to me and says why your butt is shaped that way I would probably not put them on again. I would probably not wear them again. Also, sometimes women/men put on appealing clothes to gain attention. However, sometimes less is more. Bubbles012
jme789 I agree with you - we do have the choice to wear what we want unlike other countries. And like your beginning statement said, leggings and tight clothing do capture the attention and that attention could be from a man or even another female. I also agree with point you made about our clothing describing us; that's very true! Even if you see a girl with real tight clothes or a short shirt we may call her all sorts of names but a girl dressed up all formally, we would think that she professional and stuff like that. The clothes you choose to wear say something about you, in my opinion. -Pink789
I agree completely about the tight clothing drawing the attention of both men and women. It is a fact in today's society that this behavior happens in our country. You take this prank into another country and you would probably get wildly different results and reactions from the passerby's. As you said, we have the freedom to express ourselves and often times that directly relates to making ourselves more sexually attractive.
I think this video really captured how men act when they think they see a sexually attractive woman. I was actually kind of surprised whenever someone would try to fight the guy because it would seem like an obvious prank type of thing. I think they just wanted to fight him because they felt like he was trying to say they were gay for looking at his butt. I think it was kind of funny to see people get mad for being accused of being gay. I think it's more of a primal instinct kind of thing, where like people see a butt and they automatically think of sexual thoughts without seeing if it was a man or woman first. All in all I have to give props to the guy in this video because it made me laugh. shoestopher789
This video was great example of what the fine line of being straight, homosexual, or even bisexual. What is over stepping that fine line? He used his car to hide is identity therefore no one could truly know what his identity. Yes it is true that guys look at girls’ butts when they are wearing tight fighting clothes. At the other end of the yoga pants, girls often times wear clothes that get attention to boost self-esteem. There for the yoga pants go both ways. Yes yoga pants are used for working out, but then why would you wear them to school. There is true work out in that. To be fair it’s not just one sex that tries to show off their good side. Like guys wear keep dry shirts, but only if they think they have the body for it. We use whatever we can to try to show who ever our sex preference is off what we got. It’s part of the performance we do when we go outside, this how we want others to see us. Maybe do want others to see us as people that work out, slim, have a nice tight butt, have nice abs, or even just muscles. We need others approve we strive for that approval. Bubbles012
I agree with you completely. The video did a good job of showing how fine of a line there is between being straight and gay. It is true that it isn't only girls that try to show off. Guys do things that try to show off if they have the body for it, or sometimes they wear things that try to hide some of their lesser qualities. I agree that this is all part of the performance that we put on so that people accept us. That is after all what we are all striving for is to be accepted by society. vhammer789
I agree with you. I think this video is just based off of, how the men will react once they realize that its another men. Not base on if a person wearing something based on attention, which some men and women do. Like I stated before, its really hard to say that any of them guys have that feminine side because of this video. It could be a women who is a body builder and had her head in that trunk, if women walk past we will look, doesn't mean that we have thoughts about being with another women. myapic789
I think it is funny how guys can't tell another guy that he has a nice butt, but girls can tell eachother that. I even think it's wierd, but if you think about it, girls always tell eachother how beautiful they are and so on... If a guy said another guy was cute or goodlooking then he would be classified as gay. Everyone would call him gay and so on... PA789
I felt like this was a very funny but also informative video. Its also very true, when I wear yoga pants I feel like guys do look at my butt more often, I feel like girls wear tight and revealing clothing just so they can get attention and possibly that sexual attraction from a guy. I feel like girls want that approval from a guy. I also thought it was funny that one guy was getting so angry just because he was accusing him of being gay. I wouldnt think someone would be so offended by being called gay. All in all i thought this was a very good video and it did make me laugh Faithhopelove012
I really liked this video. It was funny but at the same time was very informative. I think it showed how close we can all be to homosexuality. As the guys were passing buy they were all checking him out, most of them thinking that he was a girl. This is partly to do with the fact that he was wearing "girls pants" but like I said, they thought he had a nice butt and that's why they were looking. One thing that I found most interesting was the reactions of the different guys that walked by and got caught. The guy that said "yeah I was checking you out, you have a nice butt" wasn't necessarily a homosexual but was comfortable enough with himself to admit and acknowledge he was looking. Then there was the guy who knew it was a joke and laughed about it probably feeling dumb and a little embarrassed but not making a huge deal out of it. Then there were was the guy who wanted to fight him because he got fooled and was not happy about it because it made him seem gay. These reactions show us how homosexuality can be a sensitive subject in our society, especially with people who get offended and angry if people think that they are gay, but also that there are people who are secure enough in themselves not to make a big deal of it. vhammer789
This video was hilarious, especially when the men realize that it was a men instead of a women. The first guy automatic got on the defense, saying "what are you calling me gay?" Then some of the men stated that they thought he was a women. I know in class we were talking about how, all men have that feminine side. Which I disagree, men normally look at a women behind. Men lust harder than women, so this guy had his head in the trunk with his butt out, yes 100% will look. But this doesn't determine that the guy could be homosexual. Great video though. myapic789
Bigstep789 I hear you I didn't want to watch the video either. 3 seconds is not a lot of time to give it a chance.. the video and information was good over the chapter. Usmc789
This video was hilarious and on point with what happens everyday in our society. This is exactly how I feel every time I wear yoga pants out in public and its why I rarely ever do. I also think its very interesting how the guys react when they find out that the person is a guy. This just goes to show how much we value our appearance and how others see us. Undergrad789
I thought this video was hilarious! I think it's funny how all the guys are shocked when they realize it is a guy. Everyone only expects women to wear tight yoga pants or whatever you call them. No one expects a guy to be wearing them because it is not the social norm, which is something we talked about a bit earlier. I think it's funny how one of the black guys looked like he was going to attack him because he was wearing yoga pants. I think some guys are pretty unreal when it comes to looking at girls butts. In this video, it makes them feel pretty salty when they figure out it is a guy. There was also one guy that I guess is homosexual since he said that the guy had a nice butt. Maybe he wasn't homosexual, but it brings up another good point. Girls can tell other girls that they look good or whatever, but guys can't tell another guy that he looks good without being criticized as a homosexual. PA789
I thought it was a very funny video also. I like your statement about everyone only expecting women to be wearing yoga pants. It's true. Even one of the guys said he shouldn't be wearing them. He did a good job fooling them into looking by hiding in his car. And it is so true about girls telling girls about looking good but guys can't. -Aquariusgirl789
This is very true what you are saying, why do we life in a world where people just cant be who they want and not be criticized for their views or thoughts on something. I do see men in pants like that often at the gym but, I guess they must not get much feed back concerning where they are. Blessed789
This video was so funny! Now guys know how it feels. I've never been brave enough to actually call someone out on staring though except for my boyfriend. This guy really has some balls do that AND he called everyone that out that was looking. People actually got made that him too and almost punched him! They must have been really embarrassed to go that extreme. -RedSam012
I agree some people were really embarrassed. it was funny that he straight up told them you were looking at my butt. this video was the funniest thing thus far. and the afrcian-amercian man was more or so laughing like why bruh? but its funny that some people got mad even though they did look at his butt -love789
I agree with RedSam. They did get really embarrassed but I don't know why they didn't fess up to it, they obviously were looking until his head popped up. Boys just don't want to admit to anything like that because they think people will call them gay. One of the guys in the video proved that by asking if he was trying to call him gay. @Beneke789.
The look of embarrassment of their faces was priceless. Guys can better relate to women when we choose to wear that type of clothing now. Most women won't say anything unless the guy is just completely obnoxious and rude. I like that he called everyone on the "peek at the booty". PYT012
I think this video was a great video to represent what we are learning right now and on top of that it was funny and kept you entertained. There were many different things that you saw throughout the video. Clothing for boys and girls can make others look in a sexual way at you. Yoga pants is a huge example for girls to wear that keep people looking. It may be girls; It may be boys. Many people have different views of homosexuality and you saw that as the video kept going. Some guys were mad because they didn't want to be considered "gay" for looking. Others weren't afraid to state they were looking. At one part one of the guys even said that the guy shouldn't be wearing the yoga pants. This video did a good job representing what is happening in everyday life whether it's sexual clothing or homosexuality views. -Aquariusgirl789
I agree there is a lot to recognize in the video about what we are learning in chapter 9. Clothing for men and women can in fact make people look at you in a sexual way. Leggings, and yoga pants are clothes that can make people look at you sexually. I thought the end of the video was the funniest and most explaining the "queer theory" that I read about in the book. The queer theory basically says that that the heterosexual not only tries to dominate women but men as well. The guy at the end his actions were as if he wanted to fight the guy pranking him because he is in heterosexual but he seemed to try to dominate the so called homosexual. -toybox789
That's a gag! I only saw 1minute and 15 seconds of the video then it shut off. I thought he did have a nice but to be a guy. It's easy to see why someone would thinks that's a girl, until he pops his head up. For the little that I saw it was funny and you could tell the guy was just trying to get you to respond. Now whichever way you respond is totally up to you. LOL Imma do me 789
This video was really funny, I like how it made you think about what women have to go threw to by wearing tight pants. It was also funny how people that didn't know he was a guy got very offended at the fact they didn't want to be taking as gay. Then their was some people that just didn't care. By watching this makes one realize how sexuality can me taking just by what you wear. Blessed789
I agree with PA789. It's true women tell each other how nice they look all the time unless they're hating! If a guy does it he just have to do it in a way that shows he's still a man. I think people have so much going on nowadays. Just because I'm looking at you don't mean its sexual. I could be thinking oh girl is rocking that outfit or dude look pretty good in that. No matter what everybody is not gay. Is society trying to make everyone gay don't know. There are plenty of ways you can get nasty with a partner and have real FUN! Even if I wanted to be gay, I wouldn't let another women keep me from going to heaven. The Bible says there is a women for every man. It also says thou shall not judge so I won't. Do you and GOD will be the one who judge you at the end! ENJOY Imma do me789
The video prank was very funny but did define chapter 9 for me. The end part of the video took me right to the queer theory in the reading of chapter 9. It was really funny how it played out but played out as a heterosexual trying to dominate a homosexual (not stating that the guy who was doing the pranking was a homosexual by any means though), but it really defined the queer theory for me well. Women really do get stared at for wearing legging, I myself am a woman and I am very careful as to how and where I leggings. I make sure I have a shirt on that will go past my hips in most cases. The stories behind wearing leggings can be put in chapter 9 about sexuality society. I have had friends say they will never wear a certain pair of legging to the grocery store again because of the body parts a male would stare at while she was walking past. You can feel people starting at you it was funny how the guy pranking always said I can feel you starting at me. -toybox789
this video just fully explained the chapter to me. I think the guys that admitted looking at the guys butt are fully aware of their sexuality. and the men that were kinda upset where questionable. (not that they were gay). men have a way of being very careful how they act around other men , because they never want to be called a homosexual. but women can call another woman pretty , or be comfortable around each other whether one was straight or lesbian. this video was more of an eye opener for me. its kinda funny how girls where looking too , he didn't mention too much about them looking. and im sure most people wouldn't consider them a lesbian for looking at another girls butt. love789
WOW. That video was really funny. It was funny how defensive the guys were that were caught looking at a guys butt. It's sad how only a couple of the guys were secure enough in themselves to see it for what it was and laugh. But, the others just wanted to be aggressive and they and win their manliness back. I thought that it was a good video to go with chap. 9. because of all the pressures from society on men. Selah789
This video was super funny and is something i would totally do as a joke. is show a perfect example of sexual misconduct in public. Younger man in this generation have almost no respect for women. They walk around doing "cat calls" or staring where they need not be. Men these days treat women like dirt and then they wonder why women yell at them. SM789
It's crazy how something that was meant to be a prank was actually good information for this class. It shows that this type of stuff still happens in society today. Boys are so worried about being called gay that they try to be tough. Some of the boys admitted to their fault by saying they thought they were looking at a girl. A few of the guys got angry because they were so embarrassed so they tried to show their manliness by getting tough. Beneke789.
The video was really funny. I was expecting a similar response before I watched it, but I didn't think the people's reactions would actually go that far. The people caught on tape will always try to be defensive about it, and it will end with intimidation one way or another. It is also important to point out how defensive they are, which could lead to suspicion. In the end, the video shows how guys and girls have it when they wear those kind of leggings. CWA789
This video was directed towards us men, i guess but it shows how the world is changing now with trying to conflict church and state more often. I see it as everybody likes what they like, let them like it i guess. HTV789
It seems that everyone thinks the video was hilarious or funny and I agree. It's human nature for someone to take a look at someone wearing tight clothes period. So yes if a woman is wearing tight clothes especially pants, men are going to look! It's a bad thing to most men if you don't look. It's also crazy because a lot of men are wearing skinny jeans just like women and u suppose they're straight but no one knows unless you ask them. If a girl dresses like a guy she's called a Tom boy so what is a guy called that wears women clothes? Usmc789
this video was hilarious. I definately enjoyed it, beside it being a fun video it did better inform me about sexuality and how our brain reacts to it. It obviously was a prank, but like many said at the end of the video one man tried to punch Fouseytube just because he was olaying a joke with tight pants. This video always explains and clearifies that men do look right at any butt in tight pants, but when they find out it is a guy they automatically become (homo-phobes) LAYLAY789
What a funny video! I liked this video a lot not only did it keep my attention but it also showed me different ways people view sexuality. The people in this video reacted to the prank very differently. The girls that got caught looking just started to laugh and joke around with the guy. They did not really care that they saw a guy tight fitting pants. A few of the guys looked away and ignored the fact that he was wearing the pants and just kept to themselves. One man got very upset and was willing to fight over the fact he was tricked and was really angry. I think he was feeling embarrassed that he got caught looking at a man in a sexual way. I think that it was very interesting to see the different reactions from different people. I think it made a difference if they were alone or if they had a friend with them as well. Over all sexuality plays a huge role in the way we look at others and the different stereotype we place on them. I think our society is scared to be accepting of change. Overall this was a good example of sexuality and how people view different situations. Tempusfugit012
This video is hilarious. If there is someone who looks like a woman bending over, what guy is not going to look. I don't think its necessarily a gay thing. i just think all men would like. I even think many women would look because you don't usually see someone bending over where every one is walking. Personally I would look just because its out of the norm. i also agree so previous comments about the one guy being embarressed that it was not a woman. It was really funny to see everyones reaction to it being a man. -openminded012
i agree with you because this video is really funny. a guy wearing yoga pants and actually pulling it off. like everyone even girls walked by and saw his but and was like damn so its not just guys that does it i think anyone with eyes would look at the but because it was just out there for everyone to look at to see all the different reactions you get outta people in general.
this video was really funny because you don't normally see a guy wearing yoga pants. when people see a guy wearing yoga pants they probably think he is gay because yoga pants are so tight why would guys want to wear them unless they like their junk bunched up. but just seeing the people reactions was funny after they saw it was a guy they were like uh what the heck and started walking away quickly then they guy in the yoga pants always had something smart to say about it. so i think it is neat that he did this video just to see all the responses he would get.
This was a very funny video because they were taking advantage of the normal activities that happen on a daily basis of the social interactions that happen. The confrontations after the men walking by who were looking at the guy's butt in the yoga pants were the best part. It was funny to see how embarrassed most of the guys were once they realized that it was a guy and not a woman who they were looking at. Although not in yoga pants, this has happened to me.and probably most guys, before without the confrontation while still realizing that it was a guy that you were looking at. I liked how some of the guys were honest about him having a nice butt without it being awkward, but most of the guys were embarrassed and just wanted to get away from the situation.
I also thought this video was really funny and entertaining. It was an interesting social experiment. Seeing the difference between the responses of the different people was also pretty great. It was interesting to see how some people got really angry while other people just went along with the joke. Toblerone012
Every time I have seen this video it gets funnier each time. But when i first watch this video some time last week on facebook. I didn't think about the sexuality of it and do not know if the guy who made this video got the how this is modern day society as well. Unfortunately this is what happens. What made me mad was the guys who was trying to fight him. Well did the guy egg them on yes he did. For the most part everybody laughed and got the joke that he was trying to make which is good. And I diffidently liked how there was a couple of women who looked to, so Its not just guys. But once again this how unfortunately how guys look at women. Am I personally guilty of doing stuff like of course I am I try not to but I am only human. SirEagleEye012
Yes, I had to watch the video more than once as well, too funny. I just don't understand why that guy wanted to fight when he got caught staring at another mans butt. He didn't call him gay or get pissed with him for looking. That I just don't understand and yes, I completely agree that unfortunately, guys view women that way. Princess 012
This was a pretty great video. The different responses and interactions between the people were incredibly funny and interesting. I was definitely concerned for a moment that some of the people might attack the guy in the yoga pants. Overall, it was really interesting to see how embarrassed people got when they realized that the person they were staring at was actually a man. Many of the people seemed afraid of being called gay and even got angry at the guy for tricking them. I also thought it was really interesting how many of the people who got angry were also acting as though it would have been perfectly okay had the person they were staring at been a woman. This might be a good starting point for an official sociology experiment. It would be nice to have records of how many total people walked by compared to the number of people who stared. Toblerone012
This video was so hilarious. The video is also true, that's exactly how girls feel walking in leggings pass guys or guys walking by. That was a great experiment to get a girls point of view. Every guy that was walking past checking out his butt, got pissed at themselves for looking at his butt. Only one guy was able to tell the guy that he had a nice butt. The way the guys were acting the guy caught them staring was the perfect example of how men don't except looking at a guys butt because they think their going to get called gay. Women look at women all the time, but it doesn't mean they're gay. When the girls were looking, that's more of the norm. The only reason they laughed was because the guy started playing with them about them looking at his butt. Overall, excellent video to show over sexuality. Princess012
This video is so accurate. When girls wear leggings guys look at them like they're a piece of meat and they're on the prowl. A lot of guys were mad once they found out it was a guy. In their mind they felt he was saying that they're gay but actually he was just showing them how looks can be deceiving. If that was a guy just about all the guys would have approached her or said something while they were walking. Women have no problem looking at other women because it's not that big of a deal. Guys on the other hand are too macho to compliment each other based on physical appearance, not the butt necessarily, but physical features period. PYT012
I liked that video and it was very informative. Alot of the guys were mad because the guy doing the prank, would then turn around and say something to the guys looking. It shows us that man think that woman are a piece of meat but when it is a guy then it is wrong. It is different when woman look at other woman's butts because it is normal. The video was funny but it cleared up Ch. 9 for me. rosebud012
This video was so funny! I mean you don't see a man in yoga pants everyday, especially bending over like that..awkward. It was interesting to see the various reactions that each person had. Lol great video overall. -CHIATIA012
I agree with you CHIATIA012 at first I'm like wait that's a guy bent over! It was so funny watching all the other man reactions when they found out it was a guy bent over and not a woman. -Aries012
This video was so true! Most guys do look at girls more when they are wearing tight clothing, especially leggings and yoga pants. The reason most of them got pissed or freaked out was because they expected it to be a girl and not a dude. Like they didn't want to be labeled "gay" or the guy doing the prank calling them out on it. I'm sure most of these guys were embarrassed after this video and they all reacted to it a different way. -Lacrossedude012
This video was very funny and interesting. I thought it was crazy that every guy thought he was a girl when he was bent over in the car. He does have a shape like a woman. I think most guys do look at girls butts when she walks pass. The guys got so mad when they found out the were looking at a mans butt and some was even disappointed. I think leggings do make a guy stare at your butt even more because of how tight they are. Personally I don't care for leggings because I feel naked wearing them. Overall this was a very funny video! -Aries012
This video was great! It shows a new and true side to sexuality. Sadly, it is true... it all deals with attraction and when guys walk by girls most do look and it's the same for girls. It's human nature, for example, let's say your in the mall and your walking around with some friends and you see a girl with some short but tight shorts on, will you look? Yes, guys will look... because guys are attracted to things like that. It was very funny too because the guy even asked one of the males who looked if he was gay and in society now some people are homosexual or bi sexual.. it's the world we live in. So that guy could have been lying or maybe he does truly like guys... hmm. This was a nice experiment that he tried so maybe he can run back to his friend and let her know that its true.. something about girls and yoga pants. It's almost like they have nothing on which is why I feel it's something guys are attracted too and they are a tight fitted piece of clothing. -Pink789
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you, pink. It is definitely human nature to look at the sex you are attracted to in a sexual way. I've heard a lot of girls complain that old and creepy men stare at them, but part of that reason is because of the way they are dressed. If they were wearing baggy clothes and no makeup, I'm sure they would not have that problem. If you want to dress in a "stylish" way, you are taking the chance to get checked out by not only people your age, but also men that are much older. BigGrizmatik789.
DeleteI agree with -Pink789, that it is true side of sexuality. It is human nature to look. If I was walking around a store and I come up to a cute guy, I would look. I also agree with BigGrizmatrik789. I have had old creepy guys looking at me and I just want to go up to them and ask why they are looking at me. It is how woman are dressed too, because looking at the people are being looked at, are dressed in tight clothes and short fitting clothes. rosebud012
DeleteI thought this video was hilarious but informative. Making this video was a really great idea. It tells us so much about society, sexuality, and people view the opposite sex. Some guys even view girls as nothing but a "piece of meat." It's definitely not right, but sometimes the girls are asking for it by wearing tight clothes that show off their curves or even a bikini that is way too small. I'm sure girls dress this way to look good and sometimes to attract guys (or girls), but some do just because it is a popular style and they want to be liked. However, girls are just as guilty as guys. They also look at guys they find attractive. I know some girls that go to baseball games just to check out the guys in baseball pants. It's basically the same concept. I thought it was hilarious that some of the guys in this video were so disappointed and mad that they wanted to fight him. After thinking about the change of acceptable clothing over the last 50 or so years can't even imagine what girls will be wearing in 10 or 20 years. BigGrizmatik789.
ReplyDeleteI think its so true that girls do the same level of extreme people watching on guys, they just tent to be more sneaky about it and not get caught like guys in this video. I’m also interested in the point you bring up about the future of clothing. It seems clothing keeps getting more and more expensive for thinner and less covering material. These are the tastes and preferences of everyone involved so why not. I would think that even something simple like clothing being more revealing would take a larger toll on a child growing up now than a child growing up in a more modest time period. Spacepotatoes012
DeleteI think this video was hysterical and 100% on point accurate. This is how 99% of guys act when a lady is wearing yoga/leggings. I self admit to this one. I loved the reactions of pure denial in what just happened. The one guy who actually jumped away while having a double take on his butt was funny. I think this is very critical of our culture and how we now dress ourselves in skintight and in some cases see through clothing to attract attention. Girls may say they are comfortable which in all reality they could be, but I think for most they are doing it for attention, and attention they will get. I think its pretty funny how such a simple experiment can yield such funny but important results. Almost to the point where guys wanted to throw punches to assert that they were not homophobic for looking at a guys butt. I’m with others on this one, can’t wait to see what the next 30 years of fashion will bring.-Spacepotatoes012
ReplyDeleteI agree. Its so hard to wear comfortable clothing when you know guys will be checking you out. -RedSam012
DeleteSpacepotatoes012 I have to agree with you that our society and a lot of people in it are a lot more worried about what they look like and how other people view them. I agree that some people dress for attention however, some people just dress for comfort. I also like the point you made about the reactions of people. Some were very upset, some did not care, and some were ready to get in a fight over it. I think it depends a lot on who the person is and what the situation is. Tempusfugit012
DeleteHahahahah. Okay let's get to the truth behind this video. Leggings and tight clothing in today's society captures attention. I think before the men being pranked in this video realized his butt.. they were drawn to the tight clothing that drew the attention to his rump. Many cultures in today's society purposely make their women wear unappealing clothing so men aren't constantly looking. However, in our society, we have freedom to wear what we want and we can chose how we want to draw attention or how we like to reflect our personal style in our appearance. I think our clothes truly describe a lot about an individual. In the book, it talks about how prisoners are striped of their clothing used to make a distinctive appearance so everyone looks alike. That process is called resocialization. Some countries follow this process like the Muslims who only show their eyes. I think it's the same concept. But when you have the opportunity to dress how you want, your going to draw more attention. jme789
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. Each one of us have our own style based on what we looked good based on others approval and we choose that piece of clothing based on our individual style.. I mean let’s say that I would wear yoga pants which by the way I do not own a pair. Anyway if I went out and wore a pair, and someone comes up to me and says why your butt is shaped that way I would probably not put them on again. I would probably not wear them again. Also, sometimes women/men put on appealing clothes to gain attention. However, sometimes less is more. Bubbles012
Deletejme789 I agree with you - we do have the choice to wear what we want unlike other countries. And like your beginning statement said, leggings and tight clothing do capture the attention and that attention could be from a man or even another female. I also agree with point you made about our clothing describing us; that's very true! Even if you see a girl with real tight clothes or a short shirt we may call her all sorts of names but a girl dressed up all formally, we would think that she professional and stuff like that. The clothes you choose to wear say something about you, in my opinion. -Pink789
DeleteI agree completely about the tight clothing drawing the attention of both men and women. It is a fact in today's society that this behavior happens in our country. You take this prank into another country and you would probably get wildly different results and reactions from the passerby's. As you said, we have the freedom to express ourselves and often times that directly relates to making ourselves more sexually attractive.
I think this video really captured how men act when they think they see a sexually attractive woman. I was actually kind of surprised whenever someone would try to fight the guy because it would seem like an obvious prank type of thing. I think they just wanted to fight him because they felt like he was trying to say they were gay for looking at his butt. I think it was kind of funny to see people get mad for being accused of being gay. I think it's more of a primal instinct kind of thing, where like people see a butt and they automatically think of sexual thoughts without seeing if it was a man or woman first. All in all I have to give props to the guy in this video because it made me laugh. shoestopher789
ReplyDeleteThis video was great example of what the fine line of being straight, homosexual, or even bisexual. What is over stepping that fine line? He used his car to hide is identity therefore no one could truly know what his identity. Yes it is true that guys look at girls’ butts when they are wearing tight fighting clothes. At the other end of the yoga pants, girls often times wear clothes that get attention to boost self-esteem. There for the yoga pants go both ways. Yes yoga pants are used for working out, but then why would you wear them to school. There is true work out in that. To be fair it’s not just one sex that tries to show off their good side. Like guys wear keep dry shirts, but only if they think they have the body for it. We use whatever we can to try to show who ever our sex preference is off what we got. It’s part of the performance we do when we go outside, this how we want others to see us. Maybe do want others to see us as people that work out, slim, have a nice tight butt, have nice abs, or even just muscles. We need others approve we strive for that approval. Bubbles012
ReplyDeleteI agree with you completely. The video did a good job of showing how fine of a line there is between being straight and gay. It is true that it isn't only girls that try to show off. Guys do things that try to show off if they have the body for it, or sometimes they wear things that try to hide some of their lesser qualities. I agree that this is all part of the performance that we put on so that people accept us. That is after all what we are all striving for is to be accepted by society. vhammer789
DeleteI agree with you. I think this video is just based off of, how the men will react once they realize that its another men. Not base on if a person wearing something based on attention, which some men and women do. Like I stated before, its really hard to say that any of them guys have that feminine side because of this video. It could be a women who is a body builder and had her head in that trunk, if women walk past we will look, doesn't mean that we have thoughts about being with another women. myapic789
DeleteI think it is funny how guys can't tell another guy that he has a nice butt, but girls can tell eachother that. I even think it's wierd, but if you think about it, girls always tell eachother how beautiful they are and so on... If a guy said another guy was cute or goodlooking then he would be classified as gay. Everyone would call him gay and so on...
I felt like this was a very funny but also informative video. Its also very true, when I wear yoga pants I feel like guys do look at my butt more often, I feel like girls wear tight and revealing clothing just so they can get attention and possibly that sexual attraction from a guy. I feel like girls want that approval from a guy. I also thought it was funny that one guy was getting so angry just because he was accusing him of being gay. I wouldnt think someone would be so offended by being called gay. All in all i thought this was a very good video and it did make me laugh
I really liked this video. It was funny but at the same time was very informative. I think it showed how close we can all be to homosexuality. As the guys were passing buy they were all checking him out, most of them thinking that he was a girl. This is partly to do with the fact that he was wearing "girls pants" but like I said, they thought he had a nice butt and that's why they were looking. One thing that I found most interesting was the reactions of the different guys that walked by and got caught. The guy that said "yeah I was checking you out, you have a nice butt" wasn't necessarily a homosexual but was comfortable enough with himself to admit and acknowledge he was looking. Then there was the guy who knew it was a joke and laughed about it probably feeling dumb and a little embarrassed but not making a huge deal out of it. Then there were was the guy who wanted to fight him because he got fooled and was not happy about it because it made him seem gay. These reactions show us how homosexuality can be a sensitive subject in our society, especially with people who get offended and angry if people think that they are gay, but also that there are people who are secure enough in themselves not to make a big deal of it. vhammer789
ReplyDeleteThis video was hilarious, especially when the men realize that it was a men instead of a women. The first guy automatic got on the defense, saying "what are you calling me gay?" Then some of the men stated that they thought he was a women. I know in class we were talking about how, all men have that feminine side. Which I disagree, men normally look at a women behind. Men lust harder than women, so this guy had his head in the trunk with his butt out, yes 100% will look. But this doesn't determine that the guy could be homosexual. Great video though. myapic789
ReplyDeleteI didn't find this video funny or interesting, in fact after about 3 seconds I turned it off. bigstep789
ReplyDeleteBigstep789 I hear you I didn't want to watch the video either. 3 seconds is not a lot of time to give it a chance.. the video and information was good over the chapter. Usmc789
DeleteThis video was hilarious and on point with what happens everyday in our society. This is exactly how I feel every time I wear yoga pants out in public and its why I rarely ever do. I also think its very interesting how the guys react when they find out that the person is a guy. This just goes to show how much we value our appearance and how others see us. Undergrad789
ReplyDeleteI thought this video was hilarious! I think it's funny how all the guys are shocked when they realize it is a guy. Everyone only expects women to wear tight yoga pants or whatever you call them. No one expects a guy to be wearing them because it is not the social norm, which is something we talked about a bit earlier. I think it's funny how one of the black guys looked like he was going to attack him because he was wearing yoga pants. I think some guys are pretty unreal when it comes to looking at girls butts. In this video, it makes them feel pretty salty when they figure out it is a guy. There was also one guy that I guess is homosexual since he said that the guy had a nice butt. Maybe he wasn't homosexual, but it brings up another good point. Girls can tell other girls that they look good or whatever, but guys can't tell another guy that he looks good without being criticized as a homosexual.
I thought it was a very funny video also. I like your statement about everyone only expecting women to be wearing yoga pants. It's true. Even one of the guys said he shouldn't be wearing them. He did a good job fooling them into looking by hiding in his car. And it is so true about girls telling girls about looking good but guys can't. -Aquariusgirl789
DeleteThis is very true what you are saying, why do we life in a world where people just cant be who they want and not be criticized for their views or thoughts on something. I do see men in pants like that often at the gym but, I guess they must not get much feed back concerning where they are. Blessed789
DeleteThis video was so funny! Now guys know how it feels. I've never been brave enough to actually call someone out on staring though except for my boyfriend. This guy really has some balls do that AND he called everyone that out that was looking. People actually got made that him too and almost punched him! They must have been really embarrassed to go that extreme. -RedSam012
ReplyDeleteI agree some people were really embarrassed. it was funny that he straight up told them you were looking at my butt. this video was the funniest thing thus far. and the afrcian-amercian man was more or so laughing like why bruh? but its funny that some people got mad even though they did look at his butt -love789
DeleteI agree with RedSam. They did get really embarrassed but I don't know why they didn't fess up to it, they obviously were looking until his head popped up. Boys just don't want to admit to anything like that because they think people will call them gay. One of the guys in the video proved that by asking if he was trying to call him gay. @Beneke789.
DeleteThe look of embarrassment of their faces was priceless. Guys can better relate to women when we choose to wear that type of clothing now. Most women won't say anything unless the guy is just completely obnoxious and rude. I like that he called everyone on the "peek at the booty".
I think this video was a great video to represent what we are learning right now and on top of that it was funny and kept you entertained. There were many different things that you saw throughout the video. Clothing for boys and girls can make others look in a sexual way at you. Yoga pants is a huge example for girls to wear that keep people looking. It may be girls; It may be boys. Many people have different views of homosexuality and you saw that as the video kept going. Some guys were mad because they didn't want to be considered "gay" for looking. Others weren't afraid to state they were looking. At one part one of the guys even said that the guy shouldn't be wearing the yoga pants. This video did a good job representing what is happening in everyday life whether it's sexual clothing or homosexuality views. -Aquariusgirl789
ReplyDeleteI agree there is a lot to recognize in the video about what we are learning in chapter 9. Clothing for men and women can in fact make people look at you in a sexual way. Leggings, and yoga pants are clothes that can make people look at you sexually. I thought the end of the video was the funniest and most explaining the "queer theory" that I read about in the book. The queer theory basically says that that the heterosexual not only tries to dominate women but men as well. The guy at the end his actions were as if he wanted to fight the guy pranking him because he is in heterosexual but he seemed to try to dominate the so called homosexual. -toybox789
DeleteThat's a gag! I only saw 1minute and 15 seconds of the video then it shut off. I thought he did have a nice but to be a guy. It's easy to see why someone would thinks that's a girl, until he pops his head up. For the little that I saw it was funny and you could tell the guy was just trying to get you to respond. Now whichever way you respond is totally up to you. LOL Imma do me 789
ReplyDeleteThis video was really funny, I like how it made you think about what women have to go threw to by wearing tight pants. It was also funny how people that didn't know he was a guy got very offended at the fact they didn't want to be taking as gay. Then their was some people that just didn't care. By watching this makes one realize how sexuality can me taking just by what you wear. Blessed789
ReplyDeleteI agree with PA789. It's true women tell each other how nice they look all the time unless they're hating! If a guy does it he just have to do it in a way that shows he's still a man. I think people have so much going on nowadays. Just because I'm looking at you don't mean its sexual. I could be thinking oh girl is rocking that outfit or dude look pretty good in that. No matter what everybody is not gay. Is society trying to make everyone gay don't know. There are plenty of ways you can get nasty with a partner and have real FUN! Even if I wanted to be gay, I wouldn't let another women keep me from going to heaven. The Bible says there is a women for every man. It also says thou shall not judge so I won't. Do you and GOD will be the one who judge you at the end! ENJOY Imma do me789
ReplyDeleteI was able to watch the rest. I like how the man just keeps walking. NOT A WORD! JUST KEEP WALKING! LOL Imma do me789
ReplyDeleteSame. I dont like the video personally being a man looking at another man regardless but thats how some people prefer to go. HTV789
DeleteThe video prank was very funny but did define chapter 9 for me. The end part of the video took me right to the queer theory in the reading of chapter 9. It was really funny how it played out but played out as a heterosexual trying to dominate a homosexual (not stating that the guy who was doing the pranking was a homosexual by any means though), but it really defined the queer theory for me well. Women really do get stared at for wearing legging, I myself am a woman and I am very careful as to how and where I leggings. I make sure I have a shirt on that will go past my hips in most cases. The stories behind wearing leggings can be put in chapter 9 about sexuality society. I have had friends say they will never wear a certain pair of legging to the grocery store again because of the body parts a male would stare at while she was walking past. You can feel people starting at you it was funny how the guy pranking always said I can feel you starting at me. -toybox789
ReplyDeletethis video just fully explained the chapter to me. I think the guys that admitted looking at the guys butt are fully aware of their sexuality. and the men that were kinda upset where questionable. (not that they were gay). men have a way of being very careful how they act around other men , because they never want to be called a homosexual. but women can call another woman pretty , or be comfortable around each other whether one was straight or lesbian. this video was more of an eye opener for me. its kinda funny how girls where looking too , he didn't mention too much about them looking. and im sure most people wouldn't consider them a lesbian for looking at another girls butt. love789
ReplyDeleteWOW. That video was really funny. It was funny how defensive the guys were that were caught looking at a guys butt. It's sad how only a couple of the guys were secure enough in themselves to see it for what it was and laugh. But, the others just wanted to be aggressive and they and win their manliness back. I thought that it was a good video to go with chap. 9. because of all the pressures from society on men.
This video was super funny and is something i would totally do as a joke. is show a perfect example of sexual misconduct in public. Younger man in this generation have almost no respect for women. They walk around doing "cat calls" or staring where they need not be. Men these days treat women like dirt and then they wonder why women yell at them. SM789
ReplyDeleteIt's crazy how something that was meant to be a prank was actually good information for this class. It shows that this type of stuff still happens in society today. Boys are so worried about being called gay that they try to be tough. Some of the boys admitted to their fault by saying they thought they were looking at a girl. A few of the guys got angry because they were so embarrassed so they tried to show their manliness by getting tough. Beneke789.
ReplyDeleteThe video was really funny. I was expecting a similar response before I watched it, but I didn't think the people's reactions would actually go that far. The people caught on tape will always try to be defensive about it, and it will end with intimidation one way or another. It is also important to point out how defensive they are, which could lead to suspicion. In the end, the video shows how guys and girls have it when they wear those kind of leggings. CWA789
ReplyDeleteThis video was directed towards us men, i guess but it shows how the world is changing now with trying to conflict church and state more often. I see it as everybody likes what they like, let them like it i guess.
It seems that everyone thinks the video was hilarious or funny and I agree. It's human nature for someone to take a look at someone wearing tight clothes period. So yes if a woman is wearing tight clothes especially pants, men are going to look! It's a bad thing to most men if you don't look. It's also crazy because a lot of men are wearing skinny jeans just like women and u suppose they're straight but no one knows unless you ask them. If a girl dresses like a guy she's called a Tom boy so what is a guy called that wears women clothes? Usmc789
ReplyDeletethis video was hilarious. I definately enjoyed it, beside it being a fun video it did better inform me about sexuality and how our brain reacts to it. It obviously was a prank, but like many said at the end of the video one man tried to punch Fouseytube just because he was olaying a joke with tight pants. This video always explains and clearifies that men do look right at any butt in tight pants, but when they find out it is a guy they automatically become (homo-phobes)
What a funny video! I liked this video a lot not only did it keep my attention but it also showed me different ways people view sexuality. The people in this video reacted to the prank very differently. The girls that got caught looking just started to laugh and joke around with the guy. They did not really care that they saw a guy tight fitting pants. A few of the guys looked away and ignored the fact that he was wearing the pants and just kept to themselves. One man got very upset and was willing to fight over the fact he was tricked and was really angry. I think he was feeling embarrassed that he got caught looking at a man in a sexual way. I think that it was very interesting to see the different reactions from different people. I think it made a difference if they were alone or if they had a friend with them as well. Over all sexuality plays a huge role in the way we look at others and the different stereotype we place on them. I think our society is scared to be accepting of change. Overall this was a good example of sexuality and how people view different situations. Tempusfugit012
ReplyDeleteThis video is hilarious. If there is someone who looks like a woman bending over, what guy is not going to look. I don't think its necessarily a gay thing. i just think all men would like. I even think many women would look because you don't usually see someone bending over where every one is walking. Personally I would look just because its out of the norm. i also agree so previous comments about the one guy being embarressed that it was not a woman. It was really funny to see everyones reaction to it being a man. -openminded012
ReplyDeletei agree with you because this video is really funny. a guy wearing yoga pants and actually pulling it off. like everyone even girls walked by and saw his but and was like damn so its not just guys that does it i think anyone with eyes would look at the but because it was just out there for everyone to look at to see all the different reactions you get outta people in general.
Deletethis video was really funny because you don't normally see a guy wearing yoga pants. when people see a guy wearing yoga pants they probably think he is gay because yoga pants are so tight why would guys want to wear them unless they like their junk bunched up. but just seeing the people reactions was funny after they saw it was a guy they were like uh what the heck and started walking away quickly then they guy in the yoga pants always had something smart to say about it. so i think it is neat that he did this video just to see all the responses he would get.
ReplyDeleteThis was a very funny video because they were taking advantage of the normal activities that happen on a daily basis of the social interactions that happen. The confrontations after the men walking by who were looking at the guy's butt in the yoga pants were the best part. It was funny to see how embarrassed most of the guys were once they realized that it was a guy and not a woman who they were looking at. Although not in yoga pants, this has happened to me.and probably most guys, before without the confrontation while still realizing that it was a guy that you were looking at. I liked how some of the guys were honest about him having a nice butt without it being awkward, but most of the guys were embarrassed and just wanted to get away from the situation.
I also thought this video was really funny and entertaining. It was an interesting social experiment. Seeing the difference between the responses of the different people was also pretty great. It was interesting to see how some people got really angry while other people just went along with the joke. Toblerone012
DeleteEvery time I have seen this video it gets funnier each time. But when i first watch this video some time last week on facebook. I didn't think about the sexuality of it and do not know if the guy who made this video got the how this is modern day society as well. Unfortunately this is what happens. What made me mad was the guys who was trying to fight him. Well did the guy egg them on yes he did. For the most part everybody laughed and got the joke that he was trying to make which is good. And I diffidently liked how there was a couple of women who looked to, so Its not just guys. But once again this how unfortunately how guys look at women. Am I personally guilty of doing stuff like of course I am I try not to but I am only human.
Yes, I had to watch the video more than once as well, too funny. I just don't understand why that guy wanted to fight when he got caught staring at another mans butt. He didn't call him gay or get pissed with him for looking. That I just don't understand and yes, I completely agree that unfortunately, guys view women that way. Princess 012
DeleteThis was a pretty great video. The different responses and interactions between the people were incredibly funny and interesting. I was definitely concerned for a moment that some of the people might attack the guy in the yoga pants. Overall, it was really interesting to see how embarrassed people got when they realized that the person they were staring at was actually a man. Many of the people seemed afraid of being called gay and even got angry at the guy for tricking them. I also thought it was really interesting how many of the people who got angry were also acting as though it would have been perfectly okay had the person they were staring at been a woman. This might be a good starting point for an official sociology experiment. It would be nice to have records of how many total people walked by compared to the number of people who stared. Toblerone012
ReplyDeleteThis video was so hilarious. The video is also true, that's exactly how girls feel walking in leggings pass guys or guys walking by. That was a great experiment to get a girls point of view. Every guy that was walking past checking out his butt, got pissed at themselves for looking at his butt. Only one guy was able to tell the guy that he had a nice butt. The way the guys were acting the guy caught them staring was the perfect example of how men don't except looking at a guys butt because they think their going to get called gay. Women look at women all the time, but it doesn't mean they're gay. When the girls were looking, that's more of the norm. The only reason they laughed was because the guy started playing with them about them looking at his butt. Overall, excellent video to show over sexuality.
This video is so accurate. When girls wear leggings guys look at them like they're a piece of meat and they're on the prowl. A lot of guys were mad once they found out it was a guy. In their mind they felt he was saying that they're gay but actually he was just showing them how looks can be deceiving. If that was a guy just about all the guys would have approached her or said something while they were walking. Women have no problem looking at other women because it's not that big of a deal. Guys on the other hand are too macho to compliment each other based on physical appearance, not the butt necessarily, but physical features period.
I liked that video and it was very informative. Alot of the guys were mad because the guy doing the prank, would then turn around and say something to the guys looking. It shows us that man think that woman are a piece of meat but when it is a guy then it is wrong. It is different when woman look at other woman's butts because it is normal. The video was funny but it cleared up Ch. 9 for me. rosebud012
ReplyDeleteThis video was so funny! I mean you don't see a man in yoga pants everyday, especially bending over like that..awkward. It was interesting to see the various reactions that each person had. Lol great video overall. -CHIATIA012
ReplyDeleteI agree with you CHIATIA012 at first I'm like wait that's a guy bent over! It was so funny watching all the other man reactions when they found out it was a guy bent over and not a woman. -Aries012
DeleteThis video was so true! Most guys do look at girls more when they are wearing tight clothing, especially leggings and yoga pants. The reason most of them got pissed or freaked out was because they expected it to be a girl and not a dude. Like they didn't want to be labeled "gay" or the guy doing the prank calling them out on it. I'm sure most of these guys were embarrassed after this video and they all reacted to it a different way.
This video was very funny and interesting. I thought it was crazy that every guy thought he was a girl when he was bent over in the car. He does have a shape like a woman. I think most guys do look at girls butts when she walks pass. The guys got so mad when they found out the were looking at a mans butt and some was even disappointed. I think leggings do make a guy stare at your butt even more because of how tight they are. Personally I don't care for leggings because I feel naked wearing them. Overall this was a very funny video! -Aries012