Adult Court and Adult Consequences for Juveniles...Thoughts?


  1. The video was heart breaking and interesting. I disagree with young people in same prison as sex offenders. I personally think sex offenders should have there own prison off on an island away from normal people. No child should be labeled as an adult. There are several different reasons why young people commit the crimes they commit. No one knows if they have been abused by the person or persons that they killed. There is no good reason for just killing someone in cold blood but when abuse goes on and on and no one helps it does bring anger which than can escalate to horrific crimes. There are also some young people that think they will never be caught and it is a game. In this video some of the young people seemed to really regret the choices that they made. I think there should be 2nd chances for them. Not all kids are mature at 18 to be put in with prisoners who commit serious crimes. Why do we have a 9 year old slitting teachers wrist and abusive? The problem and reason they do these crimes needs to be addressed and try to fix the problem before it gets to point where the kids life is messed up for life. Sometimes it is attention and love these kids need or other times it is there rebellious attitude and they have to learn the hard way. I totally understand why they do better in juvenile prison than kids prison. Why do we not start up counseling and help in adult prisons? We need them. dolphin123

    1. As I've learned in other criminal justice classes, ignorance is not an excuse. Just because a young person "thinks he will never get caught" and treats it like "a game" doesn't mean he should get a free pass. Anyone that kills another person (unless it is self defense) is already a lost cause, because there is some basic emotion that is absent in them. Age is just a number, and a criminal is a criminal, regardless of age. If someone does the crime, they deserve to do the time and shouldn't get special treatment because of their age. RamsFan123

  2. I can understand sending a juvenile to adult court for the seriousness of a crime they committed by waiver. At the same time though, there are juvenile courts for a reason. I don't believe that any of the kids in this video were beyond rehabilitation. A child might know right from wrong, but they are not fully competent of what they are doing. The 32 year old prisoner that was sentenced at 15 for murdering his parents, I believe that he could have been helped. He was constantly seeking help, and as he put it "all the signs were there" and yet no one gave him the help he needed. So he got pushed to the point to where this was the only option he had. He also said that he still hasn't received the counseling he needs to help him with his dilemma. Also, some of these kids are living a reckless lifestyle that ends up getting them in trouble and labeling them a juvenile delinquent. I think that a lot of these kids fit in the rational choice theory when they weigh the pros and cons of what their criminal acts will bring them. All of these kids in this video and possibly more nationwide, could have been sent to juvenile court and gotten the rehabilitation they need. Spartan123

    1. I like how you want to go with the rehabilitation and say that no child in the video was beyond rehabilitation. Yeah some people we cant change but if you never try to change them then we will never know. If a 18 year old kid is trying to change why send him to adult facility when we can rehabilitate him for two years and he causes no harm to the rest of the juveniles. Jays123

  3. I notice a lot of diversity in the types of offenses and sentencing given to the juveniles on this video. Cold Lundy killing his step father with no prior record. This doesn't happen for absolutely no reason and I wonder what underlying conditions would set him off like that.
    Interesting enough the 17 year old that started smoking marijuana, drinking etc at age 7 an early age of onset and very extreme behavior for a typical seven year old. Serving 36 years for felony robbery and criminal confinement, I can understand his sentencing more because of his early behavior in criminal/deviant activity; assuming he has been through the system before and may not have learned a lesson and deemed a danger to society.

    Though some of their crimes are horrendous, placing these youth directly in general adult population is a significant risk because statistically youth are 36 times more likely to commit suicide than the adults in prison. With 22 states someone as young as 7 can be tried in adult court and waivers to adult court have risen from 1985 to 2010.


  4. I do believe that we can put our juveniles in jail. But under two conditions, all other resources are exhausted and the circumstances. For the resources there are things we can do for some of them. Like the one that was in before the juvenile block came. How he said he kept asking for help. What they could have done was they could have let physicists talk to him when he got arrested and if they couldn't help him then put him in jail. But if they could help him then let him back out and if he killed again put him in for longer then he had initially. Also like how in the textbook it says that two football players where labeled as sex offenders. However it didn't tell if the footballers themselves where drink only the person they "raped". Which I think they could still be helped with that so their whole lives aren't ruined for being sex offenders.


    1. The labeling theory definitely had an impact on those children's lives in the video. Two of them read articles about themselves and said how it made them feel so horrible and the media didn't really care to hear their side of the story.Now they think that that horrible person in the article is who they are and they won't be able to change that image of themselves. I don't know what you meant when saying that all other resources are exhausted. Are you saying that they should go to counseling instead of jail? Or that they should go to jail but also receive counseling? That part was confusing to me. bama123

    2. Yes I did mean counseling. They have to be others who turn for murder because they have nothing else to go on. But depending on how serious the crime they should also be put in a facility while given counseling at the same time. But if they get counseling before incarceration and commit the same or a worse crime then they get a longer jail time then before. And yes the labeling theory does have a big impact. That brings up another thing that prisons could do. They could focus less on labeling therefore those who actually learn when they get out of prison can have just one more shot at life on the outside.


    3. I do not think under any circumstance a child should be placed in a full prison before 18, how ever i do believe in the sentencing. If you took some ones life they dont get a second chance the fact you will be able to still have 40 years after your out is a gift and a second chance for those teens. I also think while the labeling theory need to be kept in mind as to not rush to judgment about a person i feel most people earn their labels. If you dont like the label you will receive then do not par take in the actions that will give them to you. We need to hold people accountable for their actions and not come up with a million theories on why its okay they did what they did because in the end their actions were still wrong and they must be held to the same standard other wise there is room for manipulation. The only way to remain a fair society is fair treatment and punishment. The only time it is okay to take a life is in self defense if that can be proven, but back to the initial point the labeling theory allows people to make dumb decisions then cry about why they are called that. I do think we need to reconsider what warrants long time records and to what extent they need to be public. A man drunk urinating in a park should not be a sex offender for life and this is the problem with the digital age is that when you do mess up you cannot even escape the little infringements and thats whats wrong with labels how ever a rapist deserves to be labeled a rapist for the rest of their sad lives.- Scraut

  5. The video did a very good job of depicting the differences between an adult prison and juvenile facilities. The transferring process that they go through when they turn 18 to the adult prison is very scary for them whether they are willing to admit it or not. They are fresh meat over there, easy to take advantage of. I don't disagree with having to transfer from a juvenile facility to an adult prison. I agree with all of that. Once you turn 18 there is no reason for you to remain in a juvenile facility. I like how it showed how juveniles have more resources available to them for rehabilitation. Adult prisons do not have such abundant resources. I think many people feel that once you're a certain "adult" age you are a lost cause and you can't be fixed. One guy in the video said he tried so many times to get people to help him and there were so many warning signs there but no one did a thing. There should be more rehabilitation services in prisons. Juveniles depending on the act they commit and why should be handled much better. Psychological analysis should be done on that person and counseling is a must, especially if the crime committed was murder. The video was very informational. I will say that in all honesty, I don't sympathize with the children. They deserve the time they get and they need to be punished. They do also need help, but I will not feel sorry for how they live in prison, especially if they committed murder. bama123

    1. Kids do need more rehabilitation so when they do get out they are not life long criminals. Their minds are you and soak up a lot of information. Having a kid learn from hard criminals in prison they would just learn that life style and not have a chance when they get out. But the more rehab you give them the better chance they will have once they get out.usmc_123

  6. Throwing a juvenile into prison wouldn’t work to well for the young kid. My dad worked at different prison here in Illinois for 20 years and he has told me some stories about what he has seen at these prisons and I don’t think its any place for a kid. A kid needs some sort of guidance so they don’t return to their life of crime. Like the kids in the video they will spend most of their life behind bars and once they get out they wouldn’t know anything besides what they learned in prison. Kids getting out when they are 40 or 50 years old wont be able to trust anyone because of how they lived in prison. I think some kids that are first time offenders need a second chance no matter the crime. Kids make some bad decisions in life and because they make one doesn’t mean that they should have their life thrown away.usmc_123

    1. I agree with you in regards to juveniles being sent to prison. The fact that our justice system puts youthful offenders in prison are putting them in harms way and they are labeled as bad people who did a very serious crime that does not warrant them rehabilitation, but an entry into a system where adults who are labeled as hard criminals are their neighbors. Runner123

  7. Juveniles are not immune to committing heinous crimes. Their capacity to fully understand the repercussions of their actions are still under development at their age. The video showed many different inmates who had their own stories of how they got themselves incarcerated. Juveniles who are sent to adult prisons have a small chance of becoming a better person because of the switch of rehabilitation to survival skills. Juvenile detention facilities on the other hand help rehabilitate offenders a lot more. Juveniles should be given the chance for rehabilitation because the courts and prisons are the ones who are handling the lives and future of the youthful's who offend. The kids who are locked away are still part of our future and the more society helps shape them for our needs the better the chances of giving them a better life. Once the youthful offenders have finished their sentence they will go back into society and because the corrections system did not help them prepare for what the have missed out in society the more likely it is that they would reoffend and go back to prison where they know the environment a whole lot better than what the outside world has to offer them. Runner123

  8. Yes the youth today are a part of our future. I also agree that juveniles sometimes know what they are doing and the consequences and think they will never get caught. Sometimes juveniles do not care what happens to them in the beginning. All of them can be helped if the right help is offered and accepted. Young people sent to adult prison can be a very bad outcome. They could get interested in what some have done and think it sounds fun and that they will never get caught but there are more that will be traumatized from being in big prison and getting raped by other men or beat up. Rehabilitation for young people is the best solution. If we could solve the issues in their life before they commit crimes than it would benefit everyone. dolphin123

    1. Juveniles are all impulsive. Whether or not they know what they are doing and the consequences for their actions, they are going to weigh the pros and cons of whatever crime they end up committing; which is the basis of the rational choice theory. Juveniles most likely give in to peer pressure or just want that instant gratification and end up doing something legal or illegal no matter what the consequences are. Their brains aren't fully developed. But if there are signs that a juvenile is presenting or they are constantly requesting help, and no one listens or provides that help, then you can't fully blame them. Yes, they should be held accountable for their crime, but you also have to blame society for not providing the assistance to that juvenile. Society is partially to blame for the innocence of that child being lost. Spartan123

  9. The video was really eye opening. I could understand where they were coming from with sending them to the adult part as soon as they turned 18 and it was really sad to be honest. A lot of the kids new what it was like and knew that they had no chance of making it. I know this would be hard but I think we should wait till they are physically more mature. Yeah its still going to be hard on them but it gives them just a little bit more of a chance. Like when you look at the 12 year old and how he is physically smaller than most juveniles so I don't think it is right to send to a bigger place that will lead to him getting abused or taken advantage of. Not only can it hurt them physically but when you send them to a adult facility it takes away the chance for them to be rehabilitated. Why not hold a juvenile till he is 20 instead of 18 if he is trying his best to change. I Guess the only thing I would really like to see is hold people a little longer and try to actually help them if it takes longer it could be helpful in the long run.'
    I don't think they belong with adults cause as soon as they come in they are going to take advantage of you and make your life even worse. Yeah they could be sent there because of a terrible crime they committed but your risking them getting abused, raped, killed and even lead themselves to commit suicide . Jays123

  10. I am one of the minority that believe that it's okay for juveniles to be housed in the same prisons as adult offenders. We can pretend that kids don't know that actions have consequences but as I've learned in other Criminal Justice classes, ignorance is not an excuse. I think many juveniles commit crime because they know the punishment won't be that severe. I'm not advocating for 13 year old shoplifters to be put in prison with adult sex offenders, but why not throw a juvenile who beats someone up in with adults who are guilty of the same thing? When I was growing up, I knew that robbing someone was a bad idea and that I shouldn't do it. We can make as many excuses as we want for these children but the fact of the matter is that their moral compass is broken, and I would rather not have a criminal like that getting a slap on the wrist (aka juvenile detention facilities). If they do the crime, they should do the time. Will abuse of juveniles happen? Probably. But adults get abused in prisons as well. Why is it that at the magic age of 18 everyone stops caring about people getting abused? A criminal is a criminal regardless of age, and should be treated as such. RamsFan123

    1. A person is a person regardless if they commit a crime or not. The brain of a juvenile is not developed enough to make clear decisions. Its just not plain and simple, and then add sexual abuse, emotional abuse on top of an immature brain and their my friend you have trouble. The prison setting is not meant for children. I mean how would you feel if you hit someone with your car the first time you drove and the judge threw you in an adult prison for 20 years. No counseling, no one to talk to, just four walls and the lurking thought that there are biggo hairy you know whats out there wanting your behind!!!!! Really! Not cool..BeeRose123

    2. If kids commit a murder or severely beat someone up they do deserve to be punished according to their actions. I think that kids do know that committing such acts is wrong but they just do not think about how bad the punishment will be. I do think that their brains are developed enough to make a clear decision. However, placing them in an environment such as adult prison could get them seriously hurt or traumatized. This would obviously not help them straighten out their lives for the better.

    3. I disagree with RamsFan123 the youth having to be placed in adult facilities because first off they cant protect them selves especially from an adult who lived and was raised in the streets and as little as they are. Come on now we have men in prison facing life and don't care what they do here on out because their still living in that same environment for the rest of there lives. Kids are molested and raped every other day just imagine what they would do to them especially the 12 yr old you can tell he don't develop regularly like most humans because of how little he is. Once again all of this leads to how there home life is maybe its the parents fault on why there child act the way he./ she does.


  11. Colt has said "Im not a bad person I made a bad choice" and we all know that his still immature brain could not comprehend the severe repercussions his actions would bring about. Paul is sent to a prison that U.S. Justice Dept. says is the 2nd worst of 195 U.S. youth prisons studied for sexual violence and abuse by inmates and guards. Pendleton is known as the "sex pit". This is very sad to me, they have made a wrong choice and given so many years locked up in what I would call a worse environment than what they came from. So growing up we may have heard the line..two wrongs don't make a right. It just doesnt seem right to put a child in with the adults, to think they could even survive that is so far fetched. The many harms and scars they could take from the other prisoners and even the guards is incorrigible. Honestly, why not try restorative justice in a prison setting and put into account that the environment they came from was not up to par for a person to be successful in. Children should be rehabilitated and deinstitutionalized and put into a setting that can show them how success is achieved. Point them in the right direction, show them an acceptable goal, educate them, give them therapy, give them LOVE, give them a second chance. Of course monitor them for a period of time in the free world society, but you've given them all the keys to success, so watch them succeed. Some may not be spiritual but I am and my God gives everyone chance after chance, He has the last say. Multiple chances to ask for forgiveness, to apologize, and repent have a powerful effect on all parties. Reintegrative shame works on all individuals from a youngster to an adult. Its cleansing and can healing. Locking someone up in a room and allowing horrible things to happen in the setting is an environment set up for failure, Prisons are horrible. BeeRose123

  12. Juveniles in my belief should never be put in adult prisons. I agree that some crimes should allow them to be waived into the adult courts but until they are 18 it is just cruel and unusual punishment to place them in the big house while they are still little. If your state has no juvenile holding facilities they should be transferred to a state that does until reaching the proper age. How ever i will back the adult trials for such crimes as murder people say kids just don't kill people without reason but kids do alot of things without proper reason just out of exploration of bounds and limits. Yes they may not kill their father for no reason but nothing constitutes vigilante murder. The boy if he was a smart kid could have resolved the issue with other means and if the kid still has a good view of his own mother something tells me what ever the father was doing wasn't that heinous to merit killing him. - Scraut

  13. I think that juveniles should not be put into adult prison. According to the video, "youths in adult prison are 36 times more likely to commit suicide than those in juvenile prison." There should be a different prison to put kids in if they commit a terrible crime such as murder. No juvenile should be placed in adult prison because this is pretty much giving up on because this brings down their potential for life outside prison. The potential that the kids have needs to be brought out by having extensive programs. Programs that are already in juvenile prison such as counseling, schooling, etc help the juveniles get back on the right track. I think that these programs could help to bring down the high incarceration rate that the US has. I don't think that juveniles should be tried in adult court. This could improve the recidivism rate for juveniles. All kids, with a few exceptions, should get the chance for rehabilitation.

  14. I don’t agree with the fact that youths can be tried as adults, but however I do feel that they should have to face the consequences according to their actions. No matter what, I feel a juvenile should be kept in juvenile facilities away from adult prison where they could have a chance to rehabilitate themselves. Reason being is because you get young kids, like the 12 year old boy in the video who commit serious crimes but would not be able to survive in adult prison for a second. I’m the type that thinks people deserve that second chance. By not giving the chance of rehabilitation, and sending youths to adult prison I feel it’s setting that person up to end up right back in the jail cell. I say this because, say a youth goes in at 15 and he gets waiver and doesn’t get out of prison till he’s in his 40’s; he’s getting out not knowing the changes of society, he’s already missed out on his prime living time, and his family could be gone and he’d have absolutely nothing which would more than likely lead him to committing another crime just to try and survive all because he never got that chance of rehabilitation to make better of his life and get that second chance to start over. Rawr_BIL_123

    1. I completely agree and was saying the exact same thing as I watched the video. These kids are seeing and growing up around violence, so it's no surprise when they eventually become a part of the violence, make a mistake, and have to be punished for the rest of their lives? No way. Yes, they should have to deal with consequences but hard time like this is unbelievable. LightBright789

  15. As I sit here and watch this film I am truly dumbfounded, yes I understand that some children should be charged as adults for the crime that they have committed. Knowing children can and have been committed as adults, every state should have a program that helps these young children, a rehabilitating program, because that exactly what they are is children. Look at Paul Gingreige a 12 year old boy who will be serving 25 years behind bars, he is still growing not only physically but mentally as well. If you sick this little boy behind bars at 12 years old even though he is in a juvenile prison, he will never know how to grow up as a man. When he is released he will be 37 years old and lost. Just like there are categories for crimes that have been committed by adults, there should be categories for children who have been committed as adults. If we the people as a whole are ok with this, then take the time and money to help these children better and ready themselves for when they are free again. king-of-battle123

  16. Children are just that. Children. So why would older people, knowing that, convict any child and give them adult sentences? This was just crazy to me as I watched this video, I continued shaking my head. The 12 year old being sentenced for that many years and the young boys who were being transferred over to the adult prison. The fact that these boys are next door to an adult prison anyway is ridiculous to me. I was scared for them at the new experience they were walking into. Overall, I was just mortified at the whole ordeal and the justice system needs to do better. There is no reason why a grown man/woman would even think about giving a child hard time like an adult. For one, the brains of kids are not fully developed like an adult so why give adult punishments? LightBright789

  17. As a juvenile I do not believe it is right to sentence a child 25yrs. I understand justice should have been served because he committed murder of his stepfather, but we don't know what lead this child into doing such a crime and especially at the age he's at. Everywhere in society a child has issues with a step parent. Whether it's the step mother or father. Having a step parent in a home is extremely nerve wrecking for the simple fact your not that step parents child. I can relate to him being upset with his Step father for what ever reason because, I was in a situation where I had a step father who would call me evil names. He would tell my younger siblings that we weren't full blood siblings because we had different fathers and to treat me different because I'm not apart of his family. I was in DCFS at the time but, I was living with my step father and his mother who hated me so much because I looked like my mom. I was forced to stay in an attic for a certain amount of hours and if I was to come down they would lie and tell my case worker I was being disobedient. I was only 12 years old at the time and at that stage in life I felt like there was no hope the only one that loved me was my mom but, she wasn't there to save me at the time. With that being said I lead to thinking to myself that suicide was the answer. There are some things as an adult you shouldn't say or do to a child. With this case considering this 15yr had no encounters with the law they should have given him other options as far as doing time in a Juvenile Detention Center but, have him separated from population. When he do reach 17 or 18 then he could do what ever amount of time in the county. After being released I believe he should get set up with group counseling so they could express themselves not only to the counselor but, to other patients who have experienced the same encounter with their step parents. I believe kids have a lot of animosity and anger build up inside of them because adults don't feel or understand their pain. That is why the young man in this video tried committing suicide because he feels its to much weight on his shoulder to carry. As a 12yr old come on now are you serious? He looks like he's 10 and the first option is prison? If your quick to sentence children 25-30yrs in a Correctional Facility you don't care about the youth at all. Its the household that leads kids to doing and making stupid decisions like this. If that judge or who ever made the decision for these kids to get sentence to that certain amount of time had a child whom was in the same situation as them he/she, would fight for their child to be sent to a lower facility excluding prison. Lets think back when the central park 5 case took place with a lady whom, was assaulted and raped by supposedly these 5 children age 14, 15, and 16 they were intimidated lied to and coerced into making false accusations on a murder they never committed but, as a child your develop mentality isn't all the way there. Since they were lied to they thought saying what ever to the officers would let them go home. Which lead them into prison and there whole childhood lives were taking from them and who knows what happened behind bars. Years later they were released after serving 5-13yrs on a murder case they never committed all because they were interrogated and forced to say things they had no clue would lead them in prison half their lives.



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