Shirley Caesar: Ageism....Does This Reflect Us?


  1. I really enjoyed the video that shirley caesearsang it reminds me alot of todays world. alot of people become successful in the world and have there own family and tend to forget where they come from. its always a blessing to come from nothing to have alot but you have to always remember the people that helped you get were you are today. i was very upset on the way the son that became a doctor treated his mother. she didnt deserve to go into a nursing home. some people offend take things for granted. godschild789

    1. True remember where you come from, and remember who brought you in this world. People get lots of money and get successful and get stuck up. Its good to be successful and to be well off, but keep parents close to you, be who you always been. I would never consider nursing home for my family, that's just not an options. My mother last year was sad but I was her daughter and took care of her doctors wanted my mother to be in a nursing home, I said NO I got this. So that is exactly what I would have told my significant other NO. myapic789

  2. I like this song , it shows how people just push old people off to the side. I as a CNA see it all the time , where people are put up in the nursing home with no family coming to visit until they are on their death bed. me personally I stuck with my mom until the day she died. now living with my great-grandparents id hate to see them in a nursing home. little do people know you need old folks around , they teach you more than any book or teacher can teach you. the day I ever put my people in the nursing home will be a day I die or they ask. in many cultures its frowned upon to not take care of your parents. in my eyes its the way it should be as they decrease and you increase you should care for them as they did for you while you were a child. and she sings of a mother breaking her back to provide for her children and one goes away and does whatever , while the one who promises to take care of her abandons her all because his no good wife. Love789

    1. People really do push elderly people off to the side. It is just one of those really bad things about our society. We choose to ignore the fact that they have had more experiences and our wiser than us. Most societies really respect their elderly and i do not understand why we don't. We tend to shove them off to the side or make fun of them. -purple789

    2. I agree with you. As a CNA it is so sad to see elderly come in and there families help them move in and you don't see the family again until a major holiday or their death bed, This is one of the most sicking feeling in the world to see. I agree I would be their for my parents or grandparents no matter what. They have so much to teach and say, they just want someone to listen to them. I was never greatful for my mom until I finally moved out now I know that the things that she taught me was important. She might be old but she knows what she is talking about. kakers789

    3. That's a very good point, love. During the CNA course, the instructors preach how important it is to actually care about the residents and to not let it become "just a job." I've noticed that after some people work in healthcare for a while, they get in a routine and do not show any compassion for the residents. To me, that is the most important part of the job and distinguishes and good CNA from a bad CNA. You could know the whole care plan front to back, but what matters is the quality of care you provide. BigGrizmatik789.

  3. I almost got emotional, as I was listening to this I was thinking about my mother. How amazing she did raising me and my siblings, she took good care of us. It came a time where I had to take care of her, I wasn't mad at all, I was doing what a daughter should do. I did everything to make my mother smile, I wish I can hug her one more time. My spouse would have to understand my mother would never get in my way, I would not ever think about putting her in a nursing home. Its crazy how selfish some kids are, and worry about their self and other people opinions. You have to realize you only get one mother who struggle to raise you, you should give her the world. While I was listening to this song you would think the bad son would not do anything, but he was like NO this is mom I don't have much but she is coming with me. Beautiful. Also honor your mother and father and you will have a longer life. myapic789

    1. Myapic789, I feel the same way about my mother. I could never imagine putting one of my loved ones in a nursing home. I work at one right now and the things I have seen break my heart. I don't understand how people can put their loved ones in a nursing home and forget about them. I have seen this happen firsthand and it is so sad. Or elderly are not treated as well as they should be. It makes me sick because without them we would not be here. In the song she it was great to here that the son who had been a problem child was able to step up and help his mom. I really couldn't agree with your comment more. It was a very interesting song.

  4. This song has a great story. I have a string respect for anyone who takes care of their parents because that means they are grateful individuals who recognize everything their parents have done for them and want to give them the same love and care. It was cool to know that the one son stood up for his mother when the other son wanted to take her to the old folk home. You would think that the other successful "good" son would want to do the same because he should realize his mom has pretty much gotten his to where he is. -purple789

  5. I really enjoyed this song. It has a powerful meaning. I have great respect for people that take care of their parents. They see how much your parents do for you. I know my parents did have the chance to take care of me as a small child but I know in the future the roles change. The parent becomes a child and the child a parent. I understand why some take their parents to a nursing home and just like the song, the one wanted to take her to the home and the other son wanted to take care of her. I feel the same way. Its hard to trust people with your family. Elderly is just a word to describe people older and wiser but they still deserve to be treated like people. kakers789

    1. I agree with you kakers789, the video did have a very powerful meaning. It is nice to see children taking care of their parents, like I mentioned in my comment, they once did that for you and so much more so now its you time to help them out. I know it gets hard and it happens but I have always promised myself that my mom would never go in a nursing home and I mean that! I want to allow her to live with me and hopefully, I can take care of her myself. Nothing wrong with doing something for someone who has done so much for me. -Pink789

  6. I really enjoyed this video!! Sometimes kids take their parents for granted and they need to understand, that's the only mom and only dad that you have! The song was also very influential... her words and voice was so power. This song really needs to be played for all these younger kids out here acting like there grown; they do these things like robbing, stealing, selling, etc. but what if one day because you of you partaking in those acts something happened to your mom? I truly wonder. I know most boys/men love and respect their moms and say they don't want to hurt them but once they walk out the door, they are a totally different person. We have to be there to take of our parents, like they did for us! -Pink789

    1. I agree with you. A lot of people do take their parents for granted. They say one thing but once they are gone and have a life of their own, they tend to forget about their parents. I agree that more kids need to hear this song too. Maybe if they understood, they wouldn't be so inclined to do the things they do. We all go through a stage of rebellion where we think we are smarter than our parents. The key is getting back from their and realizing that our parents were there for us the whole time. This doesn't always happen though. Sometimes parents just leave and I believe that when that happens a cycle is born and the kids will be more inclined to just leave their parents somewhere. vhammer789

    2. I also agree. My parents do everything for me. It's easy to take for granted. As I sit back and realize how good I have it I appreciate everything they do for me. I could never treat them with disrespect. People need to be more caring. They have to sympathy for anything anymore. Beneke789.

  7. I liked this video. It showed how people that leave their parents house and wind up in a good career making a lot of money will a lot of times push the people that helped to get them there to the side. I understand that life gets in the way and that some jobs require ungodly hours and for you to be on call, but we should still be making every effort we can to stay in touch with our parents and even grandparents, because that is all they want. Between my wife and I we work 3 jobs and I go to school full time, but we still find time to go visit my grandma who lives an hour away at least once a month. You don't even have to go that far though. Just a phone call to talk for a few minutes goes a long way with the elderly. I know that it can be boring. A lot of times when I go over to my grandparents I wind up just sitting there talking and conversation can run out quickly. It's the small efforts that we put in that make the big differences though. The way I see it, all you have in the end is family, don't push them aside like they are an inconvenience. vhammer789

  8. this video exposes the myth that the way one may start out in life is the way they are destined to end up. It also enforces the idea that if you train a child in a certain way when they are older even if they stray away from that they won't stray far. bigstep789

    1. BIGSTEP789 I agree with the short and straight to the point response. The myth is there and always has been there and I personally do not think it will go away anytime soon. All children watch their parents every move even when you dont think they are so its not hard for them to catch on to anything, you are right. On the same note we all believe our parents words until we grow older and wiser to find out the details about our state of mind. USMC789

  9. Working in health care this video/song is SO TRUE!!!! time after time i see patients of mine come into the icu and once there are able to go home or to a lower level of care the family just want to throw them in a nursing home so they dont have to take care of them. out of all the patients i have taken care of i'd say that only 35% of the family's will stay around the clock and "care about the care they are receiving" in the hospitals.SM789

    1. I agree many people just throw their family in the nursing home when maybe they don't necessarily need to be at the moment. The family just doesn't want to worry about them. That's very sad to here because most work off their butts to raise you. People should show love and help back. -Aquariusgirl789

  10. This video was very emotional and inspiring. It's an interesting story between the two sons. I understand how hard it can be in both situations. We took care of my grandparents for as long as we could while they have Alzheimer's before getting help and eventually having to have them be put in a nursing home. These people worked their butts off to raise you. You owe them so much. I would not be in the same direction I am if I didn't have good influences and the great family I have. You really never know how much a difference you can make when you give back. -Aquariusgirl789

  11. This is so touching. Children are so rude to put their parents in a nursing home because they're "getting in the way". That person raised you, did everything for you, put you before themselves and you treat them that way? That's so ungrateful. However, it's not illegal, so there is nothing that can be done about it. My thing is at the end of the day you have no one but your family so treasure having them because one day they won't be here anymore and you're going to regret it. Beneke789.

    1. I don't think most people put their loved ones in nursing homes because they're getting in the way. I would hope that the reason most people take their parents to nursing homes is because they just don't know how to take care of them in the way they need to be taken care of. It is sad though, to think that some people would put their folks in a home because they are "getting in the way" it is kind of sickening. shoestopher789

    2. Very true. Just the fact family will gave a more sensible bond than a nursery home and have a better connection to whomever. Nursery assistants deal with multiple other patients so I feel no matter what family should know how to take care of family.

    3. I agree with Beneke789 some kid can be rude to put their parents or elderly people in a nursing home. I think some kids just get stressed out and don't know how to deal with elders. my grandmother stay with me and it is sometimes difficult for me to deal with her but I never disrespect her or I would never put her in a nursing home. Aries012

  12. This is a very interesting story. I don't like the fact that someday I will probably have to take my parents to a nursing home. I know it would be better if they never had to go there, but once they reach a certain age, I feel like they need to be cared for by professionals. I don't know how to take care of old people but i'm sure I will try and take care of my parents for as long as I possibly can before they go to a nursing home. Just thinking about having to take them to a nursing home makes me upset. I wish everyone could always just stay the same age forever! shoestopher789

  13. This just shows that no matter how close you are to a person don't expect too much from them. This does reflect us people because everybody has a "ME" type of attitude. Whatever that will benefit them and their time they will do. It's something many fail to realize.

  14. Patterns of course play a huge role in this video. Humans and our families tradition lives on within the family so having that strong relationship leads to more expectations I believe. So leading to that will be yourself and siblings helping your Mother and Father in any way as they get older. Does this reflect us? I think in most families and relationships just because of how the economy is and the way technology makes it easier to network with family and friends. USMC789

    1. Your right, today most people lack face value communication and would rather text, or send a Facebook message to a loved one. Sometimes it's best to put away the phones or exit off social networking and enjoy quality time with friends and family.

  15. The song is true in a lot of today's families. People get so caught up in their lives that they forget the ones who struggled, and did everything right by them to make sure they make it in the world. In today's society families have become more distant due to the advancing technology that we have created. I personally make an effort to always thank my parents for all they have provided me, and the lessons they taught that made me the man I am today.

    1. Yes, very true we need not to lose hope in our elderly as they are the ones who took care of us, and it is kind of like the tables just turn as they get older. My grandma as well taught me to be the woman I am today. I have compassion, and love towards the elderly. Blessed789

    2. I agree with collegeboy789, today everyone is busy with activities, work, school.I am one of those people that have gotten caught up in my own lifes, that I have forgotten people that are struggling today. I guess that I need to listen to the song again and maybe change myself and start thinking about people that are struggling instead of getting caught up in my life again. rosebud012

  16. I love this! My how she makes the tears flow every time. Awesome! I was kind of getting to this on my other video, but not with the two sons. Something's sometimes can hit so close to home. This is so powerful and I loved it from the beginning to the end! Imma do me789

  17. Myepic789 that's what I'm talking about! I feel the same way. First off, she told you this mother worked hard to make sure these boys were good! One was looked at prouder than the other because all he gave her was hell! We call it hell because your mother will turn away from the world to help her children if she's anything like the parents I know! Thinking the one with the money would do what's right when the son who messed up all his life did. He know what he was really taught. No matter how much he messed up. He was not going to allow his momma to be put in a nursing home. We know those parents who struggle and love their children. You can feel It. It's evident. To me he caused his momma so much pain, it wasn't to hurt her intentionally, I'm sure , he just did! She's a mother, that's what mothers do. He was not going to allow his mother to go to that place. He wasn't to crazy, he knew his momma was so much more worthy. If this is the way, I repay you, and tell you I'm sorry, Then this is the way. I have learned Family have to stay together because no one will have your back or believe in you like your family. Get in some real trouble. The same people who claim to know you are the first ones Glad to see you fall. No one will have your back or go through the pain with you like you mom! A mother believes in you even when the world no longer will or do! I can't expect a child who never knew his or her parents to act in the same manner. I'm talking about parents who do or did their very best! Imma do me789

  18. I really loved this video it made so much since to me as this mother was sharing her thoughts on are young children, and more important lessons to our children involving teaching them to love, and have compassion for are elderly. As one day we will need them to care for us. I felt the song that mother was sing was crying out to children and at the same time asking forgiveness for them as they don't no what they have done wrong. older people are just trying to find meaning in their live, some don't want to come terms, and then develop disintegrated and disorganized personalities. they need a positive meaning and that is what that song brought to me.Blessed789

  19. I thought this song was weird at first because I am not used to the genre, but it was very powerful and had an amazing message. This song really touched me because I had clinical for my CNA course and I saw elderly people that never had visitors and seemed so lonely. They were just dropped off there and are all on their own. I was also very disgusted with the care provided by the CNA's that worked there. People need to learn to respect the elderly no matter if they are family or not. My grandma recently had a stroke and the doctors began to suggest a nursing home. I was furious that my family decided that would be best...then realized it was only for rehab to gain strength back. I have made sure that I visit her as often as I possibly can because of what I have seen and learned. This song is wonderful and it definitely preaches the importance of family and respect. BigGrizmatik789.

    1. I think you hit the concept of this video right on the head. Family members who would rather pay money for care, rather than perform it themselves many times abandon the people in these nursing homes. The sense of loneliness is vast in these homes. When I would go to visit my grandparents in the nursing home/ retirement community I would constantly come across other patients that would basically beg for the company or just to have me share insight about the world outside. I couldn’t imagine just dropping someone I love off at the nursing home and never seeing them again or very minimally at that. As our population continues to age we will see more and more of this coming to the front possibly as big issues.-Spacepotatoes012

  20. I think the points brought up in this video are very valid. In America we really act as if we don’t have time to take care of our parents and grandparents. We are so consumed with school, work, our own children and the hustle and bustle of life in general. But at the same time we have families here that make the time to take care of their parents in their home until their dying day. Its just more convenient and accepted to stick them in a home and just forget about them. That is extremely cruel. When my grand parents were in a nursing home we would make our best effort to visit and bring them comfort amenities such as their favorite foods or anything else that could bring them some form of pleasure. In the video Shirley bring up the way or parents raise us and then we don’t have the decency to be with them in the end. The parents probably feel abandoned and unwanted. It’s so difficult to even try to comprehend what it is like being a dependent elder.-Spacepotatoes012

  21. I liked the video and it brings up a good point. In today society, it seems like we don't have time for our parents, grandparents and great grandparents. We have so much going on around us that we don't take time to call or stop in to their houses to just say hi. I am so busy with school and my own child, to stop and make phone calls to my grandparents just to see how they are doing like I should. We just think that sticking our parents and grandparents into a nursing home.My grandparents are still living in the house that my parents grow up in. rosebud012

  22. You know after listening to this story it really sounds like the typical stereotype on how parents and grandparents get placed in a nursing. Personality my two grandmothers and my grandfather still survive on their own and in there own homes, so I have no clue what is like to have someone close to me living in a nursing home, I would hope that if one of my grandparents who have to live in one I would make time to go see them. The way things are now everybody gets caught up in something less such as work and over time they forget about that particular loved one. Just putting someone in a home, because she is"getting in the way" is wrong. I do know that some families choose the opinion of placing some in a nursing home for the simple of fact that they cant spend the time caring for them.

    1. I also don't have any grandparents living in nursing homes. I can't imagine what it would be like to watch them move into one. While their are certainly probably some examples where a nursing home would make sense for some people, I think that the emotional stress of moving into one must be huge. toblerone012

    2. I have found working in a nursing home that this is much easier said than done. People just have there own lives, and other things to do. Not saying it is right, just saying this is reality. Not everyone has it so easy that there grandparents don't have to be in a nursing home for health reasons.
      Openmind 007

  23. This song calls out culture on how we tend to try and push our elderly away. It did a great job of expressing the abandonment that many elderly people feel when their children send them to a nursing home. I think it is terrible that we have lost a great deal of respect for the elderly. People need to remember where they came from and realize how much work their parents put into raising them. Toblerone012

    1. I agree, the message definitely explains how in our culture, we push our elderly away. How we get our lives together and become ungrateful when it comes to our parents. It's sad how people can just forget what their parents did for them to get them to that point in their life. Princess012

  24. this song is a way of singing about how the world is dealing with what they dont think that they could or want to take care of where they should be respecting and learning from. Culture now a days say they are just a burden or trouble and they just think putting them away in a home is a way of not having have to worry about it. I bellive that if you have family you should be there for each other not everybody has family. Paying it forward would be a great way of saying what we should do for the older generation. we would not be here today if it wasnt for them

  25. I liked that message in this video. I find it to be so true that a lot of people in nursing homes have children that just give up on taking care of their parents and become selfish. I would never put my mother in a nursing home, and if my mom is in her right mind, she's not going to go. My brother was talking about putting my mom and dad in a nursing home; it's just not gonna happen. I'm the closest to my parents and I just refuse to do that. So yes, this message do reflect us as a society and how we get grown and at like we're too good to help our parents the way the helped and took care of us to get us where we are in life. Princess012

  26. This video carries a strong message. After personally working in a nursing home I can say that it is not a pretty sight. Our elders are the reason we are here to day. Our elders are the people we go to for wisdom and help. Our elders are more important than we realize and putting them in a nursing home isn't going to help anyone. Most people never go and visit their family after admitting them into a nursing home which is quite said because these people have loved and cared for us our entire lives and now its time for us to do the same and we don't want to. Most people see them as a burden well they probably felt we were a burden when growing up but they were still they and still loved and cared for us. We should do the same.

  27. When I seen Shirley Caesar name I couldn't wait to watch this video because she is one of the best gospel singers. Her message was very powerful and very meaningful to me. There are many people who put their family members in nursing homes and don't come see them. I would never do that to my grandma or I wouldn't be so be so caught in my life that I disrespect or forget about her. Aries012

  28. This was a really neat video I liked how she was able to tell a story through a song. I myself have worked and am currently working in the healthcare field at a nursing home. I know from firsthand experience that our elders and older generations are treated very poorly sometimes. They are not treated with the respect or dignity they deserve. This song has a strong message behind it and at first I didn't really understand it but I really got into it and was able to listen to the story. I feel like it really hit a lot of points that we covered in our text and also in lecture. I feel like a lot of family’s go their separate ways and when it comes to their aging parents or grandparents sometimes it’s easier to just stick them in a nursing home. I have seen it many times where a resident’s family will never come visit or call to check on them unless something serious happens. In the song the mother seemed to worry about this happening. It makes me sad that people can just forget about their loved ones and move on in life.

    1. i agree with you because it is so sad seeing the elderly get beat on in nursing homes they should not be treated like that all they should be love for and cared on. i also didnt really understand the song until like the end of it and that none paid attention to the elderly that they put in the home is super depressing unless something serious happened to them that just really depresses me.

  29. does this video reflect on us? i know it does not have any effect on me but on some people it might though some people might go through those same situations i know for a fact some people do that's their life storey is taking grandparents to home because you cant take care them and then not going to see them after you put them there is rough because that just rude i believe. also in the song mama made her son work hard and go to school he came back eight years later with a wife a family that's great. but it must have been for her not to see her son for that long and not able to see him get married or anything. then they all got the family togeather and had family reunion and everythying was good for that one day.

  30. This is a beautiful song about a hard working mother that makes a way for her kids. I like how the kids came back after their schooling was over to ask the mom to help them raise the kids. This reminds me a lot of my mother and the way she has busted her butt to provide for me. If it wasn’t for mothers we would all have serious problems. Mothers put up with a lot and love us unconditionally. My mother had 5 of us kids and she knows when it comes time for her to be cared for that we will be there. I think this is one of the most beautiful parts of life. When we are young our mother cares for us. She feeds, clothes, and even rocks us to sleep. And on the other side when our moms are old we take care of them in the same way.
    Openmind 007


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