Ageism - Does Mrs. Ceaser Have it Correct?


  1. This whole clip was very interesting. I agree with Ceasar that it wasn’t right for the mama’s son to take her to and olds person home, but I didn’t completely agree that the mama’s son was responsible for being the caregiver. Ageism was very present in the story from how the older son treated the mama. It wasn’t right for him to throw her in a olds persons home just because his wife didn’t want his mama around and because the son found it inconvenient for his social life. He didn’t even ask the mama if she wanted to go to the older person’s home. He just told her, like he owned her. However, if the mama was really getting in the way of the older sons family life and affecting his relationship with his family in negative way, I don’t he should have been responsible for being her caregiver. He should have talked to the mama respectfully and explained that the situation wasn’t working out. He should have helped her think of other options, and let her make the decision if she wanted to go to an older person’s home. He should have treated her respectfully. justagirl007

    1. I agree with informing the mother about going to the old persons home just like you do. I feel like randomly doing it and not asking or letting her know was a terribly wrong thing to do. Having the son and mother have such a close relationship it seemed to be was kind of shocking when one person who was the wife said something about it and boom it happened. Thinking of the elderly more and being more respectful is something this society needs to work on tremendously. iCHEER6007

    2. I agree with this comment completely. It was extremely wrong for the son to spring the plan of his mother going to live in a nursing home, on her so hastily. He could have handled the situation a different way and possibly save more of the relationship that him and his mom had together. I also agree that he doesn't owe his mom in any way either. But I do believe that little respect could have gone a long way. BLUELIGHT007

    3. I really agree with the last part of your entry. I don't always think the children are responsible to take complete care of their parents when they become unable to but we do owe them some respect, considering that they raised us. He should have let her make the decision and helped her along the way by thinking of other options. -BeautifullyBroken007

  2. Ageism stands out a lot in this video which was very interesting. I agree with Caesar when taking his mom to the old persons home because there comes a time for everyone, but I feel like the son was more then just a son to this mom and they had more of a relationship, it seemed like he kind of was taking care of her until the wife stood up and said something about it. The son being the main person to take care of his mom would be a lot to handle but asking or informing the mom before just taking her to the old persons home would of been the right thing to do. Being at an older age younger people tend to think they own you or are above you in many ways, which is not true and not how the elderly should be treated. Treating a mother, father, even a grandparent with respect is something every child should do considering they brought you into this world and took care of you for the first 18 years of your life and possibly many more. iCHEER6007

    1. I totally agree with your thought. True showing respect to the elderly especially if they raised you. But he still as her son talked to her about the situation and gave her a option on what she wants to do. Like she said she's not sick she can still move around. The one you think don't care about you will be the one who will and do. cancer80-007

    2. I also agree with your thought that elderly should be treated with respect let alone treating your parents with some too and also with the fact that there comes a time when the person does need to go to a home because they need to be professional help. -Jazzdk -007

  3. Many societies hold the elderly in high reverence, America seems to struggle with this concept. The older generation knows this and is fearful of it. Shirley Caesar's soulful rendition of this predicament is told through song. The mother goes home with the bad son in order to stay out of the old folks home. She knows that the good son was raised better and should take care of her. The daughter-in-laws' ageism influences the good son to make a poor decision regarding his own mother. The mother is willing to take a chance living with the bad son to avoid being discriminated against by her own blood and suffering in an old folks home. The mother made the correct decision by choosing pride over humiliation and taking a stand against ageism. Caesar's statement of you don't how blessed you are if you have a living mother was very touching. We do not know how much we will miss someone until they are gone. Wdwfan007

    1. I like your point that it was the daughter-in-laws' ageism that influenced the son to kick his mama out. I was also touched by Ceasar's statement on how much we're blessed if we can still go talk to our mama. I think people often take for granted their mamas and all that they did for them. justagirl007

    2. I agree with you that the mother made the right choice in choosing to live with the bad son. While the bad son might not be able to provide his mother with as many luxury items as the good son, I think the bad son will be able to give his mother the care and respect that she deserves, and that is much more important than any material item. Hawkward007

    3. Your comment about the daughter-in-law and her ageism is something that happens a lot in our society, I think. The spouse will think of their in-laws as a burden and not want to take care of them but if it were their own parents, they would be more willing to help them out. -turtle007

  4. I think that this clip sums up the way ageism is tied in with our society. Today we live in a postindustrial society and we do not value our elderly as much as older societies. Although, it varies from different cultures in the way that they treat people, but in this society overall ageism exists. In example, the doctor son wanted to send his mother to a home for the various things she did. But the mother said there was nothing wrong with her that she should be sent to a nursing home. Often parents are sent to homes because their children can't or won't deal with their parents. Once he felt his mother was no longer useful he sent her away.

    1. This is an excellent example of the social-conflict perspective on aging. Steven Spitzer argued that capitalist societies tend to devalue the people who aren't fully capable of participating in the economy. In this way, the elderly, as well as people who are disabled or chronically ill, are marginalized. If people are not capable of producing for society, society will label them as a parasite. These norms help to perpetuate attitudes and beliefs that support the inequality of our society. The practice of placing parents in nursing homes without their consent can then be seen as a consequence of the prioritization of work.
      - manatee007

  5. The doctor son in this video clip demonstrates how most of the younger generation treats the elderly in our society today. Influenced by his wife, the doctor son no longer sees his mother as important. Instead, he views her as a nuisance in his life now that he has his own family and career. Personally, I feel like this view of the older population is disheartening. I believe the older generations should be treated with respect and care as they have already contributed so much to society and have helped the youth in many ways. Contrary to what some may think, I feel like elders can still contribute to society even at an old age. While they may not be able to do as much manual labor, many older people still have sharp minds. Their wisdom and knowledge they have gained through life experiences could be very helpful in the workplace and in life in general, so I believe Mrs. Caesar does have it correct. Hawkward007

    1. I totally agree with you that the younger generation is very discriminative toward the older generation. Age stratification is what keeps ageism around. It is true that many older people, as you said, are still capable of doing things. But due to age stratification, many elderly are not given a fair chance to show that they are undeserving of the inequalities that people lay upon them.

  6. This clip gave a great example of the term ageism. Along with Caesar, I agree that it was not right for the son to drop the bomb to his mother that she had to go live in an old folks home. The son could of handled the situation in a much better way. Instead of practically forcing mama to go, he should of talked to her privately and get her opinions on what she would like to do about the situation. Mama could have had a great idea or plan, but the son would never know because he didn't include her in any of the decision making. Also, in the clip mama tells the story of how she worked so hard to give her son the opportunities that she thought he deserved and once the son took those opportunities and made something out of them, he kind of threw his mom to the side as if she didn't do anything for him. I'm not saying that the son owes her anything tangible, but in my perspective, he owes her some respect. BLUELIGHT007

    1. You are right about the son not owing the mom anything. She was the one who chose to have a child, not the other way around. She had a responsibility to raise that child to benefit the world for good. If everyone was always worried about their parents there would not be enough time to properly train your child to do well, and so on and so forth.
      Openmind 007

    2. I agree that a child should always respect their parents. Sometimes parents can be difficult to deal with on matters of aging. When asking parents what their wishes are for senior caring might be, resistance is met. They avoid the painful subject of what their final wishes might be. I have had many discussions with my parents and can't really get an answer from them. I immediately back off and respect their space. Someday they will let me/us know what they want. Children need to carry the wishes of their parents at all times. Wdwfan007

  7. This video clip is a great example of how the elderly are treated in our society today and how they are affected by ageism. In many cultures the elderly are held high in society and often go to live with their children later in their life. If someone from a culture like this came to America and saw that the oldest son's wife refused to let her stay with them, they would probably experience culture shock. It's sad that the mother took care of her sons for most of their life and the oldest son wasn't willing to return the favor. Even if the son wanted his mother to go to the nursing home, he should have made that something that his mother could make a decision on. I think we should all value our parents more, especially the older they get, because we never know when our last moments with them will be. Our parents have given us the best gift of all time, life. I'm not saying we should feel responsible to be their caregiver but they do deserve respect and appreciation from us. -BeautifullyBroken007

    1. I completely agree with the way you put this as the wife telling the son that he had to put her in an old folks home and how that is culture shock because that’s very disrespectful towards the elders and the son didn’t even have much of a say so in it. I also like how you put that we shouldn’t feel responsible as their caregivers, but at least show them respect and appreciation. Not all children take care of their parents but at least they can still show respect. –lordSWOLEdemort007

  8. In this story Mrs. Ceaser tells is one of ageism and how those here in the US consider the elderly of lower value and forget what the older people once did for them. Elderly here are often those with no voice and can be treated as simply “existing”, eating food, using electivity, and producing nothing of value. The longer life expectancy in industrialized society makes a generation that has no equal in the past. Years ago one generation did not have to worry about those over 70 as there were very few. Now we have “sandwich generations” where care for children and elderly is done at the same time. We need to stop prejudice against and the discrimination of those older. Many of them have active minds well into their old age and can help others as tutors for the young and advisors to their children who have less life experiences.

  9. The video depicts a self-fulfilling prophesy when the young black children’s answers reflect “how they are perceived by others” and how they perceive themselves. It is troublesome to see negative feelings towards their own dark skin color. One of the younger children see themselves as “dirty” while the older children clearly stated their opinion based on their own interpretations. Amongst the four older children three of them showed impartiality for color preference but one child in particular with a very orderly appearance, had some distinct answers supported by historical facts clearly showing a higher degree of education. Not knowing whether this children belongs to the same school, I will risk saying that some of them did while others didn’t. It is interesting to see the white children expressing the same ideas as the black children did. So, I question were they are learning to be so judgmental?

    1. Sorry, this comment was accidentally posted here in this blog. Please disregard it - Elise007

  10. This video really tells you how a mother who works her fingers down to the bone for her children. She had options but she stuck doing her motherly duties. I'm more than sure times where hard many days and nights. She did what she had to do for her children. Once children get older they forget nor do the know what she went through to make ends meet. So yes children feel obligated to make sure their mom is taken care. Which is wrong. Do for her because that's what you want to do not because you have to. When children grows up and move on they do meet their significant other and two queens can't run the same kingdom somebody gots to go ! The mother gets voted out and get stuck in some place her where she don't belong. But the one who you never thought will always come to your rescue. cancer80-007

    1. I think you are absolutely right about the two queens thing, but the wife should be understanding enough to let the mother stay. If something gets to be too much of a problem, They can have a talkt and the wife can put her foot down and say this is her house and her rules and the mother will just have to fall in line with that, realizing she is no longer the one who controls everything.
      Lake 1394007

  11. This is a very beautiful song and really represents the challenges a lot of elderly face as they age. Parents raise their children with hope that one day they may return the favor. This song hit it right on the head. Many parents end up in this situation, but it’s not always an intentional choice by the children. Sometimes lives gets busy and worry-some. Circumstances change the original plans we had for our lives. Such as, sickness, children, work, school, exc. The way we imagined life as a child usually does turn out the way we planned. In this story the one son told his mother he had become a doctor. I can sympathize with this because a lot the time I don’t have time to see the people I care about, let alone be a care taker for them. In a perfect world all children would take care of their elderly parents, but that is not always reality.
    Openmind 007

  12. I think it's common knowledge that the traditional family structure has weakened as our country has developed economically. This isn't entirely a good or bad thing - but this song (she has a lovely voice, by the way) points out how this may be a bad thing. In the past, it was expected that you would be available to take care of your parents as they aged, because you probably wouldn't be living very far from home. This relates to the pattern of neolocality among industrial and postindustrial nations, where many couples choose to settle away from both families. While it's easy to say that the children are at fault when something happens to the parents and they aren't there to help, our economy makes this increasingly difficult. Postindustrial society doesn't value close community relationships because, for many people, living the life of a member in a close community is incompatible with the demands of work. Some people will be receiving the short end of the stick in this shift. However, this development could be looked at in a different manner - postindustrial society has a highly developed health care industry that allows for a standard of medical care never before seen, and information technology allows the limitations of distance to be partially worked around. Ultimately, I can't really say whether the shift is good or bad, and I can't entirely condemn those who would place their parents in a nursing home. It's a very difficult decision that needs to be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    - manatee007

    1. Although I should add that I feel that nursing homes are institutionally ageist in their operation. That makes the decision even more difficult, because there's an unfortunately high chance that the elderly won't be receiving the emotional care that they need as well. All too often, nursing homes are used as a place to dump off a parent you don't want to deal with, and this is something that's recognized by society at large.
      - manatee007

  13. Mrs. Ceaser in the video I think is correct, because parents want their children to be somebody. I also I think it was all right to take the mother to an old folk home. Though if it were me I would let her live on her own until she could not take care of herself anymore. So I believe it is responsible for the children to keep an eye on their parents to make sure they can live on their own without any assistance. The life that you plan out for your child does not usually go the way you planned it. I agree also no to take either of your parents for granted, because they will not be there forever. The best caregivers though are doctors and when they recommend that its time they go to a home in the professional opinion not because their wife said so. -Jazzdk -007

  14. I think so much as changed in our society, the family structure and roles being a couple changing elements. I think it is different for every family. Some may take care of their parents as they age because they feel obligated to do so or because they truly love their parents and feel that their happiness is important. Overall, I think we need to be more respectful towards our parents and loved ones in general. We should cherish the time we have together, not think of it as a burden. We should do anything to help someone out or make them happy because you never know when you might not be able to have that chance. - turtle007

    1. I agree that a lot of people take care of their parents as they age simply because they know they're are supposed to and it's the socially acceptable thing to do, not necessarily because they want to. I said something similar about how we all could show more respect towards our parents because we are all guilty of not always giving them the respect they deserve especially as they get older.

    2. Yes we do need to be respectful towards our parents. One way I believe we would do that is by dropping a complete respect for their privacy. As my in-laws aged I saw them deteriorate in their decision making ability. I respected them and did not want to interfere with their care planning and financial planning. In the end it created an disaster. We need to help our seniors and "respect" them by giving guidance. Elise007

  15. I personally enjoy seeing soul versions of songs that speak about issues in life so this video was very interesting to me. The two sons in the video represent the two different types of people usually that we see. The doctor was the successful one that has a great thing going for him. The other son was the kid that got in trouble and wasn’t very successful in life. The doctor son let his career and his selfish desires get in the way of his emotions for his mother and he ended up kicking her out to an old folks home. That represents much of society today in the way that we are selfish and don’t retain the appreciation for the elderly. The other son is the way that other societies can view old people, and how America should. They don’t have much to give, but what they do have they are more than happy to give it to the elderly who raised them up. –lordSWOLEdemort007

  16. This is a perfect depiction of what our society looks like today. People let our worldly desires get in view of what we really need to see. Our parents give up soooo much to put us through school and make sure we have the best of everything to make our lives smoother growing up. Then when its time for the kids to payback everything that the parents did for them growing up, they want to get the parents out of the way so they can enjoy their life. That means putting their parents in an old folks home when their is nothing wrong with them. Now Its just fine to put someone in a home if they are ill and you dont have the means to take care of them, dont get me wrong. But if a elderly person is perfectly fine and just want to be with their kids and you have the room and finances to do it, you should! The kids don't want the responsibility that some with having to take care of someone. This song is just spot on. LAke3194007

    1. I couldn't agree with LAke3194007 any more. Today individuals are too focused in on themselves and how they will end up in life and their status in society that they dont even pay their parents back for getting them to where they are today. They dont even give back respect instead they think it's ok to leave them in a retirement home and not even look back.

  17. I think that the scenario that Mrs. Ceaser presented her audience with is a pretty good one when it comes to talking about ageism in today’s society. In today’s generation there is a lot of this kind of elder abuse going on. I call it abuse because of the fact that most elderly people are forced, not suggested, to go to these retirement homes. Once they arrive to the homes they are mistreated by the staff as well in most occasions, as we found out that abuse usually is carried out by either family members or anyone that spends a lot of time around the elderly individual being abused. Now a days a lot of elderly are being put in homes when they were in their children’s life through it all while raising them as well and because of the fact that they either don’t want to take care of them or they are tired of having their parents living with them they turn to leaving them in a retirement home, which is messed up, their parents didn’t leave them in a home when they were having a hard time getting by.

    1. I agree with how you say a lot of elders are forced to go to homes. I understand our chaotic world today leaves little time to help others, but we need to always take care of our parents as they did for us. That is what makes family so special, a bond that cannot be broken and should always be worshiped and admired for not everyone has the same courtesies. We need to always be aware we will miss them when they are gone and we need to do for them as they did for us.

  18. I can definatley see some truth to what Mrs. Ceaser was portraying. A lot of times kids and teenagers and even adults display ageism towards their parents without even realizing it. It's because we think we're young and on top of it and our parents don't really get how the times are now. I know I am guilty of it and I'm sure everyone has done it before as well. I think we just need to remember that our parents love us and just because they're older does not mean they have to be treated differently in the respect of ageism. I believe we could all show more respect towards our parents even though we might not fully understand all the respect they deserve until we are hardworking parents ourselves.

    1. I am pretty young myself, but I can agree with you on how kids and teenagers and even other adults display ageism towards their parents or even someone else's parents without realizing it. I really feel it depends on what kind of person you are naturally and what kind of environment you come from. I have an older mother so I feel I kind of got lucky you could say. I have a lot more respect for my elders than others around my age. I am also a very caring person so even if I had a younger mother who raised me, I could never see myself disrespecting anyone older than me, it is just sad to see. Murse007

    2. I agree, many people show ageism to their parents without even knowing that they do it. Most of ageism is used as a joking matter without intentions to hurt or disrespect them in any way. They deserve respect for being with us and teaching us right from wrong to succeed in this world. Jworm007

  19. I like how this video makes reference to ageism. I understand wanting to find your significant other and wanting to make it work between you two, but at the same time, the bond one will have with their mother will never be like any other. This man obviously had much love for his mother, but for his wife to turn around and say his mother needs to go to a nursing home because of her getting old and him doing it, is just shocking. That really saddens me. I feel no one should send their parents to a nursing home unless, it is absolutely necessary and that is the only option. I have worked in nursing homes before and have seen how workers and family members treat the elderly. It is truly sad how some people treat the elderly, it makes no sense. I feel people really need to learn how to respect their elders and that is only getting worse as generations go on. --Murse007

  20. I have never heard a performance like this one and had a little trouble trying to hear what was being said. I interpreted that this mother had two boys and one went to college and one was thought to be no good and left home. Her son that went to College became a doctor and married a school teacher and asked his mom to move in and help raise their children. They got tired of her moaning, praying, and speaking in tounges so they put her in an old person's home. She was not sick in the body and was in decent health and because she was strange or different they put her in a home and it was the boy that left home that was thought to be no good, that picked up his mom and didn't take her for granted. "God gave you a momma, don't drive her away," is a great example of how elders can be mistreated and discriminated against. We need to always respect what our elders have done for us, and help them in old age as they have helped raise us.

  21. I agree with what she is saying, and I believe that everyone has committed and act on ageism to our parents. I have been guilty of connecting their shorter term memory to the fact that they're getting old. Although we all do this in a joking matter, it doesn't make any of what we say any lighter on them, because they may be at the realization that some of these jokes may be true. They also may start to believe in what were saying to them, even though it's in a joking matter. Most of the elder people that are close to us have impacted our lives typically for the better. They worked hard for many years to provide for their families and sometimes they may not get the respect that they deserve by the younger generation. Maybe some younger people think that our elders owe us for bringing us into this world, but we owe them an equal amount of respect for giving us the chance to live in this world. Jworm007


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