Sexuality and Gender Issues....Your Thoughts?


  1. In this video, it shows how the male’s mind associates leggings to the female gender. In the video, he states in the beginning that he had no idea how it felt like to wear leggings. For males, it appears to be a social taboo to wear leggings because of how the male mind reacts towards the leggings. The video showed that men would look at Yosef’s (the main star of the video) butt. When Yosef would reveal his gender to whoever was looking at his butt, they would then become embarrassed. Some would walk away and pretend that nothing happened, and others would want to fight him. The males that would want to fight him would possibly be because they homophobic and afraid of being called gay themselves. Yosef was comfortable enough with his sexuality that he made this video, even if he was straight or gay. He showed the social-conflict that leggings bring to society.
    -Tenshi 007

    1. I agree with you, that he was able to show the social-conflict on what leggings bring to the society. Also, I agree with the fact that people wanted to fight him because they were embarrassed especially when it was in front of their friends. The taboo was broken but he still wore them to prove a point.-Jazzdk -007

  2. This video is rather amusing! Since yoga pants are associated with being female attire, it's not very often that a guy will pull this type of prank in a social setting like this. This guy shocks everyone who passes by, not only males, but also a few females! He is acting as the anomaly just because there isn't very many males who walk around in such tight clothing like he does. Some males would get aggressive with this man because they may have some sort of embarresment from looking at this man in yoga pants and enjoying what they saw for the slight moment in which they thought a female was wearing these pants. The man was very comfortable with his sexuality so he didn't feel the need to be quite embarrassed as these guys were staring at his butt. Jworm007

    1. I agree with you how Mr. Yoga Pants was very comfortable with his sexuality. I actually found him to be more masculine in how he was not ashamed to wear the yoga pants and let other men judge him for it. He also showed his masculinity by not baking down by the males that tried to beat him up. justagirl007

  3. In this video it is amusing to see how people react after looking at the "person" in yoga pants then noticing it is a male. It is not everyday that you see a male in yoga pants playing a prank on people or even a guy in yoga pants in general. This video really shows the different reactions the males made when knowing they were looking at a males butt, thinking it was girls. The guy who wanted to fight the man was probably embarrassed to think he was checking out a guys butt, thinking it was a girl. This prank really shows how guys act to girls in yoga pants and how effended they get when knowing it is a prank. When the guy walked up and said "no man I like you butt" I'm assuming he is gay which was pretty funny in the video because the guy in the yoga pants was pretty taken back by the reaction. This video shows the social conflict that yoga pants bring to the society and how gender comes into play when wearing them. iCHEER6007

    1. I agree with the video being quite amusing! These males would associate the yoga pants to women, totally not expecting an anomaly of a male doing this act of wearing yoga pants. Guys felt that this yoga pants act wasn't right due to them enjoying what they saw when they didn't have a clue that it was a guy wearing these yoga pants. Jworm007

    2. I agree with you as well. I think it is funny in our society that we lable people for what they wear. We see women on TV, the gym or even walking around public with yoga pants on, that we feel only women can wear them. Our society in America has to get a grip and stop being so sensitive.

  4. I found this video quite humorous! I was shocked at how many males looked at the guy’s butt in the yoga pants. Because of the physical appearances of a female, for example her butt in yoga pants, males thought the guy was female! Due to the biological differences there was quite the mix up between the gender of the guy. Once he stood up out of his trunk, there was an immediate distinction he was not a female! The males that were checking out the guy’s butt were very shocked once he stood up. Some of the males probably thought the guy that had the yoga pants on was a homosexual or even a bisexual because he kept wanting them to touch his butt. The males might have been a little freaked out, especially the one that tried fighting him because they may have been homophobic! alo007

    1. I also found this video to be funny. I was very shocked at how many males looked at the guy in yoga pants thinking it was a female. I also agree with the males being shocked about it being a guy in yoga pants rather then what they thought which was a female. I also think the males who were looking at the guy in yoga pants were very embarrassed to say the least when finding out it was a male and not a female. iCHEER6007

  5. I found this video to be kinda of funny. Not only does it show that men associate yoga pants with females but also women associate yoga pants with women too. Society has become so prone to the fact that only women should be the ones wearing these pants and that its awkwardly and almost morally wrong for a man to wear them. In reality, men and women have every wright to wear them, because that's them being who they are. Now in the video, many of the men's reaction was of embarrassment, guilty, and in a way angry, but with the two women's reaction, it was more of a joke and humorous to them. This also goes to show that men need to withhold there masculinity side in order for them to feel powerful and in control. The women on the other hand don't show this as much because women are supposed to be feminine. This video shows the conflict within society to be considered normal. BLUELIGHT007

    1. I completely agree with you that guys like women have every right to wear yoga pants if that is what they want to do. I also took note of the different reactions the men had compared to the women. While only one group of women is shown in the video, I feel like many other women would have had a similar reaction of laughing at the joke. Hawkward007

  6. This short clip was rather amusing. It showed how guys associate yoga pants with a female. It was interesting how every guy that checked out the Mr. Yoga Pant’s butt was disgusted when they found out it was another males. It was also interesting how pissed off some of the guys got that it was male. One of the guys almost started beating Mr. Yoga Pants up. I found the acts of rage interesting as they were the ones who made the assumption it was a female’s butt. All Mr. Yoga Pant’s did was wear leggings, it was their fault for being so sexist. I think it would have been interesting if they would have done a follow up interview with all of the guys asking if they thought Mr. Yoga Pants was gay. I also wonder what would happen if they did the opposite experiment and somehow made a female look like male, and see if females would check out the males and respond in the same way that the males did to Mr. Yoga Pants. justagirl007

    1. I too, found it very amusing when the guy wanted to fight Mr. Yoga Pant's because of his own mistake. I think with the "fighter", he was just so put back because the situation was so out of the norm, that he sort of put a guard up right away. Also the embarrassment that went through in his mind probably set his temper off. BLUELIGHT007

    2. Yes the clip was rather amusing ! Men are going to look when they see something that's attractive. Once a male see what they thought was attractive and come to find out it belongs to another male a course they're going to put their guards up. It was attraction then disbelief because a male was checking out another male's butt. cancer80-007

  7. I thought this video did a good job of demonstrating the double standard our society has for men and women. In our society today, many people feel it is okay for women to wear yoga pants as this is a norm. On the flip side, many people feel uncomfortable with men wearing yoga pants. This double standard is shown through some of the reactions. A few of the men caught staring at the butt of Mr. Yoga Pants get angry with the prankster questioning why a man is wearing yoga pants. Some of the other men get embarrassed when they realize that it is a man wearing the yoga pants. Perhaps they get embarrassed because they do not want to be viewed as a homosexual as this sexual orientation still faces prejudice in our society. These men try to explain themselves by stating that they thought it was a female who was wearing the yoga pants. Overall, I thought this video was very interesting and entertaining. Hawkward007

  8. LOL... Love the video ! Its showed regardless of... if someone have a nice figure it will get noticed. At times women do wear outfits that make men look. Women wants to hear it, feel it, and look sexy. When women try not to hear it, look it, and feel sexy that's when the problem comes. In most cases wanting to be healthy misinterprets sexy and that's when the confusion comes into play. Men are the same way. Wants to hear it and look it. Hearing it and looking it builds up their confidence enough so that takes the place of feeling it. For many years throughout history women compliments the men and vise versa. Usually when their a successful man theirs a strong woman behind him and once again vise versa. Society is attracted to what their attracted to. Regardless of the gender. Love see no color nor gender. cancer80-007

  9. This video shows how there are different ways each person would act in a situation where someone catches you staring at their butt, in which they get angry or just walk it off. Gender affected how each person played their performance. If it had been a girl the guys would of walked away not getting angry but maybe still a little embarrassed. Though not because they were looking but because they got caught. Since it was a guy the people who looked got embarrassed because they just checked out a guy and felt discomforted. To respond to the guy who made them discomforted they decided to try and beat him up just so they could redeem themselves in the moment. In the video when the girls were caught looking their reaction to getting caught for looking was just laughing it off. The humor for them was they were checking out a guy which is socially acceptable, but that he was out of the norm and was wearing leggings. Jazzdk-007

    1. I agree, it shows how certain genders would act in a situation like so. For the guys that wanted to fight when they found out the person in the yoga pants was a man, I feel those guys just weren't comfortable with their sexuality. Like if you know you are straight, gay, or bi you shouldn't have to explain yourself or try anything to redeem yourself, regardless of what situation you are in. You know what you are and that is all that matters. Any physical or verbal violence is unnecessary. Murse007

    2. I agree with you on the fact that they got caught and had to own up for their actions. They all reacted differently, which was according to their own personal level of guilt. They were all just out for a harmless view, hurting no one, until they got busted . Accountability for consequences only matters when you are in front of the judge and jury. Wdwfan007

  10. I thought this video was pretty funny. It just goes to show how stereotypical we as humans actually can be. Like when the guys got mad and wanted to fight because they got caught looking at the guy butt who they thought was a girl. Just because someone is wearing leggings, people shouldn't assume automatically that it is a girl. It might be against the social norm, but it doesn't give anyone the right to judge. I liked how the girls just laughed about it, and kept on walking. I feel that is how everyone could of been in that situation, but everyone is so worried about what other people are thinking of them, they aren't able to live their life 100% like they want to. Also the guys were probably so embarrassed they felt they needed to protect their pride by saying "I thought you were a girl" or trying to fight, when they shouldn't had been looking anyway. It is all about respecting one another. Murse007

    1. Everyone was probably just very caught off guard when they realized he was a man. I agree that the men felt embarrassed and had to defend themselves some how. The women who walked by laughed it off, but probably could have reacted differently but they were caught off guard. I agree that we should all respect one another and that we should not have to cover up our bodies just to be sure we won't become the center of unwanted attention and feel awkward. -turtle007

    2. Yeah, I agree that this clip was really funny but it does show how we categorize people! I agree with you that just because someone has leggings on it doesn’t mean that it has to be a girl that’s wearing them! Anyone has the right to wear leggings in the world. It is just associated with females. You’re right that people are so worried about what someone thinks of them they can’t live their complete life! alo007

  11. While this video is funny, I think it slightly misses the point. He introduced the video saying he wanted to see how girls felt sexualized. However, I think the video shows more how men feel about homosexuality. The men in this video, when confronted about staring, immediately apologized and promised they weren’t gay. This reaction shows a lot about sexuality in society, but completely misses the gender aspect. To enhance the video, he should have asked the men why they think it is acceptable to objectify women like that, or how they would respond to being called out if he actually were female. This video shows that guys like to stare, but it does not reveal any of the harassment that women face when men think it is funny to touch and verbally assault girls because they look good, and it only gets worse when the women reject these advances. Yes, yoga pants are revealing and girls could choose not to wear them, but no one should have to change how she wants to look out of fear of harassment. Yes, this video shows some of what women experience, but it barely scratches the surface of gender and sexuality in our society.

    1. I agree with QueenofHearts007 on the fact that this video showed more how people feel about homosexuality in society rather than how women get harassed. Many if not all the encounters made in this experiment were aiming more at homosexuality, getting responses from the individuals trying to prove they weren't homosexual.

  12. I did not find the video amusing. It was just small sample of the harassment women face in world every day. The yoga pants was just a trap set in front of the camera to humor the YouTube world. Only when caught looking, the men defend their actions with laughter, admission of guilt, denial or near violence. It is appalling that in the open, gawking is okay if you don't get caught. While this type of behavior still happens in the work place, rules and laws have some protection for this type of harassment. This could be the beginning of the victim less crime cycle. Society's stance on harassment is weakened with this behavior begin laughed off. It becomes more and more acceptable to dehumanize women with harassment. The steps following gawking could lead to the unwanted sexual advances, date rape, prostitution and human trafficking. It is quite a leap from gawking to international human trafficking, but little boys have to start somewhere. Wdwfan007

    1. This is just my opinion, but you are right to an extent. The video does show the harassment women go through everyday, but it is also the women's fault for getting those type of reactions. if you don't want to get that kind of attention then wear different clothing that doest offer so much to the eyes of a man.
      Lake3194 007

    2. I agree to some extent with you. Actually only one point and that is that it is a little, to some degree, harassment. I agree with Lake on their reply on how if the woman doesn’t want to be looked at, then don’t wear the revealing clothes. It is programmed in men’s minds to be visually stimulated and you can’t just change that when it has been that way in our society for many, many years. Saying it’s a stretch to connect this to human trafficking is an understatement. At no point have I ever seen a normal person look at a women and then decide they will start human trafficking. If they start human trafficking then it has something other to do with it besides seeing a girl in revealing clothes. I understand you used it as an extreme example but I just don’t see that as a realistic connection. Needless to say I don’t really agree with many other connections. I just think that a woman needs to take responsibility for what she wears. You never hear about men wearing no shirt or a cut-off shirt and how that can be the same type of harassment for women to stare. So I don’t see why this seems to be gender specific only to women that get harassed. Overall I do see where you’re coming from however. –lordSWOLEdemort007

    3. I partially agree with you. Men act like they are doing nothing wrong when they obviously stare at women in public. Maybe it's just because they don't realize they're treating women as objects but nonetheless they are still staring and only find it wrong if they get caught. I don't think that staring at a women automatically causes them to get involved with human trafficking but for the most part I agree with everything you've stated. -BeautifullyBroken007

    4. The linking of street harassment to human trafficking might seem clumsy and incorrect, but there's really more to it than you might think. The attitude of heterosexual men when encountering women is just one manifestation of how patriarchy acts to use sexuality as a tool for male dominance. That same attitude extends towards the actions of human traffickers, reducing women to literal commodities. The attitude of male dominance is the reason that such a thing is permissible, and it's also why you rarely hear about boys and men being victims of the sex trade.
      - manatee007

  13. This is a pretty funny video clip. But I don't think that he hit the point of how women feel sexualized. All the men except one were just passing by and look at him. It is only human nature to look even if it is a man or women. the prankster was the one that initiated the confrontation by questioning the other men what they were looking at. He even went as far as to try to get them to touch his butt. the only thing that I feel hit the mark is how our culture views homosexuality. Every one of the men that was caught either said they were not gay immediately of they tried to challenge him to a fight to prove their masculinity. So over all he didn't hit the mark how women are sexualized in our culture but showed our gay insecurities in our society .

  14. This video is an alright representation of how women can be treated while wearing certain clothing. As I woman, I have had many encounters of situations where men will stare and it is so uncomfortable! One being when I go on runs around my town and men will practically stick their heads out the window to look, shout something, honk, or whistle and it honestly makes me cringe! I find it disgusting and rude… Have they never seen someone run before? I remember reading something in the textbook about how men stare more than women because it is their way of showing ownership. I think that men take on this role because it used to be widely accepted that a woman is her man's property and it is still accepted somewhat today. If a woman whistled at a man, every one around would be caught off guard. So why is it so acceptable for a man to do that? - turtle007

    1. I agree, I think women are too often treated as an object, a possession, or a piece of property in our society. I have had many times where I have felt uncomfortable in similar situations and I know every other girl/woman can say the same. I think it's completely disrespectful and I hate how males still get away with it all the time. It is just not okay in my opinion.

  15. I thought this video was pretty funny, but at the same time could be a little insulting to people. It is becoming the new social norm for guys to be wearing yoga pants and leggings just like it is normal for women to wear flat bills. While I said earlier that the video was funny it should also send a message to others about what they wear. Some people want to draw attention to themselves by wearing bright colored clothes or clothes that most people would consider out of the "norm”, and that’s fine but others are really just asking for trouble by dressing inappropriately according to societies standards. For example, the guy who got all defensive about looking at the pranksters butt and then claimed he wasn’t looking and was ready to fight the guy who was wearing the yoga pants. That is a prime example of everyday fights people get into over clothing.
    Lake3194 007

  16. This video shows a lot of what we have been talking about in our class. For one it shows how individuals react to homosexuality when they face it in public. Some individuals attempt to ignore it like the guy that just kept walking after he was confronted for staring. Other individuals don’t accept it such as the individual that was practically scolding the guy in yoga pants for having them on and for acting how he was or how the one individual was ready to fight him because he kept telling him that he was staring. It shows us how women in American society and in many other countries are treated because of the way they dress. An example is how the one individual was approaching and said “that mug fat.” A lot of women have to deal with these kinds of confrontations just because of the way they dress.

    1. Right on it! You hit the nail I couldn’t say it any better. Yes, our society is under a sexual revolution and our attitude towards fashion is changing. Also the video highlights the sexual orientation of the participants along with what are their current expectations of the opposite gender.

  17. This video clip reveals some of the issues with gender and sexuality in our society. First of all, it shows that leggings and or yoga pants are completely associated with females and that guys seem to think it's an excuse to stare at a girl's butt and make comments and judge her based on what they see. For example, one man walked by commenting, "that mug fat" which only shows how so harshly judged based purely on our bodies. This is a complete double standard because males are not judged in this type of way near as often. Also, the clip showed that men associate yoga pants with females only. This is a sexuality discrimination against homosexuality as well. Each gender has certain roles they are expected to play which includes how we dress. This, however does not take into account homosexuality.

  18. Overall I thought that this video was very amusing with the reactions the men have of finding out that they are staring at another man’s posterior end. However, I feel like this puts a lot of the blame in the situation on the guys. This whole topic of gender sexism and, in this case, men staring are women’s butts, gets looked at as an offense that is unacceptable and wrong and only men are to blame for it. Ladies, if you don’t want men looking at you or admiring your beauty, then wear less revealing clothes. We live in a society where it is okay to wear raunchy clothes and tight clothes but the minute that someone looks at them in a certain way, all of sudden it is the man’s fault. Men are programed in society to look at women and be attracted to physical appearance, so when women show off their bodies, men will look. In this case it even happened when a guy wears it. It is not just because it’s a man vs women problem, its just that men are visual stimulated and women happen to give the men something to look at. – lordSWOLEdemort007

    1. I agree that men that programmed to look at women, but there is a difference between looking and gawking. A man doesn't have to say something vulgar just because a women wants to feel comfortable with what she is wearing. I think the real problem is men loosing the old way of dignity for women. Most men feel it is okay to say whatever they want to a women no matter how terrible it is.
      Openmind 007

  19. While watching this video I found it to be humorous but afterwards I realized the reality of the situation. Social-conflict theorists blame sexuality as the cause of inequality between men and women. This video displays that perfectly. Men have turned women from human beings into objects of their own interest. Most people would say that it is a woman's fault that men are staring because they are the one wearing "revealing" clothes. How come people never blame men because they can't control themselves and have to look at women as objects instead of actual humans? This video demonstrated that men think it's okay to stare at women as objects but the minute they are caught staring at a man they are embarrassed. If a girl had caught a man staring at their butt in yoga pants and she would have called him out on it, I doubt that some of them would have reacted in the same way. They probably wouldn't have been as embarrassed and as quick to start a fight. -BeautifullyBroken007

    1. I agree with you I found the video very funny. This shows that men and women are not equal. If the guy had been a women none of the men in this video would have been embarrassed. As civilized people in a functioning society we should be able to control our basic drive. This video is a perfect example of social-conflict.

  20. There's so many different things I could say about this video, but I'll start by pointing out that the man in the video made this video after his friend told him that she couldn't wear yoga pants in public without feeling like everybody was staring at her. While I love the way that they expose this in other men, I'm a bit worried that people would need to see a man doing it to understand it, rather than just taking women's word for it. Secondly, this video is an excellent demonstration of how we perceive gender roles. It took only a single article of clothing for this man to be perceived as female. This brings up an interesting question: If perceiving him in yoga pants caused him to be viewed as an attractive female, why does being revealed as male change their opinions so quickly? In other words, can you really say that our sexual orientation is based off of body types rather than gender expression?
    - manatee007

    1. It is so true to believe that we had to see it on a man to believe it. This is something that stays with you and makes you think in the future about how our culture shapes our perceptions of the world around us. What is socially and culturally alright for one sex to do is not for another??

  21. Very interesting reactions! This video states strait forward what happens when any one use tight clothes. On one hand the video breaks stereotypes we are accustomed to see only women wearing leggings not men. On the other hand the men’s reaction from the moment that they like what they see until the actor shows his face, men do not expect to see a man wearing leggins. This video can be seen as a wakeup call to the ladies who like to wear tight clothes. Form fitting clothes call attention and give room to inappropriate approaches by undesirable spectators as well as loss of respect. Social attitudes have changed in the U.S. as “we have become more accepting of most aspects of human sexuality… [as] what do you see… and the negative consequences”. We judge women by their choice of clothing and attach negative remarks, thoughts, and actions that can be detrimental to their well being.

  22. I think this video brings out points on both our society and current generation. In our society it is the norm for females to wear leggings/ yoga pants. So because a male is wearing them it is a more, or taboo, because that is not what males do. Sexual presentation is a big topic in todays society, especially homosexuality and the way that its perceived. For example in this video when the guy wearing yoga pants asks other guys if they want to touch his butt or even if they were looking, they would respond that that is gay. To me this shows that a lot of the people view homosexuality in a negative way. An example of this is the harsh way that a few of the guys said that it was gay for him to be wearing leggings, the guy at the end wanted to fight him because of it even. This boils down to that its ok for a female to be ogled and demoralized but not a man. It is a gender double standard where women are expected to be scantily clad but men shouldn't dress or behave in the same way.

  23. In all honesty I don’t find the video funny. I can see the humor in it but, the guy who decided to wear the leggings antagonized the people walking by. He could have made his point just by showing the guys walking by and staring and their reactions. He picked with some of the men calling them gay. To each is own but I don’t think he had to take it that far. I believe that part of it was more for humor than finding how hard it is being a girl. From a social standpoint it does give a good look into peoples sexual orientation by their reactions. Like most others stated leggings have become a big part of the American sex culture. Most are really thin and tight fitting and while some Americans stare other people from different culture would be repulsed. There is also a difference in how men and women react to leggings in my environment. Most men like to see the women in leggings where as other women talk badly about the women in leggings if they don’t fall into a certain weight group.
    Lowis Layne 007

  24. In our culture and society, our sexuality is based on our beliefs and attitudes towards sex. Our culture shapes our sexuality and what is normal or expected such as men do not wear tight, fitting pants unless they are not of the normal masculine type. The actor seems to enjoy getting a reaction out of others but offended people because they feel they were tricked into looking and wouldn't have normally taken the time to look if they knew it was a man's behind. I enjoy how this video challenges how we think, it is okay for women to wear the tight, revealing leggings but if a man does it he really offends others.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I think this is a funny video. It looks like the type of thing my friends and I would do; although I did not exactly agree with the calling people out. I think it is a problem in today society today that men don’t feel secure enough about their sexuality to just laugh and walk away. I think this video raises a couple major questions about society as a whole. Does this kind behavior and view of homosexuality as something the men are doing “wrong” create barrier that drives less men to not really express their sexuality? Although this video is funny it does highlight the way men feel about being called “gay.” The fact that almost all the men got angry when called gay shows the insecurity in our society of men. That if you call them gay chances are you’re going to get punched. The big thing that needs to change in society in Gay education this way people are not so fearful of the word.
    Openmind 007


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