Ageism....There 'Otta Be a Death Penalty Law For This.....Thoughts?


  1. I can't believe that these young boys swung this elderly women around like they did. This too me, is elder abuse! In the book it listed elder abuse under care-giving but obviously it can occur with anyone and someone who is elderly. What if she decided to report this? They would be in so much trouble! It seems like younger people pick on older people because they are weak, and can't defend themselves.. makes them the perfect target which is sad. Whatever happen to that cliche saying, "pick on someone your own size". These people clearly weren't in any sense taking care of her but maybe somehow she knew these boys. -Pink789

  2. wow those boys were very wrong for the way they treated the older lady she was so scared and helpless all she could do was yell. i feel like if they did or didnt know her it was wrong. they would have felt the same way if she did that to them. thats why alot of elderly people dont trust people especially coming in there home etc. elderly abuse happens almost everyday and sometimes we dont even know its going on.godschild789

    1. I agree with you godschild, she was scared and helpless. Them boys thought that was funny but, what if it was happening to their grandma would they still think it was funny? makes you wonder how they treat their own.Blessed789

    2. I agree with you godschild789, the women was so helpless and scared. This really makes me think like, if they do this to her, I'm sure this isn't the only person they torture? In my comment i talked about them possibly knowing her but like you said regardless if they did or didn't what they did was very wrong! -Pink789

    3. These kids might not have realized what they were doing and how wrong they were, but, regardless, they are definitely sick in the head and need some serious help. I hope they get some mental help while they serve their lives in prison. These people do not deserve to live a free life. I would consider these kids severely psychotic, and they need to spend extended time in a mental hospital. BigGrizmatik789.

  3. That was not even right,then ran after her again. Them boys should be punished for that. I never understand how someone could treat old people bad. I actully like hanging out with older folks I love to hear all of their stories and just life experences.We tend to see elder abuse more and more everday.I would like to see more people taking time for are elders as they have been arould longer then us and, are alot more wiser. Blessed789

    1. So true, you can learn a lot from the elderly, they have been around longer than us. You must respect them, because they have already lived there life in this cold world. Most elderly people are just relaxing so people should just leave them alone, so that they last days be easy. myapic789

  4. I am pretty sure, they wouldn't wont anyone to do that to their parents, or grandmother. You reap what you sow, they must realize that one day they will be old and some young kids might not treat them nice. I wouldn't say that they should get the death penalty because they didn't kill the lady. But yes they should do some jail time for this. I love the elderly, well some are mean but it doesn't give anyone the right to treat them this way. That old lady was so frighten, I hate they did this to her. myapic789

    1. I agree with the you reap what you sow. The elderly are so great they tell you a lot of things from their past. This is so amazing to me. I agree they don't deserve the death penalty but they should do some jail time. This women did nothing to them to deserve this. Not only that but like you said they will one day be old themselves is this how they want treated. kaker789

    2. Myapic789 I agree with you that the death penalty for this act is harsh. Now what many people don't realize is that in other countries like in this case laws are different. Just because we all are use to our ways of life and laws they do not necessarily work that way. In many countries they wouldnt even waist their time or money to look at a case like this one so jail time or punishment period maybe out of question. USMC789

    3. I agree with you that we need to be checking how we treat or elderly because hopefully one day we are going to be old ourselves. I do not agree however that they should have gotten jail time for this first time offence. I think that they should have had to work with the elderly under strict supervision in order to teach them and educate them. If after that they wind up committing another crime like this one then yeah I think that jail time is appropriate. vhammer789

  5. This is a horrible thin to do to anyone. Let alone an elderly person. That lady was running away terrified and those kids ran after her and did it again all while laughing about it. Do I think that there should be a death penalty for this? No. I do think that the punishment for elder abuse should be strict however. Especially if it is a physical assault like they did to this woman. There are however many different types of elder abuse. Something that we think is as simple as not bringing them a glass of water is abuse, even if we don't think it is for whatever reason we justify it with in our minds. Things like this should not be punished as severely as things like physical harm or mental abuse. That lady was terrified and she could very well be afraid to go anywhere by herself again for fear of that reoccurring. So not only did they physically abuse her they mentally abused her as well. I think that rather than spend the money to send them to jail right now they should be forced to work in a retirement home or nursing home taking care of the elderly and if the behavior happens again, then we come down on them hard and give them some prison time. vhammer789

    1. I agree with you. I think this is a horrible thing for anyone to do, and I can't even imagine the fascination with doing it to be honest. The elderly are some of the most vulnerable people in society, and we should be concerned with protecting them, not treating them like they are a toy for us to mess with. -purple789

  6. What these boys did was very much elderly abuse, yet I don't think they need the death penalty. Elderly abuse need to have strict punishments. This elderly women did not deserve this. She was a little old lady and then went screaming for her life, and they chased after her. The boys that did this thought it was a game yet the little elderly lady was so scared. I felt so bad for laughing. It was funny though but I would never want anyone to do this to my grandma or anyone that I love. kakers789

  7. I could not believe what I saw in this video. That is the strangest thing for someone to think of to do for fun. These kids should be arrested for abusing her because that could seriously injure her. You could tell she was petrified from her scream. I am in shock that this is actually something that goes on. I have never really heard of "elderly abuse" until this video, and I just think it is really strange to be honest. If this is such a common occurrence, I think they should definitely make laws against it because that is a real problem if people are abusing the elderly in our community. It is really sad to think of the negative effects this will have on that poor old woman. She will probably be terrified to ever go out walking alone or even leave her house. Not to mention if they actually did some physical damage. -purple789

    1. Right. I don't know how this is even close to fun. It's awful. I agree they should get in trouble for this. It is abuse to this poor lady. All she could do was scream and it looked like it didn't help her. She couldn't really run away from them either. This video surprised me a lot of how mean people can be to the elderly. -Aquariusgirl789

  8. The womans face was priceless! Although it was not right. This is no surprise too many people because anything you can think of, someone has done or attempted to do it somewhere in the world. Not only was that act the boys performed elder abuse but it was also just uneccessary. Many people in the U.S. has heard of elder abuse in nursing homes either on the news, friend or a family member. Laws are also different in other countries so the punishments are handled differently than the U.S., and that's if the act(s) are even recognized. USMC789

  9. This was cruel stupid and senseless. It does reflect on the attitude and level of respect that our youth have for the elderly in our society. I am certain you would see less of this type of behavior if they were to run across an older gentleman such as myself. Especially with the consealed carry laws being put into effect. bigstep789

    1. bigstep789 is right the level of respect in the youth isn't these. they don't know the meaning. Rodney Dangerfield would be completely right with his famous slogan "I don't get no respect" in this day and age SM789

  10. This is so mean. I can't believe people would do this. I would probably be in shock if someone were to do this to one of my grandparents. It's a cruel cruel thing to do. I don't know how those kids could laugh while doing that. I do think they should get in trouble for this. You can tell that the old lady was not liking it. It was torture for her especially that it was physical abuse. She couldn't do anything to protect herself, except scream and that didn't help her in this situation unfortunately. I believe this is definitely elder abuse. -Aquariusgirl789

    1. I have two wonderful great-grandparents I would be so upset and a hurt if this were to happen to either one of them. This is definitely elder abuse because the woman wasn't able to protect herself. She wasn't happy at all by what took place so screaming for help was her only other choice. Love789

  11. This made me laugh and get sick at the same time. One thing I learned when i was growing up is, Respect your elder you can learn a lot from then. These kid(young adults) need a beating. That women probably didn't do a thing to these kids and was rudely assaulted. I see in this new generation a huge lack of respect for, one for others and two the elderly. Kids and teen see all this violence on tv and in music and thing its cool to do these kinds of things. Its not right! SM789

    1. This is exactly how I felt when I watched it. It made me feel sick and disgusted for what the human race has come to. I second that notion that these teenagers need a beating. They need to just get some common sense and stop being so immature. shoetopher789

  12. This video was just not right. I think it was more bizarre than anything. I don't understand why people have the want to go and do this. Like what goes through someones brain that tells them, "Hey, I should go swing that old lady around and terrify her". In the video there seemed to be several different teenagers there so I think it might have also been a sort of mob mentality thing. They thought because someone was much older than them, they have the right to take advantage of her. shoestopher789

  13. I don't think a death penalty is an acceptable punishment for this type of crime. These boys look old enough to drive cars; I think their license should be taken from them for at least five years and have to do a boot camp for a year. Counseling is something else they need, so they'll know what they did was morally wrong. I feel sorry for that old lady she didn't deserve to have this done to her even if she was messing with the boys or whatever happened it's just not right if this happened to either of my great-grandparent's I'd be ready to kick somebody's butt. Although one boy was swinging the poor woman all the other boys were just as guilty as he was for standing there, recording, and laughing. Hopefully some type of legal action has taken place on all who were involved in this sad situation. Love789

    1. I think you bring up several valid working points for reforming these demented kids. Suspending their license and counseling are both great examples of outcomes. I really wish someone standing around the very vacant street would have stood up and taken action on behalf of the elderly lady. Like others have said, she very well many not want to leave home along for a very long time.-Spacepotatoes012

  14. This is absolutely horrible! The fact that those kids found this humorous is ridiculous. I was always raised to respect my elders, these kids need to learn some manners. Elder people should be taken well taken care of, not disrespected and taken as a joke. Other countries treat their ancestors with so much respect it makes us look bad for having a video like this. These boys should get in trouble for this. They should have a very strong punishment. Beneke789.

    1. I completely agree! punishments should be issued here. This poor old lady was traumatized due to the fact that these kids thought it was a "joke" like for real? Manners need to be put into effect IMMEDIATELY!!! -Superman789

    2. I agree the children should reap some type of punishment for this. I was on edge watching the video, and kind of ashamed cause I actually laughed at first. This is most definitely elderly abuse. The boys should be ashamed of themselves. that lady could have suffered a heart attach or even more damage mentally. -toybox789

  15. This is not funny at all this poor lady is traumatized! I have always been told, as most people have, respect your elders because they are your elders. These young boys should get some sort of punishment. Its not a joke it is purely disrespectful I couldn't imagine how scared that poor lady must have been this video is sickening. LAYLAY789

  16. Wow this is terrible! I can't bare to stand to think that kids now a days believe this is funny. I was raised to respect my elders and to always be polite and let them go ahead of you in line. Manners are a definite must here. Why must people constantly treat others with such disrespect! This video is a disgrace to our country, punishments should be handed out here, I believe in the most intense way!

  17. That was crazy and dangerous. The laws towards elderly abuse should be stricter since finding out that it is on a rise. Many elderly adults are abused in their own homes, in relatives’ homes, and even in facilities responsible for their care, but to see it done out in the middle of the street is sad. More laws need to be put in place so that people will think twice before they think it's cool to harm an old person.

  18. I was unable to see this video due to blockage. I'm kind of glad because, I've seen enough with the other elderly man. I think it is so good when you can use technology to help you catch these criminals. This is nonsense! If you don't know how to treat people, especially the elderly,just give yourself a reminder on how you want to be treated. Imma do me789

  19. I agree with love789. Sometimes jail may be a easy way out. Depending on who you know in there. Time could just be passing you by and you have not learned anything! These boys need to know they did something thats just not tolerated! Why would this be funny. I saw comments where the viewers said the lady was terrified. That is cruel, very cruel. Like I read also, you reep, what you sow! Very very very true! Imma do me789

  20. This video has been laughed at my several people but on a serious note this is really messed up how kids and people in general have no respect for the elderly. The kids do deserve some type of punishment to me this is what was explained in class as elderly abuse. Nothing far from it. The kid who swung the lady couldn't let it go and even ran after her and swing her twice. If it was one of my elders I would be very upset about it. I wonder why the elderly woman was out by herself without anyone to protect her but overall the kdis were very mean and cruel. -toyox789

  21. I was not able to view this video but from the comments I have read, I am glad I wasn't able to see it. Sure, it might appear to be funny, but what if this was a family member or someone you know? It wouldn't be so funny would it? Elder abuse is an extremely, extremely awful thing, but it is real and happens every day. I don't know if I believe in the death penalty, but this person deserves some serious prison time if not life in prison. There is definitely a reason why this video has been banned from YouTube. People are very, very sick. What kind of person would think this is remotely okay? Wow. BigGrizmatik789.

  22. This video was interesting to watch. It almost looks staged, but I doubt it is because it has real vibes to it. It was hard to watch this lady being tossed around like that because of the way I was raised. Oh how any common human should treat their elders. I think the use of a simple self defense mechanism such as pepper spray or a personal taser could have given this video a different result. It sickens me that this is acceptable behavior in the minds of these young men. And that nobody was around to step up in the poor old ladies defense. You have to wonder what kind of upbringing or past experiences these kids must have experienced to want to be this way. The woman is terrified and ‘quickly’ shuffles away before being caught and tossed around again. –Spacepotatoes012

  23. I was unable to view the video due to blockage. But as I read the comments I got an idea as to what it was about. In this day and age the elderly are looked down upon because they are “old” and not what they use to be. But people that are our age forget that their grandparents were once 17, 20, and 30….the only thing that has changed is their appearance and their mobility. It’s sad that the elders that have been here before us who are much wiser than we will ever be…are shown no respect. -CHIATIA012

  24. Well this video was blocked for me, but after watching the video below I dont think I want to see. I think it might be the one of an older lady getting thrown around her room by a nurse. For the most part I think everyone knows this, but for the ones who don't, there are mulitple laws against abuse to a senior citizens. At what does that start I have no idea, i am not a criminal justice major. The reason why we have these laws is because there will be become a time where none of us will be able to defend ourselves. That was clearly evident in the video below this one. And it is the reason why we have child abuse laws as well. SirEagleEye012

  25. Cannot view the video. -openminded012

  26. unable to watch video LEO.012

  27. I cant believe what I just watched... I'm disgusted beyond belief... those boys literally just threw that poor old lady... for what? Because she was old? They never knew her story or what she's done for the community! That just show how our society is so quick to judge and stereotype other people's differences. I myself work with many elderly at my job and I learn so much from all of them when I help them out. I love helping the elderly after getting my job and I think the elderly are a great part of our society and a major part at the least.


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