This was terrible!! Just goes to show you that you can't trust anyone! Like Jaki said, this women was someone who she, herself used to sit with and communicate with. This video does a great job showing and describing one of given terms in chapter 15 - "care-giving". Under this section we learn about elder abuse; the book listed that at least 1 million of these elders that are being abused suffer serious maltreatment. This lady really had shown a great case of this elder abuse. If I'm correct the video said after 4 accounts that's when she took her dad away from her? I don't understand why she allowed this to go one, after one day I think she would of had enough evidence, hopefully. I can't imagine watching this if I was her. -Pink789
I agree people are harder and harder to trust. Some people are in the nursing field just to get a pay check and others are in the nursing field because they truly love the old people. In order to be a lovely caregiver you have to have patience and love. It by all means is not an easy job but it is rewarding. Elderly abuse there are so many kinds yet none of them should happen. kakers789
That is a very good point, pink. I would immediately approach this woman and the police after seeing this happen one time. If this happened to one of my grandparents, I would probably have done something very stupid. This lady had some tremendous self control for not harming the caregiver. I have learned to be careful with who you trust many times. Trust is a good thing, but not everyone deserves it. BigGrizmatik789.
i agree with you pink789 elderly abuse its not right. Some people like tobe in the nursing field but dont know how to treat people. when taking care of people its all about having care and compassion. Alot of people in the wprld should think or put thereselves in someone elses shoes what would you do if that was your family memeber how would you act. I learned alot from the video and it was very intersting. godschild789
I agree again people should put their self in others shoes. it makes you wonder how they treat their own. Some could be getting abused by their own family and no one would never know untill its to late or something bad has to happen.Blessed789
That was just crazy. I can't believe that people beat on older people like that. This video does a great job of showing how badly our elderly can be taken care of the this country. This is a serious problem that needs dealt with and yet we have made jokes about it and laughed about it in movies and in the media. The movie Happy Gilmore had a huge portion of it making jokes about the elderly being abused in a nursing home, or there was the lady who was swung around by the boys in the other blog. It's something that we take lightly and laugh at when we should be working to solve the problem. I will admit that I am guilty of laughing at it too. I love the movie Happy Gilmore and laughed at the nursing home scenes. This isn't something that I took seriously until it hit home with my grandpa. We have had many problems with caregivers, nothing like what was shown here, but it amazes me the way people act and treat the elderly in this country. Especially when for the most part all they want is someone to come visit them. We need to train people in how to properly take care of the elderly and also make sure that we have enough people to do the job. You can't expect one nurse to take care of 20-26 patients and for the patients to get the care that they deserve. Also I think that people with in home nurses should put cameras up like this lady eventually did and let the caregiver know so that this does not happen anymore. vhammer789
I agree I do believe that every nurse home and home care must have cameras, I believe the reason they wont in nursing homes because of privacy. I have done CNA for only three years, a lot of elderly people money become missing, and people take their pills. Also no CNA is assigned to 20-26 the most is 8. Even with 8 residents you can not give your full attention to all, but if all they call lights are going off you can make a difference by politely going into there room and let them know that you will be right back do you need anything that I can give you right now, so I can finish with Ms Sue. Some people will not answer there lights what so ever,and by ignoring them, that is neglect. myapic789
I agree with you that this video does a good job of showing that our elderly can be treated in such harsh ways. I think that if this type of thing goes on often, there should be more videos about it so that we can get the word out that this goes on and hopefully do something about it. I don't think it is talked about enough or that enough people know about it for people to realize that this is a serious problem that needs to be fixed. -purple789
myapic789, I understand where the privacy comes into play in nursing homes and facilities like them. Still though, there are ways of supervising and watching people that don't involve a breach of that privacy. Even cameras in the halls would be helpful, or more direct supervision of the staff. What I was talking about specifically was in home nursing however. If I was to have to hire someone to take care of my parents full time when they grow older, I will be putting security cameras in almost every room of my house and letting whoever was there to take care of them know that. On the patient to staff ratio that I brought up, when my wife was working in a nursing home as a PRN she would come home at night exhausted and frustrated because she had anywhere from 20-26 patients and she didn't feel like she could give them the care that they needed. She said all she was able to do was give the people their medications and didn't have time for anything else. I know that this is not true of all elderly facilities but it does happen. I think that when this happens it becomes institutionalized abuse because the company doesn't want to pay to hire enough people to take care of the residents. So while yes elder abuse is a serious problem on an individual basis, I think that it is not always the working peoples fault, especially if they have more people than they can effectively deal with. vhammer789
I think you bring up a very scary and valid point. How this video brings to light the larger problem and question of how many people is this happening to. Because I would imagine that it happens on a larger scale than we are ever aware of. I like how you bring up Happy Gilmore because that is what first came to mind for me. How awful his mother was being treated. You really can’t trust anyone with the care of your own. She might have just been taking out her rage on the old man but we will never know. I think your point of the nurse to patient ratio might be getting out of hand to. When my great grandmother was still with us and we would visit her at the nursing home the ratio of workers to patients seemed massively skewed. The workload is simply too much because there are not enough workers in the work force or in the budget.-Spacepotatoes012
Wow this just dont make since,this video clearly shows how this happenes more often then we probally think. There should always have cameras up in every nusing home to protect are eldery. we need more nurses/cna's to do the job because their heart is in it not about the money.I think more people do it for the money not because they are compasionate about what they do.Blessed789
I agree that a lot of people do caregiving for the money instead of for the compassion. One reason is because it is usually a lot of younger people or less fortunate people. I think if being a CNA was a better paying job then people would do it more for compassion because it could be a career instead of just that highschool job you did so you could get through school. PA789
I agree with you Blessed789, if nursing homes did have cameras then maybe that would help protect some of these elders from elderly abuse. And like you said this may even occur more than we think and actually when my mother was younger she worked in a nursing home and told me that a lot of abuse did occur. Seems like the pick on the ones who can't speak so they won't get told on. Makes me sick!! -Pink789
I think this is sad. We talked about this in class. This is obvious physical abuse compared to the abuse of just not helping them when they need it. I think that it is absolutely wrong of the woman to hit the man that is probably a few decades older than her. I think that caregivers need to have an eye on them every once in a while to make sure that this kind of stuff isn't happening. I feel bad for this old man and you could tell that he could not defend himself in the video. I would always try to check in with my elder and make sure that they aren't getting abused. I don't really know a good way to prevent this from happening besides making people more aware of it. I mean we can put up camera's and all that, but there are still ways to abuse elders and camera's can't be put everywhere. Overall, I think this is sad and we as people and students need to make elder abuse more known so events like this or any elder abuse doesn't happen as frequently. PA789
Honestly, before I called the cops after I seen the video, I would really beat her down. I am glad that his daughter was smart enough to have cameras installed. Most people keep their ill parents or grandparents home and take care of them, because most people feel that the care would be better than the nursing home. When you are seeking someone to take care of your loves ones its best that they are family members, and someone who you trust. If they never find this lady that abused this man, she will pay the price either behind bars or not. You will always get what you deserve. myapic789
This video is sad and not just because it happens. I am in health care and I look at the elderly like they are my family and that I would do anything for them. Granted at times they want a lot and are demanding yet I have to remember one thing. The need my help. I think over and over about why they are so anger. They used to be able to do all of the things they ask for themselves and now they rely on the young. When the lady was smacking and shoving the older person I wish I could of smacked her, This is so wrong and it makes me sick. Also it is sad that when you work in health care how some elderly tell you that they love what you do and can tell you apart from the people that are just there for a pay check. Elderly abuse is common thou. Not just physical but also verbal. kakers789
Kakers789, I could not agree with you more! I myself work at a nursing home and enjoy working with the elderly very much. I feel like that is there home and we are working for them. I believe some care takers feel it’s the other way around. They are just there to clock their hours and leave and get paid. They could care less if they did a good job or not. It makes me sick that we have thousands of caregivers in our world that commit abuse and get away with it. Like you said some residents comment on how they can tell you are a good worker and that they can tell you apart from the bad caretakers. It should not be that way at all. It is so sad to me that these elderly people have worked their whole lives for their money for what? To get it all taken away from them and be abused in the process? It’s so sad this happening every day to millions of elderly people. I couldn't agree more with your comment. Tempusfugit012
It would be so sad to know that you hired someone to take care of your parents, only to find out that they were abusing them in the meantime. I could not believe the way that home care taker was abusing him. The worst part is he couldn't say anything about it to his daughter because he couldn't talk. So she had to just find out from this video tape. It makes me scared to know this is a common occurrence. I don't know what we can do to stop this from happening. We need to have strict laws against this or something because it is not right that the most vulnerable members of our society get treated this way. It's terrible the kind of physical damage the care taker inflicted on this man. He is most likely going to have problems for the rest of his life because of it. -purple789
Purple789 I agree with your blog. It would be sad to know that the person you are paying to take care of you that in reality you are paying to abuse and neglect you. These acts pushes people over the edge and they should be punished for it. What we can do to stop this from happening? I think that in order to be a caretaker you should be filmed on cameras at all times. Who ever is responsible for the hire of the caretaker should review the tape everyday. USMC789
The video hit the nail on the head when talking about elder abuse. To know that the person you are suppose to trust abuses you as elder or a family member is just wreckless and wrong. Not only is it wrong but the patterns have existed far too long. There should be cameras on every caretaker at all times for these reasons. Maybe by them knowing they are being watched may cut down the cruel acts. I almost feel bad for the good caretakers because of the label that has been put on them for working at elder homes period. When someone tells me they work at a nursing home I right away think of how people say the employees abuse the elder. I've known this for over 28 years so it's not like this stuff is new it is just no one cares it seems like. So for all the people that work in nursing homes or with elderly people please treat them as if they were your child or someone you care about entirely. USMC789
It is a big challenge to trust caregivers with your family members to take care of them and when they don't it's very painful. I know we have had to let go of some in the past for my grandparents due to verbal abuse. It's sad that it happens and how often it does. -Aquariusgirl789
I agree with USMC789, this is true elder abuse. I keep thinking, who can you trust with your elders and children. I have never really seen how bad that elder abuse could be until I watched this video, it got me thinking how bad is elder abuse in nursing homes because you think that a nurse or CNA have alot of elders that they are taking care of at once. I have heard of someone saying mean things to my sister-in-law and I was wanting her out of that nursing homes fast. rosebud012
I found this video very appalling and it created a lot of hostility and rage inside me. I think any person found guilty of such an offence should be forced to endure the same punishment times ten. It really makes me fear the thought of getting old and dependant on someone other than my family for my care. bigstep789
That is terrifying to think about. This is one of the reasons I don't ever want to get old. I'm afraid someone would take advantage of my weakness. It's sad that we live in a world that this is an ongoing problem in the first place. shoestopher789
Growing up and experiencing your grandparents going to the nursing home helps to know that most people want them to have the best care possible. I know I did. It's awful that this caregiver would actually hit him. He can't even do anything back. That's crazy. I would not allow that kind of abuse to anyone. They are in there because they need help, not to get hit around and abused. It's sad to watch all these videos and know that this actually goes on. -Aquariusgirl789
Here is another video I can connect with. working as a patients care tech some of my patients are victims of violence. Its very hard to see stuff like this and NOT WANT TO RUN THOSE PEOPLE OVER. I've taking care of many victim of violence patients and some stories are as bad as this one. These people should receive the same if not worse punishment then murders. Hit and beating someone who cant defend them selves make me sick to think about. SM789
I agree with you all the way. I wish we could just run them over or slap em upside down the head put some sense into them. I'm also a CNA and I work at a nursing home we see all kind of things and it's just sad. I wish it was something we could do but we just have to report it the police and hopefully they find the person and send them to jail. Love789
This is just wrong. I hate seeing stuff like this because it really makes you wish you could be there to stop this from happening. I just don't understand why people have to pick on other people when they are vulnerable. It's like they know since they can overpower them they think they can just do whatever they want to them. I wish people like this would just all go somewhere where they could all be crazy and beat each other up all day until they all died. shoestopher789
People theses days seem to always hit people while they're down so no one can do anything back to them. It's sad that elder people go through this type of treatment. No one deserves to be treated this way, let alone a retired elderly person. Beneke789.
. This is so wrong and sad. I’m a CNA I love working with the elderly they are so sweet and kind and of course you have the mean ones but I don't let their words or actions to me get to me I still treat them with respect and love because I would want people to do the same to my great-grandparents. I can’t say I know how the victim’s daughter feels but I can just only imagine. People that do these type of things need help but some type of punishment that will enable them in life like taking their license or making them do community hours, something. The money is good but I have a heart and I care about my patients my mother was a PCT and she loved it and I wanted to follow in her footsteps since I was a little girl and I love my job. Love789
This world is such a crazy place. It's terrible that we can't trust anyone anymore. This is a serious crime. This video was a good reality check, though, because most people don't their family members in nursing homes because they say they will be mistreated, but in this video he was mistreated at home. Elderly people have worked hard their whole life and deserve to relax and be taken care of respectfully. Beneke789.
Trust is a virtue, it can be taken away and I believe with this video that it makes people untrustworthy. I feel like if I would have walked into this situation, I would have demanded the job! -Superman789
no wonder people have trust issues this video is ridiculous. Most everyone knows someone who was in a nursing home or have been taken care by a caregiver, it makes you wonder doesn't it? This video makes me think are all caregivers like this or how are older people actually treated. I do believe it is worse when they cannot communicate or speak. this lady needs to be found and punished without question! LAYLAY789
This video just made me realize why people doesn't leave their old aged parents nursing homes. I mean I wouldn't want to if I had walked into this! What if the elders are mute? It makes you think if all caregivers treat old people this way? I mean if I walked into this I would immediately demand that she be fired and that further accusations are pushed! This is unnecessary! -Superman789
This video would also make me more conscious on where I would put my family members. It's best to have someone you can trust with your life or a retirement home that has well documented reviews Collegeboy789
The video was just horrible, and I hope she gets serious jail time. Although caregiving can be challenging, there are positive aspects to it that can help benefit a person. It can give a person the feeling of giving back to a loved one. It can also make you feel needed and can lead to a stronger relationship with the person receiving care. There are proper ways to relieve stress that these caregivers should seek if the job ever becomes to overwhelming, you are getting paid to maintain a persons' life it is a job where this person needs your support to live. Collegeboy789
This is really sad! Thumbs -up to the daughter! I look at it like this, I don't trust anyone. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I don't trust people. Nothing surprises me these days. People are capable of anything. That's why it says parents take care of your children and children take care of your parents. The daughter did her job by placing cameras in the house. She was unable to be there all the time. Something grasp her attention to feel the need to want the cameras. I think its wise anyway. Just the same as children we look for our parents to protect us. When we need help we look for our parents for the answer. I say what I say because as you heard the lady she said the woman talks about GOD everyday. This is the type of mess I'm talking about. WHO CAN YOU TRUST! Imma do me789
I agree with you all, but with Beneke789 more just because, I thought it was in the home also. Great observation! With me and people I'm in HUMSV where my job is to help the people who don't seem deserving of the help, receive the help. As I read all of us have the same common theme about this video. We all agree it is wrong. I wouldn't do it. You wouldn't do it. So why would she? She definitely need jail time, along with some COUNSELING, but she needs HELP! WHY, would you do this in the first place? WHY, would you risk everything for this behavior, WHY? Imma dome789
As a CNA with my grandmother in a nursing home, this really hit home and almost brought me to tears. Seeing videos like this is extremely sad, but it is happening every day. As the book said, 1 MILLION elders are being abused. I am so surprised elder abuse is even a term, but it is very real. I hope this lady does some serious time in prison if she is not already there. My blessings go to this man and his daughter. I have so much respect for that woman, I do not know what I would do if I learned my grandmother was being abused by her caregiver. It takes a lot of strength and self control to not do something very stupid after seeing something like this happen to an elderly family member. BigGrizmatik789.
I think it is atrocious to see how the caregiver treats the elderly father. I think this sort of thing happens are a massive scale. It takes a real special person to put up and be accepting of the responsibility of taking care of an elderly patient. The worker in this video may be acting out because of her status with her degrading job. Or the more likely cause is she has some sort of psychological disorder causing her to lash out in violence. I wish there was a more effective way to discover and bring to justice the people who are doing this, but for the time being we will need to rely on cameras and instinct. If something doesn’t seem right then we must take it upon ourselves to find out what is wrong. Its important to note that in different cultures the younger family members will provide the care for their parents and grand parents all under the same roof. But in our high paced culture people don’t have the time of the wiliness to care for their parents, which is sad. –Spacepotatoes012
I can't believe that someone would put their hands on an elder and someone that is not your parents. I think that the caregiver has a psychological disorder to cause her to hit the elderly man. I wish that some of the camera come with speakers so we could have heard with the lady was saying to the elderly man. It is bad that we have to put cameras up, to see what goes on it the house while we are gone. rosebud012
I totally agree with you, I'm so shocked. I feel it's very sad that she abused the man considering she knew his condition. Abusing elders is bad, but abusing a defenseless elder that just had two strokes is down right low. I just don't understand why on earth would you abuse elders and somewhere in your mind you thinks it's right. She needs to get arrested now and sit in jail or prison for two years. Princess012
For me personally..I couldn’t watch a minute of this video. How can a person abuse another person? How can a person abuse an EDRLY person? It baffles me because I’m pretty sure that this nurse has a grandfather….like would she ever do this to him too. I feel so bad for him because at his age of 90, it can be fatal for him to have to go through something like this. (Did they run a background check on her before giving her the job?) Hopefully this will open people’s eyes and see that this type of stuff does happen! And that it’s not just on T.V but it’s happening to the ones we love and the people that are doing it are the ones we are trusting. –CHIATIA012
I am really, really speechless right now. After watching this video it just makes me wonder how much is this going on right now in peoples homes and retirement homes around the country. And that lady was also taken care of children. I just hope she wasn't pulling that same stuff with kids. Ageism is just wrong. I am not saying that we need to do a come pleat 180 in American culture and be like how the Asian treat their elders. For one it just wont happen, at least in my life time. But we can at least treat our elders better then that. I can almost guarantee that nobody ever wants to depend on someone else to take care of them as adult, but one day it will happen to most of us. If you are working at a home as a personal assistant or working in a nursing home, and don't like it. Don't take it out on the older folks SirEagleEye012
This video is very disturbing. A lot of care takers do this job for the money. i see it all the time as a CNA. I also do not understand how someone could abuse an elder. If you do not like the job, don't take it. Its very simple. I love my residents at the home i work at and i treat them like family. The abuse statistics are definitely going to increase as the baby boomers reach the age of retirement. Dementia is looking to increase therefore more care is going to be needed. To work in this field, you need to have a natural calling to do so. openminded012
This is terrible. I can't even begin to imagine what would make anyone do something so awful. I see this as going far beyond simple ageism It is pure cruelty towards a defenseless human being.This woman needs to be arrested and brought to justice immediately. toblerone 012
oh my gosh that was horrible to watch. That women need to be brought to justice for treating that man like that. She has no empathy for that well being of that man and thank gosh his daughter saw it and took him away asap. I think that is a big problem with care takers in todays world is they think that its just an old guy that cant tell on me so they think its okay and its NOT. We hear about this to much! The abuse that the all old people get is on a rise because the baby boomers are about to be reaching that time in their lifes that having caregivers are going to be having to watch out for people like her!. very stressfull im sure. LEO.012
That caregiver was extremely ridiculous. I'll never understand why people abuse the elderly. In this case, as the caregiver, you know that your patient had two strokes and couldn't do for himself. Why on earth would you take advantage of a old and sickly person and beat them? As a society, we should try to do better and start finding these abusers in nursing homes. The elders in nursing homes can't do much anymore, a lot of them fought for our rights. It's just sad to see people be so disrespectful and actually beat someone that can't defend themselves. They really need to find that lady and arrest her, start cracking down on this crime and making punishment be a little worst. Someone has to be the example if you want the elder abuse to stop. Princess012
This was one the most disturbing videos. At first I honestl didn't think much of agism because I always felt most people had a lot of respect for our elders. After watching this video I look at things a lot differently, me personally, I don't have a problem with elderly people I just have a hard time staying calm with them driving on the road. This video though is just a woman abusing her power against someone she knows can't fight back against her and can't tell his family. Thankfully his daughter put the security came in his room or this could've continuously went on. I pray they find her. PT012
I agree with you PT012 there was rumors that some caregiver/ CNA would abuse the elder people but I didn't believe it until I seen this video. Now I see why some elderly people don't want to be put in nursing homes. They think they will be abuse and forgotten. I wonder If the caregiver is bipolar or something because the women said she would be at the table reading her bible. I hope they find her because she deserve to be penalized for her actions. Aries012
Wow, this video is really eye opening and very very sad. I cannot believe people would do this to a helpless human being and someone who is older than them to top it off. It makes me so sick to know that this is happening every day to millions of elderly people. I think as a society we have lost a lot of respect for our elders and don't treat them as well as we should. I think that there are many reasons that this is happening and many reasons why elder abuse is such a problem. I think that some people may feel empowered or like they can have control over someone who is helpless. They might also be stressed or upset so they take it out on the person they are caring for. Whatever their reasoning for doing it, it is so unbelievably wrong and heart breaking that a person could do this to another human. I work in a nursing home and love my elderly residents so much. I could never imagine laying a hand on them to hurt them or being mental abusive towards them. I realize how frustrating it can become at times to deal with a resident or to take care of them but there is no excuse for abuse! You can walk away from a situation; you can ask for help you can even find a different job. It is just sickening that this is continuing to happening and millions are affected by it. I think our society needs to have a harsher punishment for anyone treating an elderly person in any abusive way. Tempusfugit012
I was so angry when I was watching this video because I couldn't believe that lady put her hands on that man. If so one would do that to my grandmother I would probably snap out! Its really scary seeing something like this because she's a caregiver and she is suppose to help the patient but instead she's secretly abusing. That's why I want to become a nurse because I actually care about people and really do want to help them. I would never get that frustrated and put my hands on a patient. I wouldn't want someone to do me like that when I become a elder. Aries012
I totally agree with you aries. This video is appalling. How someone could treat any human being like this, let a lot someone who is so defenseless. I think it is a great goal to want to become a nurse to help stop abuse like this. I wish there was more people like you that truly wanted to make a difference to help people. Openmind 007
this video is terrible this is not a good video i believe no one should beat anyone especially a home taker. if your job is a home taker for a person then take care of them don't beat them that wrong and that can can get you into huge trouble that women in the video, why did she do it? is her life that horrible? i know if my parents ever needed a home taker i would probably do it myself because you cant trust people these days to do anything really. some people are really good at what they do but some people took advantage of abusing the elderly and sometimes ruin the chances for the people that are actually good at there jobs. i hope i wont need a home taker or need to be in a nursing home because i really don't want people taking care of me unless its my parents because parents know best even tho i will be taking care them they wont be taking care of me.
Wow... I can't believe that the nurse did that to her patient! She's suppose to be a care giver not an abuser... working at a country club I'm always helping out the elderly and I love it because I have learned so much. But it makes me scared for the future like when our generation becomes old and how we're going to be helped... I hope it's not the same... Lacrossedude012
This video makes me very sad. It’s very hard for me to understand how a person can have the heart to hurt another human being, especially a person that can’t defend themselves. It breaks my heart to think that this could happen to one of my love ones. I can understand the frustration in the daughter because I’m sure she is not able to take care of him and had to find someone to take of him, but instead of caring for him, this lady was making his life a hell. The saddest part is that his health deteriorated after the beating and I’m sure that he is now traumatized and feels a lot of fear to stay alone with another care taker and I think that the daughter is the same way. I would even feel guilty for not being able to take care of my father, but living in this country, we all have to work which staying at home to care for a love one is almost impossible. Elia007
O MY GOD. What did I just see; this is the most horrific thing I have ever heard of. This lady deserves life without parole. How could someone treat a helpless old person this way? If there is a hell I am sure she will be burning in it. I am a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant.) We have to deal with difficult older people every day. As much as some people try to make me mad, I always understand that there life is worse than mine right now, and I am paid to do a job. I have never once thought that it would help, or even shut up a resident by hitting them. Especially one with a serious brain injury like a stroke, the way this lady hit this poor man over and over begs the question. What the hell was going through her head? She must have something wrong with her to treat an elderly person with such low regard. Openmind 007
This was terrible!! Just goes to show you that you can't trust anyone! Like Jaki said, this women was someone who she, herself used to sit with and communicate with. This video does a great job showing and describing one of given terms in chapter 15 - "care-giving". Under this section we learn about elder abuse; the book listed that at least 1 million of these elders that are being abused suffer serious maltreatment. This lady really had shown a great case of this elder abuse. If I'm correct the video said after 4 accounts that's when she took her dad away from her? I don't understand why she allowed this to go one, after one day I think she would of had enough evidence, hopefully. I can't imagine watching this if I was her. -Pink789
ReplyDeleteI agree people are harder and harder to trust. Some people are in the nursing field just to get a pay check and others are in the nursing field because they truly love the old people. In order to be a lovely caregiver you have to have patience and love. It by all means is not an easy job but it is rewarding. Elderly abuse there are so many kinds yet none of them should happen. kakers789
DeleteThat is a very good point, pink. I would immediately approach this woman and the police after seeing this happen one time. If this happened to one of my grandparents, I would probably have done something very stupid. This lady had some tremendous self control for not harming the caregiver. I have learned to be careful with who you trust many times. Trust is a good thing, but not everyone deserves it. BigGrizmatik789.
Deletei agree with you pink789 elderly abuse its not right. Some people like tobe in the nursing field but dont know how to treat people. when taking care of people its all about having care and compassion. Alot of people in the wprld should think or put thereselves in someone elses shoes what would you do if that was your family memeber how would you act. I learned alot from the video and it was very intersting. godschild789
ReplyDeleteI agree again people should put their self in others shoes. it makes you wonder how they treat their own. Some could be getting abused by their own family and no one would never know untill its to late or something bad has to happen.Blessed789
DeleteThat was just crazy. I can't believe that people beat on older people like that. This video does a great job of showing how badly our elderly can be taken care of the this country. This is a serious problem that needs dealt with and yet we have made jokes about it and laughed about it in movies and in the media. The movie Happy Gilmore had a huge portion of it making jokes about the elderly being abused in a nursing home, or there was the lady who was swung around by the boys in the other blog. It's something that we take lightly and laugh at when we should be working to solve the problem. I will admit that I am guilty of laughing at it too. I love the movie Happy Gilmore and laughed at the nursing home scenes. This isn't something that I took seriously until it hit home with my grandpa. We have had many problems with caregivers, nothing like what was shown here, but it amazes me the way people act and treat the elderly in this country. Especially when for the most part all they want is someone to come visit them. We need to train people in how to properly take care of the elderly and also make sure that we have enough people to do the job. You can't expect one nurse to take care of 20-26 patients and for the patients to get the care that they deserve. Also I think that people with in home nurses should put cameras up like this lady eventually did and let the caregiver know so that this does not happen anymore. vhammer789
ReplyDeleteI agree I do believe that every nurse home and home care must have cameras, I believe the reason they wont in nursing homes because of privacy. I have done CNA for only three years, a lot of elderly people money become missing, and people take their pills. Also no CNA is assigned to 20-26 the most is 8. Even with 8 residents you can not give your full attention to all, but if all they call lights are going off you can make a difference by politely going into there room and let them know that you will be right back do you need anything that I can give you right now, so I can finish with Ms Sue. Some people will not answer there lights what so ever,and by ignoring them, that is neglect. myapic789
DeleteI agree with you that this video does a good job of showing that our elderly can be treated in such harsh ways. I think that if this type of thing goes on often, there should be more videos about it so that we can get the word out that this goes on and hopefully do something about it. I don't think it is talked about enough or that enough people know about it for people to realize that this is a serious problem that needs to be fixed. -purple789
Deletemyapic789, I understand where the privacy comes into play in nursing homes and facilities like them. Still though, there are ways of supervising and watching people that don't involve a breach of that privacy. Even cameras in the halls would be helpful, or more direct supervision of the staff. What I was talking about specifically was in home nursing however. If I was to have to hire someone to take care of my parents full time when they grow older, I will be putting security cameras in almost every room of my house and letting whoever was there to take care of them know that. On the patient to staff ratio that I brought up, when my wife was working in a nursing home as a PRN she would come home at night exhausted and frustrated because she had anywhere from 20-26 patients and she didn't feel like she could give them the care that they needed. She said all she was able to do was give the people their medications and didn't have time for anything else. I know that this is not true of all elderly facilities but it does happen. I think that when this happens it becomes institutionalized abuse because the company doesn't want to pay to hire enough people to take care of the residents. So while yes elder abuse is a serious problem on an individual basis, I think that it is not always the working peoples fault, especially if they have more people than they can effectively deal with. vhammer789
DeleteI think you bring up a very scary and valid point. How this video brings to light the larger problem and question of how many people is this happening to. Because I would imagine that it happens on a larger scale than we are ever aware of. I like how you bring up Happy Gilmore because that is what first came to mind for me. How awful his mother was being treated. You really can’t trust anyone with the care of your own. She might have just been taking out her rage on the old man but we will never know. I think your point of the nurse to patient ratio might be getting out of hand to. When my great grandmother was still with us and we would visit her at the nursing home the ratio of workers to patients seemed massively skewed. The workload is simply too much because there are not enough workers in the work force or in the budget.-Spacepotatoes012
DeleteWow this just dont make since,this video clearly shows how this happenes more often then we probally think. There should always have cameras up in every nusing home to protect are eldery. we need more nurses/cna's to do the job because their heart is in it not about the money.I think more people do it for the money not because they are compasionate about what they do.Blessed789
ReplyDeleteI agree that a lot of people do caregiving for the money instead of for the compassion. One reason is because it is usually a lot of younger people or less fortunate people. I think if being a CNA was a better paying job then people would do it more for compassion because it could be a career instead of just that highschool job you did so you could get through school.
I agree with you Blessed789, if nursing homes did have cameras then maybe that would help protect some of these elders from elderly abuse. And like you said this may even occur more than we think and actually when my mother was younger she worked in a nursing home and told me that a lot of abuse did occur. Seems like the pick on the ones who can't speak so they won't get told on. Makes me sick!! -Pink789
DeleteI think this is sad. We talked about this in class. This is obvious physical abuse compared to the abuse of just not helping them when they need it. I think that it is absolutely wrong of the woman to hit the man that is probably a few decades older than her. I think that caregivers need to have an eye on them every once in a while to make sure that this kind of stuff isn't happening. I feel bad for this old man and you could tell that he could not defend himself in the video. I would always try to check in with my elder and make sure that they aren't getting abused. I don't really know a good way to prevent this from happening besides making people more aware of it. I mean we can put up camera's and all that, but there are still ways to abuse elders and camera's can't be put everywhere. Overall, I think this is sad and we as people and students need to make elder abuse more known so events like this or any elder abuse doesn't happen as frequently.
Honestly, before I called the cops after I seen the video, I would really beat her down. I am glad that his daughter was smart enough to have cameras installed. Most people keep their ill parents or grandparents home and take care of them, because most people feel that the care would be better than the nursing home. When you are seeking someone to take care of your loves ones its best that they are family members, and someone who you trust. If they never find this lady that abused this man, she will pay the price either behind bars or not. You will always get what you deserve. myapic789
ReplyDeleteThis video is sad and not just because it happens. I am in health care and I look at the elderly like they are my family and that I would do anything for them. Granted at times they want a lot and are demanding yet I have to remember one thing. The need my help. I think over and over about why they are so anger. They used to be able to do all of the things they ask for themselves and now they rely on the young. When the lady was smacking and shoving the older person I wish I could of smacked her, This is so wrong and it makes me sick. Also it is sad that when you work in health care how some elderly tell you that they love what you do and can tell you apart from the people that are just there for a pay check. Elderly abuse is common thou. Not just physical but also verbal. kakers789
ReplyDeleteKakers789, I could not agree with you more! I myself work at a nursing home and enjoy working with the elderly very much. I feel like that is there home and we are working for them. I believe some care takers feel it’s the other way around. They are just there to clock their hours and leave and get paid. They could care less if they did a good job or not. It makes me sick that we have thousands of caregivers in our world that commit abuse and get away with it. Like you said some residents comment on how they can tell you are a good worker and that they can tell you apart from the bad caretakers. It should not be that way at all. It is so sad to me that these elderly people have worked their whole lives for their money for what? To get it all taken away from them and be abused in the process? It’s so sad this happening every day to millions of elderly people. I couldn't agree more with your comment.
It would be so sad to know that you hired someone to take care of your parents, only to find out that they were abusing them in the meantime. I could not believe the way that home care taker was abusing him. The worst part is he couldn't say anything about it to his daughter because he couldn't talk. So she had to just find out from this video tape. It makes me scared to know this is a common occurrence. I don't know what we can do to stop this from happening. We need to have strict laws against this or something because it is not right that the most vulnerable members of our society get treated this way. It's terrible the kind of physical damage the care taker inflicted on this man. He is most likely going to have problems for the rest of his life because of it. -purple789
ReplyDeletePurple789 I agree with your blog. It would be sad to know that the person you are paying to take care of you that in reality you are paying to abuse and neglect you. These acts pushes people over the edge and they should be punished for it. What we can do to stop this from happening? I think that in order to be a caretaker you should be filmed on cameras at all times. Who ever is responsible for the hire of the caretaker should review the tape everyday. USMC789
DeleteThe video hit the nail on the head when talking about elder abuse. To know that the person you are suppose to trust abuses you as elder or a family member is just wreckless and wrong. Not only is it wrong but the patterns have existed far too long. There should be cameras on every caretaker at all times for these reasons. Maybe by them knowing they are being watched may cut down the cruel acts. I almost feel bad for the good caretakers because of the label that has been put on them for working at elder homes period. When someone tells me they work at a nursing home I right away think of how people say the employees abuse the elder. I've known this for over 28 years so it's not like this stuff is new it is just no one cares it seems like. So for all the people that work in nursing homes or with elderly people please treat them as if they were your child or someone you care about entirely. USMC789
ReplyDeleteIt is a big challenge to trust caregivers with your family members to take care of them and when they don't it's very painful. I know we have had to let go of some in the past for my grandparents due to verbal abuse. It's sad that it happens and how often it does. -Aquariusgirl789
DeleteI agree with USMC789, this is true elder abuse. I keep thinking, who can you trust with your elders and children. I have never really seen how bad that elder abuse could be until I watched this video, it got me thinking how bad is elder abuse in nursing homes because you think that a nurse or CNA have alot of elders that they are taking care of at once. I have heard of someone saying mean things to my sister-in-law and I was wanting her out of that nursing homes fast. rosebud012
DeleteI found this video very appalling and it created a lot of hostility and rage inside me. I think any person found guilty of such an offence should be forced to endure the same punishment times ten. It really makes me fear the thought of getting old and dependant on someone other than my family for my care. bigstep789
ReplyDeleteThat is terrifying to think about. This is one of the reasons I don't ever want to get old. I'm afraid someone would take advantage of my weakness. It's sad that we live in a world that this is an ongoing problem in the first place. shoestopher789
DeleteGrowing up and experiencing your grandparents going to the nursing home helps to know that most people want them to have the best care possible. I know I did. It's awful that this caregiver would actually hit him. He can't even do anything back. That's crazy. I would not allow that kind of abuse to anyone. They are in there because they need help, not to get hit around and abused. It's sad to watch all these videos and know that this actually goes on. -Aquariusgirl789
ReplyDeleteHere is another video I can connect with. working as a patients care tech some of my patients are victims of violence. Its very hard to see stuff like this and NOT WANT TO RUN THOSE PEOPLE OVER. I've taking care of many victim of violence patients and some stories are as bad as this one. These people should receive the same if not worse punishment then murders. Hit and beating someone who cant defend them selves make me sick to think about. SM789
ReplyDeleteI agree with you all the way. I wish we could just run them over or slap em upside down the head put some sense into them. I'm also a CNA and I work at a nursing home we see all kind of things and it's just sad. I wish it was something we could do but we just have to report it the police and hopefully they find the person and send them to jail. Love789
DeleteThis is just wrong. I hate seeing stuff like this because it really makes you wish you could be there to stop this from happening. I just don't understand why people have to pick on other people when they are vulnerable. It's like they know since they can overpower them they think they can just do whatever they want to them. I wish people like this would just all go somewhere where they could all be crazy and beat each other up all day until they all died. shoestopher789
ReplyDeletePeople theses days seem to always hit people while they're down so no one can do anything back to them. It's sad that elder people go through this type of treatment. No one deserves to be treated this way, let alone a retired elderly person. Beneke789.
Delete. This is so wrong and sad. I’m a CNA I love working with the elderly they are so sweet and kind and of course you have the mean ones but I don't let their words or actions to me get to me I still treat them with respect and love because I would want people to do the same to my great-grandparents. I can’t say I know how the victim’s daughter feels but I can just only imagine. People that do these type of things need help but some type of punishment that will enable them in life like taking their license or making them do community hours, something. The money is good but I have a heart and I care about my patients my mother was a PCT and she loved it and I wanted to follow in her footsteps since I was a little girl and I love my job. Love789
ReplyDeleteThis world is such a crazy place. It's terrible that we can't trust anyone anymore. This is a serious crime. This video was a good reality check, though, because most people don't their family members in nursing homes because they say they will be mistreated, but in this video he was mistreated at home. Elderly people have worked hard their whole life and deserve to relax and be taken care of respectfully. Beneke789.
ReplyDeleteTrust is a virtue, it can be taken away and I believe with this video that it makes people untrustworthy. I feel like if I would have walked into this situation, I would have demanded the job! -Superman789
Deleteno wonder people have trust issues this video is ridiculous. Most everyone knows someone who was in a nursing home or have been taken care by a caregiver, it makes you wonder doesn't it? This video makes me think are all caregivers like this or how are older people actually treated. I do believe it is worse when they cannot communicate or speak. this lady needs to be found and punished without question!
This video just made me realize why people doesn't leave their old aged parents nursing homes. I mean I wouldn't want to if I had walked into this! What if the elders are mute? It makes you think if all caregivers treat old people this way? I mean if I walked into this I would immediately demand that she be fired and that further accusations are pushed! This is unnecessary! -Superman789
ReplyDeleteThis video would also make me more conscious on where I would put my family members. It's best to have someone you can trust with your life or a retirement home that has well documented reviews
The video was just horrible, and I hope she gets serious jail time. Although caregiving can be challenging, there are positive aspects to it that can help benefit a person. It can give a person the feeling of giving back to a loved one. It can also make you feel needed and can lead to a stronger relationship with the person receiving care. There are proper ways to relieve stress that these caregivers should seek if the job ever becomes to overwhelming, you are getting paid to maintain a persons' life it is a job where this person needs your support to live.
This is really sad! Thumbs -up to the daughter! I look at it like this, I don't trust anyone. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I don't trust people. Nothing surprises me these days. People are capable of anything. That's why it says parents take care of your children and children take care of your parents. The daughter did her job by placing cameras in the house. She was unable to be there all the time. Something grasp her attention to feel the need to want the cameras. I think its wise anyway. Just the same as children we look for our parents to protect us. When we need help we look for our parents for the answer. I say what I say because as you heard the lady she said the woman talks about GOD everyday. This is the type of mess I'm talking about. WHO CAN YOU TRUST! Imma do me789
ReplyDeleteI agree with you all, but with Beneke789 more just because, I thought it was in the home also. Great observation! With me and people I'm in HUMSV where my job is to help the people who don't seem deserving of the help, receive the help. As I read all of us have the same common theme about this video. We all agree it is wrong. I wouldn't do it. You wouldn't do it. So why would she? She definitely need jail time, along with some COUNSELING, but she needs HELP! WHY, would you do this in the first place? WHY, would you risk everything for this behavior, WHY? Imma dome789
ReplyDeleteAs a CNA with my grandmother in a nursing home, this really hit home and almost brought me to tears. Seeing videos like this is extremely sad, but it is happening every day. As the book said, 1 MILLION elders are being abused. I am so surprised elder abuse is even a term, but it is very real. I hope this lady does some serious time in prison if she is not already there. My blessings go to this man and his daughter. I have so much respect for that woman, I do not know what I would do if I learned my grandmother was being abused by her caregiver. It takes a lot of strength and self control to not do something very stupid after seeing something like this happen to an elderly family member. BigGrizmatik789.
ReplyDeleteI think it is atrocious to see how the caregiver treats the elderly father. I think this sort of thing happens are a massive scale. It takes a real special person to put up and be accepting of the responsibility of taking care of an elderly patient. The worker in this video may be acting out because of her status with her degrading job. Or the more likely cause is she has some sort of psychological disorder causing her to lash out in violence. I wish there was a more effective way to discover and bring to justice the people who are doing this, but for the time being we will need to rely on cameras and instinct. If something doesn’t seem right then we must take it upon ourselves to find out what is wrong. Its important to note that in different cultures the younger family members will provide the care for their parents and grand parents all under the same roof. But in our high paced culture people don’t have the time of the wiliness to care for their parents, which is sad. –Spacepotatoes012
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that someone would put their hands on an elder and someone that is not your parents. I think that the caregiver has a psychological disorder to cause her to hit the elderly man. I wish that some of the camera come with speakers so we could have heard with the lady was saying to the elderly man. It is bad that we have to put cameras up, to see what goes on it the house while we are gone. rosebud012
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you, I'm so shocked. I feel it's very sad that she abused the man considering she knew his condition. Abusing elders is bad, but abusing a defenseless elder that just had two strokes is down right low. I just don't understand why on earth would you abuse elders and somewhere in your mind you thinks it's right. She needs to get arrested now and sit in jail or prison for two years. Princess012
DeleteFor me personally..I couldn’t watch a minute of this video. How can a person abuse another person? How can a person abuse an EDRLY person? It baffles me because I’m pretty sure that this nurse has a grandfather….like would she ever do this to him too. I feel so bad for him because at his age of 90, it can be fatal for him to have to go through something like this. (Did they run a background check on her before giving her the job?) Hopefully this will open people’s eyes and see that this type of stuff does happen! And that it’s not just on T.V but it’s happening to the ones we love and the people that are doing it are the ones we are trusting. –CHIATIA012
ReplyDeleteI am really, really speechless right now. After watching this video it just makes me wonder how much is this going on right now in peoples homes and retirement homes around the country. And that lady was also taken care of children. I just hope she wasn't pulling that same stuff with kids. Ageism is just wrong. I am not saying that we need to do a come pleat 180 in American culture and be like how the Asian treat their elders. For one it just wont happen, at least in my life time. But we can at least treat our elders better then that. I can almost guarantee that nobody ever wants to depend on someone else to take care of them as adult, but one day it will happen to most of us. If you are working at a home as a personal assistant or working in a nursing home, and don't like it. Don't take it out on the older folks SirEagleEye012
ReplyDeleteThis video is very disturbing. A lot of care takers do this job for the money. i see it all the time as a CNA. I also do not understand how someone could abuse an elder. If you do not like the job, don't take it. Its very simple. I love my residents at the home i work at and i treat them like family. The abuse statistics are definitely going to increase as the baby boomers reach the age of retirement. Dementia is looking to increase therefore more care is going to be needed. To work in this field, you need to have a natural calling to do so. openminded012
ReplyDeleteThis is terrible. I can't even begin to imagine what would make anyone do something so awful. I see this as going far beyond simple ageism It is pure cruelty towards a defenseless human being.This woman needs to be arrested and brought to justice immediately. toblerone 012
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh that was horrible to watch. That women need to be brought to justice for treating that man like that. She has no empathy for that well being of that man and thank gosh his daughter saw it and took him away asap. I think that is a big problem with care takers in todays world is they think that its just an old guy that cant tell on me so they think its okay and its NOT. We hear about this to much! The abuse that the all old people get is on a rise because the baby boomers are about to be reaching that time in their lifes that having caregivers are going to be having to watch out for people like her!. very stressfull im sure. LEO.012
ReplyDeleteThat caregiver was extremely ridiculous. I'll never understand why people abuse the elderly. In this case, as the caregiver, you know that your patient had two strokes and couldn't do for himself. Why on earth would you take advantage of a old and sickly person and beat them? As a society, we should try to do better and start finding these abusers in nursing homes. The elders in nursing homes can't do much anymore, a lot of them fought for our rights. It's just sad to see people be so disrespectful and actually beat someone that can't defend themselves. They really need to find that lady and arrest her, start cracking down on this crime and making punishment be a little worst. Someone has to be the example if you want the elder abuse to stop. Princess012
ReplyDeleteThis was one the most disturbing videos. At first I honestl didn't think much of agism because I always felt most people had a lot of respect for our elders. After watching this video I look at things a lot differently, me personally, I don't have a problem with elderly people I just have a hard time staying calm with them driving on the road. This video though is just a woman abusing her power against someone she knows can't fight back against her and can't tell his family. Thankfully his daughter put the security came in his room or this could've continuously went on. I pray they find her.
I agree with you PT012 there was rumors that some caregiver/ CNA would abuse the elder people but I didn't believe it until I seen this video. Now I see why some elderly people don't want to be put in nursing homes. They think they will be abuse and forgotten. I wonder If the caregiver is bipolar or something because the women said she would be at the table reading her bible. I hope they find her because she deserve to be penalized for her actions. Aries012
DeleteWow, this video is really eye opening and very very sad. I cannot believe people would do this to a helpless human being and someone who is older than them to top it off. It makes me so sick to know that this is happening every day to millions of elderly people. I think as a society we have lost a lot of respect for our elders and don't treat them as well as we should. I think that there are many reasons that this is happening and many reasons why elder abuse is such a problem. I think that some people may feel empowered or like they can have control over someone who is helpless. They might also be stressed or upset so they take it out on the person they are caring for. Whatever their reasoning for doing it, it is so unbelievably wrong and heart breaking that a person could do this to another human. I work in a nursing home and love my elderly residents so much. I could never imagine laying a hand on them to hurt them or being mental abusive towards them. I realize how frustrating it can become at times to deal with a resident or to take care of them but there is no excuse for abuse! You can walk away from a situation; you can ask for help you can even find a different job. It is just sickening that this is continuing to happening and millions are affected by it. I think our society needs to have a harsher punishment for anyone treating an elderly person in any abusive way.
I was so angry when I was watching this video because I couldn't believe that lady put her hands on that man. If so one would do that to my grandmother I would probably snap out! Its really scary seeing something like this because she's a caregiver and she is suppose to help the patient but instead she's secretly abusing. That's why I want to become a nurse because I actually care about people and really do want to help them. I would never get that frustrated and put my hands on a patient. I wouldn't want someone to do me like that when I become a elder. Aries012
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you aries. This video is appalling. How someone could treat any human being like this, let a lot someone who is so defenseless. I think it is a great goal to want to become a nurse to help stop abuse like this. I wish there was more people like you that truly wanted to make a difference to help people.
DeleteOpenmind 007
this video is terrible this is not a good video i believe no one should beat anyone especially a home taker. if your job is a home taker for a person then take care of them don't beat them that wrong and that can can get you into huge trouble that women in the video, why did she do it? is her life that horrible? i know if my parents ever needed a home taker i would probably do it myself because you cant trust people these days to do anything really. some people are really good at what they do but some people took advantage of abusing the elderly and sometimes ruin the chances for the people that are actually good at there jobs. i hope i wont need a home taker or need to be in a nursing home because i really don't want people taking care of me unless its my parents because parents know best even tho i will be taking care them they wont be taking care of me.
ReplyDeleteWow... I can't believe that the nurse did that to her patient! She's suppose to be a care giver not an abuser... working at a country club I'm always helping out the elderly and I love it because I have learned so much. But it makes me scared for the future like when our generation becomes old and how we're going to be helped... I hope it's not the same...
This video makes me very sad. It’s very hard for me to understand how a person can have the heart to hurt another human being, especially a person that can’t defend themselves. It breaks my heart to think that this could happen to one of my love ones. I can understand the frustration in the daughter because I’m sure she is not able to take care of him and had to find someone to take of him, but instead of caring for him, this lady was making his life a hell. The saddest part is that his health deteriorated after the beating and I’m sure that he is now traumatized and feels a lot of fear to stay alone with another care taker and I think that the daughter is the same way. I would even feel guilty for not being able to take care of my father, but living in this country, we all have to work which staying at home to care for a love one is almost impossible. Elia007
ReplyDeleteO MY GOD. What did I just see; this is the most horrific thing I have ever heard of. This lady deserves life without parole. How could someone treat a helpless old person this way? If there is a hell I am sure she will be burning in it. I am a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant.) We have to deal with difficult older people every day. As much as some people try to make me mad, I always understand that there life is worse than mine right now, and I am paid to do a job. I have never once thought that it would help, or even shut up a resident by hitting them. Especially one with a serious brain injury like a stroke, the way this lady hit this poor man over and over begs the question. What the hell was going through her head? She must have something wrong with her to treat an elderly person with such low regard.
ReplyDeleteOpenmind 007