Race and Miscegenation in Harlem....Your Thoughts.


  1. Man that was a real good video!! Thumbs up for whoever got this one. I just said today in class our generation does not think like that unless you have someone who just won't let it go, or trying to put out what they was taught. I was not taught that way .It does not make me angry either it makes me sad for people to be like that. I like when the woman put them together and said look at them both. It was nothing different about either of them except the color of their skin. I think this video says alot. Im actually proud of how people reacted to her. It amazes me how people can feel, think, and act that way. I think you date, or do whatever with whoever you want. No worries, just be happy and learn to seperate yourself from those kind of people. Imma do me789

    1. I agree with you about with and excellent video. I also did like the part when she said look at them they both look alike because they are just females, which was an excellent part, because they both have feelings. Your right its astonaushing that people act that way towards other people. I also am glad how people in that hair shop acted to her also. Conservation789

    2. Very good point, imma do me. It does make me really mad when I see people acting like that and not standing up for what is right. There is a video regarding experiments like this with children choosing from different colored dolls. They all picked the white doll to be the "nicest" one and the one they want to be friends with the most. Its sad because these children don't even know exactly what they are doing, it is just the way they were brought up and it shows how corrupt and judgmental society is. BigGrizmatik789.

  2. No responses yet so.... You would be surprise on who actually feels this way. Its vice versa also. Sometimes people should ask themseleves what is really their promblem. I like how the lady actual gave the pretend worker a hug. She let her know in so many words she was the one with the promblem no one else. She did it kindly as can be. I know its hard but in reality how can you expect people to change how they feel, when everywhere you go someone is enbedding this mess in you. To me the more education you recieve ,you get a good feel on these kind of people. Its funny how we receive our education. To me all you're really taught more than anything is how to distinuish different catagories of people no matter what class it is. If we can change how we keep teaching our students,the world might be different as well. We have to learn this stuff so,when we sit at our high paying jobs we really look at people how we were taught to do. But in reality, deep inside you still will find a place where you just dont fit. Your not really accepted so we as people have to do us no matter what! (THE RIGHT THING)This goes for all people, unless your a preacher or something. I like how Mr. White said in class today be who you are . You don't have to try and blend in just be yourself. Continue to educate yourself. Believe it or not people there are really good caring people in this world........ Great video!

  3. Wow this was the best video by far. I feel that more people like that in the barber shop should stick up for people like those people did. We as a people always have to stick together to stop people like that one black actress, if our nation will ever wont to grow stronger and better together. It’s not about skin color it is what that person really means to you and what you mean to them. Even though yes there are some people still out there that hate blacks, you don’t have to be one of them, because there are people that hates white too. So why do we criticize whether there white, black, Mexican, or other, it doesn’t matter you. If you treat them nice they will do the same back and that what we need people to educate and better themselves to others. Good Video. Conservation789

    1. I agree with you. If we had more people like the ones in the barber shop then things might start changing. I think that the way the people handled it was a big part of it too. No one started yelling at the actress and cussing her out. For the most part they remained calm and handled things appropriately. I also agree that we need to educate people to help them better themselves. We cannot just go around yelling at people and expecting things to change. We have to show them that what they are doing is wrong. If we can do that then things will begin to improve. vhammer789

    2. I agree this this was by far the best video yet. I loved how people actually stood up for what was right, especially the man towards the end. He made a comment "if you were to go uptown would it be ok for them to give you bad service and kick you out?" She was very shocked, but he was very true no one no matter what color should be treated like they are less then one another. The gay women in the very end is inspirational "we together need to rise" and that is the honest truth.

    3. I thought this was the best video we have had so far as well. I also think you are right about how we must stand up for each other and stick together as people if we ever want to move forward. There will always be people out there hating on someone else, but we have to try not to be mad at those people because we have to remember that they probably have a problem with their self more than anyone else. Instead of backlashing on them, a more productive way to deal with it would be to try to help them. -purple789

  4. that was a really nice video i enjoyed every part of it. the best about the video is how the blacks stood up for the white lady. i feel like it doesnt matter what race or color you are we all are the same. god did make no human different or better than the next. I dislike when im out and i hear or see people being or acting racist like the lady in the video it upsets me alot godchild789

    1. Yes I totally agree, God made all of us very special in different ways and no one deserves to be treated like that. I have changed my circle a lot of times because I will not stand for someone being my friend and acting like that or treating people in such a bad way.Blessed789

  5. This was an awesome video. I think that it really showed how people think today. I would venture to say that none of the customers in the barber shop agreed with what the actor was saying to that girl. Even the people that did not stand up for her but were still interviewed said that they did not agree. They just for some reason or another did not get up and say anything about it. I hate it when people make rude remarks towards people who are not the same as them. Like the actor said though, some people are raised like that and it happens still today. It's like the lady in the end said though, we cannot grow as a whole if people continue to put each other down. We need to learn how do accept others for who they are. We have as a society been better about that, especially in this generation, but we still have a lot of growing to get to where we need to be., vhammer789

    1. I agree this was an awesome video. I think the people who kept silent still spoke up through the tension in the air and the awkward silence, and facial expressions. This video proved to me that people are not so racist anymore and that is a warming feeling. Some people are raised to be racist, and it proves the expression racism is not something that you are born with it is something that is taught. Great video -toybox789

  6. I've actually seen this video before, but I think its awesome. It is pretty sad that it exposes how people actually are but it has a great message. A lot of people are scared to speak up, even if it is regarding something that is completely wrong and immoral. There are a lot of communities that are mixed with all kinds of different races, so accepting people that look different isn't as big of a problem as it once was. But there are also places like Harlem or cites in the Northeast that are so used to only seeing people of the same race that they don't really know how to act when they see someone that is "different." Being in Catholic schools for 12 years, I saw stuff like this a lot. Surrounding themselves with the same race all their life, some kids looked at other races as being completely different from them. A lot of kids placed stigmas with the different races and looked at other schools as ghetto or not good enough. I completely disagree, but people are very judgmental today. I love when the first woman stands up for the white woman. It gives me hope that maybe society will stop this someday. We are all human. We need to accept people for who they are, not what they look like. BigGrizmatik789.

    1. People really are scared to voice their opinion in front of other people because they are scared about being or looking wrong or of what other people will say. I like how you pointed out that in some parts of our country or the globe for that matter, you can go almost your entire life without having to interact with another race or ethnicity. So not knowing how to properly contain yourself during these times is not readily known. I agree with how you state that kids build up their own stigmas based on their education and beliefs taught to them during up bringing.-Spacepotatoes012

  7. That was a really touching video and I enjoyed it a lot. It is sad to think that there are still many racists in the world and I personally know many, but the way I was raised by my parents were "have manors and treat everyone as you would like to be treated." Whether they be black, tan, purple or blue. Color does not matter and should not matter. The only thing people should worry about is standing up for what you think is right! Like I was saying in class about the freedom writers how in the movie the mixed racial class would move there desks in little groups to sit with "their" people. They wouldn't take a second look at any other race because they hated them just because they were "supposed" too. Attending St. Mary's catholic school in a small town we didn't really have many races, there was maybe 2-3 African American and that's about it, but that never stopped me from standing up for what was right!

  8. I seen this when it was on T.V. I am truly glad we still have people that will stand up for what is right. It is just amazing how people still think like back in our ancestors time. most people don't even know anything about that time besides what they have read or by how they were raised. It is very important for people to move forward like that lady said in the clip. No one should carry hate in their heart and expect to have happiness in their own life. I know many people who don't think different colors should mix but, people that find love for one another or share a secret bond did not look at what color they were first. That's what we need to think about. Blessed789

  9. I thought this was a pretty cool video other than it being staged. But I think this kind of set up is useful because it does show us that some people will speak out for their ideals against someone who is using an old way of thinking. The lady actor playing the barber seemed a bit over the top at times but I think she was just being extremely vocal about the things most of us think about in every situation of everyday activity. We are forced to interact with one another to work collectively to advance. When we start to skew what is wrong and what is right, then we create prejudice-based conflict, which moves us backward as a people. I think that if more people with the correct ideals to bind together as one people came forward in public like this, then things would change faster. But as of now we see the social distance scale shrinking from one generation to the next. Our children will hopefully continue to accept and grow with other races and ethnicity more efficiently as time progresses.-Spacepotatoes012

    1. i agree with you this video i thought it was cool. but how was staged it was probably a good thing they did because they probably could have been a full on first fight if the two ladies didn't know each other. but it was good how the other black ladies were standing up for the white women because if she didn't who would she would have to defined for her self and her being the only white women there is not a good thing when you are surrounded by African Americans

  10. I thought that this video had a very powerful message. It was so encourageing to see those ladies sticking up for that girl. I know personaly there are times when I feel it in my spirit to stick my kneck out and step outside my comfortzone to say something that someone else might not agree with but in my heart I think that its right, but at times I let feel or doubt talk me out of speaking truth to people. Most of the time it is about god because I have had him change my life so much I think that the least I could do is speak his truth, but I admit that sometimes I don't when I should. I am going to speak out so that we can move forward like that girl said

    1. I really like your response. I used to be afraid to tell people how I feel until recently. I now speak my mind when I find it is the right time. I know that if I dont I might get another chance. Also I know that what I might say people may not like and may judge me yet I dont care cuz in the end the only one that I care what they think is God. He should be the only one to judge and he is the only one that matters. We will all take the step when the time is right!! kakers789

    2. I agree with swlah789, because the message in the video with helpful in understanding. I am one of those woman that would not say anything because I am not comfortable with stepping out of the zone. Now if it was about my family or friends, then I will step out of my comfort zone and speak my mind. rosebud012

    3. I agree with swlah789 this video was a powerful message and I think people should speak the truth. I believe if more people speak up on things that is not right then people wont get away with half of the things they do. I really like how they set the people up and it was interesting watching everyone responds. Overall this was a very good video! Aries012

  11. This video was very interesting and I really like it. What hapened in this video happens so often in life now and back then. We are so quick to judge anyone that doesnt look like us. No one deserves to be mistreated. I believe that God made us all equal and we are all different because it makes us who you are. The sad part is I have many African american friends and even sibling and when I am seen with them you see the heads turn. For me I see a great person full of love. I agree with the people that stuck up for the white girl in this video. I would have done the same thing. I think its wrong to be so disrespectful to people. kakers789

  12. I really liked that video because you have people that won't speak up and then you have people that will speak up and give their opinion. I am one of the people that keeps things in, so I wouldn't say anything but then I would feel bad for not saying anything. Back in the days, you were told that black males and white woman shouldn't be together but now things have changed. rosebud012

  13. this video give about three different races reactions from three different people. they were in the barber shop with a whole bunch of African Americans getting their hair done and then there is this while women waiting her boyfriend while he gets his hair done. while all this is happening the hair dresser is making races comments about a white women being in a barber shop saying that this is not her place and she shouldn't be here and she just kept egging on the white women to leaver her place. now that would tick me off because its america we are free to do whatever we want. if i was the white women in her case i probably would have got up and hit her in the face or something because i don't tolerate any b.s. from anybody at all. i will tell someone straight up on how i feel about them. if they are going to be ignerate like the back women in the video im going to be like you so ignerate

  14. This video brought tears to my eyes at the end. This video was very powerful. It is nice to see people take up for a person who is not the same as them especially when it is dealing with racism. The funny thing is the ladies looked just the same just different skin colors from their hair down to their size. Even the people who kept silent still spoke up to me by their facial expressions and just the tension in the air. The woman at the end was amazing in how she spoke and brought them together thru her expression of H.U.G.S. I love to see races interact with each other, and I don't mind interracial couples, however not everyone feels that way. I know several white people who absolutely hate the N. word and will speak up about it even if the person using the N. word is black. I also know several blacks who will not tolerate racial slurs towards whites. That is how we should all be towards each other we should treat each other as people not a race. -toybox789

    1. I agree, the lady at the end had a beautiful message. I also think that we all should get over the hatred about the past, on what race is better and that we should only be with the same race. I like how people was taking up for her, no agreed with the hairstylist. Since no one agreed with her that made me feel that their isn't as many people who disagree with interracial couples , as much as they did in the 80s and 90s. Its way more common now, people are finding their true love and its not always with the same race. myapic789

    2. I agree with both of you. I really enjoyed this lady because she was so wise. She was of three different minorities. Yet when she saw something she did not like she used her words to change how the actress felt and even made the actress cry a little. One of my favorite sayings is “love does not discriminate.” Bubbles789

  15. This is one of the best videos. I like how one person mention that we have a black president so look how far we have come. Life is to short for racism, if someone out there and love me and treat me right outside of my race, im going to be with him. Its a lot of people who still feels this way about interracial relationship. In this video they had the young black girl who disagree with interracial couples, but to me I feel that their are more older people who disagree with this, than the young. Like I said be with whoever treat you right, I just like seeing happy couples period. myapic789

  16. I 100% agree with myapic789. Life is way too short for racism. One of my theory in life and this one I use everyday, stay out of other peoples business. If a black girl wants to date a white guy or a black guy wants to date a white girl then so be it, I could honestly careless. I personally have bigger fish to fry then worrying about who is dating who. But that me. I honestly think that this generation that I am in as an adult is better then the last when it comes to racism. The actresses even said that it was her mom that taught her that towards then end of the video, and now herself is in a interracial relationship herself. While racism is still going to exist in America and throughout the world, it will getting through time because the next generations will be taught better.

  17. I actually watch this show on a current basis. I saw this episode at home before I started watching this video. I thought this video was very informative and taught me a lot about racism and interracial couples and how they are still being discriminated against. I was emotionally touched by how many people stood up and helped the interracial couple. Sadly enough discrimination against interracial couples still happens one a daily basis and some people don't stand up for the couple. The racial features of someone shouldn't matter and its no one elses business if they are happy then let them be happy together. Color shouldn't matter, sadly enough people still are against interracial couples being in a relationship. It was good to know that there are still people who will stand up for an interracial couple.

    1. It also made me very happy for all the people who spoke up. It does take a lot of courage. I understand that we are still making our way for it to be socially acceptable. It's sad that it still isn't respected all the way, but I'm happy we are getting better about it day by day. -Aquariusgirl789

  18. I think this is a great video that shows how many people are too afraid to speak up sometimes, even if they know it's right to speak up. I think it also shows that more and more people won't tolerate discrimination, and believe that people are all equal. It makes me happy to see people not only defending themselves, but others as well.

  19. I really enjoyed this video because so many people spoke up against this girl name Rachel. Racism still occurs and I think anyone is able to date who they want. Just because that’s not the relationship that a person doesn't want doesn't give them the right to push there believes to others. My favorite person that stood up to Rachel was the last gale shown. She was a very educated woman that was also wise. She told the actress that what she was doing was a learned behavior. Knowing what is wrong and right is the beginning of changing learned behaviors. The next step is asking for help. At the end of this show was seeing how the woman affected the actress she made her cry. Bubbles789

    1. I agree with you Bubbles789, the last women who spoke was very educated. I also liked her, you could tell she was a women of God and knew her word of which she was speaking. Like you said, you could tell that what she had said did affect the actress since she did show an emotional state when she gave her a hug. I loved that break down of H.U.G.S to - Helping. Us. Grow. Spiritually...that was great!! -Pink789

    2. I enjoyed the video too. I also liked how people stepped up to fight the discrimination. I thought it was really cool how the lady at the end explained to the actress that it was wrong in deep words. I thought the lady at the end had some kind of background as far as stepping up against discrimination.

  20. I really enjoyed this video, it was very different! The setting in which they chose to let this occur was a great pick because places like, barber shops, salons, etc. typically conversations are being carried out and with everyone in close corridors, you may overhear something. In the first clip they showed, I like how the women sitting next to Kristin stood up for her by saying things like, "We aren't bothered by you" and "She's ignorant". Each clip really did a good job in showing how different people react in different situations. I do disagree with the fact that the women in clip 2 said it wasn't her place to say anything because she could of. In 2010, 18% of unmarried couples were in interracial relationships. Love sees NO color. The last women who was shown really opened my eyes, she really had her mind set on making sure Rachel apologized and did the right thing. I really like how she made the comment that just because that's how her mom raised her doesn't mean it's right. Just because at one time, they ancestors were mean to us, doesn't mean we should be mean to them. Two wrongs don't make a right! -Pink789

    1. I agree with you about the location. it was great , so much goes on in a barber shop. to bring in a different scenery was excellent. and two wrongs don't make a right at all. the people that stood up for the girl I applaud so much , because we are all people we have feelings , we all bleed, we are all equal. Love789

    2. I love your comment Pink789, I agree with you that it was a perfect place for this experiment to be carried out in! I feel like if it would have been in a different setting the results would have been much different. I also like how you pointed out how some people stood up for the victims and some did not say anything. I think that our society is becoming much more open to interracial relationships but this video proved there are still people out there who don’t agree with them. Great comment!

  21. I really enjoy this video and I thought it was good. In this world today there are many inter racial couples it is more common but in some places it is still frowned upon. I like how in the first and last video the guy and the woman spoke up for the white woman. I didn't understand why in the second clip didn't no one speak up because what she was doing was wrong. Both races has a lot of history with each other but I think we came a long way and it is way better than what it use to be. There is still a lot of discrimination but the world is still moving forward and accepting a lot of things. Aries012

  22. I found this video interesting because it shows another side of racism that a lot of people don't think about. We always hear about white people being racist towards black people. It has been going on for two hundred years or more. Now, it is starting to turn the other way, where black people are becoming racist towards white people. I think it has been there for a while, but now it is becoming more clearly recognized. I think it's good to step up against any kind of discrimination and I was happy to see that a few people were willing to step up against their own race to fight discrimination. I think that people need to keep fighting discrimination no matter what the case is. I think all people are equal and we need to get past the differences in order to keep a peaceful world or nation.

  23. watching this video I honestly cried , it shoes exactly what the chapter was speaking of. racism still does exists but yet people are becoming more diverse and interracial. and race is a socially constructed concept. thee other day a little white boy asked was my nephew who is black his cousin. race difference isn't born into people, its taught. the book also explains how no society contains biologically pure people , we all have different skin shades even if we are of one race. if you notice in the barber shop there were many different skin variations of one race. I love how the lady getting a fade explained to her that we need to rise together. I agree so much , I have a few white people in my family and when people see us out together we get stared at by a few or smiled at by a lot. in my eyes we are no different. we all have been oppressed in one way or another and besides turning against one another we should all stand together and become one. Love789

  24. This video was an excellent example of the unspoken views of mainstream America being spoken. Although there are exceptions in everything I think the institutionalized attitudes of Americans on a surface level were exhibited classically here in this video. bigstep789

  25. I really liked this video. It's so true though. It doesn't have to do with the color we are. It's who you are as a person. That white girl didn't do anything that should have made someone that mad and disrespectful to be treated like that. We have come a long way with trying for equality. You can't just blame things on the opposite race. I liked a lot of the comments the people said when they were sticking up for the girl. It is very sad that racism still exists, but it sure makes me happy that's it is getting better and opposite races are sticking up for each other in many ways. -Aquariusgirl789

  26. It mad me so happy to see the one woman standing up for the other white woman when she thought she was being discriminated against. I liked what she was saying about speaking up and not sitting around not doing something about a situation that you are not comfortable in. If the majority of people were like her, racism would not still be a major problem in America. I was very disappointed in the two women that did not say anything though. They even said that they both felt it was very inappropriate, yet did not stand up for the white woman. The black man had some very good things to say about racism and how we can overcome it. I think everything the last woman had to say touched me the most though. I agreed with everything she said. It's about moving forward and learning to love each other, not looking back and trying to get revenge. -purple789

    1. I totally agree with this one-hundred percent. It makes me feel good to see people stand up for each other. It's sad but, I still think racism will always exist somehow in society. Somewhere someone will not like another person because of their race. What we really need to do is figure out what makes people racist towards one another in the first place. Obviously being racist isn't something you are just born into. I imagine it has a lot to do with how a person is raised and what their home life is like. shoestopher789

  27. This video was so intense. I really enjoyed it. It's nice to know that people will stick up for their fellow man or woman when need be. It's sad to say, but there probably are people that are actually as narrow minded as the actor was trying to make it seem. I wish there was a way we could get all people in society to open up their minds and stop trying to focus on hating one another. I was also kind of surprised to see a man try and explain why the actor was wrong for thinking that way. Just because I would think that every man just wouldn't want to get involved in an argument with a hateful woman he's never met. I'm glad he did though. It's good to see people stick up for people. I always enjoy videos like this. shoestopher789

  28. I absolutely love this video. It's nice to see people stand up for one another. Times have changed and people's thoughts should too. Everyone deserves respect. No one is better than another just because of their skin color. What happened to "everyone is equal"? This video shows that even today people aren't treated equally. I think that people should give others a chance before they automatically judge them not knowing where they come from. The last video was the most touching. That lady was hurt by what was going on. I liked the point that she had about moving forward. That's exactly what needs to be done. Beneke789.

  29. I agree. I know that it's our first instinct to judge someone when, but this doesn't always have to be said. I liked that there were people from the opposite race sticking up for her. Society just doesn't accept equality, not just for races, but gender too. Women aren't treated as well as men. I think that the more people stand up for what's right, then maybe one day this unfairness will come to an end. Beneke789.

  30. The barber shop has always had a mixture of different barbers. The only thing is that the white barbers do just use scissors and colored barbers use clippers . They will continue their patterns and way of doing things because of the texture of the hair USMC789

  31. This was a great example of how people's thinking will determine their actions. The first time around where the black woman stood up for the woman is something I can relate to. Sometimes you have to stand up for what's right even if it goes against the norms of your social society. Most of girls say they didn't agree with Rachel but only one person chose to say something. I myself don't have a problem with black men dating white women because love is love but a lot of black women see it as the ultimate disrespect from a black man.

    1. I also definitely thought it was really sad whenever people in the video did not decide to stand up for her and do what is right. It was great to see the people who did take a stand and express what they knew was right. People should be allowed to date whoever they want without their culture looking down on them for their decision. Toblerone 012

  32. This was a really great video. I think setting up scenarios to see who will stand up against injustice is a really great and valuable idea. Seeing the different ways that people stood up to the actress pretending to be racist towards the couple was really interesting to watch. It makes no sense at all to fight forms of prejudice like racism and sexism with more prejudice. This is just fighting fire with fire, and that type of hatred brings everybody down. It is really good to see that people are standing up to such pointless hatred and rage. toblerone012

  33. I see this show all of the time. I personally feel like this is an example of what goes on with my parents because there are an interracial couple. I also think it is more common with the women and the animosity towards one another. Even though people are more aware of discrimination it still goes on whether we speak up on it or not. My mother has experienced racism from black women numerous of times. i hope that more people would be like they were in the video when it does happen to her. its ignorant like they said to bash someone over who they're dating because its outside their race. I really loved how the last woman said we should rise together. That really means alot to me as a biracial woman. openminded012

  34. this video was about racism and how people should act and not act. I saw this hole show and it was really an eye opener to how people can be. I've always hated how people can just be so bold with cutting people or just women. with feminism on the rise women still can be so harsh to one another or very pertective. Racism will be forever around no matter how you look at it like the one lady said i don't care if she is purple. Then her feminism kicked in and it was more over her just being women and women should'nt do that to each other. LEO.012

  35. I really liked this video, I have seen many episodes of what would you do with John Quinones and love them all but this one really stuck out to me. I have never really thought much of interracial relationships before because they seem so normal to me. I know that there are always going to be people in the world who dislike certain types of people and think that they should only have a relationship with someone of the same ethnicity. I think those people need to open up their eyes and look around. It doesn't matter what color your skin is or who you choose to be in a personal relationship with. I love how the lady in the first video stuck up for the couple. She was not going to sit there and listen to the girl complain about the couple dating. I was happy to see that there are people out there that will always stick up for what they believe in. She definitely did the right thing. Some of the other people were shy and didn’t want to say anything and others wanted to but didn’t want to start any problems. Overall this was a really good video and it showed me there are many different views on race in this world.


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