Gender.....The Females I Know Are More Than This......

Gender.....Are They Serious?


  1. I never understood, why society automatically put men first. In the video the label the guy smooth, neat, boss and so on. All of these labels can be used for a women as well, definitely NEAT. And they label the men boss, but had the women label as bossy there are plenty men that I know that are bossy. We women tend to be bossy cause a lot of time we do not get are way, especially with society. I would say that we need to make a change, but something's will never change. I remember growing up with my brothers our father would raise them to be strong, they helped my dad paint houses, fix things, take out the garbage etc. But my sis and I was helping in the kitchen, my older sister would do our hair, we learned how to sew. So it seem like to me, since men are naturally build stronger than women the are suppose to take the harder/strongest role. myapic789

    1. I agree with myapic. Just because men are born stronger doesn't mean that they are better or can do things better than women. Women should be given the chance to do things too. It's just not fair for women to not have the same opportunities. Beneke789.

    2. I agree with myapic789, because women can be anything they want to. Look at how many women are driving trucks or working on vehicles. Take an example of Danica Parick, she is in a man sport. I can understand a little about why women are labeled as bossy because mans might now listen to her and she might need to put her feet down. rosebud012

    3. I didnt agree with much of the video either, especially the neat part. I think that women and men have nearly the same potential. I would maybe agree with men as being stronger and less emotional, but the things in this video aren't true in my eyes. Men are naturally stronger and less emotional, but we arent always exactly neat. I think that Women should have the same political power and that they are mentally and morally just as strong as men.

  2. There is still gender inequality in our society. Some of the labels they brought up in the video are great examples of this. In our society men are supposed to be rough and strong and doing work that requires physical strength. We are expected to do construction jobs, building and fixing things. Women on the other hand are seen as weaker and thus need to be doing jobs that don't require physical strength such as secretary or accountant. I do not agree with these things, but they are just the way things are right now. As a stay at home father who works part time, raises 4 children and goes to school, but also worked in a factory shoveling sand, I think that the stay at home part of life is harder and more physically requiring than the factory jobs. So while society puts these labels on us, I think that we definitely need to start changing. vhammer789

    1. Vhammer- I agree with you that there are just some jobs that can’t safely be pursued by women. Of course they are legally allowed to apply and perform any job they are qualified for. But like you said the physical strength gap and the stress associated with some jobs isn’t right to be placed on women. But in our modern day and age we are becoming a lot more diverse in our lifestyles to allow for a man to do what was once considered a ladies job and vice versa with a woman working in a previously dominantly male job sector. –Spacepotatoes012

    2. I agree with you in that the stay at home job of raising a family and taking care of the kids is much harder than actual physical labor. I do not see why that is always seen as a woman's job. Many men can raise a family just as well, if not better, as women can, and many women can do physical labor jobs just as well or better than men can. You are right that in society today, women are seen as weaker and have jobs such as secretaries or accountants. But we should not accept this. We need to fight it so things can change and we can achieve equality in the future. -purple789

    3. Thats a good point, vhammer. I agree that cleaning, cooking, and taking care of children can be as tiring or more tiring than a physical labor job. In some cases, the husband has an office job or any job that does not require physical labor and the wife is at home working her ass off for her husband to come home to a clean and peaceful home with dinner ready. The husband gets all the credit for "bringing the bread home," but women deserve more credit than they usually get. I work for a landscaping and snow removal company and also help around the house and I think they are somewhat equal in physical activity. Thankfully, I do not have children yet, but I'm sure that makes the "stay at home job" way more difficult and tiring. BigGrizmatik789.

  3. I think this video brings up a very valid issue in the work place. Male executives are interpreted quite differently based on their behavior and appearance. Where as female execs are usually seen in negative light as bossy or mouthy like the video portrayed. I think this portrayal of a woman is not always true, but might come about because of several reasons. One, the woman executives probably would have had to work twice as hard to get to the top and through that journey may have become more hardened and demanding of what the business needs to succeed. She has possibly become more impersonal to be a better business head. The male heads of business have always just had an assumed layer of power and ability around the business. As always I think the world you see is in your own eyes so if you don’t like the way something looks, then look away, or change it! -Spacepotatoes012

    1. I agree with you Spacepotatoes012. I feel like women have to work much harder than men in order to get to the top. The way that they have to really fight in order to get the same job that a man is going for is ridiculous. It is a sad thing but that is how society is today. shoestopher789

  4. I think that this video shows how people sometimes view the opposite sex. Even though both people are doing the same things and seem very similar in most of the shots in the video, people will always judge another person based on their gender. I think this is because of the way people are raised. The media has a big influence on the way we view the opposite sex. When we watch an action movie we expect to see a male as the lead actor. This shouldn't be how it is but it is. We expect to see males where they usually are in the media. I think action movies with females as the lead actresses are excellent, there just aren't nearly as many as there are with male lead actors. Also, when the lead roles are played by females I feel like they are made out to be highly sexualized. This is with all of the media. Have you ever seen the commercials for Hardees? Most of their commercials just show women with big breasts in swimsuits eating cheeseburgers. It's these types of things that make people think the way they do about women. I think that if they stopped trying to sexualize women in the media so much, there would be less gender inequality. Of course, this is not the only reason that there is gender inequality in todays society. There are many different reasons for this but I think that if we got rid of the media part of it, that could make a big difference in the way society views women altogether. shoestopher789

    1. I agree that the media plays a large role in how men and women are viewed in society. And although I agree that changing mass media would influence this gender inequality to a degree, I feel that it would be less of an impact then you might think. There is a lot of weight to parental, peer and societal pressure on men and women to behave the way they are "supposed" to. It will take several generations to see any real affect on the gender inequality in the United States, let alone the rest of the world.


  5. I feel this video is a very mean and strongly rude. Most of the labels used are mean and cruel. I know a lot of women i'm a man working in a women's world. i work in health care and there are so many women who can do more things than a lot of the doctors i know. Women aren't as beaten down in health care they are just sadly paid less. witch is still WRONG!!!. Women have been here just as long and can do more than men. they endure much more pain and suffering than man. SM789

    1. I agree that this was mean, but you have to think about what Mr. White said in class, men have made sure that women are at a lower level so the men can get ahead. I agree that our society is double standard and that it’s not fair. But it’s still that men are still predigest against women(I’m not saying all men). Women are going to be successful in medical fields because they are still pink-collar jobs. Yes that’s changing but slowly. Our society is still predigest against males if they are nurse or CNA. If you were a female having a female nurse help you… you would be fine with it. But if you were a male with a male nurse wouldn’t you feel uncomfortable. See the lag and the standards there? Bubbles789

    2. I agree with you that the labels we put on people are wrong. Do I think that women can do anything a man can do however, no. I am not trying to be sexist or anything like that but there are some things that MOST women are not able to do. I worked in a foundry shoveling dirt and lifting scrap iron all night. I worked on a crew with all guys because the work itself was just to heavy and required much greater physical strength. There were women who tried to come do it but the turnover rate of women was much higher than the men and eventually the company stopped hiring women for the job. It is simply because men possess more brute strength and can handle more physical labor than women. Yes women can endure more pain. That's fine but just because you can handle more pain than me doesn't mean you can help me deadlift a 600 pound piece of iron. So in closing, I do disagree with the labels that we use and for the most part I agree that women are just as efficient in most workplaces as men, however I have seen first hand that there is some work that most women just are not physically capable of. And I say most because there is always the strange in the familiar. vhammer789

    3. I agree with you health care is a hard job. There are things that women are good at. For me I know that I can ask for something and people think I am being bossy. Im not being bossy yet I just know what I want and what needs to be done for the safe and best quality of life for my residents. Also there are some things that I would never be able to do with out a man in this work force. I think that men and women make each other strong yet someone always in society's eyes has to be better. In our society they think men are better. We came from man and we need to obey a man and they are leaders not women. This is unfair but how the world see it. kakers789

  6. By now we all probably be thinking/ hoping that society would have moved faster in this society. I like this commercial for seeing how poorly women are treated in high end jobs. The lag in our society is some guys have a hard time working for a female boss. Studies have proven this. The males will say she is to bossy; she is a girl she is to weak. Women are put down because of our physical strength, while men are looked up to. Society still looks up to men because of our agricultural times when men had to do the hard labor, and raking in the money. Even in the industrial time they still had the men do the building of factories for women and children to work. Men are looked up to because they keep the rest of the minorities behind. One day our society will get there but the lag is still going on in our society to improve. Bubbles789

  7. I never really noticed how society viewed women and men differently until we talked about it in class. After watching this video it is very apparent to me how society labels women. Honestly, even though I thought this video made a good point about not being so quick to label, I thought this video was kind of rude towards women. The labels that were given to us in the video were actually very hurtful. I will say though it did a good job showing people that there is still gender equality especially in the workplace. Men often do get paid more and not labeled as much whereas women dont get paid as much and get labels such as pushy, bossy, show-off, ect. I thought it was a good clip that really did open my eyes to gender equality.

    1. Talking in class definitely made me a lot more mad about this situation as a woman. It really isn't fair. I agree this video did a good job and making certain points about not labeling quickly. And your right. They were rude. We should all be equal. -Aquariusgirl789

    2. I agree with you faithhopelove012 that some of the label were hurtful. Like I mentioned in my comment I don't see why some of those labels couldn't be geared towards a man because in all honesty some of them could. I know men who try and show off all the time and guys can be bossy too! It shouldn't matter the sex of the person, if they have that quality that is "bossy" or their "selfish".. that's just them. Not their sex! -Pink789

    3. Before this class I too did not realize how much women were discriminated against. I was honestly shocked that people actually associate those different words for people of the opposite sex. I also agree with you when you say that those words they associate with women are very rude and hurtful. I thought society had moved on from discriminating against women but I guess not. Ajw789

  8. I never did get why society always looked down on women or didn't ever look at us as equals compared to men. I enjoyed this commercial a lot, it showed how women are really looked at. The part where the man is the "Boss" and the women is "Bossy". I feel like this is always the case anytime a women takes charge she is either bossy or controlling. We need to change this, but it does take time. Like i said in class years ago men were the bread winners, making all the cash and supporting the family, but times have changed men! Women are starting to come out on top, make more money, and be the bread winners in the family. Women deserve equality to men, it is not fair to out labels on us like "weak" or get paid less then men do just because we are women. We can still do many things men can do, yes they may be stronger, but that does't mean we are incapable.

  9. It really does suck that women aren't treated equally. There are so many things that we can do. We shouldn't be labeled as "always needed to be in the kitchen". It's not true. Not all women cook. Some do things men do. But that's supposedly not right according to our society. It doesn't always have to be the male in the house who is the strongest one making money. Women are smart too and can provide for a family. It makes me mad that this is how it is in the world.-Aquariusgirl789

  10. The worst part about men and women not being equal in society is that people think they are. We have come a long way with the movement of making women and men equal, but by no means are we done yet. If you open your eyes, you can notice the inequality of women and men in every day life. I liked this commercial a lot. It really does a good job at demonstrating the differences in how women are perceived and how men are perceived. Why can't a woman be strong, dedicated, and smart without being seen as "bossy" or "selfish"? Men are looked up to, and even encouraged to act the exact same way. I believe the push towards gender equality starts with women themselves. We need to stop sitting back and acting like things are going to change and actually make an effort for that change to happen. It might have to start with little things, such as demanding the respect of men in every day life, but those little changes make more of a difference than people think. -purple789

    1. I agree with you , most people now a days think men and women are equal. not yet they aren't. in order to do that it'll take a whole different sociological viewing of women and our worth in the world. also in order to gain equality with a man , women would have to do more jobs where society says only men can do it. love789

  11. This video does great in showing how women and men are viewed. The setting they placed both of them in was an office job, which some of us may consider a high class job. I feel as if we struggle with inequality in America and it's not just with men and women, it goes beyond to color also. They said the women was a show off, selfish, and bossy but a man can be those things too. It shouldn't be that because of your gender your bossy or dedicated or smooth or a show off. We ALL have those qualities NO matter our gender. Society has only changed America for the worse....and it won't get better if we continue to believe these things. We need to really open our eyes and look outside the box! -Pink789

  12. I believe women are put second in society because how we label them and try to stand up for them. It is not that we say the not as equal as us though in my opinion. Everyone thinks that either males are more dominant than females, because males are the hunters and females stay with the kids. Some people also this it is the fact that males are stronger than females in turn making males more dominant. Then whenever the decision is made maybe by a male if not that person will have the decision in there head and by like ladies first. Then females get lower pay as well which is rideculous unless it would be like at a farm cutting and hauling logs because most females cant do as much in those cases, which would make sense why male makes more. Conservation789

  13. this video shows exactly what the book was speaking of. men are just naturally labeled different than women. though they could be doing the same thing a woman will have the negative side of things. woman are doing all they can to prove they are just as good , even better, than man in societies. like the book says on page 309 society defines men as having more value than women. and I as a woman disagree. yes men are good for something's but they have it easy. women have to bare children work harder provide for a family have monthly cycles. etc.. the list goes on and on without women men could not make it in this world. no matter how much men act like they don't need us. love789

  14. Until hearing that women make a fraction of what men make working the same job, and after watching this video, I did not really notice how society today still discriminates against women. I don’t understand how this is still going on today. Merit should come first and gender should be second. In the video it says the woman that is the boss, is bossy. Well yeah she is bossy because she is the boss and it is her job to tell people what to do. The people giving her the negative bossy name are just the men who are jealous of her position and think that because they are men should have her position even if they are less qualified, that’s the only way I can make sense of that. How can you say someone who works hard for something as a woman is selfish and a man who does the same is dedicated, do people really think that? I don’t know, maybe I’m one of the few people that think that and I’m blind to the rest of society who give these negative connotations to women. Ajw789

    1. I completely agree with you! The fact that men were always put first is crazy, but knowing that women are getting paid less for the same work, or sometimes harder work is even crazier! Being the boss means that you get to boss people around! I don't agree with your last sentence though, I don't believe you are the only one who thinks this.. and your not blind to it. I see it to and I despise it! -Superman789

    2. I agree with you 100%. If a woman is promoted to boss how is she considered bossy when a male is just the boss? Men are usually dominate meaning they are strong naturally but that doesn't mean to me that men are better than women. It also doesn't make a woman less equal. I did not like how the video showed the woman as being vain cause she is in the mirror either women are supposed to be womanly and take care of themselves, but the guy is just neat? I think guys can be just as vain as women. society has been molded to think this way though, -toybox789

  15. The way society discriminates against women is terrible. I believe all men and women should be treated equal. Meaning Equal rights and Equal pay! Women being bossy? Really? I mean she is the boss right? she should act like one? I mean in my job my head manager is a women and she is bossy but I respect her because she is my boss. I may joke with her and tell her that im not doing it but I go do it no questions asked. I don't see how someone who works hard for what they earn is selfish? But when a man does it, he is considered a "dedicated" worker. I believe that this society should be changed and we all need to be treated equally!

  16. This video was short and to the point. The video explained Gender and Inequality in the fact that most people do view women as being less equal than a man. This video explains to me male and female differences, how a woman can to go to work and be promoted to the boss she is then considered bossy, while a man is considered his title the boss. Even when the woman and the male looked in the mirror the female is considered vain while the male is just considered neat. These gender inequalities come to your mind naturally which is kind of sad. I guess I never realized until taking this class how women really are not equal to men in society. According to lecture a woman and a man can have the same exact job but the male will be paid more than her. I don't think that it is fair that a male and female can go to school for the same amount of time for the same major and not get the same pay doing the same exact job. -toybox789

    1. I do agree with you but, hopefully time will change all the facts we have that clearly states a women is more then capable to do the same as a man and, get all the perks, money, and a rise to the top of a company. looking forward to se great things take place in our future. Blessed789

  17. I believe that historically the roles played by men and women have been woven into the mindset of our society and although times and roles have changed in our society the mindset of the powers that be have not, the political social and economic forces still view the roles of the sexes as unchanged .therefore any deviation from the so-called norm is unaccepted and grossly underpublicized. It seems as though the evident change in role behavior is being totally ignored, with women preforming the same jobs as men yet being paid less is unfair to say the least. The perception of men being more dominant and more capable than women the unfair hiring practices promotions and pay scales are seemingly justified for no apparent reason other than that, perception.

    1. Yes I completely agree and it is wrong. We all have had that judging mindset at some point in time because as a child it's what we see and learn. We see male president every years so we believe only male sex can be president. Its completely wrong, just the roles being portrayed!

  18. I feel this video gave a good view on how society judges but in some circumstances things are different, what I mean by that is sometimes women fit under a title better than men and vice versa its just how society is. I feel this is wrong but we all must play into our roles.

  19. The video depicts gender connotations as it pertains to a masculine influenced society in which male influences are favored. Though women are capable of doing the same thing, in the same way, the connotations associated to each differ. Women are regarded negatively; trying to "pose." Men are seen as the essential component and the "key" that fits. These are far from actual reality but this video does a great job of showing this particular mentality. USMC789

  20. This video displayed a stark contrast in the way men are viewed by society and women in the same roles being viewed by society. Men are given a positive light in their roles and women performing those same roles are viewed with a neutral or negative light. If a man is doing the job, he is seen as being driven and successful. If a woman is doing the job, they are seen as having ulterior motives for doing that job. This is a generality which does not apply to all situations, locales or societies; but it does have some validity in the american society. It is interesting that a hair product company would produce a commercial that emphasizes this and encourages women to be strong while the company is playing on women's ego/emotions to sell their products. If you look at a hair product commercial for men, you get an advertisement for looking good and attracting women to sell their products.


    1. i agree with you because men are still upper class then women we could have the exact same job and the men will still get paid more then the women will which just dumb. i believe everyone should be treated equally no matter what the circumstances are we should be treated and and have the same benifits that men do because it is america.

  21. I understand people say life isn't fair, but it's so true. Men are no better than women. Supposedly we're "all equal" yet girls are looked at differently than men? Girls should have the same opportunities that men have. If they work as hard as men then they should be able to do the jobs men do; and make as much as men do. I agree that women should still have expectations to follow, like being classy. However, men are treated way better than women. Beneke789.

  22. I totally understand how women get labeled, cause a long time ago women were no more then a house wife baring children. As time has changed now society has a had time looking at things differently. I do agree that women should now get as much respect as a man for their hard work, and efforts. women take the back seat still when it comes to raises, job hikes and just being in charge in some jobs. I think as we move forward in society today things will change for women and the credit that they will receive. Blessed789

  23. I understand how woman get labeled because long time ago, woman did have the right to do anything and were told to stay home and take care of the house and the children. But now a days, things have changed and woman have come up in the world. I think that woman should have to respect that man do for their hard work. I think that our society is changing and that soon woman will get the credit and the jobs. rosebud012

  24. It never was an issue to me, about men being first. I guess Its because men are looked at to be strong and the boss. Being the boss dosen't mean they rule or control you. Every man should be able to control his part. He should have a queen who controls hers. A woman should want a protector and provider. Not someone who beats, control, and look down on her,but someone she could look at and know he respects, protect and provide for her. I can careless if a man thinks I'm bossy! I know me and i know I'm not. I'm not going to play games just like he is not. So with that being said he can bring in however much money he wants. I'm never going to get in a situation where I can't do me. I will always make enough money to take care of me. So make what you make because I'mma do me789

  25. I agree with vhammer789 staying at home is a job all in itself. It takes a real man to really raise his kids and take care of his family. The money is very much needed but those children are too! Forget how society looks at you. When you shut your door society is not coming in with you so who cares. You are a man when you do what works for you and your house. Not what someone else thinks or say. Staying home is harder and more valuable to me than any job there is. Find what works for you and yours because they are going to talk about you anyway. There will always be another man who makes more than the other. So when they or he get so big headed, compare his small self to another man making more than him, NOW WHAT!!! Just like you compared yourself to that woman, now compare yourself to that man. Sit down cause they ain't no Donald Trumph or Micheal Jordan either. Making that cheap money, when real men make what some make in a year in a day LOL Imma do me789

  26. As much as I hate to admit it, in America we still label just about everyone. But we seem to label women the most. Being in the Army for three and a half years a had plenty of commissioned officers and non-commissioned in charge of me, for me personally I never had to deal with to much of the labeling and the fact that women still don't paid what the deserve to be paid. In all branches of the military pay raise depends on promotions, so men and women make the same if they are the same rank. If you look back in our American History this problem started when the founding fathers pretty much left out right for women, i.e the right to vote,. Women in this country really didn't start to full time until WWII to today. But that's been over 70 years. I think its time we stop all of this labeling

  27. In this society no matter how much work, sweat, and tears women put into something its like we cant seem to measure up to what "society" views as being successful. This video displayed the traits as to what a man is "suppose" to have....ohhh but not a woman. It's funny how society has this perspective on what a women should be...but as soon as we venture off and stop displaying certain characteristics....we're viewed as being bossy, vain, and even pushy. When its simply the personality that is shining through. -CHIATIA012

    1. Society is definitely very messed up with its perspectives. I agree that the way that society treats women who try to stand up for themselves is pretty terrible.We need to be teaching people to have values principles that stand for both males and females. It is very hypocritical for socieewarding men for one action while punishing women for the same thing. toblerone012

  28. All over the world woman seemed to be treated as second class citizens. Even in America were everyone is supposed to treated equally and with dignity women are still looked upon as sex objects to a lot of men. I hang with a lot of frat guys and they are definitely the kings of labeling women as such and it honestly makes me pissed. Honestly these women are way more than that why demean them to that level? Even in the work force women are still paid less then men even if they work just as hard or harder for their company. It's wrong and hopefully one day women will have their fairness in life that they so deserve.

  29. this video is talking women and how strong and powerful they should be its about the business world trying to get a head of everyone else. women kind of cant do that because guys have the upper hands always society always think men are the most determined to get jobs done well but women can also have the same determination about a job just like a man can in his work but people don't think that way because men in this world has always come first then women because supposedly they have better work ethnic and power over us. so this video is showing us that some women are in powered in what they do they are free when they do and have no worries in the world. women should have the power to do whatever we want but so we really? no because not a whole lot of other people do either. so we as women has to defined for ourselves.

  30. It is definitely very eye-opening to have society's differing roles for males and females pointed out. Men seem to be pointed towards more strength and power- oriented work while women are generally pointed towards roles like cooking or being a secretary. These roles can be dangerous because they train people to be insecure about what they can and can't do.We need a society that encourages people to seek out their own unique and individual talents regardless of gender. toblerone 012

  31. This video is so true. It gives labels to both men and women on how women are seen in society and then again how men are seen. There are jobs that men do better than women and there are jobs that women do better than men. Yet there are jobs that we can do together. Women are unfairly talked about in a work place, such as when we ask someone to do something we are just bossy. The video made this clear yet when a man asks they are just being a boss. Women may come off as pushy yet they know what they want done and they normally want it a certain way and they have worked hard for what they have and where they are. A man normally just wants it done. This video is upsetting to most, but this is how the world looks at women, we are not equal but we go on with life. Women know we are strong and that we can work hard for everything.kakers789

  32. At first, I could not believe this video even exists. After seeing the ending with the explanation, I thought it was a good video and had a great point. Even though some people say there is no longer any gender discrimination, there definitely is. Society still has "gender roles." For example, many people assume the husband always and should do all the hard work and "bring the bread home," while the wife stays at home, does all the housework, takes care of the children, and has dinner ready for the husband when he gets home from work. Sure, this is the case sometimes, but not always. A lot of the time, the man and woman both work and also do equal work around the house. Today, there are more cases than ever of women making more money than their husbands and supporting the family. Society also thinks men are supposed to do all the hard work and do a better job. I believe that many women have a better work ethic and are capable of doing just as much as men. These gender roles and discrimination need to end and women should definitely have the ability to make as much money as men. BigGrizmatik789.

    1. BigGrizmatik789, I really like how you stated your comment. I like how you said in our society today we still have gender roles that play a pretty large role in how we live. I feel like many men are still considered the hard working manual labor workers who bring home most of the money. I also feel like women are still looked at to be the caretakers of the home and children. However, this is the case in some families most of the time women are out in their work force right next to the men doing hard physical work and many men are becoming stay at home fathers and taking care of their homes. I love how you gave a lot of examples of different gender roles and how they have begun to change over time.

  33. I think that Society has made it to where women and men have near an equal opportunity. Some people still say they don't, but compared to a thousand years ago, women have plenty more opportunity and power than back then. I think that society will eventually equal out and have Men and Women almost exactly equal. Men are naturally stronger and less emotional than women. I don't think that a woman is necessarily quite as fit for some harder more strenuous jobs than a man may be. At the same time, I don't think a man is necessarily a great choice to be a daycare worker. I think that there should be a little bit of a difference between men and women just because of the fact that men and women are naturally different. I believe that women and men should have equal political power, but at the same time I don't think that men and women should be expected to work at the same level for some jobs. I am not sexist, I am just looking at the world in a scientific way. There is always exceptions to contradict what I am saying, but I think that most women and men are different and aren't exactly capable of doing some things as well as the opposite gender.

    1. I agree with you with some of your statements. My question to you is what makes you feel that women thousand years ago, women had plenty more opportunity and power? Years ago we weren't allowed to vote, you will never see a women holding a strong position as a preacher nor an president. We have not seen nothing like that years and years ago, and still aren't. Also I agree that we women aren't capable of doing certain things, as well as men. Even in the bible it states how a man should be the provider, so I notice how most men work harder to provide for their family. I see that gender is such a strong topic, and can be debatable forever and ever. myapic789

  34. The short video explores what many women face at work. This highlights the double standard between how women and men are perceived in the workplace. The ad spotlights a series of professional situations, showing how a man’s behavior is perceived positively, while the same behavior exhibited by a woman is often perceived negatively. Since the beginning of the industrial era this kind of thinking was acceptable, but as of 2014 we see that women are just as, if not more effective in the business world as a man. If you do more research into the video you find out that it is a shampoo ad for women in the Philippines. The connection between gender equality and shampoo is slight at best. And yet, Pantene appears to align its brand to championing for women’s rights with this video. Now, opportunities are ripe for companies to put out thought-provoking messaging that isn't afraid to challenge societal norms.

  35. it seems to me that as hard as a woman may try he may never measure up to what society deems as being successful.although a man given the same circumstances and producing the same results would be given the label as successful and effective. unfair but yet that's the way it is. bigstep789

  36. This was not very good i thought for labeling people men and women both could be either, or of most of the words that were flashed. except the women haven'nt had equal rights since the start of this world we know. but that is cuz we are the weaker race. Women have always have been in the home and the men the workers. Little did men really know back a few decads ago they didn't realize how hard the house hold duties are just as demanding than a out of the house job. when comes to midnight feeding to cooking and cleaning and doing all the house hold shopping and chores. men just are now just taking up some slack for the women. ( kinda) LEO.012

  37. This video was kind of shocking to me. I know that gender plays a huge part in how we are treated in society but this short video really hit it on the head. It is sad that we still place gender roles on males and females today. I think that whether you are a man or women you should have the same rights as the opposite sex. I think that more women than ever are out working in many different jobs that they would have never held and many men are staying at home and watching over the home. I think this is great, why shouldn't we be able to do what we enjoy? I know that I myself being a female would hate being stuck at home 24/7 and I’m sure my man would hate having to work 24/7. I think it is great that our society is becoming more open to the fact gender roles are changing. However, we have a long way to go I think that we have made some great progress. This video was kind of sad to watch because I know some very powerful and educated women who work just as hard if not harder then men and are so under appreciated. This was a great video short and to the point.


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