Why Study Sociology in the First Place......

Why study sociology in the first place?


  1. Sociology has came about the past few years a lot more like what she stated in the beginning of the video. This video talks about what sociology really is and why we should study sociology which implies why it is so important. Sociology is very important in the world, it is how we learn pretty much everything. It is about asking questions about the world and figuring things out you did not know before. I think sociology is mostly important since it is so broad and goes into almost everything which, makes it so different then any other subject not just one certain thing to study about, there is a variety. Like she states in the video sociology has a lot to do with life rather then knowledge which makes it so broad like I stated above. Life lessons are the most important lessons to come about and that would be a reason why sociology is so important in life today and for people to study. iCHEER6007

    1. I like this response and reasoning just because it tells you how it is. Their's no cooking cutter, or sugar on top to make it look nice, it is what it is, period. Sociology is an extremely important subject, and I like how you stated that it's how we learn everything. Even when we don't see it sometimes, or know that we are using it, it's still there. It is inevitable, we cannot hide from it. We as a society need to learn to use it to our advantage. BLUELIGHT007

  2. In this short clip, a professor from City University in London, talks about sociology and the courses offered by the university. Dr. Sarah Maltby talks about how the study of sociology is a relatively new idea, and how not that many years ago a degree was not offered in strictly sociology. Sociology wasn’t defined until 1963 by Peter Berger. Dr. Maltby also described how sociology is a whole new way of looking at life. It is seeing the strange in the familiar. Many students who choose sociology as their major have questions about the world, and how it works. Dr. Maltby also talked about how students who attend the sociology program at the university get hands on field experience. I think it would be very interesting to be able to attend this university. As Dr. Maltby said, sociology is like looking at life through a different lens that you never have before. justagirl007

    1. I agree with the comment referring to sociology is a whole new way of looking at life. Sociology refers to everything about the world and what we see and talk about in every day life. I think sociology would be an interesting major when attending this university knowing there is a lot of knowledge behind it. Sociology is looking at the world in a different way and seeing it like you never have before is a very interesting way to look at it. iCHEER6007

    2. I agree with your comment and I would like to add that besides teaching about life Sociology teaches us to be better thinkers and evaluators. Putting at side my old concept of reality as I had seen through my eyes and erroneous concepts I’ve made before attending this class. For now on I'm planning to observe what is happening around me and step back to see the big picture, trying to find answers from reputable sources, and leaving my own opinions aside. All intelligent observation concerning Sociology must be derived the “lens” of the Sociologist.

    3. I agree with your comment and I would like to add that besides teaching about life Sociology teaches us to be better thinkers and evaluators. Putting at side my old concept of reality as I had seen through my eyes and erroneous concepts I’ve made before attending this class. For now on I'm planning to observe what is happening around me and step back to see the big picture, trying to find answers from reputable sources, and leaving my own opinions aside. All intelligent observation concerning Sociology must be derived the “lens” of the Sociologist.
      Elise007 Ops! forgot yo add my name

  3. I really liked this short clip, because it shows you, in a way, that sociology is a hole other culture and a different way of looking at things. Sociology intrigues you to not just looking over things and instead, look through them and decode them and find reasoning for them. Sociology is like a reality to why people do things. Dr. Maltby was explaining that the students who study sociology, get to actually experience it, but in my eyes I feel like anybody, whether in school or not can experience it. All it takes is the willingness to look at reality and dig a little deeper into things. BLUELIGHT007

    1. I like the point in your response that you don't have to study sociology to experience. I think we all experience it every day and it affects us whether we are aware of it or not. I think everyone should be encouraged to study more about sociology whether it is their major or not. I think it would help everyone to get along better and be more respectful to those who are different and have different values then them. justagirl007

    2. I agree that we are all experiencing sociology all day, everyday. It is our way of life, and the study of it is intriguing because it can help explain our society and patterns of behavior and explain why we as a society do the things we do.

  4. Sociology starts with you and your surroundings. Sociology has many questions to why people do, say, and act in certain ways. The world is changing everyday with technology, people life style, and culture. Anybody that works, lives, and plays in society plays a main role in sociology. The questions we have about our society is when the Sociologist comes into play. They help us figure out who, what, when, where, why, and how. Sociology helps the society improve our thinking, explore theories, and understand diversity. We are all human it doesn't matter your color, gender, religion, nor your culture. And that's what sociology is about. I totally agree Sociology should be a major class requirement for Junior Highs, High Schools, and Colleges all over the world. cancer80-007

    1. I agree that sociology should be required in schools. Like you said, it answers questions and helps us understand the society around us. This understanding is very important, especially in a world where new issues and ideas arise with every generation, and economies rise and fall constantly. Sociology is the key to change, and more people need the opportunity to learn it.

    2. I agree that education for the understanding of the "bubble" that we live in is needed. It broadens the horizons in which we try to thrive in. We need to comprehend the local and global environment that surrounds us for the best appreciation of our fellow man. This should be taught throughout a student's lifetime. Wdwfan007

    3. I agree with you completely. Sociology has many questions as to why people do what they do and it even has the answers to most of them. Everyone who lives can have a role in sociology, so everyone should take this class. It even has and will help improve our lives for the better. -Jazzdk -007

    4. I like the way you described this. Instead of going at the perspective of why we should learn it, I feel like you really touched on the uses of the sociologist’s information. I also like how you stated it starts with us. Without a thirst for knowledge that we all have, there would be no need for sociology at all in this world. Instead, we have sociologists study the five w’s and how they related to the world we live in. –lordSWOLEdemort007

  5. Dr. Maltby opens her argument saying that sociology is best studied by people with a passion for how the world functions. While this statement is true from the career perspective, I believe that everyone should at least take a beginner level sociology class to gain a more educated perspective on the world as a whole. Sociology examines the way people interact and form unique societies. Knowledge of these things, even on a basic level, is necessary to create the changes the world needs. Anyone can complain about the undesirable situations in today's world, but most don't understand the underlying factors that are essential to fixing the problem.
    She also mentions that going out into the world and looking at it from a sociological perspective makes the world look so much more vibrant. It offers the opportunity to see beyond ourselves and our self-centered lives and really experience how much more there is and I think that is really important.

    1. I think your response is beautifully stated. I agree that everyone should take a beginner level sociology class to help get a different perspective on the world. I also agree that unfortunately most people do not know about the underlying factors contributing to the problems in our society today. Sociology would give these people a better understanding of these underlying factors. Last, I 100% agree with what you said about sociology giving people a more vibrant outlook on life as we learn to better appreciate the diversity of others around us. Hawkward007

    2. I agree with you on everyone should take a beginner level sociology class. People do need to study the world and its societies to grasp that the world does not just evolve around the united states. There are many cultures that find our society interesting just because of how we operate.
      Lake 3194 007

  6. The short video clip only gives a slight glimpse of the importance the role sociology plays in everyday life. I did find it intriguing to hear the British accent as a reminder that America isn't the only place on earth with a society. The global pace of technology, travel and economics forces America to interact with people across the world. Dr. Maltby's gentle approach to encourage us to understand the science of sociology should have been a little firmer. Change is very difficult for Americans and we are slow to embrace it. The microseconds that the world travels will not wait for America, we need to evolve much quicker. As we interact with societies across the globe, a strong foundation of what and who we are dealing with is a must. The study of sociology must be required at all levels of education for us to gain ground in this arena of international people. America is not as powerful as it use to be. We are not the center of the universe and frankly we are not the center of the world any more. A downward slide will continue unless improvements are made in many areas of understanding international societies. Understanding sociology is a key piece of knowledge for all Americans to obtain in this global human environment. Wdwfan007

    1. I agree that sociology is required at all levels of education for us to gain advantages through an education stand point and an economic standpoint. Everyone of all cultures can contribute to where they live, but I believe that we really need to better our understanding of society. Sociology can benefit anyone who knows how to use it everyday.

    2. ^ the reply above is Jworm007.

    3. I like you response because as you mentioned that sociology is just not an American thing but that it is and world thing. As we as showing how change in another culture in a different part of the world can have a dramatic impact on our culture here in America.

  7. I like how the video states that sociology is a way for us to better understand life rather than it simply just being knowledge. Sociology like the video said can be applied to all aspects of life which is one reason why it’s so important for everyone to study. I believe sociology allows us to be better critical thinkers because to be a good sociologist, we must be fair minded and get rid of all bias. Critical thinking is crucial in all aspects of life as we look to form opinions on everything from people to politics to ethics. By using the sociological perspective, we are given a whole new perspective in which we can view the world. Like we learned in class, sociology also helps us see and respect the diversity of the people and places around the world. I believe better understanding sociology means better understanding and appreciating the world around us. Hawkward007

    1. I completely agree with you. I think sociology is so beneficial in appreciating every aspect of different cultures and the different viewpoints of various people. By thinking through the sociological perspective, it helps us to be far less judgmental which is very important and needed in our world today. - turtle007

  8. Sociology is a study of human society. When someone studies this they find patterns in the decisions we make and can then pick the highest probable choice to know what we will choose to do. Lets look at it in a global perspective, to help an economy we look at the nation with the best one to see what we should copy to help make our nation as good as theirs. Then when a nation has found the particular thing that makes it the best one we will see a pattern. When the economy improves nations that our low income become middle income and nations that were middle income become high income. A prime example of change that happens as the nation’s move up the ladder of income is women become less as property and more as actual people with rights. Yes, it is not totally equal yet but the feminist movement is a lot stronger in high income nations then in lower income. All these patterns and a lot more are seen through sociology and help us see what we can do to help other people or groups of people. Plus, there is plenty of room for employment as said in the video. -Jazzdk -007

  9. Sociology is an extremely interesting discipline and is used in every day life. I believe every single person should at least take an entry level course of sociology. It can be beneficial in many fields, and in understanding every day life and those around you. It has the ability to broaden one's mind and help one to be more open towards issues that they will be presented with. I also believe it has the ability to help people to get along better. With a sociological perspective on certain issues, people will be able to understand a viewpoint that they disagree with and respect it. They do not have to agree with the opposing viewpoint but they will be able to understand why the other person thinks the way they do and appreciate it. If people thought more like this, many ignorant arguments and fights would diminish. - turtle007

    1. I completely agree with you when you say that everyone should take an entry level course of sociology. I think it's so important for people to understand why we understand the things that we do. You make a really good point about how if we understand sociology, we can get along better as a society. People can use the sociology perspective to "agree to disagree" and still understand and respect where the other person is coming from. -BeautifullyBroken007

  10. I really liked this short clip, because she gives you a different insight on the field of sociology compared to what we have been learning. She gives us a little different break down of that field as well and the different types of avenues you can take to the sociology field. The study of sociology shows us that we have to broaden our mind to the changing world, societies, and cultures that surrounds us every day. As change does happen we have to be critical thinkers as well.

  11. This lady kind of had good points but was also kind of full of it. I believe sociology would not really be a good major because it does not really train you for special skills in the work place. I agree that it does give you ways to understand the world and society, but that’s about all it does. I would almost want to put sociology as a minor to something like criminal justice. But there just really is not any jobs that would take a Sociology major. I won’t completely knock her clip, she was right on a couple points and maybe a couple of years ago people could find really good jobs with a sociology major, but now a days people need specific majors in order to get hired. Some jobs wont even hire you if you have a masters in something they want to higher someone who has a bachelors, really somebody who they would not have to pay very much.
    Lake3194 007

    1. You're correct in saying that studying sociology won't give you specific work skills needed for many jobs. However, for the wealthiest nations on earth, specific work skills are becoming less and less important. It's a consequence of living in a postindustrial age, because a large portion of the economy shifts from the production of goods to the production of services. For many service positions, specific skills such as knowing calculus aren't necessarily required. Rather, positions like that will hire based on your level of education moreso.
      - manatee007

  12. This video really brings out the reasons of why Sociology is a great field to study. Sociology really broadens individuals’ understanding of how society works like how we all react to others and how we associate ourselves within society. Sociology also gives us a better appreciation of other cultures and beliefs. Not only does one learn how appreciate other cultures but we learn how to appreciate other social groups such as homosexual groups and other religions. Not only does sociology help us appreciate other cultures and religions but individuals sexual orientation as well, such as homosexuality and transgenderism. It also shows us how individuals behave and react to certain things like embarrassment and tact. There is no doubt that sociology gives us a view at society that most don’t even consider.

    1. This is completely right! I really relate to this post because I think sociology really gives everyone who studies it a new societal view. I think studying it gives people more appreciation for diversity. The world we live in is very diverse and studying sociology really helps broaden ones views. alo007

  13. This video gives a great understanding of what sociology is, what it does, and why we need it. Sociology is a great thing to study and can help us better understand the ways of which we interact and why we do what we do in everyday life. It gives us the opportunity to see the broad spectrum of the world we live in through more than one perspective. What sociology allows us to do is to see past the biases and the stereotypes we have for so many different types of people and allows us to study why they are what they are and why they act so differently than us. I was a little confused on the end where she stated how they were going out to “do sociology”. I got the main idea she was trying to get across about how they were observing and studying life in London but I thought it could have been stated in a less confusing way. If someone wasn’t paying attention to what she had been saying, or not used to hearing the term sociology then it would strike them as odd and there would be an example of a barrier between cultures and backgrounds. –lordSWOLEdemort007

    1. Yes sociology is great science that takes people out of the normal zone of leaning towards biases and personal opinion. Sociology gets down to the straight fact as to the how and why behind human beings and their interactions.

  14. There's a particular way that sociology can really apply to our country now. In our postindustrial society, it's necessary for businesses and governments to have access to the vast amount of information available in order to better manage our increasingly complex state of affairs. In sociological terms, the rationalization of society sees itself maturing in the postindustrial age. Although the increasing freedom from hierarchy in the highest levels of society may seem like a trend away from Weber's predictions, I'd argue that it's not - rather, the upper crust now sustains itself on new and novel ideas at a rate never before seen. This is just one part of the massive force of efficiency-building in business and government. If the upper crust of society has reoriented itself towards the production of new and novel ideas, a knowledge of sociology would help guide them to take advantage of social patterns to further accelerate growth, as well as how to best manage the workers beneath them. Is this a good thing? While the workplace for information workers becomes freer, those who make less and work in less prestigious positions find themselves the object of increased supervision and regulation as a result of continued rationalization. So, while sociology is becoming a more "practical" subject to study, I wish the reasons for it were better.
    - manatee007

  15. I think it would be beneficial for everyone to study sociology. Sociology is what we experience 24/7 in our everyday lives. It can help us better understand general patterns of behavior in our society as well as why society runs the way it does based off different theories. On top of all that, sociology is an interesting and intriguing subject in general because again, it is our everyday life. Sociology and general patterns of human behavior is all around us. I think it is especially important to study sociology if you are going into a profession that deals closely with groups of people.

    1. I agree, I feel that everyone should have some certain knowlege of sociology to an extent. Most of us do, we just aren't aware because we don't apply it in that way. I also agree that it is very important to study sociology if you are going into any field that involves you to interact with anything other than yourself because it will give you a better understanding on why some people act the way they do instead of being judgmental and treating them unfairly because of their norms not being the same as your norms. Murse007

  16. This video had given me a new tool, the concept of life viewed from a sociological perspective. In the video the interviewee points that sociology makes you ask questions about what is happening, leaving an open door for the research done by different branches such as social fields and social work. These studies help to understand and provide answers to the rapid changes we are experiencing in our world. For example, take the migration of millions of talented people to post-industrialized countries like the U.S contributing their expertise to the continuance of our capitalist society. She also mentions that the university sends a group of students who come from London to walk on the streets of London and evaluate what they have seen before but this time the students are armed with a new perspective provided by the study of sociology. I applaud her method of teaching sociology and integration of theory into real life.

  17. I think this is a good introductory video to watch for those who don't know much about sociology. It gives a great concept on what sociology is really about and how we actually interact with it in our everyday lives whether we know we do or not. I also do feel that there should be sociology courses included in students college curriculum, maybe more than what they require now. I feel that way because the teachings of sociology make sure that you are aware of the surroundings that are going on in your personal life just as well as what is going on globally. Sociology doesn't try to change anyone's opinions or beliefs, it just makes you aware so that you are a better, more well-rounded person. Also just as Dr. Maltby was talking about how we live in a rapidly changing world, I think sociology would be one of the studies that would be able to keep up. Murse007

  18. I really think this introductory video is beneficial in more than one way. It helps students get a clear vision and an open mind on why they should even study sociology at a university. Where we live makes a great difference in shaping our lives. With out sociology the world would be a bunch of robots roaming around! Within the world we live in the societies are increasingly interconnected through technology and economics. As someone studies sociology they have more of an appreciation for the diversity of the whole world, not just America. The social potentials also may increase as one learns about the communication part of sociology. As stated in the sociological theory, it explains social behavior to the real work, basically saying how and why facts are related. Overall, with in the “heart of sociology” it gives a sociological perspective a unique societal view. Without it jobs would be harder and our lives wouldn’t be so easy. alo007

  19. I thought that this was a good, informational video about what sociology is and the opportunities that come along with studying it. Without sociology, we would not be able to know the things we know about the world, our society, and ourselves. The video explained that through sociology we know why we interact with people the way that we do and that through sociology we understand the world the way that we currently understand it. While I'm not convinced that sociology would be good as a college major, I think it makes for a great minor to go along with a sociology-related major. I do not think that we would have the knowledge that we do today without the use of sociology. Almost everything we do can be explained through sociology, so this is another important reason that it should be studied. Like she states in the video, studying sociology involves a lot of passion and so it should be studied that way. -BeautifullyBroken007


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