Women and Children and Incarceration.......

Women and Children and Incarceration.....


  1. I do not agree with this. I don't think that it is fair to the child. Especially if there is a family member that is not in prison that would take care of them. I understand that it is therepudic for the mothers however I think that it can have consequences on the child. Children need to be socialized and taught what the world is like but they cannot do that from inside a prison. I believe that the effect long term on the child could potentially be negative. I could also be wrong about this. I have not read any reports on children that have grown up after being in that program. As far as corrections go, I think that when you enter prison as an adult, it is more as a punishment than a rehabilitation. I believe that the mothers should still be forced to serve the time of punishment and that allowing them the opportunity to be with the child and play with the child takes away from the punishment. As a parent I enjoy playing with my children and have fun playing with them. Allowing this to happen in prison takes away from the punishment. It can make a prison sentence easier and the take away from the deference of crime. vhammer123

    1. I Agree with V hammer123, in the early stages of life children and babies need proper teaching that cant be found in a prison or even a "Program for women". Yes it will eventually show them how bad it is to be there. But when they are still infants they wont understand.SM789

    2. Last message was from SM456

    3. It's not like the children are being deprived of opportunities to reach milestones? According to the article, “DSHS money pays for toys, books and food; doctors come in once a month for well-baby checks and vaccinations.” The mothers even admitted that Plus the children will be too young to ever remember that they were once raised within a confined facility, since the oldest baby there is only 20 months old; also the women can only be serving a sentence of 30 months or less. “Many of the women say they're receiving care for themselves and their babies they had no idea how to access when their other children were born outside of prison.” This program is a great source of rehabilitation and will also help the mothers transition back into society as they continue to raise their babies. BadWolf456

    4. I agree that prison should be a punishment but it should also be about rehabilitation. If something like this helps keep recidivism rates down im all for it. One of the major reasons incarceration rates where rising so quickly was that we where just locking people up and punishing them instead of rehabiliting them and finding out why people commited the crime.

  2. I don't think this a very good idea. On paper is seems like a good idea but when we you think it out, it doesn't work. Its better for the mother yes. But for the baby its very unhealthy and dangerous. The invoirment for a baby to grow they need a good invoirment, prison isn't a good one. On the mothers side its good and wont cause post partuim depression. Many women who suffer from this try to kill them selves a couple weeks after, they can't coupe with the fact the lost there child. SM789

    1. Last message was from SM456

    2. I agree. It seems like a good idea as a part of rehabilitation, but it does not seem like an ideal place for a child to be raised. Even mothers who received a second chance, came back in the same position. tay456

    3. I agree that a child living in jail is just better for the mother. Gives her a chance to have one of her loved ones in jail with her. I cant help but to think that it is also selfish for the mother as well. I mean the stories that you hear about people breaking out from the water etc. Jail is not a safe place for a child to me there is a lot going on, and some jails are on lock down with just one hour of being out of their cell. It is only good for the mother I think that if a child does stay in jail with their mother it should not be over a year. The child should not remember that part of their life -toybox789

  3. Thoughts about this kind of program could go either way, even from a mother's perspective. I think it is good that the mother gets to spend some kind of time with her newborn child, but is hard for me to think raising them in a prison setting would be any kind of good for the child. It has also shown that it does not stop the mothers, in every case, from committing crimes and staying with their families once they are released. What happens to children of other mothers that aren't accepted into this program? More than likely they are taken from their mothers and put into a foster home of some sort and the mothers continue out their prison sentence. Prison is a punishment, and while I agree that rehabilitation should be part of the process, I do not agree with programs like this, allowing children to be raised in an environment where they are housed with various types of criminals. Tay456

    1. I agree with you. I also came to the conclusion that it's not the right atmostphere for the child. They shouldn't grow up seeing those things in prisons. It's unfair for the child unfortunately whatever the choice. -Aquariusgirl789

    2. i agree, i could never raise my child in a prison, its just not the environment id want my children raised in, its a nasty place and its not the right place, i understand they want to see there kid but i think it should wait tilll they get released.


  4. I think that it’s a great program for women to help bring them to a sense of normalcy when raising their child, as they continue to fulfill their sentence requirement. I wish that the article went more in depth to see the acceptance rate into the program, and if so, what can the women do to improve their chances of getting in. I really hope that it doesn’t mean if they give birth before accepted to the program that they must give away their child. But if that does occur, I believe that it would motivate the offender to do better and rack up good time for a quick release. According to the article it’s obviously improving the recidivism rate since most of the mothers never return back to prison. I agree with the article regarding to the woman who was denied from the program a third time because she wasn’t learning anything from the program. This would give her the harsh reality that her child deserves better and shouldn’t have to pay for the choices that she made. BadWolf456

    1. I cant say i agree with you on some things. you may be right that these children are too young to ever remember they were raised behind bars, but does that make it okay for them to be raised there? Is it fair to the father to have his child taken from him because his irresponsible mother is in prison? What about grandma and grandpa who want to see that child, but they cant because the kids in prison with his mom. It may be comforting to the mother and bring her to normalcy, but dont forget shes in prison for a reason. We all must face the consequences for our actions. Prison is meant to be hard. Suck it up and do your time, and you can think about your actions every day your away from your child. Then after your done with your time you can go be with your child.USA456

  5. I have mixed feelings about a program like this, it has its pros and cons. For the pros i think that this program does benifit the parent greatly. If the parent hasnt had a child before they might not know how to raise it, when the mother does get out she wont know how to take care of the child. This program allows the child to stay with the mother and she has plenty of people to help her and offer advice when she doesnt know what she is doing. If the mother gets out and doesnt know how to take care of the child she could very easily relapse because of the stress. The child also provides a reason for the prisoner to not reaffend. What i dont like about this is that prison is no place to raise a child. There isnt many positive role models and prisons are full of diseases and STD's. If they want to have a program like this it should be at a seperate facility.

  6. There are good and bad things about this situation. The mother gets support and help within the prison. It can definetly be very beneficial, but it can also be not so good to raise a child in a prison. I don't think it's the right atmosphere to be raised in. There are things in there that the child should not see and go through. It is an unhealthy place to be raised. This is a very hard situation to go through. I think I would decide myself that it wouldn't be a good thing to do, for the child's sake. -Aquariusgirl789

    1. Aquariusgirl789 I agree with you, there is bad and good things when it comes to the situation. I said almost the same thing; a prison just isn't a place for a baby. As a mother I feel that I would want my child to always have the best life possible... your in prison to be get clean and hopefully create a better life for yourself and your child(ren) and that's why I think they should of had someone from their family take of their child while they worked on themselves. -Pink789

  7. i think that its got its cons and pros, i believe its not safe for the child when in there, the prison is full of disgusting people and those people are in there for nasty crimes, i just wouldnt think it would be safe in there for my children to be raised in, and on top of it its not really the type of place id want to tell people where i gave birth to me child, the pros are that they mothers still get to stay with their children and be in their lives which is a good idea in my opinion no child should have to go without a mother. i think that the children have to be watch when with their mothers tho and make sure nothing happens to them.


  8. I loved that article! It reminds me of this TV which talks about the same thing - pregnant or mothers in prison. I agree and then disagree about them allowing the babies to stay with the mothers but I do understand how allowing them to take care of the baby may help them when it comes to them getting their life back on track. On the disagreeing side I just don't think its right for the babies to be born there, I realize they won't remember it but it's fact that you has your baby in a prison. What if the moms get back to where they are from and they get back to their old habits? Will they be able to take their kid with them to be incarcerated again? Its hard.. this topic really has some pros and cons. A prison just isn't a place for a baby. -Pink789

  9. I really do not know how to feel about this article. I mean children deserve to be with their parents however being raised in jail to me is risky. It is always noisy in jail, and there never seems to be a dull moment so I am not sure how is it safe for a child to live and be raised in jail. According to the article the child has everything it needs like toys and being taught sign language and so forth, but I just don't understand how it is considered safe. It seems that children would have some exposure to violence but who is to say the child would not have exposure to violence if they were not living in jail. I guess if the parent thinks it is ok granted there is no other place for the child to go then that's that parents decision. If I was to go to jail pregnant I would not want my child to be raised in jail, that's the last place I would want to be and I for sure wouldn't want my child's first b-day party to be there. Its just not normal. -toybox789

    1. I don't think toys and sign language are a vital necessity to raising children. A child can enjoy themselves playing in the dirt and in the grand scheme, toys are just a luxury. Don't take that the wrong way though, I'm not saying children shouldn't have toys. I think raising children is all about nurture. You don't really need a whole lot but no matter what, if a child has proper nurture I don't feel that you could go wrong.

  10. This is definitely a catch 22. My personal opinion is that i dont agree with it. I couldnt imagine being one of these moms and having a baby and then they are taken away... however they are in prison and they should have thought about that when they committed a crime. As a father i could not imagine letting my child grow up in a prison. Its not the dads fault that mom committed a crime, so why is he being punished for the moms mistake. Why should he have to go every day without his child because the child is behind bars. One other thing i dont like is how the child seems to be punished for something it knows nothing about. Yes i know that the babies do not know what prison is, however why should they be raised there? Im sure they are all in a room with other felons who are unpredictable. Another thing i do not like is grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters.. That baby is taken away from them as well. It seems like everyone else is suffering except for the person who should be suffering. I think the mother should just suck it up and do her time, and maybe she should have thought a little bit harder about her actions and possible consequences while she was pregnant. I dont really feel bad for these women, but more i feel bad for the child and the rest of the family members who are suffering without that child.USA456

    1. I agree with you I don't agree with this program at all I mean it's a nice thought they had to keep the babies and mothers together and have a bond ,but it's nothing positive about the experience why should the kids be locked up with the mothers because of their wrong choices. Love456

  11. Allowing female inmates to have their children while incarcerated is certainly an interesting idea. In the beginning of the article, the question is posed whether or not a prison is a safe place to raise a child. I am fairly certain that safety for the child is not an issue or even close to it. They are housed separately from the other inmates and it is not like they are out in the “yard” on their powerwheel’s hanging out with other inmates. I think the biggest concern is whether or not being around that type of environment is a bad influence on the child. It’s like all other new correction’s practices, is it effective in accomplishing the goal of the program (evidence based corrections)? The other thing to keep in mind, is this program more for the benefit of the child or the mother? I think that the benefit of the child should be the only concern. Then again though, how good of a mother could they be if they landed themselves in prison to begin with? Maybe they would in fact be better off outside of the prison with a foster or family or the like. I think they should keep up with the program and reevaluate it again in a few years to see just how effective it is.

  12. I have mixed feeling about the idea about women having their children in prison. On one side I think that there no better place for a child to be than with their mother, especially considering the fact that if mother has a lengthy sentence the most formative years of the child will be left in the hands of maybe a relative but possibly the state. On the other side the stigma of being raised in a prison may have far too many adverse effects on the child. I believe this whole idea may be at it's best a perpetual win lose situation bigstep789

  13. . I don't think prison is a safe place to raise a child. I like the idea of wanting to keep the mothers and kids together, but because of the poor choices the mother made I don't feel it’s safe or fair to put the child through confinement although they have toys, games, and books it's nothing like having your own decorated room at home in a nice, warm, house. I think it's sad how the women didn't know how to access care from a doctor when outside of prison. I believe you need to have a license to have a baby. It’s sad how you can’t depend on everybody not even family to take care of your kids that should teach the mothers who have kids or are pregnant to do better and avoid going to jail. It’s not just their life anymore it’s theirs and their child or children lives at stake too. Love456

    1. Very true. However I do believe it has it's pros and cons for the child also to the standpoint that he or she could realize at an early age its so much to offer outside those walls and in the long run help the child realize that he or she doesnt want to go to prison.

    2. I agree with Love. It's not fair for the children to have to be there. I understand that the children are there to help their mother. Their mothers made the decision to make the mistake so the children shouldn't have to pay for it. Also, I too, was lost at the fact that they couldn't find care outside of prison, like every doctor should recommend something when the mother gives birth. Beneke789.

  14. In my opinion prison is not a safe place to raise a little one but however If the mom feels that the program is what's best to keep her and her child close then so be it. I feel it's a great program because everyone has different situations so It's not up to me to judge the ins and outs on why children are being raised in prison. From a child's stand point I can only imagine the different type of culture he or she is experiencing in prison with mom or dad than on the outside. It could be used as a good wake up call to the child.

  15. I think that this is a very helpful program. Yes, I know prison isn't the place for children, but by the children being there this is helping their mother get her stuff together. It's a big reality check for the mother's I bet. I'm sure they don't want their children to be raised in a prison for years so they do what they have to do to make sure they don't go back. Also, the children are being taken care of properly so it shouldn't;t matter. This also saves children from having to go into foster care. The child doesn't have to be away from the mother, which is best for infants. I think that this program is a great idea. Beneke789.


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