Sociology: McDonaldization and Predictability, Efficiency, etc....Your Thoughts....


  1. I found it kind of funny that they had to have Pamela Anderson read a script to get the point across that slaughter houses are cruel to animals. I thought this video was very sad and it definitely made me not want to eat chicken for a while. It's not the worst I have seen though. There is a video going around of chicks going through a grinder, apparently to make chicken nuggets. I have also seen a disgusting picture of what they call "chicken paste" that is then formed into the nuggets. This video was very informative though. I did not know that the chickens are killed at just two months old. I am completely shocked and have no words for the clip of the men throwing the chickens at the wall and stomping on them. I now completely understand why people are vegetarians, but I don't think I could ever do it. BigGrizmatik789.

    1. I likewise think it is hilarious that they start an extremely emotionally charged pitch with Pamela of all people. Like you mentioned, I don’t think this is the worst I’ve seen before either. Which is really sad the way the meat industry has increasingly more industrialized and impersonal. I would have hoped the workers involved in the chicken throwing would be removed from their positions but knowing the world we know today they probably got a promotion and a raise for their hard work. A very sick insight into what is a massing on going in the world. -Spacepotatoes012

    2. I also found this video very sad. I doubt that KFC is the only fast food restaurant that cruelly raises and kills chickens. I also agree that this video is very informative. I believe that they need to take away the suffering of the chickens. They method they use is very efficient but it is very cruel for the chickens to suffer more than they have too. They are already getting killed.

    3. I agree with you that it is very sad that we can't just recognize the cruelty and that we have to bring a celebrity like Pamela Anderson to talk about it to make people aware of the harm being done to the chickens. I also know that KFC is not the only company at fault here. So much animal cruelty is out there and we keep pretending it isn't happening. -purple789

  2. This is a very sad and semi shocking video. I could only imagine the things that go one world wide for all industries to acquire all of the meat they need just for one fiscal year. Although I do not at all agree with any of the abusive treatment endured by the chickens it is important to point out that it is the way it is because we need things fast and it is partially our way of life fueling this process. Even though the events taking place in the video are all undeniably true, it is important to read and filter out the bias of it being a product of PETA. I wish there was realistically a way to drastically improve on this process but seeing as KFC is a business they will continue to do what ever they can to speed up production and minimize costs. To them all chickens are resources, dead or alive.-Spacepotatoes012

    1. I agree with you. It is a sad and shocking video and would probably make most people angry, however we as a society need to own up to our part. We want everything fast and hate waiting for things and this is the only way that companies like KFC can see to keep up with our demand and keep customers happy. I wish there was a way to make it easier on the chickens so that they didn't have to suffer as much but for the time being this is how things are going to be and by eating at these establishments we are telling them that we are ok with it. vhammer789

  3. I found this horrible, and truly a sad. The brutality that poor innocent chickens have to face every year is horrifying. I mean when I lived on a farm we killed chickens to eat but we only ate the chick that was a bully. There was at least a few years for the chick to roam free and live its life. Whereas these chickens have very cramped space where they have no freedom and all they have to look forward to is death. Chickens are really not a dump bird as people might think. Like when I was younger we had a roaster named guard dog, because if it was anyone else other then three of us living there….he would attack leaving bruises. So yes they are a smart bird like the video said. I wish there was more regulations put in place for animal abuse even if they do live a short amount of time. Bubble012

    1. Crazy we had like the same thought. I hated this video. I grew up on a farm as well and we used to kill chickens for eating. Yet we let ours roam free and live happy lives until it was their time to be eaten. The brutal lives this chickens in the movie live was heartbreaking. I agree wish there where more regulations on animal cruelity. I understand a chicken cow pig horse arent like dogs and cats and what not yet they are still animals all in the same. kakers789

    2. I thought this video was horrifying and disgusting. I do not eat KFC very often and after this I don't think I will be again. The way that the animals are treated by the workers is disturbing and completely unnecessary. There is no reason that people should be throwing the animals against walls or stomping on them. Its not just how the workers treat them though. The amount of pain that these animals go threw is more than any living thing should have to endure. Especially cutting off the beak. That part actually made me cringe. What is the point of doing something like that. To me it seems like an extremely merciless thing to do. I know things are never going to change though because that would cost the company money. I however will not be eating there or any fast food chicken restaurant again after this. vhammer789

    3. YES this is crazy. My question for those who were raised on a farm, how did you kill chickens? I know it couldn't be like this video I seen, I felt so sorry for them chickens. All of it was bad, but I think one of the worse part of the video, is when they were stomping on the chickens, and just throwing them on the wall. I enjoyed eating chicken, and I appreciate what I get and eat, can the chickens get some appreciation instead of doing them like that. myapic789

    4. vhammer789 I agree with you - I don't eat there very often either but after this video... N-O is all i can say! I don't think I could ever again even walk in there. Like you said there is no reason for them be throwing them all around and stomping on them... how would we like to be stomped on and thrown into little crates. Just cruel! The beak thing.. ugh, I don't even want to begin to discuss how mad that made me! And like I said, they compared that to us getting our tips of our fingers cut; imagine how painful that would be. They couldn't even eat they said. -Pink789

  4. I was so terrified this video really disturb me. I never knew this is what they do to chickens. This is nothing but abuse. I am pretty sure their is other ways for them to do this. Either way I think its wrong. Sometimes I wonder if I should just go and be a vegetarian. If we as humans hate to see another human get abused like this, everyone should feel the exact same way with animals. The only thing KFC is getting from me is large drink with a side of fries, and lucky if they just get that. Animals have a life just like us. no one should brutally abuse them chickens at all. There's not to much I can say about this but shake my head. myapic789

  5. This video was horrible! This brought tears to my eyes; this is NOT the right way to go about this. This video focused all on abuse and it was so terrible the way they threw the chickens around, cut their beaks off, and stomped on them. Just think, how do you think it would feel to be boiled alive? Someone of us even jump at the fact of a little grease splashing on us when we fry things - imagine being covered in that. That's basically what they were doing to these poor helpless chickens. They even compared having their beaks cut off to us having the tips of our fingers cut off; we would be in horrible pain. After this inhumane and cruel video... NEVER again will I eat at KFC. I don't even eat mcdonalds anymore... just plain gross! -Pink789

    1. I completely agree with you, pink. The video was created solely to make you respond the way you did. However, I think they took it to an extreme with the clip of the men throwing the chickens and stomping on them. That was completely uncalled for. Obviously, the goal of this video was to break your heart and that is exactly what it did. If you thought this was bad, do NOT search more videos regarding the production of chicken because there are videos way worse than this one. I agree that it is extremely sad that they have to be this graphic to get the point across. BigGrizmatik789.

  6. I will never be able to eat from KFC again! The fact that the company chooses efficiency and convenience by torturing chickens over and over again does not look good for them at all. Im sure that KFC is not the only fast food company that tortures animals in our society today. Although it is very sad and immoral, This is a prime example of what our society has come to. Undergrad789

    1. I haven't eating KFC for years because of other reasons but this make me sick. I glad I haven't eaten it for years. -RedSam012

    2. Yes same here. I try my hardest not to eat at any fast food restaurants. We yet to know what McDonald's food look like and Burger King. Very interesting video HTV789

  7. I have seen this video before. I think this video is very sad, but I don't know how else they would be able to produce enough chicken for the people of the world to eat. I think that some major changes could occur. I obviously think that they could give more space to the chickens so they aren't crammed. I also think that they could maybe use some sort of drug to knock em out before they get cut up and scalded. I don't think that killing masses of chickens is the bad thing. It is only human to grow or hunt our food and this is an easy way to do it. With that said, I still believe that they need to take away the suffering of the animals by knocking them out and raising them in a more natural environment.

    1. I'd agree that it is so sad. Maybe there isn't another way, but they sure should inspect another way if at all possible and knocking them out is a good idea too. Atleast they wouldn't have to go through all that pain. -Aquariusgirl789

  8. This video literally made me sick. I haven't been able to eat KFC for years because I got food poison from it. I can't even smell fried chicken because of how sick it made me. I am really glad that I haven't been eating their food for years. I don't like at the end they were like "oh hey become a vegetarian!' We don't need not avoid meet. We just need to make an effort not eat food where we don't know where it came from. Try to eat organic or free range animals and not mass massacred meat or poultry. -RedSam012

  9. I found this video extremely disturbing. I don't care if they are just chickens, no living things should be treated this way. It is awful that they hang the chickens upside down and slit their throats and then put them in scalding hot water while they are still alive. I really do not see the point of it to be honest. It seems to me that they could at least humanely put the chickens down before they do all of this to them. I don't see the point of having them alive for all of it. I may be a biassed opinion because I have always been extra sensitive towards animals, but I think (and I hope) that this video would be disturbing enough to change the views of many Americans about animal rights. I never really liked KFC anyways, but this video made me never want to eat there again and almost makes me want to try becoming a vegetarian. -purple789

    1. I agree with you purple789 KFC should really handle their chickens differently. I cant even believe they are allowed to treat the chicken in such a cruel manner. I also don't see the point of it. The way the KFC factory workers slit their throats throwing them against the wall, and not to mention stepping on them was just disturbing. I cant believe after watching this that KFC has not been reported and there has been some sort of stop to the way they handle chickens. I honestly don't even like animals but I couldn't imagine hurting one. -toybox789

  10. That's crazy! I like KFC but I don't think I want to eat it again because I will think of this video. It is sad that people can get stuck at a job and think no one is watching so you do whatever. I don't fault the untrained workers I fault the person who hired the untrained workers and put them out there. Believe it or not, it could have been one of the untrained workers who know its wrong that's why they secretly recorded it so the message could spread world wide. That's a shame and they make way to much money to not train people and not to have that factory up and running correctly. Imma do me789

    1. I agree this is a shame that workers are not trained to have their factory running correctly, it makes you wonder if any of them eat chicken or their family's. This clip totally ruined it for me ever eating there again. Blessed 789

  11. This video was very hard to watch. Its hard for me to watch living things get hurt. I had always heard of people protesting about KFC but I was not aware that they were treating animals so cruel. I mean what is the point in making them suffer so much and not just cutting their throats in the beginning. I am sure they have their reasons behind why but I am sure they can be argued with. One thing that bothered me about this video is how they workers in factories for KFC snapped the baby chic's beaks off like they were finger nails. Another was them stepping on the chickens and throwing them into walls. It just seems like there can be a better way for them to handle the chickens, and KFC should really do something about it. toybox789

  12. I agree with bubbles. You have to kill them anyway, at least let them die a better way. I'm the baby of my family and I'm spoiled. I'm the only female in my house so its worse now! I don't tolerate disrespect. They would of thought it was me who turned in the video because I would have been the person trying to fix the problem. People don't have to just except anything! When we get to that point change will never happen. We have to get involved and stay involved until someone gets the message. Starting with the media. CHANGE WILL COME! PS. Remember its sad but true. You can grasp attention faster with a beautiful women. Some would have skipped the video but you see her and stop and listen. Now you're informed, while getting the message from someone who is beautiful ! LOL The real message is how can we get you to watch this video besides your teacher assigning it to you! Imma do me789

  13. Wow, this was very sad to watch how people could be so cruel regardless if it is something we are going to eat anyway. I don't think I will ever eat KFC again. I was thinking about this clip and thought does this happen all over at chicken serving places? Or is it just KFC, and do all the company's have un-trained workers in their factory. I am really shocked by this information and hope to help in the future to make our factories and workers more aware of what is going on. I also liked the ending of the clip with info on how to be a vegetarian. This has surly made me think. Blessed 789

    1. I agree with Blessed. I too, don't think I'll eat KFC again. That's is so horrible. I hope that KFC can find a different way of growing their chicken. I think that America is greedy for doing something like this. Like I think this should be illegal. Hopefully, the future will bring brighter ideas on how to make chicken grow.

  14. After watching this I understand why many other people of different cultures question the food we eat in America. We take the value away from food and it's art. This just shows that while we think what we are eating is perfectly fine and good, we dont really know what we are truly eating.


  15. Honestly I wish I didn't have to see this video cuz I love chicken haha. Whether it's just kfc or any other places that do this to these chickens, it's very disturbing. Thats very awful of the whole process they do to these chickens. It was just terrifying to see. I feel like there is a better way of doing what they have to do. I'm sure many people have been bothered by this. I can see why there are vegetarians out there, especially after seeing animals being treated like this. They should definetly find another way. -Aquariusgirl789

    1. I totally agree with you that there are probably better ways to do it without so much cruelty, but remember that we play a big role in this. We are so picky eater and only want the best parts of the chicken, therefore they have to kill more chickens and faster to keep up with our demand. Elia007

  16. This video was horribly sad! How could they put animals through this? It's sad that America is greedy enough to treat or animals so poorly just so the company can make money. They could change so many things but chose not to. I understand this is what makes them money and that's fine, but they could try to do something different than harming chickens this way. Beneke789.

  17. This video show a horrible way a company kills there animals. However lets be honest, this video wont make us no eat at KFC anymore. we may think a little differently about it. but we will still eat there. PETA is a great organization that over steps there bounds. I'm a hunter and i love hunting. In the past ive received letters from PETA asking me to stop hunting out of cruelity. I still hunt. I would have had been more interested in the video if it wasnt voiced by Pam Anderson. I would be more likely to believe it if it was a stranger SM789

  18. OK wow this is both disturbing and disgusting. I could have lived without seeing that! this is beyond cruel and my heart goes out to animals. I am a big animal lover and this is no way to treat anything even if it is a chicken. KFC needs to do something to change how the raise there chickens. I am very disappointed and prolly will never eat there again, LAYLAY789

  19. This diffidently has made me not to want have fried chicken for a while. Unfortunately KFC is not the only who does this to the chickens. Tyson is another one who is bad at this. The one problem that has stood out to me is people like you and I. The American people like a lot white on our chicken breasts. So that is the main reason company's like KFC and Tyson raised their chickens like that. It is all what the consumers what. Is it wrong of course it is and I will argue with anyone against that? But the conduct of the workers is all on KFC there. KFC should be doing a better job in training their worker. Even after watching this I am still going to eat my fried chicken and I am still going to hunt. If you don't like how KFC is treating their chickens then don't go there to eat I personally don't eat there myself

  20. This diffidently has made me not to want have fried chicken for a while. Unfortunately KFC is not the only who does this to the chickens. Tyson is another one who is bad at this. The one problem that has stood out to me is people like you and I. The American people like a lot white on our chicken breasts. So that is the main reason company's like KFC and Tyson raised their chickens like that. It is all what the consumers what. Is it wrong of course it is and I will argue with anyone against that? But the conduct of the workers is all on KFC there. KFC should be doing a better job in training their worker. Even after watching this I am still going to eat my fried chicken and I am still going to hunt. If you don't like how KFC is treating their chickens then don't go there to eat I personally don't eat there myself

  21. This video literary makes me never want to eat at KFC ever again. It literary looked like a concentration camp for chickens, actually more like an extermination camp. I think a lot of us as human being forget were meat comes from a lot of time and sure we eat them so why does it matter. Well I'm definitely not and never will be a vegetarian but I would at least want something I'm eating to at least die with some respect, not done by machines and in a process. What if that was us, some other greater power using us for food. I'm sure none of us would want that.

  22. this was the most sadistic form of animal cruelty I have ever witnessed. I have previously had discussions about the different taste of chicken today and their abnormal size.I will definitely limit if not eliminate chicken from my diet. I now have a greater respect for PETA and the service they try to provide.

  23. Although I try not to watch videos of animal cruelty, I had to watch this one to remind myself that another life was sacrificed in order for me to eat and learn to appreciate more the food I have in my table. At first, like most people, I think to myself that I will never eat chicken again, but in reality I know that it is not going to happen. I feel that I have a lot to do with this animal cruelty because I always expect to find chicken whenever I want to eat chicken and it is not only KFC that treats and raises chicken with cruelty. They are just trying to keep up with our demand, which does not make it (in any way, shape or form) right, but if we “consumers” don’t change, this is never going to stop. Let’s not forget that it isn’t only chickens that go through this process, cows, pigs etc. also have to go through this to keep us satisfied (Until we watch a video like this one, then we feel guilty). Elia007


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